Yusha Evans – Khatira at Masjid Salahadeen

Yusha Evans
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses his experience with his deceased mother and the importance of taking action and making a plan to get out of time. He emphasizes the need to work hard and not waste time, stressing the importance of rest and knowing the end of life. He also reminds people to never waste their time and mentions upcoming events and scheduling programs for the future. The speaker emphasizes the need to protect people until the end of the war and to bring in their suggestions to the community.
AI: Transcript ©
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6 months later, not long after her 44th

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she died, and she died in my arms.

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And the decline and I had moved to

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Virginia at the time, so I didn't have

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a you know, we talked every day. My

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mother called me every day on the phone,

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regardless. She called me every single day. But

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I had moved to Virginia to work at

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a masjid called Darul Salaam with the imam

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Safiqa at the time. And I remember getting

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a call

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from her doctor saying that if you have

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anything you want to tell your mother, you

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should do so because she is declining rapidly.

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And it took me a day to get

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from there to South Carolina,

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and at that point, my mother did not

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even she wasn't cognizant of anything. She was

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on so many heavy medications,

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you know, just

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end of life,

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care that she didn't even know what was

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going on around her. I was trying to

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get her to take shahada. I was trying

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to get her to accept Islam because beforehand,

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she had told me the same thing my

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father tells me today, that I believe everything

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you tell me. I believe that Islam is

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I just will not leave my way of

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life. The the same thing my father tells

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me. I believe your religion is true, but

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I was born and raised a Christian. That's

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how I plan to die. So make father

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make dua for my father's, Hidaya, Insha'Allah. I

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told him, it's Allah. If Allah wants you

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to be a Muslim, you're gonna be a

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Muslim. I keep asking him over and over

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and over again. But my mother passed away,

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and her last words

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in a in in a moment of lucidity,

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lucidity before she passed, she looked at me

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and she said, I'm sorry. Those are the

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very final words my mother said to me.

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I don't think I've ever really recovered from

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that. It takes a long time to recover

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from that type of thing, but I'm learning

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as I get older that time is not

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on our side. Time is not on your

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side. So the things that you want to

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do, do them. Do them. Make a plan.

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Get at them. Take action

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because time flies by like that. My mother

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passed away at 44. I just turned 44.

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You know, you never know how much longer

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we have left in this world. There's no

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So do not ever take time for granted.

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There's a very famous hadith al Qudsi,

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from the prophet

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where Allah says, I am time, therefore do

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not abuse me. I am time, therefore do

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not abuse me. So the wasting of time

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is an abuse towards Allah

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Cause he is time and he's the creator

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of time, and we cannot escape it. We

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cannot it's it's one of those things that

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we as human beings cannot escape. We can

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escape so many things, but time, it it

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it's it stops for no man. There's only

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one person we know in history

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that time stopped for. Little q and a.

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Who was it?

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Yusha. Yusha ibn Noon is the one person

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whom we know recorded. Maybe it happened other

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times, but for sure we know without a

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shadow of a doubt that Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala stopped time. He stopped the sun for

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prophet Yusha when he was about to conquer

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And he commanded the sun that you and

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I are under the command of the same

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Rab, so stay where you are. And Allah

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kept the sun there at the time of

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'Asr and it stayed until they won the

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battle and then it sets.

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But other than that, you and I don't

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have that type of luxury. We can't look

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at the sun and tell it to stop.

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It just keeps on ticking away. Do not

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what life Allah

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has given you. Work, effort, effort. And we'd

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say that I I give you the statement

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of Ahmed ibn Hanbal

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I studied the life of all the m's

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but Imam Ahmed has a special place in

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my heart coming there. Most of my teachers

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were Hanbali.

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I I I was very versed in Hanbali

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Fith. I'm very versed in Hanafi Fith as

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well. My first shifu traveled around with him

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from Pakistan. Mohammed Zakuddin Sharafi was as Hanafi

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as Hanafi gets. But

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if you study the life of Imam Ahmed,

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his son asked him one day,

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oh father, when will we rest? You know,

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we've gone through so much. We've been put

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through so much. You've been put through so

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many trials. You've been imprisoned. You've been all

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this. When will we rest?

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He said when we put both of our

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feet in

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then we'll rest. Until then we work. Until

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we not just 1, until both of our

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feet are in and they've closed the gate

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behind us and we know we're safe,

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until then we work, we rest, we keep

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going. When he was on his deathbed,

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he said that, Shaitan was there. His son

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heard him saying not yet. Oh, not yet.

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But, and he kept asking his father why

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do you keep saying no, not yet? He

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said, Chaitan is here with us saying I've

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lost you, Ahmed. I've lost you.

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And I'm telling him, no. Not yet. No.

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Not yet. Meaning that until my soul leaves

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my body, this war between you and me

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is not done. So we're going to struggle

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on life. We're gonna go through difficulties. We

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just keep going. To win? To the end.

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To the end. Whenever that end might come.

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Allah gives you a 100 years, alhamdulillah, you

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fight till then. But then we get the

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rest. That's it. That's that's the goal in

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life. You you you fight and struggle for

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50, 60, 70 years, and then you get

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forever to rest in Jannah. We after that,

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you can do whatever you want. But just

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remember, time is not on your side. You

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don't have the time that you think you

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have. And every time you hear that that

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voice in your head saying, oh, I have

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time, know that is shaitan. Know that is

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shaitan playing with you and that is a

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sign for you. Whatever that is you were

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about to put off, do it. Do it.

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Not today I mean not tomorrow. Do it

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Because tomorrow,

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who knows if it's going to come? And

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it's gonna come for all of us one

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Keep us in duas. We have a lot

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things that are gonna be exciting happening here,

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starting in the next month or so, insha'Allah.

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Once we get a few things settled, we

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will be having regular

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ongoing scheduling programs, youth activities, the whole 9

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yards. So make sure you keep telling everyone.

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That is the goal is is to fill

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this place to the point where we have

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no toys but to build phase 2 because

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we got brothers praying in the streets. Insha'Allah.

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So tell everybody to come because one thing

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I will tell you,

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I have been around so many masajid and

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not just here in the United States of

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America, but all over the globe. I've been

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around masajids and one thing that I've always

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made sure I've done is I've studied how

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they function. Right? I've looked at how they

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function. I've tried to sit down with their

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leadership and and ask how is your structure

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set? How do you run things? And

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a lot of times, it's not very community

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focused. Right? It's focused on the elitism

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of a few group or a group of

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this trying to hold on to power and

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struggle. I call it a game of thobes.

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You know what I mean?

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It's literally like a, you know, a a

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game of thobes. It's like a like a

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mafia mentality to try to keep power and

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prestige. No. No. The Masjids are belong to

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the Muslims. They belong to this is the

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house of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The moment

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you make this place a walk for Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, it belongs to the Ummah.

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And that is how I have seen the

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the leadership of Masjid Saladin treat the Masjid

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that it belongs to the community, the respect

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that it should be given. And that is

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a barakah that you don't find many places

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at all whatsoever. So if we can bring

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as many people here as we can and

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let them see that, let them understand that

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this is their community, that they get to

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drive it. We are taking their suggestions.

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I just walked in, earlier when the the

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the was meeting with sisters to get suggestions,

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to get feedback from the community. We want

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you to be involved. We want help you

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to help drive the future of Masjid Saladin

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and where it goes. So it is catering

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to your needs, not catering to our needs.

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Like, we're here to service you. That is

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it. We are servants. That's simply it. We're

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servants of the house of Allah and servants

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to the community. So So please bring as

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many people as you can because I believe

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this masjid, insha'Allah,

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can be a future

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example of what masajid in America

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should look like and how they should function.

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