Nouman Ali Khan – Allah Guides & Misguides

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The use of "has" in Islam is discussed, with a brief example of a woman named Miss Guider who used to be a guide and guidance. The use of "air" in construction and the potential for "air to affect people's lives is also discussed. The importance of understanding the Quran and teaching is emphasized, along with the use of words and phrases in writing. The speaker emphasizes the benefits of being a Muslim majority community to lighten one's light and achieve better things in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Spill off latos law he was a fishbane summary countrywide. And yet another brief episode of going through some beautiful things we find in the book by Dr. Father Sally has some right a tabula qurani Quranic expression. So today's example is going to be, I think, is a really beautiful observation that he made about Allah. A lot of people have this age old, you know, philosophical question about Allah. And that is that Allah guides whoever he wants, and he miss guides, whoever he wants. So how is it any person's fault, right? Because he decides everything. And so it's this question of predestination and human will. And there's long winded, philosophical, logical, rational textual

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arguments to help you understand what the Quran has to say about that. But sometimes they'll put answers something through his language that is so simple and straightforward. And it just gets the Qurans point across like you don't have to have chapters and chapters on philosophical abstract discussions. To understand how does Allah guide and misguide? You can just pay attention to the language and some amazing realities. will, will come forward. So in the last few episodes, guys, I've been telling you about the differences between nouns and verbs. So the first really interesting thing to note is that Allah when he talks about himself being a guide, so let's think about the

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English words. Forget the screen guide is a person who guides right is a guide, and a miss guider.

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As a person who miss guides, right, and those are both now, they're both isms guide and Miss guider. Right.

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Allah uses the God the Word guide for himself all the time.

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One of our last names on Hardy, the guide, right? He never uses the word, Miss guider.

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He never uses that word. So when it comes to guiding, it says if that is a permanent quality of Allah.

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But when it comes to misguiding,

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the word is used, but it's only used as a verb as a foreign affair. It is what by definition, past present present, temporary, right? In other words, if Allah does decide that somebody should be misguided, that is going to happen in certain cases. But Allah guiding is a constant, because Allah uses that as a noun for himself, not just a verb. Right? So the first observation is this. It's a very important one, that Allah's guidance is a constant gift being awarded to humanity. And someone is actually a very specific particular case. Then there's more and here's where I want you to go to the screen. I there's too many I art to write out. So I'm going to just take an example and show you

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what he's doing. So let's go to the IRA.

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Can you show it on the screen? Sure. Thank you.

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Okay, so this is a sample IRA. There's many psychedelica Yulin, Lula who men who are most refund more tabon Cavalli Cummins, that is how you'll De La Hoya Allah allows misguidance or Allah misguides even if you wanna have a raw translation, Allah misguides anybody man who are mostly foreign Mota, anybody who's excessive and filled with doubt. Now, you'll dilute though you guys are students a very big question Allah, you lilu what do you think is some mildly melodic or other?

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Ism mildy nobody, Brahma

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Mahdi would have ended with

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notes. We didn't think through things with you got this? And we'll start with what

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you will do.

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yes, yeah. Yeah. Pretty good. It's funny, you're fasting. Okay. So you'll do loop, build on it present tense. That is how Allah if you want to have a raw translation, that is how Allah misguides sounds inappropriate, but we'll fix it in a second. Anybody who is mostly fun

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is some maldi. Mobile there are other.

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Yeah, then we can give it away. More Taiwan

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So Allah is doing something and that's a fear in

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the personalized allowing for misguidance to happen is being described in these two ways. And both of those ways are isms or ference their isms.

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So, a few to make an observation.

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is a verb

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which is again, temporary, right?

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temporary and it's there's another important consideration limited

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okay and then who is he misguiding excessive

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and a person of a doubtful person

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Okay, these are both nouns

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Okay, which means they are permanent

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and unlimited.

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Unlimited meaning what is the excessive in? Is he excessive in spending? Is he excessive in anger? Is he excessive and arrogance is is all kinds of excessive everything about him is excessive

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is he doubtful about Allah doubtful about his mercy doubtful about puts puts himself in doubt about everything.

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And what a lie saying is, when he finds a human being that has become like this permanently.

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They don't just they didn't, they weren't just excessive one time. So Allah decided to misguide them,

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they became an excessive person, they became the ISM. They became it that became their identity. They weren't just doubtful once in a while, they just walk in doubt.

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That's just how they define themselves. They love You know, there's some people who are addicted to doubt you know, that, like every time you say something, are you sure though? I'm not sure they love the I don't? I'm not sure it makes them feel superior to be in doubt all the time. Right To me, it makes them feel like an intellectual Hi. What is the law saying? When a person makes this their permanent quality? Then Allah might intervene and allow them to stay that way by allowing them to be misguided. Notice how he used the Farrell for himself. And he used the SM for the culprit. Similar iaat cattolica yo Lola hulka Farina, you heard you're the loo for me. This Listen, listen carefully

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because Arnica, you will learn law. Did you hear them a lot and again, Allah is using a feral for misguiding for himself. Yeah. But then I will calf Irina, I'll caffeine so morphine, and SM disbelievers not those who disbelieved but people who are permanent in their disbelief fine. Basically, normally he might Allah will allow him to turn in the direction that he wants to turn into

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another another. This this imagery is important. I talked about it in Divine speech many years ago, but you should you guys should remember it. Okay, this is something I'll bring up over and over again. Because it's a principle it's a philosophy in the Quran that everybody should know. Allah says, I'm running for in Nam, Obree Moon is really heavier. But let me tell you something. You know, nowadays, when we have construction, we need cement. Why what's what's the purpose of cement? Can you guys tell me

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stuff together, it keeps stuff a puts the bricks together, right? Let me take the screen away for a moment. It puts the bricks together and then it fixes them together, right. And then the other way that you can put things together is you can nail them together, you know, screw them together, drill them together, or you can weld them together, like melt melting metal and welding the metal, right? Those are ways in which construction materials are bonded together, right and those connections, they're not like tying your shoe. Because when you tie your shoe, you didn't permanently tie it, you tie it in a way that you can want untied later. But when the welder welds two pieces of metal

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together, or the bricklayer, you know, puts the bricks and puts cement together, his intention is storm rain, you know, accident, these things should stay exactly where they are. And actually people's lives will depend on it construction has to be very sturdy and permanent. Right? So nobody unlike building Legos. In construction, when you build something, you build it for permanent, like, you know, constantly it's going to stay what it is right.

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Back in the day. They didn't have the most advanced kind of cement in Arabia, and they didn't have welding the way we have welding. Now, they didn't have the long and, you know, exhaustive kinds of metal tools to do big, big kinds of nails. You can nail planks together and stuff. But what about big columns, right. And instead of columns in a building, they used to use barks of trees and large pieces of lumber, right for their construction. Because you know, construction first looks like a skeleton and then you fill it in the walls and stuff. So when they when they make that skeleton, the way they would keep two bars, two big pieces of lumber together is they would tie them together,

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which is scary because when you tie it what can happen to the rope. It could untie so they would they would make the rope they will take a rope and they would double it and they would coil it you see how the rope has those loops on it. Right? Why do they do that because a single rope can snap whatever

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coiled rope is much stronger, right? So they would coil the rope and they would wrap it around the lumber this way, rapid this way, tie it up, get another quote rope, wrap it on top of that, wrap it on top of that, tie it up, get a third one, wrap it on top, rabbit on top, tie it. In other words, they would use so much rope to put the two columns together, that these these things aren't coming apart because the rope will hold because there's multiple coils and there's multiple wrappings and there's multiple ropes involved, right? So because this process was called a Brahma, Brahma Brahma you remove a Brahmin, okay?

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This is the word Allah used to describe certain people.

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I'll give you this whole story about construction and tying the rope and all of that. Why? Because Allah said, bravo Imran have they tied the rope when it comes to the decision that they won't be become Muslim?

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Is that is that what they've done? Meaning somebody is not a believer, right? They were exposed, the prophet slice of them, showed them the current, expose them to the message, show them as character, right? They see the truth for what it is. But they've made up their mind no matter what, I don't want to hear it. I have already tied up this rope. It's permanent. I'm going to be who I'm going to be. I'm not going to become believer. I don't want to be I'm going to be a disbeliever permanently. And how are they describing the permanence of their disbelief, the tying of that construction rope that is meant to never come apart. Then Allah says fine, we'll tie it to.

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You want to tie it you want to put all those knots I'll add or not find.

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This is Allah's principle for misguidance. It's not a mysterious all of his guides, whoever he wants, know, Allah describes in the Quran, people that want to become permanent, fixed, tied up cemented, welded in their behavior, and Allah knows their hearts have been welded. He knows that more than anybody. He didn't make their hearts like that. He didn't say, Allah made their hearts this way. No, he says they showed me that they want to stay like this permanently first. And they demonstrated from their depths of their hearts that they want to stay this way. Then Allah says find a loyal seal your heart, you want to keep it that way. You want to seal it yourself. I'll add the

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seal. I'll add the final seal on top. Allah never took somebody who's fluctuating

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and that's a no they deserve a seal on top. That's not what he does. And that's why whenever Allah talks about misguidance he talks about people that are like, * bent on staying that certain way. This is why.

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Over and over again in the Quran, whenever Allah mentions the misguiding, you'll find the people that he missed guides are what made you a little bit he Illa not alladhina fossa who, but a little fast Seeking Alpha subpoena. He doesn't misguide anybody except those whose corruption has come out and they're permanent. They're fixed in their corruption. Right. So this is actually a really beautiful way to understand that first of all, Allah's guidance is permanent. And the only time unless permanent guidance is lifted from certain people is when their decision to stay in misguidance becomes permanent. That's when that happens. It's really beautiful, how Allah solves

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that, what we think is a totally mysterious problem with this small insight. This dis just small, the way Allah describes himself when it comes to this subject, so May Allah help us appreciate that and not make assumptions about a lot that aren't fair to him that aren't true of him. And that I you know, I pray for all of you that are learning or that or maybe for those of you that are intimidated by the idea of learning Arabic I pray that Allah removes that intimidation from your hearts because Allah Himself said he made the Koran easy, which means everything about Docker on will become easy. I'm not an Arab, and I have not traveled to Arabia to study Arabic. I have not sat under a tree with

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a camel trying to you know, lick the back of my head while I'm trying to learn. No, that's never happened. I learned Arabic in Queens, New York. People get one time a GitHub issue. What are you from I was like, I will Quinsey.

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I'm not ashamed.

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When you graduate from I was like milk. Share.

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Dad jokes galore. Like what is what's what's it is milk. Like go

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buy the ice cream, please. Right?

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Yeah, good ways y'all can look it's not hard. It's really not. It looks like oh my god. There's so many words is never going to know that. Come down. It'll happen one day at a time. nobody's asking you to become like a Guru arion or an expert or whatever. But if you put in the intention, the Allah I want to understand your word directly. Then understanding the Quran and everything around the subject of understanding the Quran. It's recitation, it's memorization, Arabic, all of that one bit at a time will come later. kabuna takadanobaba, you're gonna, you're gonna progress one step after the other. It's just gonna happen and just just trust Allah.

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Do it and you don't have to impress anybody. You're not in competition with me or awkward or Maria or anybody else. You're in competition with yourself, are you and am I showing to Allah that I'm joining in his book, that's it. That's all that matters. And look at the look of the treasures that Allah will love you like, I was a student of philosophy. In college before I turned towards a psalm, right? I took a bunch of philosophy. I was addicted to philosophy, courses, philosophy of religion, philosophy of ethics, political philosophy, you know, Western philosophy, Greek philosophy, Asian philosophy, Zoroastrian for, I mean, I philosophy, philosophy, philosophy, it was my thing.

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I was so philosophize. And agnosticism was, like, so attractive to me. Right. And when I got into Koran studies,

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like because philosophers write in very abstract, difficult vocabulary, language, it's actually pretty complex language. Aristotelian language is not easy. platonic language is not easy. In fact, even the Christian theologians like Thomas Aquinas or St. Augustine, whatever you have, even in English literature of their works, the theologians before the Muslims or even earlier, sometimes

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it's heavy reading, it's abstract reading. And the column on our side is not simple reading, it's complex reading. But the Arabs of the desert were not. They had philosophy they did, they were complex thinkers. But Quran came, it's one of its miracles is instead of using what I call PhD language, and using, like, really complicated language, Allah would take something so. So philosophically complex, and make it as simple as a noun and a verb. And in it, the entire reality of the subject of the heart of it is being captured and a person says, Yeah, that makes sense. just basic, common sense. One of the one of the earliest criticisms people had of the, you know,

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philosophers had of Islam was that it's too straightforward. It's too direct, because they like going in loopy circles. Right? And the Quran is very direct in its claims, and how it establishes the truth, and it makes it it doesn't beat around the bush. It's just straightforward. You know, it does speak in hypotheticals, as beautiful, the more directly you get connected to the language, the more that becomes clear to your your thinking, the fog from your thinking starts disappearing. And you just have this relieving Aha, because he knows. So as I talked to Muslims, I realized that Muslims, many of you are annoyed that I do lectures in Urdu. But those lectures have been an eye

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opener for me, man, they have been an eye opener for me, because I'm realizing that I'm talking to other people from like, different Muslim countries, we Muslims, the majority of us, we don't have any idea how to think like the way the Quran wants us to think we don't have a clue. We have beliefs and ideas and concepts about Allah, about the Prophet. So I said, about the unseen, that have nothing to do with Islam, nothing. And when I don't even feel like we should correct it, because they need to be guided, I feel like these people should be given relief because what the right beliefs are actually a breath of fresh air. And what they're what people have developed as these

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notions about Allah are so heavy that they're so like, if somebody actually believed that they would be miserable, and they are miserable. And crime came to give us relief. And the crazy thing is Muslims in Muslim majority societies don't have the relief that Allah is offering. Right? So it's, it's shocking to me, it's absolutely shocking to me. So it's, it's been a real eye opener. And, you know, it's not just all Muslims in the West don't know, much and they're westernized or their kids didn't go to an Islamic environment. That's why they don't know that myth is gone. For me. That's like the Muslims in the oma, the vast majority of us do not know, we need to come back. And we need

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to be exposed to this, this this, like, you know, Lu hafi foreign community law who you have a foreign come, Allah wants to lighten your burden for you. That's we need to lighten our burden by coming back to unless we're allies, which will make it easy for all of us to lighten our burden, and to lift our hearts with his grace. And when we realize we are not members of those who are fixed in misguided behavior that we deserve a less misguidance on us and realize, oh, you'll always make us of those that he gifts us with His guidance, despite our shortcomings. barakallahu li walakum soleimani camara, remember, do your best and we'll do the rest

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