Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan With The Quran – Day 15

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The meaning of leizhan in Arabic is discussed, with the use of leizhan as a means of conquering people and "untangled eyes" being used to draw people into the sky. The duality of leizhan is also discussed, with the duality inside of theteen characteristics of the rainbow being used as a reference to the journey of life, and the duality of the rainbow's image of drinking milk and speaking with her mother being a road that starts easy and ends only with ease. The image of Islam being a road that starts easy and ends only with ease is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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alumna Jalla who is a? Well is Han and worship attain waha Dana who nudged him these three either rhetorical question, they go together. So we'll look at them together. Didn't we furnish him with two eyes? Then we put two eyes there for him. I love Nigella who I name when he son and then we give him a tongue worshiping then we give him two lips. What are they now? Why didn't we guide him to the two hills? Two elevated patches of land. When you go by the way you can go up this hill, you can go up that hill. When you go up either Hill, is it going to be easier hard?

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It's a hill. It's gonna be hard either way. You remember previously Allah said Allah created the human being in labor. Whether you go towards Islam or you go towards go home, it ain't like struggle won't be there. You will fight you will suffer you will be exhausted and you will you will feel toil and difficulty and harshness either way. And I'll show you both ways. Look, this life is full of struggle. You want something at the end of it that's worth it or not, that's up to you. Well had a noun naturally but let's go back and talk about these eyes. And these the tongue and especially then on top of that the lips because once you say tongue, why do you even have to mention the lips when

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the sound and worshiping On a side note first, one of the coolest things I studied today was the meaning of the word leizhan. So I can't help myself but share that with you. Listen is the Arabic word for tongue also the Arabic word for language, one of the words in Arabic for language, but its origin is very interesting. At least I know maroof will milson will kassala hydronium una houfy Allah Allah debating Yamuna human Hazara,

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Mata Sabu

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de vida de la server for 10 hour lovemark a sacaton, Hyderabad Casa de home will be in a suburb. The word lisanne comes from the word millson. millson is a trap that they used to build on top of a door with they put a giant rock on top. And they're hoping that a coyote or a lion or whatever else they put some meat on the door. It'll come it'll be drawn towards the the meat. When it starts eating the meat, it pulls on the rock falls on them killing the animal. That's how they used to set a trap for the animal. Okay, this is actually called a medicine. And the reason it's called a medicine isn't the origin of the word lasagna is the idea of drawing somebody in for the kill. In other words,

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language at its essence is supposed to be a means of conquering people with words, to trap them with words to captivate, captivate them. It is as though the Arabs recognize that the most powerful language or the most powerful weapon at the disposal, at the disposal of a human being is actually language. If you realize that, then you realize that Allah azzawajal gave us the most powerful weapon there is his own word. What can attract humanity more than the word of Allah itself, the lesson of the Quran itself beliefs and in Arabic and Medina. So language is to be used carefully to draw people in. And killing doesn't mean destroying people here, and actually means to conquer

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people to take over the hearts and minds of people with good words. Because you know, like the Arab says, I'm not sure I'd be doing it. Some people are enslaved to goodness, a good kind word can actually own you can own somebody's heart with a good kind word, you can do that. And so that's kind of a side note on the meanings of the word, listen. But now let's go back when Allah says, didn't we furnish them two eyes? What's the purpose of saying two eyes? It's not just generically, Allah has given us the gift of two eyes. Yes, he has also two hands, also two feet, etc, etc. Why is he highlighting eyes? What's the benefit of eyes? Seeing? What did he call on us to see already he

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called us on us to take a good look at the land? This land which he swore by it, he asked us to take a good look at the messenger who's being mistreated. Everybody can see with their eyes. They ask them to take a good look inside of themselves the history of this land. And under Allah Who did we not furnish the human being with two arms? Don't you see who this is? Don't you recognize who this is? Can't you tell his character is different from everybody else's? You don't see that with your eyes? And if he says if you think he's saying nonsense, if you think what he's saying is a lie. Is Magic is poetry. It's it's a conspiracy, whatever you think it is. You have a tongue? Why is it

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locked between your two lips? Why don't you have a response to this crime? Why don't you have anything to say in that against it? Why is the Quran so capable of constantly silencing you to the point and this this is the point the Quraysh prided themselves over their speech. You know that right? They prided themselves over language. And when they oppose the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. They could have because the Prophet he didn't bring an army with him. Rasulullah did not bring Salaam Salaam he didn't bring an army. He didn't bring money. He didn't bring control. He just brought words. That's all he had his words. And the best way to defeat words is what words. I mean,

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if he has words, we can just be or there's more of us. We can hold joint meetings and come up with better words and the purpose

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Problem. Why would the Quraysh who have held the sanctity of this land? Who knows? On top of that, not only are they the custodians of the Kaaba, on top of that they're tribal people. Arabs never attack one of their own. They're willing to violate the sanctity of the Kaaba for which they are known all over their land. They're willing to violate the constitution of their own tribe. And they're willing to spill blood of the prophets, I send them. But what they cannot do is which is supposed to be so much easier, just come up with words.

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If you don't have to kill anybody, you don't have to do butter or hurt. Or if you don't have to do any of that. Just come up with words that silences the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that overcomes him that people say Yeah, well, Quran was pretty impressive, but this is this is something else. This is 2.0. Baby. This this wins. Kale, you know, like you have some of the youth here know, they have those like, I don't even know what they're called. But they're like spitting matches against rappers rappers have spinning matches against each other. What are they called?

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A rap battle? Why not? And they had they had those battles back in the day, the battles, they had rap battles back in the day, hold on is dropping iaat one after the other. Why don't you just respond.

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The fact that they couldn't respond the fact that their tongue which is so eloquent, the tongue in Arabic is also an expression of eloquence, that the tongue is contained within what they shove it in, despite the problem that they see, solve this problem open your mouth, is actually again, a compelling evidence from a learner's origin, that they themselves know they have no response. They know they got they got nothing on the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when his son was fit. And as a result of it, Allah has guided you to two very clear pathways, the wrong one which are going on, which clearly you're continuing on, because you are now pressing the Messenger of

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Allah, the fact that you're attacking him, and you know, persecuting him planning on killing him, at the very least, you know, conspiring to expel him from the land, all of those things are an indication that your tongues aren't good enough

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that you've already chosen your path. So Allah has shown you and her Dana, who doesn't mean he guided people to the good direction, and guiding people to the wrong direction. A good guide stands in front of you and says, By the way, you go up this hill, and actually there are deadly animals up there. And it's actually you know, quicksand up there or whatever else, and you're gonna get killed. And you go up this hill, and on the other side of it, there's a garden, it's in your name.

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This guide guided you to both. He didn't tell you to take one or the other. He lets you know what lies ahead. That's the idea of Hoda, here, he guided you in the sense he showed you what each of these leads to, you want to go Go ahead. You want to go take take it take it on, what are they now know today? Now let's look at the word nudges because that's again, a new word in the series of these solos.

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This is actually one let's do a little more theif different Danelle, Japan, it's actually used for an elevated land other than a mountain. So that's something that you can almost say it leads to a mountain, but it's not a mountain itself. It's just elevated. In other words, it's a gradual progression. And as you go, you get more and more and more tired. So the idea that we're learning here is that human beings are going to gradually make progression towards their death. And as they do, they will, their bodies will become physically more and more and more weak anyway, they are going to experience exhaustion just like if you imagine you're going up a hill, the first few steps

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are easy. And as you keep on going and keep on going, your body's going to start taking a toll. You're not going to have the same energy you did when you started off. That's your journey in life two years winding down as you go up. Okay, so that's that's the idea of Notre Dame Filmora, Donatella econolodge, Danny Murphy on mysteryland edge, Daniel will hire a chef, and it's an illusionary reference to good and bad, is what most of us who don't have said hear about it, as if Allah says in other places in naka de novo Sevilla, a Moroccan with a microphone, we guided him to the path he wants to be grateful or ungrateful, that's up to him. That's the either way is up to

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him. When the jadwin an alpha was a lava will fit in a 30. This is another interesting interpretation, which has almost nothing to do with what I shared with you so far. We're going to go back to these ions and look at them yet again, with another point of view that's been offered by mocha student and it's also very obvious from the text there is a kind of duality here. So what is that other interpretation? The child comes out of the mother opens its eyes, and then the child its tongue starts feeling against its lips. And then Allah guides it to the chest of its mother then as Dana mentioned, is also used for the chest of the of a woman who had a narrow niche then it knows

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just a cycle from the mother. What What does that mean? That means a lot in doubt you He made you capable of guidance even as a child you are guided to the milk of your mother. And that by extension, Allah guided you to the truth you think he just left you and guided you to drink milk from the mother and get this know as you grew older, he guided you with your intellect, he guided you with the same eyes. He guided you at this time to speak and ask questions. If you don't understand something. The Prophet is saying go ask your questions and

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stead of attacking him speak with him, you have a ton. And he and you will see the risk that will come before you. So it's it's actually this duality inside of these ions. And now and though I'm more inclined to the former that I shared with you, for Nikita Hama, la Cava, but no, unfortunately, neither did he decide to, you know, jump into the How do I describe October, October is a difficult, treacherous path that is either heading upwards or downwards, or it's up and down, up and down. That is that, you know, when you look at it, you're like, nobody takes that road. I don't want to take it. That's our Aqaba. And the hammer the word got hamara jiufen amor waka Hama Hama, Rama bien FC.

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FC phenol awada, unremunerated dongba when a person dives into something where everybody else has no no, don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. Now I'm gonna I'm gonna jump into Lake man, I'm gonna jump in the lake. You don't know how deep it is. Don't worry about it, man. I'm just gonna do it. And all his friends are saying no, no, no, no. And he does actually harm he just dives in. He doesn't care about the consequences he dives in to take an action where everybody else is telling you No, no, no, you don't do that. That's the wrong thing to do. Don't do that. And then acaba is uncharted territory or difficult, difficult path, that when you take it's hard to go up or hard to

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go down, because you know, as you're going up a hill or mountain is path, it's the imagery continued of the two hills. By the way, the first reference to location was valid, and valid is valid maca, and MCI is mountainous region. The second reference to territory was Dane hills. The third reference to territory is he didn't want to jump into this treacherous path that goes up a mountain or goes down the hill, or he didn't want to do it. What alive now describing is Allah guided you to two paths. Let's keep the painting that a less painting in this surah he's got he guided you to two mountains or two hills, one of those hills seems like smooth. And even though it's smooth, you're

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going to be tired anyway. The other one is also going up. But as you take the first step, it's actually seems like very few people have ever gone down this road. And everybody else is saying, Oh, that's so much easier. Just take that one.

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And when you're about to go this way, your friends family society says no, no. Let's look at this. How can this be any good? Get away from this. You understand the imagery? The imagery is Islam seems like a very strange decision. The first steps in Islam seem like you must be crazy. What are you doing? And everybody around you is going to feel that way. They're going to make you think that and they're going to make you think like you're not even thinking about it. Like you're jumping into a ditch without knowing what's inside or how deep it is. are you jumping into the water not knowing what kind of dangers there are inside it? You're crazy. Don't jump into Islam. And Allah says, Yeah,

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he heard all of this from people. And he decided no, I'm not going to take the leap. No, no, it's too much. I can't do it. For Nikita hammerlock Allah. This is this is the imagery of Allah saying, no, this person is not ready to take Islam. I've showed him both pathways, but he's not ready to take us on. You know, if you were if you were to follow the logic of this picture, you know, what you would get, you would get Islam is a road that starts very difficult and ends only and only with ease.

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And then cover is a road that starts were easy and ends only and only one difficulty. That's that's the paint. That's the picture that's been painted in just these brief words for Dr. hamanaka.

Surah Al-Balad

Ustadh Nouman explains the heart of Surah Al-Balad. Here Allah asks a rhetorical question to the disbelievers of Quraish in Mecca who have shamelessly violated Allah’s sacred land and His messenger Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Can you not see the truth, Allah asks, challenging them to come up with language to match the Quran. Just as He guides the newborn to its mother’s milk, Allah has endowed us with the capacity to choose the right path, but often people refuse to take the difficult road that will ultimately lead to eternal comfort.

2017-06-10 – Ramadan 2017

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