Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 292B Tafsir Al-Jinn 1-3
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Surah Turgeon supergene is a murky surah. And in the Surah basically a narrative of the jinn, their encounter with the Quran, their hearing the recitation of the Quran, their analysis of it, what they thought about the Quran, and then how they conveyed the message of the Quran to their people. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is informed about in the surah, he is instructed to call to tell people about this. So basically, it is as if we are being given a lesson through the jinn. That how when the jinn learned the Quran, when they heard the Quran, and how the Quran transformed them, how would change their thinking and made them so confident, and made
them so bold, and made them so steadfast upon the truth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam was instructed to tell people about the way of the jinn about how the jinn responded to the Quran, because in this is a great learning for all of us. Now, before we begin the Surah, the question is, who are jinn, we see that in every culture, in every religion in every people, no matter what part of the world you go to, there is some idea some concept of, you know, some creation or some existence, that is beyond our vision, whom we cannot see whom we cannot directly interact with, but they definitely exist, right. So, this is something that is common. And we have been taught that
there is a creation of Allah subhanaw taala that lives upon this birth, and that creation is hidden from us and that creation is called the jinn. So who are the jinn we see that the jinn are mentioned in the Quran? They are mentioned in the Sunnah. And this means that if we believe in the Quran and if we believe in the Sunnah, we must also believe in the existence of the jinn, because denying their existence would be denying a part of the Quran, it would be denying part of the Sunnah. And remember that jinn are jinn, some have set the jinn, you know just refers to bacteria, or something else that's hidden from us. It's there, it's latent, we don't know what it is, and they have
interpreted it in different ways. Gin, our gin and just because we cannot see them does not mean that they do not exist. We learned that even our spirit our rule our soul, it exists, doesn't it? But can we touch it? Can we trap it? No, we can't. Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, yes. Aluna carne roar Collaroy Herman Emery, Robbie Womack, ot to Minella ilmi Illa kalila. People ask you about the spirit tell them that this is by the command of my Lord and you have not been given of knowledge except very little. So, Jin, arginine, they exist. They are a creation of Allah. And if you look at the word, Jin, it's from the root letters Jeem new noon, Jana, which literally is used
for something that is hidden. Janeen is used for the fetus because it's there but it's hidden in the womb of the mother. So, gin is called gin. Why? Because they exist, but they are hidden from us. And since they are hidden from us, the only way we can learn about the reality of jinn is from where? From the Quran and Sunnah. Right? Because there's no way that we can see the jinn or we can touch them or trap them and things like that. So the only way we can learn about the reality of jinn is how, from the Quran and Sunnah.
The jinn are a creation of Allah and we learned in the Quran that they have been created from fire, even from the Sunnah we learned that the jinn have been created from fire. And why were they created? Why were the jinn created? What is the purpose of their existence? To worship Allah subhanaw taala? What's the proof of that?
Pseudo to that yet warmer HELOC to ginawa ins Illa. Leah who do I have not created the jinn and men except that they should worship Me. So the same idea that tells us about the purpose of our existence also tells us about the purpose of the existence of the jinn, which is to worship Allah. And if they are required to worship Allah. What does that mean? That they are intelligent beings
Intelligent beings who will be held accountable in the hereafter for what they have done, just as people will be held accountable on the day of judgment for what they have done, just as Allah subhanaw taala sent guidance to mankind. He also sent guidance to the jinn. In fact the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a messenger sent to who Allah Alameen wa sallahu wa ala Rahmatullah Allah mean and this includes the jinn also. And we see that in the Quran, jinn are also addressed, which means that the Quran is also for them. Can you think of an iron any place in the Quran where the jinn are directly addressed? Pardon? The martial Genie will ncns the tartan or assembly of gin
and men if you are able to do such and such then go ahead and try any other verse. Furby EY lf you will not be Kuma to catch the band, which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both deny and both refers to who men and jinn people engine. So the jinn are addressed in the Quran also. Now, it is said that a Gen gene Elif noon with a shudder on it that's mentioned in the Quran. That is a gold gene, the father of gene just as Adam or his son was a bull Vishal, the father of human beings. So the first gen was oh, Jen, all right. And a bliss is the father of the shayateen. He is the head of the shouting of the devil's, okay. And this shows to us that all gin are not shouting. All the jinn
are not devils,
who is a devil who is a demon an evil Jinn in the footsteps of a bliss in total CalFire 80 Allah subhanaw taala says effort a turkey donor who were the reata who, oh, Leah Amin, Dooney wahome, la kumara Do do you take him as an Iblees and his children meaning Shayateen who are His children? Do you take them as friends besides me while they are to you enemy? So Iblees is who the father of the child when
the jinn they see us while we do not see them. They see us they hear us while we do not see them, we do not hear them in total Arafa 27 Allah Subhana Allah says in the WHO Yurakucho Hua waka Villu min hazer lateral Nahum,
he and his Kaabil meaning his tribe they see you meaning the jinn they see you from where you do not see them, meaning they see you but you do not see them. And what is the proof that they hear people? What is it proof of that? Yes.
Okay, can you think of a verse of the Quran that tells us that the jinn heard a human being?
Yes, the first idea of the sutra and now who's dumb ah, nofollow mineral gin, the gin heard a group of the jinn heard the recitation of the Quran. Even in South Africa. We learned that right? Yes, the Emir own Al Quran, they were listening attentively to the Quran. And we also learned that just as people are of different kinds, different tribes, different groups, different nations, jinn are also likewise, they are of nations and tribes, different groups, as in total Allah, verse 27, Allah says in no Jaco waka below who his Pibil his tribe, which means that there are other tribes also, where did the jinn live?
Where do they live?
On this earth, right on this earth? And this is not something that we should find strange, because how many other creatures live on this earth? Many, isn't it so many different species, so many different kinds of Hulk live upon this earth, from the biggest ones to the smallest ones, isn't it? So the jinn also live upon the earth and if they live upon the earth, that means they eat, they drink, even have their animals, they have lives, they live, so on and so forth in total Bacala i o 38. Allah's Pontarlier says, Cool Now, Bill to minha Jamia, all of you get down from it, and all of you includes who this was an address to who Adam Hawa as well as Iblees. So this means that their
home would be this earth, and then an Irish and we learned that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he went to use the bathroom and he asked a ruler a little or no to bring him some rocks. Because of course, in a place like Arabia, where water was scarce, very limited. People would in order to clean themselves
If not always have water available to them. So they would use rocks or mud or things like that. And he told him that do not bring me bone. Do not bring me a bone or dunk meaning animal dung. So a Buddha, Allah one who he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, why not? Why not an old bone? Why not? And he said that they are food of the jinn bones, which people don't eat the leaves, they are food for who for the jinn. So the jinn live upon the earth, they also go up to the skies, right, they also go up to the skies, as we learned in the Quran that the jinn go up into the heavens in order to listen to the conversations of the angels. So they live up on the earth, but they also
travel, they go up to the skies.
And we see that in this surah, as well as in Surah, two or half where an account of the gin is mentioned, we learned that a group of the gin they heard the recitation of the Quran, and they were impressed by it. And they weren't just impressed by its sound or its words, but its content. And they believed in the Quran, which shows that the jinn are able to tell the truth from falsehood, they are able to tell between right and wrong, good and evil. And just like any other creation, they possess many abilities, but they also have their limitations because they are after all creation. They possess many abilities, they can travel fast, they can go up into the skies, fly whatever
different things they can do, right, but they also have their limitations. And of course, there are amongst them those who are righteous, those who believe in Allah, those who surrender to Him and those who are rebellious, and those who are rebellious, they also harm human beings, how in their body, in their mind and in their property. So the jinn can do that. They have that ability to harm a human being in his mind in his body, in his property. And this group of jinn is known as the shayateen. So, we have been taught different ways of protecting ourselves against the shayateen which inshallah we will look as we study the Surah In sha Allah Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim
say, oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, meaning tell people that all here ILA year, it was revealed to me, meaning I have been informed through revelation. I didn't hear myself I didn't see myself I didn't witness this myself. Rather Gibreel came and brought this way to me, informing me that I know who that indeed he is tomorrow. He listened attentively, who listened very attentively. Nephilim mean Elgin, a group of the jinn. What did they listen very attentively to
the Quran, as we can see from the last part of the ayah
for Kalu and when they heard the Quran they said in NASA Mira now indeed We have heard Anna Nadja, it Quran a recitation, that is our job, that is amazing.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is instructed in this idea to tell people that he has been informed through revelation that a group of jinn heard the recitation of the Quran.
And whatever they said, whatever their reaction was to that recitation, whatever their response was, that is mentioned in the following verses.
Now, what do we see here? First of all, let's look at some of the words in this IO is tomorrow. It's not just some er some era to hear, he heard. But it's tomorrow, he listened very attentively, very carefully, paying attention to every single word in every single sound, not just perceiving the sound, but also understanding it reflecting upon it. So it's tomorrow enough, I don't know fall from the root letters known foul all we have done this word earlier as well. And the word NEFA is used for a group of people that are numbered somewhere between three and 10.
So this group of gin were also somewhere between three and 10 in their number, and they heard the Quran so when they heard the Quran, what was their response? They went to their people, and they said in nurse Amira now will earn an
Java, we have heard an amazing recitation. We have heard an amazing Quran. Look at this word, our job ing Simba.
It is used for when a person wanders over something that he finds unique, something that he finds different. And our job is used in two ways. What kind of our job is to wander out of is their son out of amazement, meaning you like something, you're in awe of it, you cannot stop thinking about it because it really amazed you. So this is in a positive way to Marvel
and the other type of our job as in to wander out of in car out of denial, that no way this cannot be possible.
So when the Gene said in NASA, mira, now Quran and Arjuna about which kind of our job is this, the first one that we have heard an amazing, marvelous Quran that has left us wondering and thinking and that has left us incomplete, all this group of jinn. This was their first encounter with the Quran. And what is it that they said that this Quran is amazing? The sound of it, the words of it, the content, the meaning, the relevance, everything about this Quran is profound and amazing. In nurse Amira, now Quran Anna Jabba before we continue, when is it that this incident happened? When is it that the jinn heard the recitation of the Quran and they said in nurse Amir, now Quran and our Jabba
when we look at the sila, the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we see that the jinn heard the recitation of the Quran at many occasions, many occasions. But regarding this ayah there is a nourishment in Sahih Bukhari by even Abbas for the Allahu anhu, in which we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he set out with the intention of going to soup Roca, meaning he went out in order to go to a particular marketplace, along with some of his companions. And why would he do that, because large crowds of people would assemble over there. And he wanted to benefit from that opportunity and give Dawa call people to Islam. So around the same time, even our best set
that a barrier was put between the devils and the news of the heaven. We have learned this in the Quran that the shayateen they go up to the skies in order to hear the conversations of the angels. So at this time, what had happened was that there was a barrier, meaning they weren't able to go up. And if they did, what would happen, they would be pelted by flames. So they knew that something strange was going on fire would be thrown at them. So these child theme or the jinn they went to their people who asked them that what is wrong with you? Meaning Why aren't you bringing us news anymore? And they said, a barrier has been placed between us and the news of the heaven and fire has
been thrown at us. They said the thing which has put a barrier between you and the news of the heaven must be something which has happened recently. So go east and go west, meaning in the earth go everywhere. And see what is it that has put a barrier between you and the news of the heaven meaning what's going on on the earth. What is it that's happening? So those who went to words, the hammer came across the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at a place called Nakula. And this was on the way to Sook Ricard. So you see how the jinn are searching, they're on their way to a particular area. And what happened, the prophets of Allah who already was sent him at the same time is on his
way to the marketplace. All right. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam at that time, was offering the fajr prayer with his companions. So insalata Fajr, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was reciting the Quran loudly, so that we'll jump right. So the jinn heard the recitation, and they stopped and listened to it. And they said, By Allah, this is the thing which has put a barrier between us and the news of the heaven. So they went to their people. And they said, all our people in this Amir now put on an algebra. We have heard a wonderful recitation and the following verses that this Quran what does it do? It guides to that, which is the right course and we have
believed in it. And now we will never associate any partner with our Lord. So in other words, when they heard the recitation of
The Quran, they not only understood the message of the Quran, they believed in it, and they went to their people, and they conveyed it. They conveyed the message to their people also. So this is the particular incident about which these verses were revealed because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was unaware, he didn't know that a group of jinn were listening to him, and that they had believed, and that they had been doing Dawa. He didn't know. So the surah was revealed informing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam of what had happened, so call and he wasn't just informed, rather this was made a part of the Quran so that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite it to
the people. And this would be recited until the end of time. And people would learn from this. Now, incidentally, also something similar is mentioned. Right? What it's sawed off now la Cana from mineral gin. But remember that that was at a different occasion. That was when when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was returning from thought if, right? And remember that those Jinn who were they? It is said that they were a home kicked out, because they mentioned the book of Musa alayhis salam. So that was a different group of jinn. And this is a different group of gin. And we learned that when we look at the cielo, we see that there were at least six different occasions when
the gin either heard the Quran or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam met them and recited the Quran to them. And there is a particular incident which is known as Leila Turgeon the night of the jinn, meaning the night in which the Prophet sallallahu where he was alone. He taught the jinn he recited the Quran to them in order to teach them. There is an apparition in a Timothy, in which we learned that someone asked even miss ruderal do Allahu Anhu that did any one of you accompany the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the night of the jinn meeting did any of the companions go with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he went to teach the Quran to the jinn and
evilness? Rudra Dilawar and who said that none of us accompanied him. In fact, what happened is that one night while he was in Makkah, we couldn't find him anywhere. We couldn't find him anywhere. So the Sahaba they were looking for him. And they said, that we thought that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had been killed, or he had been kidnapped because we couldn't find him. So we spent the worst night of people could spend until the morning
and he said that when it was Fajr time, we saw him coming from the direction of Hera, a particular mountain. And he said that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, we told him, We who are you, we were looking for you, we were worried for you. And he said, someone from the jinn came to invite me. So I went to them to recite the Quran.
I went to teach them the Quran, any idea which part of the Quran the Prophet sallallahu Sallam recited at that occasion? salata, varman, because in another narration, we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that look at Cora to her or the genie Leila Telegin. I recited certain Rockman for the jinn on Leila Turgeon, I recited the surah to them. So from all of this, we see that there wasn't just one occasion where the jinn heard the recitation of the Quran, or there wasn't just one occasion where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, recited the Quran to them for them, in order to teach them there were many occasions. But what is mentioned over here is something
that happened very early, very early in the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu already who was on them, because remember that when the revelation began, it is then that the access for the jinn was prevented. They couldn't go up to the heavens. So they started their search immediately. And they came across the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they heard his recitation. And when they heard it, they said for Kalu Inessa Myrina for an NRI Jabba, we heard an amazing Quran, what was their review? You know, people hear things or they see things or they read things, they visit places and they write reviews, they share their reviews, what was the Djinns review off what they heard of
the Quran? They said yeah, the it guides Illa Rushdie to the right course. What we have heard this Quran, it guides to a rushed, what is a rushed right and sensible conduct. You see one is hedaya What is it higher guidance to the right path and rushed is when a person has obtained Hidayat meaning he is guided. He is upon guidance.
Not such that he just knows about what guidance is but that he has accepted it. He's made it a part of his life.
Exactly, he's internalized it.
So they said that the Quran guides to a verse, meaning that the Quran transforms a person, it changes a person and it guides to only that which is good and beneficial for people in this world and in the hereafter. Something that will rectify their worldly affairs, their religious affairs, every kind of affair, it will rectify it for them. This is what the Quran is, while a new Shreeka and they said, We will never associate Bishop Bina with our Lord ohada Anyone, we will not associate even one person, one being with our Lord, meeting we will not do schicke at all. We will worship only Allah
one encounter with the Quran and they understood what the Quran is and what the message of the Quran is. What is the Quran? It guides to what is best?
And what is the message of the Quran, though hate because they said London Shreeka be Rabina Shahada. We're never going to associate any partner with our Lord any one with our Lord. So they understood the content of the Quran. They understood the essence of Islam, and they didn't just understand it and accept it. They went to their people and conveyed it. What does this show? What kind of gin were they?
Okay if mirthless, sincere, seeking searching for the truth. What else? Were they intelligent? Yes, they were
in the previous Surah Surah knew we learned about how Prophet no la salaam called his people to the truth for how long how many years? 950 years? How did he call them? How did he invite them? What did he say? That in the TAO to call me Leyland? Wanna holla by night and by day. But every time he went to them, they put their fingers in their ears, they covered themselves up. So what did new highlight Salam? Do he in the thou tune? G Hara key called out to them loudly? Privately and openly? Isn't it? But what happened? Did they believe? No, even though the messenger was right in front of them? No, they didn't. Here we see the jinn one encounter, and they didn't even speak to the Prophet
sallallahu wasallam over here. They just came silently heard the Quran and went away. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had no idea. He didn't know. So this shows to us the intelligence of the jinn
what under who? And that indeed, from this ayah onwards, you will see that every aisle begins with what Anna and this is because the gin are telling this to their people. So the first thing they told their people is that we heard an amazing recitation. And this recitation it guides to the right guidance, and From this day onwards, we're never doing any schicke we're never associating any partner with Allah. And the Quran also teaches so under who and it and indeed it meaning and the Quran also teaches that da Allah do Robina the Allah is Exalted to Allah from Lulu, we say Allahu taala, meaning Allah He is exalted.
Subhana who, what Allah so to Allah is a verb, all right? So the Allah is Exalted, what is exalted what is high, the Judd, of Robina, that Judd of Our Lord is the Allah. What is Jed? Jed? Jean dal dal, glory, nobility, majesty, greatness, sovereignty, power. Basically the word Judd is from Jean dal dal. Actually the word Judd the origin that is used for who grandparents. Right? Why? Because of their position in the family, right? What's their position? They are boss. That's it, whatever the grandparents say. Plus, it's done. So Jed is a noun and it's used for sovereignty, majesty, greatness. So what I'm no dollar jug do Rabina what we have learned from the Quran, is that the
glory of our Lord is indeed exalted. It's very high.
meaning that our Lord is the highest of the high, there is no one above him, no one similar to him, no one even close to him. He so grant that no one even reaches close to him in their ability or power, nowhere even near him. The Isla de Rabina no matter how high or great someone is, our Lord Allah is even higher, even greater.
What did they learn from the Quran? And as we learn this, as we discuss this, let's analyze ourselves, we are on the 29th just let's ask ourselves, what have I learned from the Quran? The Jinn learned from the Quran, that Allah is great, very great, always great, greater than everybody and anybody in every way. There Elijah Rabina. Mata hada, he has not taken Sahiba turn a companion, a female companion, and the word Sahiba is used specifically for a wife. Our Lord has not taken a wife, Walla Walla, the nor any child, because who is it that needs a wife? Who the one who's incomplete without a wife, isn't it? You know, like people will say, it's about time you get
married, why? You're lonely. You need a companion. Right? You need a partner, you need to start a family. You're getting older, day by day, year after year. So who needs a spouse, a partner, a child, the one who is incomplete, the one who is dependent?
Allah, our Lord, the Allah do Rabina he is independent of everyone.
So much so that he does not even need a spouse or a child. MCDA Hadassah, Hubbardton Walla Walla,
now the gym specifically negated his spouse and child from Allah. And the reason behind that we learned so soft fat I have 158 that emotionally keen in their false beliefs about Allah subhanaw taala and about the creation of Allah what they did is that they established a link between Allah and the jinn, just as they did with the angels. So we learn intro to Salford 158 that were Jarrah lubaina, who were banal Jin naughty NASA, that they have made a NASA a relationship between Allah and the jinn. And what is that?
That they said that Jin is the Sahaba and melodica are the Banat?
Muttahida Sahiba and Walla Walla. What a lie this is. The Jinn say our Lord is exalted. He doesn't need a spouse. He doesn't need a child. He's independent of everyone.