Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P20 204D Tafsir Al-Ankabut 27-30

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the theory that Islam is a reality, but there is confusion and fear among believers. The reward for individuals who do not believe in Islam is in the Hereafter, and the importance of communicating with counterparts is emphasized. The speakers also discuss the negative impact of stopping people from their journey to Islam, including the need for transparency in the media, and the importance of bringing punishment and hope to children who are struggling. The conversation then shifts to a song by Luther Allison, which relates to a difficult situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Well, we're hubbing Allahu, and we gave to him to Ibrahim Ali Salam is how we are Kob is how his son and after his son is how we are called his grandson.

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So Ibrahim right his son was even a loner.

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Because this is sometimes what we fear, right? That if I hold on to my sorrow,

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I will always be single.

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People have these fears, right?

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If I stay like this, I'll be alone. No, you won't be alone.

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Allah will not leave you alone. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when his own people, you know, it forced him to leave Makkah. Was he alone? He was taken into Medina. And when he went to Medina, did he NOT have a better nation there? Did he not have better neighbors over there? Did he not have better acquaintances there, that our friends their betters, supporters there, everything was so much better.

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Because when you end up leaving something for the sake of Allah, then Allah will give you something better.

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Sadly, this is just a cliche, no, really, we don't even know what the implication of this just an empty statement to us. Because we've heard it so many times. We've said it so many times. But when it comes to actions, we don't implement it on we don't implement it, we don't even experience it. And for us, it's it's a theory, it's a concept. But it's not a reality. We need to make it a reality for ourselves. When we leave something for the sake of Allah, Allah will, will give us something. Because when he takes something away from us, it is so that he will give us something else in its place. Think about it. Can a person go to Jannah? If he doesn't experience death?

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Seriously, if a person is but I love this house, in the dunya I love my family over here. I love my body. I love everything. I don't want to leave this world.

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Can he have gentlemen?

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No, he can't.

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You have to leave something, then you'll get something better in its place. If you have money.

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You have money, you have cash in your hand a brand new under dollar bill, a brand new crisp, you know, these new ones that you can't even fold. Alright, so brand new. But you need food. You want your jacket? Also, can you go to the cash and say, you know,

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I really, really liked my $100 bill. I really want to keep it I don't want to give it away. Can you please give me the jacket?

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Can you say that?

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It's foolish, right? Because to take something, you have to give something.

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No pain, no gain, isn't it?

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So when a person gives something up for the sake of Allah, Allah will give him something else in its place. So over here, while we're having Allah who is how we are called, you know, this is amazing. Everyone here I said, um, he wasn't just given children he was given grandchildren also. I don't know about you, but when I see my parents and my parents in law, you know, when they look at their grandchildren, their their face just lights up. Doesn't matter whether we're there or not, you know, we're not important anymore. It's like, yeah, you're there. Okay, good. But where are the kids? Where are the kids? Alright, grandchildren, they just bring a different delight to a person a

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different level of happiness. So Allah subhanaw taala. He gave Ibrahim and his son, not just children, he gave him grandchildren also, he lost a nation he lost a family. Allah subhanaw taala gave him a better family. What are Allah and we made Phaedra Yeti in his children, meaning in his descendants, and noble water while Kitab prophethood and Scripture meaning in Bani Israel, Bani Israel, they basically are the descendants of Ibrahim Al escena. And all the prophets and all the scriptures after Ibrahim on Islam came from his progeny. What Tay now who are doula who fit dunya and we gave him his reward in the world? What in Noho Phil harati Lemina slyly Hain and he will be

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in the hereafter among the righteous in the best company amongst the best of the best. In dunya. Allah gave him reward. And what was that fair praise? Good praise. First of all, would your honor the homelessness lidocaine, right, good praise. Think about it. Hajj, Hajj rituals, basically revolve around whose family it brought here on his cinemas family, right. If he run his cinema, Allah made him imam in the Jerry Luca NASCI Imam. The Prophet sallallahu sallam was told that you are on the middle of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and throughout the Nathalia 122 Allah says Shakira Lee and Rumi he, Egypt Abba who were Harada who Illa slit Alton was stuck

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am what are they now for dunya Hassan, we gave him good in this world. We're in Now Phil harati Lemina Salah Hain and in the Hereafter you will be among the righteous. And this is not the case only with Ibrahim on his center. This is the case with every believer that when a person believes in Allah when a person is righteous when a person, you know shows the sincerity for Allah subhanaw taala, that Allah who will not leave him empty handed, in a hadith in Sahih Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, when a disbeliever performs a good deed, meaning a person who doesn't believe in Allah, but they do something good, I think of charity, or they give good advice. They

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look after Allah's creatures, any kind of good deeds, they do, then what happens? Old Taurima, we have to remember minute dunya.

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He's given a Therma in the dunya, like a bite of food. So basically, he's given some reward, he's given some reward for his good in this world. But the believer, Allah stores up his good deeds for him in the Hereafter, meaning the real reward the believer will receive were in the Hereafter, and also provides him with risk in this life due to his obedience.

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This is the case with who, with every believer that Allah will give him something here also, but the real reward is stored for the hereafter.

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So I went to the gym once and this lady

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why once, one of the times I went to the

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I saw this lady there, when she was there with her friend, and she was like, jogging on the treadmill. And she said that she was like, practicing or training for some marathon that she was gonna participate in. And she was like, I do this marathon every year for Jesus. And I have a wish I do it for right. So like, I make a wish before doing it. And by the end of the marathon, or like, by the end of that time period, or whatever it comes through. And I was thinking about that. It was like, I want to do a marathon, you know? And then I was like, I don't know if it would, you know, really work though. Like, is that legit. And then it's like what you said, See what is decreed for

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you is going to come to you. Right? And many times a person is put into fitna like this, that many times people are doing wrong things. But despite they're wrong, Allah still gives them right. So this is a big test for a person. The point is that when a person believes, and He's righteous, right and he keeps driving, then the real reward is in the hereafter. Okay? But Allah will not leave the person hungry, and empty handed and poor and miserable in this world, he will give him something or the other in this world also.

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The reward in this world is just the beginning. Okay? Whereas those who don't believe for them, their ultimate reward becomes now. Right? That is what they're striving for. That is their aim. If they get it good, if they don't get it, then they give up. Walton and Luther early his Salem is called earlier Comey he when he said to his people, in Nakhon indeed you letter Duna surely you come meaning you commit unfair he shatter the indecent act, the immoral act, which is so immoral that Massa Qualcomm none has preceded you be happy with it mean I hadn't from anyone mean Allah, Allah mean among the world's you are committing such an immorality that no one has ever committed this act

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before you among the people of the world among the nations of the world, you are the first ones to commit such an act. Now over a year the example of loot already esalaam has mentioned. So first new hairless lambs example. Then Ibrahim Ron is sometimes example then Lutheran asylums example that what do you do in a situation where you are doing something that your entire community is opposing off? What do you do in this situation? How do you remain strong? So for that, we look at the examples of those people who were tested most severely so that we can take inspiration from their lives, from their tests, their trials, how they dealt with them, how they overcame the difficulties

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that came their way. So first of all we see over here again in the example of Lutheran SLM that he is calling people to the truth. He is calling people to the Hulk. Just like Ibrahim right his sin, because if what you have you don't share with others

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nobody's going to sympathize with you. Nobody's going to understand you. And earlier also, we learned about the importance of communication, that when somebody opposes you in what you're doing, even if it's your own parents, you tell them, you explain to them the choices that you are making. You tell them why it's important to you why you want to do it. Because the other person, it's quite possible that they're opposing you simply because they don't understand why you're doing what you're doing. They really don't get it. Right. And we should really give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe they don't know. So you have to communicate, you have to tell them so low garlis. And I'm also

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he warns us people, He speaks to them. He says, You are committing such an immorality that no one has preceded you with from among the people of the worlds. Now what was that immorality? If they still didn't get what Luther Hassan was talking about? He explains it in detail now. He says intercom? Indeed you do you indeed. So basically, he's not shying away and clarifying what the fascia is. He says, Indeed, letter to an original you approach men plural of the word Roger roger, man, regional men, meaning you approach men for the purpose of sexual pleasure.

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Secondly, what Dr. Ona Seville, you cut the path Doctor own literally means it's from author and author is to cut. All right. But cutter Sybil doesn't just mean to cut a road meaning cut the road that doesn't make sense. Quarter of Seville is basically obstructing the path of the travelers, meaning those traveling those walking, creating difficulties for them so that they're not able to continue with their journey. And this could be in different ways this could be in the form of highway robbery in different ways that inshallah we will discuss. And thirdly, he says what tuna and you commit fina decom in your meetings, or LaMancha, the evil meaning in your meetings, instead of

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doing good instead of encouraging each other to do good to refrain from evil, you actually promote evil by doing it in your gatherings. And the word nadie is from through letters known Dahlia NIDA NIDA is to raise one's voice to call out to somebody. So nadie is basically emerged as a gathering of friends, where there's a lot of Niddah, meaning people are raising their voices, in conversation in discussions in laughter in their activities, in whatever they're doing. So what the tuna fina de como mancha in your assemblies and your gatherings and your parties, you commit evil.

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Now, three crimes are mentioned over here. First of all, which crime is it?

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Which crime? Is it? Approaching men for sexual pleasure meaning approaching the same gender for sexual pleasure? Now, there's one thing I want you to understand, you know, when it comes to same * relationships, or marriages, and so on and so forth.

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Just because something is possible, it doesn't mean it's permissible.

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Because many times people argue that oh, you know, what, it's, it's possible to have such love, you know, such, whatever you want to call it such an affair such a relationship, it's possible. But just because something is possible, it doesn't mean that it is permissible, it is possible to have sexual pleasure in these waves. But that doesn't make it halal. Just like it is possible to earn a lot of money by cheating others, is it possible,

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it's very much possible, in fact that it could be quite easy for some people, right? become a millionaire by cheating by lying in the black market, you know, fraud, so on and so forth. You could get very rich very fast by doing illegal things, but it doesn't mean that it's okay, just because it possible, it doesn't mean that it is correct. Now, likewise, when it comes to such relationships, it's possible for two people to fall in love with each other, to have such a relationship. But that doesn't mean that the Creator has allowed it. All right, because we are who are we? Allah servants? We are Allah servants. So we do not just those things which are possible for us, but those things

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which are allowed for us.

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All right. The second crime of these people that's mentioned over here is author Seville, right which is obstructing the way of the travelers. And this is in two ways. It could be in the tangible sense in the HESI way. So for example, people are traveling, all right, as soon as they reach your town to pass by it to pass through it, harming them, blocking the roads, robbing people, demanding you know, benefits from them, or really committing evil deeds with the travelers and this is what these people would do.

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Kill them or

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raped them, or loot them take their property, et cetera. Secondly, it could be in Amarna we sense that stopping people from the way meaning creating hurdles for them in the way of Allah, creating hurdles for them in the way of Allah so that they cannot continue in their journey to Allah. Like, for example, normalizing sin,

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you know, saying that it's okay, why not. And as a result, people frown at the religion of Allah, they look down at their religion of Allah, they look down at those people who are practicing the religion of Allah. Right. And that's exactly what happened in this community, how people oppose Luther Allison, and they made fun of him, they said, Oh, you're very pure, or they said, expel the family of loot from this town. They're very pure, they're very clean people, they mocked at them.

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Then the third crime that is mentioned over here is openly committing sin in gatherings. If you think about it, you know, when a person is doing something wrong on their own alone, in their house, in their bedroom, it's wrong.

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It's still wrong. But it's not that wrong in the sense that because they're alone.

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But if 567 10 People are together doing something wrong, then it makes it worse, because they have no level of higher, they don't even have shyness from each other. You understand, because at least as human beings, we correct our actions, just because we are shy of each other, we have some level of self respect, that even if we're not really that good inside, we want to appear as good. So for the sake of other people, we correct our speech. If, for example, if a woman, you know, has uncontrollable anger inside her house, at least when she's in a party, or when she's with her friends she liked as if she's the most efficient mother.

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Right? Why? Why isn't she yelling at her children? The way she yells at them inside the house? Why is such a difference? Because she has some dignity that she will appear to be good, right. But when people do wrong publicly, what does it show the level of their moral degradation? Right That how, you know how US philosophically and they have become the lowest of the low that they don't even have higher of each other.

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So they openly committed sin. And this is something that we need to think about also, that when we are amongst our friends, what is it that we talk about? What is it that we chat about? Is it just cute guys? And you know, there looks on there, so on and so forth? Seriously?

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What is it that we talk about? We really need to think, because sometimes we change our conversations just because our mothers are there just because the teachers are there. But amongst ourselves when no teacher when no mother when no older sister is around, what is it that we talk about? What kind of language do we use? What kind of words do we use? What kind of things do we find funny?

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Seriously, what kinds of things is it that we laugh at? We need to think about that. What that tuna fina de como mooncup. Because you see, a person cannot do wrong alone.

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Right? In the sense that each person needs the cooperation of those around him in order to do something wrong.

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Even for our own Was he alone, he had her man with him

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nearly. So a person can do something wrong, you know, alone for some time, but eventually, sooner or later, he needs people to support him. He needs like minded individuals. So the environment that the people have ruled had created for themselves was only such that nurtured more evil that produced more evil, it only perpetuated more evil. So Luther s&m is criticizing that over here. The prophets on a lot of Sam said Allah O Allah Dini, clearly a person is on the religion of his friend. So what happened when Luther Allison addressed his people from Canada? Well, Belko me he so the response of his people was not Illa except me, the only response was an Carlu that they said at NAB, yada

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beloved, bring us the punishment of Allah in condemning Assad again, if you are of those who are truthful, many of you really truthful. Then bring the punishment if it comes, yeah, we know you're speaking the truth, you really a prophet. But if no punishment comes, then we know that you're a liar.

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Now just imagine they're saying, Bring the punishment. If somebody is so confident in the wrongs that they're doing that they're saying, punish me. What can you do? How can you explain things to them? So Luther is Salam he made dua to Allah. Allah Robin sunny island county will move City in. He said, Oh, my Lord, own Sony, you support me you will help me against alcohol will move city in the corrupt people. I've done my job.

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I conveyed the message now Oh Allah, you help me? You help me. And this is something that we undermine so much that when we are in difficulty,

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and somebody advises us make dua. What's our first response?

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Yeah, I don't make. I'm already making, of course, yeah, of course. But what else can I do? Oh, make Dora

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we really don't give much importance to this. The thing? Is that any difficulty that we are in hope, what is in that?

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Hope? What isn't that?

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Who did? Give me the answer? Allah put us in that difficulty.

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Who can take us out of it?

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Allah can.

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The Counselor cannot? The friend cannot. The parents cannot. The teacher cannot. The person whom we are sending email after email after email cannot take us out of that difficulty they cannot.

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Because do they have the ability to change the heart of somebody? No. You know, sometimes we think that the solution for me in this time is I should just get married. I should just get married, I should just have a job. But you know, I'm applying for job I'm applying for this and this. I've been to so many marriage events, but nothing is working out. Well. Nothing is working out because Allah is not opening a door for you. So let us not go to a person after another person, one person after the other. You know, email one share after another, hoping that somehow some person with a magic spell. He's going to open all the doors for us they cannot Allah put us in that he can open doors.

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So we need to ask Allah

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rub bend sore knee. Oh my lord, you help me. I don't know what to do. I've tried my best. I cannot take myself out of this situation only you can. I found it interesting how the center of the people? Yeah, the people flute the approaching the same gender for pleasure was mentioned in a separate verse. And then the other two were also were mentioned in like a separate verse. So kind of shows how like, how big of a sin that is that it's mentioned twice once indirectly and secondly, very directly. So Luthor SLM he turned to Allah He said, Robin Sony, I ll calm and move city and oh my lord, you help me. You make a way out for me.

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You know, sometimes we go to people, we approach them, seeking their advice or seeking a solution from them and we have so much hope in our eyes that somehow you can fix my problem.

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You can fix my problem for me, they cannot fix it. Only Allah can fix it. So let us have even more hope when we raise our hands and dua to Allah subhanaw taala

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All right. Let's listen to the recitation. While Hubin

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is have our cool Bella John

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duniya well you in

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fear Auntie lamina follow up 101 Is Paul and follow me in

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tune Alpha he shall

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letter tuna

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tuna fina the comb will

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come for

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Dominus for the ball

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billows near on.

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So panic alarm will be handed a shadow Allah ilaha illa into a stuffy look to be like a Salam or Aleikum Warahmatullah wabarakatuh

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