Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P19 190B Tafsir Al-Shuara 1-9

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of humility and testing oneself in order to achieve success in life. They stress the need for people to be aware of their actions and learn from past experiences to make a decision. The surah is meant to eliminate fear and discomfort, and it is a lesson for those dealing with difficult situations. The importance of humility and testing oneself is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim lesson number 190 sutra the Shah is number one to 68

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Sunnah of the Shah Assura means, boy, it's sort of the Sharada is a murky surah and it was revealed after sort of Baha and sort of threw up there, remember Sula Taha,

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whose story did we learn into the thought of Musa alayhis salaam. So what do you think? We will learn through the Sharada also, again, the story of Musa his center Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, ba seen meme, ball scene meme, heard of Nakata, the disjointed letters that appear at the beginning of some sutras. And the purpose of these hurdles of these letters is to demonstrate the miraculous nature of the Quran. It is as if the hero of these letters are being hurled at the listeners, ball seen me try to put them together, say something more eloquent, try to say something more expressive, more moving more meaningful than the Quran. It's a style that was well known in the Arabs, in fact,

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that bar scene meme, it's a style of speech. It's a style of expressing eloquence and you cannot logically understand poetry, can you? Can you logically understand eloquence, it's very difficult. You just have to feel it. So what's the effect of bossy meme of these rules? It's a challenge here, take these letters, try to put them together, try to bring something that's more eloquent, more moving, more expressive than this Quran that you're about to hear DeLuca

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these are the verses DeLuca. This is a shallow buried a shadow meaning a word that is being used to point to something that is far. So y tilde is used to point towards ayat of the Quran, to show their exalted status to show their importance to show their higher rank. These are the verses of Al Kitab L mu been of the Clear Book, the word mu been from by unknown is understood in two ways may have been first of all, it means one that is clear in itself. One that is clear in itself, meaning this Quran, the verses of this book are open and clear. They're glaringly obvious, they are manifest. And secondly, Mobius also means one that clarifies one that makes the other clear. So the Quran is

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clear, meaning it's clearly from Allah, it is obvious, its meaning is clear. It's not a book of riddles. It's not a book of hidden meanings. It's not a book of only metaphors. Rather, it is obvious in its message, it's clear in its themes, it is unambiguous. And not just that it's clear in itself. Its message is clear, but that it's also clarifying, meaning it clarifies right from wrong, it details it shows you the right way of life. So this Quran, its verses are well there, they are clear. And this Quran, it is more health, be cliche, it encompasses everything, meaning everything that people need to know about. Because it is clarifying the Quran clarifies matters to us reality

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to us. So this is the Quran. These are the verses la unlocker, perhaps you who is you the Quran was recited by Gibreel. To who? To Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So perhaps you Oh, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam back here and enough sucker. Perhaps you would destroy yourself. Why? Why would you destroy yourself? Allah your corner, meaning that they do not become believers, Allah, this is a combination of an Angela, and your kono de refers to the Mushrikeen that they are not becoming believers. Perhaps because of this, you would destroy yourself. What is it that a person destroys himself harms himself when he is sad, extremely disappointed. Now the word bail here Baja,

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it is to destroy oneself with grief and anger, that when you're so sad, and you're also angry, you're frustrated. So you're living in that guilt, right that perhaps you did not work hard enough. Perhaps you did not do what is right, perhaps it is your fault. That what you did, did not work out. It's your fault. You stay in that guilt and that guilt eats you up it destroys you from inside and at the

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same time it makes you sad. So the prophets on a lot of southern why was he feeling like this? Because the disbelief of the people it greatly distressed Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam because he knew the outcome of their coffee. We learned about herbal Dharmender first though is which one? That Oh ALLAH Robina sorry for Anna. Are they ever Johanna, oh Allah turn away the punishment of hellfire from us. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was concerned about the people who did not believe that what is going to happen to them if they continue in this way. And who is it that he blamed

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himself that perhaps I'm not doing a good of a job? We learned in so little CalFire six also Fela Cabella or nepsac Allah 30 him Illa mute middleby Heather Hadith, I suffer, same word is used over there to perhaps you would destroy yourself because of these people that they're not believing. So Allah console's His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here in this ayah also La La cabello heron. And notice the word La la la la is also used as is the fam it's a question that would you perhaps destroy yourself that these people are not becoming believers? Would you destroy yourself because of them? Meaning don't do that. This is for Ishfaq showing affection. Don't destroy

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yourself, it's not your fault. And we see that Allah subhanaw taala also comforts the prophets of Allah Islam in other places in the Quran. In truth fatter I ate for example, Allah says for in the Lucha Yulin pneumonia shot where the Manisha Allah sends a stray whoever he wants, and He guides whoever He wills fell at the head of Neff sukar, lay him Hassan, so you don't regret over these people. It's not your fault, you're doing your job.

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But what we learned from this is the concern that Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had for mankind, that how much he cared for people. You see, there are different types of people, there are some people who only care about themselves, that then there's others who only care about their families, then there are people whose circle is a bit larger, they care about themselves, they care about their families, they care about their friends, then there are others who care about their community, about their country, about their OMA about their nation, about other human beings. So the more intelligent a person is, the more he cares about others. So the fact that the prophets of Allah

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Islam, cared about all of humanity, so much soul that for their cover, he was blaming himself thinking that he was not working hard enough. What does that show the intelligence, the tenderness, the concern of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam? And you see once a person truly worries about others than this makes himself motivated? Meaning he doesn't need to be instructed by others. He doesn't need to be told by others do this. Now do this, no, don't do this. No. If a person is self motivated, then what happens? What happens? You find out, you figure out like the prophets of Allah Salam, he was self motivated. Allah subhanaw taala gave him a responsibility. And look at how

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seriously the Prophet sallallahu Sallam took this responsibility that even when he is being humiliated in public, even if there are people who are trying to destroy the effect of his speech stare the prophets of Allah Islam continues delivering the message. Even though so many people refuse to believe in Him. He never hesitated in doing Dawa to people so lon laka bell here enough Sokka Allah your corner macmini in Allah says inertia if We willed Nasha sheen yeah Hamza, if we wanted noona ZIL we could send down I lay him on them on who on these people who deny you Mina sama II from the sky Ayrton a sign if we wanted we could have sent down from the sky a miracle

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and this miracle would be such that for one let's fall then well let's it would remain wallet from the root letters love lamb lamb lil what his late shadow and from this Wallah as a verb, what does it mean to remain when something continues? Because as long as the sun is there, as long as there is light, there will also be shade, isn't it? So, for one let, it shall remain it shall continue it shall stay What shall stay are now comb their necks are not plural off or knock their next would remain Lucha for it for what for the I have for the miracle hall there in humbly submissive plural of the word Hall their call there from Hodor What is it rabada Hodor what a lot remember the word

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I'll hold or what the so how they're in this is the word what this hello are mean?

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To Be humble, it is said Rajaram holder, meaning the person who was very humble before everybody. So a person who's very humble before everybody, how is he generally how does he stand?

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Very humble posture, right? As if bent forward, almost shoulders in, in front of everybody, even before children, adults, whoever it may be. If humility is within a person, you will see that in their posture, no matter where they are. So this is Rajon hada. So Hodor is basically such humility, more than who sure that is visible on the lips, meaning the neck goes down and a person comes in his body comes in shoulders come in, this is how he becomes. So Allah subhanaw taala. He's telling us in this idea, that if he wanted, he could have sent down a miracle down from the sky, such a miracle, that before that miracle, these deniers, what would happen to them, they would have no option but to

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surrender. Meaning we could compel them to believe by showing them undeniable miracles. This can happen. Like for example, many atheists, you know, they say, Well, if there's a God that asked him to turn the lights on right now, pray

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and you're like, Okay, is that going to happen? Just imagine if a person said, Oh Allah, please have the lights turned off and instantly the lights go off? Well Allah, please have this done and instantly that is done. Would there be any atheist in the world? Probably not.

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So, Allah subhanaw taala. Can you make that happen, though, by the way? Of course he can. Can he show a sign a miracle that will literally quieten the people and force them to surrender force them to submit? Can he? Of course he can. If he wants, he can compel people to believe, but he does not do so. Why? Because in total, Bacala 256 Allah says Allah equal have it didn't there's no compulsion in religion put the baby in a rush Domina like the rushed, the correct way has been made clear from the wrong way from error, right and wrong. Allah subhanaw taala has clarified. And now Allah has given the choice to people you choose. You choose you decide what you want to do, right or wrong and

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then you are responsible for your choice. Because this is what the test of life is about.

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That Allah subhanaw taala has made the truth and falsehood clear. And Allah is testing us that who is it that uses their mind? Who is it that his attention to what has been revealed by Allah tries to understand it without bias without pride? Who was it that surrenders? This is the test of this life?

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In surah, USA 99 Allah says, Hello sha Allah, Booker, M and M and fill up the Cologne Jumeirah, if Allah wanted, all people would have believed he could have forced them to believe he can do that very easily. Just as all people are, they're going to die. Yes, death is certain nobody could deny that. So Allah can very easily forced people to believe that isn't that what we want? Sometimes? You know, we say things like, I wish everybody was Muslim. I wish everybody was very righteous, you know, there will be no problems in the world. We were basically hoping for Jana. May Allah subhanaw taala admit us in Jannah, every single one of us. But the fact is that right now, where are we in

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the world? And this world is a place of test where every person is being tested? Who chooses right and who chooses wrong. Allah can force belief on people, but he does not do so this is not his way. Because this life is for test in sort of unify 99 We don't under to Curry who NASA the IEA continues that effort under Tokyo NASA had Taya Coonan what meaning would you then force people until they all believe? Can you do that? No, you can't. And you shouldn't even try to this is not right. You should not force people. You know, like, if a person doesn't want to eat something, and they're force fed, what's going to happen? Are they going to throw up, they're going to throw they cannot take in what

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their mind is denying.

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And when something no matter how good it is, if it's forced down the throats of people, it's not going to have a good effect on them. They have to desire it. They have to willingly take it and when they willingly take it, they decide they consciously decide that yes, this is what I want to do, then yes, it has a good effect on them. Now this doesn't mean that we don't tell people about what is right and what is wrong. No but the begging of wish the middle right? Allah has made right and wrong clear and that is our obligation also, make the right clear from wrong, but forcing people this is not the way of Allah this was not

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The way of the messenger SallAllahu already was a one a D him, and it does not come to them. Men victron Any Vickers any message any reminder? Mina Rockman from the Most Merciful what kind of reminder more death new brand new. What does it mean by Mohandas mortis had had as a means to happen. All right? How does that literally means to happen? And most does is that which has just happened. Breaking news that is worth, it just happened right now. And then there's an update five seconds later. And another minute later, there's another update. This is more depth, latest. So this idea means that we're mad at him and victim in many ways. The thing, meaning no new message comes to

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them from Allah from a Rockman in Canada and HomeReady Lane except that they turn away from it. They don't take it. Now what does it mean by this new reminder? New reminder basically first a new way. Because Allah subhanaw taala did not reveal the Quran on Rasulullah Salallahu Salam at once, how did he reveal it in stages in portions over a course of 23 years? And what was the reason behind that? That each revelation was a source of guidance, right? Like, for example, if you read a book, in two days, what will happen? Okay, you've read it cover to cover. But then after a week, if you're asked to recall something from it, you might not be able to correct. But if you read, let's say, a page or

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two, you know, some books are like that, that you need to constantly read them just a page or two. That's it. So each time you read a page or 234 pages in one sitting, what does it do? It's like a new information that you've just taken in that helps you, you know, think and reflect and internalize what you have read what you have learned. So, what is being said over here is that while Allah subhanaw taala does not send miracles as described above, meaning such miracles that would make the people speechless, and that would force them to surrender. At the same time, Allah has not deprived mankind of proofs that will lead them to the truth. He has sent down the Quran not at once,

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but in stages. But what's the reaction of the people they turn away from it every new way that the prophets on the last Adam came and recited before them, what would they do? Ignore turn away?

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Now what happens in our lives also, the Quran is there. But every now and then, we come across verses of the Quran, which we may have studied, learned once upon a time, but those verses are to us as if we are learning them for the first time. It's like a new reminder, a new message, a new understanding, another source of inspiration. And sometimes it's not just the Quran, there are things that happen in our lives that teach us lessons that should wake us up. But what happens to many of us, we hear about incidents they happen in our lives, but we generally tend to turn away May Allah protect us from this because it's very dangerous. A very dangerous state that a person reads

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the Quran but it doesn't affect him. A person learns a new lesson doesn't change him he sees something new in his life or in somebody else's life and doesn't learn from it felt like because of who for they have denied for say a tea him first So sir, well meaning very soon. Yeah, tea him it will come to them. Because of their denial. It will come to them. What will come to them Umberto news? Which news? Mad that which cannot be aware be with it yesterday. Oh, they were mocking meaning the news that they were mocking at is going to come true. What does it mean by Umba? About Florida, Nova, important news, relevant news. So the people have been warned through the Quran. And so I'm

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bad refers to the information that the Quran gives the warning that the Quran gives the threat that the Quran gives. But what happens when people find out about, you know, some warning that the Quran gives, what's their reaction? Generally, they laugh it off. they market it? Yeah, right. There'll be a day of judgment. It still hasn't happened. They mock at the Quran, they mock at the news that the Quran gives. What does Allah say? That the very warning that they are mocking at right now, it will become a reality. Right now they laugh, but very soon, it will become a reality. And this is also something very frightening, that sometimes a person is so heedless, that a serious matter it

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is not taken seriously. He just laughs it off. He doesn't pay much attention to it. But then later on he sees the consequences of his own actions. I went Amuro Allah says, Did they not look at Have they not seen a little early to the Earth have they not looked at the Earth? Come on Bettina come how many am BATNA we have caused to grow meaning we have produced FIFA in it meaning in the earth, I mean currently from every zodion Kareem from every noble kind, what does it mean by zone?

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Zone Zote, I told you earlier, it means spouse partner, right, it either refers to husband or wife one of a pair, that's what Zoji means, one of a pair, one other set, one that complements the other and together they make a set this is what xojo is, but the word zone also applies to kind or type category of something, because for example, female male together fair, but female is a kind of person or creature. And male is another kind. You understand, yes, they have similarities, but they have some differences also. So, together they complement one another and complete a set complete a pair. So zones, remember, it also refers to kind type category, species. So zones over here refers

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to what earlier in the I M Bezzina was used. So it's talking about plants, how many different types of plants, categories, species of plants, Allah subhanaw taala has caused to grow, Allah has produced in the earth,

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and all types of soil, if you think about it, even in desert, there are some kinds of plants that grow even around glaciers, there are trees that are alive. Even in you know, very hot climates very cold. Any part of the world you go to you will find some kind of plant, even in the water. So come on Bettina, how many? And really you understand how many there are when you go into your yard to pull out the weeds?

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That it's amazing how you can't understand how a weed could grow.

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You know, between two bricks, like seriously, how, where is it coming out from? There's grass growing out of weird places? Isn't that amazing? Come on, Bettina, how many and so many different types, so many different kinds. You tried to list them, you will be exhausted. Come on BATNA. And notice how Zoji Kareem Kareem is very important to understand Kareem calf Rami.

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Kareem is that which is noble, meaning that which is very good. When is something noble high quality?

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Why is something considered high quality? Okay, rare. Any other reason? Okay, a lot of good qualities it has because of the way that it was made, because a lot of attention was given to making it.

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Basically, if you think about it, something is considered good. When it's a source of a lot of benefit. I mean, this compared to watches, okay, if there's a watch, that only tells you the time, maybe the date also. And then there's another watch on which you can take your phone calls. If you can see the weather, you can play music from it. Okay, for example, you can do all these things from it, is there a difference? There is a difference, right? So the more features, the more benefits something brings, the more quality it has, or at least even if it's a few functions that it can perform those functions. It performs them really, really well. Why do you think some watches are

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like 10s of 1000s of dollars? What's the difference? It's only a watch. What's the difference? It's the way it was engineered the way it was made.

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So Kadeem, in plants, what does it refer to? Cathedral men far? Meaning that which is a source of a lot of benefit. You know, it's amazing how we look down on Allah's creation a lot. It's very sad.

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You know, sometimes there could be a tree that you're like, Oh, I hate that tree. I just want to chop it off. First thing I'm gonna do when I move into this house, I'm gonna get rid of this tree, for example, but the same tree it's a source of shade. For creatures that you don't even know of. When you look at that tree, you'll be amazed how there is actually nests in it. And you don't even know but at a particular part of the year it may be producing some kind of berries which are a source of food for so many creatures cathedral mud farm, food shed, and then it's cleaning out the air. And yes, it's

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Adding to the beautiful landscape of your house, whatever it may be. So pathetic month Ah.

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So like, I went to New York last weekend and we went like sightseeing and stuff. So we went to Times Square and everyone was so like excited to go see it. But when you get there, it's so like so many people and the lights are just shining in your eyes. And it's just so crowded and and there's just people doing things that you wouldn't expect them and you're just like surprised, but not in a good way. But then we went to Central Park and really that was fresh air it was it was beautiful. And you just to see like the beauty of the nature compared to what humans made. It's much like more breathtaking than what you see.

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zoldan Kareem and look at the word come how many uncountable and so many different kinds, so many different species. I mean, there's grass, then there's small plants, then there's bushes, then there are trees, then there are vines, they're climbers. And then there are those that spread on the ground, different kinds, some produce flowers, and those flowers turned into fruit and some don't. Different guides different purposes. This is not all at random. Men could result in Karim uncountable vegetation, who is the doer of all of this, Allah azza wa jal, Allah says in the field early color, indeed, and that is a sign in what in the vegetation in its abundance, in its variety,

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in its benefits, signs of who signs of the Lord, that he's the one who's made this, this couldn't happen by itself. If you want to see a miracle, just go step outside and look at the plants and sit on the ground and look at the grass, look at the leaves of the plants look at the flowers. Woolmer can Actonel meaning, but most of them, they are not believers, Maracana, they are not at all they were not to be believers. Why? Because they do not pay attention to these matters. They don't pay attention to what Allah has created even that so much variety of plants, and we don't even take a moment to appreciate them. I mean, if you just look at a flower, what colors it's got inside, and

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how we're like, well, flowers, move on. We don't even bother to just pause for a moment and look at it and say Subhana Allah, how long is it going to take? It doesn't take much long. But when we don't have this much time to reflect on the creation of Allah, then how is it that we can reflect on ourselves on our purpose of existence? On Allah azza wa jal one that can act level one what many? So it is if we're being told that the earth is full of signs, your life is full of signs, the Quran is full of signs. Why are you demanding a miracle to especially descend from the sky so that you can believe we're interrupt Becca and indeed your Lord Lucha shortly He is Allah Aziz the Exalted in

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Might a Rahim, the Merciful, Allah Aziz, this is a name of Allah subhanaw taala that we have read many times in the Quran and in this Surah it will come over and over again, let's just review its meaning quickly and briefly are these meaning lunar is the Possessor of there is what is the result? Great Might so Allah, He is the Possessor of great mind, powerful and able, before whom everything and everyone is powerless, that even if so many people deny that doesn't diminish him in his rank, it does not affect him at all.

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And even though people deny he can exact revenge, and Larissa reserve also means other Manzella meaning high status. So He is Allah Aziz meaning the honorable one. And he is unredeemed the merciful, meaning even though he is a possessor of great might, He is compassionate.

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At the same time, He is compassionate. And notice of laheem A Rahim is different from other men. Generally they're understood in the same way. All right, man merciful Rahim also merciful. Rahman denotes the quality of mercy that Allah is very compassionate, very compassionate, very merciful.

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But has it ever happened with you that you feel a lot for a person but you don't really do anything? Does it ever happen like for example people all over the world who are suffering and we feel a lot for them? We do nothing. Yeah, we feel but that's it a loss. Rahim is the one who also shows Rama Rahim, the nodes the ferry the action.

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Command denotes the Swift on the attribute. And Rahim denotes that he

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It also shows compassion he deals with mercy He is kind. Now these two attributes are combined only in Allah subhanho wa Taala mighty and merciful. How is it possible that we have a Lord who is almighty and the Lord who is all merciful? How is it possible? Because He is Allah, it is only possible for Allah azza wa jal. Now, the verses that we have read so far, these verses were like the introduction of the surah and after this, we will learn about several incidents. And after each incident, these two verses are repeated which two verses in the field Adicolor is one mechanic thorough meaning we're in not Bacala one or Aziz of Rahim. So, after each incident after every

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passage, these two verses will come repeatedly over and over again. Now, this is sort of the sharara the Quran is not poetry, because poetry is made times like this, you have a passage and then some verses which are repeated, then another passage, the same verses are repeated. The Quran is not poetry, but the style and the sutra is meant to defeat the ports. It is meant to challenge the ports, it is meant to silence the ports that you are knowledgeable of poetry. Look at the surah. Now, the first story we will learn is a story of Musar in Sudan, which was very, very relevant to the position of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in Makkah. in Makkah, the Prophet sallallahu sunnah

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was dealing with who stubborn and arrogant people, especially those who are people of power with a wealthy, the elite, the chiefs and the prophets of Allah Salam. He was baring their opposition and their insane oppression, not just him, but even the believers. And was this something that Musa al salaam also had to go through? Yes, he had to deal with for our own, stubborn, arrogant, and at the same time, the way found oppose the Bani Israel he oppose Musa al Islam and the way he oppressed the Bani Israel. Very similar situation. So in the story of Musa Sana was a lesson for the Prophet salallahu Salam, and also for any person who finds himself in a similar situation, that when you

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sometimes have to stand before people that you are afraid to even speak to, then what happens, you're unable to even clearly express yourself you're terrified because of their oppressive behavior, and sometimes they could be your own relatives. How do you deal with that situation? How do you remain firm? So let's look at these verses the following verses but before that, we will listen to the recitation Bismillah your Walkman you're walking

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or see

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me do you look to kita movie? Lala Kava.

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Sokka Elia?

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Masha Munna Xin lawline. Amina sama

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for one minute on boo boo home

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warm aiya de

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the cream

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man in that scene in

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rebleeding father Mufasa Jean

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can be zero

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hour while Amuro Galen may come

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but Nafi mean Cooley's Oh Jean Carrie Nephi Nicola.

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One can access

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meaning we're in baccala who and Aziz?

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