Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P26 259D Tafsir Al-Ahqaf 16-20

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of good deeds and avoiding major sins in Islam, as well as the use of " patient's words to describe joy and negativity. They emphasize the need to be grateful to Allah for his parents' blessings and show respect towards parents. The success of Islam is highlighted, along with the importance of staying true to one's values. The conversation also touches on the negative consequences of actions and deeds, including negative behavior and injuries, and the importance of rewarding one's actions. The success of Islam is also highlighted, along with the importance of working hard to achieve success and be careful in behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hola Iike those people Alladhina there are those who not Akbar Allahu Anhu. We accept from them of all Chapala we accept from them Asana, best of my Emmylou of that which they did. We accept their best deeds from them. One at the Jawa Zoo, and we overlook we forgive them for what? Our answer to him from their sins, we overlook their sins, and they will be fee us how will Jana amongst the companions of paradise, where are the Sith promise of truth, meaning this is a true promise that Allah is making a lady can or you are doing that which they were promised, meaning it will be fulfilled. Do things are mentioned over here, that such people who recognize Allah as favors and

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their parents exam also, who are grateful to Allah grateful to their parents, such people, Allah Who will accept their good deeds from them, and Allah who will overlook their mistakes? For there are many mistakes, but because of their righteousness towards their parents, Allah Who will accept the good deeds of such people. And if a person is not good to his parents, then what does it mean? Will his deeds be accepted? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the pleasure of the Lord is in the pleasure of one's father. And the anger of the Lord is in the anger of one's father. It was a moral dilemma and who said, Read the love beefy riddle while it was so hot over beefy sir Hottel

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making one's father angry, upset, is basically making you upset. Allah subhanaw taala making once father happy, is making who happy, Allah happy with us. We learned that once I thought Binya said he said that a man came to even our Bestival de la hora. And he had a very sad story. He said that, I asked a woman to marry me and she refused. And another man asked her and she agreed to marry him. So I got very jealous and I killed her.

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Is there any way for me to repent?

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He's asking even our bustle to lower and who is there any way for me to prevent? What can I do? If in our basketball DeLorean, who asked him Is your mother alive? He said, No. He said, Repent to Allah.

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And try to draw near him as much as you can. Meaning since your mother is not alive, what you can do is do Toba and do your best to draw near to Allah as best as you can. In other narrations, we learned that his aunt was alive. So he was told to do good to the aunt. So I thought vinyasa, he said I want to burn our bassinet. I asked him, then why did you ask him if his mother was alive? I mean, what does his mother have to do with the fact that he committed murder? In our basketball dilemma and who said, I don't know of a deed closer to Allah, meaning I don't know of a deed that takes one closer to Allah, other than once dutifulness to the mother. Meeting, the only deed I know

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that takes one closer to Allah is what? Doing axon to one's parents.

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So part of October is what do Ersan towards one's parents, even if this crime is unrelated? It's unrelated. But if you want to please Allah, do good to your mother. Do good to your father. If you've committed a sin because of what you're feeling so guilty, in your heart, there's a huge burden. you've repented from that sin, you've left it, you're doing this stuff out, but that guilt is there. Do good to your parents. And this is a sorry, narration which isn't a double move flood, the vocal mumble hurry. We learn about another narration in which a man he came to intermodal de la Mourinho. And he said that basically this man was, he had joined the Hawaiian Ridge college where

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people who basically Harada they had left actual Islam, but they considered themselves to be the perfect Muslims, and they even declared the Sahaba to be disbelievers. This is something that happened in the time of the companions. So what happened? This man he had joined the Hawaii bridge, and he realized eventually that this is not the right people I want to be with so he left them and he joined the Muslims. He came to me and remodeled the Lord who and he said that, you know, I've done certain sins that are very, very serious, right? How should I repent from them even are modeled below Warren who asked him what are those sins Tell me. So he listed a couple of things. And even

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Ahmed said, these are not major sins because

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This is a problem with the whole adage, right? They consider right to be wrong. They consider what is right as wrong and what is actually wrong. They don't view it as wrong. So it would almost add that these are not major sins. major sins are shit, murder. And then he listed major sins. And amongst them, he said, causing one's parents to weep through disobedience. Making your parents cry by disobeying them.

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Even more listed this in what? In major since then we've been asked him, Do you wish to separate yourself from the fire? Would you like to enter Jannah? And the man said, Yes, of course, even more asked him Are your parents still alive? The man said my mother is he said by Allah. If you speak gently to her, and feed her, then you will enter Jana, as long as you avoid the major sins. Do things he said. You Speak gently to her and you feed her.

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Seems very easy. It's not easy. It requires us to coma.

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Speak gently to your mother and feed her and you will enter Jannah and that is what Allah says over here. Hola, Iike Alladhina natok Bella on whom I cinema Emmylou. One at a gel was one say to him, fee of having Jana, they will be in amongst the companions of gender war or the serial killer the candle you are doing a true promise that was made to them. And Allah fulfill this promise, He will fulfill this promise. So part of our Ramadan goals should also be to do what?

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Firstly, be thankful to Allah. For our parents.

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However they are, you have 1000 disagreements with your father, or with your mother. All right, on how they earn money, or how they talk to other people, or how they fight with each other, whatever it is, be grateful to Allah for the fact that someone took care of you when you were little.

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someone took care of you, when you were so weak, you couldn't even sit up.

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Someone fed you, when you didn't even have eye hand coordination. You didn't even have that or rather head mouth coordination. You didn't even have that somebody fed you.

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So be grateful to Allah, for our parents? And secondly, what are we going to do?

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What are we going to do? Serve them? How?

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How, what are you going to do today?

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When you go home, what are you going to do today? To your mother or your father? To show to Allah that yes, you're grateful? Because you realize the blessing of parents? What will you do? Write down something if you don't want to share? Write down what you're going to do today. If they're with you what you're going to do if they're living in a different country, what are you going to do if the faster way What are you going to do? But make an intention to do good to your parents today? Because Allah says was saying that we have ordered it son. Sometimes we do nothing to our parents, we neither make dua for them, nor do we keep in touch with them nor do we do good to them. That is also

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not okay. We have to do air sun and Air sign means doing good. Doing good does not mean disappearing for months.

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We have to do something good towards our parents.

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One Levy and the one who Allah He said Lee Wiley they he to his parents.

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In contrast, there is another person who says to his parents, oh, Phil Akuma of

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or filler coma. The word off

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is said out of anxiety, distress, disgust, hatred, contempt. And when your heart is filled with anxiety or contempt or frustration, say woof.

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Woof. Alfalfa literally means dirt or filth of the ear, or the nails.

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Yes, dirt or filth of what?

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Of what's inside the ear, ear wax

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or nails.

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And in its primary sense, or feed the word or feed the notes blowing at a thing that

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has fallen upon someone such as ashes or something dirty, something very small, but something dirty has fallen on you. So what would you do?

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Right? Why? Because even though it's very small, it's dirty. He didn't want it on you. So right away you're going to blow at it. This is what ofI is.

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It is to remove something annoying by blowing

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a full, full.

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Get it?

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Blowing something away. Why? Because it's annoying. And Orfila who is what people say at anything they deem troublesome, displeasing or hateful?

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So the word off is basically imitative of a sound.

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All right, just like the word or or few, B H, E, W, right? Or are you are G H, right? What is that? Is that an actual word? What is it? It's imitative of a sound? Meaning a sound that is made. Right when someone is disgusted, then a word is made out of that. And this is what is so off is basically blowing away what a person finds annoying, but get away from me.

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This person says to his parents, or Fila coma, you understand Oh Fila kumana Get away from me. You're so annoying.

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Allah says in the Quran, wala taco Lahoma. Have fun, don't even say off to your parents. But here's this person saying off to his parents. And what does he said? Atari donnini. Oh, what there is, Danny, you both Promise me. You're both mother and father. You're telling me that an ohada that I will be brought out meaning of the earth. I will be resurrected, will cut hollered. While it has passed through generations men probably before me. So many generations have died before me and you're telling me I'll be resurrected. What are you talking about? Oh,

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stop preaching me. Right. Stop preaching to me. This is basically what he's saying. I don't believe in resurrection. Stop telling me. Well, Houma and these parents what is their state? Both of them are yesterday Pernilla. Yesterday, Thani is still author is to desperately make dua call for help call for relief. Basically, the word is used for when people are suffering from a long drought. They're desperate for rain. And in that condition, how will they plead? How will they beg? Yesterday thank Allah, both of them. The mother and the father are praying constantly desperately for their child. And they tell him way locker, water you what's wrong with you, I'm in believe in the word

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Allah He helped, indeed, the Promise of Allah is true. Believe. So on the one hand, they're telling him to believe. And on the other hand, they're constantly making the art to him. And what is the child doing?

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Of shooing them away? Fire Kulu he says Maha that Illa SL people are willing. I don't believe it's nothing. But the stories, legends are former people. This idea was revealed 1400 years before.

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But it appears to be talking about who people today

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because that is the case. This is exactly how many people are they were at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam and they are still today. What do we see in the character of this individual, this child pride. It's obvious. He considers his parents backward old fashion.

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And he doesn't just think of them as backward. He treats them as if they are worth nothing. The way he's addressing them the way he's talking to them, the kind of language he's using with them. And the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah has made it prohibited for you to be disrespectful to your mothers. Don't show disrespect to your mothers, Allah has prohibited that for you, no matter how much you differ with them. Do not show disrespect to them. So much other aboda Little below Warren who once he saw two men walking together, and he called him and he asked, Are you related? And one of them said Yes, he's my father.

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He said, If he's your father, that don't call him by his name. And don't walk in front of him. And don't sit down before him.

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If he's your father, then what did he say three things you

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Don't call him by his name.

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Show respect in the way that you address him. Secondly, don't even walk in front of him, walk either with him or behind him.

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And thirdly, don't sit before him.

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Show respect to him. This is what our Dean teaches us. And we see over here where a person who doesn't believe in the ACA, look at the way in which he is treating his parents. But look at the parents yesterday, thank Allah, because that is how parents are, no matter how their child is. They will make dua continuously, desperately. Hola, Iike Lavina those are the ones who help Carla he will call you how it has come into effect or lay him on them. I will call you the word which word of punishment meaning they deserve punishment and where will they be fee uma min amongst nations which nations are colored men probably him that passed before them mineral Gini well ins of gin and men in

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the home Kandahar City and indeed they all were losers. They were all arrogant, and they shall all be together.

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While he Colin and for all meaning for all people, there are the Rajasthan degrees mimma according to that, which army do they have done?

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A person will have his the raja according to what according to his armor, according to what he himself has done. Because sometimes what happens we rely on what our parents are doing.

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Dollar jet are not inherited.

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The Rajat are acquired by Armand

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when he could Linda Rajasthan, mimma Emmylou

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each will have a rank according to his actions, the people of Jannah will have their ranks according to their actions. And people have * will have the lowest ranks because of their actions. law law ranks in * while you will fear home armella Home while you are fear home, and so he will recompense them, he will pay them in full are Mela, whom their deeds were whom law US law moon and they will not be wronged. Allah will compensate each for what he has done fully what for you our fee is what fully give someone fully compensate them. There is no injustice, law use lemon.

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And we see sometimes the consequence of our deeds even in this life,

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that the way a person treats his parents many times he sees his children treating him in the exact same way.

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Many times

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so we need to reflect on how we are with our parents.

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We OMA and on the day when you're a doula Dina Cafaro those who disbelieve will be presented our law now over the fire meaning they will be exposed to the fire the punishment of fire.

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Right now they're denying, even if their parents are advising them so gently, so nicely. They're an outright denial. arrogantly rejecting, they'll be told at that time, I've helped him you took away

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you took away as in you used the Yerba tickle, you're good things meaning the good things that were allotted for you, you use them up where fee higher article Madonia in your worldly life.

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You got a lot of good things in worldly life and you enjoyed it. That is what you aim for. And that is what you got was the tartan behind and you enjoyed it is 1030 Stumptown to benefit from something and enjoy it, use it.

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So you enjoyed yourselves. You enjoyed those good things in the worldly life folio. So today to rizona you will be recompensed with Audible Hoon, the punishment of disgrace. Why be my contempt, the step you're gonna fill up because of the arrogance that you showed in the earth. Because you used to be arrogant in the land, belated hacker without any right will be my contempt of sukoon and because you were defiantly disobedient, they thought very highly of themselves in the world they were arrogant, because of which now they will be humiliated. What can we see in this IO?

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What we learned elsewhere in the Quran? Min Karna you worried we'll hire the dunya was enough to her know what fee lay him or Marylebone fee her

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a person and so to die 15 If a person wants the dunya then you will get the dunya but in the hereafter What will he get? Nothing because he didn't aim for it. He didn't work for it. Why is the saya mentioned over here? What's the connection between the site and the previous? That person is denying the Athleta not preparing for the chocolate? It doesn't

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Believe in it.

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He thinks this world is everything. He says so many people have died before so many generations, none of them have come back. There hasn't been no resurrection so far. Well, resurrection is supposed to be on the Day of Judgment, right? So he says that there is no resurrection. I don't believe in it. It's only this life. We'll look at the consequence of this false belief. On the Day of Judgment, such people will be told you got your good things in the worldly life. You got to eat. You had your families, you enjoyed so many things. You got it, you got so many blessings and dunya. Today, in the Hereafter, you have nothing. Why you never wanted it. You never strove for it. You

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never worked for it.

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So you have nothing.

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And this is so frightening. I'd have to be vertical, you have used up all your good things, meaning whatever good things were allotted for you. You've used them up. The Sahaba were so afraid of this. There were so afraid of this. You know, when they would get worldly blessings. They would get worried that does this mean that we will only enjoy now. We're getting the reward the compensation for our meager efforts today. And tomorrow when we go there will be nothing.

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What if we are being recompense for our efforts here, and we won't be given anything tomorrow. We learned that once a meal was brought to the Rockmount even rodilla Mourinho while he was fasting. So food was brought for his ethos. And tonight when you sit with your thoughts, think about this. He said, most are even remade was martyred. And he was better than I.

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Yet he was shrouded in a sheath that was so small that if his head was covered, his feet became exposed. And if his feet were covered, his head became exposed.

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Why is he saying this wise, you remember most suburban are made up of or known, because most suburban are made was one of the richest

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people in Makkah. And when he embraced Islam, he was one of the poorest. And he died very early,

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very early. In Medina, an era he died very early. There was no scene of any victory of any ease of any success for the Muslims. There was only hardship on hardship. Musa women are made up Lauren who died at that time. He never saw the victories, the conquest of Makkah, he never saw that he died before that. So I'm gonna remind him in our office saying, Musa we're gonna remain was better than I, and he never saw what I am seeing today. He never enjoyed what I am enjoying today. I am afraid that the reward of our deeds has been given to us in this life.

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I'm afraid. And I'm the rock man or Dylan Moran, who then started weeping so much that he couldn't eat. But what happens to us we see something of the dunya you know, we are so happy about it. Yes, we should be happy on receiving Allah's blessings. But at the same time, we should be concerned about what is to come in the hereafter. Don't work just to get compensated today. Aim higher.

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Aim higher. Aim for the

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work for that. Because sometimes it happens that a person is working hard and he doesn't really see any material, you know, benefits of that.

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But then remind yourself the real reward is the reward of a hero.

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Instituto Arafa 32 We learn cool men how Rama Zenit hola hola de nada everybody, he will pay you back him in a risk pool here. Lilina Alvin who will hire to dunya this doesn't mean that good things are not for believers and dislike No. Allah promises that fella nakiya No Hatton. By Eva Allah will give a good life to a believer in this dunya

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right. Polly le Lilina Ave Phil higher to dunya heartless satunya wealthier, but exclusively for them in the hereafter. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses. All tune in Can I mean now you

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learn you are careful to be on Shahida

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Benny is or email

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Both tune in

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Walk on levena

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mas una

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what is lamea taboo B fossa pool owner

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worming overly kita boo boos

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Keita Abu Musab the police now robbing

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bush all in Mussolini green

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must stop all phones

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Iike origin metaphor the the UniFi

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was flying and

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son I'd be wanting

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go home a lot

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was his

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either law or shoot them

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bearing in a Senate

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ball voz Ernie Ball be knee and a school are near mythical let me direly

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need the

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for the

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ball who else literally feed the tea in the tuba to Ala Yukawa in muesli me

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one was one

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team fee

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Wow Don't sweat it

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well whenever you call anyone anything he owes

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me an

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order holla at you

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Corbelli attorney Danny and Roger are called the father to Wu Ming

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does he

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mean why Isla

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de la long held

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to help

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further fall

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in gun horse Ed CD one equals

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one do you want fear in

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way Elmira?

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2.2 goofy hieratic como dunya wants them to be enough to just

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zone out. Mooney beam

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tune this could be your own as feel, may be of help to you are Bhima.

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Subhana Allah behenic A shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta

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As the Hirokawa tool will enable As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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