Hamza Yusuf – Arabic Lesson On Triliteral Roots – Part 2

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of learning the Arabic language and its deeper meaning. They explain that the language is a way to redefine the meaning of words and that it is a way to avoid confusion. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of studying the language to better understand it and avoid mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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until it reaches that level now you look

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what what is the attribute at its CD cover have a record of it. It says there's only one attribute of the tongue,

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that's praiseworthy, all other attributes of language and what is

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That's the only attribute that is praiseworthy at the time. Now, what is the opposite of truthfulness?

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Now why do we tell a lie

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there's interest right so it's a loaded lies that are loaded when sipped from.

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Why does a child talk to you I guarantee you have to teach your child to lie children do not know lies and I guarantee you if you never teach your children life they will not know how to lie they learn what they learn in two very subtle ways they can learn for instance

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by you saying something like when the bell rings you tell the child tell the parents aren't home

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they go to the dorm they say my dad said to say that they're not home

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he doesn't know yet to do that.

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He doesn't know that right and that's why children will say things that get their parents into trouble why is that man so fat

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but he got he hasn't learned yet that there's things there's truth you temperature

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right you have to temperate so sick

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is that there's no

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it's pure

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and that's what I saw that is his pure now what is Sokka

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it's charity right? what's what's different from charity?

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What makes charity charity

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there's no

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lane read we can just

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imagine that. We are doing this

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we're doing this from Sitka Nia

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right the tension is pure.

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I mean you can look I was going to look at a few other meanings here.

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For instance, the net and the net that top right what is net attempting

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to sprout for the better

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the baton to sprout for

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sprout for what does net

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net worth determinant is O'Neil kurama

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design kurama

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has been no better.

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But it has the idea of throwing it away in boo boo that somebody like in

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the untouchables, outcasts they've been thrown out right? Now what does that mean?

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what does that mean?

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to call somebody to throw a bad name at somebody?

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What does that mean?

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It's related to limited TA and PA are related in Arabic By the way, like I in and Hamza are related. You'll find out a lot

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and are related. My ba ba What's it mean? Anybody? What does your standard for me

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to draw out right to what would never allow me

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to come out to gush out

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What is another I mean?

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Your mouth?

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Yeah, to know that a young young boy is a spring. So it's a spring that's flowing out. So each one of those is related to this idea of coming out of coming forth of being

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projected out, throwing out. And you go on and on like that. And you can go through there because I guarantee you'll start seeing all of these packets and digital status is the great, he wrote his margin and Mark is in Doha, right? So we have a great gift in the Arabic language allows given this oma a great gift. And,

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and we have to, to learn the language and utilize it. And we have to recognize also that this language is a way out of the magnets of this modern condition of nihilism and meaninglessness, because it restores

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the deep meaning, right? I mean, you can create an entire cosmology based on the Arabic language. And there are scholars that done that, because the Arabic language does explain the world that explains it, because we believe, and this is the dominant opinion, and anybody who really studies that has to come to that conclusion. We believe that the Arabic languages is Tokyo, that Allah subhana wa, tada has given this language. Now I want to mention that in a speech, and I had a Saudi linguist, come up to me afterwards and said, That's not true that, you know, the Arabs have all these words for sand just like the Eskimos have all these words for snow.

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And it's a language that's determined by its environment, just like any other language.

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That is not true.

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It's not true either that the indian indian, there's unicorn in us in the Eskimos, the Eskimos only have two words for snow. And there are actually more words in English for snow than Eskimos have. And the that somehow creeped into literature. And there's there's a book that was written called the

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Eskimo, snow, myth, and other linguistic hoaxes.

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Because somebody actually you read stuff in the literature and, and a lot of people just assume because our epistemology, despite what Western people want to admit, our epistemology is largely based on trust.

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It really is. They don't like to admit that. But they're all if you read any academic work, it's filled with footnotes. Well, those guys aren't checking every single thing that was ever said. I mean, they're trusting that their colleagues, you know, that they were being truthful

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when they made those statements. And it's not always the case. Sometimes they're the things like the 100th monkey myth, which you'll see a lot in books. It's some Japanese study that was done, and it was done. But they, you know, this idea that you get to this

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with what rupert murdoch called morphogenic resonances, which is interesting, but they use this as a proof for that, that these 199 monkeys learned how to clean potatoes. And then when the 101 did, suddenly monkeys on other islands started doing the same thing, right. And so there's this idea that you reach a critical mass, that it starts to jump to other places, without having any material connection. Right. And this is a lot of new age books, will repeat that story, but you'll actually find it in serious works, but it's just one of these. It didn't actually happen like that. It was a very poorly done, study. So my advice to myself and all of you is that we have to really study the

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Arabic language.

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