Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P20 199B Tafsir Al-Qasas 1-8

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The title "soon of the thirteenth century" uses various words and phrases, including "soon of the thirteenth century," and covers various topics including Islam, acceptance, and the importance of acceptance and support for different cultures. The division of people into groups and the importance of avoiding division and feeling sad or sadness is discussed, as well as the use of " Volkswagen dust" to protect individuals from suffering from the operation. The importance of planning for future events and dealing with negative emotions is also emphasized.
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Lesson number 199 Surah two Casas is number one to 21
Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim surah. To us What does a sauce mean?
Stories, right? And this means that in the Surah, there will be a story. You remember a very long story in the Quran, where was that? introducer. Right. We learned about almost the entire story of use of de Sena. I mean, that's the one place in the Quran that you learn about use of artists and what his story was. So so the US is about the story of Masada, his center, we will see from the beginning to the end, meaning his entire story we learned over here. And of course, every single detail is not mentioned here. Other details are found in other parts of the Quran. And sunnah Toka sauce is a murky surah. And it was revealed at a time when the Prophet sallallaahu Salam needed a
lot of confidence and firmness, because it was revealed towards the end of the Meccan era. And by the end of the Meccan era, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had exerted all his efforts to peacefully convey the message to the people. And he had gone through a lot of persecution. He had faced a lot of hostility from his people. Remember that by this time? I will tell him I had passed away he dropped the low on her had passed away, right? So many Muslims had left for Abyssinia. So it was a very difficult time for Sula Salado. And the story of Musa alayhis salam, it really gave him this beat, you know firmness on to heed the correct Arcada and it is said that some parts of the surah
are actually Madonia meaning some sections of the surah that were revealed in Medina. So it's partly makin partly Medina. So basically it is the transitional period from McCann era to Medina and era. You know, this was around the time of Hijra. All right. And it's possible that many people find themselves in, you know, this transitional phase, you know, leaving something and starting something else. Right. And whenever you're leaving something, especially for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala,
leaving something you know what you've been doing what you had a habit of what you identified yourself with what was a major part of your life, but once you find out that this is something that Allah does not like, and you leave it, you put it behind you, and you are starting basically a new chapter of your life. This is a very difficult moment. It's a very difficult decision. And all you need at this time is some confidence and faith, some firmness, some stability, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam was given this firmness, through what through the surah the story of Musa alayhis salam
and if you look at the story of Moses and and what do you see the Bani Israel versus who?
Who fit around? Right? Is there any match Bani Israel eel who were enslaved? And for our own? What is thrown symbolizes the height of power and tyranny. All right. But what happened? Allah subhanaw taala rescued the Bani Israel he saved them from fit our own. The Prophet salallahu Salam and the Sahaba at this point, they were the ones who had been oppressed, denied, opposed, and this is a position of great weakness. And the people of Makkah who were they they were the oppressors, they were the deniers they were the opponents and they had a lot of strength. But look at what happened to the strength.
Look at what happened to the strength of it our own against Allah's plan. It finished. So this is the lesson we learned over here, that the one with whom is Allah than that person can survive anything.
Anything, even a person like that or even an enemy like that.
So let's look at the sort of Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Flossing mean hoof mocha thought DeLuca Isaiah Tolki terrible movie in DeLuca that meaning these are Ayatollah Kitab verses of the book which book I didn't move been the tear one. Meaning what is going to come here what you're going to read, what you're going to listen to is a part of the book, meaning these verses are from the Quran. The Kitab is the Quran. And this Kitab this Quran is mobi and it is clear, clear in its message clear in its message and this is amazing. You know, recently I met a novelist and lady and she's been reading the Quran
On. And she had some questions and I thought she would have a lot of questions about the Quran because of course she's reading a translation.
And she said to me, well, it's very clear. And I was like what she said, it's very clear. I just have a few questions about a few things. You know, just a few questions she hadn't. She said these words, it's very clear.
This is coming from a person who doesn't understand Arabic, and wasn't understood the message of the Quran in Arabic, who's just reading a translation. And yet she's saying it's pretty clear. All right, because the Quran is very straightforward. So tilaka Ayat al Kitab, in Mubin. Net Lu alayka. We read to you We recite to you may never II Musa from the news of Musa will fit our own and fit our own bill help in truth. Meaning this narrative this narration is 100% true, accurate. Live call me You mean own for people who believe meaning for the believers, the story is going to be very relevant, very beneficial, very inspirational. They're the ones who will benefit from the story.
This is especially a gift for those who have Iman. What's the story? In a fit our own indeed fit our own? Isla? He exalted himself, fill out in the land. I love from the root letters. I ain't lamb well don't confuse this with the Hellfire Allah. Which means upon rain lamb. Yeah. All right, Allah that is different. This is our Allah with an Elif, this is a verb, it's a fairy on the structure of farla. Right? So Allah is from Lulu, and what does it really mean? The highest point of something, Allah Allahu Allah, Ya Allah these are all verbs that are derived from the word or do
so I know meaning he became high he elevated. Okay, when something or someone goes up to a high place, a high station, a high rank, when someone becomes eminent and honorable and glorious, this is the word that is used. Allah I lay here is to gain ascendancy over another to overcome another, to gain mastery over another, subdue the other prevail over him. Right? And over here, fit our own Allah fill out, fit our own. Here I live in the land, meaning he exalted himself in the land, he magnified himself he behaved very proudly, very insolently.
So Allah gives the meaning of istok Baba. Right? The first of all, yes, he had a very high position. But on top of that, he was also very arrogant. He is the one who claimed hon Komal Arla, can you imagine a person saying, I'm god, it's difficult to even hear. How can you say that you are God? How can a person say that? You know, I was telling my son about Shrek the other day.
And I wanted him to know that chick is beyond just idols. All right. So remember the idea about worshipping the knifes? So I said, you know that even when a person worships himself, that is also a kind of shake? He's like worship himself started laughing, that how can a person even worship himself? It's ridiculous. It doesn't make sense. How can a person think that they are God? I mean, this is something that even a child cannot understand. But it's so sad that how many times we literally worship our desires, right? It's totally wrong, but we do it.
So Allah filled out meaning he exalted himself in the land, declared to be God, and he was very arrogant, behaved very proudly. And this also refers to his tyranny, his oppression Wadala and he made Allah its people, meaning the inhabitants of the land that fit on ruled over. He made them into Xiang. into groups. Factions. She R is from the letters sheen. Yeah, rain. SHA, SHA, Allah Hubble is when news some information, it just spreads. All right. The SHA is also used for publication, right? Publicize something shy, evil. Now, Shane Yarl evil. Evil is what? Camels che Yarl evil is when a shepherd basically blows in his, you know, read Viper or something like that makes some kind of
sound, which is a signal for the camels that follow or come here, gather here. All right. So the shepherd made a sound with spread and because
of which the camels that were scattered, what happened to them? What happened to them, they all came together. All right? From this is the word chi are also from the same root, and Shira is used for a separate and distinct group of people, a separate and distinct group of people.
Why are they called Shuara? Because they agree together. All right, don't think about cheer as and cheer as an opposite of Sunni. We're not talking about the group share, we're talking about the literal meaning of the word chair. All right. So a separate and distinct group of people, so called because of their agreeing together. And it's also any people that have combined in an affair who conform with one another, all the camels, they come together. Correct. So likewise, these are people who have come together. All right, there's something common between them they have come together for a common cause. All right. So fit our own had divided the people into she are on two main groups,
two distinct parties. And each party was together because they had something common between them. You like when people will come very cliquey. They only sit with who? Those from the same class or from the same school from the same group. And then what happens any other person in the same class even though we've been seeing them for three years? I don't know you, you don't know me happens right. So this is sheer, like a group of people that is together because of something for something. So it fit our own had basically created a major social divide, right? There were two groups in that nation. And what did he do? Yes, thundery foo. He would oppress and weaken by if at a minimum, a
group among them one group was oppressed. It was considered the lowest class so there was a class system here right? So one group was the lowest class oppressed to the point that you that Bo Obinna home, he would slaughter their sons you the Bihu from dip
to slaughter and remember you the Bihu what does that signify like brutally slaughter and not just lost her one or two but all all children all sons were study and he would keep alive Nisa home their women in No Can I mean and move sit in indeed he was meaning fit around was from those who are characters.
Why is he called them upset? What did he do? He killed people. So killing people is facade
who was this oppressed group in that society? It was the Bani Israel evil
it's amazing. The Bani Israel eel and the tip the tip the were like the locals I fit our own needs. We'll just call them for their own use or please Okay, they were the locals remember Bani Israel how they ended up in Egypt.
Through use of our Salah there was no Bani Israel when use of Al Hassan was in Egypt and his brothers came and joined them and then eventually over the generations, when their children and their descendants they were known as the Bani Israel. Right now they live in the same land the bunnies law eel and the police. They lived in the same land but in our own divided the society such that the Bani Israel were always the other.
The lore there were looked down upon by the police, that even though fit our own, had their children slaughtered, none of them opposed federal. None of them stood up to defend the Bani Israel.
This was the state of this division.
Imagine people living in the same land, same lead, same country. And there's a particular group of people that is being oppressed that is being abused that is being persecuted. And from the other group, nobody stands up to defend them. Why? Because they hate them anyway. They want to get rid of them anyway. And they're happy with what fit our own is doing.
What do we see over here, that when people are divided, they're blinded by their animosity. And they lose reason basically.
Any if you think about it, children were being slaughtered. Wasn't there anyone from Brown's family or from his nation who would stand up for the Bani Israel? No. Why? Because they hated the Bani Israel. Why? Because Brown had done a very good job of dividing them, separating them hating the Bani Israel.
So if in our own was exterminating the Bani Israel, this was a genocide basically, and no one opposed him from his nation from his
And this also shows to us that when people are being divided,
when people are being divided, this is really not a good sign, it's going to lead to a lot of trouble.
You know, even though we are different, each person is different. Allah subhanaw taala has created diversity. You know, people are from different backgrounds.
They have different strengths, different weaknesses, different cultures, maybe even different religions. In a society where people are from different backgrounds, there needs to be some level of tolerance and acceptance. Because the moment we start looking at each other as Oh, she's Pakistani, or she's not just Pakistani she's or do speaking, or she's not just speaking, she's this and that. You know, she's not just Somali, but she's this or is there anything like that? In Somali culture? Go ahead.
Certain, give me the names of those tribes, please.
Nobody can see her, okay.
Okay, see, she can't even do that, because it's going to further instill hate.
Does that kill acleda?
So this is division, right?
And it's not a healthy sign
that when we are treating somebody like the other,
she's not of Me. I don't know her. She's from the same tribe. She's not from this and this and this. What does it do? It causes people to become blind in their animosity for the other. So much so that if a person has been oppressed, we don't even stand up for them. Why? She's the other.
She's the other. I mean, we see this for example, in marriages, that if two people, if they have come from different cultures, and they're married, and one is abusing the other, and we know who the wrong person is, we're not going to stop them. Why? Because he's from my family, and she is from the other side.
The other side. So this is what happened. This was the tactic off in our own. This is how he legalized his crimes. He made his crimes acceptable in that society because these crimes are being committed against you at the Bani Israel. And when these crimes are being committed against Bani Israel, they were no longer crimes. They were not crimes because the Bani Israel were always the other bad guys.
So we need to come together, we need to look past our differences. social divide is not a healthy sign. Division is not a healthy sign at all. When we do and we intended we wanted this was Finn Rollins plan to destroy the Bani Israel to control them to oppress them. But Allah subhanaw taala had a different plan. What was his plan? Nudie the we intended a pneumonia that we shall favor. Men. A great favor a huge favor. We show a huge favor Isla Lavina upon those people who who stood the reef who they were oppressed fill early in the land, who are these people who were oppressed in the land, the Bani Israel? Allah wanted to show favor to them. What kind of favor went to Jerusalem whom
Emerton? We wanted to make them leaders floral of the word Imam, one of your Allah whom will wear the theme and we wanted to make them the inheritors.
The oppressed people, yes. Allah intended to make them the leaders of people.
The enslaved nation, yes, Allah wanted them to be the inheritors of the land. What does it mean by being the inheritors of the land, when you inherit something, it's yours you rule over it, it's up to you, whatever you want to do. So inheritors of the land of means their rule they are free.
Allah wanted to give them freedom. Now for their own is a symbol of worldly power, height of power with tyranny, and the Bani Israel were being oppressed at his hands. That own wanted to finish the Bani Israel. Allah wanted to make them dominant, fit our own wanted to keep them as the lowest class and Allah wanted to make them the leaders for all and had enslaved them. And Allah intended freedom for them. This was Allah's plan.
Absolutely, contrary to the plan of frown. And we'll see as the story continues that fit our own. He was ruling with oppression with injustice, right? But remember that oppression and injustice can only exist temporarily.
Allah does not like facade. He allows it to happen. Allah gives respite to the volume. He likes the volume, the oppressor, do whatever he wants.
due for some time, and then eventually what happens? Allah subhanaw taala he intervenes in the sense that he, he seizes the volume, the oppressor. And that's exactly what happened to federal. So Allah, He does not allow for sad and volume to prevail ever. He does not let it remain dominant.
And we see that any person who has reached the heights of power eventually he was brought down,
isn't it? Even if a person you know, you've studied in history in world politics about people who have ruled for so long decades, and then what happens, how brutally they're brought down, in such a pathetic state? Because those who are being oppressed, then remember that Allah subhanaw taala will defend them. The prophets of Allah Islam said, Fear the prayer of the oppressed. For indeed it is carried on clouds, meaning it's taken up. Allah says, by my honor and glory, I will surely help you, even if it be after a time, even if it be after a time. So the person who is being oppressed Yes, Allah has given freedom to both people the oppressor and the oppressed. Right? Allah lets you know
things happen as they're happening, but ultimately, the oppressed one he will be rescued, he will be helped. This is why we must never ever lose hope in Allah soprano.
Because the condition of the Bani Israel eel it appeared hopeless. Right? I mean, if you think about it in such a state, the Bani Israel how are they meant to
be free? How?
Fit Allen had no pity for them, his own people hated them, who was going to stand up for them? Nobody was going to stand up for them. How are they going to be rescued? There seemed to be no way no escape for them but Allah had a plan for them. This is why no matter how dark a situation becomes, we must never ever, ever lose hope in Allah subhanaw taala ever.
If Allah took the bunnies or eel out of the situation, then for sure our situation is not worse than theirs. Allah will also take us of our darkest times our darkest situations. One who machina Allah whom Allah subhanaw taala had a plan what was that Nomad Kena we established family long for them, meaning the bunny is Surah Al fill out the in the land, no machina from Tamkeen mean calf noon, which is to give McCanna to give stability to give firmness, power. So we wanted to give them power in the land, when nutria and we wanted to show fit our own fit our own what her mind and also her man who was her man, the minister off fit on his right hand.
Right his right hand basically, not literally, okay. But in the sense that his minister always by his side, in the sunset, heavily involved with the decisions that fed our own made. Allah wanted to show for our own and her man, what do you do the Homer and their soldiers, soldiers who frown and Hamon and it was the soldiers basically, who carried out the caverns of Rome, weren't there.
Because a person cannot do all alone by himself. He always needs the support of others. So everyone who was involved in this oppression in this tyranny, Allah wanted to show them what you knew the whom I mean, whom Matt can we are our own that which they were afraid of that which they had feared. That which they weren't cautious of. Yeah, the only one here that had their aura. What is it that pharaon was afraid of?
What is it that he was afraid of? I mean, he had the highest position that any person could have at that time. What fear did he have
his downfall? The collapse of his kingdom? You see this hatred against the Bani Israel? Where did it start from? Initially, the Bani Israel were just a few people just 12 Brothers. Right? And then what happened? Not from 12 There were many more and then many more, and then many more, and then over the years, many more. So the clip the different armies, they had this fear that the Bani Israel are going to take over us.
They're going to take over so we have to control their population, we have to, you know, show that they're not the original people of this land, we have to oppress them. And this is perhaps one of the reasons why fit our own had their sons killed, newborns killed, so that their population would not increase he targeted the children, so that the population would not increase. And there is another theory also, which is that some soothsayer told for their own you know, for our own had some dream or something and he interpreted as that a boy from the bunny slide is going to come and he's going to cause your kingdom to come
lab so he felt threatened because of that. And as a result, he gave this ruling that every boy of the Bani Israel that is mourn, should be killed. The women should be kept alive because women what's going to happen to them? I mean, the lineage continues through men. Right? What do you mean you had something to say?
I mean, it's mentioned but we don't know about its authenticity. Right? So both reasons may be valid. Allahu Allah. Whatever it was, McCann we had our own fairground felt threatened by the existence of Bani Israel.
Right now, if you think about it, the Bani Israel never wanted to take over Egypt, you know, they were just there, but for their own felt threatened by their existence. So what happened?
fit our own oppress the bunny is thrown at you.
And then what happened? Allah subhanaw taala saved and rescued the Bani Israel. And then the Bani Israel came to power.
So each time a person is put in difficulty
in difficulty, what does it mean? They need to improve, they will be improved, their condition will be better than it was before. You see what happens is that we just want to be comfortable in our present situation, everything's fine, everything's good. It's cool. You know, we should just enjoy life. But then what happens we're put in some difficulty, whether it's some illness or it's on social pressure, whatever it may be, we are in some difficulty and because of that difficulty, we strive, we do our best. And we turn out better than we were before. Any successful person that you look at his success came from what it was a result of his initial failure. Alright, so this was
Allah's plan. So never ever feel sad as in depressed and losing hope. When you find yourself in difficulty, because Allah has a greater plan, we have very small goals for ourselves and Allah subhanaw taala has greater goals. What Oh, hyena How did all of this begin? We inspired in our only Musa to the mother of Musa Oh Hanaa from ye Wow ha yeah. What does he mean? Inspiration? Right? Literally what it means to secretly indicate something to communicate privately such that the other that is there meaning other people that are in that group, they have no idea.
Okay? Like for example, have you ever communicated with someone with your eyes?
Many times, right, you communicate with your eyes, you give the look and you just raise your eyebrow or something and they figure out what you want. And the other people who are in the same gathering, they have no clue, right a whole message was given without using any words or even physical gestures, nothing. This is secret communication, right? So this is where he to communicate privately. Now what he as a technical term in our religion is used for the revelation, the inspiration that Allah subhanaw taala sent to his prophets, but remember that what he is not limited to that.
What he yes that way, which is for the prophets is exclusively for them. All right. But what he in its literal sense, is also used for instruction.
Instruction, like we learned that Allah did what he to the bee.
Allah did ye to the bee, meaning Allah instructed the bee.
Right? Likewise, we learned that over here, when we Musa the mother of Musa alayhis salam, she was inspired meaning she was given the instruction to do something. Now how was this instruction given to her? Allah knows best he can convey a message to a servant however he wants. You know, for example, we learned about Madame, the mother of reciting his salah. Did the angel come to her?
Yeah, the angel came to her the knee, we learn about it and sort of muddy and write. We learned about the story of three people from the Bani Israel. Right one was a bald person other was a leper, and another person was blind. Right? And the angel was sent to all three of them.
So yes, it's possible that an angel was sent to give this message to give this instruction or it's also understood as a lamb ill ham as you know, a strong feeling that Allah puts in the heart of a person that this is what I have to do. But from the verses it seems that this was not just you know, in ham, but it was a clear message that was conveyed to a mimosa Alright, how Allahu Allah. So what Oh, Hanaa Illa omy Musa, an earlier III I'm that I'm very what was the instruction that you have to
Hey, Larry here, you have to cycle him out of theory from their letters robot or in it Allah, Allah is to give it a bar, meaning to do low bar meaning to nurse, right to breastfeed cycle. So nurse him meaning Musa.
And this is when Musala son was born, it's a boy and a boy means he's going to be killed, right by a federal loan. So Allah instructed her that she should nurse her child, for either than when, if the ILA he you fear for him. You fear for him meaning for his life, that he's going to be noticed by the minorities and they will come to kill him. Because you see, when a child is born a newborn, what does he do most of the time? Sleeps? Isn't it? 20 to 22 hours a baby is meant to sleep. All right, for the first few weeks, and then what happens? gets louder and more noisier. Right? So up to a certain point, she was able to hide Musar listener, but then a lot older than when you fear for him,
meaning you think that he's going to be noticed, right? Somebody's gonna raise the alarm and felonies are going to come and they're gonna kill him, then what should you do for LTE, he then put him ill to throw to support him Philea me in the river. And we have learned about this earlier that she put moose aureus and I'm in a box that booth and a taboo in the river, while at the haffi and when you do that, do not fear, fear for what for his life for his safety, while at the zani and do not grieve. Do not be sad about what about being separated from your child.
Imagine a mother is being told put your baby in a box in the river. And then don't fear and don't be sad.
Any it seems very strange that a mother is for sure going to be afraid when she puts her baby in the river. And for sure she's going to be sad when she's separated from her child. But why does Allah tell her Don't be afraid? And don't be sad? Because in indeed we rod do who a key rod do who this is actually rod doon plural of rod rod, one who does rod meaning one who returns rather than so we are definitely going to return him to you.
Here said don't worry, he will be brought back to you what your ayllu and we're going to make him mentally mousseline of the messengers. He's going to be one of the messengers. So don't be afraid we're going to protect him. Allah is going to protect him. So she did as she was instructed, even though apparently it did not make much sense. If you put a baby in the river in a box, for sure it's gonna drown die. But what choice did she have? Either her son would be slaughtered in her own hands or she could give him an Allah's care in Allah's protection? What did she choose over here, herself? or Allah? Allah?
You know, when is that we want to do something ourselves, we want to have control over it. We think that we can do it in the best way. But we are not the best of planners. We are not the real protectors. Who is the best of planners, Allah subhanaw taala who is it that can really protect Allah or xojo. So if we want to protect something, if we want something to last, if we want something to stay safe, we need to deposit it with who, with who? Allah subhanho wa Taala give it in Allah's care. You know, for example, our wealth, what do we learn that whatever is it that you love, spend that in the way of Allah, why because when you will give that in the way of Allah that is what
will remain and what you keep with yourself, it's gonna finish, it's gonna get ruined.
You know, once I should have the law on her, she had a goat slaughtered or an animal slaughtered, and a lot of the meat was given in charity, okay, and she was asked about the meat and she said, Everything is gone, except for such and such peace, which we still have. And she was told, No, everything is saved except for such and such peace. Meaning what you have given that is saved, what you have kept, that's not going to last very long.
So over here, the mother of Musa alayhis salam she did as she was instructed, and what happened fell takapa Who saw it picked him up? Ill Takata Lamb of
look back look by is basically an object that has been lost.
Right? An object that has been lost, meaning it was dropped by the owner forgotten by the owner, and Ill takapa is to pick up something that was
left by the owner.
Okay. Takata like for example, you're walking somewhere and you find money on the floor.
Has it ever happened?
Or you wish it would happen with you?
You go to a public bathroom and you see a cell phone.
All right now that has its own rulings. We can't just pick up everything that we see. Right now. Oh, a cell phone or gold ring. Okay, find out somebody forgot it. I can take it. Finders keepers. No, it doesn't work that way. Okay. If you pick it up, this is in Takata I'm not saying it's always right. Don't get me wrong. I'm just saying if you pick it up, that is ill takapa All right. So fun. Takaka who he picked him up, found him in the river the basket or the box and picked him up who picked him up who found Husar Lisanna. And who fit around out of all people it was the family often are his own wife. Imagine fit our own family picked him up? What are the chances that frowns family would pick
the baby that is in the blocks in the river?
What are the chances? If you think about it? The baby could have drowned could have been caught by some animal could have been found by someone else could have just been swept to the shore somewhere and left there. Right and starve to death. The fact that the baby was picked up by fit or owns family, what does it show? The baby was brought there
by who? Allah subhanho wa taala. So fall Takata who and who fit our own, the family of fit her own. They picked him up and in particular and his wife, Leah Qunar. So that as a result as a consequence, he would be li lamb over here is of October. As a consequence, the Hakuna meaning Musan is Salam would be the home for them, meaning forfeit our own. I do want an enemy what has an A and a source of grief. This is where it all started. This is where the downfall of fit our own started when they picked up the baby from the river in the fit our own, indeed fit our own wahama and Hammann. What do you know the Houma and their armies their soldiers can hardly eat. They were hardly even ones who
were at fault. hardly even as a Florida fault they from the root letters Hottel Hamza Hapa is an error mistake. harpy is one who is in error, one who is guilty one who is wrong.
So all this planning against frown and Herman and their geonode Why? Because they were wrong, they were in error, they were doing something clearly wrong. And there is no doubt about that. What do we see so far? In these verses?
Allah has a plan, and people have a plan.
There are some people for whom Allah plans and then there are others against whom Allah plans.
There are others against whom Allah plants, meaning they want to do something, Allah does not allow them, he does not let them he makes them fail miserably again and again until they're defeated and they give up. And then there are those for whom Allah plans that even when a person is hesitant to do something, Allah subhanaw taala puts him in that situation. So he's got no choice like Musa alayhis salam. Right. Remember when Allah told him to go to fit our own didn't massage this and I'm sorry, I'm not qualified for this. I'm in no position to do this.
Right. But Allah subhanaw taala plan for him that he must go.
So we should always make dua that Oh ALLAH plan for me, not against me.
Right. There's a DA also that encore li wala Tomko. Isla Yeah. Oh Allah plan for me in my favor, and not against me. And this is really a blessing of Allah subhanaw taala on a person that if, because of Allah's planning, a person is led in the right direction and protected from wrong.
You know, how many times there are Muslim kids who say I always wanted to do such and such bad thing, but I was never able to.
Lucky are they?
By for example, a person says, Oh, my parents were always so strict. There was no way I could do such and such. You're very fortunate that your parents were strict. That was Allah's planning, he saved you He protected you from something.
You know, sometimes we want to do something wrong, but Allah does not enable us to do it. Right? We want to for instance, go somewhere which is not right. But what happens we're unable to the car breaks down or something like that happens and we're getting frustrated in
angry. This is why as Muslims what is it that we believe in, in the color of Allah that caught the Allahu wa Masha ferula Allah's decree, he did whatever he wanted. And I accept his mother.
You know, for instance, you want to go to a baseball game and there happens to be a meeting that same day that you cannot miss, you can't get out of it.
So now those tickets are just sitting
and you're forced to sell it and when you sell it, you actually make a profit. Maybe you needed the money more than the game. Right? You wanted to go to the mall, but it just never worked out so much rain or the car broke down. Allah is protecting you from something in Shama, remember the Hadith Allah says that I am as my servant thinks I am so always always think positively about Allah subhanaw taala recitation
This means your Walkman you're walking
or seeing
DeLuca kita moving
natural like I mean other evils if you'd been dealing call me You mean
in the round now
hola Lana she
stumped going full bore in fact
Yes Don't mindful or
mean mu B.
one redo
laziness to mindful Jana Gianna
Gianna, Gianna
z one Omen kina Allah home feel
what oh
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te fi
off the wall Zanni
all do it at
the top of the hole