Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 300C Tafsir Abasa 1-12

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of the symbol Surah when dealing with people and characters, as it represents the God of theifies and the blind man who frowns. They stress the importance of showing respect towards the Prophet sallam and prioritizing one's time and attention to not forget about someone who is eager to learn. The speakers also emphasize the need to correct those who do not value the Prophet sallal and prioritize one's time and attention to not forget about someone who is eager to learn. They also discuss the importance of being aware of one's behavior and not trying to convince others to do something without knowing the context. The speaker emphasizes the need to be careful with words and body language in one's language and to pay attention to others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim surah. Targa soot Agha is a key Surah to famous hula. Our Vasa means He frowned. And in the surah Allah subhanaw taala is teaching a very important lesson to us through His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and through the surah we learn about the character of the bearer of the Quran. The person who has Quran in their life, then what kind of character must they have? What kind of manners should they display? When they're dealing with people, when they're dealing with situations that might be genuinely annoying?

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But how should they be? How should their facial expressions be? How should their body language be? Because Allah subhanaw taala sees everything. So let's look at the surah Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, our Messiah, He frowned. What the one Allah and he turned away, either say Yara Busuu i inverse scene is to frown or to scowl very mildly. Basically, it's just one wrinkles appear on your forehead, a very minor frown very normal, very usual. Very easily. We found like this. Right? Many of you are doing that right now. Also, it's not really a big deal. But Allah subhanaw taala is correcting his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here, that Arba He frowned, who did hear the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, our Basa fee what he in his face what the one law and he turned away, the only use to turn physically away from someone or in a certain direction. So he turned away meaning fee but then he he in his body, he turned his attention away. Why? What was the reason? And that meaning because Jaya who he came to him, who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the blind man. And when the blind man came, he interrupted the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. So as a result, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he frowned and he turned away. The indication over here is towards the incident that happened in Makkah, Arusha de la noir and have reported that Surah darba was revealed regarding Abdullah ibn Al Maktoum, the blind man. In a narration in a Timothy we learned that our beloved Oh Maktoum came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, O Messenger of Allah, advise me ya rasool Allah, Allah Sredny advise me. Now remember, Abdullah bin Al Maktoum was a blind man. He came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and

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he said, Yeah rasool Allah, Allah shade me, advise me instruct me teach me something.

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Can he see what is going on? Can he see what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is doing? And who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting with was Abdullah able to see that? No, he was not. So I shouted. The Lord has said that at the time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting with a man from the elite of the Mushrikeen. So a mushrik but not just an ordinary man from the elite. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was interrupted by Abdullah bin Al Maktoum Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he got genuinely upset. Imagine you're having an important conversation. Somebody comes in interrupts you? What's the bare minimum that you would do?

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From? Give them a look?

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He didn't say anything. He didn't verbally reprimand him. All he did was what just frowned

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without saying anything he turned away turned away from who from Abdullah bin Oh, McDo, and he kept his attention towards the Maastricht men. And he continued to ask him at all Bhima Kulu Batson do you find any problem in what I am telling you?

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Because it was sort of loss of Allah who already was selling was doing Dawa to that men right to that mystic men and that wishek Man, he wasn't accepting. So the prophets of Allah who already was selling kept asking him I thought I'll be my Akula but sent Do you see any problem in what I'm telling you? And the man would say, No, I don't. In another narration we learn he would say love what Dima e mail Robbie Mata Kulu Batson

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No by the blood of our sacrifices, I see no harm in what you're saying. But was that men believing? No, he wasn't. And on the other hand, our beloved OMAC tomb is waiting. Yeah rasool Allah or Shivani Yasuda Allah or Sredny, but the prophets of Allah who already was salam, he found only once, and he turned away. So these verses were revealed regarding this incident. Now, on the one hand was a great man from the machete King, whom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was repeatedly advising, but he was not accepting, even though he clearly understood and found no problem with the message.

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On the other hand, at this intense moment, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so occupied with this matter, which was so important to him, because he really wanted that man to believe, who came up the Lebanon mactel And he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, advise me instruct me. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not pleased with this interruption. And so, in a very natural response he found now sometimes we are also busy, in something important, maybe an important conversation, and what happens? Somebody comes and interrupts us.

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Does that happen? Does it happen with us? happens almost every day, doesn't it? Especially if you have kids, or if you have younger siblings, or you have maybe an elderly person, in your family, disregard the conversation you're having? And they say, what they want to say, when ever they want to say, isn't it? How should our response be over there? Because when the Prophet salallahu Salam frowned over here, Allah subhanaw taala did not approve of it. He revealed these verses, correcting the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because for the messenger is what Hoolock in our lien, we're in Nicola Allah, Hello, can I leave you have the great the best character, but from this, we

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learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was who Hamid Al Quran, the carrier of the Quran, the bearer of the Quran, and for the one who has Quran in their life, then they must correct even their facial expressions. Now, through these verses, Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us two important lessons many lessons, but to I want to highlight firstly, what the character of the how middle Quran should be like, towards who,

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towards who,

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everyone, but specifically who, those who annoy.

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In situations where they get irritated, in situations where they get hurt, in situations where they get genuinely angry, their anger is justified, because somebody came interrupted them, somebody came disturbed them, somebody came bothered them.

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But even in a situation like that, What should their character be like? Secondly, what we learned from these verses is that who is worth our attention and time and who is not worth our attention and time? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was paying attention to who to the mystic man, but the mystic man was interested. No, he wasn't.

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And in doing that, he ended up ignoring or the Lebanon Maktoum was interested in learning. Yes, he was. So what do we learn from here,

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your time and your talents are not cheap, that you chase those who don't value them. You chase with these talents. And with this time, those people who don't value them, the deen of Allah is not cheap, that you beg those who are not interested in it, to take it.

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You understand this point, the deen of Allah is honorable. Your time is also precious. So don't chase those who are going to reject it. Don't devalue. You know, like, if you're selling something, then Don't devalue your product by giving it to those who are going to throw it away, who are not going to value it. Think about it. When you're giving a gift to somebody what kind of a gift you give them. Something you know that they will value. So for example, if there is a person who's not interested in, let's say, fancy things, maybe a piece of jewelry, they're not interested in it, and you know that they're never going to wear it. Or even if they were they're not going to wear it

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properly. They're going to be washing dishes with it and you know, things like that. Would you waste your money over there? You wouldn't. It would be a waste of money.

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So why do we think the deen of Allah is so cheap that we keep running after those who are going to reject it, reject it again and again. Don't do that. You

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instead, give it to who give it to who? Those who desire it. Now we see in these verses Allah subhanaw taala says Agha, he frowned what the Wallah and he turned away. Who is he referring to? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wasn't the Quran directly revealed to him. Why isn't it said that our Busto Otto later, you found a new turn to it? Because it's more harsh, isn't it? If you tell somebody you made this mistake, it's really mean. Really, if you're told you did this, you shouldn't have done that. Doesn't it hurt? It hurts. So here, Allah subhanaw taala is also teaching us another important lesson as to first of all, that we must show respect to our messenger

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If Allah does not directly address him in this situation, he reprimands him indirectly, in a very gentle manner.

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Then when we have to mention him, when we have to talk about him, how should we do that? with utmost respect.

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Another important thing we see here is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did what he did, out of eagerness for the mushrik to believe, isn't it? He wanted that man to believe. And this is why he got upset with Abdullah and omec tombs interruption. He didn't frown at him, because he despised him. You understand? He didn't frown at him because he despised him? No, he found over there because of the lemon OMAC Doom interrupted him.

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So we should also remember, we should also remember this one, we have to correct somebody or when we see a fault in somebody a mistake. And somebody. Remember, they didn't mean to hurt us. They didn't mean to do something wrong. It was human error. Just like for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam this was a human error.

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You want to just say something?

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Okay, the question is that, how should we be doing garwa then? Because if we shouldn't be chasing those who are not interested, then how should we do it? It doesn't mean that we don't offer them we offer them, but where they say no, and they start using foul language and they start humiliating our religion and our book and our Messenger, then don't give them the opportunity. Lacan Dinoco Walia, Dean. Right. And also, we see over here, that how to prioritize the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in a situation where there were two people, right? One was a man who wasn't interested, and another was a man who was very interested in learning. So when you have to make a decision over

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here that Who do I give my time to? Then how do you decide that? How do you make that decision based on what who's important in the worldly sense know, based on what then on the eagerness of people who is more eager, so I bust out the Wallah and Jet A whole Arma will mail you recolor I love who he is. Zeca woman and what you rica it would make you perceive Lila who perhaps he he has Zika he might be purified. Who? The blind men may you Darica Edraw Dalia to make someone perceive something, realize something to make someone learn about something. So may you did he come meaning you could not know you did not know that lamb know who he is aka that perhaps the blind man might be purified, meaning

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he would benefit from what you would teach him. Here Allah subhanaw taala is informing the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam off the benefit of paying attention to the blind men, or the Laban omec to remember he was of the Saba Khun. He was of those people who embraced Islam very early in Makkah. He was also a cousin of Hadiya Allahu anha. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told that had you paid attention to the blind man, he would have taken your advice very seriously. He would have improved himself with it. Oh, yeah, that cuddle? Or he would be reminded that that is to remember the advice to take heed to learn a lesson from it. For 10 Faraj was the cloth and Faraj who

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so it would benefit him at the club the reminder, meaning here is a person who is ready to receive and he has reached you with difficulty because he was blind, and he's willing to learn and benefit from you.

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And whatever he would learn from you would benefit him first and followed the clock.

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But you didn't pay attention to him. And in contrast, Amana Stoner, Amma as for money stoner the one who is the owner, who considers himself without need is the owner from Lena Lane dunya. What is Lina? richness? Because when a person is rich, then he doesn't. Technically he shouldn't find himself needy that okay, I have 10 pairs of shoes, I don't think I need to go buy more. Right? This is Lena. So it still is to consider oneself without need to be self sufficient.

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So he is Istana meaning he's not eager to learn. He's not eager to benefit from you. He doesn't think he's in need of beneficial knowledge. Who is this referring to? The Mushrik man whom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is advising repeatedly. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asking him, do you see any problem in what I'm giving you and what I'm telling you? And what would the man say? No, what you're saying makes sense to me. But do I want it? No, thank you. Istana. He's not interested. Think about it. Imagine you're invited to a dinner party after you just ate.

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Would you like to go to that dinner party?

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Seriously? Imagine you're invited somewhere at five o'clock, but you just ate at four? Would you like to go to that dinner? No, you wouldn't. But if your family drags you, like it happens many times. And you were to go. Would you eat anything there? Would you know maybe you'll nibble on a few things. And you'll hide here and then you'll hide there? And you'll pretend that you're eating but you won't eat anything. Why? Even though the food is delicious? It's free. Why will you not eat? Because you have no need for it. You've already eaten. Right? Now here we see that this man thinks that he is not in need of Deen. So even though the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is offering

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him, what does he say? No, thank you. I'm not interested. It makes total sense to me. It's really good. But I don't want it. Why? Because the problem is that he thinks he knows enough. He thinks that he doesn't need to improve. When it comes to food, you know there's a limit

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to how much you can consume.

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But when it comes to seeking knowledge, when it comes to learning the deen then is there any limit? There's no limit. The prophets of Allah who already was on was instructed what call Rob busy Danny Elma that say, Oh my Lord, Increase me in knowledge. Even though the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam had so much knowledge still he still make golf or more, ask for more, because you can never be learning

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of gaining more knowledge. So here Allah subhanaw taala is criticizing this man, Amma Minister Elena, he thinks of himself as self sufficient that he doesn't need to learn anymore. And may Allah subhanaw taala protect us from this type of arrogance, where we think we have learned enough where we think we know enough where we think we have done enough. So even though there is a great opportunity before us, we say I'm good.

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I'm mamani Stoner, for Angela hooter sada for Anta so you love who to him, meeting you a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you are towards this man, the sadaqa you give attention. The Sudan saw Dahlia, the Saudi does, Leah basically means to clap. And Sudan saw Dahlia, it's basically the sound that the mountain returns back to the person.

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Meaning echo.

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Okay, Echo, that if you're going through Rocky Mountains and you make a sound, what's going to happen? That sound is going to return back to you. So that's echo. So does the law who does not the law who is to pay attention

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to someone? Why? What's the connection over there? Because you know, when you're passing through a place where there's going to be echo, all right, you make a sound and you wait for the Echo to return. You make it again, and you paying attention to it, isn't it? And I don't know what happens even to adults.

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You go in the basement or an empty room, children make noise or a parking lot, right underground parking lot. What happens to adults over there also they start making noise and they wait for the Echo to return. So this is the Fidella who took

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Pay attention. So for under the hood of sada you are paying your full attention to this man who is not interested. Why?

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Meaning you should not? Why are you trying to convince him? Why are you wasting your time with him? You asked him once, twice, thrice again and again.

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And he doesn't accept he's not interested. And here's another man, the blind man who's eager to learn and you're not paying him attention. Why am I Laker Allah jezika warmer and not i Laker upon you meaning there is not upon you any blame Allah that not? Yes, Zabka he is purified, meaning if the mushrik man, the one who is not interested in learning, despite the fact that you're giving him so much attention, if he doesn't obtain guidance, is it your fault? Is it your fault? No. So the prophets of Allah who sent him is a short over here. It's not your responsibility if he doesn't accept you did your job by conveying now move on. Move on to those who are eager to gain more? What

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unmanned jet Okay, yes. What Amma and as for mangia aka the one who came to you? Yes. Ah, he is running he's driving because of the level Oh Maktoum How was he he was blind these days of 100 Allah, there are so many different ways through which even blind people can go about easily. Alright, they have a certain level of independence. But imagine at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for a person who was unable to see for him to go from one place to another was quite a challenge. So what a momager okay, yes, sir. He has come to you striving with love and eagerness trying so hard. Well who are Yaksha while he fears Allah, He has Hashem in his

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heart, this is why he has come for Anton Hudler her for under then you on who from him, the Lucha you are distracted. The Lucha lamb Ha, whoa, LA who? What is the LA who? Distraction amusement because it distracts you from what is more important. And when it comes with Ron, and Huhtala her, it means to ignore someone.

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So the blind man came to you so eagerly, but you ignored him. You turned away from the one who wants to purify himself, and you're too busy to give him your time. Kola know what is this mean? This should not be done.

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This should not be done, what should not be done, you should not frown in this situation, what else should not be done? You should not continue to pay attention to those who are not interested. What else should not be done. You should not ignore those who are eager to learn in a hat and Kira. Indeed, this is a reminder, what is a reminder, these verses are a reminder from an Shah. So whoever wants the camera, he can remember it, meaning he can take a lesson from it, he can accept it. These verses are a reminder. So whoever wants they can take a lesson from it. So what is the lesson in these verses? Because Allah says firemen shall either call whoever wants then they can take a

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lesson. Would you like to take a lesson? So what is the lesson that you can take? What is the first lesson? Go ahead.

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Watch your body language. Be careful about your facial expressions also.

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You know, we are careful about the words that we use. We need to be careful about even the wrinkles that can appear in our forehead.

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Because they can hurt people, isn't it? Now if you think about it of the lip, and oh McTell never saw that frown, because he was blind,

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isn't it? And he didn't know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got annoyed over there. He had no idea. But Allah subhanaw taala revealed this, and he corrected his messenger Sallallahu videosolo.

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Why? Because it doesn't benefit you to do it. And if you say something, do something, show something, even if it doesn't reach the other person. Was it written in your record? Was it written in your record here? So aren't you responsible for it? Yes.

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It needs allies lucky allies proceed allies Aleem if he can correct the basilar Salam, that who we are and this is so frightening, I mean, a frown Allah subhanaw taala didn't

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On accept.

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And what do we do?

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What do we do?

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Much worse than frown.

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So when you come I was just thinking that oftentimes when we think of Dawa, we're thinking of non Muslims right? Going to them talking about Allah subhanaw taala. But many times, it's within our own turf, our own Muslim brothers and sisters who may need that additional support and push and we usually neglect them because they're already Muslim. You know, they're already destined for Jana, but it's the non Muslims we need to get to so I think like you said in the beginning that about prioritizing that looking who needs looking around, you see who needs it most and sort of work anyway. So the first thing is prioritize correctly.

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What the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did over here was out of good intention and eagerness he wanted that person to believe. But Allah subhanaw taala taught him the correct order here that who is more worthy of your time and attention? And who is that?

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Who is that? The one who is eager to learn? That's it simple. The one who is eager to learn, as sometimes people get very offended that why is this person with the teacher? Or why is this person with the chef? Right? They're always with them. They're always with them. Because maybe they're eager to learn. And instead of us getting jealous over there, maybe we should see that how eager to learn.

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I was just gonna say this reminds me of a time when you told us that one of the imam from our one of the scholars from our time he was really sick, and he was warning and he was told not to mourn that because even that is written down. And after that Hanalei it affected me so much that I was telling my, like, families and friends, like you know, even just a little, you know, nowadays, even in text messages, we write sci fi and all these kinds of weird as a joke to sometimes right, but really, it is how we're feeling and it's written down. Yes, this is where you have to baffle yourself. Also, battle yourself against showing that frown and what you're saying out of anger.

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sounds really cool. I was just reading CEDAW and I came to know that you sort of axial Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he was a best listener. And whenever someone talks to him, his whole body was kind of listening and paying attention to that person. And being a person like that he just did something like that just once. And Allah subhanho wa Taala really encouraged it and yeah, acted. And second thing that is coming to my mind that I mean, it's a common practice in human beings. It's so much ingrained probably in our nature, that we always take things in persons on face value. So you never know the condition of the heart, the situation of the heart of anyone. So having a good intention

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about anyone and paying respect to anyone. It's a part of our religion probably and we should really check for this that whenever we talk to someone, we should pay attention in respect to everyone.

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You mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would give full attention to people while listening to them right and he would turn towards them completely. This is a murky Surah right. So this was revealed earlier. And you see here Allah says from insha, Allah Cara, and it shows the how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he took these verses to heart he really learned from this incident and afterwards, he never repeated that again. And we learned from Sierra that there were times the Prophet sallallahu Urdu sunnah would get upset. But what would people see on his face readiness? His face would go red.

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He's not ever described as frowning, scowling. No, but that his face would go red. And when is it that your face goes red? When you're fighting yourself?

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Go ahead. Salam aleikum. I'm looking at this from the perspective of Dawa and there is a perspective that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wrote the Quran. And it's very interesting how that he authored it. Yeah, like he authored it. And it's interesting in any human condition. If you are depicting yourself as something superior or somebody to be followed, you would never reflect a weakness that you have. And so it's interesting to observe how there is some form of and we wouldn't call it necessarily admonition but you know, a recognition of a weakness or something that he was not perfect necessarily or, you know, whatever the reflection is, if indeed that's what he did,

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authored the Quran. Why would he do that? It's completely illogical. Yes. So these verses are actually used to prove the truthfulness of the Quran also, that if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had authored the Quran, would he correct himself in this manner? Nope.

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So this shows that this is really from who from Allah subhanaw taala. These verses also teach us another important lesson which is

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That, seize the opportunity that is before you, instead of longing for what is not in your control.

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What was the opportunity that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam certainly had at that time to teach our beloved Oh McDo, he has come eagerly to learn to benefit if the Prophet sallallahu sunnah would teach him something. Alhamdulillah

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on the other hand, is that wishek? Man, there is a 5050 Maybe he would accept maybe he wouldn't. And the Prophet sallallahu has been trying so hard, but the man was an accepting. So, many times, you know, we have two options. And we find difficult to make a decision over there should I go with this? Or should I go with that?

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So what is it that you should go with? That which is definite, prefer the definite over the doubtful?

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We also see over here that Allah subhanaw taala is advocating for who? For Abdullah ibn OMAC. To who was he a blind man, but Allah, Allah is defending him alive and Oh, Maktoum didn't even see that frown.

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But Allah defends him over here. Why? What are those qualities because of which Allah will defend you? What are the qualities of the Lebanon macdon that we see in these verses? Firstly, mangia Oka? Yes, sir. He came striving, working hard to learn. Secondly, while Hua Yaksha he fears another important thing we see here is that these verses teach us as to who is worthy of our attention and time. And who is that person? Who the one who's ignoring you, the one who's running away from you? Who is it?

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The one who's eager to be with you. So then reciprocate?

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If someone offers a friendly hand, if someone is loving towards you, they give you their time. They give you their attention, then what should you do?

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Ignore them, run away from them. I mean, as long as it's halal, alright. And it's within limits, what should you do? reciprocate,

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reciprocate, somebody sees worth in you, you know, they appreciate you. They want to be with you. They appreciate what you have.

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So give them the attention that they deserve.

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So here, calla inherited Kira Femen Shah vichara. Indeed, this is a reminder, this can be understood as these verses and also in general that this Quran is a reminder from an Shah or the caller, then whoever wants they can learn from it. Meaning that the Quran is an open invitation to who

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do to everybody.

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But only those who want to take it will take it and those who think they're not in need of it. They'll be too busy with other things in total CalFire 29 Allah says what will help Camilla become from an shell of a human woman shatter filioque for

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