Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P24 244C Tafsir Al-Zumar 56-59

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the negative concept of "the culture of the]," with forgiveness as a means of apologizing for mistakes and avoiding sinful behavior. They emphasize the importance of forgiveness in bringing out the sin of others and avoiding mistakes, and stress the need for forgiveness and avoiding sinful behavior. The speakers also touch on the negative impact of actions taken against Allah and the importance of forgiveness as a means of providing something for others to receive.
AI: Transcript ©
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Under Kula if you don't repent if you don't change your ways, if you don't follow the Quran

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and the punishment that comes upon you when you didn't expect it, then what's going to happen? And lest the cool and Upson a person would say, meaning repent, surrender, follow lest you would reach a point where you would have to say where a person would have to say in extreme regret. Yeah Hasakah Oh, my regret. Yeah hustler.

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The word hustler TA is actually Hustler, t my regret and the E is turned into ah into Alif to show more hustler to show more regret and what is regret Hustla is Ramallah McPhatter grief over what a person has lost and then regret over it also. So the sadness that I've lost that opportunity, what was I doing? What was I thinking when a person gets angry with himself he's unhappy he said it's a horrible horrible feeling.

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So repent before a person has to say yeah has sought out Oh, my extreme regret are now over my that which for up to I neglected feed John biller in regard to Allah, for what to fall route from rapper Ferrata is to fall short because of inattention. A person wasn't really paying attention. So he fell short of doing something properly or due to haste, he was rushing too much and as a result, he did not do what he was supposed to do properly. So my follow up to I neglected, fee Jamila. In regard to Allah, the word jump Jeem noon back what has jumped me jump is side beside, fee jam inside, meaning in relation to with respect to

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I neglected meaning my duty with respect to Allah.

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I fell short in my duty with regards to Allah, meaning I did not fulfill his rights.

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All my regret over the fact that I did not give Allah his rights, what are his rites, of being obeyed, of being worshipped, of being remembered, of being feared?

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If loss and muhabba love also sincerity and love in Abba and Russia, repentance and fear,

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Fijian Billa I neglected in my duty to Allah, gender Allah, this has also been understood as being the neighbor of Allah, meaning in proximity to Allah. And what is that place where people will be close to Allah?

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malfa Rob Tuffy jam Billa I neglected, I didn't do what I could have done in order to make it to Jana. To be close to Allah. It's my fault. Instead of doing something, what did I do? What in come to, and indeed I was Lemina serene surely among the mockers, instead of doing something to please Allah, instead of doing something. To attain nearness to Allah, I spent my time making fun making fun of what of the dean of the people of the dean, you see, sat here is a person who laughs at another ridiculed another how, through words, and also through treatment, meaning the way that he treats the other.

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And what's the outcome? What's the result of this? That the other is being belittled, he's being dishonored.

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Right, from the same root as the word Sahara, what the Sahara mean to subject something to do some work? What does that mean? They're made small, you understand? They don't have authority, they don't have freedom, that is Sahara. So Salford is someone who marks it someone through his words, or through his behavior, and what's the outcome? The other person is Dishonored, he is belittled.

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This is socket.

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For example, it is said at this harmony what an Al Malik. Literally it means do you mock at me when I am king? And what that means is that you put me in a place which

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I do not regard as my right meaning as a king, I should be seated on a high place, but you make me sit on the floor.

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You understand what's happening. So you're making fun of me, by the way you are treating me.

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So what income to Lemina Sahelian. safmarine then implies not just that a person was verbally making fun of the Quran, or verbally making fun of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam were the people of Islam, there are people who do that. But Sahelian also implies the attitude a person had with Allah, of mockery

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of mockery, and what is that?

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sinning? While knowing that Allah is watching? Sinning, while knowing that my Rob has forbidden this? This is mockery. This is like saying, I don't care.

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This is like saying, Yeah, I know you're there. I know you're watching me. But I don't care. This is mockery. Allah deserves to be respected. And what is that respect, that he should be obeyed and not disobeyed? That he should be remembered and not forgotten? That he should be feared that a person must remember Be conscious of Allah and because of that consciousness, leave the wrong.

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You see, it's like a person who is not following driving rules. When there's a police officer right there.

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You understand? A police officer is watching. And here a person comes in he parks right in front of the fire hydrant.

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And the officer is watching. And the officer honks at him or calls him and a person's psyche or whatever. What is this? I know you're the officer, but quite honestly, I don't care.

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Is this attitude good? This is like rebellion, right? This is like disrespecting authority and disrespecting authority. Yes, it's wrong, but it's also mockery. And it's not acceptable. And for this, there are consequences. So a person will regret what including to laminate circuit in, I was indeed amongst those who marked. Now each and every one of us needs to think about ourselves. What are those things which I know are wrong?

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What are those things? Which I know I must do, but I still don't do them out of fear of people. I still do those wrong actions.

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While I forget Allah, out of fear of people,

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when we're doing something wrong, we are actually mocking at our Lord whether you're the biller. This is the reality of our sins. does this benefit a servant? No, it doesn't. What income to lamina serve herein

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but you see all this fun.

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It will come to an end. Because death is something that will leave nobody in throttle mode me No. 999 Allah tells us about a person who's near death and he says honorable G Rooney. Oh my Lord, send me back, send me back, send me back. Lie Lee Armello slowly Han female act, so that I may do those good deeds which I had left. Otaku Allah, Allah says or lest it will say, meaning repent, and change and surrender. Leave your sins, leave these bad habits, fix yourself, correct yourself. Get your act together. A water cooler or less two person would say low and Allah her Danny. If only Allah had guided me, guided me where to the straight path. La Quinta Meenal Mata kin, then surely I would be

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amongst those who have Taqwa I would have lived the life of Taqwa. If only Allah had guided me, I would have been of the Mottaki meaning of those who are saved from punishment, out Akula or lust, it should say Hina at the time when there are other, et Cie sees the punishment meaning a person would see the punishment and then he would say, No anelli can rotten. If only if only I had a camera. What is Carla?

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Another chance another turn? You see the word Cobra Caframo the word the cloud is from the same root and what does the cloud mean? Repetition. So basically, it means to go back coverall is used for a fighter who, you know attacks again and again, you know, goes back retreats, and then fresh attack retreats and then fresh attack. This is called ROV and cholera is a turn. But notice the Tamil buta Theon, it is of wider meaning la

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One chance to return only one. At the time when the person would see punishment, he would say, If only I had one chance for Cornermen and more skinnin So I could be among the doers of good, I will try my very best I would do the best deeds that I could. But is there any chances? Not even one more chance? No. What do you see in all of these verses, that if a person does not repent from his sins, then eventually there is regret, regret upon regret upon regret. So if today, we are overcome by our sins, we are addicted to them. We are too afraid of people to leave those sins, that we must push ourselves to come out of those sins, because death is certain. And it may come upon us while we

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might be in that sin. And if we don't repent,

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then only regrets will stay with us.

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Forgiveness and pardon is for the person who admits his sins. It's for the person who confesses, it's for the person who tries to leave that sin. For the person who tries to improve takes one step towards Allah and what do we learn from her if you take a step towards Allah, Allah will take 10 steps towards you walk to Allah, Allah will run to you. This is repentance, right? real repentance. When you realize what you've been doing, where you've been falling short, and you muster up the courage to take a step towards Allah, then there is repentance, there is forgiveness for such a servant.

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But if we start justifying our sins, presenting excuses for them, then we are only harming ourselves. Allah subhanaw taala has created so many ways for our forgiveness, so many ways.

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Firstly, these is what do they show? No matter what you've done, no matter how much you go back to Allah, you don't even know what to say. Just say I'm sorry. You don't know how to say sigh. Just bring that feeling in your heart. Express that regret somehow. You don't even know what to say. Just cry. Because Allah knows what you feel in your heart. What is needed is unburn Muneeb, a returning heart, a heart that returns to Allah knowing that I am nothing without Allah. If I don't have him, I have nothing. If I don't have his approval. I have nothing. I'm a loser.

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This is repentance. And besides that, there are so many ways to seek forgiveness. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever says La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, Al Hamdulillah was Subhan Allah, Allah Hola, La Quwata illa biLlah. Do we know all these accounts, simple basic of God, whoever says this, then this will be expiation for all his sins, even if they may be like the form on the sea. In another Hadith, we learn whoever says a stockfeed Allah Allah de la ilaha illa, who will have a human or a taboo delay, then he will be forgiven, even if he had committed a major sin like fleeing from the battlefield. Because it's a major sin in Islam. So even if a person has

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committed a major sin, a very serious sin, he seeks forgiveness from Allah. You don't have these big fancy two eyes to say stop federal law.

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Because this is what we think sometimes these was too fancy for me, I don't even know them. Where am I gonna get them from? Just begin with a stock Fetullah just begin with that. There is a card 100 at the bookstore of drawers for seeking forgiveness. Make a habit of just going through it, keep it in your living room. It's colorful, it's bright. It serves as a reminder, seek forgiveness, like the Prophet salallahu Salam did more than 70 to 100 times in one day, after Salah if we say subhanallah 33 times at Hamdulillah 33 times Allah Akbar 33 times and to make it 100 La ilaha illallah wa Taala Sharika. That Vic, if a person says this, Then sins are forgiven in there are so many ways that

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Allah subhanaw taala has created for our forgiveness. So if we don't avail these opportunities, whose fault is it, then? Whose fault is it then? It's ours. Did you want to say

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yes, yes. And Hadees. We learned that a servant he commits a sin. He realizes he's done something wrong. He says, Oh my Lord, I have committed a sin. So forgive me. And Allah says My servant knows that he has a lord that forgives. So I have forgiven my servant. That servant he commits another sin. After some time he doesn't know the thing that

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It's wrong. And then he says the same thing, Oh Allah, I have committed something wrong, so please forgive me. So Allah says that my servant knows that he has a lord that forgives, so I forgive him. And this happens numerous times, because we hold ourselves back from Toba. Why out of fear that we will commit sin again, who said that if you do Toba once you are going to become an angel. Just because you have done combat once doesn't mean you are sin proof.

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You understand? As long as we are living, we will do wrong we will make mistakes because we are human, we are imperfect.

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All of us are sinners. So don't let this fear of falling into sin again, prevent you from Toba. Don't let this fear stop you from seeking forgiveness.

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This is all Wescoe self shaitan. So there are so many ways that Allah Subhana Allah has created for our forgiveness. And in these ayat is invitation do something repent seek forgiveness, before it's too late. In Hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that every dweller of * will be shown his place in Jannah that was fixed for him.

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And he will say, Lo and Allah heard Ernie, if only Allah had guided me.

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I wish that Allah had guided me. So this will be a hassle for him.

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Every dweller of Jannah will see his abode in the fire, meaning if he had done wrong, and he would have ended up in Jannah that would be his place. So in general, you will be shown that this would have been your place and he will say, Lola and Allah her Danny, if Allah had not guided me, I would have never, ever made it here. So this will be a means of gratitude for him. And then the prophets Allah who already was salam, he recited the ayah and the cool enough soon, yeah, has slaughter Allah for work to feed them. Billa and all of these verses, which show to us that if we don't repent, then at the end is only regret upon regret. Allah says Bella, but yes,

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in fact, Jer Atka it came to you. I Yachty my verses don't say if only I had been guided if only Allah had guided me because the fact is that Allah offered you guidance. He did show you the way so don't blame Allah blame only yourself. Because what did you do then? When the versus came to you for the better be her You denied them? We're stuck barter, and you were arrogant. Welcome, terminal caffeine and you were among the deniers. The truth came to you guidance came to you. And really we need to ask ourselves, do I not know this particular action that I'm doing is wrong?

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Do I know no.

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Don't I know that this particular action is something that Allah requires from me, don't I know? What am I waiting for? What am I waiting for? Be honest with yourself. Be strict with yourself. Be firm with yourself because the snaps is very evil. It tells you again and again. It's okay. It's okay. But we see that on the Day of Judgment. None of this will work. These excuses will not rescue a person

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because it will be said Bella or the job. Attica Yachty. My versus came to you for Cadabra we have what is the key to regard something as false to treat it as if it was false. When something is false, you don't even pay any attention to it. It's wrong. It doesn't deserve your attention. So you live on as if it doesn't even exist.

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you knew but you deliberately avoided you rejected with your actions was stuck Berta? What was the problem? You were too arrogant in yourself? You thought too highly of yourself. It's the cabal is bufflehead. It is to deny the truth. Look down on the truth. We're on to NAS to belittle people knowing that something is right. But a person says no, no, doesn't defeat me was tuck Botha beha were calm terminal caffeine and you will have the deniers.

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Everybody stand up let's listen to the presentation.

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to say

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Allahumma Antara de la ilaha illa Anta Kolok Danny, what an OB doc. This is what we need to acknowledge morning and evening. Oh Allah You are my Lord, there is no god but you

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You are the Lord, and I am your servant. You created me and I am your servant.

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I confess my sins before you, because where else can we find peace and redemption? I mean, if we keep living with our sins, and we keep living with that guilt, there is no peace in life. No happiness, no satisfaction whatsoever.

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I just want you to say two things about this one, when you go into lamina circuiting, taking heat, your heart is okay. But taking his job and taking it off, I knew somebody in my family, he was taking his job after hutch, she came to Canada and then she took off the job. I was confused how to tell her, then I just text her that if smoking of Allah to take his job if you just wanted to remove according to your choice, I hear that there's a hadith that at least as a theist lsmw said earlier,

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there are two sources on this earth from now to save yourself from the punishment of Allah one has been taken away the other is left one was the prophet newbees Lucerna and the other is to seek a squat and then iron. Certain Bucher also womankind Hola, hola, you as the balloon fee him my marathon Allah Who are the by whom, by whom yesterday room today and find that it's in the book office the hurdles, as long as a person is seeking forgiveness, that he is protected from punishment. So it's essential that we keep seeking forgiveness for our sins morning and evening. As soon as we realize for sins that we know often also sins that we don't know. The first time I read

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this idea, I was shocked. It was a shock that really

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Allah says this in the Quran that Allah Dena, a software Allah unfussy him led that not only Rahmatullah in the light of the noble Jumeirah, because what do we do all the time? How is it that we talk about Allah subhanaw taala all the time? punishment, punishment punishment? Yes, that is true. But we should not kill hope at the same time. We should not destroy hope. Hope is very important. Hulk comes first. Then comes is too far and over. Hope comes first. Then there is change. If we've given up hope.

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Then what can we do? Subhan Allah I was as you have mentioned, even we have the bag full of crimes and we just go to Allah subhanaw taala and he inshallah forgive everything. And look at it, the dunya matters. You know, if you have the smallest criminal record in this dunya you're done for everything. Nobody will trust you and you couldn't find a job. You couldn't do any work. Like you're done like you're done.

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in your community, you have done your workhorse you are done and look at all of us $1 And look at his kingdom like where you are welcome all the time with all their sins. Subhanallah and the other thing is like, even if you know sometimes you will feel so guilty and you want to do so far you want to go pray to records and standing in front of Allah subhanaw taala is far just by doing with the Voodoo so many sins have been so merciful is so kind. So in sha Allah is in Luffy keep that in mind. Yes, every action towards Allah. This is Inaba. Right and every action towards Allah is a means off forgiveness. Cinema. I was just thinking game shows when someone's playing and they're stuck on a

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question. They're offered three chances, you know, 5050 Law lifeline and whatnot. And we live our lives like that, that you know, I was I'll just send my whole life and ask forgiveness from Allah once and that's it or I've already asked Allah forgiveness once you know and I'm seeing and you know, I can go back to it. And the beauty of it is that Allah's wonders throw throwing these chances at us, you know, take them just ask forgiveness for me. And that's the beauty that there's a difference between humans were the only give you a few chances. And Allah subhanaw taala who gives you chances after chances and we should grab those chances? Yes.

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