Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P28 280B Tafsir Al-Mumtahinah 1-3
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Silvertone monta Hina
monta Hina or monta Hannah. Both are correct pronunciations of this word. monta Hina is one that puts to test one that examines and mum, the Hannah, she who is examined or she who is put to test, the woman who is tested. So the surah is called monta. Hina and Wanda Hannah, why, because monta Hina one that tests meaning in the sutra or verses are commands for submissions that really test our faith, our commitment to Islam, that really test our the luck call on Allah subhanho wa Taala reliance, ultimate reliance upon him. And then the surah is also called monta Hannah, the woman who is tested because in this surah is the mention of women who are to be tested regarding their faith,
meaning they are to be checked as in Are they really, truly believers, or are they not?
Now, this surah is a Madani surah and it was revealed after soul who they via remember sooner they be the Treaty of Pavia the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was going to Makkah in order to perform the pilgrimage, but he was prevented, and instead of the Muslims going for pilgrimage, what happened, a treaty was made with the Moroccans. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Muslims, they returned to Medina and the following year, according to the treaty, they returned in order to perform the pilgrimage.
And this surah was also revealed regarding the context of the conquest of Makkah. Because remember that soul who they via basically sole means peace, right? It was a peace treaty. It was an agreement that there would be no war, no battle between the Muslims of Medina and the majestic enough, Makkah and remember that it was the machine who had violated the treaty. And it was the violation of the treaty that led the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to Makkah in order to conquer it. Right. So the Sunnah was revealed regarding that context. So let's look at the surah Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim. Yeah, are you Hala? Dina Irma? No, all you who have believed? Lotta Taheebo do not take up do
not make eye do we? My enemy? What are the walk home and your enemy do not take my enemy meaning the enemy of Allah and your enemy, meaning the enemy of the Muslims do not take such people as only
as close protecting friends. Olia is the plural of wali and who is Wali? While he is not just someone whom you are cool with or you're aware of them or they're aware of you you're acquainted with one another, no one he is someone who grants protection, someone who will come and defend you.
So, when they will defend you, what does it mean? You will defend them? They will share their private matters with you. Like for example, their financial affairs, their financial situation, right and you will do the same. This has Wali.
So do not take my enemy and your enemy as close protecting friends, meaning do not make them your allies seeking their protection. Do not do that. Why? Because who are they? They're your enemies? And who would seek protection from their enemy?
Think about it logically. Does it make sense to seek protection from your enemy? I mean, someone who doesn't even care about your life, someone who does not respect your well being or your property or anything your rights, would you seek protection from them? No, this would be foolish. So the Muslims are being reminded over here, that lad that the Hindu or the we were welcome earlier.
Who is the enemy of Allah? The enemy of Allah is the person who shows animosity, enmity to Allah, to His Messenger, and to his Deen meaning someone who doesn't just reject Allah or his deen or His Messenger, but he openly opposes the religion of Allah.
Are the welcome your enemy who is your enemy? The one who is an enemy to Allah. And this is true. Someone who shows animosity to your faith has shown animosity to you.
Someone who hates you because
As if your religion or someone who hates your religion has shown hate to you. And isn't this true? I mean, how often does it happen that people will attack even or they will harm or threaten complete strangers? Why? Because that stranger bothered them, no simply because they are showing by their attire or by their skin color that they belong to a certain group of people or ethnicity or religious group isn't itself. So, let that die do I do we want to walk home earlier do not take such people as your protectors do ona you extend to guna from lamb Coffea ill is to throw to fling and what it means is that you offer you extend, he lay him towards them. Bill mawatha With love, you
extend towards them love, meaning lovingly, you offer them help. You want good for them, you care about them, these people who hate you, you care about them. And so you extend a helping hand to them. Or to guna la him Bill mawatha Bill mawatha can also be understood as because of mawatha because of love, what kind of love love for your family. Because even though they may be your enemies in terms of religion, these people might be related to you. And because of that reason, you offer them a helping hand. Where as these people are who walk out the CAFO while they have rejected they have disbelieved. Be magia a criminal heck they have disbelieved in that which has come to you
of the truth. What is it that has come to you have the truth, the Quran,
your religion, so they reject it openly. And not just that, that they have rejected it, but they have also shown hostility, how that you could read you know, Rasul Allah a year come, they expelled the messenger and also you. They expelled you from Makkah, they expelled the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Makkah. Why, what was the reason? And to me, no Billa he'll have become that you believe in Allah Who is your Lord? This is the crime according to them because of which they expelled you and the messenger from Makkah
and took me no biller here have become so Allah says that In Kuntum karate Tom, if you have gone out Jihad done in order to strive FISA Beeley in my path in my way, Weber de la Mota Lottie and in order to seek My pleasure medulla T. Medulla, you may have heard of this word, it's from Ridhwan. Earlier, he was pleased Rila to be pleased, medulla pleasure. So you have gone out striving in my way, and in order to seek My pleasure, what's the response of the statement, the response is not given here, but it's understood, that if you have truly gone out in my way, seeking my ultimate pleasure, then do not take these people as your protectors do not do that.
Do not expect help from them, rather expect help from who, from Allah to see Runa la him to see Runa you confide you keep secret, Elaine him to them, Bill mawatha out of love, meaning you can fight to them affection, you secretly harbor affection for them in your hearts or you secretly inform them. You secretly cooperate with them, help them out of love for them, what an honor alarm will be my fatum warmer Arlen Tom, whereas I know of that which you have hidden and that which you have announced whatever it is that you keep secret and whatever it is that you do openly, I know about it, how could you think that you could hide from Allah wa Mejia for whom income and whoever does
that among you? Does What
does what extend help to your enemy? Even if you do it secretly out of love? You're extending this help to them Whoever does this fucka do Ebola Sawa Seville, then certainly such a person has strayed from the soundness of the way. So what a Seville correctness of the way meaning he has gone astray. Now there is a background to the SUTA to this verse in particular All right, and what is that that remember that after the sun her debut the saw her they be it? It stipulated that the Muslims could make alliances with any tribe and the machine could all
So make alliances with any tribe. So what happened is that there was a tribe who's our who's our tribe, they alliance with the Muslims. All right. And who's our, the tribal? Who's our, for the past 100 years, they had been at war with the tribe of blue bucket. All right. So of course, their enemies blue bucket, they alliance with who? Who do you think the most chicane of Makkah. So who's our alliance with the Muslims and the bundle bhaker. alliance with the Mushrikeen. Remember that blue bucket work pagan. And Hosea, there were many people amongst them who had embraced Islam. And even if they had not embraced Islam, they were in favor of the Muslims. How and why we see that when
the Muslims had come in order to perform arugula, and they had been prevented, there was a man who stepped forward, right? Who initiated the conversation, so that there would be no battle. And he was from the tribe of Husar. All right. Now you can imagine, after the Treaty, that meant that blue bucket and hazhar could not fight.
Correct, because soldiers meant peace, no war. Now, two years went by. And you can imagine of people who had been at war for 100 years, two years of self control can be very difficult, right. And on top of that, remember that many of these tribes how they would make money is that they would raid one another. All right, they would raid one another, they would just go and steal each other's property. So by no backer, they had an idea. They said, we can't exactly fight. But what we will do is that at night, we will attack the Husa. And you know what, we're not going to kill anybody. We're just going to take their property. That was the plan.
So that they were not really, you know, going against the treaty, and at the same time, they would come back with a lot of money. But the plan God botched, what happened is that in the night, when they attacked, someone screamed out really loud. And the whole Zara they actually took up their arms, their weapons in order to defend themselves. Now, bundle Bucher expected the hazhar to be sleeping, right. But when somebody screamed and made so much noise, what happened? Everybody came out with their weapons. And so what was supposed to be just stealing turned out into a battle. And so over 20 people were killed 20 People of hazhar got killed. Many Amongst them were women and
And what happened is that now the blue bucket now that they realized that they basically had to fight the Hosea, they were fighting the hazhar. They just started attacking whoever they could find. And it is said that some of the people of Hosea they actually because they lived close to Mecca, right outside Mecca, they actually ran into Makkah in the Harlem in order to be in the sacred place so that their lives would be safe. But the blue bucket did not even respect that. It is that that one of the people from Cozaar as he ran into the huddle, a man from bonobo chased him. So the man from poza reminded him that look, I am in the Harlem and he completely disregarded that ignored that
and killed him in the Haram. Now, this was a major violation of the treaty. So what happened to hazhar they went to their allies, the Muslims in Medina, in order to seek help. So it is said that about 14 men, they made their way to Medina, and they went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they asked him for help. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam assured them that the Muslims would help them. And in order to do that, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent word to Mecca, Abu Sufian, remember that now, Abu Sufian was the main leader.
So he sent word to him, and he said that you have to pay the blood money, right? And basically, take care of all of the damages and cut your ties with the blue buckle because they have violated the treaty. So you have to do two things. You have to cut your ties with a blue bucket, and you have to pay for the blood money to the Husar. And if you do not do that, then consider the Treaty of her labia terminated. Now this was a big deal, because if the Mushrikeen cut off their ties with blue bucket, then what would happen they would have no allies. You understand because Bernal Bucher were one of the largest Bagan tribes. All right. So if they would cut off their ties with Bonnaroo Bukka.
That would mean they would have no allies. And secondly, that blood money was a huge sum. So it was often refused. And he decided that you know what, I'm going to go to Medina. And I'm going to talk to the prophets Allah Allah for use and I'm going to negotiate with him. So he went to Medina, and he went and he met the Prophet sallallahu
Do Salam and he spoke to him? And you know what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in response, nothing,
nothing. So it was a few and tried many times to get something out of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not respond to him. So he went to Abu Bakr, and he went to Roma. And the same thing happened. He went to earlier Abdullah Horan, who, most of you and asked him that you advise me, so are you not alone? And who said that? How about you go into the masjid? And you ask people, that somebody should grant you protection? Because if one of the Muslims grants you protection, that means that none of the Muslims can wage war against you.
All right. So I was a fan like that idea. So he went to the masjid. And he said, Who would grant me protection of this is Abu Sufian Qureshi, big guy, big leader, rich man. He's asking the Muslims, can anyone protect me?
And who protected him? Nobody.
So although Sofiane got really scared, and he went back to Makkah, empty handed, and he knew that something bad was going to happen now.
So what happened? After a couple of weeks, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told us a harbor get ready for an expedition. What expedition? Where are we going? You're not going to be told of a bucket alone who even did not know he went or I should although on her and he asked her. Do you know what the plan is? And she said, Not a clue. No idea. So basically, the Muslims were getting ready for some expedition, and they had no idea what it was going to be. And then as they're getting ready, the day before the departure, one day before the departure, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam informed them, we are going to look up. Now, why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam? You know he kept this such a secret? What was the reason? Because he didn't want the news to reach Makkah. Because if the news would reach Makkah, what do you think the people of Makkah would do? They would pick up their weapons, right? The bonobo would come, and then it would be a full out battle. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not want that this was holy land. This is sacred place. You're not supposed to fight there. So one day before the departure, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the Muslims now what happened? There was a Sahabi named how they even have Ebola. All right, now how the little de la Horan, who he was from Mecca, so he wasn't
And how Pablo de la one who was not a Qureshi. In fact, he was of you could say, second class citizens because his family was previously slaves from Yemen. They were previously slaves, all right, who had come from Yemen. And then they had been set free or they had bought their freedom. They were settled in Makkah. But basically, they didn't really have any status. Now health of the long run, who was a little worried for his family, he thought that if there is a battle, right, then his family would be in danger. Because they didn't really have any protection from a big tribe. So he thought, how about I do the machete cane a favor, so that they all something to me. And as a
result, I would demand that they protect my family in Makkah.
And he decided to inform the mushy king of Morocco, about the intention of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now you can see when is this happening the day before the departure? So he hired a woman. She was also a freed woman, so not really someone of great status that if she's traveling, people would wonder where's she going? Just an ordinary woman he hired her, gave her a letter, all right, to deliver to the college. And that letter basically had in it the plans of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how pivotal de la Martin who gave the woman the letter, and she hid it in her hair. I don't know how she did that. But somehow, she managed to conceal it in her hair. All
right, and she made her way to Makkah, as she's going to Makkah. Gibreel came in and formed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who sent a little de la Mora and who to go find a woman. And he did. And he brought her back to Medina.
Now that woman had no idea what the contents of the letter were. She didn't have a clue. She was just smuggling something into Makkah. That's it.
So when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam asked her, she didn't have a clue. So she was set free, but the letter was confiscated. And how liberal the Allahu Anhu was brought.
And when he was brought, or modal de la hora and who he requested that he be granted the honor to assassinate how to build a lower no for he had betrayed the Muslims.
But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, let's hear him and how to build the long run who was asked that Why did you do this? And he said, I have not left my Islam, nor have I intended to cheat you or betray you, nor do I have any hypocrisy
See in my heart, I knew that Allah who would grant us victory.
Because it's not possible that the Messenger of Allah is going somewhere and Allah will not grant him victory. Basically, what he's saying is that no matter what I would do, the Muslims would win at the end. Right? This is something that was definite. I just wanted to do something to protect my family. This is the only reason why I did this favor. I wanted to do this favor to them which again, so that they would protect my family. That's it.
As far as my Islam, my Eman is concerned, and there is no doubt I'm not leaving Islam, I have no intention to do that at all. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that he has spoken the truth, he has spoken the truth. And remember that how to build the long war and who was from the people who had participated in Buddha. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam reminded the people that Allah has said regarding the participants of other that do what you wish for I have forgiven you, I have forgiven you. So how pivotal de la Marne, who was let go,
and this surah was revealed concerning this matter, especially these verses, that all you who have believed, do not take my enemy and your enemy, as protectors, what are you doing?
It doesn't make sense, someone who has shown clear animosity to you for all these years, why are you seeking their protection?
You are doing this out of love for them, or love for your family. Whereas the fact is that these people have openly rejected your faith. And they have expelled you and the messenger from your hometown. Why? Because they simply do not like your iman. That's the reason. So if you have gone out in my way, seeking my pleasure, then who should you be expecting help and protection from me or my enemy? From Allah? You understand? If you're going out in the way of Allah, who is it that you should be expecting help and protection from your enemy? No, Allah.
You could hide in your heart love for them affection for these people. But remember that Allah knows what you conceal, and what you expose, and whoever does this among you, then he has gone astray. So in other words, never ever repeat this. Do not do this. In your coffee will come in if yes, coffee will come. They gain dominance over you, meaning the Mushrikeen if they ever get the upper hand over you, the food from sell coffee sucks is to meet with and get hold of someone be victorious over them. If your enemy meaning if the machine ever get the upper hand over you. What do you think they will do? They will be friendly with you? No way. You're cool No luck on Arda, they would be to you
enemies plural of the word or though they would remain your enemies. They would show enmity to you. Way up pseudo Eli calm. And they would Yep. So to extend Eli come to you idea whom their hands were elsina. To whom and also their tongues? Yep, Sue from Busselton basata is to expand something right? Low busulfan Allah who risk if Allah expanded the provision. And over here yep, sudo la con, they will expand towards your meaning extend towards you their hands and their tongues with work with evil Bisou. Meaning
if these were shrieking, ever get the upper hand over you, they would spare you no harm. They would use their tongues and their hands to injure you.
They would use words to hurt you. And they will use all their might and power to harm you will What do low tech fortune and they love. They just want so badly that if only you would disbelieve meaning they want you to leave your religion. That is their ultimate goal. So in other words, the Muslims are being taught over here that don't be so naive concerning your enemy. They're your enemy. They have always shown animosity to you. And they will continue to do so no matter what favor. You show them. I mean, look what happened over here. A treaty was made and think about how much the Muslims compromised in this treaty. Isn't it? Remember the terms of the treaty? How upset are modelled along
on who was that? Why do we have to agree to this? This does not help us. It harms us. But the Muslims compromised. Right? And then who is it that violated the treaty? It was the machine themselves. So the Muslims are being reminded that what do you think will happen next time? If ever these people get some power over you
Whoo they're gonna show enmity to you inside out because their hearts are full of hatred for you well what do you know duck falloon lengthen Farrakhan it shall never benefit you. What will never benefit you? Or how Macomb wala hola do calm neither your Erhan nor your alert or ham florala Rahim what is Rahim womb. And what it refers to is blood relations. Oh lad florala Wellard children, your blood relations and your children, they will not help you.
Meaning you extended this helping hand to them which seeking why? Because of who? To protect to to protect your children. You made such a huge compromise for whose sake for the sake of your family. But this family, are they going to help you know they're not going to help you. Yo Pia Murthy on the Day of Judgment, UFC lubaina Calm Allah who will judge between you or separate between you, meaning you people will be separated on the day of judgment. And this is true. So many times we are taught in the Quran that on the Day of Judgment, a person's family will not come to his aid.
Yo May a federal model, mean he will owe me he will be in Surah Mortmain on i 101 Allah says for either nothing of his Saudi Fela and saba binome when the Trumpet will be blown, that there will be no relationships. Meaning all those relationships worldly relationships will be terminated. People will avoid each other they will run away from each other a father will not come to shelter his daughter, a mother will not come to defend her son. No, this is not going to happen. Yo multi Emma TFC lubaina Calm. Wala Hu B meth R MeLuna bus lead and Allah is of whatever you do, all seeing.
So what do we learn in these verses? How do they even be well thought of the Allahu Anhu. He did what he did with iman. Meaning he didn't lose his Iman. Right? He didn't mean to cheat or betray the Muslims. He did what he did, knowing that Allah will grant victory to His messenger. Correct.
But whatever he did, was not correct. Even if the intention was good, it was not correct. Why was it not correct? Because the problems over here were many. Firstly, we see the problem in the fact that he was seeking protection from the enemy.
seeking protection from the enemy. What does that mean?
That I don't have any protection? Right? So it's as if you know, when a person is reaching out to his enemy for help, it's as if he's thinking that his Lord is not going to help him. So this is a problem. Why would you reach out to such people knowing that they hate you and your religion and your Lord and everything about you? Don't you have Allah to protect you? Don't you have Allah to protect your family?
So firstly, we see over here, that this is a test of our commitment to Allah subhanaw taala our reliance upon Allah subhanaw taala. And yes, there are many times when we are put in similar tests also, where we may have to compromise or we may be asked, or we may think that if we do make a compromise, in terms of our religion, other people will favor us. But are they going to favor us? No, they're not going to favor us. Just the other day a friend was telling me about one of their acquaintances, and he was working in a big company, and their boss, basically they said that, you know, you got to get rid of your beard.
Okay. And he said, Okay, you know, he thought about it for some time. And he cut it a little short. And then, you know, now beards are fashionable, so no problem, right? But just a little while ago, they were not fashionable. All right. So and in the corporate world, especially in certain places, it was not fashionable at all you see, here, you know, everybody can do whatever they want. But in certain countries, you know, it's like, if you have a beard, then you're a very religious person. All right, and you may be very ignorant also. So, in order to fit in, what did he do in order to maintain and secure his job? He said, Okay, fine, I'll just, you know, reduce it, I'll cut it
shorter, shorter, shorter, shorter, until eventually the entire beard was gone. And what happened is that he stopped going to the masjid he stopped socializing with people because there will be too many questions or too many stairs and he felt uncomfortable. And then what happened after a couple of months, he got fired. He lost his job even because the boss thought that it was the religiosity of this person, the outward religiosity of the person, right, which had to go away. What the problem is that this man perhaps was racist after all,
Right, or he just had a problem with Asians or people of that culture or that religion that he just didn't want anybody like that in his company. So many times, we are also put in a position where we may be asked openly or in a very subtle way to make certain compromises in our religion.
But if we do make those compromises, then is that okay? No, it's not okay. Because whose help are we seeking here? Who are we trying to please over here? And who are we forgetting over here? Have you forgotten that Allah is your Lord?
Why are you running after these people? So your Lord has Allah trust in Him and expect good from him. And another very important lesson we learned from these verses from this incident is the fact that even good people can make very bad decisions. Because they're human.
They're human. hardly even a be built up. Radi Allahu Anhu was a burglary companion. Imagine he had done Hyjal left his family back in Makkah. He had participated in so many battles.
And when he sent that letter, he knew that Allah who would grant victory to the Muslims, but this was a bad decision. Well, because he was human. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did he forgive how to build the long war? I knew? Yes, he did. And he said that no one should say anything bad about him. He prohibited the muscles from even talking about him in a bad way. So we should also have a big heart that if somebody has made a mistake, or we think that they have made a very bad decision, or very seriously wrong decision, then how should we be towards them? Should we cast them out completely cut them off completely? Or have a big heart and accommodate them somewhere in our
heart? Even good people can make bad decisions So learn to overlook
it is Allah subhanaw taala who will judge we are not the ones to judge let's listen to the recitation of these verses and then we'll continue
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Anything you'd like to say?
As long as you know when you mentioned that Even good people can make bad decisions. I've heard many children say that. My parents made such a bad decision. And I hate them so much. So I was just like, why are you saying that towards your parents? You know, they're your parents after all, but like, you know, after all, we are all humans, right? Yes, sometimes people do make bad decisions. And we all make that decision. Nobody's perfect in life, but to say those kinds of things about your parents or somebody so immediate. It's so sad nowadays. People say that so easily.
The thing is that when it comes to our parents or certain people in our communities in our societies, we hold them at such a high standard, that we forget that they're human. I remember the first time I heard the story. I was like, wow, why was he forgiven? Because things are either supposed to be black or white. Right? It's either you're perfectly right and if you make a slight mistake, even that's it, you're doomed. There is no repentance for you. Right there is no going back but you
This is amazing, something that we must remember in our religion that people are in life that people are people. They're weak. And yes, they will make mistakes. And sometimes they will make really bad decisions. And you wonder, why did they do this? Well, they did it because they are human. When we hear that, so and so did this, or so and so did that or so and so's having, you know, some issues in their family, or that person had issues in their family, we think, Oh, they're not really a good role model for us. Well, they are human.
And this is something we need to remember.
In the beginning, I was wondering like, why the SUTA is called monta henna, the examiner or the one who examines and this story is a huge reflection of that because even in pseudo Majah Dida, we learned that you could come to the Prophet, so send them with your complaints and seeking protection or seeking help for something but it's only Allah Subhana Allah that can help you at the end of the day.
And you see what happened, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, when he went into Makkah, he conquered it immediately. There was no battle, nothing people were safe, there was general protection given that whoever would go into the Haram would be protected, whoever would go into the house of Oblivion would be protected, you're not protected, because you belong to a certain tribe, where you have alliances with some people, you will be protected, if you go to the huddle, so that protection was given by Allah. So this is something we also need to remember that when we are in Allah's way, then who is it that we should seek protection from with it is Allah? Whose help should
we expect Allah's help?
Salam Alikum I like how Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he said do not talk about him, I remember has an adversity also on so I read about him and he was saying, I meet people, they used to have a YouTube fault. And they be quite other people say Yo, Allah cover their job. And I meet people they used to not have a job they start talking about other we will use Allah expose their fault.
Again, this is also something we need to remember that when we learn about the faults of others, or the problems or the bad decisions that people have made, let's not talk about it. Remember that, you know, the controversy that happened between the Companions, there was basically battles that were fought later on, because of some differences. And later scholar was asked about it. And he said that, you know, this was it trial, that Allah subhanaw taala protected us from in the sense that we didn't have to be there to choose between this group of Sahaba, or that group of Sahaba, Allah protected us from participating in it. So let us now protect our tongues from delving into it.
Because if we will talk about it, then again, we will commit some kind of mistake, we will commit some kind of sin, so let's protect our tongues.
Like sometimes we will compromise our life for the work of Allah subhanaw taala. We said, Oh, because of this work, I will get it. It's not always we will get what if we left the way of Allah Subhana Allah, we all remember the story of Jewish, the big company, which is the interviewing a lot of the people, and it's very hard to get the job. But finally, they interview one of the Muslim men. And when they asked him the question, they said, Okay, I heard you guys Muslim, you have to go for Jamaica. Prayer, you have to pray five times, how are you going to do it during my work, which is I don't want any interruption. They said, they said do I will think about when I go home, I will pray
or do something, all the stuff. But after at the end of interview, when all the results that came the person did not got the jobs. The reason why they said if you're not honest for your God, how you're going to honest for me, so that the only reason did not get the job because they said okay, I will be do something for free in order to get the job. So sometimes, it's not gonna be coming.
Very true, that often when we make compromises, in hopes of getting what we want, it's not necessarily that we'll get what we want, right, and the story that was shared about that, you know, this company in which people applied for certain jobs, and, you know, every time a Muslim was interviewed, they would be asked about their prayers. And that Muslim would say, You know what, it's okay. Don't worry about my prayers, meaning, I'm not really a person who prays regularly and he would never get that job. Why? Because the boss would say that if you're not loyal to your God, how are you going to be loyal to me?
If you're not faithful and committed to your religion, how can I expect that you will be faithful and committed to me? So I'm gonna go, I was thinking, you know how they caught the lady and they had clear proof of how to not being right and they could have just dealt with him right there and then, but it's so proud of him. I was said I want to listen to his story. So sometimes it happens that things are very clearly wrong. And we go and we judge people or situations, but it's better to think about it before we make
Make any quick decisions, from what of the lower end who asked for the permission, right? In order to execute how to lower the lower and who right there and then but the Prophet salallahu Salam did not let him make that hasty decision. Right? And he said, let's find out. And there's always more to the story, you know, something that is clearly wrong, sending a letter to the enemy, informing them of the plans of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. I mean, is there anything right about this?
Is there anything right about this? Nothing right about this. It's 100% Wrong. But still, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked Hospital de la Mourinho to give an explanation
to tell him about why he would do such a thing. And this is also our responsibility that when we see somebody doing something clearly wrong, and we dislike them for it, or we dislike their choices for it. Before we do anything, let's find out. And you see how to blow his explanation. I mean, from his perspective, he made a good decision. He knew that the Muslims would not suffer, Allah will rent victory, right? And he just wanted to do a favor to the machine so that they would pay him back for the favor by protecting his family.