Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P17 164B Tafsir Al-Anbiya 30-35
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Lesson number 164. So little Ambia ID number 32 5001 I'm your AlLadhina cafardo have the disbelievers not seen those who disbelieve have they not seen have they not realized?
Have you not understood?
unless somehow what you will although that the skies and the earth, Canada, they both were, what fun.
They were a joined entity what raw the path
is to repair something
like for example, if you're a buyer
gets ripped, okay, what are you going to do? You're going to take it to your mother and you're going to ask her Can you please repair this for me? So what is she going to do? She's going to stitch it up together.
You understand? This is about
luck, to patch up to sue together to close up.
So the skies in the earth, how were they? They were closed up. They were together, like two pieces of cloth are stitched together. So the skies in the earth were together they were joined entity they were one. What happened then for them for Taco now. We separated Homer, both of them. We separated the sky and the earth fuck fat off,
to rip to tear to rupture.
And when something tears, it ruptures and what happens it kind of expands.
Right? Like for example, if you have a job and it gets a tear, then what will happen? It will kind of expand. Right? So this is fuck. We separated them so that they became disjointed.
They were together before and we separated them.
Musab Bill FAAC Muslim bill
is a person who is afflicted with hernia. What is a hernia? It's when there's a tear between the muscles when the muscles weaken and then there's a tear so what happens all the flesh it begins to come out of there so this is fuck there was a tear and now the flesh keeps coming out
all right, so the skies in the urine they were together we separated them when you're on that and we made mineral Murray from water cooler che in everything Hagin alive.
Meaning every living thing everything that is living that has life that has had it came from what its origin was ma its origin was water. So everything that has life It came from water Allah
He created life with what with water? What your lemon Allah a Kula che in high a fella you mean on, then will they not believe? Why don't they believe those who disbelieve in Allah being the creator, the owner, the Sustainer, the provider of every creature? Don't they know the origin of this universe? Don't they know how all of this came about? They know, they know really well. And the more they advance in their knowledge and their experience, the more they realize how the sky and the earth. They were not as we see them today, long time ago was very different. Certain billion years ago, very different. The sky and the earth completely different. What happened? They came from
who brought them into existence, who put them in their form in their current form. Allah subhanaw taala did
know Karbala. He said that Allah separated the sky and the earth by admitting air between the two. All right, or gamma he said the sky was closed. It was closed so that no rain would fall from it. The earth was closed such that nothing would grow from it. So Allah subhanaw taala opened up the sky so that the rain would fall he opened up the earth so that plants would grow. These are their theories. All right. And now people have their own theories, whether they call it the big bang or whatever it is, but we all realize this is something that's understood that this earth was not always the way we
You see it right now, it was something else before the sky was something else before it has been created, it has been brought into this form. So who brought it into this form? Who did Allah subhanaw taala? Did
you know like to say that when the Big Bang occurred, then what happened? Expansion, right? I mean, all these different celestial bodies, they expanded, expanded, and then you have space you have time, you have matter, right. And as time goes by the universe is expanding, and wait time what will happen, it will shrink, and it will finish. All right. Now, they say that time and space, they are a result of the Big Bang.
So if you want to know about the cause of the Big Bang, you're looking at something that existed before time and space existed. So you're looking at something that is beyond time and space. Tell me who is beyond time and space? Who? Allah subhanaw taala? Who a while. All
right, well, while I hit a wall badly, he is beyond time and space. So anyway, after realizing this, after knowing this, whatever theory people come up with, Allah says, if Allah Umino don't they believe what they believe? They know that this matter of universe is beyond them?
Believe Allah is the One who created you, how can you ignore him? How can you pretend that he doesn't exist? How can you be indifferent to him?
And look at the next part of this idea that we have made everything alive how with water? If you think about it, there's so many different planets or whatever that exists in the universe that we know off. But we haven't discovered life over there. Right? Why is there life on Earth? What's the difference? There's water here. Right? Three fourths of the Earth's just water. So what you're learning and my kalasha in high who made water who decided that water should be on this earth? Allah? If Allah yo Menon then will they not believe what you're on and we have made Phil early in the earth are aware see firmly set mountains port of LA Sia? Something that is deeply rooted?
Right, like pegs?
You know, for instance, when a tent is pitched, then you tie the ropes with a bag or a nail. And how was that back? It's deep. It is what is holding the tent together. If it was not for those pegs, that tent would collapse. So likewise, these mountains, they're like begs for the earth destabilize the earth? And if these mountains were not there, then what would happen to the Earth's surface always moving? Life would be impossible. What your level of the RWAs here? Why have we placed these mountains in the earth and to me, they'll be him last, it would sway with the move with them to me that mean yeah, that made made this to shift to move back and forth. If it was not for these
mountains, then this earth would
not feel still,
we know that the Earth is not still it's moving. Right. And even these plates on the earth, they're constantly shifting and moving. But we don't feel that why? Because Allah subhanaw taala has made the earth such with the mountains in it, that we don't feel all these movements when you're under fee her and we have made no meaning in this earth few Jiajun pathways, free judges of Florida fudge and fudge is a mountain pass. Alright, meaning an open space or a pathway that is between mountains,
between mountains. So you see, for instance, between two mountains, there's literally like a road between them, or mountain ranges and you can see pathways between them.
So who made this Allah subhanaw taala as soon as ways natural roads, law law methadone so that they're guided, they're guided meaning to their destinations, they can find their way they can get from one place to the other. Because as human beings, we've always had the need to travel for different reasons, to find food to find shelter to find a better, safer place to move, whatever it may be.
We've always had the need to travel. So what has allowed people to travel go from one place to the other.
One of the things is what's mentioned over here, these natural pathways, natural roads, even if you look at Rivers, you know when you look at a map for example, rivers, what do they look like? Roads
what you're on this summer, and we have made the sky soccer fan my phone was suck
A ceiling, sub ceiling meaning what you see from below from inside. So for instance, when you're inside a building, and you look up, what do you see? Ceiling. So this is what you see above you, the sky is a suck, it's a ceiling, that is my fault that is secure, have felt well, meaning it's safe and secure. The ceiling itself is safe and secure.
How that it protects the Earth from what is outside.
And the ceiling. It's invisible. We can't even touch it, we can't even see it. This force this energy whatever it is, it's protecting the earth so that what is outside doesn't reach in doesn't hit the or doesn't try fear. And the times that it does we see the devastation that it causes. So weird you're on the summer suck fun, my full law and also a protected ceiling meaning protected against the shayateen against the devils were home but they are and I T have from it. If that was if the if that are there in this ceiling. The big big signs that we see in the ceiling in the sky. What are these? What do we see in the sky, from the clouds to the rainbows to the birds that fly and far
away the sun and the moon and the stars and all that is beyond all these ayat Allah says they are more valuable when they turn away from them. They don't pay any attention. They don't take any lesson. They see them and they look away. They realize how small they are. Yet. They don't humble themselves before Allah. They study it. They get to know how it came about. But they completely leave a lost parent or out of the equation.
They don't reflect they don't learn. We learn in the Quran in surah use of work I am and I attend for summer where it will all your maroon RLA her wahama Anna Maria don't they passed by the signs this Elam yet the turn away? Wahoo Olivia halacha Leila one Maha and he is the one who has created the night and the day.
Time, constantly changing time where shumsa will come up and the sun and the moon one comes in the day one comes in the night call on each V Falcon in an orbit yes but whom they're swimming. Follow up what is falak fat lamb calf. falak is basically the path of a celestial body meaning the path it takes its movement.
So each celestial body whether it's a star or a planet or a galaxy, whatever it may be, it is in a falak on a particular path in a journey that is fixed for it. Yes, by whom? They are swimming. Yes Bahamas from seen Baja Saba literally means to swim. It's to move swiftly, either through in water or through air. So when it comes to these if in the sky, the sharks the calmer and all else, they are yes but homing they're moving, floating swiftly gliding
and we know that nothing in this space is still or is it it's not nothing is still everything is moving on its course and who has decreed its course? Allah subhanaw taala Cunanan FIFA Kenya Sperone Prasad recitation
told me that
the judge Sue bowler
what you
want to call upon
woman and we have not made li Bashar in for any man min publica before you I'll hold the eternity. No, every man who came before us every person what happened eventually he died he passed away. Likewise, it
We are here today, are we to stay forever? No, we too are going to die. Because Allah has not made for any man on this earth hold what is hold eternity, perpetuated and less duration. Who know this basically when something remains as it is without any change without changing.
So for instance, Hawala from the same route is used for those tones, which are kept around a baking oven.
Alright, don't think of your fancy latest oven. Okay? Electric one or gas one, I'm talking about a mud one. All right. And when you have a mud oven, then what do you have over there also, stones? Alright, that you keep inside or around it? How often do you have to change them? Never
do you never have to change them, you will probably die before they change. All right. So while it is used for such stones, because they just remain as they are without changing, maximum their color changes, that's it. But what what happens to what
it burns, you have to keep getting new wood, more wood, oil, you run out of it. Gas, you need a constant supply of electricity, you need a constant supply. But when it comes to stones, I mean they stay exactly as they are, they don't change. So no person can remain in this world exactly as he is without changing. No, he will age he will get sick. He will die. Alpha emitter, Allah asks, What fell then in F Mytho? You died for Homer, Holly Dune, then will they remain forever? You see them which again, they didn't like what the prophets on Watson was telling them, right? So they would comfort themselves by thinking one day he's gonna die. So when he dies, things will go back to
So they were waiting for his death basically. All right, and they would comfort themselves by thinking about the time when he would be dead. Allah's Panthera says you're not staying here forever. That's true. In a coma util, you are definitely going to die. But they will also die. Why are they waiting for your death? If you die? Are they going to stay forever? Or they're? No, they're also going to die.
Recently, I read something so beautiful by sister Hala Benoni. about jealousy.
That if you want to see if your heart is really pure, then see how you feel when you learn about someone's success or accomplishments or what they have gained, okay? And if you feel uncomfortable in your heart, that's the first reaction in your heart. When you find out that someone has gotten something someone has obtained something, then that means your heart has jealousy. Now, how do you fight jealousy? How do you get rid of it? By realizing that what you have cannot be taken by somebody else? What you have is for you?
Isn't that true? Isn't that what we learned from the Hadith that what has missed you could never have reached you and what has reached you could never have missed you.
So when you realize that what is for me is for me, and what is for someone else is for them, it was never meant for me. And what's for me, it was never meant for someone else, then this is what brings true contentment. This is what will read the heart of jealousy.
This is what will make a person happy. So never wait for other people to suffer so that you can be happy. Never wait for other people to die so that you can live. No, you have your life they've been given their life, you will die, they will also die. But we wait. You know what when we have envy or when we're jealous of someone, when we have a problem with them. We want them to suffer so that we can be happy. But your happiness does not have to come from their suffering. Just like your risk does not come through someone's poverty. If we want to get rich, that doesn't mean somebody needs to become poor. If we want to become healthy, that doesn't mean someone needs to become sick.
You understand? So if we want to live a happy life, that doesn't mean that someone needs to die. No, we can be happy. Why? Because the giver of happiness is Allah subhanaw taala the giver of life, the giver of health, the giver of wealth is Allah.
So alpha emitter if you were to die for him will Holly dune will they live forever? No, they're not going to live forever. So don't wait for others destruction in order to be happy.
Allah says coluna Epson every soul there are two mode is one to taste death, that equal to one that tastes every person is going to taste mouth that meaning every person is going to die. And notice the word though. What does that mean? To taste something in the mouth? When you taste something? What does it mean? It's real.
It's real, you're not hallucinating, you're not dreaming. You're not just smelling that food, you're testing it. It's really in your mouth. It's a true real experience. So every person is going to experience death, a real experience of death. It's not like, yeah, something will happen and then we will just be dead. No, you have to go through the experience of death. Every person, every soul, that effort to remote, the ultimate end is death. Whether we live a happy life, or a sad life, a successful life, or the life of a loser, whatever life we live, ultimate end is death. And while we are living one of the LUCAM, we are testing you surely will hide with evil and with good, fit
nothing as a test as a trial. And remember that what Elena told Geralyn and to us, you shall return
every person is going to die because coulomb and Isla fan
No person is going to remain forever. You see them wish they came, they would wait for the profits of a lot of serums death, a loss pound on it reminds everyone is going to die.
And right now while you are living, you are being tested. Don't lose focus. Just because someone will die doesn't mean you will be happy. Don't wait for happiness to come. Don't wait for success to come because of someone's death.
It was just mentioned how all the planets are always constantly moving, then it kind of makes us think what's the purpose of our life? Should we really be sitting around?
Exactly. I mean, Conan fi Falcon. Yes, Varun, every galaxy, every Sun, Moon, whatever is moving in its orbit. So every creature is doing what it's supposed to, when we are alive, should we just be sitting around, waiting for someone to die so that we can get up and do something? No, get up and do something because your time is limited. And if you're finding it hard, then you know what this is part of life because Allah tests people through shallow and high. Notice, we test you through evil and good. Not only evil, or only good.
So nobody has it all bad, and nobody has it all good. Remember this? You know, sometimes we compare our situation with another person situation, right? And we're like, I'm suffering so much in my marriage, this individual is so lucky. They're so happy in their marriage.
You know what you only know one side of the story. He don't know the other side. They may be very happy in their marriage, but maybe in their health in their body. They're suffering a lot.
So remember, Allah tests, people with both sharp and height not only sharp, and not only a combination of both. This is why there are times of joy, and there are times of sadness. This is why there's success. And there's failure, isn't it? There's health and their sickness, there's night ending. They're the highs and the lows.
This is life. When blue conditions we will highly we are testing you with evil and good fit nothing as a test. But what do we do with the shot that we are in? And what do we do with the height that we're in? That is what matters what we do?
Because if we are being afflicted with some sharp, let's say, we're doing something and other person is also doing something, they're winning, and we're losing.
They're getting it all right, and we're failing at every step. This has shot for us. Right? Now over here. What matters is not just the failure, but what we do. Do we begin to feel jealousy for that individual? Do we want them to lose so that we can when
we're failing that test?
You understand? What matters is what we think? Do we lose our faith and along with their do we increase in our faith in Lost pants on over there? Do we reach out to him seeking His help? Or do we just sit there and disappointment? This is the test because these victories these losses these
You know, ups and downs, they're gonna be over. Nothing is forever in dystonia, or is it?
Seasons? Do they change? days? Do they change? months, years? Just the other day, I was writing a date. And I said, year 2014. And my son goes, no more lights. 2015 I'm like, oh, yeah, that's right.
You, you forget that the year has changed. I remember when 9099 turned into 2000. Such a big deal. Right? But it's a change of the millennium. It's such a big change. But these changes, what are they reminding us constantly, nothing is going to remain as it is. So stop worrying about what you've lost. And stop getting deceived by what you have gained. Don't feel proud over what you have. And don't give up hope because of what you've lost. No, life is still gonna continue whether we are here or we're not here. What matters is what we do what we say what we think.
And another thing about jealousy that helps you take away all the Envy is making a happier person. So every time you see someone who has what you want, and you say, Oh Allah, but but I can what they have a llama Baddeck What's it and increase them and that immediately that feelings goes away because you know, the one who gives them as a lot and you can give you what you want. Right?
So when a blucon visionary will highly fit Nathan. Hola, hola, como el Hayato, Lea bloco or ucommerce anomala.
The word fitna always like I don't know, catches my eye. Because it's like, the process that purifies metal, right. And like, all these tests, no matter how painful they are, they're meant to make us better.
They are a purification because with every test, what do you realize? You know, for instance, you saw that, if you have your own car, that's it, you'll be good, you'll be fine.
Right? And then you get that car.
But then when it's minus 25, outside, and you try to start that car, and you feel like it's never gonna start, can What do you realize, you know what, this car was not worth my tears. It was not worth my effort.
Right? With every test your reliance upon these means upon the things of this world that the Wakil it breaks,
and your reliance upon the last panel time that increases if you're going through the tests in the right way, if you're really passing those tests. And recently, somebody was telling me about a young boy, who got cancer. All right. And it was a huge surprise, obviously, for the family and everybody. And they were told, if this brings you closer to Allah, then this was a test.
It was a means of purification. But if this takes you away from Allah, then it was a punishment.
If it takes you away from Allah, that it was a punishment.
So this is something we need to remember difficulties come our way, and they change they go away.
But what was the output of that difficulty? What was the consequence? What was the result? What do we have in our hands? Are we closer to Allah? Are we better in our heart?
When a blucon The szegedi will highly fitna, 10 were Elayna to Jeroen and just remember to us you will return you're not staying in the world forever in this mess in this misery, it will be over you're going back to Allah. Things will change.
Recitation will merge our
affairs me
be Shani.
You see how visionary well Heidi? evil and good. So if a person is suffering from evil, remember that after this evil there will be good. And if a person isn't a good state right now, then remember that after that there will be sure no one stays in a constant state. No, that state will always change. Always and in that change is a test.
How we react when we lose something, how we react when we gain something.
What is the state of our heart, our hope in Allah, our fear of Allah, our trust in Allah Our love for Allah, what is the
State of the heart that is what matters