Ibraheem Menk – IntaLIVE #30 Stories In The Quran – The Verse of Hope; A believing man; Aad & Thamud

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of the verse "naught a doubt" in the Bible to encourage action towards evil. They also talk about the history of Islam and how it can lead to actions that can be taken against those who lie. The speakers stress the importance of following rules and regulations to avoid harming personal lives and use logic and common language to appeal to others. They also discuss the use of emotions and the difference between wealth and power.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum

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Malik Masada I think it was my internet tuition.

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I didn't know what was going on. Anyway, we'll start again inshallah, basically on the 24th Jews, Allah subhanho wa Taala. He speaks about, you know, he there's a few stories he mentioned. However, the first point we wanted to touch on as we were speaking about, is the first or the verse way a lot of scholars mentioned that this verse gives the most hope in the Quran. That is where Allah Subhana Allah calls out to the people, those who have transgressed those who send those who've exceeded the limits, he says, fullier a Madea levina as of Allah and pawsey him calling out to all those who you know wrong themselves as Allah for Allah and forcing him Allah subhanho wa Taala is calling out to

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that to them saying, Oh, my slave, oh, my worship. Oh my servant, la takanobu Rahmatullah Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala in Allah Hayashi with the new batch me. Allah subhanho wa Jalla is able to forgive all your sins, no matter how big it may be, no matter how small it may be, Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive. It's just up to you to you know, make that change, turn to him and start doing something about those things start rectifying you know, the mistakes you made his day his cold you, you know, we could say the offer is there. It's up to you now, Allah subhana wa Jalla didn't say if you did so much sin and you know what? There's no forgiveness for you know,

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he's calling you and he says in the whole household over him. He is the one who forgives, he is the one who covers sin, and He is the Most Merciful.

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So something interesting I thought of just now you know, when you've armed or wronged a human being, and you usually you realize that you've done something wrong, you go to them and you ask him forgiveness. You're the one who is being wronged. Allah is asking you to come to him had come, I'll forgive you come. So you've done something wrong against him. You've you've disobeyed His commands, etc. And he's asking you to come Yeah, by the alladhina sloughi Allah unforeseen bla bla Don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That's something amazing.

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As Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam informs us in other Hadith, there's many a habit but one of them he mentioned that Allah subhanho wa Taala, he's, you know, he becomes happy is happier for the Toba of one of his slaves, when a person who, you know, he goes out on a January and he's in the middle of the desert, so to speak, and he has his animal and his animal runs away. And this person is looking looking, you know, when you're stuck in the middle of the desert, it's hot, you've got nowhere to go, you most definitely going to die, because there's nothing else they left for you. unless Allah subhanaw taala sees you. And he says that after looking and searching, this man

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eventually gives up and he, you know, sits down or lies down. And then eventually he finds his animal with him which back with him and out of using his his happiness. He he refers to Allah subhanho wa Taala as correct me if I'm wrong, he refers to Allah subhanho wa Taala as being, you know, the slave and him being the Lord.

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Yes, absolutely, absolutely. This this mistake out of happiness. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is happier when a person makes Toba than this person is you know, when he's been saved from near death, or when he was staring death in the face.

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You know, we could almost say that it's like a happiness of hysteria because he didn't know what he was doing. And he says, you know, he didn't know what he was saying. He says, Oh Allah, you are my servant, and I am your up. Of course, it was the other way around. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, but I mean, she that he made a mistake from the the severity of the happiness that he felt. Allah subhanho wa Taala becomes more happy when we turn to him. That that's some kind of law that some one amazing idea. It teaches us even the reaction of Allah subhanho wa Taala to the Toba that we engage in and the still thought that we seek.

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Earlier you had mentioned the Hadith of the Obinna, Adam, Allah beloved Luca and Asana maybe if you could repeat that

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is so Allah subhanho wa Taala says In this ayah, that those who have been extreme with themselves, right, so in the Hadith could see, it's mentioned that if you were to come to me with the sins equal, or right up to the heavens that have followed up the heavens basically, and then I will come to you with forgiveness similar to that. So no matter how many sins you've made, you've committed sin after sin after sin after sin. You know, it takes

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Only one tober for you to sincerely turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and he forgives all of those sins. so surprised a lot that something amazing you know ultimately Allah subhanho wa Taala is Shaku and his Karim. And as we see in so many habits of the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mentions how a woman who, you know, was involved in a bad sense, she was a prostitute, however, she went down, and she, you know, she got the water for the dog and she fed it and she was then forgiving, another man who was walking on the road and he just saw a branch and he moved it so that this branch doesn't harm anybody. Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives him so many a hadith You know,

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you're that small deed you do. And when you tend to Allah sincerely, there was a man who wanted to make Toba after killing so many people, and he was on his way to another city, and then he dies on the way and the angels then you know, the debating, we will he go should with the angels of My Mercy taking all the angels of other he hadn't yet made his Toba fully so to say where he hadn't reached his destination. And you find that because Allah subhanho wa Taala causes his body to be closer to the place of goodness or not away he was on his way, then he is forgiven.

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Absolutely Allah He Allah is afforded and he is lucky.

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to pan Allah Allah subhana wa Jalla he, you know, especially during this month, we've been given so many opportunities, there's still so many days left so many minutes, so many hours. Turn to Allah subhana wa Jalla it's, you know, it's such a it's your chance so many people have passed on they thought they would make Toba later on they thought they would do good deeds. And you know, at the end of the day as Allah says, What Alamo and Allahu obey in your hobby, you know, sometimes there's something you want to do and but Allah subhanho wa Taala can he's the one who can prevent it he can come in between yourself and what you want to do. So ultimately it's all by His mercy His grace his

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help ask him and you yourself also 10 you still got the choice you've still got you know that power and ability as you are living Jeff has anything else you'd like to add on this point?

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I think we move on inshallah. Charla, the next point we want to touch on again, the story of Moses Sanford Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions it. An interesting point he mentions is, you know, when Musa alayhis salam came with some of the signs around then goes and tells the people he says, the only up to loose our letter, leave me I just will kill off Moosa. Let him call his heart Let him do what he wants you around. You know what's sad is that immediately

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like a like a tyrant, or he was the worst of people, he goes, he sees this maybe this Navy is not telling him to do anything wrong, immediately just wants to kill him off. Interestingly, a person who is in the house or close to town or Colorado minimum, and if you're out to eat man, he was a believer hiding his belief. He says attempt to lunar module and Enya hold on Viola. Are you trying? Are you wanting to kill a man who is just saying, My Lord is Allah and he's come to you with clear signs, look at how fill around, not thinking about anything. He just wants to go and kill Musa alayhis salam of and this man who is a believer is saying that you know what, hold on a second,

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don't kill him suck, you know, being be rational, the man is only calling you to worship Allah is only calling you to do goodness. He then says why he can't even follow he can you know, if he's lying, then his lies against himself.

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I mean, he also mentioned that if his truthful way of consolidating your sin compared to maybe I mean, some of the punishment will actually afflict you. The point I want to get is sometimes out of emotion out of not using our brains out of not you know, just wondering a little bit further, we end up doing silly things, and at times it can lead a person to just wanting to kill everybody off May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us to get out of this man who was in the house of the round is telling him You know what, use use your intellect for a little while think for a bit. The man is he didn't threaten you he he's just calling you to do something if he's lying when his lies against him, but

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if he's truthful, then something will reach you No need to go out and kill him or you know shoot the messenger he's come with a message at the end of the day.

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Yes, for like emotion can really cloud a judgment That's a powerful point derived from this, you know, Allah something that we can really benefit from emotion clouds, our judgment, and then sometimes people can do random things and end up committing the most heinous of crimes. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us, you know, building on that point

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You touched on it as well, we Allah subhanho wa Taala saying that this man is telling them that if he is truthful, then you will be punished or something will happen to you, you know from what he is promising you. And if he is lying, then he is that is his problem, he Academy, Allah, He can't even, that's upon him, you won't be harmed by that life. So he's using logic in order to appeal to these people and tell them to come to Islam. This is something that we can all learn from, you know, sometimes we think, let's always just use a spiritual approach to call people to Islam, but you can also use logic, tell them that look, if these people are lying, what what have you gained from, you

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know, what have you lost from following from not following them, you've lost everything. Because if there is a life after death, for example, and you tell him that, look, if there is life after death, then and you don't believe, then you've lost everything. And if there isn't a life, then you haven't lost anything, you've just lost. Maybe a few years of your life in this world, that's all. So even that is not a loss in reality, because you're just sticking by certain rules and regulations. So why not accept Islam? So if we promote Islam in this way, to the atheist mind, or to the one who doesn't believe this might make more sense, then the one who, you know, has a bit of belief or something?

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You mentioned, as you said, that every every you know, every place, every conversation, it has its style of words, it has its approach, Allah subhanho wa Taala. In many verses, he speaks about general manager and I mean, other verses, he calls the people to use logic, ponder over this, look at that, look at this and be in the lab. If you are truthful, you are then guided to you know, you are guided Bismillah Another thing you mentioned something interesting, that, you know, sometimes you use logic with certain people, because there's things that make sense, as we mentioned before the Koran and logic that is, you know, Selim was, you know, not not diluted, not polluted, etc, you

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find that a person won't find any contradiction in between this plan and normal logic, right. Another point, when debating or not debating, trying to put your point of use of common sense across, you find this other item on wellness panel huhtala. He, he calls them to ponder over something like look at this is where the man is telling them, people fit around, you know, think about this, is just calling you to believe in Allah, if he's telling a lie, his lie will be against him, it won't affect you. And but it is telling you something true, something will happen. There are other verses in the Quran where Allah subhanho wa Taala. He, you know, when the way that people are

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arguing, his he says that your argument at times he dismisses it, and at times he says he dismisses it directly. And at times he says that if this was the case, maybe you should have thought of it from this angle. So I'll give you an example. Allah subhana wa Jalla. In many verses, he tells us how the Quran is complete how the Quran is a Book from Allah subhanho wa Taala, whilst they were people around telling and is the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala whilst they were people around who were saying that, you know, what it's made up from Muhammad, is the word of man is quoted from the previous generations. They are versus our last panel, which Allah says that's not the case. And then

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there are verses where he says that if that was the case, to look at, first, he's saying that no, that's not the case. There are also other verses saying if that was the case, well, we can I mean, indeed, if we had to agree with you on that, the widget will face the left hand kathira, we would have found a you would have found a lot of contradiction in it. And there's many verses in for unlike that, you know, when you debating with someone, yes, on their level, but at times, you're allowed to go down to what they are saying. And then we're using that same point, you, you know, you flip it or you mentioned it from a different angle, way they didn't see and their own point becomes

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not for them, but rather against them. And it's a deep topic to study.

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So Pat, Allah Subhan, Allah, this, there's so much that we can take away from what you just said, may Allah subhanahu, Allah grant us the ability to benefit from that we can really learn lessons as to how to give Dawa and how to talk to people debate with others. At the same time, we find that this man was also speaking to a person or people who were, you know, around around and they were these were people basically was supporting a man who was atheist. So he didn't believe he believed in him being a God rather than a loss of

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what Yes, yes, yes. So there's different approaches with different people like you

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rightfully mentioned SubhanAllah. So we can really benefit from that. Also, I find interesting that he kept his Eman hidden, he didn't really make it apparent. So sometimes in certain circumstances and situations, you don't need to lie about being a disbeliever or something like you don't need to say that I am. Because of course you aren't. But you can, you know, keep that in mind. You know, on the quiet, keep it keep it hidden, you don't need to make it apparent to the people that you're 100% with this cause or ideology before you promote it to them, because in that case, they might feel that you're compromised already. So this man remained silent, you know. And that might have been the

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reason it may have been also that he wanted to protect himself because it said that he was a Coptic man from amongst the people that were there. So perhaps he wanted to protect himself, he could have killed him or he came out, declaring his belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So there's various things that we can really learn from this. Yes, Geminis anything else you'd like to mention on this point before we go to the last point.

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And Shall we move on

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and sort of facilitate our last panel panatela speaks about you know, some of the nations he speaks about the ad and a mode, how ad thought they will have the people of who that they thought they were very strong man, if the punishment came, they will be able to, you know, fight this punishment because of their strength. And then he also speaks about the mood the people of sada Halle Sam, we've mentioned this before, we've mentioned the story. We've also gone into a bit of detail. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions it again. What's interesting reading through the books of FRC.

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thermophore City mentioned that a lot of the times Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah mentions the story of samode Sally Halle Salaam, to these people who are in Makkah at the time, because this they used to see their dwellings or their houses, on the trade routes. They used to go from Medina or Makkah towards Sham from Medina where you would pass, you know, the, we could say the houses or the dwellings of the people of someone. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, a lot of times he mentioned the story in detail in various chapters of the Quran, because it's something they would see in front of them. It's something they were well aware of, and they knew about also when it comes to fear Our

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Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions his destruction and his story a lot. One of the reasons being is because the story of Iran was so famous, the people of Makkah, also knew it at the time, it also reached them. The point I want to get to, is that look at our last panel, which Allah he, you know, expands or constantly mentioned, something that they were accustomed to, and they were seeing, yes, he does mention other stories. But he mentioned certain stories in more detail. And as some of them have actually mentioned, because, you know, it was closer to these people, this was something they could see. And the lesson we can take from that is, when we are explaining something to somebody or

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we want to give advice or something General,

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one of the best things you can do is look for something that's apparent in this person's life, something that they can see even an example you want to give, try and give examples which are relevant examples that people relate to, you know, your speech, especially when talking about it, it should be relevant to what that other person is used to or accustomed to, especially if it's possible.

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Like so true. So true.

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looked for these opportunities to give the people that were in to explain to them

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and Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, a modern plastic bottle will have wick. So as far as they were arrogant on the earth, now, you know something of interest, having wealth is not necessarily a bad thing.

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being strong is not a bad thing. Being powerful is not a bad thing. But when that leads you to arrogance, that's when it becomes a bad thing. These people, they didn't remain humble. So sometimes people become apologetic or the wealth that they have or the money that they have, or the power and status that Allah subhanaw taala has granted them. You don't need to be apologetic for this, but at the same time, we need to remain humble. And that's that's the main thing in all of the stories that we see where Allah subhanho wa Taala punished him.

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You know, when He punished him it was for the arrogance or the defiance. It wasn't for what they had. I wasn't punished because of what he had. What was the difference between him and Selena?

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The difference was one I was a believer in Allah subhanho wa Taala. He didn't defy a lust command and believe that he was better

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than others. The other one actually defied Allah subhanho wa Taala rejected these commands and actually said that he was

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The one who was the source of that wealth, and he was the one who earned it and Allah subhanho wa Taala had no role to play in that. So that's where the problem comes in where you reject Allah subhanho wa Taala totally because of this, this wealth or power, or strength that you have.

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You mentioned such a powerful point. And we've mentioned it before we've discussed it between us. And it's important to discuss it again that you know, what, if you've got power, if you've got wealth, is not necessarily a sign that Allah is happy, or he's not happy with you saying, as if you don't have anything that's not a sign. It's a test ultimately from Allah subhanho wa Taala. To see if you are grateful for your patient, or both at the same time, you know, what, as we mentioned that, you know, even if you don't have anything, it doesn't mean Allah is angry with you. No, it's also a test to show that you are your patient, will you ask Allah subhana wa Taala will you make do

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or will you try etc. So when it comes to these people, they thought they were very strong and very powerful. And the defining factor was, as you mentioned, they disobeyed Allah Subhana Allah ultimate, are on the same thing he thought his wealth was, you know, from him, he disobeyed Allah Subhana Allah as for pious people, that MBs lay man and he salam, he had everything, and he was grateful, you know, whatever I must add on what Allah ordered him to do, he did and Allah praise Him same when it comes to you know, the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu you find that there were those who didn't have much they were poor, they lived in the massage it for example, type of sofa, etc. And

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they were also those who had a lot, but you find that there was these and those and they together, they became a complete community, they completed one another, those would help these and these would help those, etc. We are the main so what we're trying to get to is that in and of itself, wealth and power, status is not necessarily bad. It depends how the person uses it.

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is absolutely chestnut there was did you want to make a point? Another point? No.

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Okay, so one more point in shot along the same story. Allah subhanho wa Taala says one that I would do if I had a you know home first to have Lana Island who that so as for the mood we guided them, so they preferred line Miss over guidance, they actually wanted this blindness, this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala describes misguidance as so we can learn from this that you know, in several places in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about how they have a level venuti or account view rometty levels here on muscle kind of what Allah takes away the light and he leaves them in the darknesses where they cannot see. So why does Allah subhanaw taala talk about site all the time,

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this site that we have the physical site is something a powerful tool that we can use to gain belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala and it's also a possibility that the same site that you're using to see and believe believe someone else can use to disbelieve in Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is why later on Allah subhanho wa Taala says we're currently jeu de Lima Shaheed Tamara, they will have a conversation with the limbs so to speak with their skins, that why is it that you've worn witness against us? On Taka Allah who lady and Kula Shea wahala Kakuma Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who made us speak the one who made everything speak and he created everything in the beginning.

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this is something interesting, you know, your limbs, and especially the site we find this again and again in the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala is mentioning these verses to do with site.

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I think it's a powerful means of belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala and gaining, you know, insight into the wisdom behind creation, the purpose of creation, etc. is ultimately using all the bounties you've been given, you know, to ponder and reflect over what Allah subhanho wa Taala has created, what he's calling you to look at and believing. And as you mentioned, is that physical site where you can see, and then Allah subhana wa Taala also speaks about how, you know people's hearts become hard and they can't see from inside basically, they've got no, no light from the inside. So they may be seeing apparently, but they're not seeing it in the correct context or light.

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Absolutely. Shall we move on, shall I

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I think we've come to the end unless there's anything else you'd like to mention.

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Oh, sorry, I didn't realize we've come to the inductions. And I'll,

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I'll hang on. Yes. Anything else you'd like to add?

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I touched on the point of how they'll have a conversation with the with the skins, etc. And that's something also that's absolutely amazing, you know, the fact that the skin that you felt you had so much control over, you had so much ability to control and put in, in certain ways that skin and that you use to disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala will now speak out against you. So the fact that these bodies are with us today, we shouldn't assume and think that they're happy in and of themselves, if they have an era of their own, that they're happy with what you're driving them towards, you might be driving them towards some wrongdoing. It doesn't mean they're happy with that. They're just being

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they're just doing that because Allah Subhana Allah has given you control over that body for the time being, but the day that they will have the ability to speak, then they will speak up saying that, you know, this is what this man used us for, this is what they did. So if we bear that in mind, I think it's a deterrent from sin today. If you look at your body and think of it and say that, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala has given me this body as an Amana. But in reality, you know, maybe these limbs don't want me to do what I'm doing right now. Perhaps that can deter you from the same.

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You know, a similarly similar example, not the same, but where he likely method is to bring it closer. You know, today where we've got so much, you know, so many cameras watching people, for example, when you own your phone, your messages, for example, you send on WhatsApp, you can go to a message you send to somebody so many years ago, you go through your archives, everything's recorded, and you see that conversation exactly as it happened. And we able to understand this that you know, what, something I said 10 years ago, I can still use as evidence against somebody or somebody can use it as evidence against me. What about these records that Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about?

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What about us, you know, our own limbs, our own eyesight, our own bounties, the earth itself that we carried out our deeds on whether good or bad, it will also bear witness on the on the day of piano, I think that brings it a little bit closer to the mind that these things we see today that are recording everything that have records of everything. And ultimately Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, he's got the records, everything is written down, the angels write down all that we do and those records are in full nothing is increased, nothing is decreased as it is. And may Allah Subhana Allah protect us and make that accounting and reserve easy for all of us.

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What a powerful point I mean, what a powerful point because you know, you mentioned how you have history on certain apps, etc. And you go on to them you know, this is so relatable sometimes you've forgotten what trans transpired at the time. And you go and you look at it and you say Wow, I didn't even I don't even like you looking at it for the first time. And similarly, you know, you can come on the day of tm and having forgotten certain things you've done it Allah subhanho wa Taala is all aware he's kept account of everything.

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Ultimately, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all goodness, chicken Alhamdulillah the 24th juice we've completed, inshallah tomorrow the 25th juice roughly only five juice left six juice left. And hamdulillah it's been good session so far, and also throughout the month of Ramadan. Joseph comala fail on anything else would like to mention

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la he does echolocate it's been a pleasure.

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Yes, it's a very short time left. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us the ability to benefit from it in the manner that we should be doing so

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we asked him to write it down his good deeds for us. I mean she had a lot of people in the comments were saying that they want us to continue even after Ramadan maybe at a different time a different schedule inshallah we will try and work that out see, what we can do maybe we will go to this the same type of program we had before Ramadan, where we were you know, mentioning topics, day to day topics, whether it was relationships or marriage or social media, other topics that have been suggested. inshallah, we will try and you know, continue reading

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in sha Allah inshallah definitely a must go somebody who's come to visit me so just like a lucky few inshallah.

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Solomonic malema, Salama Lobo.

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