Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 220B Tafsir Al-Ahzab 36
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The Ministry of Energy Miss Miller over him.
One Elkana warmer and not Canada it is remote meaning for a believing man, wala and Nora minute in a believing woman.
Woman cannot remote meaning one minute in. It is not for a believing man or a believing woman. Makana meaning it is not correct. It is not befitting. It is not allowed. It is not possible for a man who believes for a woman who believes no matter who they are, it just does not befit a person who has Eman that either when although he has decreed kabayaki Lee to pass a judgement to make a ruling. So either cabal when he has concluded when he has judged one he has decreed who has decreed Allah who Allah has meaning when Allah has decreed something, what are pseudo who and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has also decreed something Imran a matter
so it is not permissible. It is not correct for a believing man nor for believing woman that when Allah and His Messenger have decreed something, they have decided a matter um, that you're gonna what is not correct for believing man or woman, that your Cornella home, that there should be for them for who for the believers
here or to the choice. Men Emery him concerning their matter. Meaning once Allah his Messenger have decided something than the believing man, the believing woman. They don't have any choice over there. They don't have any era. It does not be fit a person who has Iman do have a choice when Allah has decided about something when the messenger Salallahu Salam has decided about something, then the believers don't have any choice over there. Then what is their course of action? of Samara Anna? Well, I'll Tarnow like for example, Allah subhanaw taala has decreed that Muslims should pray five times a day. Now when it comes to believers, do they have a choice to pray or not pray? Do we have
that choice? No, we don't because it's something that Allah has decided. Right? So a true believer, a true believing man, a true believing woman. They don't have a choice. They don't start taking matters in their own head. should I should I not know if Allah has decided something? Then Samina will Aparna you see there's different kinds of things. There's different kinds of matters. Okay. One, there are matters which are shuttering, shattering, meaning they're part of the deen they have been legislated by Allah by His messenger. And what are they their status is off obligation. They're mandatory. Okay. By for example, I gave you the example of prayer. Any other example you can think
of? Okay, fasting in the month of Ramadan, anything else? When it comes to speaking the truth when it comes to fulfilling our promises? Right, when it comes to respecting our parents, your son with our parents? Is that something about which we've been given a choice? No. Even if parents tell their child to do shit, still, the child has been told to what will saw him homer for dunya? Moreover, isn't it? So it's not something about which we have a choice if you're good to your parents, very good for you. And if you're bad to your parents, that's your choice. You know, no, we don't have that choice over there. You understand? So when it comes to such matters, about which we have not
been given a choice, then we don't take the control in our hands? No. What is the response of a believing man of a believing woman? Samira, Anna will alternate? They don't take a look here. Now what is unclear here is from the letters Hi, yah, hi, it means good. And here are basically means if they are to have the choice basically to have an option to take one leave the other. Right. So believers, they don't go on picking and choosing. They do what they have been told. Woman and whoever Yara Asli left her he disobeyed Allah. Wa Sula, who and his messenger then Faqad. Then certainly Walla Walla, Allen Medina. He has gone astray. What kind of misguidance misguidance that
is clear.
manifest it's evident meaning for this person, their goal is no longer Allah and His messenger. Because if if their goal was really Allah and His Messenger, then they would be on the path of Allah. They would be obedient to Allah, they would be obedient to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what do we see in this? Ayah? What is the attitude of a true believer that when the HUKUM of ALLAH comes, then the believing man, the believing woman does not do what he or she pleases? It's no longer about personal preferences and choices. Because for a believer, his Lord is Allah, and his leader is the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's not enough. The desire is
not the Lord. The desire is not the master. The desire is not the leader, who is the leader, who is the Lord, Allah is the Lord and who is the leader. It's the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there are many times in our lives where we will come across matters, about which the Command of Allah is evident. The command of the messenger so a lot of Salaam is clear. There is no ambiguity over there.
And that is where we are being tested. That what do we do? Do we prefer our own knifes our own house? Or do we prefer Allah and His messenger? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Well lovey Nuptse be a de la you may know how to come Hatter Yeah, hakuna howhow Tobon Lee magic to be hit by the one in whose hand is my soul, meaning Allah by Allah, none of you can truly believe until his desire is under what I have brought. Meaning that the person gives preference to what I have brought instead of his own desire. So over here, what do we see that if a person does not surrender and obey, then he is heading towards what towards misguidance because when Miyasaki love Allah wa
Rasulo for Ebola Ebola, Medina, he's heading towards misguidance each time he disobeyed he goes farther and farther in disobedience. And the greater the disobedience, the greater the misguidance in order to know Raya 63 Allah subhanaw taala says for Leah that Alladhina you Holly fauna and Emery he and to sleep at home fitness on Oh, you'll see with whom either one early. Let those who descend from the profits order who go against the profits instruction, let them fear lest a Fitzpatrick strike them or some painful punishment should hit them. Not the beginning of Surah Al Aqsa, we were reminded, we were told that an OB U O lab will move meaning and unfussy him the Prophet sallallahu
sallam, he was more well wishing to the believers than the believers are to themselves, right? We cannot want good for ourselves the way the prophets of Allah is an unwanted good for us. So anything that he instructed us to do, that isn't a good for us, isn't it? It's best for us it's not harmful. So this is the reason why we cannot prefer our own choices, our own preferences over his commands, because his command will always be in our favor. And our desire could very well be against ourselves against our favor. You understand? And you see for a person who believes Allah is my Lord to the leads of Allah here, aka, will bill Islam Medina, worthy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gonna
be here for a person who believes in that
Samana wealth and I will be the only reaction.
Now, there are a few incidents by which we learn that there were the context when this idea was revealed. So there's one incident that we learn in Muslim Dharma, and its chain of nourishment, it's isnaad is authentic. In this nation, we learned that there was a companion at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam his name was Jude AB. All right. And July be, you know, he had some physical deformities, you could say he was hunchback and there are some other descriptions that we learn about him that are not very attractive, you could say. So but JB was a believer. And there were people who spoke badly about him as is very common in many places that where, you know, if
there's a person who's got some, you know, physical deformity or or any kind of deficiency, then people, they look down on them or they keep away from them. So JB was the outcast, you can say, and he was a believer, and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam loved him. And there are many narrations in which we learn about how the prophets of Allah Edison, he showed his love for him he gave importance to delay be why because of his Eman. So what happened that there was a
nominee of the unsought and the prophets Allah Allah sent me he said to the Father, the Witch need an attack, give me your daughter for marriage, meaning allow me to marry her. So the man he thought, the prophets a lot of Santa wants to marry her and he was so happy. And he was like, of course, it would be an honor and a blessing. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said in the last two read well enough, see, I'm not asking her for myself. So the man said, then for whom? And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said for July maybe. And so the man he said, Let me consult her mother, right? Before What was his reaction? Of course, when the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, I want your
daughter to marry Julie view, that's a hobby that I'm sorry, man. He said, Let me consult her mother. So what happened? He went to the girl's mother, and he told her and she was not very happy. She also initially thought the Prophet saw the loss and I wanted to marry her, and she was overjoyed. And then when she found out that no, he actually wants her to marry Jollibee. She was not very happy. And while the mother and the father they were having this discussion, the daughter overheard, and when she overheard the conversation, she asked her parents, she said, Who is asking for my hand? And they said that it's July beam, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has made the
request, he is the one who sent the proposal, but we are concerned. And so the daughter she said, Are you refusing to follow the command of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? If he is asking, then do are you saying for I will not come to any harm. If that is the case, if the prophets and a lot of Salaam is sending this proposal, then you know what I trust him. Because unabIe you own I've been more meaning and unfussy him, I trust him. I'm not going to suffer any harm. So what happened the father, he went to the Prophet salallahu Salam? And he said yes, on behalf of his daughter because his daughter had agreed. So what happened? The marriage took place.
And what happened eventually? Jollibee Radi Allahu Anhu he passed away in one of the battles. What happened was that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he asked the Companions go and check. Have you lost anybody? Has anyone been martyred? Has anyone been killed in this battle? So they went and they looked, and they said, SO and SO SO and SO SO and SO? And he said, Go and look again. Is there anybody else that said no, or profits on a long term? There's nobody else. Angelababy was somebody who had died over there. But that didn't even think that you know, he had as that much worse that his death should be mentioned before the prophets, Allah Islam. So the Prophet sallallaahu Salam
insisted, he said on the little hold of the donor went ahead. And when they came back and said, Nobody, he said, like in any of pedo, July beban, I have last July.
I have last July,
and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he praised him, he stood beside him, and he praised him and he made the offer him and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself, Berry Jollibee in the grave. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself, very delayed with his own hands. In this hadith we learned that he got down in his grave held him and placed him in his grave.
And then we learned about this lady who married the lady, that the Sabbath was below our new he said, there was no widow among the unsolved who was more sought after for marriage than her
meeting once you David died, her though was over, she got so many proposals so many because of her obedience to the prophets that a lot of systems request, look at the status that she got, and the prophets on a lot of them specifically prayed for her. He made the offer her that Allahumma sub dolly Hill, hallo suburban, Walter, Alicia could then that Oh ALLAH poor blessings upon her, and do not make her life hard for blessings upon her. So this was a girl, a young woman who married somebody who was not very physically attractive, or who had many things because of which a woman has the right to say no, of course she does. And this is why the Prophet salallahu Salam requested, you
know, he sent a proposal, because there is always the option of refusing or proposal. And over here, remember, it wasn't even obligatory for the family to accept the proposal. You understand? It wasn't fouled. It wasn't why'd you?
But what is it that made that family accept it because it was coming from WHO? From the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then what do you think about matters which are mandatory? What about those matters? Do we have a choice over there? No, we don't. And the thing is that when we really trust Allah, His Messenger, so
Lahore do Salam, then we will not suffer. When we do what we have been asked to do, we will not suffer. There is another narration about which we learn that the context for the revelation of this idea that the Prophet saw a lot of stumps cousin, Xena, it'll be a lot more on her. She was from the bunu who's Aima? She was a Quraishi from the bonobo Zima and her mother was the paternal aunt of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you understand? So her mother was who? paternal aunt of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
What happens integral dillow on her she was married in Makkah, and her marriage ended and she accepted Islam. She migrated to Medina when she migrated to Medina she was single, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sent a proposal on behalf of his adopted son, Zaid Ben had with a little doula horn, but they never go to Lauryn Hill was not happy. Why? Because who was she? She was like a princess, you could say that she was from the tribe of Quraysh. And who was eight but how does that Abdullah one who? a freed slave, right? He was a freed slave. And maybe there were differences that she couldn't accept. So she initially refused the proposal and the Prophet salallahu Salam insisted,
and this IO was revealed. And then a little Dillo on who agreed, and the marriage took place in the year, fourth after Hijra. All right. Now, remember over here, the reason why the prophets of Allah Saddam insisted upon this marriage or he encouraged it. And again, over here, remember that nobody can be forced into a marriage, this was not compulsion. Right? Because no one has been asked, she has the right to refuse. The reason why the Prophet salallahu Salam, he encouraged this, or he insisted that it happen he requested again and again, was to establish a form a level of equality, because they drilled the low on what was his background? He was a slave, Zainab, who was she, she
was a princess from the crash, right? But those are these people what was common in them? What was common, it was there, amen. And that is what the Prophet sallallahu sallam was promoting over here, that view each other, as who,
as who acts slave,
as who believers give importance to others, not because their background is like yours, their ethnicity is like yours. Their race is like yours, their culture is like yours, they speak the same language as you do, give preference to them because of what reason, because of their Iman. And this is something that we also need to bring back within our Muslim societies, within our families. Many times we see that you know, people are treated differently, or they are looked down upon or they're not even, you know, given any form of importance for any kind of work. Why? Simply because of what, what are the reasons? It's one of the reasons, isn't it? So over here, we see that the prophets of
Allah Islam insisted upon this marriage to promote equality, and also to promote this feeling of that we have to appreciate the Eman in people and we have to look beyond just their appearance.
Now what happened, Xena blah, blah, blah, Anna. She agreed and the marriage took place in fourth year after digital and the two were married for about a year. And then after a year, problems arose between them