Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P27 273D Tafsir Al-Rahman 26-38
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AI: Transcript ©
Why do you think this verse is repeated over and over again? The same is true for be a yeller? You're a big comer to Kanban. What's the reason behind repetition?
What do you think?
Pardon? Okay, emphasis of what?
Okay? It's a reminder of gratitude, that after every blessing we are reminded, which blessings Will you deny, as in? Won't you be grateful? So the purpose of the repetition is to firstly make us recognize every single one of these blessings. Because very often, we are surrounded by blessings, but we don't see them. We don't recognize them. And if we cannot recognize them, then how can we be grateful?
So we are made to recognize the blessings over here. As Allah says, in Surah, najem, I 55. For be a yeller, you're a beggar. That Amara, which Blessings of your Lord will you doubt, you have doubt? Look around, look at this one to be grateful for this one to be grateful for that. Another reason is that when we are being told again and again, which Blessings of your Lord will you deny, what's the message, be grateful? The purpose of saying this is to tell us that we should be grateful.
And in total, Aarav is 69. Allah says, furred Kuru Allah Allah He, la la Kang to flee Hoon, remember the hola of Allah in order that you may be successful? So we are being taught gratitude over here. And we might feel that oh, the idea of repeating a verse again and again, what's the point of it, this is also a style All right of speech of eloquence. In some situations, eloquence means brevity being very brief.
And in other situations, eloquence means repetition.
Okay, the question is, how can we be grateful for all of these things? You tell me?
Okay, by taking care of the blessings that you've been given? Yes.
Okay, how can you be grateful for the blessing of fruits that you eat? Or the sun that you see or the time that you have? Fun?
Yes. I mean, if you think about it, in this surah, we're being made to recognize the blessings, look at this, and look at this and realize this and realize that recognition itself is a form of gratitude. Because whereas recognition, this realisation of blessings were in the heart, and sugar is also with the call. So seeing, recognizing, appreciating, this is part of gratitude, too. And we must do that. Sometimes we become so busy in our lives. You know, one thing after the other that we overlook, we don't take the time to feel grateful. We don't. And we need to do that. Yesterday, some of you may have noticed that I disappeared after class. The reason was that I had a final exam at
two o'clock. All right. Now, how often is it that you have an exam on a Saturday, and I couldn't change it because I'm not Jewish. On Hamdulillah, any one of the only reason if you could change your exam day was if you had a religious reason, I didn't have a religious reason. I didn't have work at that time. I couldn't come up with any reason I couldn't move it.
It was a two o'clock. And you can imagine my state since the past week, how am I going to do it, because after all, it's sort of calmer. And it's not an hour long class, it's to two hours plus, and then I had to go all the way over to the exam center. It was gonna take me time, and then I had to review and I had to study and you can imagine and I'm taking these exams after 10 years away from school, you know, you have to relearn many of those things. So, you can imagine my state and Alhamdulillah when I was sitting in the exam, you know, I just took a moment. And I was thinking about how perfect it was that I had for an class before my exam, and a class in which we were doing
sudut comma Welaka DSRL Khurana li Vickery for Hilmi Muda. Que Quran is easy. Don't stress out. Honestly, if I didn't have the class, I don't know how I would be.
Seriously, I think I would be having serious stress problems. All right. This is also a blessing of Allah. We don't see Allah's blessings that how when things are apparently extremely difficult in that is also a block
asking when things are beyond your control in that is also a blessing. It's a blessing.
So take time to appreciate, why is it that we are taught of God in the morning and God in the evening of the spear and hand in the morning and in the evening? Why?
So that we can feel grateful take time.
there's always blessed there's also a blessing and hardships that we don't realize. I was listening to an example recently, in 97, during the Hajj season, there was a like a very dangerous like a fire that had broken out in the camps. Someone I knew was actually there for Hajj that year. And they got really sick while they were in the home. So they got delayed in their journey to the cap and the tent. And I remember them telling me that oh, we paid for it. And we were so stressed how we weren't getting a campsite. And you know how it was very unfair that even though we'd paid for it, we were losing out on it. And so they're very frustrated, but they had to camp like higher up on the hill
and a family was willing to share for them. And they were telling me how that same night they looked over the camp to see the fire in the places that they would have originally gotten the campsite and but because they were delayed because of it they weren't, you know, they were saved from exactly. You see, gratitude can only come if we realize that our Lord is a rocket man. Meaning he is always merciful in everything he does everything he decides everything he commands. So there is nothing happens in my life, except that it is from Allah's mercy. It is from Allah's mercy. So then there is no need to stress out. No need to freak out because I am enveloped by Allah's Rama. My Rob is a rock
man. And it's the name of Allah of rock man that gives us hope that in no situation, should we ever feel that there is no reason to continue or it's just too difficult. It's all over.
No, man, this is something that should bring the sugar
slog up just to answer the sisters question about how can we be grateful I just want to share something quickly. Before when I used to work University and work was my life. It was from home university that home to bus to my office and back to Boston, everything was just
Yeah, and then weekend and all that. So it was back and forth. It didn't give me any second to even thing. And then as soon as I got married, my office moved, I moved. So I stopped. I've quit working because the commute was too long. And just when I quit working, it was the winter winter followed by summer and summer I was like, Wow, this world is so green. It's kind of odd. And then I realized this is because I used to work and I was so busy. Even on the subways, I would read Quran but I wouldn't reflect you know, it's because I didn't give myself the minute to even think outside of where my circle outside of what I was in outside of my work outside of my life. I didn't even look
at the sky, I would just look at the sky and be like, Okay, tomorrow have a presentation to make and this and that. But, you know, after marriage after when I had, ultimately nothing to do, I would then look at the trees. And I was like, Oh my God, this leaf is so big. And I'm not saying that, you know, you only need that time. I'm just saying. I'm just giving you my example so that you all can think about that. Yes, we are busy life goes on. But we shouldn't forget about reflecting and we should actually look at each and everything and really think that this is a truly blessing of Allah subhanaw taala. Yes, make time to feel and recognize and appreciate Allah's blessings. Slowly.
Recently, there was a fire in an Emirates Airways flight that landed in Dubai. And to all the 282 people on board. I don't know the exact number they all were saved. And one man he missed his flight only because his wife started to be very sick on the flight. And then he tried to travel with his son and the son was just crying for the mother. So he was forced to get off. And he said that if I was on that flight, I would not have been saved because I have a knee problem. And I couldn't move like the others. Like everybody had to slide out.
I mean, even Yeah, even though he's not a Muslim, I was just thinking, look at the mercy of Allah that how he was saved by just not being on that flight.
If we believe in Allah as a rock man, then there's always a reason to be grateful. Then we will see Allah's blessings only everywhere around us.
Bless Salam Alikum also we have to count the blessing of the family, you know, your family, your husband, your children, they're with you and feel like it's okay there was like you take it normal, but one of my friends she was telling me when her husband died, she said I didn't know the blessing of husband until I lose him. When he died. I know how I was blessed to have unless instead with
say that we have to appreciate now before we lose him, Yes,
I was a bit lame and she
couldn't Luminar lay her fan, everyone upon it meaning upon the earth will perish. This is the reality of everything that we've been given that eventually it will end it will go away. So before it goes away, before we are gone, let's show some gratitude. Fan in finance, finance is to pass away to perish to cease to exist. So everything on this earth is going to end it is going to cease to exist. It's going to perish into a Kasasa 88. Allah says Kulu che in Harlequin Illa to her everything will be destroyed it will die except what her who his face. The sky is mentioned over here what will happen to the sky either somehow in football, the sky will be split asunder the stars
are mentioned over here we even know Doom on camera they will be scattered. The Earth has mentioned over here, color either Ducati or Buddha conduct. It will be pounded and turn to powder. The seas are mentioned module behind what will happen to the seas will either be helpful. So do you let what will happen to the mountains what they'll do Ballu so you're not what will happen to the creatures will either shoudl or playlet all of the Xena all of this worldly adornment will come to an end. As Allah says in surah TCAF in Nigel NAMA, I'll Irby Zenit Allah, this is all adornment of this world. Why? It's a test that a huge arsenal, I'm Allah, which person does good in his actions were in Allah
Jerry Luna, Ma, la ha sorry, then jewel Rosa. And all of this is going to turn into a plane level, barren ground. So all this is temporary, who is eternal? Who is Allah? Who is it that we should live for then? Who is it that we should run towards a rock man way I will call and it will remain. What do you hold a big the Face of your Lord? Who is your Lord? He is Lulu Jalali will it kromm He is one of Majesty and Honor. Though July he has though possessory meaning one having he has a journal. And he also has a crumb meaning he has the attribute of JLL and a cron and in his actions also, there is Jellal and a cron Jalil, what does general mean sublimity Alama when something or someone is great
high in rank, so in his attributes in his actions, he is glorious. He is majestic none is above him and greater than him, while he kromm A calm honor. Noble one who is generous one who gives the old Jalali well Ikram, He is the Owner of Majesty and Honor, the one who is deserving of praise and respect and obedience and glory. Not that he should be disobeyed not that he should be shown in gratitude to for being a yeller, you will not be Kuma to cut the ban so which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? Your Lord is so generous and honorable? Aren't you going to be grateful for that? Allah is oh, Lord Jalali? Well, it Crom
I mean, Allah's attributes are such that we should be grateful.
Now this is why some scholars would say that I would not want that my parents should be my judge on the Day of Judgment. No, I want Allah to be my judge. Because Allah is Allah man. My parents may love me, but they don't have as much mercy as Allah has. For about a year. You'll be command to cut the ban, which of the favours of your Lord will you deny? Yes, Allahu he asks him, men for summer work you will owe whoever that is in the skies and the earth meaning every creature asks him asks him for what for the fulfillment of their needs. We may wander over here, some people never make dua, they never worship they don't even believe in God. But Allah says yes, a lumen for somehow it
will all yes, because remember su Al is in two ways. So Al is through words and it is also through * it is through my call and it is through * it is through what a person says May I please have this Can I please have this can you give this to me?
This is one type of soil and another type of soil is the state the condition that a person is in
the condition because when you will see them in that condition, you know what they need, and then you give it to them. Right, and the more generous and the more kind hearted and the more merciful you are, the more you will give them correct
Who is Allah? A raw man? So everything and everyone asks him, meaning it depends on him needs him. Everyone needs Allah, whether they admit it, or they don't admit it. Coolio men every day who officiating he is in a shutting a new shutting, what is shutting a situation a matter.
So canola Yeoman who officiating meaning every day he is bringing about a new matter.
And this is what we see in this life change is something that is permanent. Right? It is constant. That's the only thing change. That is permanent, meaning everything keeps changing, who is changing it? Allah is changing it every day. He's bringing about a new matter, providing decreeing, creating, giving life causing death. Every day, we see so many changes. who's providing this entire creation? Allah is. So let's ask him. We'll call her a buco mudra Rooney, a steady biller calm. What does this also teach us about Allah, Allah doesn't need a break every day, he's bringing about a new matter. And this also teaches us that we must never despair. Never give up hope. Why? Because this universe
is constantly changing. So if we are in one state today, tomorrow, it will be different.
You understand? If today we are in a certain condition tomorrow, that condition will be different.
I mean, when it's the middle of winter, and everyday we see minus 18 minus 20. snow, ice storm rain, where does that go? It seems to be never ending. But eventually it goes away. And then summer comes. And then we start worrying about the plus 25 and the plus 30 and the plus 35. And then one heatwave after the other could lay oh man who officia and every day Allah brings about so many changes. So never lose hope for the A ye Allah you will not be coma to cut the burn and you see so many things are changing constantly. I mean, just think about the changes that are happening within your body every single moment. Every single millisecond. Think about the neurons. You know think about the
changes that are happening in your brain the movement that's happening within your body.
How why Coolio Ming Hua fisherton phobia Yi li your A B coma target V ban Sana fragola Calm we will attend to you a USA Colin or you do burdens Santa's fruit hula combs and Afro from Farrar fell Rakhine.
What does ferok mean? It's the opposite of HTML, HTML is to be occupied with something and for others, the opposite of that means to be unoccupied. Now, remember that it's used in two ways. One is that a person has fought off from Sure, meaning he becomes free from some occupation, he was very busy and now he's free. Like, you know, you're very busy until you have your exam and then you feel like I'm free.
For one evening, or for one day, that is the state of football and then you're like, Okay, now I can do things that I couldn't do before. So you catch up on them. This is a weakness. That one thing preoccupied you so much that you couldn't do anything else. All right, this is weakness. And Allah is above any weakness. There is another type of football, which is to make something the focus of your attention, meaning you attend to it, not because you weren't able to before, but because this is the time that you had set for it. So Santa through hula comb. This doesn't mean that Allah has too busy right now and he's not able to bring about the judgment. No, it's because he has set a time
for that day.
This is a threat Santa fro hula comb it as if we're being told your turn is coming soon. Sign up through hula comb A USA Colin. Colin.
The two burdens Who is it referring to the men and Jin Thukral is to be heavy. Why have you why burden because firstly, we are like a burden on this Earth.
Even if you think about it, as long as man doesn't touch a certain part of the earth that part of the Earth is beautiful. As soon as we come there, we become a burden. We polluted we destroyed disturb the balance etc etc. Right? And another way in which suckle or Sakala and why? Because we are burdened with the Amana? Remember sorta Larissa we are burdened with the Amana with the trust with free will.
Furby a ye Allah you'll be Kumar to cut the ban
This Free Will you have the time you have to do what you want to work hard this is also a blessing. Jamar Shulgin Newell ins old company of gin and men martial regime law are in Shinra group or group of gin and men in is the authority on if you are able, um that then foo you pass beyond min aquifer is somehow what you will up from the regions the borders of the skies and the earth, then fun photo, then pass meaning give it a try.
Then foo from the root letters noon father new foods and the fourth is to pierce to go through something pass through something
meaning there's a HUD there is a limit and know for this to pass through it to go to the other side Akata Florida have the word cutoff which is used for a region zone.
All right, we have learned mean authorea earlier and it's also used for boundaries. So if you are able to go beyond the boundaries of the skies and the earth fun foo, then go ahead, try to pass Latin Fortuna you will not be able to pass Ellerbee so far except by Sultan. What does it mean? Firstly, what this means is if you're going to try to escape this universe,
and you know what no matter how far you go, no matter how much you run, no matter what you convert into, you will still go into where Bissell Taan into Allah Soufan, meaning you will always be in Allah's kingdom. You can never run away from Allah's Kingdom.
All right, this is one meaning.
Because no matter where you go, where are you?
Where are you in the Allah's creation? If you say I'm gonna go beyond the seventh heaven, I want to find a way out of this universe out of this universe somehow escape Allah's plan, so that I don't have to show up on the Day of Judgment. I want to run away. Can you run away no matter where you run away? No matter what happens to you, you will always be where it'll now be Sultani will be in Sultan, meaning Allah Soufan, his kingdom. Like the person who was so afraid that he told his children when I die, burn me. And those ashes, wait for a windy day, then go by the sea and then blow the ashes. Why did he do that?
Allah cause the ashes to come back together. All right, and Allah asked him Why did you do that? The man said out of your fear. Oh Allah. Out of Allah's fear, he was too afraid do even face Allah. Allah says Latin for Luna Illa busulfan
You cannot escape. You cannot run away.
Furby be a yeller, you'll be comer to get Liban another meaning of done voodoo It is said that Darla Moo you want to learn? If you want to learn and find out about what isn't the heavens and the earth and find out No. And no matter what you find out it's going to be by so far meaning Allah so fun, his even his permission.
Your son who is a coma it will be sent upon you. Sure, well on a flame Minette in a fire one who has some and smoke Fela tanta Ceylon then you will not be able to defend yourselves. If you try to escape the limits that Allah has set for you, like the limits in the sky that Allah has set for you, then what will happen? You try to escape you try to overstep those boundaries. Something will be sent on you and what is that shoe wealth shoe? Well, Shinwell law is used for pure fire McNatt in our fire, one who hasn't no has known has seen or has is used for molten brass or copper, which is red in color. And this word is also used for thick smoke because that is what smoke looks like
dense. So a flame of fire and smoke is going to be sent on you for Latin to sit on, then you will not be able to defend yourselves you won't be able to get away. We learned that the jinn they tried to go up and eavesdrop overhear the conversations of the angels what do we learn in sort of hedging? is 17 and 18 will have failed now home in coalition LaTonya la Jean illuminous Tharaka summer FatBar who she have a movie anytime found that goes up there tries to listen then he is he is hit by what she had a movie in flame for be a ye Allah Arabic coma Touka Viva and this is also a blessing. What is a blessing that we have these limits that we cannot go beyond for even
Shaka this summer and when the sky will be split open for candidate then it will become what would that one rose colored cut the hand like oil on the Day of Judgment what's going to happen the sky will split open in Chicago when Chuck alcamo Same word split open for cannot what they can What the is used for a rose but not just the rose flower, but also anything that is rose colored, rose colored reddish, so the word is used to describe tanned leather or it's used to describe a horse whose color has become very dark, because of the heat of the summer constantly being in the sun. So the color has become very tanned and the hand dial has known to me to be Dhoni. So let me know when
we learned about the olive
oil, right so the hand oil so while the time cut the hand, the sky will change its color. It'll be like red, like oil. Just imagine red burning oil.
how frightening it will be. In certain Chicago I have one Allah says either Simone Schuchat, the sky will burst open, it will open with gates. It will open up and gates will emerge and who will come angels will come as in Surah Furqan i 25. We learn we omit the Chicago summer who will have a Miami when New Zealand Mala Iike to 10 Zilla The angels will come and the color of the sky will change into admire which is eight Allah says yo Mata Kuno sama who can move
and here for Kana to water data get the hand in a hadith and Musa Mohammed we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said on the Day of Judgment when people will be resurrected, the sky will rain fire on them. Meaning it will appear as if fire is going to fall from the sky
for a year. You're a big comer to get the ban. Aren't you grateful for this blue sky?
How many blessings are you enjoying? That is the day when you will be asked about these blessings. So mellitus Aluna Yoma Eden and in Noreen let's listen to the recitation call lomana You
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