Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P23 234B Tafsir Ya-Sin 48-58

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Day of Jana is about rebuilding the people, finding their deeds to be true, and finding their pleasure in life. The horn is designed to blow up the throne and create the United States. The speakers discuss the importance of finding one's deeds to be a success, cultivating one's fruit preferences, and creating an agenda to achieve desired fruit desires. The segment also touches on Jana's desire for a child in janma and the importance of cultivating one's fruit preferences and creating an agenda to achieve their desired fruit desires.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why are coluna and they say, Mata when had Anwar do this promise in quantum Saudi again, if you should be truthful, instead of believing in the signs, what do they say? They say when will this promise be which promise, the promise that you make with us off some punishment or off the Day of Judgment of going to Jana or to now one is this going to be if you're really truthful, the mushy keen, they asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam this question, not as an inquiry but rather as a challenge to show impossibility as sarcasm as mockery.

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They said, What is it going to be? You talk about Jana you're talking about Now you talk about some punishment. What is it going to be In Kuntum Saudi teen, Allah says man, not young Luna they wait my young Luna they are not waiting in law except slay Hatton where Haider tan one blast. Nether novella Isla nother is to look another ILA is to look on expectantly meaning while waiting for something. So there are only waiting for say Hatton Wahida just one blast. And notice the word slay Hutton again it is natural to show the enormity of this blast. Which blast is this the blast of the trumpet. The first blowing of the trumpet by the angel is Sellafield one blast. Allah says the huddle home it

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will cease them. It will see us them wahome yaka Simone, while they will be your history mon they will be disputing. Yaki Simone is actually young, they'll see moon the TA is assimilated with the flood and the word becomes a hit Simone. What does yaka simonia Hinsley Moon mean to argue they will be arguing they will be doing custom

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meaning the Hour will come, the Trumpet will be blown, while the people of that time will be debating about irrelevant things, busily engaged in futile discussions in their disputes. What this referring to is that the day of judgment will come while they are engrossed in their daily lives, it will come without any warning. The Commencement of that day will not be delayed, so that their disputes may be resolved. Rather it will come suddenly and it will seize them. This IO also tells us about the state of the people upon whom the hour shall come, meaning the people who will be alive when the Hour will occur when the Day of Judgment will happen. What kind of people will they be your

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history moon, those who argue those who fight meaning their hearts will be disunited. Their hearts will be void of any mutual love or care or concern. Only their hearts will be filled with the hustle the Bible the Tao book, no hatred, rancor disagreeing and disputing with one another turning away from one another. And why is it that the people of the time will be like this? Due to the absence of Eman? There will be no iman the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that an Masada let the Kuhmo Illa Allah sharara will help the our will not come except upon the worst of the creation.

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Meaning the people who will be alive at the time when the Trumpet will be blown. What kind of people will they be the worst of all people. Of course this will be after restart his Salam will come much after him. And we learned that Quran will be lifted. We learned that the masjid of the Prophet sallallaahu son will be abandoned literally. The Kaaba will be demolished. Nobody will come and defend it.

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The worst of people will be living at that time, such that Allah Allah will not be said people will not even know the word Allah the name of Allah forgotten. This will be the state of people at that time, while homea has Seimone finance or not. Yes the two year owner they will be able to when the owl will come they will not be able to do anything mostly a ton to give any wasa year they will see if and whilst the idea is to give once a year to make a will to make a request regarding one's property regarding one's affairs, meaning when a person realizes that they're about to die

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What do they do? They tell their family, my money, do this with it, my business, do this with it, my books do this with it, my clouds do this with it. They give some instruction concerning their affairs and concerning their properties. But Allah says that when the Hour will come when the Trumpet will be blown, they will not be able to make any will wala and nor Illa li him to their families, your Jiun they can return they will not be able to return to their families. Why would a person returned to their family? Because when you go out of your house to do something, once you're done, where do you go, you go back home. So in other words, they will not be able to complete that

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errand, they will not be able to complete their work and then go back home. There is no going back home. And secondly, why would a person go home to check up on their family, they will not be able to go and see their family. Rather they will die right there. And then. So sudden the Hour will be that none will get even the slightest chance to make amends to end disputes, to finish their work to check on their families to get back home. No, rather at this first blast, what's going to happen? Everyone will be terrified and they will die. And at the second blast, everyone will rise. And that is what's mentioned in the following I one new field office sold and then nuffic office soon it will

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be blown in the trumpet, meaning the Trumpet will be blown into

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this will be when after a period of 40 Because from Hadith we learned that between the two Nef meaning the first blowing of the trumpet and the second blowing of the trumpet, there is a period of 40 Now what is that? 4040 days? 40 years 40 months Allahu Allah. But after that time, what's going to happen? Nothing Hafiz soon the Trumpet will be blown the second time. So what is so sore is a trumpet a horn. And from Hadith we learn Carmen Yun for houfy. He it's a horn in which it will be blown into by who by the angel is Sofitel. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, since the time that the angel who is to blow the trumpet was given his task, that angel has been ready with

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his eyes set upon the throne, meaning he hasn't even blinked once. He hasn't even looked away once afraid that his eye might be deviated when the order comes.

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Meaning he hasn't. He hasn't looked away from the throne or blinked his eyes even once. Why? Because he's ready. Ready to blow the trumpet? The moment Allah subhanaw taala orders him to into his Luffy there's 100% ready, just waiting for the order so that he can blow the trumpet. In other Hadees we learn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, How can I be at ease when the angel of the trumpet has placed his mouth upon the trumpet? He has bent his forehead and is awaiting the command of his Lord.

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When Luffy cough is sold, and the trumpet shall be blown, how the first trumpet shall be blown, how suddenly without any warning, the second Trumpet will be blown will how after a period of 40 the first morning of the trumpet will cause the creation that is alive at that time to die and the second blowing will cause everyone to come alive. And that is what is described in this idea that fed either then immediately home the meaning at once they will meaning all people will mean they'll add you Dorothy from the graves in our rugby him to their Lord yen saloon they will hasten they will rush

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at once they will come out of the air to death or to death is the point of the word Jettas Jeem delta and a Jetta is an old grave a grave whose marks even have disappeared meaning it's an unmarked grave. A lost grave a forgotten grave, meaning people don't even know that it's a grave.

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Doesn't it happen so often that you know a piece of land is bought and then construction begins but then as you're digging to find that this was some graveyard or some you know for example, a body is found decayed bones are found.

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What do we know we may be sitting on top of a graveyard also Allahu Arnhem.

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You never know. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he purchased the land for the Masjid. Masjid another week. What was that place when they dug it? What did they find? The bones off people who had been buried

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So then they were relocated.

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This is Judith, you understand what Judith is now? An old lost grave.

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So Meenal adath People will come out of the graves and as they will come out, what will they do in Arabi him to their Lord Ian saloon, they will hasten NC do this from NASA. NASA literally is to descend. All right? Have you ever run down a hill, what happens when you're running down a hill or even driving down a hill your speed, it just increases automatically. So from this, it's referring to running quickly hastening in our OB himI and say don't, they will quickly proceed towards their Lord. As the Trumpet will be blown the soul shall reunite with the bodies and each person will come out of his grave. People will be emerging from their grave scrambling out and as soon as they come

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out, they will run towards the call meaning towards the place from where the sound is coming. No one is going to remain sleeping then in total as well. I have 52 Allah says yo maya de rue come further study buena be handy. The day that he will call you and you will respond with his praise. Meaning then nobody's going to remain sleeping. Everyone is going to wake up on you. They will say yeah, Waylon out or walk to us. Mombasa now who raised us mimma Kadena for our sleeping place. What happened? who woke us up? Why have we been woken up from our resting place? The word MasterCard is from through letters rock off dial? What are you call them we're home record record ones who are

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sleeping, more called is a place of sleeping meaning of bed. They will say who woke us up from our sleeping places. We were having such a good sleep. While they say this. Because if you think about it, we learn that for example for our and his people, as they died as they drown they were admitted in the fire, meaning in the grave there are punished, we believe that there is either punishment or reward in the grave. So those who are being punished in the grave while they say that why were we woken up from our sleeping places where they're sleeping, or where they're being punished?

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Then why will they say Why will they think of the time in the grave as if it was a good sleep?

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Exactly because what they will witness now

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is far, far more worse. It's much more difficult and heavy compared to what they experienced in the grave.

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The punishment of the Day of Judgment is far greater than the punishment of the grave. The punishment of the grave will seem like

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a dream, a bad nightmare.

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Allah says Allah azza wa jal Irati Asha dua, the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and it is more lasting. It is also sad that the time period between the two enough because the 14 that is the time when there is no punishment,

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right there is no punishment or or any reward. So, that time they will refer to as moral code.

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They will say or they will be told have this is more why the right man what the Most Merciful has promised was sada calmer saloon. And the messengers were truthful.

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They will say who woke us up they'll be told, this is what Allah promised you. Didn't Allah promise? Resurrection he did. Well, the promise has been fulfilled now. And didn't the messengers warn before? Yes, they did Sudoku almost alone, while the prophets were truthful.

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Intro to soft fat io 20 It is mentioned what Carlu Yawei Ilana had yo Modine, they will say oh well, to us. This is the Day of Recompense. Wow. We didn't think it was going to happen but it actually happened. Have a Yeoman firstly lady come to me to cut the bone. This is the day that you were denying before Allah says incarnate in not cannot it will be in LA except say hi to Anwar Heatherton one blast for either. Then at once home Bay, Jamia Han all together led Aina before us more

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ones brought present meeting it will not take long at all. Just one blast and the entire creation Jamia on everyone without exception will be brought to Medina.

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For us more about the room poll of Mark Baldwin who has been made Harbor, one who has been brought and presented for what for hisab for just

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just as with one blast, everything will perish in the same way with one blast everyone will be fetched and brought before Allah in sort of camera if 50 Allah says Wilma, a Munna, Illa Haider tone, Kalam, him Bill Bassam. It's just one command. And how's it going to happen? the blink of an eye one moment, it's not going to take long at all. Failure Oma. So today Latos law mon Epson che law, not to the level it will be wronged who knocks on any person che and anything? No person will be wronged even a little bit in any way.

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Because that is the day of justice. That is the day of fairness. And Allah is the One who is most just so no person will be treated unfairly. How could a person be treated unfairly on that day? That for example, his sin is increased or that his good deeds are lost? No. No one will be done. If a person is given punishment, it's because he is deserving of it. If a person's deeds are lost, it's because he never really performed them in the right way. Well, I told you, zona, and you will not be recompensed in there except Malcolm Tom, Tom Malone that which you use to do. So the Day of Judgment is the day when there is no fear of injustice.

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And while this may seem very beautiful, in reality, it's very frightening.

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Because if we honestly check ourselves, see ourselves, analyze ourselves, what do we really deserve? What kind of actions what's the quality of the deeds that we perform? What's the level of sincerity? How beautiful are they? If we take a look at our lives, we do something good. And then what happens we follow it up with something horrible. We're so kind to someone, we're so nice to them, we help them out. And the next day, we yell at them and we hurt their feelings. And we wash off everything good that we've done to them. So by the end, what do we have left a

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lot to lemon absent J there is no fear of injustice that day into the fall I 112. Allah says, Well, my yarmulke means slowly Hardy who are who are mean on fillet a half a woman wala hug

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the person who does righteousness while they're a believer, than that person will not fear any injustice, any loss of deeds. Insert MBI a 47 Allah says when number or my wife Zeno is polynomial Qiyamah fell out to Ramona Epson che

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the scales of justice will be set up and no person will be wronged at all. So let's say that if a person has performed a deed that is a small as a mustard seed even even that will have wait until the profit is 17 Allah says Aleo Medusa cologne Ipsum bamaca Sabbath love will Maliau the Day of Judgment now Vollmer Leone there is no injustice that day. No injustice that day. This is why it's necessary that we ask Allah for forgiveness Today we ask Allah to accept our deeds despite the deficiency in our deeds in the US horrible Jana indeed the companions of paradise a li OMA today meaning that they're the people of Jana, the inhabitants of Jana, how will they be fish chauvelin In

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occupation, meaning they will be busy.

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How will they be busy? faqih Hoon once rejoicing ones who are amused the word children is from their letters, Sheen, rain, lamb shovel, and shovel is basically a shirt no ledee you shovel in Santa merci? Well, it's basically something that makes a person so busy. He doesn't think or care about anything else. We learn about love also. But remember low is that which distracts you from what is more important, right low is useless. Shuman is occupation. You know, being busy with something you're so busy with or that you don't think about others. You don't think about something else.

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Like for example, if you're reading a good book, you're so lost in it. You don't even realize you spent a whole hour reading.

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Right? You're talking to somebody you don't even realize that your child is screaming for help.

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Right? You're eating you're having so much, you know, fine, enjoying your food that you don't even realize you've been dropping so much food on you. Who cares about colds when you're enjoying someone

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Food. You understand sure you're doing something you're enjoying so much. You don't care about anything else.

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So they will be insured but how fucky who own amused enjoying themselves so they will be busy enjoying themselves they'll be busy having fun. Funky home is a point of faqih and faqih is from faqeer, which is to be joyous to be happy to do something one finds enjoyment in.

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So far K is a person who's doing something that he's really enjoying. He's having a lot of fun, whether it's stalking or eating or anything. So in US herbal Jannetty, leiomyoma fish, Shulin Feki Hoon.

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They will be insurable that will only bring them delight, no fatigue, no boredom, no hurt and each will consider his state to be the very best.

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There is no grief in Jannah no sorrow, only happiness upon happiness. There will be so busy in being happy, truly happy that they will forget about other things. And the only thing they will not forget is the remembrance of Allah. Home they will as well do home and their spouses feel will Earl in in shades plural of Lil ol Agha upon couches, mata ki Omen ones who are reclining around is a plural of Rica and Rica is a bed that is decorated, meaning a beautiful bed inside a curtain canopy. So basically their shade also. And what does this allow privacy and not just privacy for beauty and comfort and shade? I mean, if you think about it, why do you think you have those canopies for beds?

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You know, even for COTS or cribs? Why do we have them? Is it because we have mosquitoes inside our houses? Or there's sunlight coming or something? No, it's merely for the purpose of for the purpose of decoration. It looks nice. It just looks more beautiful

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lavishness and look the key Oh, they'll be reclining. Motoki on is a pole of Turkey from the real letter as well. Calf Hamza, all right, it is to proclaim what does is show us that families will be together in Ghana, as long as the members of that family have been righteous and they believe in Allah. So for example, if a person is in one level, and their spouse is in a different level, the one in the lower level will be upgraded to the higher level. Right? Families will be together they will be united. Because you know, you could have a lot of fun with your friends but especially home was Why do you home the love and the companionship and the beautiful relationship that exists

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between a husband and wife that is unmatched. Secondly, what we see in this ayah is that people in general will be married. Okay, Allah will grant spouses, no one will suffer from loneliness. Homeless YG home field, we land in Allah, Allah icky. Mata Ki Oh, another thing we see over here is that couples will truly chill as in, they can relax, because what happens in this world is when I was when a wife are sitting together, and they are trying to, you know, for example, eat dinner, are there things that can disturb that romantic dinner?

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Or they're maybe it's the stress on the husband's mind about the bills that he has to pay or the work that he has to do? And it's the stress of the children or the housework that's on the wife that's making her so agitated. And so it's supposed to be a very relaxing romantic dinner, but it turns into an argument.

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You know what I'm talking about? That happens, right?

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It happens because this is the reality of life. Or maybe something that the wife did or said or something the husband did or said it's still bothering the other. So not Turkey own meaning they will be reclining chilling, not stressed, no bad feelings. No fighting, no arguing no stress of bills or work or chores or anything. What ducky own. The whole fee has for them in it will be faqih her own fruit.

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Fly phakisa Don't think of it as just strawberries and oranges and bananas. phakisa remember is fruit of any kind. Fruit of any kind. Learn of the word fruit in the Quran. For example, we have to think of it from the perspective of the people who were the first to hear the Quran the Arabs who lived in the desert for whom grapes were a luxury. Watermelon was like, wow, it came all the way from a sham. You understand

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mangoes are in a fruit was a luxury alright because it did not grow in the desert. So, faqih hat by definition is that thing the eating of which is enjoyed

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all right, also we think about it when do you eat fruit? Do you eat fruit for lunch? Only if you're super healthy, you know health conscious then you will have fruit for lunch. Alright, generally we eat fruit as a snack. Some have it as dessert. All right. So what does it show the home fee how far Kiha they will have an ID fruit, meaning food that they will eat for the purpose of enjoyment

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for they will eat for the purpose of enjoyment not because they're hungry are because they have to be you know careful about what they eat.

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The Humphrey halfback he has done for them. There in is fruit foods they will enjoy eating they will eat simply for the purpose of enjoyment. If you think about it, the people who go to Jannah from the Ummah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, before they cross the bridge, they will be given water from Howard coauthor to drink

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and the water have held coastal when a person drinks it they will never be thirsty again.

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Meaning thirst will be gone.

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They will never experience thirst ever again. So what does it mean that when they will eat in Jannah when they will drink in Jannah it's not for a need it's not for some necessity it is purely for the purpose of luxury. It is purely for the purpose of enjoyment and fun Laham see have faqih her tone while they're home and for them is my yet their own whatever they request you have their own it da yet very is basically to claim something as yours. All right. And then from the citizen it very early Yamashita, meaning, the money wish ask for anything. So the whole idea the own they will have whatever they want, whatever they asked for. So everything in Jannah is for what purpose? For

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enjoyment, not for need. And whatever they will wish they will have it whatsoever they request whatever they desire, whenever they imagine they can have it.

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It is the only place where you could eat what you want. Or all you want

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in this world are their limitations.

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You may have the best food in front of you but you don't have the space for it. You really don't. You can't have it.

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You want to eat it but you can't. And you know what the consequences will be if you were to eat so one of them may have their own intro to Zoho of i 71. Allah says we're fee have my touch the heel unforce what I love the Aryan uncomfy her Holly dune in Jana is whatever the knifes desires snuffs,

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right, right now does the knifes desire something, do many things is it possible to have everything that the knifes desires? No way.

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It's not possible.

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What uncomfy Holly dune and you will dwell in it eternally.

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You see, every person likes different things. Isn't and Jana is a place of luxury for all meaning everyone who enters Jenna can have whatever they want, however they want it. In our bodies. We learned that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that one of the people of Jannah will ask Allah to allow him to cultivate the land.

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Because people like gardening, I don't know why they like gardening but they like it.

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Right? They just like it. So even a person who likes gardening makes it to Jannah he will ask Allah can I do some gardening? Can I cultivate the land? And Allah subhanaw taala will ask him are you not living in the pleasures you like? Meaning Why do you need to cultivate the land? Don't you have everything? And he will say yes, but I like to cultivate the land. I like farming, I like gardening. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said that when the man will be permitted, he will sow the seeds and the plants will grow and they will get ripe ready for reaping and so on. Till it will be as huge as mountains within a wink, meaning this whole process will happen in how long within a wink. And

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then Allah will say to him all son of Adam, take here you are, gather the yield, Nothing satisfies you. And that's true. This is why it's so important to make an agenda

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because that's the only place where every desire after every desire can be fulfilled.

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And another Hadith we learn that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, The believer when he desires a child in janma so in a person in John

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don't want they will want a child. It will be conceived, born and complete meaning in a very short amount of time.

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You know, every wish, every wish somebody would love babies. Alright, some people they love children. Some people love gardening. Some people love writing a man came and he said to the Prophet salallahu Salam, I love horses are their horses in Jannah. So he was concerned that, you know, Jana is such a perfect place such a posh place. I like horses will there be horses in DUMBO, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, if you are admitted into Jana, you shall be brought a horse of rubies with wings, and then you shall be carried on it and then it will fly with you wherever you want.

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This is the home of desires, whatever that desire may be here.

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You know, by the time your desires are fulfilled, or you think that your desires are being fulfilled, you're exhausted or you know you run out of time or you run out of money is and then you have to pay so much you have to work so hard to get something that you want and then when you get what you want you feel guilty.

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I think I overspent. I think I overdid it. I think I over it, isn't it? Whatever we enjoy, it's followed with guilt. That's not enjoyment. True enjoyment is only in Jannah. And the best Salem peace. All on a word Mirabell Rahim from a lord who's merciful. One of them may have their own they will have whatever they wish and the most they will wish for his what, salam from Allah conversation with Allah, looking at Allah because when you land them in Allah He Akbar.

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And also what this shows is Salam on its sudden. So it says those Salam will come as a surprise, and this is the greatest blessing of Jana, because it's mentioned as the last over here in this context, salam from from Allah. What is this show Allah who will address the people of paradise with Salam

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in total Isaiah by 44 Allah says the here to whom Yama al

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salam, the day they meet him, the greeting will be of Salah, meaning Allah will say salaam to them. You see in this world we ask for Salam we pray for salam from Allah when we say a salam Wa alaykum we're making a dua may Salam be on you Allah's Salam be on you and what the salah mean safety security from any trouble from any problem from any difficulty, any disease anything and even the time for painful but Jana is the place where people get Salam Salam is guaranteed in dunya he asked for it right there in Jana, it's guaranteed in Surah tuna saya 10. Allah says Allah Who yet the rule Illa daddy Salam Allah called to the home of salaam

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salaam on Conan Mirada Rahim, this is due to the fact that the Lord is Rahim because no one can enter Jannah without Allah's

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without Allah's mercy. Salam en Conlon middle Abdur Rahim these are the blessings of Jannah the best of which is the meeting with Allah the greeting of Allah.

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Usually the person who says the love first is younger or comes after or something like that and the fact that Allah will say salaam to the people of Ghana shows how he is honoring them. Yes. And also it shows how it will be a surprise. They will be least expecting it you know, there will be busy faqih home and all of a sudden salaam kala Mirada Rahim and that is the best of the pleasures of Jana the best of the blessings of Jana recitation way up all night

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for the baby in my

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Xiang Oh ALLAH to Jessa owner in

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Natalio Murphy shoe shoehorning

00:35:43 --> 00:35:51

home more as the word your home feely learning nylon or turkey

00:35:53 --> 00:35:55

learn fi

00:36:08 --> 00:36:10

be walking

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