Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 228B Tafsir Fatir 1-7

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The title of " Surah Fatiha" in Islam is a reference to the book's "monster" meaning, which is a symbol of weakness and comes from the title of Islam. The "we" in English is discussed, with a brief recap of its history. The importance of knowing who is the provider of good news and avoiding giving too much information is emphasized, along with advice on instilling love of Allah in children and avoiding negative behavior. The speaker also emphasizes the need to be mindful of what is temporary and not constantly distracted by the "here after" feeling.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim sudut felted sudut Falcon is a murky surah and Surah Fatiha is also known as su Atul Mala Erica, because there is the mention of the Name of Allah or the attribute of Allah felted as well as the melodica in the first is right at the beginning of the surah. The surah is murky, it has 45 verses, over 900 words and over 3000 hurdles. The theme of the Salah is very similar to that of sort of Saba an invitation to reflect on oneself the reality of this life and recognize the Creator, recognize His messenger and accept the truth and follow it.

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The Surah it begins with Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Al Hamdulillah. All praise is due to Allah. All Praise is for who? Allah subhanho wa taala. The Surah begins with Al Hamdulillah and many other Sutras of the Quran also begin with Alhamdulillah the swimmers of the Quran they have a very unique beginning style, some sutras, they begin with the glorification of Allah subhanaw taala. Like for example, some sutras begin with Alhamdulillah by means of praising Allah or by attributing names and attributes of perfection, like for example sort of Fatiha begins with Alhamdulillah Surat milk begins with taba calorie source for Khan also begins with the Abba cutlery, right? Or for example,

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this beer is mentioned Subhan Allah He right you said behold Allah He said, Behold, smell of bagel Arla soup Subhana Allah the Asad Brd so there are 14 sutras in the Quran that begin with Allah's glorification and praise 14th Surah of the Quran begin in the style.

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And this is basically a lesson for us and a reminder for us that all praise is really for who

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it is indeed for Allah. Because when is it that you praise someone when you recognize their favors and their qualities and gratitude? Sugar is basically praising Allah subhanho wa taala. And sugar is what leads to riba it is what leads to worship.

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Because how can a person worship Allah, if He does not recognize that Allah is the Greatest benefactor? That Allah is the One who has given unlimited blessing, who has shown unlimited favors? So alhamdulillah All praise is due to who? Allah Who is Allah fairplay to summon our wealth you will, the Creator of the heavens and the earth fowl please, who is felted one who Fatah and Fatah is to create but literally the word Satara. If you go deeper in its meaning, Fatah is to tear apart Alright, so he has created the creation, by what means by means of separation, separating one entity from another. And if you think about it, just look at your blood even right, if you study blood,

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then what do we see if our bodies are made with what cells and cells? What happens to them they split. So here's the fireplace, the creator of a summer wealthy will have the heavens and the earth. And of course, whatever is within them also, he is the creator of the sky. He is the creator of the earth. Jerry did Mala Iike Jerrell one who has Java one who has made a mala Iike be angels, John is to make to set something to appoint something for a specific purpose. It's one of the meanings of the word John. So Geralyn Mala Iike is the maker of the angels meaning he has appointed them he has created them for a specific role. And what is that role little suelen? As goosal as messengers

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Rowsell is a plural of Rasul. So Allah has also made angels and these angels are made as messengers, messengers, in what way who is the Rasul? A messenger is one who takes the message and delivers it to somebody else. Right, that is aerosol, Intro to Hajj i 75. Allah says Allah Huija stuffy middle Mala Ekati Roussillon Wamena nurse Allah chooses among the angels, messengers, and also among people. So Allah has made some angels messengers, why? To convey his messages to prophets. Like for example,

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Jibreel is who Rasul Allah subhanaw taala appointed Gibreel to take the Quran to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And also the angels are messengers in the sense that they carry out the commands of Allah. They deliver it, meaning they bring it, they execute it, they bring it to its conclusion. Allah commands and they execute the commands of Allah. Like for example, in the Quran we learned fall muda Buratti Umrah that those who carry out the commands which commands the commands of Allah subhanaw taala in total unarmed 61 It is mentioned Hector either gerada como mode, though affetto Soluna, wahome la you for real tone, when one of you, when the time of his death comes, then our

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messengers take him, meaning the Angel of Death, right, they take the soul, and why are they called hostile because they have been sent with a certain task in order to execute in order to carry it out. So Jerilyn Mala Ekati will Sulan Allah has made the angels messengers, what are the two meanings of messengers? What are the two meanings that I told you? First is deliver messages to prophets, and the second meaning is carry out, execute his commands. And these angels Allah has made them only a genie hatin only possessors, meaning ones having only is another form of Oulu All right, oh lol Al Bab, remember Ahlul Al Bab what is old Al Bab mean, possessors of intellect? So Ollie is

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another form of that. So these angels are possessors off Engineer Engineer how plural of the word Jana winks wings.

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These angels have wings. Now wings if you think about it. Wings sometimes they look very soft and delicate right? It may be perceived as a symbol of weakness. But no wings. If you think about it for many birds, wings are a means of strength. Isn't it? A means of speed movement? Correct. So only urgently hatin, Allah has made the angels with wings. What is it sure that angels fly, and they fly swiftly and they're strong. So they're faster than the jinn also.

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When we think of different creations, we think that the jinn are very powerful. Right? This is why we have an extreme fear of the jinn. But what we see is that the angels are stronger, mightier than the jinn. Like, for example, in the story of Solomon or his salah, what do we see that if read managin he said, I'll get you the throne, by this time, and the one who was given knowledge and according to many, it was actually Angel Jibreel he said, I will bring it to you much faster. So angels, Allah subhanaw taala has created them with wings and their wings are a means of movement, swiftness, strength, power for them. And these wings, Allah says they are Muslim in pairs of two

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whatsoever, and in pairs or in sets of three will bow and in sets off for

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some angels have only two wings. All right, some have three sets, three as in two to two. How many would that be? Six, and some have four How many would that be? Eight. All right. So in pairs of two, three and four,

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yes, III do. Yes, he do. He increases Phil hulky in the creation may Usher whatever He wills, meaning some angels are created with even more wings, he can add to that creation as much as he wants the creation of what the creation of their wings. So for example, Gibreel was seen by the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam and Ubu had how many wings 600 wings covering the entire horizon, and between each pair of wings was a distance like that of the East and the West. This is why in certain najem I have five to seven we learn on lemahieu shahidul koa Angel Jibreel is described as shahidul koa intense in power, though Midleton Festiva, one of soundness and he rose to his true

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600 wings, he has either fill hockey Maya Shah in Allaha indeed Allah, Allah militia in Kadena over everything he is competent, he can create whatever he wants for a role

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Oh for a task that he wants, what do we see in this ayah Alhamdulillah all praise is for Allah, why?

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Why not?

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Because he is the creator of everything that you see amazing creation and one example of creation is given over here and that is of the angels, that within the angels also so much variety. So, what do you see that within the creation also there is variation, one has been given more than the other.

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I beloved Mr. Rudra Tula, one who he said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam saw Gibreel in his true form having 600 wings, so, your zeal to fill hockey my Usha, if the angels, Allah subhanaw taala can create Jibreel so powerful, then what do you think about the Creator? If you are in all of the creation, then you ought to be in awe of the creator of that creation. Because, remember, the sutra is murky and the machine they had some baseless beliefs about the angels they used to think that the angels are Allah's daughters or that they deserve worship. What this does is show that no The angels are Allah's creation. And if the creation of the angels impresses you, then in reality you should be

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impressed by who the creator of the angels and this is why Alhamdulillah our worship is only for who for Allah subhanaw taala

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one thing about the wings of the angels since they are mentioned over here, remember that the wings of the angels are not like those of birds. Okay, as in weak and feathery and soft, no, they are very, very strong. One example in Buhari we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he went for a slot.

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Then what happened? The intelligibly you pointed at the rock with his wing and what happened it broke into to another Hadith we learned about the story of hijab, all right, the story of hijab, what happened that had her when she was running from sofa to Marwa looking for water. And when she came she saw an angel at the place of zamzam digging the earth with his heel or his wings.

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So the angel was digging the earth with what with his wings. And what happened. Water gushed out of that place. When we think of wings we think delicate soft weakness for for angels it is what is it? It is strength.

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So Alhamdulillah Allah says may have the healer who Mao whatever MA Yes the healer who would ever that Allah opens Lin NASCI for people with Rama didn't have any mercy then follow the not mum sikhala One who can

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one who can what's mum sick from him sack one who can hold it back one who can

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what is him suck?

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Not let go to restrain to retain. So basically, no one can withhold it.

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You have to hate you have to haze from Fatah Fatiha is to open open Word something that was previously closed.

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So if Allah opens a door for people and opportunity for them, and that results in some mercy for them and what is mercy, kindness, ease removal of difficulty, and Rama can be both hissy or Marna we have seen as in physical tangible and Monterey as an intangible, his Cinerama or his see Rama physical form of this Rama is what like for example, rain rain has been called Rama in the Quran. Right? Likewise, we see, for minor we intangible like for instance knowledge. In the Quran, Allah said about harder than attina Who Ramadan Minar in Dena, we had given him a special mercy from Us and what is that special mercy? It's knowledge for Iran is also described as who then were a

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little more sinning. So, if Allah decides to open a door for the people, so that they get some mercy, whether it is tangible or intangible, whether it is in the form of receiving a favor, or it is in the form of some ease, facilitation, removal of difficulty, then falam sikhala Allah says no one at all can withhold it, mum sick from the word M sack meme seen calf, him sack is to retain grasp with all

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Old not let go. Mum sick is one who withholds. So if Allah opens what is closed for people, no one can

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stop it.

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If Allah sends something good for people, then no one can stop it warmer him sick, and that which he withholds of Rama than Fela than not Mozilla who one who can send it mimbar the after him. Mozilla is one who sends Racine lamb. Rizal is basically to walk slowly and gently and it Sal is to set free Musil one who sets free one who sends if Allah withhold something, no one can release it after him will who will Aziz will Hakeem and He is the Exalted in mind, the one whose way prevails, and he is the wise in what he does, placing things where they belong.

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What's the message of this idea? That whatever Allah wills happens, and whatever he does not will can never happen. This is why we see the statement is reiterated in Salah and also after Salah after Salah What do we say Hola. Hola. Hola. manera Lima or theta? Well are more clear. Lima. Aminata. Right. Well, I info the Jedi. Men cultured the prophets, Allah Madison would say this after finishing the prayer, but even in the prayer he would say this. When

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does anybody know?

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When would he say it's a part of a DUA?

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After record when you get it from record before such the the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would say Samir Allah would even Hamidah Allah Humala bene Allah Cal hunt. Midsummer what will all women mash it them in? Shaitan both Allahumma Ella thiner he will manage a Hakuna Kornilov were called Lunella Caragh Allah Houma la manera Lima out later, while more clearly Murata will I infer with a legitimate content, that Oh Allah, no one can stop, what you give and no one can give what you prevent.

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And this is the message of this if, if Allah decides to give something, no one can prevent it. And so I have 11 Also, Allah says confirm am Licola come in Allah He che and in Arada become burned out or rather become NEFA if Allah intends something bad or good for you, who has power over that, who can prevent Allah from giving you what he wants to give you? In truth, Yunus is 107 also Allah says we're em SASC Allah who believe in Fela Kashi Allahu Allahu if Allah afflicts you with some harm, no one can remove it except him.

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Where a unit can be Hidin Fela raw deli family and if He intends something good for you, no one can repel it.

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So whenever you fear whenever you worry about what's going to happen, what if I don't get this? What if I lose it? Remember, it's all in whose control in Allah's control because if he decides to send something your way, nothing at all can prevent it from reaching you.

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And if he decides to keep something away from you, then nothing at all can make you get it.

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All power rests with who with Allah subhanaw taala he can open the door and he can close it, the door of opportunity the door of Rama and if he facilitate something for us, no one can prevent. So the real strength is with who? with Allah subhanaw taala This is why Allah says yeah, a Johann NAS all mankind, all guru near Mata Allah He Aleikum remember Allah's favor upon you. What fear Do you have? Why do you worry remember the blessings of Allah? Don't be ungrateful, old coronial not Allah Hiya. Aleikum. Remember, Allah's blessing on you.

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* is min Harlequin any creator, late Allah besides Allah that heroes Zuko calm who provides you min Osama he will work from the sky and the earth. Is there any creator other than Allah who provides for you from above you and from below yo la ilaha illa who the fact is that there is no god except Him for annatto for Conan, how are you deluded? Topher Cohen, Hamza, Calif. If to turn something from its original direction, how and from where and why do you get turned away from Allah? Meaning when you know that Allah is the provider, Allah is the Creator, then why do you deny?

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When you know that all power rests with Allah. Then why do you turn away from Allah? Why aren't you grateful? Why are you ungrateful? Why don't you have hope in Allah

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So in this aisle, what are we being taught? Remember the blessing that your Lord has given you? Which blessing?

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Which blessing which neuroma is this?

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It's difficult to point to just one neuroma because there's so many neuromas, we're in third do Nero Metalla he later saw her because if you start counting the blessings of Allah, you cannot enumerate them. So realize he is your God. He provides you from above and below are His blessings not evident for another Furqan no one else provides you the Why do you deny him? And why do you deny His messenger? In total milk? i A 21. Allah says Amanda, the lady, yo, Zuko come in am sechrest Who can provide you If Allah withholds this provision? If Allah decides no rain, no snow? Who can bring that snow? Who can bring that rain? Nobody can?

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Isn't it? It's all in Allah's control. Don't you realize how dependent you are on him? Don't you see his blessings as favors upon you? Then why do you turn away from Him? What in and if not the prophets Allah, Allah Islam is addressed because of the previous if people were being invited, reflect and think, realize who your Creator is and surrender to Him.

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But what was the reaction of the people of Makkah, denying the Prophet sallallahu wasallam So the Prophet salallahu Salam is comforted what you call the Buddha, and if they deny you for God, then in fact could be brought to Solomon public messengers were denied before you also. So you need to be stuck first just as they were steadfast what in Allah He and to Allah, Dojo OMO all matters shall be returned. So what is being sent to you is not something new.

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Similar things were set to the messengers before you also people deny you people denied the previous prophets also. The problem then is not in the truth. The problem is with who with the people who deny in truth firstly, as I have 43 to set my UConn who laka Illa Mau are the Muslim and public nothing is being said to you except that it was set to the messengers before you.

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Yeah, a Yohannes. Allah addresses people directly all mankind in the word Allah He, Huck indeed the Promise of Allah is true. At the end of the previous Surah also sorted Saba what was being emphasized? What was being clarified the reality of the Day of Judgment. This is an undeniable reality. And if you live in doubt, it's not gonna get you anywhere. It's not going to help at all. So realize that the Promise of Allah is true. Resurrection is true. Judgment is true reward is true. Punishment is true. Falah so do not let not the whole run knuckle

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it at all delude you. Do not at any cost. Let this deceive you what I'll hire to duniya the life of this world. Do not let the worldly life deceive you. The whole one knuckle line, rah rah, guru. What does guru mean deception, to deceive someone? Meaning someone's trying to do their work trying to get somewhere and they're tricked. They're tricked away from their work.

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So let the whole run Nicole here to dunya the life of this world should not deceive you deceive you from what about what about Allah's promise? And what is that promise? The hereafter? Meaning do not let this life deceive you

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from preparing for the hereafter from believing in the hereafter? How does the life of this world deceive us from the hereafter? Sometimes a whole day goes by and we don't even think about death once. We don't even think about the afterlife once. Why? Because we got so busy in getting up and getting ready and having breakfast and going to work and it just got us involved so much that we didn't even have a moment in which we could think about that even in Salah because in Salah what is you know on our minds. It's the dunya isn't it?

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So do not let this life deceive you this life is temporary. Don't begin to think that this is everything well are your whole one come and do not let him deceive you at all. Billa he about Allah who who should not deceive you about Allah at all. Allah rule, the deceiver. Who is this?

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deceiver shaitan so don't ruin your aka

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by preferring this dunya by getting distracted by this dunya Do not let the temporary attractions of this world distract you from what is everlasting, from what is eternal? Because many times if you think about it when we do something wrong, alright, something that clearly goes against Allah's orders. Why are we doing that?

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Because we want dunya. Now, we want it now.

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We want to enjoy. Now we want to have fun now.

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It's this urgency that we have. So this is the deception of this worldly life that if you don't have it now, you will be deprived forever. Whereas the reality is that this world is a prison for the believer. It's a prison. What does it mean? You can't have it all in this world. You have to focus on what on the hereafter and remember that as your goal.

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Remember that as your goal, but what happens is that in this life when we want to enjoy and we can't have it all, we think, well, it's okay. You know, enjoy a little bit. It's okay, let go. It's okay, let's have a photo Rahim. But

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how could we prefer what is temporary over what is eternal? That would be foolishness. The other day I was at a restaurant with my husband, okay, it's very rare that just the two of us can go out to eat. And I was trying to eat and what happened that handle I found a good spot where I could, you know, face the wall and easily take my niqab off and eat, what happened, this person came and sat right next to us on a table and another person came and sat right next to us. So both the men, you know, they were facing me now. So there was no way that I could hide, you know, sometimes we position ourselves in such a way, you know, I'll sit on my side, and you somehow managed it. But I

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got so frustrated. So basically, we just packed up the phone went in the car and ate. Okay, so that because it was a burger it was I didn't want my hijab getting dirty. So I thought it's just easiest to just go in the car. And you know, it was difficult. It was difficult. And Chapin is after every single one of us, isn't it?

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And these are the times when you think Oh, come on, take it easy. What's the big deal? So what if you take it off? And you know, so many people take it off so many people leave it, it's okay. It's not followed by those those are Hadith where, you know, where women did not cover their faces. But I mean, the reason why I do it is because I think it's better and if I've started something I should continue it right. But when we face challenges in the way of Allah than Shaitan puts thoughts in your mind, take it easy. Enjoy. This is just one example. There's so many times when this happens on chip on tempts you take it easy and dry. This is the deception of this life. Allah warns us let the

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whole run Nakamura Hayato dunya Wallah, y'all wanna come Billa Hill Haru because Chopin's ultimate goal is to deceive people about Allah. What's this deception that chip on? Gives us about Allah.

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Go do whatever you want, Allah will forgive her. Or another deception no matter what you do, you can ever please Allah. So you know what, enjoy now. Allah will never forgive you. Anyway. So enjoy. Now, this is Chopin's thinking, this is what he thought, This is what he believed, he blamed Allah, He could have repented, he could have said sorry, but he chose to persist. So Allah warns us do not get caught in the trap of sheltering and do not get caught in the trap of this world. Be on guard

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I was thinking shaytan you know he likes to waste our time. When the more you want to do at the car, he reminds you something else then he makes you forget that car and then you want to read Quran he forget you. He make you forget to read Quran does the way he make you all day, forget Allah subhanaw taala he do jihad with us to waste our time, we have to be careful, we have to do jihad. He has. And you see, it's the worldly life and shaitan so you wake up in the morning, and you can sit into your car and we should and what happens? The worldly life distracts us Oh, you better go and get an early start in the kitchen so that you know, or get an early start on getting ready so that you're on

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time. But what happens? Compromise, you're caught and still you end up getting late. Go ahead. I've seen many times that the fear of Allah is instilled in children so much by saying that if you don't do this, a lot of will be angry. If you don't do this, you will be punished by him. But why? Why not encourage kids to do something because Allah will be happy with them. So it's just that the way you phrase things, it's the beliefs that later on they'll be instilled in the children. I remember I saw a child once and she was misbehaving as children do I mean it happens so the mother instead of reminding her various

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I saw that you said, you're listening to shape on. And that girl. I say that to my kids also, I say that to myself also. But that girl when she heard that, she just started crying as if she thought of shape on like a monster literally that was out to get her. And if she's listening to shaitan, she said, I don't want to go to the fire. I don't want to go to *, crying, crying, crying, something small. Something small and so much fear was instilled in that child. This is not normal.

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It's not healthy.

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I mean, this is true chiffon is our enemy. This is true that Allah subhanaw taala. He is just he is going to question us, but stay within

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the bounds, because if we go beyond them, then this extreme mentality this is also unhealthy. So for that the hola como HYAH to duniya wala Johanna, Camila. Hello. Yes. Sometimes parents, they don't know they're struggling with parenting. So they find the easy way. And they say, or that is gonna or distracting with Hellfire threatening with sin. And it features like in the first few years of so important, if you like really instill Love of Allah in their hearts. And that is something that take you all their life, like there are stages for children, like there are things that they need to know at an earlier age, and then other things they can learn later. In fact, I was in a mosque for a

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Janaza prayer one time, and they had an Islamic school there too. So we could hear the teacher from there. And the teacher, the little kids who are like kindergartens, and she's trying to quiet them and she's saying she's carrying them with children. I mean, awareness should be there definitely tell children about Shavon for sure. But don't instill in a fear. Give them love of Allah love of Jana.

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Because the deception of this life is that everything is made to look so beautiful and attractive. And children easily fall in love with these forget about children we do. Right. But anytime something breaks, which definitely it will remind them that perfection is in Jannah

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Salam alikoum does exactly I was thinking to talk about my father the one he made me like to wear hijab or like to pray he used to always talk to me about Janna, very rare he talked to us about Hellfire he used to tell us about Jana and I used to really imagine Jana used to love Jana and that's the reason I become closer to Allah Subhana Allah may Allah have mercy on him.

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So there has to be this balance. You know, the prophets were sent as Bringers of good news as well as Warner's

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secret future shutdowns

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definitely say

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so Falletta will run Nakane will hire to duniya wala oranda, Camilla Hill hood, Allah says in the shavasana indeed the shaitan Lacan for you are the one an enemy, he's an enemy to you, meaning someone who's actively opposed and hostile to you. He doesn't like you one bit for the Who Who are the worst, so you should take him as an enemy. He's out there to ruin you. What are you doing in return? In defense? Do you even recognize him as an enemy for ducky do who are the words in the my other rule, indeed, only he calls his boy who has party, his party as in people who listen to him the jinn who obey Him. He's only inviting them Leah Cohen whom in US harbor sorry, so that they may

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be among the companions of the Blaze. He's only calling his folks his people to the fire of *, he's not going to reward them, he's not going to give them anything. So don't be in denial of this reality. What reality that Chalfont is your enemy. Take shaytaan as your enemy, deal with him the way you would deal with an enemy. And how is that defend yourself? Be on guard, be careful against his attacks. Don't be deceived by him. If you know that somebody hates you, and they're suggesting you that you should do something would you ever, ever listen to them?

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If you know that somebody has even the slightest bias against you, and they're coming up and they're smiling and trying to you know, suggest you with something, you would never accept it. Even if they say, why don't you have this serving of cake, you'd never take it because you don't like them. You take them as an enemy. So Allah is telling us shaitan is your enemy, so take him as your enemy in total CalFire 50 Allah says effort at the heat owner who were the Viet who Oh Liam Indonesia home la Komodo, you were taking shaitan and his children as friends when in reality their enemy to you. And so to hedge if for Allah says quotevalet He under momento Allah who, for unknown UB Liu Wei de

00:35:00 --> 00:35:36

Are the adversary it's prescribed that whoever will be friendship on the children will misguide him and will lead him to the punishment of burning. And that is what is mentioned in the next idea that Alladhina Kufa, Ruda humara daban Shadi, those who disbelieved for them as a severe punishment, those who listen to show upon when Lavina Amendola AMILO Sally had Lahoma forgotten what little cubby and those who believe and do righteous deeds for them as forgiveness and a great reward. A few more things about the tactics of Shelton so that we recognize him as an enemy and treat him as an enemy, inshallah. Recitation

00:35:38 --> 00:35:39


00:35:44 --> 00:35:45


00:35:47 --> 00:35:58

wa T one li Zhao in Imola Iike to you all soon and owning our journey hatting must now what's

00:36:01 --> 00:36:04

your Z do feel fun team Ayesha

00:36:08 --> 00:36:16

long on mission in the master

00:36:19 --> 00:36:20


00:36:21 --> 00:36:22


00:36:23 --> 00:36:26

one I own six Balamb obscene

00:36:28 --> 00:36:30

bounding one last

00:36:39 --> 00:36:41

match on logging on a

00:36:42 --> 00:36:44

healthy mean for a

00:36:45 --> 00:36:48

long yield Zuko meanness.

00:37:01 --> 00:37:02

We're in

00:37:03 --> 00:37:04

the mood

00:37:06 --> 00:37:07

to Russolo.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:15

barbaric. We're ILA law you talk down to

00:37:17 --> 00:37:22

a human so in the long you have

00:37:24 --> 00:37:28

a warm one Akumal hire to duniya

00:37:29 --> 00:37:31


00:37:36 --> 00:37:39

in a shape on

00:37:42 --> 00:37:43

Duffy the door

00:37:45 --> 00:37:46


00:37:47 --> 00:37:53

his family. In US hubby Sammy

00:37:58 --> 00:38:02

Shadi Wallace ladina

00:38:04 --> 00:38:05

fall in

00:38:07 --> 00:38:07

love with

00:38:11 --> 00:38:13


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