Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P27 270C Tafsir Al-Toor 17-28

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the meaning of "naught" in Malmo, referring to the lack of consciousness and pleasure. They also discuss the importance of family unity and the need for individuals to fulfill their deeds. The conversation touches on the use of words like "has" and "has not" to describe experiences and worries, as it is important to avoid harming family. The speakers stress the importance of privacy in the culture and avoiding alcohol use.
AI: Transcript ©
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in Malmo, Tokina, on the other hand, indeed the righteous the MATA cane, the people who have Taqwa notice this is the the other group. The first group that's mentioned here is mocha the being the deniers.

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And in contrast to them the Moto pain I mean, if you think about it, the opposite of denier is who, who, a believer, but they're not described as believers even though they have Eman. They're described as the pain, people of Taqwa people who are careful, people who are alert, people who are awake, because that is the call, a sense of alertness being awake consciousness. It's a state of wakefulness, that a person is aware of their surroundings. Remember how one of the companions to describe the core that when you have to pass through a path that is surrounded with thorny shrubs, how would you go gather up your clothes because you're alert, you're awake, you are aware of your

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surroundings. This is dukkha that a person lives in this life, not with heedlessness that hour after hour is going day after day is slipping away, year after year is going away from our lives. And we are not working towards a goal. This is not the law.

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The law is when a person is careful about every moment of their lives.

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The question is what will make a person do the cut when they're waiting in line? The Aqua is when a person will be careful about what they say even when they're angry because they know that angels are writing their every single word

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conscious, alert, serious, serious person, a person who values himself. So in Malmo, Tokina those who live in this way in this world in the motorcade, indeed the righteous Allah says they will be feed Jannette in in gardens, winner aim and pleasure nedarim

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With regards to them because they've been they were told you're patient or you're not patient, your condition is not going to change meaning you will forever be in punishment here. In contrast, they will be in nerine in pleasure, opposite of pain and anguish. faqih Hina. Ones who will be enjoying faqih he implored of the word faqih and fat fat calf her basically, the phakisa is fruit, right fruit and fruit. I mean, generally people eat them for what purpose for the purpose of enjoyment, right Yes, there are people who will eat fruit for breakfast, right? Who will maybe have fruit as a meal, but generally typically people will eat fruit for what purpose for the purpose of enjoyment as

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dessert right or as a snack. So from this the word faqih is used for a person who is having fun, who's happy, joyful, enjoying himself. So faqih he meaning masu, delighting, being happy, why Bhima Atal whom are a boon because of what their Lord gave them or with that Bhima understood as because of what meaning because of all the gifts that Allah will give them they will be happy, they will be enjoying themselves or be man Secondly, with what?

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That the blessings that Allah will give them the gifts that Allah will give them they will be enjoying them. faqih Hina Bhima Tao whom Rabu whom, as we entered into to that yet as he didn't tell whom Rob boom they'll take whatever their Lord will give them well we'll call him Rob boom, and their Lord will have saved them, he will have protected them from what from other builder him from the punishment of hellfire, may Allah protect all of us, they will be told Kulu eat worship Prabhu and drink, eat and drink how honey and in full satisfaction in full enjoyment, why Bhima contemptor Malone because of what you did

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not because of what you discussed, because of what you did.

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Look at the word honey and honey n is from the root letters have known Hamza

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and Hannah Hannah is that which is received without any difficulty.

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There are some things which when we want to get them requires a lot of hard work. And then there are other things which come easily. So Hannah is that

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which is gained or received without any difficulty. And Hana is also that which is satisfying,

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satisfying, I want you to think about this, imagine you decide one day that you're going to bake something,

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you don't generally go into the kitchen, you decide to bake something. So you find a recipe, right? And then you watch a video. And then you see how you figure it out, you get all the ingredients, and very, you know, happily or very confidently, you go into the kitchen. And as you start working, it gets hard. Recently, I saw a friend, they were trying to make rice krispies squares, right, that require just melting some marshmallows and adding some chocolate to it. And, you know, they started very confidently, but they delayed, putting the rice krispies into the marshmallow. And basically, it got very hard and very strange. All right. So I could see the frustration on their face. When you

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start doing something with a lot of confidence, but then it doesn't bring you the result that you expected, or the result that you wanted, is it satisfying. It's extremely frustrating. Because you were so excited. You put in so much hard work. And then at the end, what did you get? Something that didn't even taste that good. So it's not satisfying. Hannah, on the other hand, is what that which can be done easily. When you do it, it's satisfying. When you get it, it's satisfying.

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And it's also beneficial, meaning in its consequences. In its result, it's good. Because sometimes what happens is that you make something and when you eat it, then you don't feel that good. Right? And even if you don't feel that good, you have this guilt in your heart, I should not have had that much sugar. Alright, honey, and is the exact opposite of that. Honey, take it easily enjoy it fully, and have no guilt.

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You understand what I mean? Because in this world when we enjoy something,

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do we have any guilt afterwards? Yes, we have some level of guilt.

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You know, you just think about some other person who's in a different country. You're eating something and as you're eating, you check the news. And there you find out about people in a different country. You're drowning in the water because you're running to save their lives and there's so much in the world is going on and you feel guilty enjoying yourself. But in Jannah Allah will say Kulu wash Robbo Hani and eat and drink in full satisfaction. You don't need to feel guilty. You don't need to feel bad. No, and it's not going to harm you in any way full enjoyment. Why be my contact Malone because of what you used to do. Muteki ina ones who will be reclining with decane

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floor left with the kick. One who is reclining who can really recline?

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Who someone who's relaxed. Right? Because even if you know you're supposed to relax at a certain time, but you have work on your mind or the fear off work on your mind. Can you relax? No, you're sitting stiff.

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Alright, Mottaki either they will be reclining on a suit in upon thrones that will be must fulfill lined up sooner is applauded of the word set ease and what is said is a bed but what kind of a bed elevated and also comfortable. So it's like a couch something that we are perhaps used to. So Muteki Inala Sorauren mas fufa Mostofa from the word soft and soft is Ill roll. What does this mean? One studied after the other after the other. Why? Because they'll have good company. Good company. And you know the word said eat what does it show that the place where they will be sitting will be super comfortable and spacious

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because sometimes you're sitting in a very good company, but the place you're sitting on is not that comfortable. It stayed somewhat tacky in our Assouline must full fatin was the word you now home and we will have the married to behold in Noreen who plural of the word Hydra and Hydra is used for very beautiful woman with a very glowing complexion glowing fair, and they're in Florida the word Aina and I know from iron iron is I and I know that refers to a woman with beautiful, attractive, wide eyes. So it was a word Janelle whom beholding or EAN? Yes, the men are not mentioned but of course. I mean, if women are beautiful, that means people of gender are supposed to be beautiful. Alright,

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everybody is supposed to be beautiful, because I don't know why. But when people read these ayat or these descriptions, they get upset right now

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And instead of appreciating the beauty of Jannah that Allah has mentioned over here, we get distracted by certain descriptions. The point is that no one will be lonely in Jannah. And that is what's being emphasized in this verse, If you see Muteki, in our Allah Sulan, must fufa surah and must offer, not just one couch, but multiple in roles. And this is referring to the Majelis the gatherings that people will be in paradise, good company, because what is good food, without good company? What is a good drink without good company? You need company that is when it's a great experience

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when Lavina and Manu and those who believe what about whom the people who have believed, what and it about whom it followed them, who followed them, zhu li ye to whom their children, their descendants, their descendants followed them, they follow them and what Be a man in in faith in Eman barons had Eman and their children also had Iman.

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But we see that in Jana, what will happen each person will be given their rank will be given their position based on what on their deeds. Right. And we know that as people we will not find two people whose level of deeds is exactly the same who are equal in terms of their Iman. Everybody is different. Isn't it's all. So what will happen then people from the same family there'll be scattered all over agenda.

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scattered all over agenda. Allah says that those who believe and their children also follow them in Eman, meaning parents had Iman and the children had Iman, then what will happen? I'll have Connor, we will join, be him with them, Zahra Yetta, whom their children I'll Hakuna lamb her cough, Ill help. And it'll help we have done this word earlier. What this means is that when something catches up with or joins what was before it, okay, so for example, two people two cars are driving one is in front, the other is way behind. Huge difference. And then finally there's a stop sign or there's a red light and then the first car stops and the other comes in, joins, this is Ill help. So I'll help

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gonna be him the reata home, we will join with them their children,

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meaning their children, their level will will be upgraded. And there is a possibility that you know if parents and children are to be joined then one possibility is that the one who's rank is lower their upgraded. Another possibility is that the one whose rank is higher is downgraded. That's also possible right? But Allah says he makes it clear here that one man and not Allah to now whom we will reduce them, minimally him from their deeds, Min che in anything I let na Hamza lambda we have done this word earlier let come he will not reduce you it means next. So none of their deeds will be reduced being their reward will not be reduced. No one will be demoted. There is only promotion.

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Right there is only promotion.

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The second thing that's mentioned in this ayah is khulumani MB Makka Saba Rahim and we will get there. But first let's talk about the first part of this ayah which is that

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how important family unity is to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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that people have the same family be together,

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how important it is to Allah, that in Jannah if people from the same household from the same family are scattered in different levels in different places, they will be joined together, no one will be demoted everyone will be promoted. And this will happen in both ways. That if the level of the parent is higher than the children, their level will be taken higher also. But if it's the opposite, that a child is righteous, and so, the children's level is higher and the parents level is lower. Then what will happen the parents will be taken to a higher level. We learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the Verily Allah will elevate the grade of a righteous servant in

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All right to servant their level will be

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will be elevated in Jannah. And that person will ask or Allah, how did I earn this? Where did this come from? How did this happen? And Allah will say, because of your child's door offer you

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that your child used to make dua for you. And because of your children, your level is increased, your level is elevated.

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So what do we see over here? That Allah subhanaw taala, his reward is abundant, he is most generous, most generous.

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And how lovely if Allah is how kind he is, that he knows he has created us, right? And He knows our weaknesses, you know, the love that we have, and the attachment that we have to our families. He knows that he has created this love. And yes, it hurts when you're far apart from your closest family members. Even if you are in a good condition, and they're in a good condition, but you miss each other. How lucky if Allah is that he will bring families together, so they don't miss each other? how important this is, I mean, if you think about it, it wasn't necessary because parents are in general children are in general, were there in general, just enjoy. But part of the enjoyment is

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to be is to be together.

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If Allah cares about this, why shouldn't we care about this? Who are we to decide that somebody should not meet their family members? Because it happens sometimes in this world that how people will not allow a certain individual to meet their family.

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Right? Like, for example, a husband will not allow the wife to go to her parents or to visit them. This is one. I mean, yes, it's understandable if she's there all the time. And he's concerned that you know, he comes home, there is no food, nothing. She's never there. So that's understandable. But if he doesn't allow her, this is not right. family unity is very, very important. It's important to Allah subhanho wa taala. Secondly, what's mentioned in this ayah is that coulomb, Reem Bhima, cassava Raheen

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Khan, normally in every person, every individual, whoever they are, whether they believe or they don't believe whatever they are, be Makka Sabha for what they earn. They are Raheen Raheen. One who is retained basically Raheen from the root letters that I had known Ron, Ron is collateral, basically, what is given as a surety when taking a loan, so basically, a person is taking a loan. All right, but the lender, the one who's giving the money, he wants to make sure that the loan will be returned to him.

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You understand? Like, for example, you go to a store and you want to rent some equipment,

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right? And the rent is, let's say $15 an hour. So you say I'm going to take it for two hours and you give $30 and you walk out now there is a possibility you never returned with that equipment. So what do they do? They say, give us $300 deposit. Right? When you will bring this equipment back, you will get your 300 back, isn't it? So that 300 is what, Ron?

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All right. It's like it's collateral. So, when do you get that money back when you return? When you return the equipment? All right. Allah says that every person is Raheen.

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Every person is Rahim meaning every person is a prisoner, prisoner, just like that $300 is locked over there. Similarly, we are also locked every single individual is like a prisoner the soul of each person is locked, it is not free. So when and how will it become free be Marchesa, by what they will earn. Meaning if a person will bring the right deeds, the correct deeds on the Day of Judgment, then they will be set free. And what is freedom? When a person is admitted into Jana? That is freedom. There is no freedom outside of Jannah

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This is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this world is like a prison for the believer. You're not free here.

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Right? I mean, we may think we're free. We may feel that we're free sometimes when we're not. I mean, if you think about it, every single word of ours is being written Are we free?

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And sort of off what did we learn my yell feels woman Colin Illa de la Cubana our teeth. constant surveillance? Correct. We're not free.

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So call luminary in Bhima Casa del Rahim. Allah subhanaw taala has created us for His worship, when we will fulfill that purpose when we will worship him.

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When we will bring the right deeds, then we will be set free. What are those deeds that will set a person free on the Day of Judgment? First and foremost it is Amen. Right? It is Amen.

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And secondly, I'm all silent. And yes the quantity of that there is a required quantity. Like for example, if a person lived a life of 30 years than how many Salawat were they required to print there is a certain amount of quantity that must be fulfilled. But quantity is not everything. It's the quality also that matters.

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And off the deeds that will set us free or alter the charity that we give. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that every one of the children of Adam has been created with 360 joints, meaning in our body, that's what we have. So he who declares the glory of Allah meaning Allahu Akbar, and he praises Allah meaning he says Alhamdulillah and he declares Allah to be one meaning he says La Ilaha illa Allah and He glorifies Allah, meaning he says, Subhan Allah, and he seeks forgiveness from Allah and he says, A StuffIt Allah

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or he removes a stone or a thorn,

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or a bone from people's path, or he enjoys what is right and forbids what is wrong, and he doesn't, all the way to 360 Meaning 360 Good deeds, then he will walk that day, having saved himself from the fire.

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So with every good deed we do every day what are we doing? We're freeing ourselves from what from what from the fire?

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Could laundry him be Marchesa? Raheen we're not free here

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we're under the now home Allah says and we will provide them I'm dead and I mean dal dal muda muda is to basically stretch to elongate something mud from the same root what is mud?

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When you stretch this out, the Elif, right. And in that is to provide provide continuously

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so that the supplies that a person has been given as soon as they run out of them, they're reinforced as soon as they run out, reinforced. In fact, before they run out, they're reinforced so that they always have it. So we're under the now home, we will continue to provide them such that they will never be empty handed with what before IKEA tin with fruit, meaning in Jannah an endless supply of provision, what provision for the purpose of enjoyment because it is specie while a human and also meet what kind of meet me may wish to hone from whatever they desire from whatever they wish, whatever they crave, right here maybe you have to go to crave grill or something I've heard

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about I've never been there and your cravings are not truly fulfilled. Or that you want something you know it's described in a certain way and you really like it and you place the order but as it comes in front of you, it's not what you had expected it to be. It's completely different. Or you have it and it's not satisfying. Allah says we're under the now home be faqih hatin wala mean but how mimma yesh the home exactly as they like it exactly as they will desire it and sort of walk there i a 32 and 33 Allah says what Becky I think a few Lawton la mccluer Eitan, well, I'm Nora the gifts of Jana will never end never run out. Yet another Runa they will exchange fee her in it

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meaning in Jana yet. And as Aruna from the word to NASA, NASA, NASA is to basically pull to pull, to *

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to take something away from the other by force, this isn't a tsar extract right? And then Azura then Azur is when two or more people are taking something away from each other, you understand? So yet another owner, they will take from each other.

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They will take from each other, what will they take from each other? Get some a cup? And of course what's in that cup? It's not empty. It's got a delicious drink in it.

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Now tell me something. When can you walk up to somebody and take their cup from their hand?

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Take their cup from their hand and drink from it. When can you do that? Can you do that to any random person?

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Can you do that even to a friend?

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Someone very close

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Do you

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write someone whom you truly feel comfortable with, you know that you're not being judged, right. And there is such a level of friendliness and closeness, that you know that if you take something from their hand, they're not going to get offended. They're not going to get offended. So yet another owner fee Hacket son, what this is referring to is the informality

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that will be there in the people of Jana for each other. That doesn't mean they'll be offensive. That just means they'll chill in the real sense. Because we go out to chill, but we don't truly chill.

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We don't, we're so fake. We're so pretentious, we're so self conscious. Because she said something, or she might feel something or he might say something, or we're not relaxed. This is the reality of this world. We're always on guard, always on guard.

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And yes, we should be careful, no doubt. But you know, it drains you. in Jannah, there is no restriction, there is no feeling of awkwardness yet. And as their own efia Cat scent, so relaxed, they will be that they will take you know somebody's scope just easily.

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Another problem in this world is of course, germs. Right? Germs, I mean, little kids even what do they say it has your germs on it. Recently, I saw a child saying that to their mother, it has your germs on it, I'm not going to share your cup because it has your germs on it. I mean, it's necessary for children to have that understanding here, because you can't go up to any random person and start drinking from their cup. Right. But this is a problem of this world. But in Jannah, no such problem, right. So yet and as their own if he had sent that now there's another meaning of the word yet. And as it is said that the nazzer the NAZA fee, as it's mentioned over here, it also means to exchange

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or to, to pass from one to the other.

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All right, to exchange or to pass from one to the other.

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And what this means is that in Jannah, if a person is drinking something, it's not that they're the only ones, everybody's got something, there's so much, you know, that they will finish something and then they will get more and then we'll pass it along, get more and then pass it along, get more and then pass it along.

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Because there's an endless supply

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and there's never ending time. So, you can enjoy and talk as much as you want and have fun as much as you want. So, yes, and as their own Fe hacat sin because in this world, what happens you sit down with your friends and you start having tea or coffee whatever you like, and then eventually, the cup becomes empty right or the picture becomes empty or the bottle becomes empty and when that is empty that means hellos. Now get up and do something but here yet another owner fee hacker person, they will keep passing on one to the other, as if insisting on giving and taking yet another owner fee hacker son, law, law one fee her and the drink that they will have. Allah says let alone fee her

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there is no low in it, meaning no low that will result from it.

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Low is what?

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Useless doc? Right. And it refers to basically vulgarity in speech, which is a result of intoxication, meaning the drink they will have no matter how much they have, they will never become intoxicated, because of which they will say vulgar words, while at the theme, nor any commission of sin that theme to commit ism to commit sin. Because what happens in this world as people drink they become intoxicated as they get intoxicated. Either they say something bad or they do something bad. But in Jannah, nothing like that. So what does it show? Unless enjoyment, unity, true unity, the hearts will be one together.

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No bad feeling for any person, which is why yet and as their own Ophea Kotzen. No one getting offended. And no one getting hurt. And no one doing anything wrong because of what they're enjoying. We see that a robot called Alomar and who it is said that he never drank alcohol even before Islam. Never. Somebody once asked him that. Did you ever drink wine before Islam? And he said are all the villa Never. Why? Not? Because he didn't like the taste of it. Right? He simply never tried it. Why? Because he saw a person who was intoxicated. And in that state of intoxication, that person, he had something in his hand that he would pick up from the ground. He would bring it to his mouth in order

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to eat it. But then this

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Mel would be so horrible that he would throw it. And then again in that state of drunkenness, he would pick it up and bring it to his mouth to eat it and then throw it away. And what was that it was his own feces. So Abu Bakr al de la noir and who when he saw this man in a state of such intoxication

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he decided never to drink wine to preserve his dignity

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to preserve his dignity and Allah says that the drink of Jana is such that La La Hoon fee while at the theme, there is no ill speech or commission of sin because of that drink whale to four I lay him yeah tofu. And he will circulate I lay him among them tophi aloof who is to go around right the left from the same route to go around the garba so your call for I lay him you will go among them around them who little man who law home little man on servant boys law home for them meaning dedicated to serve them and then only Nobody else.

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Nobody else because sometimes that happens, you go somewhere, somebody's supposed to be serving you but then you have to keep waiting. You have to keep waiting for them to come and take your order and then you have to keep waiting for them to come to you. Or to look at you at least so that you can ask when your food will already come. Right here we see a little manual long dedicated to them. And the word a little man is the Florida Vuillaume who is woolum A young boy

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servants here

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to serve them. And these servants Allah says unknown as if they are loot low on pearls. What kind of pearls Maknoon well protected mcnown from calf no noon can can is basically a cover, right and mcnown is that which is kept within a cover. So look mcnown meaning pearls which are kept within their covers. Why are pearls kept like that?

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Because they're delicate, they could get scratched, right? They could get stained, they could get damaged. So in order to preserve them, you keep them in a case in a cover. So no lo Maknoon what does it mean? Perfect in their beauty, not a blemish, nothing like that. Not a stain, nothing like that. And if this is the state of the servants of Jana, then what do you think about those who are being served in Jannah?

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Well, two, four are laying little man on the home and look at how the Lean men are described as if they're pearls.

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Alright, you know rolling pearls beautiful, delicate, elegant in their movement. What up oh Bella, and as they're enjoying all of this, Allah says we're oppo Bella and he will approach barlborough him some of them are a burden to others, meaning they will turn to each other. Yet Assa alone, they will ask one another. Now, the conversations are being mentioned that yes, this is the enjoyment but what is it that people have Jenna will talk about, what will their discussions be about? Because of course, here they will have time to talk. So they will ask each other yet the sat alone the sound is to ask someone right to ask one another. Carlos. So they will ask each other about their history,

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their story. So what's your story? And what's your story? And where did you come from? And what did you deal with in the world? What struggles did you have and what tests did you have? Yet the sat alone? Call Lou they will say in now Hakuna? Indeed we were called Blue before meeting in the world. We were fee Lena in our families. Wish 15 fearful.

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We lived with fear in our families within our families

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washed up in Florida of Mushfiq. And who is mushrik? One who is afraid? All right ish. Fuck. Remember this Word gives a meaning of fear as well as love. It's concerned basically. So they were much 15 in their families fee Adelina and remember the word Al refers to family. And it's basically a person's family through because the word a lot applies to wife. Okay, so through one's wife or through one spouse, so it's referring to the immediate family.

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So they will say that in our families, meaning immediate family members, we were afraid why were they afraid?

00:34:46 --> 00:34:59

Why were they afraid? I mean, if there's any place where you feel secure, is where with your family. They didn't feel secure, even at home. Why? What's the reason

00:35:00 --> 00:35:06

Okay, why else? One possibility could be because their families perhaps oppose them in their faith.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:22

Remember, there's a mucky Subra right? And in my outcome majority of the Muslims, what was their condition? They lived with their families. They didn't know Hijra yet. Yes, many Muslims had migrated to have a senior but many of them were still in Makkah. They were living with their families.

00:35:24 --> 00:36:09

Right. And their families were not supportive of their Islam. So they were afraid, afraid about their faith, hiding their faith, practicing secretly. V. Alina was 15 This is how lonely there were. And these people didn't just exist at the time of the prophets of Allah who already was on them. There are people today also who feel lonely within their families because of their Eman because of their faith. In now Hakuna cabello fi you Lina Mustafa clean. Secondly, what this means is also that in at home, they were fearful as in fearful of displeasing Allah subhanaw taala.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:33

Because generally, you know, we let go of our guard, right, we become relaxed when, when we're with our families. So we will dress up in certain ways, or we'll talk in certain ways or we will talk about certain things, which we won't do when we are with others. And this is why this is a very common thing to talk about that people are very good when they're outside. But when they're at home,

00:36:34 --> 00:36:35

they become very different.

00:36:37 --> 00:36:42

Sophie Elina was 15 What does it mean? Afraid of Allah, even at home,

00:36:43 --> 00:36:50

even at home, when alone with their spouse, even at that time, fearful of Allah.

00:36:52 --> 00:37:07

Fie, Lina mushy teen. This is the quality of the people of Jana, because it tequila hazemag Quinta, fear Allah no matter where you are, outside, or at home, in public or in private.

00:37:08 --> 00:37:41

Thirdly, another meeting is that inner corner, Pablo fee Halina fee giving the meaning of concerning or about that we were regarding our families was 15. We were so worried about our families. So worried, so afraid for our children, for our spouses always worried about their Eman about their spiritual condition. Fee early numbers 15. We were afraid for them worried about them concerned about their Eman

00:37:42 --> 00:37:57

or they're praying or not? Do they have sincere faith or not? Are they fulfilling their obligations or not? Many times we are concerned about our families. But our concerns are limited to what nutrition and money

00:37:58 --> 00:38:49

are they eating well? Are they studying good so that they can make money? Are they working? We should be concerned about the dunya but what about their Deen? Because dunya will go away very quickly. It will go away very quickly. So in now Hakuna Pablo de Lena was 15 for men, Allahu Akbar Elena, they will say in Jannah that Allah conferred favor upon us. He bestowed such a huge favor on us. On Us. This can be understood as us as the person who was afraid in his family. What was a favor of Allah, that Allah who replaced fear, with safety, with security, danger with security, and that's what happened with many people. I mean, if you look at the Sahaba in Makkah, how they lived in fear,

00:38:49 --> 00:39:37

Allah favored them, took them out of that state of fear and put them in Medina where they were safe and secure. Allah favored them. Many times it happens that when a person faces opposition from the closest people, it gives up, Allah favored us. He bestowed a huge favor on us that He gave us stability and firmness that we didn't give up from an Allah who are Elena while we're gonna either have a some womb and he saved us He protected us from the scorching punishment or that the punishment of a Simone Simone from seeing me meme basically some is poison and some whom is used for heat stored because it's poisonous in its effect. It's disastrous it can kill a hot Sandstorm hot

00:39:37 --> 00:39:57

desert when this is someone and here it refers to hellfire or love as some of them. They will say in now Hakuna indeed we were min Pablo before Nether who who? We used to make dua to him. We would make Doctor him we would call upon him regarding ourselves that oh Allah give us firmness and stability.

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

That Oh Allah may

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

Go our family's righteous

00:40:02 --> 00:40:36

in Nakhon Nam and cabello Nauru, who in the who? Who will bar will Rahim indeed He Allah He is definitely a bomb of Rahim borrow from the letters about auto bid is righteousness kindness, the basically gives the meaning of the to be amply and extensively good. Allah has been so good to us. He is a Rahim he is so kind, he accepted our da and he gave us more than what we asked him in now who who will have over him?

00:40:38 --> 00:40:41

Let's listen to the recitation of these verses. And then we'll discuss

00:40:42 --> 00:40:43


00:40:45 --> 00:40:46

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00:40:49 --> 00:40:55

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00:40:57 --> 00:40:58

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00:41:22 --> 00:41:23

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00:41:53 --> 00:41:54

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00:41:57 --> 00:41:57


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00:42:08 --> 00:42:10

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00:42:15 --> 00:42:20

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00:42:51 --> 00:42:54

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00:43:17 --> 00:43:27

when people are afraid for their families, have you ever seen parents crying for their children or because of their children? Maybe as a mother, you've cried for your children?

00:43:29 --> 00:44:04

Or you've seen somebody else cry because of their children, and how much draw they make. But it's amazing how when we are in that state of desperation of helplessness. What do we do? Sometimes we feel it's never going to be over. And from the conversations of the people agenda. What do we see? It's past it's gone. It's history. It's over. We were so scared. We used to make so much DUA and Allah was so kind, so good to us. He took us out of that difficulty. And he gave us this Jana.

00:44:06 --> 00:44:17

So when we are in a state of fear, when we are afraid, because of our families, or about our families when we're crying because of them.

00:44:19 --> 00:44:27

Then what is it that we need to have hope always have hope? Allah will answer my prayers. He will

00:44:28 --> 00:44:59

have this hope. Because look at how these people were also afraid. And Allah favored them. He responded to their drawers because he is the most kind, the Most Merciful. Don't we learn stories of the Sahaba who one person was, you know, think about Abu Bakar Abdullah and who since we discussed him, Abu Bakar Abdullah one who was such a person whose entire family accepted Islam. Even his father eventually accepted Islam

00:45:00 --> 00:45:23

Welcome to Lauren who when he would give in charity, a lot of money, all right, his father would get very upset. In fact, we learned that when the Prophet salallahu Salam, he did Hijra with Abu Bakr or Lauren who Abu Bakr al de la Mer and who took his money with him. When his father found out he came to his house, and he asked Abu Bakar his daughter a smile, that what did he leave for you?

00:45:25 --> 00:46:03

And Abu Kochava the father of Abu Bakr Al dinar knew he was blind. So a smile, but I didn't warn her she made him feel some basically stones that oh, look, he's he left so much gold for us. She tricked him over there. A vocal Hoffa was not happy with Abu Bakr Islam. He was not happy with his Hijra. He was not happy with his sadaqa he was not happy that Abu Bakar would buy slaves and set them free. He didn't like that at all. He was very dunya focused. But what happened? A vocal Hatha one day embraced Islam. Abu Bakar, although on his own son did not embrace Islam initially, and eventually he did.

00:46:04 --> 00:46:27

So never give up. We give up very quickly, you know, a small test happened something small, we cry and cry and cry. We're so afraid and wish feel clean. But in that state of Mushfiq clean what do we need to do? Da da inna Hakuna min cabello nada row who spend your time begging ALLAH asking ALLAH,

00:46:28 --> 00:46:40

you see problems that we face from coworkers or whoever, yes, there are times or people at school, we will see them, it'll be bad, but then when we're home, we can forget about them.

00:46:41 --> 00:47:24

But if we're having problems with our family members, then these are problems that we cannot avoid. We cannot run away from isn't it? They're real, we cannot escape them. So how how is it that we solve these problems by turning to Allah subhanahu magala and this should make us think that how afraid Am I about my family members? That if I'm making the offer myself, what about my family members? Because sometimes we think oh they're not interested in Dean you know, so and so. This person my family, my brother or my this or my that they're not interested they're, you know, a hopeless case or whatever we want to describe it as.

00:47:25 --> 00:47:48

Never give up on any person in your family, care about them worry about them, didn't the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam try his best to have a Bhutan of acceptance now? I will die of is dying. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was standing next to him for requesting him again and again. Say one word at least. So I can intercede for you.

00:47:49 --> 00:47:52

He didn't give up. He didn't.

00:47:53 --> 00:48:28

So those whom we love, please never give up on them. We should be concerned about them. Make dua for them. Because look at these discussions of the people of Jana. How beautiful it is. We're acquavella Baraboo Marla barrel Binya Tessa alone. They will ask each other what's your story? What grieve? Do you what were your trials? What were your hardships? And overall, this is the summary of everyone's story that in Kona Cabo Luffy Lena was 15 We were worried at home. We were worried about our families.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:49

We were afraid, even at home for Manila who are Elena, but Allah didn't abandon us. He favored us. Well, we'll call her either of us some woman ultimately he saved us from the scorching fire in ko Nam in Kabul Luna de rue who we used to call upon Him, we used to make dua to him.

00:48:50 --> 00:49:02

And he never disappointed us in who who will bear Rahim. He is among the one who is very kind of Rahim, the Merciful. He gave us what we wanted

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