Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 292F Tafsir Al-Jinn Discussion
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
How are you?
How do you feel after listening about Jin's? Happy, sad, scared?
more strong? Yes Alhamdulillah we should be more strong, because Quran tells us the truth, the reality of jinns so we should not be scared of them.
Do you ever think why were they created?
And why are they created?
To worship Allah? subhanaw taala?
Do they have choice? Like humans? Yes, they have choice, okay. And they are also a test for us. We can't see them, but they can see us
and sometime jinns possess human beings. Have you ever heard about it? Have you ever seen somebody possessed by a jinn? No Alhamdulillah who has seen who has experienced you have seen few of you can villa. So get across somebody who is possessed by jinn, and never be scared at that time even because they make strange kind of actions. When is it possible for them to possess a human being when, in general, the jinns are not stronger than human beings. Human beings are most honored creation and genes used to live on this earth. When Allah subhanaw taala decided to create human beings, they were removed from the earth and they were sent to the corners of the earth or to the
water or other places. And the best places for human beings but it doesn't mean that they cannot come back. They come back, they're everywhere. Sometimes they are in our houses, even some of them are flowing with our blood in our body. That is shattered because shaitan is from John also.
So they're all around and we should not be afraid of them. But when they harm somebody some human being because they have access. So what should we do and when they can harm human beings, when they put us in test, so we should avoid those situations? Yeah.
Yes, when you are away from Allah subhanaw taala then only they can harm you. And Quran it says, Rama yah Chu and Vickery Rahmani Naka US law who shall you burnin for whoever who could in that whoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Merciful then we appoint for that person is shaitan and that Shavon becomes a companion for him. Okay. So if we do a love wicker
they will run away when there is a run when there is a law breaker when we are seeking Allah subhanaw taala as * they become weak
are there good genes as well?
Yes, there are good genes and there are bad genes
like human beings do you know there was a prophet genes were in his control who was he salmonella Salaam. What do genes do for him?
huge structures for him buildings. A heavy things for him brick bots. And what else dive dive? Yes, my yo suna Allahu.
So do you think we can take work from them? Or we should hire them?
Can we do that? No. Why? Why can't we do that? Or why shouldn't we do that?
Sara Mandela Salam was an exception and he made a DUA. What was his dua
for a B, Hubli Milken law humble really had the main body.
So we cannot take work from genes As salam o Allah Salam used to take from them. So there are some genes who are enemies of human beings. They possess human beings,
especially when we forget vichara Allah subhanaw taala as timea mentioned in the beginning, that concept of genes or something like genes is in every religion, culture or everywhere. Some people call them aliens, some people call them genes or some people, even they say the the bacterias or other beings, but everyone believes in something supernatural, which we cannot touch which we can't see but they exist. And we believe the resistance because Allah subhanaw taala
has mentioned about the existence in Quran we cannot deny them because denying Jinn is denying Quran denying the part of our deen. Right? Which is not right, because some people say, we don't believe in aliens, they don't exist. No, and why they don't believe in them because they say that we can't see them, we can't touch them, we cannot experience them. So they are not made of matter, but they are above that. So we don't believe in believing in them does not mean that we should believe in them like angels, but it means that we should believe in their existence. Right? And what should be our attitude towards jeans? Can some one of you explain it? What should be our attitude towards
jeans? Yeah.
Don't be afraid of them. And
yes, if you don't bother them, they won't bother you. And what else should we do?
Here you are superior as a human beings you are superior to dents. So no need to be afraid of them. And there are levels of genes also like human beings, different tribes, different languages, different creeds. So there is variety of genes. Some genes are very very strong.
Like every terminal gene, or a lady in the WHO Illumina al Kitab they were superior but every gene is not very strong. Okay. If you ever have an interaction with Jin What should you do? You should know this. So our attitude towards Jen Should we let them do what Allah subhanaw taala has asked them to do and let them live their life
okay, we should not be after them we should not be curious about them we should not be reading a lot of books or things about them or we should not all the time we should not have Jin phobia that thinking that this is Jen and that is Jen and this something is happening this is gin sometime electricity, something wrong with electricity or something wrong with the mic. You are listening. This is Jen No, don't think too much about Jen Okay, and not make as an obsession, right. They should live their lives and we should live our own lives they should do but they are supposed to do and we should do but we are supposed to but sometime if there is something strange and that is
bothering you or someone related to you, then what should you do? You should know this is very important that how to be safe from their shirt. Because there is different types of shirts
which are remarkable. And mineral gin, not evenness.
So what should we do now you should know what should we do to protect ourselves? Protect our bodies, protect our deen protect our mind and whatever belongs to us, our kids our houses from the sheriff gin Okay, let us discuss this and then move further. Number one and this is you should write with you okay, this is important that what kind of relationship we should have a gin or what should we do when we have some problems with gents. Number one
how to protect our kids from Jin's so in the evening, as the sun is setting and as darkness is spreading at that time, especially not being out or having the children out being indoors at that time, yes, keep them inside. Don't let them play in the parks. When sun is setting. And when darkness is spreading, right? When it is dark. And later on if you want to go out or something no problem, but especially in that time when light and darkness is mixing up. So that time you should not keep your children in the garden or in outside the house. Okay, and alone, especially when they're young. They're vulnerable. Okay, how should we protect ourselves from gin? From the sheriff
gin? there tell me one thing you don't know. Or you don't want to share with me? Yeah, tell me.
Morning every day was specially AYATUL kursi because there is a Hadith which says that if somebody reads AYATUL kursi in morning in the evening, that person will be protected from the short version. So don't forget to read AYATUL kursi. Right. Okay. And if somebody is having some kind of possession or other or some kind of problem with gin, start reading ITIL could see on that person as many times as possible. Recently, I read somewhere that there was a person whose wife was studying in college
And one day, her friends called her husband telling him that your wife, she just fell down and she fainted. And we don't know what to do. He came, He took her to the hospital, and nothing worked on her. Then he took her to his house. And then he started reading only I think could see. He said, I kept reading, reading, reading, I reached 100 times and I reached 150 times.
And the Jin started speaking.
And this person said, Leave her. And he says, You kill me. And through AYATUL kursi you kill me. So please leave me I won't come again. Then he let him go. And that girl was fine. Alhamdulillah she never got sick again. But he read Ethel kursi 150 times until she got fine. Okay, so this is a tip for you. If you fail, a child is crying for nothing. crying, crying, crying, you're trying to make him happy. But he's not listening. Start reading, I thought could see. Before we released a cassette with repeated AYATUL kursi there was a cassette Apple could see it has only Apple could see it stopped and under thoughts. So you can download from the net, I think you can find, for example, if
you're taking care of child and not letting you read, sometimes if children are so aggressive, they start beating you and they don't let you read. So that time you just play it and read read read read read until he gets settled down. Because women face this problem all the time the children are sometime crying are scared or behaving abnormally or doing things which they are not supposed to do. They're not listening, they're not sleeping, or they get scared in the dreams. And they start crying, screaming. So I tell kursi never forget, I tell kids, and it's not Oh, I have read three times, but nothing happened. No, three times is not enough. Three times seven times 11 times 40
times 100 times 150 times read read, read read. And you get reward for each and every letter. So don't get tired of reading Quran. And this is AYATUL kursi. And this is the biggest style greatest idea in the Quran, right?
And also how to protect your own self. When you go to sleep. Read Pulu Allah who had colors available Fela colors over a bananas, blow in your hands. And start with your face and head and your body. And you do it three times. And if you're very sleepy, do it at least one time. Okay. So inshallah they will not harm you. If the kids are small, you can read to them. Okay? If you have any question you can ask me now. You know how some people they get soap as they think everything is Jen, I just want to say that, you know, in our community, gin is becoming the number one talk about that mental health illness is being you know, ignored that sometimes people are mentally ill, right, like
they have schizophrenia or something illnesses and they're like, oh, this person is talking to the jinn, or this person is, you know, being with the gender possessor they're doing. So they take them to the, like Mallanna saw or somebody who you know, cures and stuff, and they're like, I don't understand what's happening. So they abandoned and so many relationships and so many things happen just because of ignorance of this matter. Yes, but if you are doubtful whether it's a mental illness, or it's actually Jin's problem. So start reading either could see or Rukia and then you will come to know if it is gin or something like this, you will be cured to inshallah and it will be
something else and take him to doctor, but don't be confused.
Second question is, if you're outside and with your children, is it safe for you to go in a car when it's time to avoid the headlights coming out? Or do you really have to work on a house? Yeah, no problem, no problem. So if you are with them sitting in a car, you can go out if you need to go don't let them play in the alone nontarget outside another time, if you need to go outside McGraw time because the days are very short here. So the McRib gets very soon sometime and you have to come back from school or you need to go for groceries or you need to go to some France. So McGraw time you primitive and then take them no problem. And if you are coming back from someplace and it's
Margarita, no problem. Be with them. Okay, and start reading Marvin even in his car.
Just don't go to deserted places. Yes. But I was thinking that when it comes to nature many times it is set that don't disturb nature leave it as it is. So even if you know out in the wild hiking somewhere and
You see an animal, you know, catching other animal and eating it or killing it, don't interfere over there, leave it as it is. So even when it comes to the jinn when we become overly obsessed, you know, thinking and overthinking and, you know, playing games even in which we're trying to trap spirits, you know, there's any evil spirit passing by, please enter the scope and things like that, you know, you're poking at them, you know, like they say, Don't poke the bear. Don't do that. So leave them yes, they exist, and do your part in order to protect yourself. But don't be overly obsessed with them.
Salaam aleikum? My question is more of a curiosity and maybe hoping for confirmation. But I was informed that sometimes when people engage in now learning Quran and engage in learning and coming closer to Allah spanwise Allah, that in institutions of learning, there's a lot of jinn possessions now, I'm just wondering, is that a rumor? Is that something that's valid or just curious about that?
It can happen because they don't want you to learn Quran. So sometimes they bother you, they stop you. And they are enemies. Sometimes the bad genes are enemies of human beings, and especially Shayateen among them, they try every way every method to stop you. So it might happen but how many people amongst you got Jinn when they entered alHuda they are obsessed with
not yet Alhamdulillah so it's not true always. But sometimes with some people, it happens like that girl she was studying in a college when she got printed. She was not in an Islamic Institute. It can happen anywhere. So protect yourself because we can't see our enemy. So we have protect all the time wanting evening mascara best for that. Okay, a Salam Alikum particles are here in the nighttime don't go close the high garbage because that a reaching the final noise that through a lot.
You can throw garbage at night and you can even put it outside at night. It's okay. Of course when you go to the bathroom you have to say your door. When you go out of the house you say the room for throwing garbage you shed Well yes, you're stepping out of the house to put the garbage at the curb again, say your door Bisman Righto Catherine, Allah say that there are say your evening doors
as salam alikoum I would like to know How do I know if somebody is possessive by chain? If somebody is sick, like what are the symptoms? If it's not related to you, so just ignore, okay, but if it's something happens in your house, so that person will behave will talk abnormally, behave abnormally, or get sick, without any reason might be some strange things. Then start reading AYATUL kursi. Okay. And you will know that Jen will speak to you then. Okay.
I was reading a hadith in which it says that highest level of the Quran Allah, how was approved if you're not using three things were mentioned, I don't remember the first one. The second one was don't use amulets, and the third was Do not blow over yourself after Opia This shows the highest level of the Wakulla and I was wondering
if you are blowing something which is based on Quranic is that there is no harm and it doesn't include this, okay? Don't read other things, which might have some seeking help from shayateen or anything else. But whatever the Prophet did himself, there is no harm in doing that. And Prophet sallallahu Sallam never stopped doing this blowing at night on his body, even when he was on his deathbed. So he was not able to do all this. So Asha, Allah Tala Anna, she read all this on his hands and then she made his hands wipe on his body, but could only Ma was vain but also I tend to see I will see Surah Al Fatiha because one of the names of Surah Al PATA is to Korea. Okay, just
quick question. So I went to mosque and a lady was crying. The lady next to her was her daughter and I think she was possessed. So the mother was crying continuously and didn't know what to do. So sisters were going to words her daughter just to try to comfort her calm her down. And the lady was not wearing hijab, the sister and was talking strange things about different continents are calling other sisters. Are you from Asia? Are you from different continents? So it seemed like she knew a lot and she was not talking, like making sense. So other sisters were going to her I went to her I shook her hand and she asked me something. Is it better to avoid such situations? Yes.
better to avoid some situation. If you do not know how to help someone, avoid it, pray for them and go. And ITIL QC can be decided. Yes. Okay, does that
recite for yourself and then keep away?
Sorry, I just want to say Surah Baqarah is also one of the production we can take the house where suitable crazy recited shit on doesn't enter. And you know, sometimes scare kids out of fun. That is the time when the gin enters the body when a person is scared. So we shouldn't do that to kids. And one last thing is that I was talking to a person who deals with patients who are possessed and he was saying, if you feel these kinds of things in your house, you just read it because they're all these things and you say out loud in your house that we are brothers and you live and you let us live. So even if in your house is okay, yes. Or you can say please leave this house. I don't want
you to stay here. Leave this house say out loud. Okay. So they might leave. You see once what happened? I was in Islamabad and it was summer break or something I went for O'Meara and some girls were living in the hostel. So when I came back they were all very scared and this Jin this and that. So this girl fainted that what happened? I said okay, come everybody come here. I made them sit and start talking to them. I said if you talked about Jins after this, I will beat you up. So believe me after that and I said if there is any Gen leave this place. And hamdulillah after that nobody was painted nothing is sometime it's only something inside us. And we start talking to this person who
look who that is shaking her to this. So we should not talk much about gents. Okay.
Especially with kids. Salam Alikum. When someone is possessed by a jinn a lot of the time the share reads this sutra, so why specifically this is there something that provokes Dogen and this Sudha Sudha. theologian. Yeah, this is a treatment Virgin's you see once I know somebody who had this problem, and you see what we did at that time, we photocopied this surah and put up on the wall. Believe that person got better. Sometimes maybe they can read or they're scared reading this Surah or some I don't know what happened. But that was also solution. Yes, sir. icon. What's the difference between a possession and evil I? Evil AI is not only from genes, it could be from Gen Z
also, and from humans. Okay, an evil eye is the eye of a person who is jealous of you. Who does not have good feelings for you? Right? As house it jealous.
Evil Eye has nothing to do with it doesn't mean that if you are struck by evil iGen entered you know, it's something else.
Sorry, go I've heard that um, Jin's can take visible form sometimes like a black dog or black cat? Yes, yes, they can take visible forms. And like as a black dog are about. That's why Prophet told us that when you want to kill the snake, you should tell him if you are a jinn go away, say three times. And if it doesn't go then kill somebody come.
In this surah we learned about how the Jin Z would go up to the heavens. And they would, you know, hear what the angels would say. And they would come back down and they would tell the soothsayers and they would mix it up with lies. And you know, like, in today's time, we have something like the weather forecast. And I just want to say that we shouldn't put our full trust in the weather because like the weather is able to change because like the weather system it tells you you know this day will be sunny this day will be cloudy, but we shouldn't like ultimately believe that because Allah subhanaw taala can change everything that's an estimate based on some physical signs that people can
see that they can observe through their window machinery or whatnot. So it's just an educated guess. I mean, yes, we shouldn't believe in it as we believe in the technology. It's just like a doctor making an analysis regarding a person who's sick that this could be the problem that could be the progresses their best guess. But then of course we don't believe in it. Like we believe in the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala can stop anything from happening? Head on now legal Melania Yes, like moosari Sudan when he was a baby and he was in the house of her own, and they were looking for different women to nurse him. Nobody was able to nurse him because Allah spent Allah had forbidden
all nursing women on Lusardi Salah so eventually they had to find the mother who Saturdays
And I have one question. I heard that we should stay away from trees at night. So because they release carbon dioxide at night
I was wondering if it's okay to like watch horror movies or like going through haunted houses, especially with Halloween coming on. So why should you weaken your faith?