Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 071C Tafsir Al-Maidah 31-34

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the actions of Islam's founder, who chooses to kill his brother and buries him in the body. The segment also touches on the concept of regret and how it can affect one's behavior. The segment discusses the benefits of saving people's lives and the importance of medical training for human life. The segment also touches on the horrors of current events, including deaths and violence, and the importance of facing one's heart and acknowledging the consequences of violence.
AI: Transcript ©
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name is Chef Jean Bismillah AR Rahman Rahim.

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furbearers Hola. Hola Robyn when he killed his brother, despite the warning that was given to him, despite the great advice that he was given, yet, nothing benefited him, he still killed him. Now with the body of his brother, he didn't know what to do. In that fury in that rage when a person takes action, let's say he breaks a dish, he throws dishes, right or he bangs doors, or he knocks off a bookshelf and everything's on the floor now. So eventually, when that RAID is over, and he sees all that mess, his brain is not functioning. something so obvious that Okay, pick up everything and put it back. Right? It's just not working. RAID is not functioning properly anymore. So just

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like that this person he's sitting there, didn't know what to do with the body of his brother for Bharath Hola, hola. Ibn so Allah sent a CRO CRO, model of creature, we know about it, you know, seagulls if you go to other parts of the world, you will find as many girls as you find seagulls over here. So anyway, Allah sent a crew and this girl yet has to fill out the it was searching in the ground, you have hazardous from birth and Bahasa is to scratch. Now when you scratch the surface of something, why do you do that in order to see what is underneath. So you're searching for something you're looking for something and as you scratch you're almost digging. So you have has to

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fill out the it was as though searching for something in the ground scratching the earth and in that process, he was like digging. So when he saw the crawl, digging the soil like that, it occurred to him that okay, let me also dig the ground and then put my brother in and bury him. Yep, has to fill up. Why did Allah subhanaw taala send this crow that was scratching the Earth, the Unia will so that he can show him so that Allah will teach him who this man who had killed his brother, Kay for you worry how he should hide so at the AFI the corpse of his brother. The word so literally means disgrace. Scene well Hamza disgrace meaning something, which if you reveal, it's a disgrace, it's an

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embarrassment. So it should not be revealed it should not be exposed. The same word is also used for private part because the private parts should not be exposed if it's exposed if it's revealed and this is a means of embarrassment for a person disgrace for him, it's a means of humiliation for him and a corpse a dead body is called Soul why? Because all of it should be covered. All of it should be concealed. When a person is being buried and even the face has to be shrouded the hands the feet everything has to be in the coffin, except for who in the case of the person who was in Iran, when he passed away, in his case a man obviously that his head is left uncovered his face and head is

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left uncovered and you will rise on the Day of Judgment saying the than BIA So anyway, the entire body is Agra so the entire body is called so it's corpse so okay for your body. So

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now what do we see over here

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that the action of a crow reminded this man how to bury the body of his brother.

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Sometimes you learn from incidents from people from creatures that you could never even imagine you would learn something from them.

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You think you would learn from a big book you will learn from an extremely knowledgeable professor. But sometimes you can learn from little children as well. Sometimes you can learn from animals as well. And we see that so many things people have learned from who from animals and who sent them who taught them these things. Allah subhanaw taala taught them disciple over here Allah sent the crow in order to teach this man So what happened then Paula Yawei letter he said over to me way later this is actually way Lottie Wei Li Wei Wei means destruction. Whoa, that all may be destroyed or wore to me. And why it was well a T turned away lotta because when you sigh You say Ah, so Yeah, way let's

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just do was I saw incapable an akuna that I should be misled and overall, that I should be like this curl that I am so weak that I'm not even like to scroll. The scroll knew how to did the earth

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and find something in it or hide something in it. And here I am, I don't even know how to deal with the dead body of my brother for Awatea. So other UFI so that I could hide the corpse of my brother, for us Bahaman and nerdy mean, so he became of the regretful now the mean from noon the mean, meaning before he was not regretful when he saw the crow, scratching the earth, digging the earth, hiding something in it, taking something out, and then taught him how to hide the body of his brother, how to bury it. That is what caused him to become regretful. Before he wasn't. The action of the CRO, made him realize how weak he was, how ignorant he was. And he became other regretful,

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but remember that regret alone is not enough, is not a benefit.

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Because sometimes what happens is we do something wrong. And we're like, Yeah, I'm so upset with myself. I'm so sad. Why did I do this? Why did I say this? Why did I study harder? Why didn't I take the class seriously? Okay, there's nothing There's regret. But regret alone is of no use. It's of no benefit. What benefits a person is law after another, then when you fix the problem, after the regret. So for example, if you've destroyed your relationship with someone because of the harsh things that you said to them, and later on, you feel sorry, you feel bad, then what should you do? What should you do then just feel bad about it? What do you have to do? Apologize, right. Make up,

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mend the relationship that you destroyed. Because if you don't mend it, if you don't go apologize, if you don't say sorry, then your regret means nothing.

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It's of no use.

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So for us Bahaman anatomy this person, he just became regretful, but that was it. He didn't fix anything. He didn't do Toba. He didn't repent from his sin. He didn't make up for it possible Homina demean and the thing is that certain crimes, certain sins, when they're committed, the instant punishment of that sin is regret in the heart guilt in the heart, which depresses people, makes them sad and miserable. And then they turn towards different things, to bring satisfaction, to be happy, but they can never be happy. Why? Because when you've hurt someone, when you've wronged someone, that guilt is going to eat you up. No matter what you do. It can never make you happy. You have to

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fix the problem. You have to mend the relationship. You have to make up for the harm that you caused someone that will bring you happiness. So for us, we're Hamina no demean the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, there is no sin that is more worthy of Allah hastening its punishment in this life, in addition to what he has in store for its offender in the Hereafter, more than transgression, and cutting the relations of the womb.

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Meaning these two cents transgression against people, and caught in the relationships of the womb meaning blood ties, these two sins, they bring punishment in this dunya

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a person is punished for it in this dunya before he is punished in the Hereafter. And what is that punishment many times guilt, unhappiness in the heart, that remorse, that no matter what you do, you can never be satisfied. You can never be happy that guilt just eats you up inside for us. Bahaman a nerdy mean,

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mean actually there Lika. Now because of this reason, because of what reason that how this man committed murder, he killed his own brother. And because he was the first person to commit murder, he was the one who initiated this crime, then what happened? Everyone after him who commits murder, he gets a share of their sin as well. Yes. Why? Because he started this evil practice. When a person starts a good thing, he initiates a good thing that everyone who does that good thing after him even centuries later, even centuries later, than the person who started it gets a share of the reward. Likewise, of a person start something evil, something bad, a bad practice. You know, for example,

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the one who started the giving and taking of interest. Now this bad practices going on even hundreds and hundreds of years later. So you will get the sin of everyone who participates in this. Just like that the son of Adam who committed murder

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because he started before that there was no awareness of what it means to kill someone. So everyone who commits murder afterwards, he gets a sense of that he killed only one man, only his brother. But it is as though he killed so many people, because he gets a sense of all the murders that take place thereafter.

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So one murder becomes equal to how many murders all the murders, because the thing is, that when He disrespected one human life, it is as though He disrespected every human life. You know, it's like if a person refuses to believe in one messenger, it says though he has rejected all of the messengers, because rejecting one messenger is like rejecting all of them.

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So this is the reason why I mean Edgerly there Lika because of this reason, cateva Allah Bani Israel eel, we wrote meaning we prescribed for the Bani Israel, and know that indeed he man Katella nevsun, whoever kills a soul in in whoever kills a person,

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and this person whom he killed, was blaming of sin, not for another soul. Meeting he killed him, not as a sauce. So in other words, this person whom he killed was innocent. Because when is it allowed to take someone's life when they have taken somebody else's life?

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Tell me what's the punishment for murder?

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Cattle right that the murderers life is taken away. But over here we see Mankato enough Some believe enough sin, he killed a person not for another soul. Meaning not in seeking justice for another person who was killed, oh for sad and fill out the or he didn't kill him because of some facade in the earth. So in other words, this was an innocent person whom he killed. Because there are two reasons mentioned over here that justify taking somebody's life. What are those two reasons first of all, naps that he killed a person.

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Secondly, facade fill out what is facade fill out, creating disorder in the land, whether it is by

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committing such crimes which bring about capital punishment, Inshallah, we will learn the details of what facade will all this. But basically, it is committing acts of violence, which take piece away from the society, so that people's lives are in danger. people's properties destroyed, their means of livelihood are ruined. So this is all facade filled up. For example, if a building is destroyed, there are people inside living there. Let's say it's a residential complex, and that whole building or that whole area is destroyed. People come in shooting without any reason, throwing bombs over there, whatever. And innocent people they are killed. What is this facade fill up? So if a person

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commits such facade fill out then he is a criminal and his life should be taken meaning he should be killed.

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So anyway, over here we see that Mankato and Epson builiding Epson Oh, facade and fill outs. He killed him not because he had killed someone, not because he had committed some facade fell out. So in other words, he was an innocent individual. He killed him, then fuck her under malerkotla. Nessa Jumeirah than it is as though he killed all of mankind, all people.

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What does this mean?

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Killing one human being is equal to killing all of human race.

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Killing one human being is equal to killing all of humanity. Why? Because when you don't have respect for one human life, then you don't have respect for any human being. You violated the sanctity of human life whether you kill one or you kill 10 Or you kill 100 You have no respect for human beings. This is why the sin is multiplied. The sin is so serious fucka Anna malerkotla nessa Mira, just like the son of Adam when he killed his brother. What did that mean for him as if he killed all people?

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Woman or hear her and whoever saves a life or here or here gives life literally had to add meaning to end ups. Now obviously, only Allah subhanaw taala gives life so what does it mean by this over here it means that he saved a life he spared a life. If he saved a life he let someone live. He spared their life than fucker and Nima here nurse edge Amira, that it is though he saved the life of every single human being all of humanity.

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As if you rescued the entire human race as if you save the entire human race. Why? Because when one life is precious to him, that means that every human life is precious and sacred to him.

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If he respects the life of one human being, that means he respects the life of every human being.

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This is why saving a life is something that is so righteous, something that is so rewarding. Allah subhanaw taala loves this. And what are the ways of saving people's lives? One way is that a person stops himself from killing someone, that he's able to kill someone. He has the ability, he has the strength, but he does not.

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Just like the other brother, who said that even if you reach out to kill me, I'm not going to reach out to kill you. He saved a life, he could kill him, but he didn't. He stopped himself from killing it. So when a person stops himself from killing one person, it is as though he has stopped himself from killing all of humanity has spared all human lives. Because think about it, when a gun is fired, in the direction of one person, then is that one person only shot? No, everyone who's around nearby, even they got shot. Sometimes it happens that a person intends to kill a particular individual. But he ends up killing three more people, because he wanted to kill that one individual.

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Isn't this what we see? Sometimes in the news that we see that they wanted to kill a particular individual, that was a target, but so many civilians, they get killed as well. They see a group of people together, they think there are some certain individuals there that are a bomb and they find out it was a wedding going on. So if you allow yourself to kill one person, you end up killing many people. And if you stop yourself from killing one person, you save the lives of many people as well.

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Because the murder of one person, what does it do? It leads to many murders, right? So this is why killing one person is like killing so many. And saving one person is like saving so many. This is why the Prophet told a lot of them said also a haka. Lolly, mon, almost lumen help your brother whether he is the one who is unjust, or the one against whom injustice is being committed. Okay, the one who is being oppressed, understandable, but why the person who is doing wrong? Why help him?

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How help him help him as in stop him from doing wrong. You have to stop him from zoom. Because if you don't stop him from that portal, then what's going to happen so many lives are going to be in danger. So Monica hiya fucka anima are here NASA Jumeirah.

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There's an incident of wood a little bit over and that how at the time of arrest Mandelblit Owen who when he was a Khalifa, there was some people who came to Medina. And basically they were very violent, and they intended to kill Ross Mandelblit over

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they were upset about the fact that our little blower and who was not made the Khalifa. So they wanted to respond to that weren't meant to be removed, but obviously respond a little on who was a Khalifa. And anyway, so they came equipped, they laid siege around the house of Earth Mandevilla and who and the people of Medina they were seeking or smuggled in or in whose permission that Please allow us to fight against these people, to get them out of the city of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, so that they do not become violent, but are smuggled over and who did not allow. Why? Because he did not want any blood to be shed because of him. He did not want that any one person is

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killed in the city of the Prophet because of a smile, a little horn.

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So a Buddha probably learned who he managed to enter or a smuggler in his house when he was under siege. And he said I came to give you my support now it is good to find meaning defending you or leader of the believers.

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He said oh have a word IRA does it please you that you kill all people including me. Oh Abu Huraira does it please you that you kill all people including me? He said no. He said if you kill one man it is as if you have killed all people. Therefore go back with my permission for you to leave me receive your award and be saved from burden. So I will go right on he left and he did not participate in that. Because killing one person is like killing everybody. Saving one person is like saving everybody. Then, MAN Yeah, the one who saves a life saving a life also means a

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We're here, that saving the life of someone who's about to die. Whether it is that somebody's about to murder him, so you stop the murder, or that somebody's extremely sick to the point of death. So you because of the knowledge that you have the medical training that you have you saved their life, they were about to die, but you save their life, that it's as though you have saved all of humanity.

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And this is something so amazing. So amazing.

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The other day I was at the hospital, somebody I know, is allergic to nuts, and they had a serious encounter with knots. And basically my son, and he was basically he couldn't breathe, he had hives all over. And just before we left the house, they told us to give the EpiPen. And it's like, an injection that you literally jam into someone's thigh.

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It was something very scary. Very scary to do that, you know, to your own son. I didn't do it. I didn't have the guts to do it. My husband did it. But I was just thinking the invention of this injection even Isn't this amazing?

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It can save somebody's life.

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Because for some people, it takes literally five minutes to have a severe reaction. And they joked that they have serious brain damage or something and they are dead. Just the invention of an epi pen. Right? The the invention of these amazing medical procedures which can save somebody's life.

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Right. And the training, I was at the hospital and I saw people,

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all kinds of people suffering from so many different things that I was admiring the nurses and the doctors over there. I know people when they're waiting over there, they're so angry, frustrated, but I was admiring the people who are working over there. The paramedics that are there, what are they doing? They're saving people's lives.

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Somebody could chalk to that somebody could bleed to death. And what are they doing saving people's lives and at the same time, I was feeling so sorry for them that if you're doing this without a man, then it means nothing.

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So when Allah has blessed someone with Eman then why should they not get the training to save people's lives? Why not?

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You know, if you know how to resuscitate someone, if you know how to do the small things, the warning signs, when to call 911. When to seek medical attention, when to go to the doctor. Even this can help save someone's life.

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If you have the medical training, if you are a doctor, if you are a nurse, if you train to be a paramedic, if you're trained to be, you know someone who can save somebody's life, this is a great honor. This is something that will bring you great reward. But unfortunately, people want to become doctors and nurses to make more money. People want their children become a doctor why so they can make more money, don't become a doctor, just to be rich, become a doctor, so that you can be rich in the hereafter.

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Okay, so that you can save so many people's lives. So that it is as though you have saved all of humanity, you can accumulate so much reward.

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You know, we think that if we want to be religious, and we just have to become great scholars, yes. But everyone doesn't need to be a scholar. It's the best thing to do. However, there are many other ways of serving humanity as well. And if Allah has given you that potential that chance that ability, then seek that training and save people's lives. So like, even donating blood, like sometimes they're at your school or in the mosque or whatever. So my friend was telling me how if you donate blood just once you can save up to three lives. So my friend was actually brave enough to do it. And she was like, saving three times humanity feels pretty awesome. Yes, it is pretty

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awesome. So fucka anima, NASA Jimmy, it is as though he saved all of human life.

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Now, what does this teach us? This verse basically, it teaches us the importance of human life, how sacred it is.

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How sacred human life is that it is so serious, to save a life and it is so serious, to destroy a life to destroy a human life. But we see that unfortunately today, human life has become so cheap. It doesn't matter where you are in the world. It says though people have no respect for humanity. Suggest for some personal benefits some personal gains hundreds

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And hundreds of lives will be destroyed hundreds of lives will be killed. And we see this one person is killed and because of that one person, so many more are killed because it leads to violent behavior.

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fucka Anna malerkotla NASA Jumeirah.

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Allah says, Well, I've got the job at home Rasulullah biloba unity and our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs due to the Bani Israel, and the gravity of murder was made very clear to them. But yet what happened Soma in the cathedral Minho. Then indeed many from among them BARDA Delica, after that fill ugly in the earth, they are the most freephone, surely transgressors, that despite the fact they know how serious it is to murder someone, yet they transgress in the lead, how they commit murder.

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The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, it is unlawful for you to shed the blood of one another, or to take unlawfully the properties of one another. They're as unlawful as shedding blood on such a day as today had to deal with that. And in such a month as this harassment, and in such a sanctified city as a sacred city. What city was that? Makkah when he said the statement. So killing someone is something very serious. Allah says in nama Jezza or Latina indeed the recompense of those people who which people you had a boon Allahu wa Sula, who, who waged war against Allah and His Messenger, waging war from Rojava Halibel. Help is war. mahabhava is to wage war.

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Now obviously, no one can wage war against Allah because Allah cannot be fought with

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what his men over here is that they wage war against the servants of Allah for no just cause they kill Allah's people without any justified reason. And this also means that they arrogantly defy and disobey the commands of Allah, the prohibitions that he has placed, that Allah has prohibited people from unlawful killings. And yet people go and kill this is what waging war against Allah, defying Allah's laws, not accepting them rejecting them. So such people with our fill of the facade and and they also strive in the earth to create facade, we learned earlier that the punishment for facade fill all this capital. Now this verse elaborates on the punishment, what is the punishment for

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facade fill out, Allah says, a new such people should be killed, oh, you soluble or crucified out to Katara ID will have genomic lab, or their hands and feet should be cut from opposite sides, or uniform in and out or they should be exiled from the earth. So many punishments are given over here for what waging war against Allah and His Messenger, defying His laws. And secondly, facade fill up. Now what is facade fill on? We discussed this a little bit earlier, creating disorder in the earth. Basically, facade means what decay, facade is what decay, when something begins to go bad, deteriorate, it's not good anymore.

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So for example, there is a building, there is a street, beautiful, well kept well maintained, nicely painted, the road is smooth. People drive, the common shop, maybe it's a residential area people live there.

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If there is a bomb blast over there, for example, then is that building's still nice and clean?

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Will people be able to drive safely back and forth, come and shop there, come and eat there come and live there? No. So that bomb blast is what facade fill up, because it will cause decay, it will disrupt the peace of that area. People are harassed, their lives are in danger, their health, their safety, their means of livelihood are destroyed. And there are many ways of this many ways of this, there could be different reasons people have their own reasons for for committing such violent actions. So it's basically all such violent actions, actions that spread terror in the hearts of people. This is what facade feel of this. And people have their reasons for it.

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What reasons do people have sometimes are taking revenge from the government or from some other government? I don't know how it affects really. I mean, these people were living in one city in one country, what do they have to do with people who are living across the globe, but their lives have to be killed because we're seeking justice. People have their own explanations. So anyway, people do all sorts of crazy things.

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Sometimes they will take others as hostage. They will go to a place let's say a bank, and they will get their gun

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is out, and they will to everybody in this room, and they will be with the police. I want $1 million, or I want this thing out of my life where I want this to be done, I want that to be done. And then I will let these people go. If not, I will kill them. And sometimes they do kill them blackmailing as well.

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Sometimes people will kidnap others, and they will demand from the family, that you give us this much money, and then we will release your family members.

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Likewise, we see robbery, you know, one is that you go to somebody's house, take their stuff when they're not at home. And the other is that their home, when you break their window, and walk in and tell them to give us everything otherwise, you're dead, harass them physically abused them. Sometimes people literally physically torture others.

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Sometimes they will put a gun against their head and they will say give us everything or else you're dead. Tell us this or else you're dead, extreme vandalism. This is also a form of facade, facade, spreading corrupt behavior, for example, a neighborhood when does it become bad? When do you say this neighborhood is not good when people are involved in drugs, their gangs, there's so much wrong going on, that sometimes they try to recruit people into their gangs. And if somebody refuses, they're beaten up and their life is in danger. So this is all for sattell All public acts of violence, people who intimidate others, everything from dangerous driving, even, that can be a risk

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to other people's safety, to hold ups and shootings and beating people up destroying someone's property, violence and non peaceful protests. This is also for subtle odd violence and demonstrations. So basically, all such an act that create terror.

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Unfortunately, today, terrorism, like is only considered one type of crime. But the fact is that the scope of terrorism is really vast. There are many acts of terror, many acts of violence. So this is what facade fill out. And there are different levels and degrees. There have different levels of degrees. Remember, even bullying can be a part of this. We think bullying someone were just having fun walking at their nose or their hair or their clothes, and walking at them every day and making fun of them taking a picture and sharing it online and then spreading it so it spreads like wildfire. And that person develops anorexia they become suicidal, literally suicides will happen,

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people will take their own lives away, because they have been bullied.

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This is facade, Phil odd. Now the thing is that a person should stay away from from such crimes because of Allah's fear. In the half of Mahabharata mean, but yet it happens that people don't have the fear of Allah, and they will commit suicide, Phil.

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I remember at someone I know in back home, has a sibling, Rosalind, they tell her you're gonna love to go outside so much. They watch her wherever she go, what'd she say what she told how she talked to boys. So she gets so angry, she burned herself.

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So this is a kind of facade fell off, it doesn't mean that it's okay for someone to commit suicide. Now they should not commit suicide, but the people who are leading them in that direction, they are doing facade fill up.

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Learning about all the facade that goes on as Muslims were taught to command the goodness forbid the volume. And if you do, if you look around, there's a lot of slavery that still exists in in a different point. It's its facade. And what it is, is people cannot children, and they sell them for horrible reasons. And this is happening all over the world, in places you work, you wouldn't even think and it turns into their lifestyle. And these people are forced to just live their lives like this. And I was looking at organizations that you know, either free these people or look for these people and try to help them. And there's no Muslims out there doing this. Unfortunately, you know,

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there's Christian organizations, there's

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are humanitarians. But there's no Muslim organization that is doing this, like this

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work that needs to be done. And it's just because this is also saving people's lives. And this is why we see people in Syria brothers and sisters, what's happening over there is exactly what's been happening in the world. What's happening in Egypt right now is just so horrible and Subhan Allah like, thing when there is no respect for human life, then there are no limits at all. Then people can become extremely destructive, violent, and they don't realize what the consequences are. The consequences are severe in this dunya and in the hereafter. The fact that the punishment is so severe it shows how

00:35:00 --> 00:35:44

how severe the punishment will be in the hereafter. So what's the punishment for facade fill out a new bottle that such people should be killed. But notice the word you got the new brutally killed like severely killed in a way that will be an example for the rest of the people owe you soluble or they should be crucified meaning they killed and crucified that the body is displayed to the people so that they learn a lesson from it out to Katara ID will have Judo mental F or that their hands and feet are cut from the opposite sides. So right hand and left foot, left hand and right foot. This is how their hands and feet should be cut a uniform in and out or they should be exiled from the land

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uniform from noon fire refused to negate so they're negated from the land meaning they are exiled from it. And this means that they removed from a particular area, whether it is that they are jailed or they're banned from coming to that area, but they are exiled from the land. Now the punishment is at the discretion of the judge to decide depending on the nature of the crime, but this is the punishment Allah says that he can cause you and for dunya this for them is humiliation in this world. What to whom Phil accurate TRW Aleem and for them in the hereafter is a great punishment. Because all of these punishments, there's disgrace in it, that a person is not just killed but

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brutally killed, violently killed, assassinated, that a person is not just killed and buried, but that the body is hunger for people to see that a person's hand is not just cut off, but hand and foot is cut off. Imagine hand and foot is cut off. Or that a person is exiled, put in the prison, jailed, his freedom is taken away from him. Well, I won't feel accurate you either win or leave in the hereafter is a greater punishment, far greater punishment. Now the thing is when a person becomes a Muslim, when a person claims to be a Muslim, then it means that

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other people's lives and properties are saved from him a Muslim woman selling one Muslim Mona Melissa, Annie, where did he from his hand and done other people are safe, this is one Muslim is. This is why at the time of the Prophet saw a lot isn't when people would embrace Islam, then they would give the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet sallallahu sunnah they would make a promise to do certain things to not do certain things, for example, or buy them in Assam. And he said the Messenger of Allah did the same pledge from us that he also did from the women, that we do not commit Shik, we do not commit adultery, or kill our children, and that we do not spread falsehood

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about each other. We do not kill our children, we do not spread falsehood about each other, amongst other things that they had promised to do. So this is what opposite of facade fill org. And when a person goes against this pledge, breaks, it kills people kills innocence, then there are serious consequences for that. Because you see, peace is something that has to be enforced and maintained. People are taught, they are educated. But yet if they are violent in their behavior, if they commit serious crimes, then there should be serious consequences because peace has to be maintained. No violence can ever be tolerated in a Muslim society, not in the house, not on the streets. It is not

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tolerated. This is how peaceful our religion is. And this is how peaceful the followers of this religion are supposed to be. But if you look at it today, we are far from the space far from it. We don't even know that this is the kind of respect that we have to show to one another. But just because someone differs from us in their acleda in their philosophy, than their life is free for us to take.

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Now this verse, it is said that it was revealed concerning a particular incident, we learned that some people from Urkel tribe and arena they came to the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam and they accepted Islam. Now, in Medina, after some time they became sick, they come from outside they became sick in Medina, they were unwell. So the prophets of Allah and send him he said, go with our shepherd, in the desert, and over there, you recover because the desert air is pure, the food is more pure. So they were sent to the desert with the shepherd of the Prophet salallahu salam to be treated by the food's over there. So anyway, they went as directed.

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And afterwards when they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet saw a lot of Salah they drove away the camels. And it is said that they didn't just kill him. They killed him, they cut his hand and foot. They put like melted copper or something in his eyes, and they let him lying in the sun until he died, so they brutally killed him in a terrible way. Now this is what an act of terror right, an act of serious violence. And when the news reached, the Prophet saw a lot of sudden on

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He sent people in their pursuit. And those men were captured. They were brought to Medina. And the Prophet salallahu Salam had the same thing executed on them the same thing that they did to the shepherd, the same thing was done to them. And what was that he ordered that their hands and feet be cut off, and it was done, their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron. And next they were put in the sun until they died. But the prophets of Allah Islam said, I'm never giving this punishment again. Because this was something too difficult for him to see even. But the fact is that when someone has committed a crime of such nature, then they deserve an equally violent punishment. Why?

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As an example, for the rest of the people, because the thing is that when you find out that so and so did this, then you kind of get encouraged. You're like, I can also do this and then you go a step ahead. So in order to stop that when the punishment is so serious, and nobody's going to come near it, no matter how many people have done, he's not going to do it.

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In the medina tab, warm and cuddly and tuck the rule are lay him except for those who returned meaning who repent before you catch them before you have power over them.

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Duck the roof from Qudra cough dalawa ferula mo Angela photo Rahim. The know that indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. What does it mean? That let's say there's a criminal. Let's say he's a serial killer. He has killed many people, ribbed many women. He has abducted many people. Let's say he's done many crimes destroyed many people's property. And then one day he realizes what am I doing? I should change. This is not right. So he does still what to Allah, He promises he's never going to do it. He's still not caught. He promises he's never going to do it again. And he brings a complete change to his life becomes a different person. Now let's say he changes and then after some

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time, people catch him people find him and they catch him. But he's done Toba. So in this case, such a person will not be punished. Why? Because he has done Toba because Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Yes, he committed many crimes in the past, but he is sorry for them. He's not going to do them again. So no punishment will be given. But if let's say he committed murder, and the heirs come and they say no, we want sauce, then yes, because sauce will be done. The people demand that their property be returned to them, then yes, it will be returned. But the legal punishment from the Islamic law point of view that will not be given. Why? Because Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. And

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there are many incidents that we learn about this verse, that for example, there was a man by the name of Harley, sad. This person he did many crimes, he killed many people. He was a highway robber people who were traveling, he would harass them take their property, you name it, he had done it, many crimes, the people, the leaders, everyone was after him to catch him. But such people sometimes are too quick, so nobody can get their hands on them. So this person, nobody could catch him. But anyway, one day, he heard somebody reciting the Quran

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he heard somebody reciting the idea Polya Eva De La Nina, Ursula for Allah and for see him lotta Katana Rahmatullah in the La Jolla fille de Nova Jamia that all my servants who have committed many wrongs against themselves don't despair from the mercy of Allah because Allah can forgive all sins. So when he heard that verse, he said to the man, or servant of Allah recited again, because he wanted to make sure he heard it correctly. So he had that man recite the eye again, the man recited the eye again. So then earlier so that he put his sword down, he went to Medina, he left everything went to Medina. He lived over either Toba. And he basically arrived in the nights that nobody could

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see him. In the morning. The people recognized him, because everybody knew all over there's a man on he'll sad who has harmed many people everybody is after. So when they saw him, they caught him.

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And he said that no, I've done Toba. You can't do anything to me. I've changed my ways. I've done Toba abhyudaya Rotella Juan, who was asked and he said yes, this person has done Toba. If he's done it, then we can't do anything to him. And then he was taken to the governor. And he said the same thing. So he was forgiven.

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Now this man, he had truly repented. And the sign of that was that he went for jihad. Then he went and joined the Muslim armies. He went and joined them. And basically the muscles were fighting at the sea. And the muscles were on a ship and this man was also on the ship and there was the enemy ship. So when he saw the enemy ship coming earlier, sad what he did, he jumped onto their ship. Imagine somebody jumping onto another ship. So when he did that, it was a boat perhaps

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The soldiers of the enemy I mean, they got terrified that this man has jumped onto our boat. What is he going to do? He's going to eat us up. What is he going to do? So they all ran towards one side because they were terrified. They ran towards one side, you can imagine what happened on a boat. If the weight is on one side, it's gonna topple over, say, toppled over, he died. And all the soldiers in the boat also died.

00:45:24 --> 00:46:10

But this man, I mean, one person, how many people can he kill, right if he's fighting them by hand, but through this way, a lot more than what his intention was. But by this way, he managed to kill so many of the enemies. We also read about Abdullah bin Mobarak. We know him as a great scholar. But he was not a great scholar always. His parents are very righteous. He was just in a wrong company and he would commit theft repeatedly. One night he got to somebody's house to commit theft over there. And he heard someone reciting the Quran Allah Mia needed Medina Ave and Tasha Kluber medically Allah has the time not come for the people who believe that their hearts humble to the remembrance of

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So when he heard that idea, he said, Yes, it is time. Let us die. And he just stopped right there is like I'm not doing this stuff anymore. He left everything and went, sat in the company of great scholars and became a great scholar himself. And there are many examples of people who commit serious crimes, sometimes out of ignorance, sometimes weakness of the heart, the weakness of the soul, or rather the strength of the evil soul to the committed many crimes but then they do Toba. So Allah says if they do Tober then leave them spare them do not punish them because in Allah affordable Rahim Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. And when he can forgive, then you can do

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that this is the recitation.

00:47:03 --> 00:47:08

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00:47:09 --> 00:47:11

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00:47:12 --> 00:47:15

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00:47:18 --> 00:47:20

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00:47:22 --> 00:47:23

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00:47:36 --> 00:47:39

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00:48:26 --> 00:48:30

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00:48:32 --> 00:48:33

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00:48:37 --> 00:48:38

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00:48:52 --> 00:48:54

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so what's the take home lesson?

00:49:23 --> 00:49:57

One of the lectures I had attended. Sheikh Hamza Yusuf had mentioned something so profound. He said, You know, if you see somebody doing something you dislike, don't ever judge them because who they are today may not be who they are tomorrow, and who they are tomorrow, maybe better than who you are today. So who are we to say anything about anybody? And the examples you just gave them all these people that used to be thieves or whatever, you know, they're And subhanAllah they were like, among the righteous. So we have never to look at anybody and think anything at all. Yes, very true.

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I was thinking that all of us need to reflect that. Is there any type of facade that we are committing? Even if it's something as simple as okay, you know what, maybe I'm not cleaning my room. And if my sibling is coming in there, and they fall over things and hurt themselves, it's just a simple thing. Or maybe you know, somebody is being hurt by my words. And if so then I need to fix myself, because I'm hurting that person, I am causing facade in their life. They're very uncomfortable by me. So just simple things like this. But we need to figure out is there any type of facade that we are involved in, and then eliminate that from our lives? facade, such as jealousy,

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hatred in the heart for others, because it leads to violent behavior, right? Behavior, evil words, which can hurt others, and this can escalate and get so worse, that leads people literally to killing others. I mean, if you read about the stories of various criminals, you find out that they were not known as violent people before. There was something brewing inside never surfaced. But eventually it came out because it was brewing inside should have been dealt with when it was small.

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So one lesson that I've learned for myself is that let's eliminate violence from our lives. Whether it is violence and words, in demonstrating anger at your spouse or at your child or at your sibling, no violence, a believer is violence free.

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He is non violent. There is no room for violence in our religion. Is panic alone. We handed Masha Allah Illa illa Anta Mr. Furukawa to relay a Salam aleykum rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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