Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 226B Tafsir Saba 15-18
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Surat Sabah.
So let's Abba is a Maki Surah or Madani? Surah Madani interesting
matki Okay, good. machi Surah All right. And I mentioned to you that from Pseudotsuga the new group of sorrows begins right meaning a group of mucky sodas so with surah is after Surah Csaba, fatter and fatter is murky then yes scene is murky then
soft fat sloth Zuma men right for slept show Ross Zucker of Doohan. These are all McKee solas. All right. Next time I'm going to make you sing.
All right. And then these soldiers they conclude with Madani solos, which Motherese was Mohammed, fat and who do not. All right. So in these sutras, we see that 13 are mucky, and three are Madani which three are muddy, Mohammed, fat, and hot. All right.
Okay, let's begin from is number 15.
Now another nation is mentioned. First, the example of the elderly Salam Sulaiman, Ernie Salam, who were the those blessed with knowledge, with many worldly skills with many blessings. And what is it that they were told to do Shakur? And these servants of Allah, they showed sugar. Now the example of the people of Sabah Allah subhanaw taala bless them with many blessings also, but what did they do? Instead of sugar? They did kufr. So as a result, the blessings that they were given or taken away, Allah says luck, God certainly Cana it was Lisa in for Sabah, meaning for the people of Sabah. FEMA skinny him in their Muskan what is Muskan the place of living their dwelling place their place of
residence? There was for them I assign a big lesson. Who were Saba Saba is the name of an Arab Abila an Arab tribe. All right, and they were original pure Arabs autoboot Atiba. All right. They're not the Arab ised Arabs, like the progeny of Ismar, either instead of because remember, it's my reader. This time his father Ibrahim artist, and I'm Where was he from? Iraq. He came to Arabia. All right. These people, Saba, they were the original residents of this place. And they came from where the south of Arabia which is now called Yemen. All right.
So where did this name Saba, come from? Saba was one of their ancestors. All right. In a hadith we learned that a man asked the Prophet salallahu Salam, that will tell me about saba. What was it a land or a woman? Because there is the kingdom of Sheba there is a Queen of Sheba. You understand? There is a lot of stories out there about who these people were, where this name came from. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, it was neither a land nor a woman.
All right, Saba was the name of neither land nor a woman. It was a man, Saba was who a man who had 10 Children, six of whom went to Yemen, and four of whom went to a sham. So six of his children, they went and settled were in Yemen, and four of them settled were in a sham. Now, if you look at the map, Yemen is in the south of Arabia, and a sham is in the north. All right. So
the people, the children of his who lived in Yemen, in the south of Arabia,
obviously, their children turn into tribes and nations. So they trace their lineage back to who Saba and those who resided in the south of Arabia in Yemen. They were known as the people of Sabah, the kingdom of Sabah. Now remember in the story of Sudan mannerism earlier we learned about the queen who ruled over them she was one of the queen she lived at a certain time her name was not Saba, you understand? She's known as a Queen of Sheba because she was from the kingdom of Sabah
and she embraced Islam she visited today manner listen, and with her people, they embrace the snap. All right, so the people of Sabah who lived here, Allah says in their dwelling was a big sign for them. What sign what lesson in their kingdom? What lesson was it? Jana Thanh. They had two gardens. It doesn't mean literally only two gardens but it means fields off gardens orchards, basically garden what does that represent? Fertile land
to produce fruit, so they had fertile lands gardens were arania meaning on the right washy Marlin and on the left. What does it mean by this? You see, Arabia is what? Desert, even in the south of Arabia, Yemen, if you see pictures of Yemen, you'll see desert. All right. And that means you need water desperately in order to survive. In fact, anywhere on the earth, you need water to survive, right? But in a desert, you need it, especially because if you don't have it, you can't live in one place. You're always on the go, you understand? So what happened that the people who lived here they built a dam, a reservoir? And in that, what would they do? Whenever it would rain, the water would
And with that water, they managed to irrigate their lands and when they irrigated their lands, what did they have fields and fields of crop orchards produce that with the water, they had food with the food, they got to trade? They had money. You understand? So their source of livelihood was what
was the water.
So this is why on the right side of the reservoir, there were Jana garden. On the left side garden, Jana tan, Arnie Amin, washy man gardens on the right and also on the left and this is why the area was known as a boon Jana attain the land of the two gardens. And it has said that this was the capital of the kingdom of Shiva. Now, right now, this reservoir, this dam, there are different opinions by historians as to when exactly it was first built, Allahu Allah when exactly was first built. But it had to be fixed many times in the middle. Because any breach, what would it mean the area would get flooded. All right, so it had to be fixed many times in the middle. But eventually
there was a time when there was a breach. And it led to the end of this entire civilization.
Because what happened when this dam, there was a breach in it, the water came out as it came out. The orchards, the fields were flooded, when they were flooded, what happened? The land was destroyed, no more produce, if there is no more produce, what are you going to trade with? What are you going to sell? What are you going to eat? What water are you going to drink? You understand? So they had a big lesson in the very home that they lived and what was that? They had gardens on the right on the left, and they were told Kulu eat Moses be or become from the provision of your Lord. But remember, wash kulula Be grateful to him. Why be grateful to him? Because you have built the
tomb for ye button, a good land, what a Buddha food and the forgiving Lord. You have a builder by the ballot city land that is by you. But what is the Yerba, good, clean, favorable? Right? So you have a good land,
fertile land that grows your food. It's a source of income source of livelihood for you. And you have a Lord who is forgiving. What more could you want?
What more could you want? You see when we ask Allah subhanaw taala for different things. One of the best doors is Robina attina. for dunya Hassan will fill out a Latina, O Allah grant is good in this life and good in the next life also in the hereafter also. So the people of Saba basically had it all. They had the blessings of this life, and they were told, be grateful. And then you will find your Lord to be forgiving.
Any person who is given blessings in this life also, he is fortunate.
He's fortunate, he's lucky, because everyone is not given luxury, money, even food, basic necessities, even if you think about it, everybody does not have it easy.
So a person who's been granted provision and safety and a good place to live in Who is he extremely fortunate, extremely fortunate. Because if you compare such a person with the rest of humanity, you will find that he is of the lucky few. And indeed we are of those lucky few
who have shelters, who have homes, who have food, who have clothing, who have education, safety, I mean what not we've got it all Alhamdulillah so what is necessary in the state then
what is necessary,
wash guru LA who be grateful to him be
because you have a Lord who is forgiving so don't misuse these blessings and don't forget the giver. But what happened to these people? Just like we do sometimes we get too used to the blessings and we turn away from the one who gave them let's listen to the recitation of view versus
low body
I mean you was she
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have to
be done nothing
Thank you. Oh, calling from
new shiny
body. Learn he can just
be careful. Well, hello jazzy.
Nakada cannoli Saba in femur, skinny hem Aya. Certainly there was for the people of Sabah in their dwelling place, a sign Muskan from the root letters seen calf noon and Muskan is a place of living, it's a place of sukoon basically, and sukoon is to become still right. So Muskan is the place where you come back to, and that is where you rest. That is where you live. So your place of residence, and the word must can applies to not just a house, but even the city or the area that a person is living in. So for the people of Sabah, meaning for the kingdom of Sheba, there was in their dwelling place. What is sign? What sign is this? Allah subhanaw taala says that they had Jana attorney Ania
meaning where she man they had gardens to gardens on the right and also on the left, right and left of what
right and left of what
of the dam that they had built. All right, the water reservoir that they had, in which they they collected so much water, and with that water they irrigated the lens, all right, and which land was this by the right of the reservoir as well as the left of it. And because these lands were well irrigated as a result, the produce was a lot. So Jana tan, there were gardens on the right and on the left, and they were told, could numerous people have become wash karula Each of them provisions of your Lord and be grateful to him. You have built the tomb for you button, a good land, what Buddha food and a forgiving Lord. So why would you not enjoy the gifts that He has given you enjoy
them. But while you enjoy them, also be grateful to Allah for these blessings. I mentioned to you earlier about the Kingdom of Sheba, they were named after a man known as saba. All right, and Saba, some of his children, they came and they settled in the area of Yemen. And this is where the kingdom of Shiva was. All right. And because it's a desert area, life would be impossible without some water source. And since there was no natural source of water, what these people did was that they built a huge dam. All right, and in that all the rainwater would be collected. And it was in fact, a lot of rainwater that would be collected over there. And with that, they irrigate their fields. And as a
result, they have their source of livelihood. They had their trade, and they were very, very well off and well established nation. So much so that when the queen of Saba, remember when the Hood Hood, he came to see a man on s&m, and he gave him the report, right of the people of Sabah, what did he say that I found a woman ruling over these people. And what Ooty admin coalition and she has been given everything, meaning they are a very rich, wealthy nation, because they have produce and secondly, they could also trade very easily. All right, and their trade routes are also mentioned in the following verses. So what is it that was expected of them? Sugar in return? Remember, Allah
subhanaw taala gives us blessings not because he wants something from us in return, because he's needy of it. No
He gives us blessing so that we use them, and we fulfill the purpose of our existence and what is the purpose of our existence to worship Him. And gratitude is an essential part of worship. If you think about it, right at the beginning of the Quran, one of the first lessons we are taught is one of gratitude, and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. All Praise and thanks to Allah, the Creator, the Lord of the Worlds. So what is expected of us in return is gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala. Because you see, it is gratitude that allows a person to be humble, that allows a person to be obedient, that allows love that allows submissiveness it's gratitude which is at the core, so wash
karuna, who be grateful to him, and when is it that a person can be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala when he remembers when he realizes that the giver of these gifts is who it is Allah, I did not obtain this myself with my own efforts only. Allah is the One who gave who facilitated this. So watch karuna, who be grateful to him. You see, there are two ways. When it comes to owning blessings. There are two ways one is that we own the dunya we own the things that Allah subhanaw taala has given us, we own it, meaning we use it. And the other is that we are owned by the things that Allah subhanaw taala has given.
So when a person owns it, what does it mean? He uses it? He uses it in the way that Allah wants him to in good work, like we learned about the wilderness and I'm sorry, man, are they Salam that they were told, Do Ahmed salah, right, Aaron Malou Ellada, Woulda, chakra work in gratefulness. And this is only possible when we, when we view the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us as a means of drawing even closer to him as a tool, as something that we use in order to worship Allah better. The other way is being owned by the dunya that we are in so much love with the things that Allah has given us that we forget the giver, we forget the giver. We're so preoccupied with the
blessings that Allah has given us that we forget to thank Allah. And this is problematic. So the people of Sabah are told that could never be restored, have become each of the gifts of your Lord, the provision of your Lord, but be grateful to him. You have every reason to enjoy these blessings because Allah is the One who has given them to you. And you have a Lord who is forgiving. So part of gratitude is also turning to Allah subhanaw taala in Alba returning to Allah, that even when a person does make a mistake, he has hope and Allah that Allah is forgiving God a boon of a food. Now we see over here at the beginning of the aisle that look at Canada, Lisa infy, Moscone, here I am in
their land in their dwelling place was a sign what sign a sign of what
a sign of what
if you think about it,
the place where they lived in was it possible to survive there? It wasn't except with what? With water?
Right? So who is the one who allowed them who gave them the ability to build this dam in the first place? And even if they built the dam, if Allah subhanaw taala did not send the rain, could they have water? No, they couldn't. So they their livelihood depended on what on rain, you understand? They could not have their crops they could not trade unless and until they had water, they could not have water unless and until Allah sent rain. So their whole dwelling place reminded them it was an idea for them of what of their dependency on who and Allah subhanahu wa taala. The thing is that when we have you know, wealth when we have different things of this world, we think that we have
control over it. The reason why we forget to be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala is that we forget that Allah is the One who has given this to us.
You understand, we get so absorbed in enjoying the blessings that we forget the giver. But for this nation, it was very obvious every day reminded them that they were dependent on who on their Lord.
You understand? Recently I saw this child, somebody gave them a gift and you know, open up the gift and enjoying enjoying, you know, playing with the toys. And the mother said to the child, aren't you going to thank the person who gave this to you? Why don't you make a card for them and
A child was looking at the mother as if it was something so strange that she was saying
that what do you mean? I'm supposed to be playing with the toy? Why do I have to thank the person. And I mean, a child, it's understandable children, they need to be taught gratitude sometimes. But even as adults, sometimes what happens is that we are using huge blessings, extraordinary, unique blessings on a daily basis. And we forget to thank Allah subhanaw Garlon, we get so absorbed in those blessings that we forget Allah, really think about it, the blessing of safety.
You know, if a person is safe, if they find safety in their street, in their home, in their city in their country, that is a very unique blessing, by the way. Because there aren't many people who feel secure in their homes, the blessing of health, the blessing of wealth, the blessing of knowledge, the blessing of technology, I mean, we really taken blessings as for granted. So for the people of Subhan, Allah says in their dwelling place was a sign for them, that you do not have this except that ALLAH has given this to you. So use it, and also be grateful to your Lord. But what happened to these people for our Allahu, but they turned away, they turned away from who, from Allah, they
turned away, meaning they weren't thankful to Him, they did not show gratitude to him, they forgot the Lord who gave them those very blessings. And the only time that they remembered him was when they had some complaints. And really, if you think about it, when is it that we remember Allah?
when we have something to complain about?
Really, when the phone is not working, when the finger gets caught, right, you know, when there's snow or you know, you're trapped somewhere or you're studying hard? Generally, we tend to remember Allah when when we are in difficulty. When we are enjoying those blessings. What is our attitude for although they turned away, refusing to obey, refusing to show gratitude, they for God Allah for Otto Sultana, so we sent our lay him on them, sailor, lighty me the flood of the dam
because ingratitude what does that do? It destroys blessings. Because let in Shackleton let us either no come if you're grateful, then I will increase for you. And if people are ungrateful, then the punishment is very severe. So for Otto salah, I lay him saying a lot him sale sale is flood. And we read this word earlier also, a salmonella who I know cater for Sulaiman early Salam, a salmonella, who we cause to flow for him. So sale is that which flows meaning a flood, right, because flood water, it doesn't stay contained in one place, what happens? It overflows and as it overflows it, it turns into streams, and so on and so forth. And the word allied him, I am from the
root letters I Enron meme. Right? What does it mean item is a word that's used for a dam. All right, a reservoir that has been constructed Manmeet so saying Allah, Adam, meaning the very reservoir with which they irrigated their lands, what happened to that reservoir, it flooded, it got flooded. And when it got flooded, there were many breaches. And as a result, the water overflowed. It came into their fields. And as it came into their fields, it destroyed the crop.
You see, it's very amazing. When it comes to plants, how much water do they need a certain amount, not less, not more. If it's less than the required amount, what's going to happen, it's going to dry out, it's not going to grow. And if it's more than the required amount, then what's going to happen? It's going to die,
isn't it? It's going to die. I'm really bad at looking after plants. It's just that they don't survive with me. Except for you know, a plant that doesn't need to be watered for a long time or you know, whatever. So anyway, this one plant I had I watered it and then I told my daughter you water it also. So she started watering it and she put the whole jug in it. Alright, and I thought maybe she didn't put the whole jug in it. So I got another jug and I poured a little bit. And when I saw her jug it was empty. And I'm wondering why is the water leaking out of the plant? So it was basically flooded. Literally, it was flooded and the plant died. All right. So what happened over
here saying an item, the dam was flooded, and as a result, the fields the orchards, The gardens were destroyed.
The word RM I know Amin is also used for a sale Allah de la Utako such a flood that cannot be stopped. That cannot be stopped meaning you have no power against it, you cannot stop it. You cannot control it. It just keeps flowing and flowing and flowing and it just keeps taking everything that's in its way.
And have we seen images and pictures of such floods? Yes that even cars they get picked up by the floodwaters, right homes buildings, they get picked up by the floodwaters. And what happens they're just swept away. So satalite him it was such a powerful flood that it literally destroyed their lands were but the law home and we replaced for them but the Yuba delude to change to replace so we replaced for them be Jannetty him with their two gardens, Janna time to different gardens, meaning now the scene was completely different. Previously the gardens were lush, right. Previously the gardens were full of crop full of beautiful trees, very fertile. And now what happened these two
gardens they turned into completely two different lands, the landscape changed. Now after the flood what happened? The wealthy these gardens were the wealthy though it is the dual of the word that that feminine of zoo. What does do mean? possessor meaning one having one bearing. So these gardens now we're both bearing Aculon fruit, but what kind of fruit humbling bitter hunt hot meme for hump is basically used for an extremely bitter fruit. All right, which is basically inedible, It's so bitter that you cannot even eat it. Even if you try, you wouldn't be able to.
And the word hummed is also used for every thorny plant, meaning it's so funny in the first place that picking its fruit would be impossible. And if you were to get some fruit off of it, what would happen? It would be so bitter that it would be inedible. So now these lands were producing such fruit that was extremely bitter in edible
one and ethylene tamarisk. Meaning now what was growing in these fields. Were not fruit trees such fruit that was edible, but instead fo what is Ethel? Ethel is used for tamarisk tree. All right, the tamarisk tree is also known as salt cedar. All right, and it's a kind of fruitless, thorny shrub.
It's a shrub like tree. All right, but it's fruitless. It doesn't produce any fruit. And it's thorny,
and it has thin branches and scale like leaves. But what's interesting about this plant is that it consumes a lot of water all right, and it can grow in saline water also.
And what it does is that it affects the soil
it affects the soil and very few animals can actually feed on this plant.
Another thing about this plant is that it spreads very quickly the shrub it spreads very quickly and almost completely replaces other species.
So what happened now, this was the only plant you could say it's like a weed. All right, this was the only plant that could grow given how the land was flooded was ideal conditions for this plant because it takes a lot of water and these lands were now flooded. So basically Ethel was thriving now and as it was thriving it completely took over the rest of the plants.
And now this Ethel what did it produce? What fruit did it bring nothing good their animals eat it know where Shea in and one more thing that grew on these lands in these gardens was what were che in and something Mincy of cedar, cedar is load tree All right, load tree it has edible fruit meaning very few are leighlin kuleana and very few. So che in Kalyan min Sidran meaning very few cedar trees. So basically now the whole landscape changed previously. What was the case? These lands were a source of food. Right a source of livelihood income. Now what happened after the flood, the crop was destroyed. And other species like Ethel they took over and
Did the whole landscape changed? Now they could neither eat it, nor feed it nor do anything with this plant?
What changed over here?
What changed over here? What was it that completely transformed the fate of this nation? What happened? It was there in gratitude.
It was there in gratitude, because of which their blessings were no longer preserved, their blessings were no longer secured. The dam, which was a source of prosperity and livelihood for them, now became a means of destruction for them. They have life and wealth previously, why? Because of the water of that then.
And now what happened? They suffered great loss. Why, because of the water of that dam.
You see how the source was the same, it was the dam. Right? It was the reservoir. Allah subhanaw taala made that reservoir, a source of livelihood for them. And he made that same reservoir, a source of destruction for them.
So it's not the reservoir that matters? What is it that matters? Is Allah pleased with us or not?
Because while we might think that something is very good for us, and we love it dearly, and because of it, we even ignore the rights of Allah, it's quite possible that same thing becomes a means of torture and trouble and destruction for us. Because all of these things, what are they they are a means. All right, they're all it means. Either. They can be a source of blessing, or they can be a source of punishment and ALLAH subhanaw taala can bring two completely different results from the same thing.
Sugar is what causes blessings to be secured. And ingratitude. Gopher is what causes blessings to be destroyed. Allah says there Lika that just say now home we repaid them, why be MCE follow because they disbelieved. Now over here, remember that Cofer doesn't just mean disbelief. Right? Go for when it's used in contrast to sugar, what does it mean? In gratitude? This was their results. This was the result of what of their ingratitude, that the source of blessing turned into a source of disaster.
You see, previously we were given the example of that wilderness in Amsterdam and are in a center how they were such grateful servants of Allah and these people. What were the ungrateful servants of Allah? Wa *, New Jersey, Allah says, what *? And do New Jersey we repay? Ill care for except the ungrateful. Meaning do we ever recompense anyone in this way, except that they are extremely ungrateful?
Why would Allah convert blessings into a means of destruction? Why does he benefit from that Allah does not benefit from that. Allah does not benefit by giving, and he does not benefit by taking away he doesn't benefit by the gratitude of his servants, nor does he suffer any harm because of the ingratitude of the servants.
But who is affected? It is we it is us who is affected, it's the servants who are affected. So over here, Hello, New Jersey in nilka fooled, meaning, a turn of blessings, when blessings are completely changed their last? What is the reason for that? What's the reason for that? It is extreme and gratitude. Well, hello, New Jersey Ilkka for and this is where we really need to think about ourselves also. Because many times we think about our past, right? Oh, those were the good old days. Those were the good old days when I enjoyed this when I did this when I went here when I had so much freedom when I could do this and this and this and now
I'm in such a miserable state. You know, generally we do talk about these things. So we need to think that what is it that allowed me to enjoy so much in the past and now that blessing is gone? Why? What have I done?
What have I done? Because Allah's treasures have not been reduced? Right. Allah's treasures have not been reduced. Allah's Mercy has not reduced, isn't it? So because Allah has attributes, what are they they are eternal? What has changed is what me what has changed is my heart. My attitude with my Lord. The fault is where it's in me because I
Allah says we're Hallelu jazzy ill CAFOs it is only the extremely ungrateful, who are recompensed in this way. What you are the man, and we had placed meaning for this nation for the nation of Sabah. We had placed Boehner home between them. Now their trade journeys are being mentioned that before the destruction of the dam, how is it that these people traded that we had placed between them were banal Quran and between the cities or plural of the word ARIA
between them and the other cities, which other cities, the cities that they will travel to for the purpose of trade. All right, remember that the kingdom of Shiva where was it in the south of Arabia, which is now Yemen. All right. And these people, they traded with what with the cities of a sham, because Allah subhanaw taala says over your alcohol allottee, baroque Nafi had those that we have blessed and which land? Is it that that is always described as the blessed land. It's the area of a Shem. So they will travel over there in order to trade. All right.
But the trade journey, the trade route was so convenient for them, it was in their favor. So much so that Allah says that throughout this route, we have placed Fiat in it on La Hilton
on cities, Quran florala Alia, sub cities that were la Hilton visible, LA, her rock, the war, VA hit, what does la hit mean that which is apparent that which is visible, meaning throughout the trade route, okay, from Yemen, to Syria, throughout, there were so many cities along the way, that basically, their journey was always safe and secure.
They never had to travel distances or stretches of land, which were completely empty, that for days and days, they wouldn't see any human population. No, it was such that they could literally travel in the morning, rest in the afternoon in one city. After the rest, they could travel again. And then they would stop in another city by nighttime and rest there and in the morning, start their journey again. You understand? You know, for example, some highways when you're driving on them every few minutes, every so often you find a
a what? A stop, right? Gas Station, restaurants, something or the other. But then there are other places where for miles and miles, you don't see anything. Right? The next stop, maybe half an hour away, maybe 45 minutes away, isn't it? And even though 45 minutes is not really a long time, but it does get a little worrisome. What if somebody needs the bathroom? For Hey, what if we need something, isn't it so for these people, their traveling was so easy, Allah subhanaw taala had facilitated their journey and for them what Donna and we had determined fee her in it as Sarah, the travel the journey. But Donna, we determined meaning we made it such that their journey was made
very easy on them. How with all of these cities in the way so covering the distance was something very easy for them. They didn't have to take a whole lot of supplies with them. They didn't have to, you know travel long distances without any stops in the middle. No, their journey was made very easy. And they were told co fi her zero travel fee her in it meaning in this trade route late earlier in the night. Layali plural of the word Elaine, what a Yemen and is plural of the word home. So travel in the nights and travel in the days. Whatever time you choose to travel, you will travel as me Nene ones who are safe and secure. No fear of hunger, no fear of any bandits, you know no fear
of any danger. It's a safe trade route. If you think about it, traveling through the desert is very difficult, isn't it? Traveling through the desert can be very, very difficult. Because it's possible that for days you really don't see another human being. You don't find a store there is no access to water, nothing. So you have to take everything with you. Everything with you.
All right. Now if you think about it these days, even if you're going on a long road trip, you can always take extra food with you extra supplies with you keep them cool, keep them hot. You know, somebody told me that long time ago when they came to Canada. They went on a long road trip. Okay, so all through the states
And they had in their car, a kettle. And 40 years ago when they came, there weren't many halal food options. Okay, so this person decided that in the kettle, you know what we would boil eggs, said we would boil eggs. And then we were just have our eggs for breakfast save money like that also, just imagine they made their tea, they made their eggs, everything in the cart so easy. Now, can you do that? Sitting on a camel?
You can't do that. Your eggs would probably boil in the shower. Right? But anyway, traveling through the desert is very difficult. Now these people lived in Yemen,
South of Arabia, a sham is in the north of Arabia, what's in the middle? Desert? That's where Monica Medina is right? In the middle is all desert. So what is this talking about these people when they traveled to a sham? Perhaps they traveled through Africa. They crossed the Arabian Gulf by boat. All right. And then through Ethiopia, all right through the countries in Africa, they went all the way. And this is probably very much likely because even in Ethiopia, there are many stories of the Queen of Sheba, you know, many legends. All right. So definitely they were connected with African kingdoms also of that time. So basically the message of this idea is that their travel journeys were also
very convenient.
Very, very convenient. But what did they do? They got too tired of all that ease and convenience.