Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 162E Tafsir Ta-Ha 131-135

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of not extending one's vision and staring at something for a long time is emphasized. The need for people to remember their own reality and not compare oneself to others is emphasized. The challenges of media and the need for social media to improve one's life are also discussed. The importance of staying true to oneself and not wasting time on small talk is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Well attimo den nine eek. Another, another command that Allah subhanaw taala gives to the prophets of Allah to set them so that he is happy, so that he can deal with the difficulties of life. What is that letter McDonough? Do not extend mud meme dal dal, what does mud mean? To stretch to extend? So do not extend I Naika your eyes, both of your eyes. Extend your eyes, you pull your eyes.

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What is this vision? All right? Meaning Do not stare, right? From far, staring longingly with desire. Because when you're looking at something from far, and you're constantly looking at it, you're not even blinking, you're not even, you know, moving your gaze away from it, then this is like you're extending your vision.

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You're not even interrupting it. You don't even break it. You don't cut it short. So this is like an expression which is used for staring at something for a long time. You know, with hustle with desire.

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Like for example, you're driving and you see a huge building fancy apartment building. And you're just staring at it. Keep looking at it, scanning it from the penthouse. Okay, forget about the building, you just stare at the penthouse.

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Right? And you're just staring at it was a design. You wonder. I wonder how it is from inside. I wonder how much it costs? Oh my god. It starts at 1 million. Wow, who can live there? Wow, there must be so rich. And you see, you get lost in your thoughts. And you're just looking and looking and looking? Because what is that you constantly look at something that you desire, right? Because if there's something that you don't like, you're not going to bother looking at it. The prophets of Allah Islam is stalled. Don't waste your vision. Right? Don't look Illa mama Tana Bihi to where that by which we have given enjoyment to who, as well as your Minho, different groups of them different

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groups of who have people, different categories of them. Because there are different categories of people, right. And different people have been given different amounts of wealth. Some people have been given a lot, some people have been given a little less than that. Right? Some people have been given one form of a huge amount of wealth, and others have been given a different form.

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Right? So don't look at it. Don't look at it, don't look at the money that other people have. Don't look at the things that we have given to people.

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You understand what is being said over here, that if somebody has something, which is very expensive, whether it's a house or a piece of jewelry, or a gadget or a car, or clothes or whatever, it may be bag, anything, whatever it may be, don't look at it with desire. I wish I could have that.

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Don't do that.

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Why? Why do you think

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okay, because it makes you ungrateful. For what?

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For what you have, all right, and

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very true. It's going to distract you from your purpose.

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It's going to distract you from your goal. You have a purpose in life, you are a servant of Allah, you have a mission and the prophets have a lot of sentiment a huge responsibility to convey the message forward. And if he spent his life admiring the things that people had, then of course, what you admire that is what you try to get for yourself, right? You try to get that you try to have it. So your efforts are going to go into that direction.

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And these things are not worth it. So let them then don't keep looking on with desire to the things that we have given to different categories of people. And remember their reality. What is the reality of these things? They are just Zaha hired Dunia. They are the Zara, the splendor of the life of this world. What is Zara?

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And Zara is also used for

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These things are just flowers.

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That penthouse that huge farmhouse or that huge property or that five garage or six garage or four garage house, whatever it may be,

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or that house on that particular road or street or a certain area, whatever it is, what is it? It is just Zaha? It's a flower and every flower, what happens to it?

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It withers it dies

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It's not there to stay. When you bring a flower, or you when you bring a whole lot of flowers home and you put them in a vase, and you put the food as well, what happens after some time?

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What happens after a few days, those flowers, they wilt,

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they die, and then you get rid of them. So whether it's a huge house, or jewelry or any expensive thing, remember its reality is that it's going to finish. It's not here to stay. And while they have it, Alena Tina home fee, we are testing them and it's a fitna for them. And look at what you've been given what is basic, and the risk the provision of your Lord, meaning the provision that your Lord has given you, that is height that is better, and it is up call, it is more lasting, it is eternal, what was the risk that was given to the Prophet salallahu, Salam Eman are in

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and we have been given that risk also. So compare these two on the one hand wealth, the things of this dunya the glitz and glamour of this dunya. And on the other hand, Eman and Toccoa. Your son, Quran.

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No hedaya What does Allah say it is korabik there is that your Lord has given you that is heightened or aapko. That is much better, it is everlasting, it is eternal. This is what's going to stay with you forever. This is what's going to benefit you. Because happiness is not attained by things, having more happiness comes from where satisfaction of the heart and what can satisfy the heart that which the heart was made for. It's the risk of your Lord what is going to be a higher on what Africa. And also in this is a lesson that stop comparing yourself with other people. They have so much I have so little, they have this new thing and I don't have that new thing. They managed to get

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a house and I don't have it yet. They have this and this and this and don't compare. Look what your Lord has given you. And when you appreciate what you have, then you will be happy, you will find that best for you. So the risk Arabic that is that your Lord has given you You will find that to be best for you. When you're satisfied with it. When you're happy with it. What will look and order your family beside it with the prayer meaning tell them to pray just like it's married or listen I'm used to order his family to pray. So Prophet sallallahu Sallam you tell your family and your people to pray while still a bit early. And also be steadfast on it. You will be stuck first as well.

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Remember, the word was rubbish. We did it at the end of surah. Maria

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if you find it difficult, do it anyway, force yourself to do it. And it's also to consistently do something be steadfast on it. What's the word Allah, you also do it consistently. And this also shows that when you tell somebody to do something, you better do it yourself as well. Because actions speak louder than words. People learn from your example more than they learn from your words. Lana's Alucard spa, the Prophet saw a lot of time was told, we don't ask you for provision.

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What does this mean?

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Allah is not asking you for provision. You should spend your time in performing the prayer. Tell your family to perform the prayer also. But remember, you're not doing this for us because we don't want anything from you. We don't benefit from what you do Allah does not benefit from what we do. Lana's Alucard his pod don't think that you're doing this to fulfill Allah's need. He needs to be worshipped and this is why you're worshiping him. No, Lana's Alucard is, Allah doesn't want anything from you. He doesn't need anything from you. Lana's Alucard his call. And also, what this implies is that we don't ask you for risk. So don't chase this dunya collecting more and more of this dunya as

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if you have to bring this dunya on the Day of Judgment. Allah did not send you to the world to make dollars. Allah did not send you to this world to make, you know to earn property after property and you know, to have an investment after another. No, you haven't been sent here to collect the things of this world so that you bring them on the Day of Judgment. Lana's Alucard is our we don't want provision from you. We don't need provision from you. Now notice, we provide you we give you this secret from us. Ask us don't waste your life chasing the near because it's a shadow that you will never catch. Notice Zuckerberg will allow Cuba to and the good outcome is for who let the COA for

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those of Taqwa the one who has taqwa, the one who has fear of Allah, then definitely

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You will have a good outcome. We'll call when they say Lola Tina Biya Timmy Robbie, the enemy say, How come Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has not brought a miracle from his Lord, like the staff of Musa or the glowing hand or something like that. Allah says O Allah to him by unit has not come to them by you know a clear evidence which clear evidence man that which fissara Ville Hola, which is in the former scriptures, what is in the former scriptures, what is in the former scriptures

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exactly the news or the prophecy off the coming off Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So, that was given in the previous scriptures now the prophets of Allah Islam has come now the Quran has and the prophets of Allah Islam and the Quran both are exactly the way they were described in the former scriptures. Isn't this enough of a sign? What more do you want? What proof do you want? Well, Oh, and if Annette indeed we look now whom we destroyed them be or DAB him in public? It is if we're being told stop making excuses.

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You understand? Stop making excuses.

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Do what you have to do. Well, Oh Anna, Lucknow, whom we are that women probably. And if we had destroyed them with a punishment before him before who before the coming of the Prophet salallahu Salam Nakatsu. Surely they would have said who don't wish to keep the people. They would have said Robina or our Lord Lola or CELTA? Elena Sula. How come? You did not send a messenger to us? You know, when people don't know about something, they say? Or, for instance, if a person doesn't have money, for example, what does he say? If I wish I had money? If I had money, I would give a lot of charity.

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Right? Like, for example, many people when they're going into med school, you ask them, Why do you want to become a doctor? Well, because I want to help people. But then what happens when they do become a doctor? Who are they helping only themselves? First, they have to pay off their education, and then they have to pay off their house and then they have to pay off one thing after the other, the list never ends. So they don't have time to help other people. They don't have time to help humanity. So when we don't have something, we make big claims. If only I had this, if only I could do this, if only I had this opportunity. But when we get it, then what do we do? Allah says, if we

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had destroyed them, if these people had died, before the coming of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, these people would have said, Yeah, Allah, why did you not send a messenger to us Finiti EBRI attic so that we could follow your vs mill probably before Unadilla we would be humiliated when noxa and disgraced. Now they love Nasir Nadella. Lilla humiliation. And this is referring to the humiliation in this world, not himself his public embarrassment. Public, you know when someone is publicly disgraced, and this is referring to the disgrace in the Hereafter.

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This is what they would have said. But now the messenger is among you. And look at what you're doing.

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Call say kilometer or basin. Each is waiting for a bustle. So wait, there are both raw sloth and thromboses to wait for a result to watch and wait for something to arrive.

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To watch and wait for something to arrive. And what you're waiting for you you're hoping that it would be good.

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Like for example, the person is standing at the airport. All right. And they're looking at that big screen. Right that has this flight has arrived or this flight has arrived. This flight is delayed. Right? So when you're waiting for somebody to come, you keep looking on this is their boss, you're waiting waiting for that particular flight to arrive. So kukula mattala Bissen fissara bustle wait first Atolla Munna soon you will know man is horrible serratus. We who are the companions who are the people of the path that is sweet, that is sound that is trade, that is correct, that is free from extremes, meaning who is upon the truth, who is right, woman a feather, and who is rightly

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guided time will tell. Because you see at this point in Makkah, the enemy was very, very hostile to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, to the Muslims. And they kept mocking at the prophets of Allah and if you really a messenger, how come no miracle if you really a messenger that how can you not victorious that your followers are so weak? He is told to tell them wait, time will tell who is upon the right path and who is rightly guided, you will know. You will find

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out, and it soon happened. Who was it that was guided to victory to success? It was a prophet Sallallahu wasallam in total for con i have 42 we learned was SoFi Ala Moana. Hey, now you're on either mon Abba Lucia Vela. They're soon going to know when they see the punishment who is farthest astray in his way, meaning who is a stray and who was guided time will show but right now, yeah, rasool Allah keep firm on what you have to do. stay firm, was stability. And this is a lesson for us also, that when things are difficult, don't lose focus. What you have to do, keep doing it. No matter how stressful the situation is, no matter how difficult it has become, stick it out, do it.

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Don't leave, don't stop, be patient, get strength through this. Hold on to Allah. And you'll make it through listen to the recitation of these verses

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me as

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dunya the Herat Lahontan high dunya enough Dena fee on Beacon fire oh,

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what more

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quality was farming

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was to leave double work all

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the I

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mean at

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all what I will

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luck on.

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Sunday lleno.

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Deacon Gabelli.

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motel on base

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we're all please sell we want the

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if you want to be miserable, then there's only one thing you need to do.

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And what is that? What do we learn from these? Look at what other people have? And you will be miserable. So what does it mean? If you want to be happy, then stop looking at the things at the blessings that others have been given. Whether it is physical beauty, or is status or it is marriage or it is fame or it is popularity, whatever it may be? Don't doesn't mean look down and don't look at people and don't acknowledge the things that they have. I mean, of course do that. But Latha McDonough don't keep looking at it spending hours

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and minutes, just looking at the things of people. I remember when my mother she told us that how when she was young when she was little whenever they'd go to somebody's house, or go anywhere. My grandfather, if he saw any child staring at something, he would instantly tell them, don't look at it. Look away

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And the same thing my mother did with us also, we were not allowed to stare at things never to keep looking on because this staring it brings hustle it brings greed and dissatisfaction. You know, it's amazing little children even right. One is having a cookie. And the other one sees that Oh, my brother is having a cookie who is mine. And she forgets the two candies that she's holding in her hands. Well, he has a cookie, the I have more than him but I want that cookie.

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And instantly, tantrum. Right upset angry. And many people did stay like this even when they become adults. Houses are full closets are full, but still browsing, you know, from one website to the other one online store to the other. And, of course Pinterest. I mean, what can you say? Right? All you do is a stare at the things that people are making and they're doing and they're wearing and they're saying just stare look on

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and keep filling your board with things that you want to do. You know, maybe eventually you'll do

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and then your life is full of regrets and hustle.

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When we spend hours looking at what others have or what they're doing, then we're miserable. We're

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We're wasting our life. And this life has not been given to us for what? To accumulate this dunya we've been given this very short life. Because remember, the time is the most limited resource that we have. And on this planet,

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it's the most limited resource that each individual has.

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So this time that we have is for making

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and when we are busy looking at the things that people have, we're unhappy. We're not focused, we cannot prepare for the AKA, we're dissatisfied. We're boring.

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So what's the way to happiness? What do we learn from these verses?

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Okay, they could good what else?

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Okay, praying at night. Very good. So after they couldn't the spear Secondly, praying at night, what else brings true happiness?

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Okay, not staring at what other people have done, what do you look at? And what do you appreciate

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what you have, be thankful for the blessings that you have. Because you know, gratitude, it actually makes you happy. And I'm not saying this as a in a very nice fluffy statement. It's true, scientifically proven. The people who are grateful for what they have, they are happier, they are more productive. And this is why many companies, BARDA, what they demand from their employees is what

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gratitude how in the form of some gratitude journal or blog or something in which they have to write about what they're grateful for. Recently, I came across a few lectures by the CEO of the company Mindvalley. All right, and huge, huge company, multi million. And part of what they do is they have a gratitude blog, right, in which everybody from the customers to the people working, everyone is expected to write a word off, or a statement or have a sentence of, you know, what they're grateful for, what they're grateful for. And you can see the people that are working over there, how excited they are about their work, how passionate they are, how happy they are, how satisfied they are. Why

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gratitude, gratefulness, this is what brings happiness and if you keep looking at, oh, I don't have this, and I don't have this and her glasses are better than mine, then every little thing will bother you.

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Then, you know, like, for instance, eyebrows. Alright. I mean, it's clear, we're not supposed to be plucking these, right? It's understood, there's clear to him clear permission. But why is it that the shape of our eyebrows even will bother us, then we will go through the pain of blocking each and every hair and sit in front of somebody and cry and wipe our eyes and

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you know, sweat because of the pain, but we will make sure that our eyebrows are plucked, because we're not satisfied. We're not happy. We're just looking at the faces of models on

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whatever, whether it's YouTube or Pinterest, or whatever it may be. We're just looking at other people. How is it that they shape their eyebrows? And how is it that they do this stuff? I want to be like them.

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live a miserable, unhappy, painful life. Go ahead.

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You had something today.

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I was thinking how last month I was saying to private citizen, I'm an all of us to do cyber when you're being tested. And shaitaan tells us totally opposite. When someone is teasing, you're commenting on you say something, you know, and it will feel good. And it does feel good at that time. And you feel like yes, for first time in my life. I spoke for myself. And then later you realize, oh, that was too much. You know what I mean? So these are you have regrets. Later, you have regrets. And I was thinking it's amazing how shaytans words and his speech and his teaching are always with us. And we are always implying on it, but not the Quran. And it's because Quran is not

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really inside us the way it should be. And I think we should for me, like if I rememorize the idea, then I'm able to do it like a you know, apply on it. So for instance, if I get hurt, and I say right over here I do I feel that the pain goes away. And some of the ideas if I can't memorize and I put in my house somewhere, then I look at it and I you know, start doing it. Yeah. So we can do that. Yes. And this is exactly what was mentioned in the previous is that you can't afford to forget. You cannot because if you forget you're gonna get yourself into deeper problems. So the way is to make sure that you will remember somehow

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I was watching a lecture from Mufti mink, and he said, What sets the man

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apart is that she recognizes that what was meant for her, it will never go away from her like whatever you're supposed to have you will have and what you're not, you won't you don't have your, like you won't have it and not to be sad about that and to recognize that it's from ALLAH SubhanA data so that you should be happy. This is what Allah gave you or protected you from? Yes, exactly. So my name Subhanallah every time I study the Quran, I appreciate studying psychology more, because I feel like without the Quran psychology, yes, it's beneficial. Studying the mind and the body and the heart what everybody's thinking so beneficial. But without the Quran and Han it means nothing.

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So many times I see counselors and therapists, And subhanAllah before was so interested just sitting next to people in their counseling, just to see how they interact. And one counselor, a therapist, she's very well known in the States. And over 30 years, she's doing counseling. And every day she says every day listen to people problem. I am so thankful to Allah subhanaw taala, my Eman increases. So when therapists who was non Muslim and she also had the same experience in her graduated with the same field 30 years, she came to her and she said, I wanted to commit suicide so many times what kept you strong? And why are you happy and you keep going on. And she says, I tell

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my patients every day, listen to music, do something that makes you happy. As soon as you wake up first thing in the morning, do something that makes you happy write down what is going to make me happy today. In the afternoon, if you feel down that blog, or that little note that you have look at it at nighttime if you can sleep, look at that. And she sits upon a lot that remembering my lord, remembering Allah kept me so steadfast, and without having my lord, I would have been probably in the same path as you. That lady accepted Islam right then and there with her. And she continued few years with counseling, and she said, I've never been so happy and contented in my life. And

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subhanAllah that's the importance of having Allah. So when you mentioned these verses that remember Allah first thing in the morning, and the afternoon, and at night and the evening, it's only for our own benefit, knowing that La Ilaha illa Allah, nothing is greater than Allah subhanaw taala because, you know, counselors and therapists, even they need therapy, mandatory.

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You know, that, this friend of mine, she's from the bay, and she's a therapist, she's a psychologist, clinical psychologist, and she works for a big airline company. And basically, she's supposed to do therapy for people who work in that company. And I mean, there's so many hours a week or hours a month that they have to spend taking therapy for themselves. Because what happens is that when you hear the problems that people are going through,

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and you try to help them in that process, many times you end up getting depressed yourself.

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So the prophets have a lot in Salem, he was supposed to be the therapist, you can say for all of the Sahaba and this horrible what were they going through one is being physically abused and another he's being tortured and another is mother or father or killed in front of his eyes. Yanni he had to counsel these people, right. So imagine hearing one story after the other and not just hearing seeing it with your own eyes and going through it yourself. It would ruin you. So what brought comfort to the prophets of Allah is and what was his therapy was the smear it with

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Islam and eco. Nowadays doctors are giving antidepressant medicines, even if you're depressed anxiety, all the restoration are irregular. They are started with the depression pills. So one of my new friends daughter, she was very upset for a long time and she was having a depression tablets. And once she went on a counseling, the counselor said that whatever your faith is, just follow that she was Muslim. And she was not praying. So she came back and now because she was suffering from this disease since a year and she was upset. So she started praying five times and Allah Allah and she feels okay now she is declaring and shouting everybody whosoever is coming into our house pray

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pray pray pray. So now she's

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from the Santa Monica are not only reading or saying just be anything but listen and Quran even makes very comfortable because for me whenever I feel sad or I try like I'm reading Quran and I get sleepy I just cover the Jews and I listen Quran there's a specific ayah that I prefer that I really like. And if I don't listen that they sometimes they go to the you did not listen like I remember that. Like the surah Hood is sort of what but I remember everyday it's not that I don't like the Quran but it makes me very calm and happy and whatever state I am in or indulge or anything brings me out.

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Quran reading or writing is the same things, reading this

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During the cold all of this is helpful. Because remember all of this feeds the heart, right? Smilla Salam Alikum, I was thinking about if somebody stress you're somebody make you angry, just let it go and leave it for the sake of Allah. If you leave it for the sake of Allah, Allah who raised you, please, you cannot even expect. And if you talk back, you will be regret for the rest of your life. Yes. So you know, when you have to bite your tongue, right? You want to say something, but you force yourself to stay quiet. But you need to, you know that energy, you need to release it somehow. How do you release it? Do they?

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I think for us, girls, also, it's easy for us to keep grudges and stuff and remember what people say. But I think when you do that, it hurts you more than what it hurts others because they're gonna forget what they said to you, but you're gonna keep remembering it and then grudge after Greg is gonna like to keep you back from what you're really wanting to do. Yes. Because you see shaitan he loves to see us set.

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You know that? Stefan's goal is to ruin us. Right? So he tries to make us sad and unhappy, and afraid and anxious. Because when we're sad, we can't focus on what's important. Our goals.

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While I'm listening to those is the reflection, give us quite a few messages. First of all, if you're following our prayers, that means we are sleeping at the right time, then we are waking up at the right time. So we are avoiding lots of sensors, simple situations on its own, then we are starting our day with Name of Allah, and then we are finishing the day or name of Allah, which kind of protect us, like when you start doing to us, you almost already feel that you are protected from a lot of negativity. Secondly, does not look at other people.

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Because nowadays, it's technology is like amazing. And it has so much potential for everything. But it has new challenges to the media literacy is the new subject now. So it's difficult to put it down because you want to be connected, it has like its benefits. But looking at Facebook all the time. And then you're going through a crisis. And then you see everybody being happy or party or do whatever. And as much as you don't want to, you're feeling bad because you're going through and everybody else is having fun. You want to get married and everybody else is married or you don't have any children or everybody. However, somebody's situation is. And those kinds of things kind of

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put you in a negative place. I mean, you can use it for different things. But getting this kind of control. It's like bring time management in your life. So I mean, you can see your family, you can stay connected, but it just becomes so much organization in the life, if you're following it. Looking at it for sake of looking at them, putting it back and not looking at it again is difficult. But that's where the balances. And that's where Allah Allah says, don't look at other people. And as you mentioned, decree like knowing that what is meant for you, you will get it and be satisfied with what you have. And Allah has given you. And that kind of bring confidence to that you're happy with

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you are and that is so important. Like when you look at everybody is working on it to be happy with who you are. Like the whole dove campaign works with that for women being satisfied who they are, and so much marketing and stuff is out there. It's like really difficult and challenging. A plus all the dramas that come if you're in Pakistani dramas, they're all about going up against your mother in law going this going that everybody's like talking about speaking up, but it's not really the right thing that you're teaching. So not to be oppressed. Like I don't think slavery is like being oppressed is controlling yourself. It's like controlling with your own choice, like you're

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addressing the conflict, but doing it in a proper way. Yes, that's important. And you know what was mentioned right now that when you will sleep on time when you wake up on time, because you want to do liquor in the night in the morning and evening and this untold your morning, have got an evening of QA, then you don't have those hours, you know, to spend in front of Facebook, you don't have those hours to waste, just looking at other people's profiles and their pictures and so on and so forth. You really don't have the time to do that.

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And that is also something that's going to keep you happy.

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Salam aleikum that says do not stretch your eyes to the people who really makes me to think and nowadays we look at African and we're a consumer society. But at the end, the truth is that richness and wealth do not produce happiness. Happiness is within you

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and some of the richest people in the world are so unhappy and miserable that they even killed themselves So Alhamdulillah we could cure our hearts and find happiness within us. Yes.

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You remember the beginning of surah Taha

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Baja man Zelina alagille. Quran Lita Shah, this Quran has not been revealed to you so that you're miserable and unhappy.

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This Quran has been given to you so that you deliver it to others you improve your life, yes, this job is difficult, and you are unhappy. So now you have to do something to make yourself happy. And what is that? Do the law Allah cutterbar Subhana Allah hamari Hemlock Nisha, do Allah Illa illa Anta Mustafa Luca wanna to bully a cinema alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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