Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P19 188B Tafsir Al-Furqan 51-62

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallahu Alollarla's history and accomplishments have led to a striving for all people to achieve their goals, including achieving success in the world. The importance of seeing one's success and finding one's own success is emphasized, as well as the need to be mindful of one's actions and be aware of one's abilities. The segment also touches on the importance of learning about Islam's capabilities and gratitude.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 188 Surah Al Furqan is number 51 260 210 shit in there. And if we had willed lob asna shortly we could have sent fi could leave Korea 10 into every city near the era of Woerner, meaning Allah subhanaw taala has no shortage of Prophets. There is not a nation except that Allah sent a prophet to it. In the Quran we learn what Eman omoton Illa Allah fie Hornady there is not a community except that a warner was sent to it. Allah subhanaw taala has no shortage of prophets, he can send to every city, a warner.

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But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent as a messenger to all of mankind. And the reason for this was not because there was a shortage of prophets. So this is why he was one messenger sent to all of mankind, and for all time, after him, and for all places. But the reason was to honor Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam with greater reward, because he was a prophet sent to who, all of mankind, for all places, until the end of time, until the end of this world, and because of that reason, you can say his task was greater. And because the task was greater, the effort would be greater. And because the effort would be greater, the reward would also be greater,

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because every other prophet before Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was sent to who? To who, to their own nation specifically, but the prophets of Allah Saddam was sent to who? All of mankind, right, all races, all people all over the world. And because of that, his effort was also greater. He was given the honor of jihad. Allah says Fela so do not do theory you obey al Caffrey in the disbelievers do not obey the disbelievers. Meaning when they offer you wealth, when they offer you some other kind of, you know, promise or anything, they said, Take this and stop conveying your message that that happened in Makkah, many times when they made many offers to Rasulullah sallallahu and I'm saying

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we'll make you okay, we'll make you achieve we'll give you this much money. If you want treatment, we'll get you treated you want this will get you this whatever you want to ask for it will give you but to stop conveying your message. Allah says Follow our tutorial Catherine do not obey these disbelievers. What do you have to do? You have to convey the message to all of mankind, all people and for that you have to word your head home and strive against them. Be with it. With what meaning with that which has come to you. What is it that has come to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the Quran? How is it that you should strive with this Quran against your enemy, Jihad and Kabira a

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striving that is kabhi that is great. Why? Because you have to convey to all people to all nations in all places at all times until the Day of Judgment. Therefore your effort should match your goal. Your efforts should match your goal.

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Now the prophets have a lot of cinemas instructed to do would you have over here do I hate him because you hadn't Kabira what is jihad? Jihad from? From jihad, Jihad dal, extreme effort, extreme effort that a person spares no moment or effort in his driving. No moment. He doesn't spare any moment. He doesn't spare any effort. He does whatever is within his capacity, maximum effort, extreme effort.

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And you have is not just striving a lot, but it is also at a large scale, large scale, not a small effort, but a great effort in which a person uses all of his abilities, all of his resources, whatever he has at his disposal, he uses it. And thirdly, jihad is to strive at every front wherever there is a need. Now look, when you look at the meaning of jihad isn't Jihad itself very big. I mean, you're required to exert all of your effort. Use all of your resources, right? Spare no moment. Go at every front wherever you are called, wherever there is a need. You go there you respond. This is jihad. But Allah says do you have them Kabira it should be a great jihad, a great

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great striving with what with the Quran? How

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Oh, how do you strive with this Quran? What kind of efforts is needed over here? What kind of jihad is this? First of all in receiving it? Because the prophets of Allah awesome for him to receive the Quran was that an easy task? Was that an easy task? Not at all. Their reports in which we learn the Sahaba said the prophets and Larson was sitting on a camel, the way he came, and the legs of the camel, you know, the way the camel was walking, it sounded as if it was going to the legs of the camel, we're going to break. It couldn't continue walking. When it was cold the Prophet sallallahu Sallam if the way he would come to him, he would start sweating. Just imagine the fear that the

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prophets of Allah Zina must have experienced when the first where he came to him. So much so that he thought he was gonna die, something bad was going to happen to him and the gentle below on how to comfort him Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to so much effort in first of all receiving the Quran and then not just receiving it, but conveying it also reciting it to people spreading the Quran. In every corner and part of the world that was the mission of the SUTA loss of a lot is that he used every way and means to preserve the Quran, to pass on the Quran to teach the Quran. And this was the goal of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This is the task that he was entrusted with, that the

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Quran must reach every person. And for that, exert tireless effort. Don't try once but try many times, use different methodologies, different techniques so that people receive the Quran people hear the word of Allah.

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How did the Prophet salallahu Salam perform this task very well.

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So well, that within 23 years, what happened? The face of Arabia was changed. The people who were his opponents, became his subjects. Now literally, the situation completely changed. However, what is the OMA supposed to do?

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam did what he had to the Sahaba also did what they had to what are we supposed to do? We just sit with the Quran.

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Not even with the Quran, we sit away from the Quran. Whereas we are told Jahad whom BG hadn't Kabira we really need to see is the Quran really a priority for me? Because Allah is instructing his messenger and this instruction is also for us that take this Quran and pass it on. This is your weapon against your enemy. This is your weapon against shape lOn. This is what you have to take to the world. So we need to see what practical effort Am I exerting? Or am I going to exert to convey the Quran? What am I doing to take this Quran forward to people? Well, who will love it? And he is the one who Maharajah he has released from their letters meme raw gene miraj Merode is when things

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get jumbled up when they get mixed up in such a way that each retains its individual state. You understand? Like, for example, if you take a whole different for example, beads, right, some are pink, some are purple, some are blue, right? And then you mix them up. When you mix them up, you see pink, blue, purple, they're mixed up, but each bead has retained its individual identity.

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Correct. This is mouj. So Allah is the One who has released so that they can merge so that they can mix. What is behind the two Cs fluoro off bar, meaning both the waters are flowing together next to each other, but both remain what they are. They come together without blending. They come together without losing their respective identities. What are these two waters? Heather, this meaning one is I've been fresh. I've been either Uber or in the Alba. Or the Uber is when water is sweet. It is pleasant. A person likes to drink it even though he's not thirsty. Has it ever happened with you? That it's not like you're dying out of thirst. It's not like you had something very spicy. But the

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water is just the right temperature. It's not too cold. It's not warm. It's the right temperature. It doesn't taste like chlorine. All right. So what happens you feel like drinking it. This is our Luba

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and I want Fullarton fraud from the root letters found oughta fraud is sweet follow tilemap fraud is basically water that is extremely pleasant

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All right. Have you heard of the river Euphrates? It's called Full rot in Arabic. Why? Why is it called Full rot in Arabic? Because it is Sweetwater River. You understand? Its River, it's not ocean, it's not see its river. All right. And because of that the water is pleasant. It's drinkable. It's delicious. And also remember that our wonderful autumn together when these words are coming, what do they emphasize? Fresh, sweet, palatable water. Easy to drink, not just easy, but you enjoy drinking it. Right? It's delicious to drink. And it's also great in quantity I've won for otter not just a little bit, but a lot of Sweetwater. Well, Hannah and this one, meaning the other one is

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It is salty, or Jiajun bitter mill, meme lamb ha. Oh, Judge Hamza Jean. Michel is very salty. All right. And in a set that mirror particular your first that which is salty, and also kind of warm. And when you put both of these characteristics together, salty and warm.

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Is it easy to drink it? No way. In fact, when you drink it with it hurts your throat, your chest? Yes, it'll hurt you. Alright, so this is mill, and oh, Judge Hamza GGmBh. Oh, Judge is further emphasizing mill, meaning extremely salty, bitter water that you cannot take even a SIP off. Have you ever tried drinking seawater?

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Anybody? How is it?

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It's very unpleasant. And

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exactly. You want to spit it out. It's not something that you can easily swallow. Correct. And when you do accidentally swallow a separate tool, then what happens? It leaves such a bitter taste in your mouth, you feel horrible afterwards, you need to have something cool to get rid of that bad test to get rid of that bitter feeling in your throat in your chest. So this is Milan Oh judge so bitter that you cannot drink it. No matter how thirsty you are, you're not going to drink it because it's only going to make you more thirsty.

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So these are the two waters and Allah subhanaw taala has released both of these waters together. So there are many places where both the two waters are coming together. They're flowing simultaneously. What happens when Sweetwater joins salty water so for example, a river it ends up in the sea or in the ocean, what happens? What happens usually the salty water, it will go to the bottom and the sweet water will come to the top and eventually after a long period of time they will eventually merge right? But initially and sometimes for very long period of time. They stay separate. Allah says what Darla Bina Houma he has made between them two bottles a hunt a barrier, what is Baba Baba

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is buying a che. It is something which is between two things.

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Something that is between two things. Now what is between two things? What is it? It's a barrier. This is bottles. We're headed on Madura. Remember, hello Madura. We learned earlier in Surah Furqan prohibiting partition, meaning there is a barrier between these two waters, preventing the two waters from mixing together from losing their respective identities. No, they stay separate. So what happens? Why is it that they do not mix? Because first of all, chemically, they're different. Chemically, they're different. They even have different densities. Right? Because salty water, it has more salt content, obviously. What do you think it is? Heavier, lighter, heavier? Where's it

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going to be? At the bottom? Right, and freshwater? where's that going to be? At the top and you see this all over the world in different parts and sometimes you will even see the difference in the color. Even in the color one is kind of blue one is kind of green. And literally there is a line between them. There is a line between them. And notice the word Bahrain right to bar to huge bodies of water. It's not just a little bit some people misunderstand this idea. This is the Quran says salty water and sweet water don't mix well take some water, add salt to it, mix it and then take some plain water and then mix the two together what's going to happen they will mix up they say oh

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there's an open lie in the Quran. There's an evident lie in the Quran. This is not what the Quran is talking about. What is the Quran talking about Bahrain. Whew.

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have large bodies of water. Right? And this is something that's well known that initially what happens the two waters when they meet, they don't mix. They don't. They stay separate. And sometimes in the middle of the ocean, rather at the bottom of the ocean, they will be Sweetwater springs. Sweetwater coming out

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right? So who has done this? Allah subhanaw taala has done this. Now, what do we learn from this? A surah is wilcon

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Surah is for con Sweetwater remains sweet and salty water remains salty. Are they the same? No way. There's a huge difference between the two, just like that. There is truth and there's also falsehood. Are they the same? No, they're not the same. So what does it mean that we have to keep salty water salty, we have to keep Sweetwater sweet Truth is truth falsehood is false it even if people say that they're both the same, can they be the same? They cannot be the same. Now, what happens when sweet water enters salty water? It remains what it is. Right? Sweet Water remains what it is freshwater remains what it is, it doesn't lose its color, it doesn't lose its properties, it

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remains what it is. What does this teach us then, that when we are in an environment that is bitter and salty,

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falsehood that is not upon hap, what are we supposed to do lose our identity? No. Remain yourself be who you are. So this is something that we need to reflect on that what do I become in a different environment? Do I retain my identity? Do I remain myself? Do I hold on to my moral standard of sunburn or tolerance or happy disposition? Whatever it may be? And likewise, do I hold on to the book of Allah? Do I adhere to the truth in places where no one around me is adhering to the truth? It could be at home, it could be at school, it could be at work. Sometimes we're in a very bitter environment. So can we retain our sweetness despite the bitterness around us? Can we? Because we

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think it's impossible. What does this ayah show to us? It is possible, it is possible for you to remain who you are, no matter where you are. Be your Self. You should know what you want to be. Be clear about who you are, and be yourself wherever you go. Don't change yourself.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is basically reassured in this is because in Makkah, was there a lot of hostility, a lot of opposition, a lot. The believers were very few in number.

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And the sweet water was very little compared to the saltwater. Just as when fresh water from a river enters into the ocean. It's very little compared to the massive ocean isn't it? But what happens, the fresh water remains what it is. So in a way the believers are being told remain who you are, be firm. And what do you have to do gehad whom be Jihad them because Kabira strive, exert effort. Do whatever is within your capacity. Remain yourself retain your identity and what will happen Allah will grant you success and didn't didn't happen within 23 years. Everything changed. Well, one lady and he is the one who Holika he has created middleman II from water. Bashar on human being. Yes.

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Good question, or the same root as the word.

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What's the connection?

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Sweetwater? Do you taste it in your mouth? Do you experience it? You feel it? You feel it in your mouth? You feel it in your throat? Isn't it? Does it not take your thirst away? It does. So just like that, or the torture is something that is experienced. Don't think of it as something metaphorical. It's something that is experienced it is real. Just as you taste water, you swallow it. It's real. It has an effect on you. Just like that. Torture also affects it's real.

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Well when Larry and he is the one who has come in and met a Buchon he has made from water human being. What does it mean by that? That Allah subhanaw taala has created every living creature from what? From water in the Quran we learn with your unlimited magic

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Hola che in Hawaii, we have created everything living from water, meaning any living creature, its source is water, it doesn't mean that it should definitely have water inside of it know its origin meaning when it was created, there was water there, water was the origin, right. So human beings also their origin is what? Water. Now Matt can be understood as water, and it can also be understood as liquid. So it could refer to the liquid from which man is created, right, referring to the sperm and the egg.

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And in the previous i Oh, by the way, what did we see? Water? Is it all the same?

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No, some water is salty, bitter, and some water is fresh and sweet. And this is why some people, they're naturally sweet. And some people they're naturally otherwise. That doesn't mean that if we have a tendency to be bitter, we allow ourselves to be bitter. No, we just have to struggle a little bit more to be happy. Right? Likewise, a person who finds everything funny, right? Or he's relaxed in every situation, they need to neutralize a little bit also, right? Because each person is tested even with their disposition. For Gianna, who, so then he made him in in our last panel to animate the human being made for the human being NASA. Every human being

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he is a relative by NASA, what and Cyril marriage

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meaning every single person is somehow related to you. Because you are related to other people either through blood or through marriage. What does it mean by this? Nessa nessa from their letters known seen but it refers to relationship by blood and slim Sadara. It refers to relationships that come about through marriage. Also, it is said that nessa it refers to sons,

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all right, sons, because lineage continues through sons, all right. And sled refers to daughters. Why? Because you have in laws through the daughters. You understand because a woman marries a man. And then what happens? She's now with him, his lineage is going to continue but it doesn't mean that they're not connected to you at all. All right, so for Gianna, who NASA was Sarah,

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and Allah subhanaw taala made the human being or relative by lineage and marriage, what cannot Luca Khedira and ever is your Lord competent? Meaning if Allah subhanaw taala wanted he could have made each human being individually

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each human being individual meaning unrelated to other human beings. Was that possible for Allah? subhanaw taala? Yes, it was because he is God. But Allah subhanaw taala has created human beings such that they're all related to each other.

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Right? They're all related to each other. How did I must point out to create human beings from other murders and other murders salaam, Allah made him with his hands?

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Then from them what was created from them? I mean, if you think about it, almost Pandora could have created how well from you know, by his own hands, meaning separately without taking the source from Adam. Isn't it possible it was possible for Allah but Allah did not he created her work from them. And then from the to Allah subhanaw taala created the rest of mankind. And through this all people are related to each other. Isn't this amazing? All people are related to each other, what kind of a booker but the raw?

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And is there a difference in this? I mean, if we were not related to each other, would that make us any different? Of course it would. What is it that naturally draws people together? What relationships whether they are through blood or through marriage, right? They bring us closer to each other. They force us to stay together. You have this feeling of responsibility that I have to be there for my family. Right? Even if someone is a distant relative. Isn't an amazing how you will drive like six hours to go and meet them on your eat distant relative or they will my mother's cousins, you know daughters someone

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right? Recently I met somebody who happens to be my cousin's husband's

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cousin. Alright, so my cousin's husband's cousin.

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All right. And it felt so nice. Meeting them. First time ever. And I'm like, how are they even related to me such a long relationship? But, you know, you're like, you feel close to each other just because there is some connection. Right? And if we were not connected like this, then what would happen? I don't know you, you don't know me. I don't care if you fall. I don't care if you're standing in the sun. Right? What happens when strangers are in one place? There are 50 people standing in a place that's shady. And 100 people who are waiting for a spot somewhere in the shade, but nobody cares. Why? Because strangers and the moment you spot someone you recognize, oh, come

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stand with me. Right? Come stand with me in the shape. You want a chair here here take my how we become more caring towards people that we know. And this is Allah's blessing. All right. So for Gianna who NASA was sellin, what cannot booka Khedira but many times we take these relationships as a burden as a problem. For in laws, oh cousins, uncles and aunts, we take them as a burden. They're not a burden, they're a blessing. And remember that every blessing comes with its own set of trials and challenges.

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We are Bulunan and they worship min dunya. Allah He besides Allah mele and Pharaoh home, that which does not benefit them while I have the room, and that which does not harm them. Allah subhanaw taala who has created all of this, the shadow the night the day sleep, everything over here, relationships, through blood through marriage, all of this has been given to us by whom? Allah subhanaw taala yet many people what do they do? They leave Allah and they worship something that can neither benefit them nor harm them. What kind of Kafeel and the disbeliever is ever Allah Allah be against his Lord law, he law an assistant will hear from through letters la hora Bahadur means back

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right? Now, long time ago, even today, in fact, when people have to travel to far off places, right, and they have baggage with them, they have some stuff with them. What is it that they put it on the backs of animals? Right? So the love the back of the animal is like a help for you because otherwise you would have to carry it on your own back. So from this, Laura, also to help the heat one who helps. So the disbeliever is an assistant against his Lord, meaning the one who this believes in Allah is helping someone against Allah. Who is he helping against Allah shape on the one who does believes in Allah, the One who associates partners with Allah, the One who is ungrateful to Allah,

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He is helping shaitan

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he is working for the satanic mission. What is Chopin's mission to take people to *, right? To cause people to rebel against Allah subhanaw taala. So we need to see who is it that I'm helping? Who is it that I'm supporting? Who is it that I am working for? One is Jahad. Whom be Do you have an Kabira strive with the Quran and the other is to assist the shaitan when everything belongs to Allah when Allah has created us, he owns us. We have to return to Him, then why not surrender to Him? Wilma also NACA and we have not sent to you or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Illa except MOBA Sheeran, as a bringer of good news when a VIERA and as a Warner,

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because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he could only convey right? Could he force people? Could he know he couldn't? So what was his responsibility? BMO Bashir and being a thief, who is mobile ship, one who gives good news. And who is not the one who warns. So when you're convincing somebody to do something, what do you do? What do you do? You tell them the benefits of doing it? That is what being a mobile ship, right? And at the same time, you're warning them that if you don't do it, you'll suffer from such and such consequences, isn't it? Many times it happens you go to a store and you're for the fifth or sixth time you're asked, Do you have this particular card? They're like no,

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thank you. Yeah, but if you sign up today, you'll get this box of cookies. Like no, I already have five box of cookies in my grocery cart. Don't you see that you're offering me one box only, for example, right? But they give you incentives. This is mashallah good news. You do this and this is the benefit that you'll get right now the euro, but the responsibility of the profits at a loss and it was only to convey and so to zap 45 Also we learn Yeah, are you a newbie in also Natasha hidden mama Sheeran, one of the euro or profit we have sent you as a witness as bring her good

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views and as a warner oil say, man not as a locum I ask you I lay he for it, men edger any payment, meaning for conveying this message to you for conveying this warning for delivering this good news, I'm not expecting anything in return from you. I don't want to be paid. You don't need to give me anything in there except mean there's one thing that I do expect from you. And what is that mantra? Whoever wants a tequila that he should take Illa Robbie to his Lord sebelah away. This is the compensation. This is the wage of the Prophet, that people are connected to their Lord. And this should be the compensation that we should be aiming towards also, whenever we tell anybody something

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about the Quran, something about Allah subhanaw taala anything of the deen what is it that our goal should be that this person get connected with his Lord? He discovers his Lord, he finds out who his lord is. He begins to love Allah subhanaw taala and if a person really loves Allah, because of what you've told him, then yes, you have won, then yes, you are going to get the greatest rewards in sha Allah from Allah azza wa jal. So in lemon Shah, a toughy, that Isla Robbie, Sabina, this is the greatest compensation that a person can get what our call and rely upon Allah upon, I'll hide the living the EverLiving meaning this work is not going to be easy.

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When you're telling people to change their very beliefs, when you're telling people to change the way they live their lifestyle, is it going to be easy? No way. So who is it that you rely upon? Who is it the trust on Allah azza wa jal and who is the l hate the EverLiving? Allah, the lair mode, the one who does not die?

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And this is so beautiful. That is mentioned over here and lovey, lay your mood.

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Many times what happens? Let me tell you because I'm a woman, many times as women, you know, when we're not married, who is it that we rely upon?

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Our parents? Right? After marriage?

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The husband, once children come in, and the husband gets too busy with everything else, then what happens? It's the children. Right? But can these people die? Can they die? Yes. Can you stop them from dying? You cannot? Can you save them from dying? Not at all. Who is it that never dies? Allah subhanaw taala. So trust on him. Rely on him when you need something. When you need an answer, when you don't know what to do when you're confused. Don't look at your parents. My mother will tell me my father will tell me my husband will help me Yes, they are means yes in sha Allah, they will be helpful, but the real solution will come from who Alhaj ullery Leia Muth the living one who does not

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die, depend on Him and seek help from Him. Seek answers from him seek solutions from him. Because Allah Allah, Allah, Allah who will hire you, by Yom latter, who zenaton When I know

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Allah does not even sleep, he's not even overcome by sleepiness. What happens to people? Do they fall asleep when you really want to talk to them? do that all day you're waiting. The children will sleep. I'll talk to my husband. Right and what happens? He falls asleep. He falls asleep. What are you supposed to do? You want to talk to somebody, but they live in a different country different time zone, which means that when you're awake, they're sleeping. Right? And when they're awake, you're sleeping. What are you meant to do?

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It's the horror is the horror is the horror. Right? seek Allah's help. Recently, there was a particular issue that I needed to discuss with my mother. And I didn't because my mother is in a different country traveling recently. It's finding it so difficult because every time I'd want to talk to her, she was busy or when she would message me I would miss her call or something. And then finally, I messaged her and she said do is to call.

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I'm like yeah, but this and this and that. She's like doing stuff.

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Right? You know, this is something that we really need to remind ourselves of, what are what can I learn Hey, hola de la jolla moods.

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What's up bit behind the and exalt him with his praise? Meaning do such this be that has praise in it. So for example, Subhan Allah he will be handy

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Subhan Allah Hill lamb will be handy. There's different this be held with praise with him. Because this be really it. It calms your heart. It calms your heart takes away your fears, gives you confidence.

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waka and sufficient be whether it be the newbie with the sins Florida than everybody of His servants Kafa BiLlahi with him meaning Allah subhanaw taala be the Norbury baddie. hubiera fully aware, meaning Allah is fully aware of the sins of His servants. He knows what his servants are doing. So leave their matter to him. Because sometimes we're so concerned about the wrongs that other people are doing the sins that they're committing,

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that we get caught up in the faults of others, and we stop worrying about ourselves. So leave their sins to Allah to judge, right, he will judge he will decide what my problem is meaning what I need to worry about, I need to work on that. And for that, I have to seek the help of Allah subhanaw taala, in certain Muzammil ini and also we learn rubble machinery. Okay, well Marguerite B La ilaha illa. Who, for the head who Akela He is the Lord of the East and the West there's no God but him so take him as a lucky Disposer of affairs rely upon him. Oh, well, uh, well, we'll ask you to Allah here while battling, while will be coalition in early in surah. Hadid Ayah three, that he is the

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first the last the law had the apparent about him the intimate and He is Knowing of everything. Who is he? Allah the Halacha sama word he will or he is the one who has created the skies and the earth? Why am I being the Houma and whatever that is between them both in how long he said that the a year in six days.

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In six days, Allah created the skies and the earth and whatever is in between.

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And for this, I would recommend that you all watched these short videos, by Sheikh Omar Suleiman, the beginning and the end.

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I'll be there when the higher in which he explains about how the creation was originated, and it's beautiful. It's very, very necessary, I believe, for us to especially learn about these matters. So how Allah's punctata created the skies and the earth in six days. He is best aware of that. But what this shows is, first of all Allah's ability, that how there was nothing and he brought all of this out of nothing in how long six time periods. I mean, just the number six is not a huge number. It's not a huge figure. However long these a yam were, Allah knows best. But the fact that there were only six stages or six days, six time periods, whatever it was, it shows Allah's ability, his Oprah,

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and why is this being mentioned over here? Trust on him, rely on him seek answers from him.

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He said that the IAM semester wa ala louche. Then he rose above the throne, how in a manner that befits him, who is the unripe man, the Most Merciful fus el sol, ask be about him. hubiera one who is well informed? Meaning if you want to know about Allah, who is he? Who is he? Where is he? How is he? What are his attributes? What does he say? What has he commanded? Then don't just use your imagination? Don't just use your own mind? What is it that you need to do? Ask someone who is aware? You understand? Like for example, I asked you a question what is shadow? You tried using your mind? But you couldn't come up with a clear definition? Could you? What do you need to do? Then? Ask

00:38:40 --> 00:39:31

someone who knows, isn't it? So likewise, Allah subhanaw taala God who is God? Can we just rely upon our own mind to discover God? No, we cannot. If we do that, our understanding will be faulty, it will be wrong. What is it that we need to do ask those who know who knows about Allah? subhanaw taala? Who, Allah of course, he is most knowing of himself, right? So then we need to see who is it that Allah has informed? The Prophet, right? So we see what Allah has revealed. We see the Quran and we see what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has taught us about Allah about Allah's names and attributes first, lb hubiera. Someone who will inform you about Allah's attributes. And notice how

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the name of Allah Allah Herman has mentioned over here, why are Rockman because what either and when kala whom it is sad to them was due to the rock man prostrate to the Most Merciful or do they say woman or man who is what is on Rama?

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What is on our mind? We don't want Rama. Unless you do Shall we prostrate Lima for that which that Munna you order us was the home and it increases them new fora in a version

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The people of Makkah are being mentioned. They only recognize Allah subhanaw taala through the name Allah.

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All right, and the prophets of Allah Sana when he recited the Quran to them, he said Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Bismillah Allah okay, they knew a Rahman they said what is our human? What is already we don't know R Rahman r Rahim and this is why when Saudi Arabia was being written Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim was written, what did they say? They said we don't know Rahman Al Rahim. Change this remove this and instead write Bismillah Allah whom

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write the name that we recognize they had the Prophet sallallahu Sena remove the names of Rahman Rahim. But if you look at the meaning of a Rama,

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what does the Rockman mean? The one who is most merciful, right? He is most no one is more merciful than him. And if you look at the beginning of the Quran, Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen.

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What's next? A Rahman Al Rahim. And notice it's not just a Rahman but with a Rama and also a Rahim to emphasize mercy. So when they're told, prostrate to the merciful, merciful Lord, what do they say, Oh, what is this merciful Lord, we're not going to prostrate to him. And this name, it increases them in aversion. And this shows their blind hatred towards the Quran because if they really looked at it openly, they would have found this message to be beautiful. The Baraka levy blessing is the one who Darla for summer II who has made in the sky blue John great stars. This is a plural of Burj ba ra G. Burj. And what does Burj mean? Fortify towers, huge towers castles that can

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be seen from far right, a tower that can be seen from far, and it is so strong, and it is so tall that it is impossible to climb it to reach it to overcome it. All right. This is Burj. And what is the bridge in the sky refer to balloons in the sky, the one who has made in the sky brooch and refers to stars, huge stars because they're way out of reach, aren't they? Can we try to reach them? Maybe the moon we can reach but beyond that. It's we're trying to reach different planets. We've just caught glimpses of them. But it's a big endeavor, isn't it and the stars which are even further away, impossible to reach. So Allah has made in the sky borouge stars, all right. And borouge Burj

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is also used for Manziel what is Monza a position, a position a certain location. Now borouge refers to the stars in the sky, which takes certain positions. And as the night goes on these stars they move, right the moon also it moves. And because of this movement, or because of their position, we're able to make sense of time. I mean, these days we just use our watches correct? But before when these watches didn't exist how is it that people could tell time in the middle of the night with what the position of the stars? Did you know that during the day How do you tell time through the shadow right the position of the sun in the night it's the position of the stars so Blessed is

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the one who has placed in the sky great stars what Jarana fee huh. And he has made in it see Rajan a burning lamp what is his burning lamp referring to the Sun Suraj seen the regime is referred to that which is set alight by oil or some other fuel. So it gives light and it also gives heat. And this is what the Sun is right it gives light and it also gives heat it's the source of light in our universe or rather in our galaxy as we see right will come around monniera And he has also placed in the sky come out of the moon which is moneyed that is radiant.

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That that shines new that gives off node which node its own node no the neuro of the Sun well who a lady and he's the one who darlin Leila Wanda Ha, who has made the night and the day kill fat and in succession column for Alpha Kappa Alpha health, that which is behind alpha is that which follows something and replaces it, meaning one goes to the other comes after it and takes its place. So the night and the day they are in alpha, what does it mean by that? The night goes and what comes? The day the day goes and what comes the night in constant succession in constant rotation. All right,

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Lehman for the one who allow that he intended and yet that Cara, that he should remember

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meaning this constant rotation of the night and the day? Why is it like that so that we have some sense of time. And with this time, what happens we remember things, leaving or other angles that occur. Many times it happens that we want to do something during the day. But as the day comes to an end, the night begins, what do we say, Oh, let me do it before I sleep, isn't it? So the coming of the night reminds you that you have to do something before you sleep, you have to accomplish something, you have to finish something before you sleep. So the night and the day two distinct times. Why so what's the benefit, so that if we're not able to do something during the day, we take

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advantage of the night, if we're not able to do something in the night, we take advantage of the day, Lehman or rather a DACA. Our other shockula are the one who intends gratitude, meaning someone who wants to be grateful the night and the day, or enough reasons to make him grateful. Meaning as the day comes, as the day comes to an end, the night begins the night ends. This changing, what should it produce in us gratitude? That Alhamdulillah the long tiring difficult day is over Alhamdulillah I get to rest I get to take a break from my problems. Right? Or 100 Allah Now I can do my work. Solomon are ordering yet dakara our other shoe Cora. So what is the Mercy of Allah subhanaw

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taala that is mentioned over here, the alternation of the night and the day, what's their purpose? First of all, remember, remember what you forgotten. Take advantage of your time, take a lesson. And secondly, be grateful. And especially these times, we know when when the day comes to an end, the night begins, or the other way around, when the night comes to an end and the day begins. These are the times when we especially show gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala for what, for another chance, this is why we have the morning of God we have the evening UPCA glorify Allah and thank Allah for another

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for another day for another night. May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to benefit from our days and nights and not just let them go by it's already August 2 All right, we've reached the last part of our summer break those of you who were having their summer break each day each night is a time to take advantage of it's not a time to just pass to kill because time is precious. That's the sort of the recitation of these verses Oh ALLAH will shoot in love

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00:48:04 --> 00:48:05


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00:48:19 --> 00:48:21

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00:48:44 --> 00:48:45

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00:49:06 --> 00:49:10

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00:49:13 --> 00:49:13

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00:49:15 --> 00:49:16

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00:49:20 --> 00:49:21


00:49:22 --> 00:49:24

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00:49:28 --> 00:49:29


00:49:30 --> 00:49:31


00:49:36 --> 00:49:41

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00:49:53 --> 00:49:54

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00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

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00:50:03 --> 00:50:04

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00:50:09 --> 00:50:15

Mooney your wall levy Jalan Lena one

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00:50:19 --> 00:50:22

that girl oh the show

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