Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 210B Tafsir Al-Rum 41-42
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim
la Alpha do Valhalla it has appeared, it has become dominant, what has become dominant Alpha sadhu the corruption where Phil burry in the land, while Bahai and the sea. Why be mad because of that which Kasaa but it has earned a the NASS hands of people leave the home so that he will make them taste. Baba some of a lady which AMILO they have done they have committed LA LA home in order that they yo G rune de return la Alpha do Phil burry while battery corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea facade has appeared when his facade, facade is the opposite of Salah is la sala to be right and proper to be correct. And Allah subhanaw taala has created the creation, in which state in
the state of Salah right in the state which is right and proper.
And what is it that people have done? They have corrupted it, they have caused facade in it.
What is facade? Corruption, decay, it's the opposite of Islam. So facade has Vihara what does it mean by the Hora Valhalla means? Firstly, over here, what Baja it has become manifest. It's not hidden anymore. It's not just a little bit it has appeared it has become manifest. It's very obvious. There's no denying it. It's blatant, it's right in front of us. There is no denying it wahala. You see, there are many things that we can deny. Right, even though they're there, but still, we can just because we don't like it. We pretend like it's not there. But facade has appeared so much that you cannot even pretend anymore, that it's not there. It's manifest. Secondly, the Hora
means it has become dominant. It has overcome it has overpowered, meaning instead of Salah that Allah subhanaw taala created the creation upon what has happened now. facade, the effects of facade have appeared they have become dominant they have become rampant where Phil bury while Bihari in the land and see what is Bara Bala land. Right. And by by her is see, so in the land and sea, land and ocean, dry earth, as well as wetlands or any other kind of watery place or water. facade is everywhere. In other words, because if you look at the Earth, what is it, part of it is Bo and part of it is Bob. So if it has appeared on Bob, and but what does it mean? It's everywhere throughout
the land and sea.
And throughout the land and sea feel very well behaved. It means literally in the land and sea, meaning that in itself there is facade and not just in itself, but also amongst their dwellers. Amongst those who dwell in the bar, and those who dwell in the bath, meaning those who live on land and those who live in the water.
For example, what kind of facade has spread everywhere has appeared everywhere, land or water.
Okay, for example, pollution, right? Natural disasters. There's lack of food due to drought in the sea. There's so many disasters, right? An oil spill or anything like that, which causes so many animals to die.
So, why has this happened? Why why is it that you see trouble problems everywhere, no matter where you go? There is no part on earth which is good, which is still good. Every place has its problems. Why be Makkah Sabbath alienness The reason is that which people have acquired with their hands, meaning it's the actions of people, maca Sabbath, what has earned AD AD is a plural of yet. All right, meaning what the hands have acquired. And this means what people have committed. All right, and why are the hands mentioned in particular because most of the things that
We do we do them with our hands, right? Notice the word cassava it's right man cassava at NAS. Is it referring to the good actions of people or bad actions of people their bad actions right. But do we learn in South Dakota Lucha Marquez abattoir I lay her MK Tessa but they're scattered cassava and there's a cassava. Right? Cassava generally is used for doing good. And a cassava is generally used for doing bad. Why? Because cassava is to burn something naturally easily.
All right. And doing good is something that is easy. Easy in the sense that because your fitrah is on it, you're naturally inclined to it. Right? Like, for example, if you see a person who's hungry, begging you for some food, isn't it almost natural to give them whatever you have? Right? I remember once somebody I know they visited a refugee camp, and it was winter really cold. And they had gone with a certain group, you know, taken jackets and blankets and all of that. And they came back crying and they said that I just wanted to give my jacket I just want to take my clothes off and give to them people were in such terrible condition. So it's natural, right? It's instinctive to do
what is right to do what is good, right? And something that is wrong. Like for example, killing, for example, letting a person you know stay hungry and cold. This is something that requires you to fight yourself, isn't it? So sin, doing something wrong requires you to fight yourself and this is why it does ABA is used for committing sin for doing something wrong. But we see over here that for wrong actions What word is used excessive are cassava, cassava, why
be maca Sabbath ad NAS. Remember, cassava I told you it is to acquire something naturally.
Meaning the fitrah of people has been corrupted so much they have become so morally depraved that they do wrong things without even thinking. They have become so used to doing wrong that they don't even have to think about it.
You understand the actions that were considered unacceptable? Absolutely wrong. Now, it's like second nature to many people. They do it so easily. They do it so naturally, this sin so naturally be mad. cassavas, Aiden NASS. So when the sins of people have become so rampant,
people are more used to doing wrong than they are used to doing good, then of course, the effect is going to be well, the huddled facade the filled battery well.
They're going to see the consequences. Why, why has facade appeared why has Allah subhanaw taala let this appear Leo the car home in order to make people taste, Baba lovey AMILO some of what people have done, meaning the disorder the problems that people witnessed in their lives in the world, any kind of problem, whatever it may be. It is so that people see the consequences of the wrongs that they have done. But notice it is not the entire consequences. What is it BB some of because the entire consequences the entire retribution? Where's it going to be? In the hereafter? Because this world is not the rule Jezza it's not the home of Recompense. What is the home of Recompense it's the
hereafter law Allah whom yield your own. And why is it that Allah subhanaw taala shows us the consequences of some of our deeds, so that they may return so that they may go back to Allah. They may do Islam, they may repent, they may fix the corruption that they have caused.
What do we learn in this ayah that Allah subhanaw taala has created the creation upon Islam, right. We learn for example, in sort of DRC nya 40 That Leshem so humbly, Lucha and Todrick Hall comma where Leila Saba Cunha recorded on FIFA Lakin. Yes, Barone, the Sun Moon Night Day everything is working, functioning in perfect order. Why because we cannot reach there right? We cannot interfere with the night and day the Sun and Moon yet, right? And because we cannot reach there, this is why they're still working fine. But human beings, right because we have freewill if you think about it, of all the creatures in this world who has free will. Human beings, right? men and jinn, these two
have free will. And this is why for us there are do's and don'ts. Right? Why so that this world can function with Islam. Now when we don't observe the dues
And don't when we don't follow the rules, the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has given us, then what will happen, the natural order will be corrupted, then corruption is going to spread, there will be decay, there will be facade. So, the main thing is that when we follow our desires, instead of the laws that Allah has given us, then what will happen, there will be facade, there will be corruption, right? Because in total movement on either 71 Allah says, well with Tibet, I'll help you a whole lot faster that is similar to when, if the truth were to follow their desires than the skies and the earth would be corrupted, meaning corruption is a result of what people following, what their
So the appearance of facade is a result of our own actions.
Because Allah subhanaw taala, he has bestowed us with blessings He has shown favor to us from the beginning to the end. Alright, and that's entirely Allah's favor. All right. And when it comes to any suffering, that we experience in our lives, any kind of evil, that is due to Allah's justice,
you understand that is due to Allah's justice in total denial is 61. Allah says, Hello, you ask you to love NASA be alumium. If Allah were to punish people for their wrongdoing, Metallica, I lay him in dub, then there will be not a living creature, not a single living creature on the face of the earth.
So, facade, evil is a result of what
evil is a result of our evil. Don't blame Allah for it. But sadly, if you think about it, any problem in the world who is blamed for it, God, isn't it? It's as if we are so perfect, and we are so deserving of everything good from the beginning to the end, because we are so perfect. If anything messes up, if anything goes wrong, it's not our fault.
Some people use the proof that the world is in such a bad state, why doesn't God do anything about it? And so they use that as a proof to not believe in God. But Allah was explaining to us that no, that's not the case. He allows it to happen, because it's our own fault. And we need to see the result of our actions. Exactly.
And I was thinking, once my daughter, she showed me this video about the turtle, she ate the straw, none of the straw went in her nose and she was bleeding and they try to take the straw out. And I was Subhanallah who did this the human being, they throw throw in a river and they throw tissues in the ground they that's what we do to we may Allah forgive us, we have to be careful what we throw in, you know, when you put cereal in your bowl, then what happens generally, it will collect it, you know, to the center, right? Especially if you're stirring it, it's going to come to the center and anything solid that you put in liquid what's going to happen when you stir it. It's going to come
into the middle, right? So you know in the Atlantic, there is a whole you could say a swarm of garbage the size of Texas
the size of Texas this garbage is coming from where from who from us, you know seriously, I don't know how to even talk about this because it's just common sense. You know, I mentioned to you that documentary the clear plastic since then I've stopped using plastic wrap in my kitchen Alhamdulillah May Allah subhanaw taala give me it's the karma. I've stopped using it because every time I would take it out, I would feel guilty. This could kill a creature. So I've had my last plastic roll since like ages now of 100 Allah and before, I would have to bring one in every other grocery trip, literally. Now I have to store the food for example, put something away. Why not get a container
which has a lid already? You understand? How long does it gonna take? It's not gonna take very long, but why you know us and produce so much plastic killing Allah's creation and eventually harming our own selves.
Right. Now remember that facade is of two types, one type of facade, this facade his see physical facade, meaning that which is related to the dunya in worldly matters, like for example diseases, pollution, earthquakes, natural disasters, famine, drought, wars, bloodshed, all of that related to worldly matters. Is there any shortage of this
film very well?
Right we learn about ships sinking and planes crashing and earthquakes happening and sinkholes appearing and whatnot, it's rampant. The other type of facade is facade minor, we and you could say that this is related to people's o'clock Dean basically in religious matters, right? Lack of peace.
lack of security, there's fear, there's grief. So the message of this idea is that if you see any kind of trouble, any kind of problem in your life in the world, blame no one but yourself.
And this is why to fix your condition, if you want change, if you want things to return to normal, then reform your actions begin with yourself.
Change is not going to happen, just by talk, it's not going to happen just by thinking, you have to create the change how? By fixing your self.
In total alpha 168, Allah says, well, Bellona, whom Bill Hassan, it was a yachtie law, Allah whom you hold your own. We tested them with good times and bad times that perhaps they would return. So the reason why Allah subhanaw taala shows us all of these consequences, whether it's in the form of an earthquake or anything like that, Why wake up, think about what you're doing. Think about what's going on in the world. Think about what's going on in your own family, any kind of aside, even if it's, you know, a child being very problematic. My mom's teacher, anytime somebody would ask him, you know, tell us some wazifa you know, something to read, or write some kind of Rukia so that my
child, you know, starts eating properly.
How many mothers have a similar issue that my child doesn't eat properly? I think every mother can say that. Even if you've got teenagers, you've got the same complaint She will eat nothing but biryani. Right, I will cook fish, I will cook chicken I will cook this and she doesn't touch it. She just wants biryani or Niyati or this or that, if it's not that than nothing else, right. So every time he would say go feed a poor child, go feed a hungry child and your child will also eat. It's because we are neglecting sadaqa This is why we're experiencing trouble in our lives. We are doing some kind of facade somewhere, some kind of loan somewhere. And its consequences we see in other
aspects of our lives because everything is connected. Right? And remember, if Allah subhanaw taala shows us the evil consequences of our deeds. This is not that Allah hates us that Allah wants evil for us. This is also his
This is His mercy. Because look at the end of the ayah la la,
la la home, your journey so that they will return. So evil trouble in our lives is a chance for us to wake up to reflect, to turn back to fix. Recently, I was watching this video somebody shared with me, this man who has cancer all over his body. Basically he was saying that I have been blessed with a gift. He described cancer as a gift. Why? Because it opened his eyes. So this is how we need to view problems. They are a gift because they wake us up. So when we are shaken when we're touched by anything harmful, then at that time, don't get upset with Allah don't get upset with others be upset with who no one but yourself
and work towards Islam, and those who do Toba, those who work towards Islam and Allah subhanaw taala also eats them. So what's the message of this ayah then, that as long as we will contravene Allah's laws, as long as we will contradict we will go against Allah's laws, whether those laws are county or they are shuttering County as in related to worldly matters, or they are shattering meaning related to religious matters. As long as we contradict Allah's laws, what will happen, there will be facade, there will be facade, and the only way out of that facade is what rude you are La La homeo do your own roadshow. Go back, go back to what go back to original go back to nature go back to
And this is a reason why Allah shows us the consequences of our deeds. So that we go back we return. So let us learn a lesson from this disorder. And what should we do? We should go back to Fifth, we should return to Allah. We should return how by Toba by Islam. And take a lesson from our current state of affairs and also take a lesson from history. So in the next aisle, Allah says all say see road travel fill early in the earth. Travel through the earth meaning goal and witness and see for yourself different parts of the earth and especially examined from Guru than look at what can you infer how can I it was our people to
As a consequence of who, and Levine, I'm in Kabul of those from before meaning of the people who lived before you, what was their consequence? Go and see it for yourself? What was their consequence? Their consequence was destruction. What was the reason? It was their own actions, and especially which crime can expel more home? Most of them were Mushrikeen ones who associate partners with Allah.
So why was there devastation to such an extent that entire civilizations were wiped out? And really, if you think about it, any part of the earth you go to, what do you learn about long time ago, such and such civilization lived over here? Right? And now, what remains is just their ruins. So why was there this devastation to such an extent that entire cities, entire nations were wiped out? Why? Because of their own facades,
because of their own facade, so the disorder was so much, that when people did not fix themselves, when they did not learn from their corrupt affairs, that we have to go back, we have to change something, we have to return to Allah when they didn't do that. What happened? They were destroyed because of their own facade. So their facade caused their destruction. Their facade caused what their destruction. I mean, if you think about it, if a person is constantly harming his body, right, if a person is constantly harming their body, by eating junk by eating food that is destroying their body, instead of strengthening it, what's going to happen eventually?
What's going to happen? What's going to happen to that body? Tell me
just sickness, what's gonna happen? Just disease eventually, what's gonna happen? Death, isn't it? One facade, you see, it grows too much, when there's way too much facade way too much disorder, then the thing expires, basically, right? It finishes, it's destroyed. So if this is true for a body, that if it's corrupted to a great extent, it cannot survive anymore, then this is true for a community also. This is true for a nation also. This is true for our soul also, that when we corrupted with sins, then what happens to the heart it dies, it dies, literally, when the fifth die is disturbed, so much that what happens, it dies. When our body is corrupted too much, then what
will happen to that body, it cannot survive anymore. I remember when in like, late elementary school learning about Pompeii in Italy, destroyed by Mount Vesuvius, but we never learned, like what how exactly what the city was like before then. And then I remember in high school taking an ancient civilizations course. And we learned that like 100 years before the eruption happened, it was like a very quiet, very Catholic, very calm city. And just like a few years, a few months before the eruption happened is when it started like things like prostitution, gambling, drug use, like very, very common and it became like the city was just getting worse and worse and worse until it got to
this point where the whole population was destroyed in one night. Like just one night. You can see museums like bodies that are literally still in like mid running like from the lava.
intuited, uncovered I have 40 We learned for colon a hardener b then b Then each we seized because of its own sin because of its own crime for men human oral cell now la Helsley. Bo Amongst them were some on whom was sent house in a storm off a shower off stones. Woman Who Mannahatta to say her some were seized by blast by noise woman who Maha Seffner be held up and some were swallowed by the Earth woman human a rocker some were drowned when I can Allah Julio Lima home Allah did not wrong them when I can Kendall and fossa homie elderly Moon there wronged themselves. If you look at the example of frown because many of those who are drowned are mentioned right fit our own and his people how
are they destroyed their own facade right? If they have let the Bani Israel go, what for I don't have to follow them into the ocean. No. And then when he saw the Bani Israel crossing, alright, and the sea open, that should have taught him a lesson. But his facade had gone to such an extreme that he went straight in and what happened that caused his own destruction. Right. So in this ayah is a warning basically, because sometimes what happens is that we are suffering in in a particular way. And we kind of mentioned our faults, right, our sins, our shortcomings in a very proud way. Right. Like for example, there's a serious problem in our body
but we don't acknowledge it that we are the ones causing it. Right? Like, for example, the doctor tells you if you do not exercise this much every day, if you do not do something about your weight, if you do not do something about your diet such and such will happen. It's a severe warning. But then what do we do? We're like, what can I do? It's just, I can't control it, you know, I can't resist it. I'm just too lazy.
This is destructive for a person, isn't it? For our health, it's destructive. So likewise, sins, they are destructive for our soul. And remember, when Allah subhanaw taala makes us test the consequences of our own thoughts. This is not his injustice. This is his justice. It's for the purpose of waking us up opening our eyes. So go look at the Earth. Look at the different people that were there before you and look at their consequence. Canada, UK, Thoreau whom was stricken, especially what you will notice is that most of the people, what were they they associated partners with Allah. So we see that the disorder the facade that had spread amongst the people of the past
was both hissy and marinucci. It wasn't just his see, it wasn't just physical facade, physical disorder, wrong use of worlds, you know, resources, oppression, and all of that it wasn't just that it was also minor we And worst of all, should associating partners with Allah.
Now, what we see is that both types of facade hasI and Marna, we remember that they usually coexist, there is a connection between them. All right, worldly disorder, and religious disorder, there is a connection between them both coexist, all right, because remember that I had colony All right, I had colony meaning the world, the creation, that is around us. What does it do? does it connect us to Allah? Does it yes, this is why in sort of the room over and over again we learned women it you I mean it because they connect us to who to Allah subhanaw taala. Right. And this connection with Allah, what does that do? It makes us conform to ISO shutter. That is what makes us conform to
Allah's laws that he has revealed.
All right, and as long as a person is connected with Allah, and he is conforming to shutter II laws, right, Allah's orders than what will happen, there will be salah, there will be reformation, there will be correction. And there will also be because then there will be people communities, they will last longer, they will survive longer. All right, and the opposite of that facade in the creation and facade in the dean. This is something that causes destruction. Because sometimes we think that people are destroyed, just because of worldly reasons. There was an earthquake, there was a volcanic eruption, there was a flood, and this is why the entire civilization was wiped out. Or we don't
acknowledge that at all. And we say, You know what, if there was an earthquake, these people must be very, very sinful. No, it's both things. It's both things. It's our sins, that remove us far from Allah's mercy, that take away Allah's protection from us. Because Allah subhanaw taala is merciful, right? It is our sins, that creates a barrier between us and the mercy of Allah. Right? So it's always both causes. So if we want our reformation, then we need to reform ourselves in both ways, in the worldly way, as well as in the religious way. If we want to progress, if we want to survive, if we want to get somewhere if we want to last if we want to continue, then there's something we have
to do a change that we have to make in which way in our worldly matters, as well as our religious matters. In both ways, we have to do Islam. Let's listen to the recitation. One hour all of us do feel
free Bhima casa, but I
will leave you the
Mulleavy army rule.
policy you fill out.
Sriti three