Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P17 168E Tafsir Al-Hajj 33-37

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the burial of Jesus and the burial of the beast. The importance of submission to Allah's name and hedging is emphasized, as well as the use of fear and patience. The speakers emphasize the need to show appreciation for animals and show love for healthy foods, as well as the importance of showing gratitude and sharing blessings with others. The speakers stress the importance of showing love and dedication to animals, as well as using dreams to make a better decision.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lacan fee Herman airfare. Now over here Shai Allah, this can be understood in general terms, but also since the verses are speaking about Hajj, right, we understand sha Allah to be related to the rituals of Hajj observing them properly, doing them with respect, performing them with respect, because sometimes when people are, you know, they talk about here's an idea going around the Kaaba seven times. I mean, if you think about it, logically, does it make sense to go around a building seven times.

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Some people have a good time laughing at the rituals of Hajj, they make fun of Hajj or they're doing it without any Eman or without any feeling of love or fear of Allah subhanaw taala

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and try and Allah altar refers to the rituals of Hajj and more specifically, the sacrificial animals, the animals that are to be sacrificed at Hutch because what are they representing? That a person is going to give this animal for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala to earn nearness to Allah subhanaw taala so these animals Allah says look comfy Herman fer for you in them are benefits in what in the sacrificial animals until well, Isla Edgerly Musa for a specified time, meaning you enjoy them, you use them, their milk, you write them. So for instance, if it's a camel ride it it's wool until a specified time what is that specified time until you have to sacrifice these animals?

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Some of them mahangu has its place of halal. The place where the animal is going to be made halal, what does it mean? The place where it's going to be slaughtered? Ilan baited it to the ancient house, because that is where they have to be sacrificed when a person is going for Hajj. Remember, sacrificial animal cannot be offered back home cannot be offered in Africa. Where only can it be offered? In the haram? Some mama Hey Lulu, Ill beaten, it will equally omit in and for every nation, for every community starting from the ummah of Adam Alehissalaam from the very beginning, the ummah of others salaam of new Haile Salam, Ibrahim Ali Salam. John now we made mon second a ritual, which

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ritual of sacrifice remember mon SEC is from nusach Noon st calf Nasik is a ritual but particularly refers to the ritual of sacrificing animals for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala in NA salatu wa, new Sookie my prayer and my sacrifice. So every nation was commanded to offer sacrifice for who? For Allah sake. Lian Kuru, so that they mentioned is Mala heed the Name of Allah, Allah over my that which was a cow whom he has provided them, member he metal and arm from the grazing livestock which are four legged, meaning each nation was commanded that when you slaughter these animals, even for food, then what do you have to do? You have to mention the name of Allah, you must do that.

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Meaning slaughtering animals even for the purpose of consumption, right?

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It is not just an action, what is it? It is an act of worship. It's a ritual from the very beginning.

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And this is a reason why If an animal is slaughtered for other than Allah, or for no one, can we eat it?

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Can we eat it? No. If an animal dies a natural death, can we eat it? No, we cannot. It is not halal for us. When is it halal for us when the name of Allah is mentioned? And this has been the rule from the very beginning? Because slaughtering an animal is taking a life

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isn't it? I mean, that creature, you see how well they bond? Right? For example, a goat even, it's so easy to get, you know, to feel connected with the goat over the course of one or two weeks. As those kids who are who at read time, they've spent time with these animals. When it comes time to slaughter these animals, the children are crying. They go in, they hide. And they say they don't want those animals to be slaughtered. Because there's some attachment that you develop with those creatures, right? So taking their life shedding blood, this is not justify just for the purpose of eating, you understand what I mean? How can you cause pain to something just so that you can eat it?

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This seems cruel. So how is it that this is made permissible to us because we are taking a life that Allah has made in Allah's Name. This is permissible for us. Why? Because we're doing it in the name of Allah for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and this has been the case from the very beginning every nation was

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commanded that when you slaughter an animal from the behemoth will Iran, how should that be? The other crews Mullah mentioned Allah's name over it. You remember, the Marley's salaam his two sons is a robber, or van and even they offered sacrifice and one of them offered an animal. Correct. Then we see Ibrahim Rene Sinha, he also sacrificed an animal, right? So liquidly on math in Jerusalem and second, Leon Kurose Mala here Allah ma Rosa Holman behemoth Al Anon for Isla who comes so your God, meaning of all of you is Allahu wa had one god fellow who asked me more than to him You should surrender, what Bashir will move between and give good news to those who are humble. The Companions

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once they asked the Prophet salallahu Salam, O Messenger of Allah, what is the sacrifice? What is this old here? Why do we have to sacrifice animals for the sake of Allah? Or when we slaughter animals? Why do we have to say Alazani the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, it is the way of your forefathers, Ibrahim.

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They asked what reward is for us in it? Meaning Okay, Ibrahim Al Islam did it. And remember the story of Ibrahim Al Islam is married or in Islam, that is how the started. So the Sahaba said, what's the reward of this? The Prophet sallallahu sin replied, there is a reward for every hair. They asked. What about an animal that has wool on it?

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You understand? Because wool, what does it mean? The hair is much finer. All right, and much more in quantity. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said there's one reward for every strand of wool.

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There's one reward for every strand of wool imagine. So if a person slaughters a sheep, imagine the reward that they're getting, even though they're doing it so that they can eat that sheep. Right, but they're doing it with Allah's permission with Allah's name.

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It's an act of submission to Allah. And this is why you see for a locum ILAHA hate for Allah who as Lemo sacrifice should be for Allah subhanaw taala only for Salah lira, Becca 100. Right, pray to your Lord and slaughter for his sake only. But remember that sacrifice is not just a ritual. What does it teach humility? It teaches submissiveness it's a demonstration of total submission to Allah subhanaw taala. And we have discussed this earlier, an animal when the name of Allah is mentioned how it surrenders, right? And you take Allah's name and the animal is surrendering, the animal is submitting. When Allah is mentioned, what should we do? Stand everything to surrender, surrender,

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submit. So sacrifice, what lesson does it give us? What does it teach? Humility? submissiveness

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that look at these creatures? They're even giving their life. Why? Because Allah's name is mentioned. Then what about us? Would we give up something for the sake of Allah? Would we give up something to please Allah subhanaw taala.

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Whereby she didn't move between and give good news to those who are more a bit

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more a bit who is Mohammed? One who is humble, Cop Bad. COP is basically used for low ground. Okay, soft ground. And these days, you might feel it even more. So for instance, when you go to a park or something or even in your yard, because so much water has been absorbed by the ground, right? How wet is it? It's really wet. Is it soft, too soft. Alright, that you feel as if your foot would slip, your foot would sink. This is about the low soft ground

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that when you step on it, it will lore itself. It will not stand firm and dry and tough. Arrogant, no, it will humble itself. So movement is used for someone who is very humble in manner accommodating, accepting, not stubborn, but accepting, accommodating, easy to deal with.

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So these are no beteen with who? Allah subhanaw taala. Okay, this is Allah's command that we should go around the Kaaba seven times. Yes, we'll do it. Okay, this is Allah's command that we should spend the night and was deliver. Okay, we'll do it. This is Allah's command and we have to spend the whole day in our office. Okay, we'll do it. This is what hedge teaches us. Just do what your Lord is telling you to do. You know, it's amazing how you would Arnulfo, you spend the whole day over there and when it's melted. What do you do? Do you pray mold? No. Where do you go? You go to most deliver. And when you go to Mustafa, you pray Maghrib in Russia over there together. It's amazing. It's time

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to pray but you don't pray you leave you

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Get up and you go you're not allowed to pray motive in Ottawa. If you're doing Hajj where should you pray only Mustafa?

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Why? Because Allah has said so because this is how hard you're supposed to be. You become accepting of Allah's commands. You surrender to His command, you don't become stubborn over there arguing Nope. You just do what Allah tells you what to shoot in between and people who are like this. Allah says, give them good news. Who are they? What other qualities? Do they possess a Levina those who either luckier Allahu Allah Allah is mentioned. Where do you let Kuru boom their hearts tremble? What do you let Well, Jeem lamb Wajid and what it is to feel fear in the heart. When Allah is mentioned, their heart moves.

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Why does it move?

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Why does it move? due to fear? Okay, why else?

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Okay, let me give you an example. If you're sleeping, knocked out, completely knocked out.

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And your phone rings or a message or something like that comes on your phone.

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Would you move?

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Would you move? Why? Why won't you move? Because you're knocked out. You have no idea what's going on? You're sleeping.

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But if you're awake, all right. And you're just sitting on your bed. And the phone is in the other room? Not on silent. All right, you can hear every buzz. And then you hear a buzz. What will happen? Will you get up and move? Why will you move?

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Why will you move? Because you heard

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your phone ringing, right? And why does it matter to you?

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Why does it matter to you if the phone is ringing? You like your phone? You like to be contacted by people. You want to know what's going on. So you will move from your bed. When will you move when you are awake? When you are alive. Right? When you care.

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Because sometimes it happens, you're fully awake, your phone is ringing. You don't even bother to look at it, why you can't care. You don't want to care. That you're you're having such a good time watching that TV show. You don't care if somebody's calling you for the fifth time. Ignore. Right or you're having your dinner with your family. You don't care if your phone is buzzing over and over again. Why? Because you're having dinner with your family. You don't move because you don't care. So why do you not global why is it that their hearts move because their hearts are alive?

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And because they care about Allah subhanaw taala they love Allah. They fear Allah.

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They have Taqwa of Allah. They want to be close to Allah. When Allah is mentioned, they're not unmoved, rather they are moved. Either Luca Allah What do you not collarbone they feel something.

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Their hearts tremble. And it shows they have some connection with their Lord. They have some feelings for their Lord. Because sometimes, you know, some people are mentioned our heart doesn't move. But some other individuals their name is mentioned and what happens a smile on our face we get so excited. Just because the mention of their name

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because one individual we don't care about them the other individual we love. So what do you let Grupo home their hearts tremble with fear? They know they recognize their Creator, they realize who Allah subhanaw taala is. So when Allah is mentioned, they do become afraid. While slobby Dena and those who are patient, Allah ma sobre, home over whatever reaches them. Notice ma anything, whatever hits them, whatever strikes them,

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no matter what it is their patient over it. What hits us in life.

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What strikes us

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you have no problems in life.

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A lot. Oh, okay, good. What kind of problems do we have in our lives? What hits us?

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Okay, when our car gets hit something, something that happens to everybody.

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Okay, sickness, but even that is not that common. I mean, it doesn't happen every day. I'm asking what every day.

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You ask your kid to do something? No.

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You ask your mom. Mom, can I go somewhere? And it's as if she didn't even hear a word.

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Does it hit? Oh, yeah. Bad. Right. You got your new phone.

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And the next thing you see on your phone, there's a big scratch. Right? Or you drop it and the screen is cracked. These are things that hit us.

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You put so much time in preparing some food and it just doesn't taste good. You go to a restaurant to eat with your friends, and you have to wait there for an hour.

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The service is so poor,

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you go outside thinking the weather will be nice. And you find out it's extremely chilly.

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Right? These are things that hit us that prick us, that annoy us that disturb us. Some things are big and some things are small. Right? Some things are very serious. And some things are not that serious. But Allah subhanaw taala says we'll solve it ina Allah, ma salva home, what ever hits them, whatever strikes them, whatever could disturb them. What is the reaction of sub patients?

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So when they get annoyed,

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they do suffer?

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They don't let that incident get to them. Was Sabrina dilemma? Asaba home while mopey masala, and those who established the prayer,

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you know, sometimes we think subsidies for big, big problems, subsidies also for little problems. It's all different little things.

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That when we're in pain, what do we say? When we're annoyed? How do we react?

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When we feel like someone's not giving us due respect? How do we snap a time? Somebody's required over there also, because if we're not patient over these little little things, how can we be patient over big things? Seriously, think about it, how can we be patient over big things if we cannot be patient over little things. And the fact is, the one who tries to be patient

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who tries to control himself

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tries, you know, to swallow his words than what will happen. Allah who will grant him patience.

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Allah will make him sober. It doesn't come easily. You have to try. The other I read somewhere, that swallowing words has never caused me indigestion.

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But when you're so angry at somebody, and you want to give it to them, but you keep those words to yourself, and you just take a big gulp, and you swallow it, it's not like your stomach's gonna be upset, there will be no bad consequences. In fact, things will be pretty good.

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Between you and the other person whom you were about to go after, but you ignored them.

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Now, many times it happens that when there is a conflict that we have with someone we want to speak out, right, we want to show how we feel. But what is that going to do?

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What is that going to do? Is it going to solve the problem? No? Is it going to get the other person closer to you know,

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you know, many times it happens between husbands and wives, a man and wife that for example, the wife is annoyed with something that has been has done and she doesn't, you know, swallow it, she says it.

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And what does he do? He ignores her, he moves away from her. And then she says, What's wrong with you? Why don't you communicate? Why didn't you tell me? Why don't you hear me out? She thinks he's so dumb that he cannot even communicate with her properly. And that makes him withdraw even more, he ignores her even more moves away from her even more. Where did it start from? Not swallowing words, not doing sobor. So a Savonlinna Allah, ma Saba, whom do Sobor one more Caymus Falletta. And those who established the prayer when we met was a canal commune field cone and out of what We have provided them, they spend.

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These are humble. These people are humble.

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Now, if somebody were to ask you, are you humble? Do you consider yourself humble? You'd say, Yeah, of course. I'm humble. Well, this is a definition of humility.

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Let's check ourselves. When Allah is mentioned, what's the state of my heart? When I'm angry? When I'm hurt? Am I patient?

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When it comes to prayer, do I establish it? When I have money do I give all of it?

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If this is not there, then the concept of humility is a little distorted.

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Humility is not saying I am humble. Humility is expressed through actions, how we react, how we deal with others, how it's determined by the state of our heart.

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Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.

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you for who you

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in your

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tenure anymore Regis Amina

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Danny boo boulders rule owner

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sneaky one you should be learning

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in front of powerful boy

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awful why wouldn't we begin the female

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selfie? Then we go on a

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limb show

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righty all equally

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smell long here

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asleep while the shooting at a levena either don't care all along what do you let Kulu

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was forbidding Allah

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while Butina and the camels and cattle Jalna holla calm we have made for you min SHA, Allah, among the symbols of Allah al budem is the plural of the word banana

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and banana Berdahl known

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is used for sacrificial flock meaning the animals that are to be sacrificed. All right, and it is from the word banana burden. What does burden mean

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by the body? Right? And banana is to have a big burden. All right, what is banana to have a big burden. Now, from the animals that are to be sacrificed, there are certain animals which are big burdened, and then there are those animals which are small buttons, all right, which animals are those which have a big button? Camels and cows, cattle, and which are the ones that are small sheep, goats, all right. So button over here it refers to camels. Right over here the first two camels. So they are Allah says we have made them for you amongst the Shah it Allah amongst the symbols of Allah, meaning, even though they're animals to be slaughtered, but realize what they are.

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They represent the their creatures, their animals, but what you do with them reminds you of ALLAH SubhanA Muthana Myntra it Allah, La comfy her, for you in them is heyde Good. Allah has placed goodness in these animals for you there is benefit in these animals. So use them eat them. There is no piety and not having meat, being a vegan, no, eat these animals. Allah has made them for you. And Allah has put herd in these animals for you. So use them use this gift that Allah has given to you.

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But how fed gurus Mullah here I lay her mentioned the name of Allah on it. Mentioned Allah's name on it when, when you're slaughtering it, everything we have is from Hope. Allah subhanaw taala right. Now these animals also are from Allah. When a slaughtered Allah's name is mentioned, even though you're going to eat the meat of that animal, but this entire activity is an act of worship.

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Likewise, when Allah subhanaw taala has given us so many blessings, we use them, but we use them in the right way the way that Allah has prescribed, we use them remembering Allah, thanking Him,

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then using that blessing will also be an act of worship. So fed gurus malai, I lay her so

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when do you mention the name of Allah on these animals when they are sold off?

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What is solar roof? So if those that are lined up from the word self,

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right, it is said that the word so f is the plural of Safa. One that is in a row. So So if those that have formed rows, meaning those that are standing in rows, why would these animals be ready to stand in a row? A line has been formed so that they can be slaughtered. Right. But remember that this word also applies to a camel whose front foot is tied up, front foot is tied up.

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Why? So that is standing on three legs.

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Why so? Why three legs? Because a camel is a huge animal. If it kicks you, you're gone. Alright, if it attacks you, you're finished. But at the same time, a camel may be slaughtered. All right. Now if a camel has to be slaughtered, have you ever seen an animal being slaughtered? Like for example, a sheep or a goat? How was it slaughtered? You pick it up when you put it down on the ground? Right? And then got the neck. But when it comes to a camel, you can't do that? How many people would you need 50 people to hold a camel though.

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And even that I mean good cause many serious injuries to people. So then how do you efficiently slaughter a camel? What's the way that one foot is tied up so the camel doesn't have total balance? All right. And then the name of Allah is mentioned fat kudos, Mala Allah, the name of Allah is mentioned. And then what is done, the neck is slipped. It's got while the camel is standing. I know it sounds like cruel, but it's the most efficient way of slaughtering a camel. I'd show you a video. But I don't know if everybody can take it. Because the last time you saw blood, you probably screamed, right? Because your finger got cut and you saw blood trickling down and you were so

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terrified of seeing a few drops of blood. So if you see blood pouring out of a camel's neck, I don't know if I really can handle it. But anyway, those of you who are interested, go ahead google it, find videos and watch them. But just to explain it to everybody. This is how a camel is slaughtered. All right, the neck is caught. And then you it's amazing how quickly a camel will just collapse. It takes a few seconds for the camel to collapse because it's as though you know, a tap has been opened up and the blood is just pouring out in full force, full force, it's just drained out of the body. And then the camel falls it's crippled and then obviously once it's dead, then it is cut up. So fed

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kudos Mullah here I lay her solar roof

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beautiful mansion Allah's name on it for either wager but Junu boo ha then when do you know its genome genome is the plural of jump what is jump side. So when the side of the camel has wotja But whatever, whatever literally means to fall down. And from this logic, because when something has fallen down, it has happened it has come now you have to deal with it. Now you have to do it, you cannot avoid it. So from this the word wajib obligatory right, but what you but literally means to fall down. So when the sides have fallen, in other words, the animal has fallen down. And what does that mean?

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It's still alive. No, it's dead No, because if it was alive, it would have been standing. So when the animal is fully dead, then fucko lumen her then eat from it. Obviously you will cut it up and then you will cook it you will clean it you will cook it and then you eat it. But the point is that then you may take a piece from the animal and eat it fuck aluminium. Which means that if the animal is still alive, you cannot cut off a part of the animal and eat it. You can't do that. That will be considered Mehta in a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, whatever is cut from an animal while it is still alive is Mater it is dead flesh. You cannot eat it. It's haram.

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So what does it mean that?

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What does it mean then, that when the animal is slaughtered, one must wait for the body to completely cool down. In other words for the viewer to completely leave and then cut up the animal. Why? Because if Drew has not left, there's still some life in the animal and you're cutting it up. You're causing pain to the creature. But it's amazing. Sometimes people are in a rush. And they don't wait. They don't wait. I remember I went to the grocery store here to get fish. All right, live fish. Took it out of the tank. All right. The man took it out of the tank. Didn't even hit it properly. So didn't even die was still moving. And he started you know, taking the scales off and

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cleaning it up. And when he gave it to me in a bag it was moving

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it was moving.

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I couldn't believe it.

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He the head was not even there anymore. And the insides had been taken out. But the poor fish was still moving in the back. I went to the manor got the manager, I said, Take this place, and I'm not buying fish from here ever again. This is something that's not okay.

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This is you know, against animal rights. The prophets of Allah Islam said, Allah has prescribed proficiency in all things. So when you kill meaning, when you slaughter, do it well. Even when it comes to fighting and battle,

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you know, killing the enemy, if you kill kill well, and if you slaughter slaughter, well don't torture the other. Even if it's an animal you cannot torture.

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You know, at one occasion this isn't Buhari, the prophets, Allah Lawson was sending an army and he stopped them and he said, that I allowed you before, to burn, meaning to burn an enemy. But don't do that. Because only Allah has the right to do that. Because burning someone to death. This is extremely painful. This is something that is not acceptable in our religion. It has no room in our religion, no place at all. If the prophets Allah Madison forbade then who can do this?

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The prophets on a lot of sense that if you slaughter slaughter, well be efficient.

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And this is why we have been told that when an animal is slaughtered, go straight at the vein. Right, so that the animal dies quickly, and also the blood is drained out of the body very quickly, it's more efficient.

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The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Let each one of you sharpen his blade, make sure the blade is sharp, and let him spare suffering to the animal that he slaughters. Do it as quickly as possible, so that the animal doesn't suffer much pain.

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So far, either watch about juluca when it has fallen on its side, meaning the animal is dead, then for Kuru minha, then eat from it. And why the haste? Wait, what altering will Connor eat from it and also feed someone else who should you feed a Laconia? Who is Connor from off new nine. Connor. Connor is basically a poor person who is content with what he has. Because Canara is contentment.

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Right? Then when a person has content, he's satisfied with what he has, even if it is a little.

00:32:37 --> 00:32:49

So Kanye is a person who is poor, he doesn't have much, but he's still content. And this is the reason why he will not go around begging, he will not go around asking others.

00:32:50 --> 00:32:51

This is funnier.

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And, and Martha, Martha, I mean, rah, rah, era Therma is to address to speak to someone in a very humble way.

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How to speak to someone in a very humble way that I'm so poor, I have nothing I really need your help so on and so forth, like to present oneself as very miserable, beautiful stage that the other has pity on you and they help you this is your Atharva so Martha is one who goes to people begging for food, all right, but obviously politely who is on here?

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Who was funnier? The one who will not go ask who is more thought? One who will go ask. So what do we learn over here feed everybody those who ask and also those who do not ask, go find people and give them

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the Delica Sahana Hala Khan thus we have subjected these animals for you. Look them for you Allah Allah come touch Quran so that you will be grateful. So show some gratitude. Think about how much meat we eat on a weekly basis. And how many different kinds of meat and different cuts of meat we enjoy. And we forget where this meat is coming from.

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Forget about meat think about eggs.

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You know the other day it hit me that an egg. How does it come?

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It's basically a chicken giving birth.

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I mean, we think well it's only an egg. Yeah, this I think it's bad. Just get rid of it. Yeah, I know the egg has been cooked but it's okay. I don't want to just throw it away. You know where that came from. The chicken had to go through so much pain to lay that egg. And here you are tossing it away, treating it as if it's nothing. Think about where it came from.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:59

The meat that we throw away Where did that come from? From an animal that gave its life so that you could eat Allah has subjected these animals to us. Let's show some gratitude. Law Allah compassion Quran How do we show gratitude by using what Allah subhanaw taala has given us in the right way?

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By showing gratitude using saying words of sugar

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after eating, saying some doll of sugar, saying Alhamdulillah at least.

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And then sugar also we show by sharing the blessing with others, right?

00:35:16 --> 00:35:23

So don't just be concerned about eating it yourself. Give to others also whether they ask or they don't ask

00:35:24 --> 00:35:41

layan Allah Allah learn never yen Allah it will reach Allah Allah Lu Maha their meat. Wala and nor the man who have their blood, whose meat and whose blood, the animal that you sacrifice

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at Hajj or when a person is at home but at the time when they slaughter an animal or otherwise throughout the year when an animal is slaughtered, Allah's name is mentioned. Does the meat reach Allah

00:35:55 --> 00:36:40

Lahoma houmas Florida of La la ms meet demand is the plural of dumb dumb is blood does a blood reach Allah? No. You know for instance, if a person is dedicating an animal to an idol, what do they do they slaughter the animal and this for the blood over the idle are rounded or you know they bring the meat over there. Right? Can you do that? Can you take this to Allah subhanaw taala No, lay in Allah Allah Allahu Allah, Allah Dima Guha, the meat does not reach Allah. The blood does not reach Allah than what reaches him when I can, but yen and who it reaches him a Toccoa min come the taqwa the fear of Allah, from you,

00:36:41 --> 00:37:29

meaning the state of your heart with what spirit? Did you perform this action? With what love with what dedication? Did you perform this ritual? That state of heart, your piety? That is what Allah subhanaw taala wants to see. So it doesn't matter how many liters of blood you've shed or how many animals you've slaughtered? That doesn't matter what matters is with what state of heart did you do it? Because if we are having five animals slaughtered even, but we're showing off, or we're doing it with resentment, then that deed is not going to bring anything layin Allah Allah Allahu Maha Willa Dima Guha, Wallachian Allahu TacoMan comm can Alec Sahara Allah calm, thus has Allah subjected these

00:37:29 --> 00:37:49

animals for you? Little capital Allah Allah Maha Darko. So you may glorify Allah over what He has guided you obey shouldn't Morrison in and give good news to those who do the sun. So what do we see over here that first of all, let's be concerned about the state of our heart when we're performing any act of worship,

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any act of worship, whether it's the recitation of the Quran, or it is giving money in the way of Allah, or it is a big action such as going for Hajj, or going for Umrah, any deed we're doing? Let's think about the state of our heart wearing the hijab, anything we're doing, how are we doing it? Why are we doing it? How do I feel when I'm doing it? That is what Allah subhanaw taala wants to see.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:20

You know, like in the Hadith we learn, Allah doesn't look at your appearances and or your money.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:22

What does he look at?

00:38:24 --> 00:38:46

What does he look at? Well, I can younger ILA. Kullu, become more Armonico. He looks at the state of your heart and your deeds. That is what matters. Allah has subjected these animals for you. Right? You use them only because Allah allowed you to. If Allah wanted, you could have never done this. So don't try to show it as a favor on Allah, that you are obeying.

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Because sometimes when we're performing a good deed, it's as if we are doing a favor to Allah. We're doing a favor to the deed. No, it's not a favor to Allah. It's a favor to us. Lead to capital Allah Allah Maha Docomo. And when you're doing this, do Takbeer of Allah.

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What is that we're saying? Allahu Akbar. And in the days of Hajj, the Tobia, right or when you're not at hedging the days of the Rohingya, what do you say? Fuck me, Rod. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar. Why do you say that Allah Maha comb because of the guidance that Allah has given you? Well, why shouldn't mercy Nene and give good news to those who do x and what is their son to do something in the best way, in the most beautiful way, in the correct way. So those who perform the rituals of Hajj in the best way, closest to sunnah in the best way possible, in the way that Allah subhanaw taala has prescribed, give good news to them, that their efforts will be

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So do Ersan in whatever we're doing, not to gain popularity, but to receive good news from Allah subhanaw taala. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.

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me the ghouls Milan y'all

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either one Jamba Juice

00:40:28 --> 00:40:29

Bonnie more

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the school

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00:40:52 --> 00:40:54

Gallica Safar

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too long.

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Sometimes our dreams can take years to come

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to reality or to come true to happen to us. Jaffa of new Mohammed was asked by a man who have seen a dream that albino dog was looking at blood and this blood belong to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, a blood was spilled, and this dog biting your dog was licking it. So, Al Hakim Mohammed said that there is someone will kill one of the prophets, Allah Salam, his family member, and that person will have some of the characteristics of that dark

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50 years later on.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:00

And Hussein, the grandson of the prophets of Allah, was killed by the hand of an albino.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:07

And that man was shimmer on the ocean, who killed the grandson of the prophets, Allah Allahu, Allahu Allah, he was

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actually on the Allahu anhu, out of aha, have seen also a dream. And that dream was interpreted for her, that she will have three great men will be buried in her place. And also it happened exactly the same way. It will interpret it for her. So your dreams can take years to happen and to come to reality, don't rush to find the answer right away or don't think it is something has to be instant instantly happen. What is more important for us to understand how to deal with our dreams. And that's really what I would like to focus on. In my talk about the world of dreams, which is our own night, one night where we talk about all things related to dreams from A to Z. I hope that that

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night will give you a better understanding of our dreams and a better way of dealing with them. May Allah subhanaw taala to give all of us Sophia was Saramonic Allah

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when the Prophet sallallahu sallam was in Medina, in a few years later, he had a dream that the Sahaba the prophets of Allah and then went for Umrah and remember that the dreams of the prophets what are they

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a form of Revelation, right? So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam realized that it was time for them to go to Makkah and perform Ramadan. So the Sahaba everybody, they've got ready everybody is going for Omaha. And what happens when they reach Makkah, they're not allowed to enter. And the Sahaba were disappointed that the dream of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has not come true. But what happened? A deal was made with the machete con, the soul who they via the following here, the Sahaba came with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they performed Aurora. And then what happened, this deal, this soul who they be led to the conquest of Makkah,

00:44:06 --> 00:44:54

right. So what do we learn dreams matter? They are important. And remember that they are 40th or 40s. I don't remember the exact fraction, but they are a fraction of y. Meaning it is through dreams that Allah subhanaw taala communicates with the servants also. Right? So sometimes we think dreams don't matter at all. We completely ignore the dreams that we have. And sometimes we dwell over every single dream that we have. Right? So dreams are important. They play a role in our lives. I mean, as you see, use of Rene said I'm also he had a dream and it took a whole lifetime for that dream to become a reality. So it's important for us to understand our dreams.

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Because sometimes we go after other people, asking them to interpret

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But can they interpret dreams for us? Not necessarily. And who are they to know that this is the right interpretation of your dream? The best person to interpret your dream is you know who? Who yourself? You yourself.

00:45:14 --> 00:45:19

And I hope after this class nobody will come to me asking me to interpret their dreams because I don't know how to interpret dreams.

00:45:21 --> 00:45:22

I really don't know.

00:45:23 --> 00:45:31

Subhanak allong will be handy Kenosha de la ilaha. illa Anta Mr. Furukawa to win A a Salam or Aleikum Warahmatullah wabarakatuh

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