Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 042B Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 23-24

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of "arbitrate" between men and women in the Bible, emphasizing the importance of following the Prophet's teachings and making judgments about one's actions. They stress the need for people to make a judgment on their actions and emphasize the importance of learning the book of Allah to apply it to deal with difficult situations. The speakers also emphasize the need for people to understand the title of the book and not just try to convince them to do something they want to do. They stress the importance of holding onto a specific religion and avoiding mistakes, and emphasize the need for mindful actions and not stopping learning.
AI: Transcript ©
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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lesson number 42. So earlier man, I a 23 to 32

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lm Daraa Isla levena una sleep Amina al kita Do you not consider a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, those who were given a portion of the Scripture, what is so amazing about them? You their own Isla kita Billahi, Lea Kuma Varina home, they are invited to the Scripture of Allah, that it should arbitrate between them. It should judge between them. But what is their reaction? So my other one left for you coming home? While homework alone, then a party of them turns away, and they are refusing. And I'm talking, have you not seen? Isn't this amazing? Isn't it strange? Have you looked at these people?

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And EMTALA, and Hamza? Is the firm, or is this well, is for the purpose of amazement over here. It is to express wonder, it is to express amazement. And it's also to provoke the thought of the listener that think about this, reflect on this incident. And think,

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also, it has been said, that Ananda over here, this is expressing the meaning of it is basically magnifying what happened, that this is a big deal. This is not something that is ordinary. If somebody behaves in this way, it's a big deal.

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And I'm Tara, have you not seen? And Tara, you overhear it singular? Yes, it does refer to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but after him, every listener, everyone who hears this,

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that have you heard this? Can you believe this actually happened? Isn't it amazing? Who and Lavina autotuner Slaven those people who were given a scripture, meaning Have you seen these people who were given a portion of the Scripture, the word Nestle is from the root letter is known swag bag, and the sleeve is used for a portion that is fixed.

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Because literally nothing is to fix or to avoid something. So an asleep is a portion that is fixed that is appointed.

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So these people were given an asleep meno Kitab off the book. What does it mean by this? They were given a portion of the book. What does it mean? My book book over here has been understood as the thriller. So what does it mean by they're given a portion of the book? What does abortion refer to then? The portion over here refers to partial and superficial knowledge of the Book of the Torah, that they only know the words.

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They only know what it says but they don't actually act upon it.

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Because remember, the power of the book, what does it include? Just did our lovely until Omar? No, we're just reciting the words and knowing their meaning no, that is incomplete. That is not the slower did Allah that is a term that is complete, includes Delilah, I'm Alia as well, which is to act upon what a person reads what a person understands. So if a person only reads the Scripture only discusses the words, the text, okay, this is what it means. And that's what it means. And this is what should be done, but doesn't actually apply it. What does it mean that he only has a portion of the Scripture, he doesn't have the entire scripture, he only knows the book superficially,

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partially, because true or in is almost true knowledge is action. So if a person does not implement the knowledge, then he only has a part of the book, he doesn't have the whole book, he doesn't know the whole book.

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Because many things a person doesn't even understand until and unless he actually applies them.

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So if he's only discussing or exercising his mind, when it comes to the book of Allah, then he's not fully understanding until and unless he implements.

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So they're given a portion of the Book, meaning a portion of the Torah which is just superficial knowledge of the Torah.

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Secondly, it has been said that Al Kitab over here refers to all of the Divine books, all of the revealed scriptures. So what is then asleep? What is abortion that these people in particular were given from all of the Divine books? What doesn't asleep refer to them? The Torah. So basically AlLadhina gutu nosleep Amina al Kitab, who does it refer to

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the Bani Israel

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we learned that when the Prophet

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turtle data center migrated to Medina, he encountered many people over there. There were Muslims. There were people who accepted Islam. There were people who remained Michigan and there were some people who were good. They were Bani Israel, the tribes of the Bani Israel. Now, many people from among the Arabs, many people from among the residents of Medina became Muslim, but very few of the Bani Israel accepted Islam.

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Very few of the Bani Israel actually accepted Islam despite the fact that they had the book, despite the fact that they were the ones who are waiting for the Prophet, despite the fact that they will tell the Arabs that when we have our Prophet, we're going to be victorious over you. So they knew of the Prophet they recognized Him, nothing was new for them. But despite this, they did not accept the Prophet sort of autism. They did not believe in him.

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So over here, Allah is saying, Have you seen these people? Have you seen the behavior these people? Isn't it strange that they know the Prophet, they see him they recognize him? They recognize him as well as they recognize their own sons, but still the disbelief in him? Why? Because they only have an asleep of the book. They only know the text, they don't apply it.

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So they see the text. They see it being fulfilled in the prophets of Allah Islam, but they don't apply meaning they don't believe in the Prophet sort of.

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We see over here that Allah says all too, they were given what were they given mostly women, al Qaeda, what does it show? That any person who has knowledge it has been given to him because it's all due? They were given. So any person who has knowledge, it has been given to him by Allah subhanaw taala, especially when it comes to the knowledge of the deen

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we learned in total Baqarah Ira 269. You did hate Mata Masha. Allah gives hikma to whomsoever He wills, what is Hikmah

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the ability to implement the knowledge to know what to do when where and how. Similarly, in throttle curve is 65 We learn where alumna who Mila Duna, and we had taught him from us a certain knowledge and the Prophet sallallahu sallam was told to pray, will call for peace even here in say, Oh my Lord, Increase me in knowledge. Why? Because Allah alone is the one who bestows knowledge. And Allah alone is the one who gives a person the ability to implement the knowledge to act upon the knowledge. So these people who had only superficial knowledge, this knowledge was not enough. Why? Because it did not change their actions.

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Over here, we see you the owner, these people, they're called you the owner is from the line well, they're either

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they're called they're invited in Akita Villa to the book of Allah.

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Why are they called to the book of Allah? Lea kkOma Vina so that the judges between them? Yeah, Coma is from Hong Kong. What does it mean? To make a judgment to pass a judgement?

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So these people the Bani Israel, they are called, so that the book of Allah judges between them,

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they are called by who?

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By the Prophet sallallahu.

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But the question is, what is it mean by the book of Allah, which book of Allah is this? This can be understood in two ways. First of all, it is referring to the Quran

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that they were called by the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that come, this is the book of Allah, accept it, follow it, observe it, this is what you should follow now, all of your judgments, everything in your life must be guided by what by what Allah has revealed.

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So they are invited to follow the Quran, that Leah kkOma Bina home, but what is their reaction? They don't come, they turn away.

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Secondly, it has been said that the Kitab of Allah the book of Allah over here refers to the builder itself, that the people

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of the book, they are called that come. Let your book decide for you.

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Refer to your book and let your book decide for you. Your scripture will tell you as to what you should do. But what is their reaction? What is the ISA sama Yetta whenever you're coming home, but then a group of them turns away, a group of them turns away from the book of Allah, whether it is the Quran, or it is the Torah that they claim to believe in. They turn away from it. Well, whom are they alone while they turn away? The word yet the one that is from the Veterans well lamea and the one Li is to turn it

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away from something, how physically.

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And the one word alone is a plural of more ideal, who is murdered one who does Iraq and Iran is also to turn away from something. But how is it different from dwelling,

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the only is to turn away from something physically. And evolve, is, when a person turns away from something with his heart, it's the aversion of the heart. It's the aversion of the con, the person is not interested in it, he doesn't want it. He doesn't like it.

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You know, sometimes you can't go somewhere. So, physically, you're not there. But your heart is there. You wish you could be that you wish you could do that. And sometimes, a person is not there physically. And he doesn't even wish to be there. So over here, they turn away physically, and in their hearts also, they're not interested in the book of Allah at all. We're home, we're alone, and the turn away. So two different words have been used for the only for turning away one is the only and the other is around.

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Over here, we see that you the owner in Akita villa, they're called to the book of Allah. And the question is, why are they called to the book of Allah when they already have? And when they already have knowledge, because Otona Silybum, mineral Kitab, they have a portion of the Book, they have the Torah. So why are they being called to the book?

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Because first of all, they only had an asleep,

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they had only part of the book, not all of the book, therefore, they need more knowledge.

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That's why they were called to the book of Allah. That's why they were called to the Quran. Also, we see that the knowledge that they had, which is off the book, which is of the Torah, what did they do to the Torah, they changed it, they altered it, you had Rivanna they did the Hadith, as we learned into the Quran. So if the book has been altered, if the book has been changed, what is right and what is wrong? Do they know? They don't know. So they are told, come to the Quran. Come and let the Quran decide for you follow the Quran. Why? Because the Quran will tell you what is right and what is wrong, the book that you have, that has been changed, that has been altered, you've messed it up.

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So the Quran was sent, why to fix those changes.

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It's the final book. But we see that these people, they had their own scripture, although it was changed, although it was altered. Or they had only the sleeve of the book, they only had a portion of the book and what were they told, come to the book of Allah, they were invited to learn the book of Allah. What do we learn from this? That any person who has knowledge of the book, what does it mean by that, that he may have studied the Quran, he may have studied the book of Allah.

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Then even he is called do the book of Allah. Why?

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For further reflection, for further study,

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because remember, studying the book of Allah, reading the book of Allah once, or twice, or thrice, or four times, or five times, or six times, or even 10 times, even 50 times is not enough. Remember that? It is not enough.

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So you the owner, inaccurate or Biller, they're being called to the book of Allah. Why? Because every one needs to improve in their knowledge of the book. The moment a person thinks, I know enough, I have studied enough, that's it, his learning has stopped. His improvement has stopped. Because when you study the Quran, you're not just gaining knowledge. You're not just learning about root letters and root words, and the singulars and plurals and the definitions. No. What are you learning? How can I click on it? What can I do?

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Did I remember this? Did I forget this? So the Quran is not just the book of Allah is not something that should be understood and read as a text. Remember, did our love Leah and did our mountain a week is not enough?

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And, okay, fine. A person may learn about it by studying it once or twice, but in Armenia is a constant, ongoing process. It never stops. It never ends. So over a year, these people they know the book of Allah, but still they're being called gum to the book of Allah can study again, come listen again. But what do they do? They turn away because many times when a person has some knowledge, his ego comes in the way and he thinks I know enough. I have heard in

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If I have done this before, and I don't need to learn anymore, I don't need to reflect anymore. But look you the owner, evacuator Biller, nobody can say that I know everything, and I don't need to learn anymore.

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This is the way off. Nobody is trying that has been mentioned over here. So Maya, you come in home, they physically don't come. And if they do come physically, their heart is not interested. Their mind is elsewhere. They get very bored. But yeah, I know this move on.

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So over here, we see that everybody is invited to the book of Allah, if you know it already. Good. But come again, why? Because you need to know more.

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And if you don't improve in your knowledge, at least you will improve in your reflection. At least it will help you remember more, it will help you apply more, it will help you practice more, it will help you understand the text better.

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So you the owner, Iraqi tabula. Now, over here, it says in particular, that they will call to the book of Allah, why the echo Medina, so that it makes a judgment concerning that. What does this judgment in particular, what is this circle?

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This circle is with regards to the different disputes, the different things that occur in a person's life, the different incidents that occur in a person's life, different situations. So he needs guidance from the book of Allah. And this is exactly why we have to keep studying the Quran. This is why we have to stay connected to the book of Allah. Because we go through different situations in life. And sometimes we forget what the book of Allah says. But if we're connected with the Quran, what happens? We are reminded, we remember again,

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secondly, they were called to the book of Allah so that the judges between them why because their books had been altered. So the book of Allah the Quran, was to tell them how they were supposed to worship, how they were supposed to obey Allah, how they were supposed to deal with other people. But what is their reaction, so no matter what level you come in home for homework,

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we learned that Abdullah been our best studied on him. He said, that a man and woman from labor and who lived in favor the Jews,

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a man and a woman from slavery, they committed Zina, they committed adultery, and according to their law, meaning according to the Jewish law, the punishment for this crime was a project, which is to stone, the adulterer and the adulterers to death. But the dude who committed the crime were of a high status in society, and the Jews did not want to stone them to death.

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Both of them the man and the woman were of the elite, and they did not wish to store them to death. So obviously, if they consulted their own law, that meant stone them to death, so they wanted some other law. And therefore, they brought the case to the prophets otherwise,

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they thought that the Prophet sallahu wa salam would lighten the burden from them, meaning he would not impose the same punishment upon them. Maybe he would say, okay, lash them a few times, or just do something else and not stone them to death.

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But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also gave the same verdict of stone. Norman been over and vehement who were from the Jews spoke up and they said, Mohammed, sort of all the sudden, your decision is wrong. They said, No, Your decision is wrong. They should not be stoned. While you consolidate your book. It gives you that law, it gives you that ruling, you came to him and that's the ruling that he gave you why you're saying that your ruling is wrong. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, the decision between us can only be decided from the Torah, bring the Torah. The prophets are honest and and ask them who is the greatest scholar of the Torah among you? They said, a one eyed scholar

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meaning a person who has only one eye only one eye functions, and his name is even Saudia with Assad, who lived away from Medina. He didn't live in Medina, he lived far away.

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He was called by them. And he came to Medina. Why, because he was the greatest island of the Toba at that time.

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So when he came, the Prophet saw the hierophant and asked that man, if he was actually even Saudia and he said, Yes, I am. The Prophet salallahu Salam asked him, Are you the greatest scholar of the Jews? He said, Yes, people think we saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked him to find the verses of Estonia and read them. He did. But when he came to the actual stoning part, what did he do? He covered it with his hands. And he moved on, because the Prophet sallallahu sallam was unlettered. So obviously, how was he to know that he has read that part or not? So what did he do? He completely ignored that part. He left that part and he read on our don't live in Santa. Who was he?

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He was a Jew.

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But he had become a Muslim. He said, O Messenger of Allah. He has skipped the verse on stoning. He has skipped it, he hasn't read it.

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Then Abdullah bin Salam stood up, and removed his hand from the verse on stoning and read the verses to the Prophet salallahu. Salam, and all those who were present over there.

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And then as a result, the punishment of stoning was applied on the man and woman.

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So we see over here, that these people, they had their book, they had the law, what did they do? They changed it, they altered it. And if they didn't change it, if they didn't alter it, they completely hid it, they completely concealed it.

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And they tried to refer to some other law for a judgment for a ruling. And even over there, they were given the same law,

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but look at them, that they actually cover part of the Torah, so that it would suit their desires.

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You know how sometimes we say that it has no Quran, or we hear so many times within our Muslims, that the Jews, the People of the Book, the previous scriptures, they have the description of the Prophet salallahu Salam, they have the signs of the rabbits are about a seven.

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But how come these Christians are these Jews? They say that they're not there?

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Or how come they say that these descriptions are off another person? How come? Why?

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If a people treat their book like this, that they hide, whatever they will they change whatever they will they alter whatever they will you think they will keep the descriptions of the prophets of Allah for them and their book, you think they will keep them? No, they won't.

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If this is what they did with their book, with their own laws, you think they're going to keep the description of the Prophet salallahu Salam intact in their book? No, they're not. So Allah subhanaw taala is setting this isn't this amazing? Look at these people. Can you believe this is what they do? And I'm Tara, have you not seen this is very strange, that they're called for the book of Allah so that the book of Allah judges concerning them, but what do they do? They turn away from the book.

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So Maya would love for you to comment on what homework you're doing. Notice, two words have been used for a lot over here, we discussed the difference between the meaning of the words but how come, two words have been used? Firstly, it has been said that it is for the purpose of emphasis, that they completely turn away, they have no interest from the judgment of Allah from the ruling of the book.

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Secondly, it has been said that yet are well known, the only has been used why? To show that they turn away physically from the one who is coming them. The Prophet sallallahu sallam was calling them and what did they do? They didn't go to him, they didn't respond to him. And more alone, they turn away. This Marty Luna is the heir of all of the heart, meaning they turn away from that to which he is calling them to they're not interested in the book of Allah.

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So, they physically leave the diary. And they are not interested in that which he is calling them to.

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Then it has been said that the one though has been used. Why? Because it was their own Amma it was their scholars even Surya who was the most learned men. Amongst them. He is the one who turned away and more Elune. Who does it refer to the followers that they just follow the leaders, the scholars.

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Also it has been said that he at the Winona they turn it refers to their present state meaning at that particular incident at that particular moment, this is what they did, it turned away. But more than Elune notice Marty Lunas, in essence, it's a noun, it begins with a meme. And yet the one loner is a verb. So yet the well known describes what they did at that particular incident, and more than he alone describes their habit. This is their habit. They're not interested in the book of Allah enacting upon the book of Allah at all, what should actually be done when a person is called to the book of Allah, he should pay attention to it, how inwardly and outwardly with his heart, and also,

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physically he should be there. Many times we come to the class, and what happens, our hearts are elsewhere. Or sometimes we don't come at all, for the simple reason, too hungry, too tired. I'm cramping. So I'm not going to come? Well, it's the same thing. Whether you sit in the class or outside, you're still going to be in pain, you're still going to be thirsty, you're still going to be tired? Isn't it better? That at the same time, you hear something which might remind you of something that's good for you.

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So, when a person is called to the book of Allah, how should he respond? He should be attentive, he should be there inwardly, as well as outwardly. Because over here Allah mentions both words the worldly

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And Iran. And this is what Allah subhanaw taala disapproves of.

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So What lessons do we learn from this idea? There are many lessons. First of all, we must remember that this idea is not specific to that incident. This idea is not specific to that time, or to those people are just the disbelievers. No, because Quran is for all times. And if there are some people, even today who have the same behavior, meaning they're called to the book of Allah, but the journey away, they fall in the same group.

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What is the purpose of calling people to the book of Allah? What is the purpose? What does the ISA

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Leah kkOma Vina so that the book tells us what we should do, and what we should not do? What is right and what is wrong, the book gives us the criterion. We see that many people even amongst the Muslims, they don't want to listen to the Quran. They don't want to study the Quran, why? Because if I study, I will have to follow I will have to implement. So they don't come at all. But this is actually the one the as well. This is also turning away from the book of Allah.

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So turning away from the book of Allah is not something that just the Jews and the Christians don't know. It is something that unfortunately, we also do, we are called to the Quran class. But what do we do? know, I know already, I have an asleep of the book already. I have all my nice just covered with notes. I have heard many lectures before, I don't need to learn, I don't need to study. But this way, is not appropriate. Because even if a person knows did our lovely ANGELA MARIA did our arm Alia comes only by keeping yourself connected with the Quran.

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Also, we learned a very important lesson that it is not necessary that a person who has knowledge of the book also has it though feel called acting upon the book.

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They had no sleep, I mean, al Qaeda, they had a portion of the book they had there.

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But it did not affect them. It did not change their lives.

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So it's not necessary that if a person has a diploma, he has taken a particular course his arm and is going to change. No, I will change his only with the vehicle Allah.

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We also learned a very important lesson that sometimes a person knows what is good for him. But he still doesn't do it.

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And on the other hand, a person knows that something is bad for him. But still, he doesn't. People do that sometimes. Why? What's the reason? What's the cause behind that?

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It's the whole Boucher Hawa. It's the love of desires. For example, a person has a food allergy. He has a sensitivity to a particular food. But still, he eats that food. Why? Because he likes it. He enjoys it.

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For example, many people, they have a sensitivity to dairy. But still, they love ice cream on the love butter, or the love milk. And still they will have it sometimes. But when a person does that, who does the harm?

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And this is exactly what has been mentioned the idea that look at these people, they're called to the book of Allah, because the book of Allah is going to tell them something that is good for them. But still, they're turning away. Isn't it strange? Isn't it amazing? They're harming themselves. So many people just want to live according to their desires. They want to do whatever they want to do, and they don't want to be told as to what they should do, and what they should not do. And when they're called towards the Quran. Their hearts are not interesting.

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Next, I have

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vaniqa that is be unknown. Kalu Because indeed, they have said that Lika that is what is this actually, this turning away? This AirDog this this interest in the book of Allah they're not being interested in the Kitab of Allah. Why is it so be unknown Carlu Because indeed, they have said Lanka masala now, the fire is never going to touch us. The masala is from mean scenes in must, what does must mean to that something.

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So they say that fire is never even going to touch us. Forget about burning, it's never even going to touch us in that except for a Yama Matsuda for a few days. A Yam is a pleasure love you and my dad is a Florida murderer.

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So who said this?

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They who they would say this that the fire is only going to touch us we're only going to be exposed to the Hellfire for the number of days that we worship the calf. And after that, we'll be taken out of the Hellfire so therefore we can do whatever we want. While on Rohan fie Dini him and it has diluted them in their religion of Allah home from the root letters ln water from the word hood. What is

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mean to deceive someone through vain desires to false hopes

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rule is to deceive someone how by giving them false hopes. And it is especially when a person is in the state of heedlessness. So, imagine a person who was not paying that much attention

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and he is deceived he is fooled.

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So haha whom it has deluded them, feeding him concerning their religion meaning in the matter of their religion, what has deceived them? Meccano, you have to ruin all that they fabricate, what is it that they fabricate different things? For example, they have fabricated about the fact that they will only go to hellfire for a few days. If they do go to hellfire, it will only be for a few days. Similarly, the fabricated that we are the sons of Allah. We are the Beloved of Allah national, Obinna, Allah, what a hippo, therefore, he loves us, he's not going to punish us. So they have innovated many things in their religion, many concepts, many thoughts, false practices in their

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religion, and these false concepts, they had deceived them with regards to their religion, with regards to practicing their religion with regards to properly implementing their religion.

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If you think of it, you can read the text in your own book, that this is the punishment for Xena. And what does the scholar do the most learned scholar, he hides it, what is making him hide? What is giving him the confidence that he can do that with the book of Allah. It's that false assumption that no matter what I do, I will be forgiven. Why? Because I am chosen. Because I'm a believer that even if I will be punished, it will only be for a few days, and then eventually, I'll be fine. Why? Because I'm a believer, I am of the OMA. I can do whatever I want. So, these false concepts, these innovations, they have deceived them with regards to properly implementing their religion, property,

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practicing their religion. So we see that the Bani Israel they had a problem in their Aqeedah in their belief, they didn't believe in the hereafter. But they thought that just because we're off the Bani Israel, we can do whatever we want, we will not be punished. Similarly, the Christians, what have they fabricated, that the Son of God has died for us? Therefore, we can do whatever we want. All we have to do is just believe in the fact that he died for our sins and that say, we can do whatever we want. Live your life however you wish. So go home feeding him my can we have total? What do we learn from this if

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that first of all, sometimes the righteous actions of a person they can deceive him?

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What is it that deceive them? We are of the Bani Israel eel, we believe believe is what a righteous action. So because of our Eman, we're fine. What do we learn in the Quran? Allah says for Wayland and mousseline war to those people who pray. Whoa, destruction for who? For those people who perform salah.

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Can you imagine they're doing a good deed, but destruction for them? Why? Because Alladhina, Houma, Ancelotti, and Ser hone those who are heedless of their prayer,

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who when they're praying, they're completely heedless. And after their salah, they go do whatever they want, they disobey Allah, such people who pray water them, and Medina who mula Ooh, those who show off whatever good deeds they do. They do the why, in order to show

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so sometimes the good deeds of a person, they give them this confidence that look, I'm so good. I'm so righteous. I'm a student of the Quran. I read the Quran every day, I help other people learn the Quran, I teach the Quran every day. And sometimes this guru, this arrogance, this pride, it leads a person to deception, that he becomes negligent of the good deeds that he is performing. Or he follows them up with RIA showing off. Or for example, he gives sadaqa. And he thinks, oh my God, I've done such a good deed and he follows it up by man and other and as a result, what does he do? He wastes all of his good deeds.

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So a person should never ever be deceived by his righteous actions, by his good deeds. Never think that just because you have done this, or you have done that just because you've done her just because you wear the hijab just because you pray five times a day, then you have the permission to do whatever you want. No, never ever be deceived by the good deeds.

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Similarly, we also learn from this idea that

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To someone who holds on to just part of the theme and ignores the rest, even he is deceiving himself. Because what did they do? They only held on to the concept that we are the chosen people. Allah loves us, He is going to forgive us. And as a result of that they thought, we can do whatever we want.

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We can leave whatever we want. We can do whatever we want. Just like we Muslims, what do we say? Allah Azza foto Rahim but we ignore the fact that he is also should either recall, sort of neither I 98 We learn Erina Lu and Allah has Shahidullah record. We're Anila have a photo Rahim know that Allah is should either recover you severe in penalty and that Allah is also for photo Rahim forgiving and merciful. So it is not enough to just hold on to parts of the religion. It is very important for a person to take their religion to take the deen as a whole in its entirety. Follow it completely Odorheiu facility GAFA

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what do we learn from the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever does not give applying speech and acting on those lies and evil actions. Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink. Meaning if a person is fasting, he's doing a good deed he's holding on to only one part of their religion. And if he does not leave his line and acting upon those lines, then Allah does not need his fasting. Allah does not need that he should not eat and he should not drink. So holding on to only part of the religion is not enough.

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And this is also very common in the Muslims with some say in Allahu Allah few unusual copy where film I do not directly Manisha. Indeed Allah does not forgive association with him, but he forgives what is less than that for whomsoever he wants. I don't do shit. I'm not a mushrik. So if I perform any other sins, okay, I can forgive but they forget that it's Lee may share for whoever that he wills and Allah's mushiya is based on his wisdom and knowledge. Does he not know that you're all committing sins? Well, Lobos little mystery but Allah is Seeing us watching all of His servants. So just holding on to parts of the religion and basing the entire Deen on them is not enough.

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Kulu Murthy yet Hello, Al Jana. The Hadith that mentions that my entire Ummah is going to enter Jannah Saudi Muslims say I'm part of the Ummah, I am an almighty, so therefore I'm going to enter Jannah but what is the Hadith say, after that 11 Other except for the one who refused, refuses what? complete submission. The Sahaba asked that who is the one who has refused and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said women are fighting for God, the One who disobeyed me then he has refused. We say we are of the ummah of the Prophet. We can go to Jana, we are going to go to Jana. But we forget that at the same time, it is very important to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. For

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example, we learned about the Ayat of Riba. We say we're Muslims, eventually we'll go to Janna. But what did we learn those iron woman either formula equals happen now?

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Woman either, whoever returns whoever goes back to taking River despite knowing but who like us have no.

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We forget the rest of the Quran and we only pick and choose those things that suit us. Those things that support our claims. So it is very important that a person takes the deen as a whole. Another very important lesson that we learned from this idea is that innovations in religion, deceive people. They had innovated many things Mac I know you have total What is your throne if they're all from Pharaoh yet to fabricate things, to make up things, things that have no reality to them? Make them up invent them. So, concepts, practices, actions that have no reality, their religion, what do people do people invent them, people follow them religiously thinking that they are a means of their

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salvation. For example, people say that if you do this particular action, which has no basis in the Quran, and Sunnah, you're definitely going to Jannah all of your sins will be forgiven. You pass through this door, and you will enter Jannah

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similarly, there's so many other false practices in the deen you do this? You're going to Jannah you do this you'll be forgiven. So what do innovations do? They deceive a person with regards to his religion. With regards to his Deen, what was the way of the sahaba? Were they content with the good deeds that they performed? No, they weren't. We learn about the people who participated in but also how participated in better the brown

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That's not a lot of said and said that Allah has said with regards to those that do as you wish for indeed I have forgiven you that the Sahaba go back to Riba and Zina and alcohol and all sorts of wrong things. No, they became even more careful.

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So we can never be content with the good deeds that we have performed. And we must not be fooled with the righteous actions that we perform.

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The book that Allah has given us were we to alter it, who are we to change it? Who are we to just pick and choose and leave most of it and only rely on part of it?

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Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.

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Allah, Tala Isla levena Otonashi Mina Nikita

00:40:46 --> 00:40:48

Isla kita

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go Medina wounds

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are you

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we have done home.

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If you think of it when it comes to the matters of dunya, for example, you have to take an exam, you have to take a test. You say, Oh, no problem, I'll pass anyway. I'll just guess. I'll just read maybe parts of the book. I'll just read the first chapter and leave everything else and you know that you're going to be tested in everything. Do you do that? Especially if the test is major?

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Would you do that?

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Some people do that. And what do they suffer from? Failure.

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So when it comes to the dunya, when it comes to the matters of the dunya, when it comes to the degrees of this world, to the tests of this dunya we are so careful. We don't take any chances. But when it comes to the matter of the Athleta entry into Jannah, we rely on assumptions. We rely on only parts of the deen. No, it's okay. We'll be fine. I'll get through no big deal.

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When it comes to the matter of the new we never laid back. We're so careful. We do so much research. We hire lawyers, we do this we do that we ask so many people, and we do our best to prepare the best application. But when it comes to the matter of our deen were very laid back.

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We should have both hope and fear that when we do a good deed we should be hopeful that it will be accepted but at the same time we should be concerned and fearful that what if I do something that's going to waste my good deed.

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Another very important lesson is that we must not stop learning. Because no matter how much we've learned, it's not enough. And we say that based on several Hadith based on the ayat of the Quran that we are going to enter Jannah but okay, fine, if that is guaranteed. How do you know that you will die as a muslim? How do you know that your deeds are actually being accepted by Allah?

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