Karim Abuzaid – Reciting Surat Al-Fatiha behind the Imam

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary © The Colorado Muslims Council discusses the importance of following the church's lead on Islam, rather than the one-size-fits-all approach. They stress the importance of reciting Surah Al Fatiha in each unit of Islam and the School of Thought. The discussion also touches on the confusion surrounding the religious practices of the waif and the evidence of the Prophet reciting the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy.
AI: Transcript ©
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victory in

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victory in

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law Salatu was Salam O Allah Rasool Allah wa shadow La ilaha illallah wa wahoo luxury Kala y shadow Anam Mohammed and Abu who were a Zulu mighty respected brothers and sisters in Islam as Salam Alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato I welcome you once again to Colorado Muslims Council. Yes, Lu NACA, they ask you

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a program where we receive your questions through our email.

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Phil Council, SEO for [email protected]. And we answer these questions and I have to let you know that

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we have almost 50 pending questions.

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I travel a lot and probably from the background you can tell that

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I try my best to

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answer these questions. But Mashallah, there is a lot of demand Alhamdulillah we will strive to answer each one of these questions inshallah.

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We received a question from our own schreib dilwara, meaning our local Brother, brother schreib.

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He's asking the regarding this question,

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Surah Al Fatiha

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in the Salah, behind the Imam

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Let me begin answering this question by saying Subhana Allah, one of the benefits of living in the West

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in the United States and Europe

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is striving to follow

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the delille the evidence.

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Normally if you live in a country where only the men have been exercised and practiced,

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meaning the people follow a certain madhhab school of thought

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you do not see or a question normally what you're doing

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or question what others are doing because everybody is doing the same thing. And if you look at the Muslim world and brief, the brothers who came from India and Pakistan they normally follow the school of thought of Lima Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, the brothers who came from the Arabia, the peninsula, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait. They follow the school of thought of Lima Ahmed no humble Rahim Allah, the brothers who came from Syria, Egypt and philosophy and they normally follow the school of thought of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, the brothers who come from

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West Africa,

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Morocco and Algeria and Libya. They don't really follow the school of thought of Lima Malik Rahim Allah. So if you live in, in these places, you know, you you just adopt the inherited

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practice and you don't question it. Nor you question anyone else who around you. But now when when we travel, and we get to live in the United States, and you find yourself in a machine with

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these nationalities and these men that are praying together, and then you start questioning what you're doing or questioning what other people are doing.

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And consequently, you now strive to look for the evidence for the delille what the prophet sallallahu wasallam said regarding the opinion and in no way we're asking you to abandon the method. No, actually the method, the school of thought becomes the guiding light to understand the evidence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And in this context, I want to say something brothers and sisters in Islam and I always say that in my talks and lectures,

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a sign that the organization or this message is successful, that when you enter the masjid, you see every national

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knology every language, every ethnic goal is presented not in multitudes, not in a huge number. But when you look around you, you will find a Pakistani you will find an Indian, you will find an Egyptian, you will find an Arabian, you will find the Syrian, you will find a Moroccan you will find an Algerian you will find an African you will find and so, then he is all nationalities are presented. And I always say this a sign that the organization that religious organization which is the machine is not successful or their approach is not the proper approach. Whether it is the Imam or whether it is the organization itself represented in the body of Trustees or directors that you

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walk into that facility and you'll only see one color, one language, one ethnic group, because that is not Islam. Islam is an umbrella with a lot of people can fit right under that umbrella brothers and sisters in Islam. With this inshallah I will try to answer the question of brother, shall I and I will try to be very brief.

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First of all, first of all, consensus that the Imam

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the Imam is the person who's leading the Salah must recite Surah Al Fatiha himself in every Raka of the Salah.

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There is no question about this because the reciting Al Fatiha is a pillar of the Salah, the Imam are talking about the Imam without the Salah is loud, meaning Jheri, meaning he recites loudly and that can happen in the Torah cause of

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the first two records in the method. And the first two records of Elijah are silent, meaning salatu salam laughs all of it, the third Raka insalata the Maghreb and the last two insalata Elijah, he must recycle that email. So this is number one. Number two, if you pray by yourself,

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if you pray individually, you must recite surah to refer to her in each unit in each or aka whether the Salah is loud or sick or silent, like the EMF.

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There is no disagreement or different opinions regarding those two. Now, once it comes to you being led in the Salah, allow me to use the term being imagined in the Salah. What should you do? We have two extremes and extremes in a good sense. The first one is the new scholars of the school of thought of enamel sheffy had their fair share for a

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chef a

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chef and I don't mean in a bad way. Meaning the

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there is codename chef a the the old school of thoughts of Lima chef a and the new school of thought of MMA sheffey the new school of thought of enamel chef a they say you must recite Al Fatiha if you are being led in the Salah whether the Salah is loud or silent in each unit, whether the Imam gives you a chance to recite or not.

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And that's an extreme

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and we'll explain that why they base this on the Hadith regarding the fact that surah will Fatiha is a pillar of the Salah. We have multiple Hadith that says that whoever does not recite Surah Al Fatiha in each unit of his Salah in each Raka of his Salah his Salah is not accepted. So this is a one extreme. But the jurists responded to this opinion with one analogy,

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which is what

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if someone joins the Salah in the ruku imagine somebody who joined the salad and he arrived when the Imam is seeking Allahu Akbar to bow down to make the Roku and he catches the Roku with the Imam. The question here

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Will that person will he have

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to repeat that unit? Will he quote the Salah in the record the answer is no, that unit is actually valid.

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So, that means the Salah can be valid naraka the unit can be valid without you reciting in fact her in it. That's one answer. One

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one extreme like I say, the other extreme is the School of protofilament Abu hanifa which is what you don't have to recite through Apple Fatiha if you are letting the Salah whether the Salah is loud, meaning fetches the Torah cause Maverick, the first to have will Margaret and the first to Felicia, or would have the Salah si silent meaning salatu salam Colossus, the third calf and mother, the last two records of Elijah, you don't have to decide. So in fact, and again this is another extreme.

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Now, the issue here that we have is

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the Imams who do not follow the school of thought of mm sheffey Rahim Allah, they do not allow those who pray behind them. Time to read Surah Al Fatiha

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immediately as soon as they finish reciting Surah Fatiha they immediately engage in the recitation of the Quran.

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And now we know that the Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam commanded us that when the Imam reads, then he listened to him.

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Well, either Cora Al emammal, for unsettle a Muslim when the Imam recites for earning the Salah lessons and the verse most probably a lot of the scholars of the Sierra mentioned that this verse was revealed regarding the Salah was either a pre alpha an alpha semi Ola who were an suku la la quinta hammoud when the Koran is being recited, listen to it tentatively, tentatively with submission with a hearing with a hearing, so that you may attain the mercy of Allah.

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So, now, how in the world will you be able to fulfill this command when the email does not give you time to recital Al Fatiha

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after he finishes reciting the Fatiha and he immediately engages in the recitation of the Quran, the surah.

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But here comes another question which is theoretical question. Syria.

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Does the Imam have an evidence for initiating the care of the sutra immediately after finishing reciting Surah Al Fatiha in the Salah? Absolutely.

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So are the one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he used to recite in the Salah, he would pause he would stay silent in two occasions. one occasion after that we are utterly from after he says Allahu Akbar to enter into the Salah. The first step VIERA in the Salah, and we know what he would say them, meaning he would make dua

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that you are that you make at the beginning of the Salah silently and the second sector. The second silence moment of silence is after he finishes reciting the Quran in order to make a break or to the separate the Quran from Allah

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before the Ricoh so that you didn't assume that Allahu Akbar is part of the Quran.

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So here is an evidence that arasu sallallahu alayhi wasallam never given a Purim pause or time for you to recite the Quran recite Al Fatiha after he finishes his own recitation, there is an evidence for it. Now brothers and sisters in Islam here is the correct view regarding the person who's being harmed without going into a lot of details because we'd like to limit this to 1516 minutes video insha Allah

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if the Salah is loud, meaningfully

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The first two hours of filming the first two workers of Malaysia and the Imam is now a chef, meaning he does not allow you time after he finished reciting Surah Al Fatiha and he immediately engages in reciting the Quran. His recitation is sufficient for you. You do not have to recite Al Fatiha by yourself in the loud Salah.

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What is the evidence? What I mentioned the verse Sai Halima Muslim.

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the majority that Imam Ali Timothy he the Imam is there to be a mammy to lead you in the Salah when he says Allahu Akbar, say Allahu Akbar after him what either para refer to and if he recites then listen, don't recite

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to Mr. tirmidhi when they say he will be the root.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was reciting the Quran and one of his companions behind him was reciting and Fatiha while he was reciting the Koran after the Fatiha after he finished the Salah. He looked, one of you was reciting what I was reciting.

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The companion said yes, your Rasul Allah, he said, don't do this because you were competing with me. I thought somebody was competing with me when I recite pas don't don't listen to me. How do you fish on it ninja Hadith. Hadith. Jabir ibn Abdullah of the Alon Omar al Hadith Sahih al Imam Al al Danny scheffel Albania Rahim Allah Baba Rahman

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men Canada who Imam if you have a moment of Salah Sakura aquilina Mila who Kira meaning if the Imam resides in Fatiha is good for you.

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Now let's come to the silent Salah meaning salado the forecast Salatu Lhasa for Rockers, the third Raka insalata and the last two Raka in Salah Malaysia, the third and the fourth silence Allah go ahead and recite Al Fatiha in this

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silent Salah with this insha Allah you will have the evening late Allah by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala you have

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Jani coincided with the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Jakob Allahu Allah Subhana Allah Hamada hamitic eyeshadow La ilaha illa Anta stock silca what a tabula well hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

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