Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 183B Tafsir Al-Nur 47-50
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AI: Transcript ©
Lesson number 183 Surah to noon and number 47 inshallah we will listen to the recitation first and then we will do it of seed
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know Wei are called Luna and they say Amana, we believe, believe in Allah were built was solely and with the messenger. Some people they say that we believe in Allah and we believe in the messenger what authority now and we obey, meaning they also say that we are very obedient. In other words, whatever Allah tells us, we will do it. Whatever the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us, we will do it a Karna but this is what they say. What are their actions like in reality? What is it that they do? Allah says sama then, Yet Allah He turns away ferrea comin home, a group from them, not all of them, but some of them. They turn away mimbar the Dalek after that, after what? After
saying that they believe and after saying that they obey. When it comes to obedience, they don't obey actually, what do they do? They turn away from obedience. Allah says warmer Hola, ecomobility more meaning warmer and not Hola. Ecuador's been more meaning at all believers in the least believers, meeting such people. They're not believers at all, no matter how much they say that they have faith, no matter how much they claim that they are believers, no matter how much they say that they will obey no matter what promises they make, and what big words they say. When their actions do not testify to their words when their actions do not conform to their claims. Then Allah says that
their email is not accepted. Such people are not believers in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala at all. So what do we see in this ayah that it is not enough to just claim that a person is a believer, it is not enough to just say that we're going to obey or that we are obedient words, words of a person, they don't carry any weight, if they're not backed by deeds, if they're not supported by actions. And this is something that's very simple to understand. And this is something that we experience in our daily lives also, that if a person says that they will support you in something, that they will help you in something, and that they agree with you. But when it comes time to
actually support you, they don't show up. Or instead of supporting you, they're constantly criticizing you, then their claims are meaningless. Their words are worthless. If a person says that they love somebody, right, and they give them big gifts on Valentine's Day, they give them flowers and roses. All right and nice.
cards, expensive cards and expensive gifts. But when they're talking to them, they ridicule them, they insult them, they hurt their feelings, then is that love? Is that understood? As love? No. So what is proof of what is really in the heart of a person? Is it the words? Not always, what is the biggest proof? It is the actions. Because the actions remember, the actions are performed by the body, right? And the entire body, the limbs, what are they, they are servants to the heart, they are in service to the king, who's the king, I'll call I'll call boo Malik, Ebola Warren, who said this, that the heart is the king, it is the king. So when it's the king that means it rules over the body.
Right? So, if in the heart there is a man, then what will happen? A person doesn't need to say I will obey I believe I believe no, then what will happen? actions will show naturally right? But if in the heart is shuck is doubt or hypocrisy, weak faith, then what will happen, the actions will also demonstrate that right, we learned an iota know that neuron Allah knows Light upon light, and these layers of light they begin from where the heart the flame, right. So, when the flame is there, and that oil is there, and the glass case is there, and the whole beautiful thing is in a niche, then what will happen you will have light upon Light upon light. So there has to be light at every
level, starting from the very core. Isn't that so starting from the very core. Like for example, if you have a seed, if you have a seed, and you put it in the soil, you give it enough water, what will happen, plant will grow, isn't it? But if the seed is corrupt, then what will happen? Even if you put it in the soil and you water it will anything grow from it, it won't grow. What will happen instead that seed will get covered in fungus. You know, I saw this recently, you know, we were doing this experiment at home. I wanted to show my children how seeds grow into plants. So we took these mung bean seeds, right, and we put them in wet paper towel in a plastic cup in a clear plastic cup.
So what happened those mung beans seeds within literally days they were sprouting and now my shoulder huge. And at the same time because you know you're in that mode. So I got these grapes that were not seedless. Alright, so the seeds were a big problem for the kids. So anyway, we took the seeds and we put them in wet paper towel in the cups, in hopes that they will also grow. But what happened, nothing grew. And I was like, you know, maybe they take longer. So I left them for about a month. And honestly that whole cup, it was smelling and those seeds they were kind of getting covered in fungus. And I thought you know, it's about time I get rid of this. It's not going to
grow. Right? If you take a plastic bead and you put that in what soil is something going to grow out of it? No, nothing is gonna grow out of it. So if Eman is there, if the seed of faith is there, then what will happen it will definitely grow into actions. The actions will conform then words don't need to be uttered. Words don't need to be pronounced in order to prove that there is faith inside the actions will prove so over here in this ayah the Munna Philippine the hypocrites are being mentioned that they make big claims. They try to satisfy others with their words. Yoku, Luna, Amana Billa with the Rasul were Aparna they try to satisfy the Prophet sallallahu wasallam the believers
with their words, but when it comes to their actions, they fail. Allah says woman Allah will move meaning such people are not believers no matter how much they claim no matter how much they say. So what do we see here that near Allah what kind of Eman is acceptable? What kind of faith is accepted as faith which kind of Eman look at the eye and give me the answer
which kind of Eman is accepted and which kind of Eman is rejected? Go ahead.
Yeah, yes, Eman that is supported with actions.
Eman that is supported with actions, not just words. You see when a person accepts Islam or when a person is a believer, what does he say? Shahada. Right, I shall do Allah Allah Allah Allah. I mean, even when you pray you have to say that right in your the Shahada. What is the shahada shahada, but that shahada, saying that alone is not sufficient actions must prove
Now which actions which actions prove that there is a man inside?
Okay, look at the context of this is the surah which actions prove that there is a man inside
obedience to the commands of Allah and His Messenger, that the commands that Allah has given the commands that the messenger SallAllahu Sallam has given when a person will obey, what does that show? Yes, he believes in Allah. Yes, he believes in the messenger. But if a person reads, studies, learns, gains, knowledge has all the information, all right, but all that information is just here in the head. It's not coming into actions, then what will happen, then there is no obedience, right? And if there's no obedience, having that knowledge alone is not sufficient. Remember, on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will not just ask us about if we learned, he will also ask us if we
So what do we learn that the knowledge we gain? It must be transformed into actions. So for example, in this surah have we learned about several commands? Like what?
Okay, seeking permission before we enter into somebody's house? What else have we learned?
Okay, so covering Xena not displaying adornment, all right for women in front of men. What else have we learned?
Lowering the gaze Good. What else have we learned?
How about not peeking into other people's houses? We learned that too, right? Through their windows or looking into their cars, what's inside the car? Right? Or somebody has their door or their window open, not staring inside? If somebody is on their phone, not looking into it? What are they doing? Are they texting? What are they doing? Right? Because we're invading other people's privacy. We learned about that in the SUTA right? Now, one is the first step is learn.
Right seeking knowledge 100 Allah, you can put a checkmark there. Alright, when it comes to this Surah many commands that we have gone through this Alhamdulillah when it comes to knowledge, you can put a check mark in sha Allah and your test, which is going to be next week and I believe, right, that will further prove that inshallah. Right. So what's the next step after knowledge? Implementation, right, action, obedience. Now, when it comes to knowledge, is it easy to forget it? Is it easy to forget it? Easy, right? I mean, it's very, very possible that we read a Hadees. And then immediately the next day when we're asked about it, we don't remember. We don't remember at
all. Now, what is one way of ensuring that we don't forget what we have learned? Okay, sharing it with others. What else? Implementation implementation Believe me, once you do Amahl on something, and you start doing arborlon Something regularly, then the words of the Quran will stick in your head. They will stay in your head you will not forget them. Believe me, take my word for it. You will not forget it. If you do I will on it.
So for example, when it comes to the AI about hijab, right when it comes to the AI about hijab, once you really look at yourself, check yourself okay, what is Xena? What is adornment? Can we learn that it is something that beautifies a person, right? There is natural beauty and then there is beauty that is put on, right? So looking at yourself in the mirror, you see okay, what beauty is it that I've put on? Okay, it's the lipstick. Okay, what else? It's the nice clothes that I'm wearing? It is beauty. Right? So what do I need to do? Take a picture of myself and put it on Facebook. Yeah. Allah says, Well, are you with Dina?
Now if you will do AMA on it, that they should not reveal they should not display their adornment and you see, okay.
I should not be displaying my adornment now when you will do Armelle on it and do the appropriate action of either covering that Zina or if you don't feel like it's possible for you to cover it like for example, the lipstick on your lips then removing that lipstick when you're going in front of men or when you have to put your picture up online for example. Right? So when you will do the audit what will happen these words will allow you but Dina's here,
believe me you will not forget them. You will not forget them. And it had these we learned that whoever says La ilaha illa Huwa who la sharika lahu Mukalla Hoolahan you're here where you meet well who are their coalition cadet? Whoever says this 10 times after maghrib then
All angels are sent to guard the person guard. It's like you have an army guarding you 10 times after maghrib. Now for many years I struggled with this many years. And then eventually one day I'm like, you know, what if I actually did on my own, and I wouldn't forget it,
I would remember the virtue of this hadith. And then Hamdulillah, I started practicing it, And Alhamdulillah now I remember the virtue Maha rasa angels, because when I'm saying it, I remember angels are going to be sent to guard me to protect me. Now, many times when we don't do armor, what's the excuse that we bring? I forgot, isn't it? I didn't really understand. I think I'm confused. Now. All those excuses. They're thrown away. Once you do, once you do ama you will remember, you will understand. So over here, people who do not do drama on their own, they have are being criticized. They're being criticized. Allah says they are not believers. What either and when
do they are called they are invited in Allah He was solely to Allah and His messenger.
When they are called to Allah and His messenger, what does it mean by that? They're called to Allah as
they're called to Allah.
Exactly, to obey Allah, to learn about his hokum to learn about the command that Allah has given. So when they're invited to Allah, meaning to obey Allah,
what are Sunni and His Messenger, meaning Allah's Messenger? Why Leah coma Boehner home so that he may judge between them who should judge between them, the messenger should judge between them, meaning between the people, so when they're invited to the messenger, that okay, he will pass a judgement concerning the issue that you have, according to the law that Allah has revealed. And when you will accept that law, you will be obeying Allah and His messenger. So when they are called, what is their reaction? Allah says, either, either, what does it mean? What's the meaning of the word either? When then, right, but remember that either it gives a meeting of Fujairah iya, which means
that suddenly, immediately, instantly, their reaction is that FurReal caminho model don't add once a group of them more ideal, don't they turn away?
It's like, if somebody tells you while you're doing the dishes, can you also put the garbage away? And you already feel like it was too much for you to do the dishes, and somebody is coming and telling you put the garbage away? You're like, no way. What's your reaction? No way you see this either. Suddenly, they're shocked. You're telling me to put the garbage away. Now. You understand? Like, if somebody tells you something that is not acceptable to you, you wouldn't even think about it. You'd never do it. Even if you were paid to do it. You wouldn't do it because you dislike it. It's burdensome on you. So what happens when somebody suggests it instantly? You're like, no way. So
likewise, these people when they're called to Allah and His messenger, what is their reaction? No way more. They turn away. They don't want to hear what Islam says they don't want to hear what the Quran says. They don't want to hear what the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, and yet these are people who claim that they have email, who claim that they believe in Allah and His Messenger is this email, because email and what is the definition of Imam
Aqsa acceptance right, verbal acceptance does lead to confirm the truthfulness. But along with that, the sleek COBOL acceptance and not just acceptance that yeah, this is right, this is good, but also is on submission, following it up with action. So either for your comment Memorial don't they turn away immediately. It says if they have no interest in what you have to say. They don't want to know even what the Prophet salallahu Salam will say, however, we're in and if yakun it is loving for them and helpful the right
meaning if Islam gives them a right if the judgment of the prophets of Allah and Islam gives them a right in other words, the judgment is in their favor. They're being granted a right then what is the reaction yet to the comme la he to it mothering Nene in prompt obedience. mothering is a plural off mothering. mothering is from there I noon is on is to obey quickly. So just imagine somebody says, put the garbage away. And you won't have to do dishes for the next week. Like yeah, sure, sure. Anything else? So prompt obedience. What happened? What happened over here?
because you're getting some benefit, right? You're getting some advantage. So when Islam gives them some benefit, some advantage, how do they react? They come at once in prompt obedience. So what is our prompt quick obedience? And it's Ra, Martha. It has to be really quick in obedience. All right? And also it means to respond to someone signals respond to someone signals. What does it mean by that? That soul obedient that someone just looks at the light switch? And you get it? Oh, okay. That means I should turn the light on. They don't even need to say anything. They just signaled and you get it. And you will be this kind of obedience is rare, but it is there. So, yeah, to La him with
Ernie. What do we see over here? That the dean, the religion of Allah, there are some people who only use the deen for their advantage? When it favors them when it gives them a right. When it gives them some benefits. They will come, they will obey, they will accept they will comply. And they will show that yes, yes, I'm very obedient and very religious. But when there's something that seems to be against them, what's their reaction? Or I have no interest in it? I don't want to know. Like, for example, there are many people who when it comes to giving respect to elders, right, they're not interested at all. In the Quran, Allah says very clearly many times will be valid any Aksana do
Ersan with the parents. So when someone is reminded that you should be respectful with your parents, you know what, I don't need your advice. And I don't need to know what's in the Quran. You know, this was revealed 1400 years ago, it's irrelevant. You don't understand what my parents are like, I don't think they deserve any respect and so on and so forth. Right one excuse after the other, they have no interest.
But when it comes to children's rights,
children's rights, then you're like, Aha, see, see what the Quran says. Say you should respect my privacy. See the inside of the note Allah says do not enter other people's private spaces without their permission. So you know what my phone is my private space. So dad, Dear Dad, don't go through my phone. See the Quran. Not me Quran.
Sometimes it happens the other way. When it comes to parents, fulfilling their obligations towards the children doesn't matter. But when it comes to demanding respect, Allah says in the Quran, wala taco Lahoma off. So don't even say off to me, and just obey me because I'm your mother. While at the same time the Prophet said a lot is that I'm also said, Be gentle with the children, right? Whoever does not show love or gentleness towards the children and does not respect the elders. He's not all of us. So when it comes to harshness, all the harshness is shown and when it comes to demanding respect, what will validate near Santa? Likewise, many men, they're not interested in being fair
with their wives. What do they say? Allah says, You can marry four wives. My health, I can marry if I want four wives. Well, Allah also said be fair, oh, don't advise me. You don't need to lecture me. You're a woman anyway. Right? I mean, they ridicule other people. So we see this unfortunately, in many of us, that when it comes to taking something of the deen, that is to our advantage, we take it very willingly, very happily. Immediately, we will memorize those parts of the Quran. We will remember those Hadith and our fingertips. But when it comes to those matters, which go against our desires than what happens to them. We don't even want to know about their details. We don't even
want to acknowledge their existence in the book of Allah. We don't even want to acknowledge that they have a place in our religion.
So what kind of faith is this? Is this sincere faith? What is this them? How would you describe this attitude? What is this?
Okay, what else?
Opportunistic what else?
hypocrisy. What else? Yes. Selfish. What else?
How else would you describe this? Double standard, okay.
Think if somebody did this with you that anytime they need money or they need some favor from you, they come to you running. But as soon as you need something from them, they don't show up. They don't even pick up the phone. They don't even respond to you. Would you describe
If this person as your friend,
would you take them as a friend, that when they need something from me they take it. But when I need something, they completely ignore me.
Would you call that a fair relationship? No. Do you think this relationship will continue? No, it won't continue from Mark.
Because it's always a two way street, right?
It has to be from both sides. So if we feel like somebody is using us, we will never take them as a friend. So people who use the Dean use the the just to their advantage. Would they be considered friends of Allah? Does Allah accept their Eman? No matter how much they claim that they have Eman? Is there any man accepted? No one male will like even more meaning.
So Partial obedience because this is Partial obedience right to the deen. It's not unconditional obedience. It's Partial obedience, picking and choosing whatever we like we take it what we find difficult we leave it if I taught me know one of the Bible Kitabi what a Corona be about this was revealed concerning who the Bani Israel in, because they chose from their books, certain portions, which they like, and they left of the book, whatever they did not like whatever did not suit their desires. So when a person has this kind of attitude, then in reality, he's not following the deen. What is he following his desires, he's actually following his desires. He's a slave, do his desired.
He's not showing that he's a servant of Allah. Because if he was a servant of Allah, striving to be the servant of Allah, then he would accept whatever Allah gives. He will take whatever Allah gives, you know, it's understandable that we are given an instruction and we find it difficult to follow. That's completely understandable. Like, for example, the home of hijab is clear, it's evident, right? There is no doubt about it. It's understandable if a woman says I find it very difficult to wear hijab. I know it's there. I believe in it. However, I'm still struggling with it. I should be able to Inshallah, do it when the time is right. And I'm trying I'm making doll I'm striving. I'm
putting in my best effort. But right now I don't feel like I'm ready for it, but inshallah I will be because this is Allah's hokum. Now, this is acceptable, because the person accepts Allah's command. Right? They know that they should observe it. And in the meantime, while they're struggling, Allah knows their struggles. And as long as they intend to obey, eventually, right in the near future, they want to obey, they're willing to obey, then okay, for the time being, for their shortcomings for they're not following the command, okay, there is a sin. However, because they're striving in sha Allah, this is acceptable. However, if a person says, You know what, I don't believe there
should be hijab. Yes, the ayah is there the Quran however, I don't think it's applicable today. I don't think we need to obey. And we really need to rethink these verses. And we really need to rethink, you know, the concept of HD hat, or we need to think if it's even applicable today, and, you know, come up with one theory and other theory trying to justify that it's not applicable these commands should not be followed. This is something that is not acceptable. This is something that does not behoove a believer, it does not benefit him. Because Eman means COBOL. And COBOL can be with difficulty. You understand, it can be with difficulty.
And that's totally natural. Because we're human beings we struggle, but a believer his heart is accepting of Allah's commands. This is a difference between a believer and a monastic. A believer says that will lead to Billahi Raba. If Allah has commanded this, you know what, I love Allah, and I still accept what Allah has given. I love the Quran.
And when AFIC says, Don't tell me, I don't want to hear it. I don't want to know it. Don't talk about it.
The mention of hijab oh my god, I have to avoid this. Somehow avoid this conversation. Somehow just you know, skip those pages, skip those verses, reinterpret them. This is the attitude of who the one who has an effect. He doesn't want to accept it. So there is a difference between the heart of a believer and the heart of a monastic. Allah says a few Kulu became maragon What's wrong with these people? Why do they behave so foolishly?
Is fee in Kenobi him their hearts modelled on a disease or their hearts sick? Oh,
or it's terrible. They are in doubt. What's wrong with them? Is their disease in their hearts? What is muddled. muddled is basically imbalance.
Okay? Because what is health? It's the opposite of muddled right? sickness. What is health? For example, in order to have a healthy good blood pressure, right, it has to be within a certain range, isn't it? If it's above that range,
is that? Okay? Is that okay? No. How about if it's below that range? Is that okay? No, it's not. Okay. So, you see, balance is in the middle. When it goes to an extreme, one way or the other. That is where muddled comes. When it comes to our body temperature. Is there a certain range? That is a healthy normal body temperature? Yes. If it's above that, or below that, it's imbalanced, right? It's not normal. It's outside that range. Is that model? Is that illness? Yes, it is. So what is the model of the heart? I feel Karoubi him modeled. They have too much love for the dunya
they don't love Allah, as much as they should love Allah. They don't love the Quran as much as they should love the Quran, or they love themselves too much. Or they have too much fear of people that is preventing them from obeying Allah. All of these are what diseases of the heart, too much fear of people, too much love of dunya hardly any love for Allah and His Messenger, no fear of Allah and His messenger. You understand? These are all extremes. They're outside of the normal healthy range. So Allah says, a few Karoubi him model. Is there a disease in their hearts? I mean, taboo, or is it that they doubt from *? What is it that they doubt? The doubt that this is even a command that
has come from Allah, or that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is even the messenger of Allah, or the Quran is even a book of Allah, they have doubt in Allah and His messenger in the book in the commands. They don't have your pin M or your ha fauna, they fear on that year, he phala who are lay him, your Hiva, he will be unfair, he will be unjust, Allahu Allah, or lay him on them. They fear that Allah is going to be unjust towards them. This word, your Haifa is from their letters Hi, ephah heif. And haev literally means mail. What does mail mean? to incline onto one side? All right. And from this heif is understood as to be unjust with someone to be unfair with them, to harm them, to not give
them what is their right what they deserve.
All right, this is haIf and halfa is to reduce something from its sights, shrink it. Understand. So now think about it.
They fear that Allah is going to shrink their how
Allah is going to be unfair with them, he's not going to give them what they deserve.
You see, if somebody told us to do something,
like for example, at home, there could be certain chores which are divided amongst the siblings. One has to do the dishes one has with the garbage one has to do that sweeping and mopping. All right. So the chores are divided.
One says, I'm not going to do it. Why? Why aren't you going to do it? Or because it's not fair, that my sister gets done with the garbage in three minutes. And my brother, he's done the vacuum in five minutes, and it takes me half an hour to do the dishes. I don't think that's fair.
You understand? This is not fair. And so if you say are not going to do it, because this is unfair. Are you right in that?
Come on? Why not?
Think about it, your brother does a vacuum and five minutes your sister does the garbage in three minutes, and you're standing in front of the sink for 30 minutes. Is that fair?
Technically, it's not fair. So if you say, You know what, I can't be doing dishes every day. We have to switch these chores every now and then. Right? Meaning one day I'll do the dishes. Next day, somebody else has to do it. The third day somebody else has to do and the fourth day fine. I'll do it. Right. So we have to keep switching so that it's fair. That's okay. All right. So
if somebody gives you something that you feel is unfair, do you
Want to do it? You don't want to do it? Because you feel it's unfair. It's not right. Now, who is it? That would be unfair? Who can you expect to be unfair?
Someone who doesn't like you?
Or someone who doesn't care about you, which is why many girls, they complain that when it comes to my in laws than I'm expected to everything, and my sister in law just sits there like a guest. And I have to do everything. So what's the problem over here? She says that they don't treat me like their own. For example, they don't like me, for example. Right. So why is it that she feels she's being treated unfairly? Because she feels somebody doesn't like them? Right, somebody's oppressing them. Or it could be simply they don't realize that they're being unfair. Like, for example, if your mother said, you do the dishes, the other two will do the other chores. Maybe she said that, because
she didn't realize it took you 30 minutes every day to do it. And once you talk to her, then what happens? She's like, Yeah, that's fair. We should switch. Okay, problem solved. Right. So why is it that she was unfair before? It's because she hates you know, because she didn't realize lack of knowledge. Now, when it comes to Allah's command, Allah's command, would that be unfair to us? Could it possibly be unfair? No. Why? Because does Allah hate us? No.
Is he unfair? Is he unjust? Not at all? Is he unaware of his servants of their difficulties of their struggles? Not at all, he is fully aware of them, in fact, he is the one who put us in those difficulties. So if Allah is giving us a command, then what does it mean? It is absolutely 100% Fair. That is what it is 100% Fair. Because you see when you see these if in sort of the *, for example, right, that for instance, when it comes to the issue of LeBron, all right. One big problem that people have is haka, a woman cannot do learn against her husband, or when it comes to the issue of lowering the gaze, guarding the private part, right? The hokum is the same when it comes to men
and women however, the women are given an additional hokum, right, and what is that they should not display their beauty. Now a person could say, Look, this is unfair, the Quran is biased against women, Allah's hokum is not faring somebody could argue.
Remember that Allah subhanaw taala. His commands are based on what are the justice, fairness. And justice means that you give to each what he needs.
You give to each what he's deserving of.
You give to each according to his situation,
not that you give every person equal amount. Justice does not mean equality. This is our problem. We think that justice is equality. It's not equality, because people, everybody is not equal. Five fingers in our hand, are they equal?
Are they equal? No.
Five people in one class, are they have equal height? No. Are they have equal intelligence? No.
No, each individual is different, isn't it? Now when it comes to men and women also, are they different? We can argue as much as we want that they're the same. They should be given equal rights, exactly the same identical rights. But the fact is that men and women are not identical. And when they're not identical, the commands that are given to them are also going to be different. Right? So when it comes to women, they have been given extra beauty. Right? So when they have been given extra beauty, what does it mean? One extra comment?
And what does that cover yourself? Simple. And this is something that's not just promoted by our religion that women have been given extra beauty, this is something that is understood. It is understood,
which is why we have more, you know, fashion stores for women than we have for
men. isn't at all. I mean, you go to some stores in which they have clothes for men and clothes for women. And you will always find that the section that has clothes for women, it is
bigger. If it's not bigger. It's more crammed up. Why? Because there was more stuff in there more options in there. And this is why I hate shopping for myself and for my daughter. I dislike it because when you go to a
store. There's like a million options. How are you meant to find that perfect shirt or that perfect pair of pants? How are you meant to find that when there's a million options? I mean, honestly, when it comes to the men in my family, I can go like this in and out of the store. Because you have five different options or like six different styles. You just pick a color. That's the colors. When it comes to women. Now hold on, applaud, they love it. It's like impossible. And forget about clothes when it comes to hijabs. Even when you go to a men's Islamic store, you have an option of like five, six Solbes, maybe you can easily pick one, right? But when it comes to women, there's this style of
our buyer and that style of a buyer and this type of hijab and that style of hijab and that size, slim fit and God knows what fit, right? So many options, when you will think that hijab should be easier,
but it's even more difficult. So this is something that's understood throughout the world, but when it comes to women, yes, they have more beauty. Right? There's makeup for us, there is jewelry for us, there is so many other products for us, right? Shoes, oh my God.
And the styles there are endless, endless. So because women have extra added beauty, there is an extra added hokum for them. Now that is fairness. That is fairness. So the monastic What does he think Allah has been unfair with me?
Allah is being unfair with me. I'm Johar, fauna, a heave Allahu alayhi wa rasuluh that the messenger SallAllahu sallam was unfair with the women. He was unfair with people in this situation. Allah says Bal rather. Hola Iike. It is those people who Muslim women who are actual London, they are doing good. Allah and His messenger. They're not doing good. Who is doing all the people who say that Allah is unfair. The people who say that the messenger Salallahu Salam was unfair. These people are the London how are they lol? How are they doing?
Because they're making a statement. That is unfair.
They're saying that Allah Allah, Allah means unfair? Does that make sense? Even?
Does that make sense? I mean, if Allah tells us to kill ourselves, even that would not be unfair. Why? Because who created us in the first place anyway? Who gave us whatever we have anyway? Are we paying anything? For the blood that is circulating in our body? For the heart that is pumping constantly? What are we paying?
Here? Every day we lose about how many hair?
How many? It's a big number. But 60 to 80. Imagine body here we lose every day. But we don't go bald. After a week. Do we know before you know it? It's back again. Right? Did we have to file in request or something and application? This week I lost almost 1000 hair so please, I need more next week. Do we do that? No. Allah gives us what we ask He gives us more that we do not even ask.
And if we say that Allah is unfair, that statement is unfair. It is the height of injustice to say that Allah is unfair, that his book is unfair, that his law is unfair. It is not unfair to any people, any category of people, neither women nor children, nor men, nor Muslims nor non Muslims. It is how it is either. Said Bell Hola, ecoffee masani Moon