Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 160C Tafsir Ta-Ha 49-60

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The transcript describes a musician's interview with Sharon Taha, emphasizing the importance of Islam and the use of the word Islam to avoid confusion. They also discuss the difficulty of accepting Islam and the use of the word Islam to make people feel the best of all creatures. The segment touches on healthy behavior and setting limits for oneself, as well as the concept of "has been slipping and staying" and how children and adults set limits. The virtual appointment is discussed, along with the topic of "any human being" and how it relates to "any human being."
AI: Summary ©
surah Taha, we will begin from is number 49. So in Sudha, we learned that Mozart is unknown when he was given prophethood. And he was equipped with miracles. He was sent to fit our own. Why? Because fit our own head, the hall, he had crossed limits, he had become very excessive. He had gone to an extreme, one extreme, did fit our own go to what was the tullian of Iran?
Okay, so one was rebellion against Allah subhanaw taala. So that was his claiming to be God, and secondly,
okay, and then there was another kind of dove Yan that he did against the servants of Allah. And what was that?
enslaving and torturing the Bani Israel? And we see that repeatedly in these ayat Musar. Listen, I missed the old goal. Go to Iran, Musa and Holland both are told it hubba both of you go as if there is a sense of urgency that how many more people will be persecuted? How many more people will be tortured? What are you waiting for? You have been given this responsibility, go and fulfill your responsibility. So we learn from this, that when people are being oppressed, and when people are misguided than those who know, those who are aware and those who can help them. What is their duty, that they must not delay, they must get up and do something to save humanity. Now when most artists
and I went to fit our own, and told him what he had come for, and he gave him the good news, if you believed and also the warning if he disbelieved. What was the response of our own caller? He said, Furman. So who rob bakoma The Lord have both of you. Yeah. Musa Musa financer to Musar listen um, so who is this God you're talking about? Who is your Lord? This question is a very interesting question. Because most of our listeners had made it clear that he had been sent by Allah God, right? And fit our own is basically trying to incite his people against husana center. That here I thought I was supposed to be God. What God are you talking about? He's trying to make his people angry with
Musar. Listen, those who are listening those who are watching from Allah buco Maya Musa, and notice how he addresses Musar listen, I'm only whereas both masala Sonam and Harun had come to him and notice from a ROB buku man who is the Lord of both of you, but yeah, Musa not. Yeah, Musa Harun. Why does he address only Musar Lisanna. There could be two possibilities to this one is that because Musar has Cena he's the one who addressed fit our own. He's the one who brought the message, how long was with him, but he's the one who spoke he was clearly the leader between both of them. And this shows to us that when there is a group of people going somewhere to do something, then there
must be one person who was placed in charge. Right. And then there is another possibility to this also. And that is that Mozart is syndrome. He grew up in the house of their own. So for their own was more familiar with most artists. And so this is why he's addressing him from ALA Bucco. Maya Musa. Color Musa Alison unresponded Rob buena, our Lord is Allah the the one who are a BA, he gave Galusha in everything Hulka who its form, its creation. Some of them had Heather he guided? Who is Allah, who is our God, who is the Lord that we worship, the one who gave everything its form, and the one who guided everything also beautiful introduction to Allah subhanaw taala. Because Finnur
own he claimed to be God, but He didn't create anything.
All right, and the response of Musa listener, what does that show that my God is greater than you, you think your God? What kind of a god are you? What have you made? What have you guided, you are only oppressing people. Whereas the Lord that I believe in, he's the one who gave everything its Hulk now what is Hulk? Hulk is creation, meaning He created everything. But then called also means the creation meaning the form the appearance of something, the way something has been created. So for example, human beings we have been created in a specific way. All right, trees, they've been made in a specific way. Birds have been made in a specific way. So every creature has its own unique
form and appearance. Every creation has its own unique characteristics. Its own traits. So every creature its unique characteristics, its detailed, its physical appearance, its shape, its size, its color, its material, what it is made from
how it looks, how it is from inside how it functions. Everything was made by who was made by whom? Allah subhanaw taala called Lashay. In every single thing Allah created it, Allah gave it its unique form. And this is so amazing because if you look at the creation of Allah subhanaw, taala, there's so much diversity. It's so diverse. Each Hulk is unique. No two trees are exactly the same. No two birds are exactly the same. No two snakes are exactly the same. And there's so many species, so many groups, all right, and within those species within those groups, again, there's so much diversity. So Cotulla che in everything the way it is, Allah made it that way. Allah gave it its unique
appearance. And then he didn't just leave it there. Sama hada. Then he also guided meaning he also guided each creature, to what to its purpose, to its function, to its food, to its place of residence, to where it has to migrate to. Because if you think about it, every creature from the moment it is born, it's seeking something, it's going somewhere, it's doing something. Have you ever seen baby turtles?
As they come out of the sand, what happens they head straight to the water. So So Maha he didn't just make the turtles gave them their unique form and ability and appearance, but he also guided every single turtle as to where it should go, not away from the water, but towards the water. These days, you find so many birds flying, big birds loons, where are they going? Where are they flying towards? What is their destination? who guided them? Whether it is fish in the water? Or it is ants crawling on the surface of the earth? Or it is birds flying in the sky? Each creature is going somewhere, isn't it? Why is it going somewhere to fulfill some need? Whether that need is food or
reproduction or you know saving oneself from extreme weather, whatever it may be, every creature is moving, going, who guided it, who guided it. Allah, every creature, remember, we learned about the bee, right? That Allah subhanaw taala taught the bee that where to build its house, and then where to collect its food from? Right. So sama hada Allah has guided every creature. And this description of Allah subhanaw taala is so amazing. This is such a wonderful introduction that you can give to anybody about Allah subhanaw taala you know, for instance, children have lots of questions about Allah subhanaw taala. So this is something that you can tell them this is Allah, this is who our God
is, who has guided everything. And this description, also, you know, makes you wonder that if he has guided every creature to its unique purpose, then what about me? What is my purpose? What am I doing here? What am I doing here? What about human beings, human beings that are meant to be the best of all creatures? What are we doing? What Allah leave us misguided? What Allah leave us ignorant, know, if Allah has taught the birds where to go in a particular season? Then what about us? What about us? You know, for instance, there's so many places where this has been seen that just before a huge storm came, all the birds left, just before the storm, all the birds left, who taught them? Who gave
them that ability? Who warned them? So if Allah warns the birds than what about us? Would he not warn us? Would he not care about us? So Maha so in a way, Musa Arneson is indirectly telling them that I have also brought guidance to you from Allah that you need. Color fit our own said, completely ignored what Musala Sam said, he said from ambalal, coronial Hola. Okay. Then what is the state of the previous generations from so what Balou case condition Bal. We have learned this word earlier as well? What is the condition of Al Quran plural of autumn generation, and Ola, the first ones meaning the former once, meaning the people who died before us, our parents, our forefathers,
our ancestors, you didn't come to them? And no so called messenger came to them. So they were not upon the guidance that you have brought, what about them? What's going to happen to them?
Now, again, this question is very provocative because it was going to create a lot of fitna. You know, this is just like you're talking to someone about Islam about Gen Nava era. And then they say, Oh, what about non Muslims? Do they go to *? And you're like,
yes, but I don't want to say that. Right. You're put in such a difficult situation that you
If you give them the right answer instantly, they will get upset. And you can even give them the wrong answer. Right? And it happens many times that people who don't want to actually accept what you're telling them, they will say things which will cause you know, people to become upset. They will touch the feelings of people. You know, for instance, when it comes to women's issues, you'll people will forget everything that Islam has given. All right, but what will they say? But why isn't men allowed to marry four wives? And why is it that Muslim women are, you know, hidden behind the veil? They're being oppressed? Well, do you forget about everything else that Islam gives? Why do
you have to focus on these controversial issues? When it comes to the life of the Prophet salallahu Salam, they'll forget everything. What will they focus on? Well, He massacred an entire Jewish tribe. That's what he did. You know, when it comes to the Quran, people will say, kill the disbelievers wherever you find them. So many times this happens musasa was also put in a similar situation. Let's look at his response. How did he handle that situation? Paula, he said Elmo, herring therapy, its knowledge is with my Lord. Allah knows best
people who died before us, and they were not upon the way that I have brought. You know what, there are also Allah servants, and Allah knows about them. Allah knows what they were upon. Allah knows what they deserve. Really mohair in total BV Kitab Layali, Lulu B layer below, he does not go astray. He does not make a mistake. He does not earn who rob be, my lord. My lord never makes a mistake. His judgment is never flood. It's never faulty when I answer, nor does he forget. Just because people died 100 years ago doesn't mean that God has forgotten them. No, he also remembers them. He also knows them. Liability robiola answer. So Musa Islam, he knew the answer. What was the
right answer that if a person has died upon shift, then of course, he's aren't going to join? That's plain and simple, right? But if he were to give that answer, it will cause people to become very upset.
When we are in a situation like that, generally, we distort the truth. we water it down. We say, oh, you know what, as long as they were good people, they should also go to paradise. While really even if they were doing shake, when we learn in the Quran that whoever does shit for cut haram Allah who are illegal Jana, Allah has made Jana haram on him. Who are we to say that just because they were good people, like for example, somebody will ask you, what about Mother Teresa? What about all the good that she's done? She's gonna go to help because she believed in Christ. What are you meant to say? Yes. Are you supposed to say that? If you say that, nobody's gonna listen to you. Right?
Even Muslims will get offended, people will get offended. Now, the thing is that, you know, people as they grow in their knowledge, it's easier for them to accept things, right. So there are some things which are very difficult for you to hear at the beginning. But as you grow in your knowledge as you grow in your faith, and as you increase in your submission, then accepting anything from Allah subhanaw taala becomes easy, right? So you need a certain level of maturity, to be able to listen to some things and accept them. And this is a reason why we see that when the shittier was revealed when the law was revealed, people were not told in the first day, leave this alcohol.
Right? They were not told on the first day, that this is how you're supposed to get married. And this is how you're supposed to get divorced. And this is something that you're not allowed to do. And that is something that you must do. If that was the case people would never listen. Right? All of these come when were they revealed after Hijra after the Prophet sallallahu migrated to Medina, that's 13 years later. Why? Because people were ready to accept they had that inner maturity, that they would be able to accept what was given to them. So until then, what do you do? What kind of answer do you give them? You say, Allah knows best. There are also Allah servants, he is there
judge? I'm no judge, God, is there a judge? He knows best. And you know what? I don't have any problem accepting God's judgment, because he never makes a mistake. And he doesn't forget any of his creation. And he does not forget anything that his servants have done. So I accept his decision. And that's exactly what mozarella Salam did over here color elucha in the lobby vikita liability lobby when I answer and then he didn't work for our own talk. He continued he carried on because if he is fit our own the opportunity to say something wrong would again say something, you know that would cause trouble. So he carried on and Lady Jarrell hola como Adama Hidin Who is Allah and Lady the one
who Dona Ana calm who has made for you other
The Earth map then, as a bed. Mud is basically bedding that has been spread out. Okay? So it's prepared so you can go sit on it, you can go lie down on it, you can rest, right? It's also used for the cradle of a baby where a baby is made to sleep. So the earth, Allah has made it for you as a bed
as a bed. What does it mean? That it's a place where you can find rest?
You can find comfort, you can actually live on this earth. You can actually live here, despite the fact that inside the Earth, there's so much going on. I mean, if you think about it, how many explosions and God knows what is going on inside the Earth? If you look at a volcano, you wonder what is inside the Earth. But despite that the Earth has soul from the surface. It's so comfortable. And Ludhiana. Docomo Agha mme was Celica and he has inserted seen lamb calf so Luke is to enter a path so for example, a walkway or street or road and then continue upon it. All right. And Celica is also to insert something so for example, you insert a car Okay, a car goes and then it just goes
through the tunnel. All right. So Seneca he has inserted for you. Luckily for you if he had in it, meaning in the earth suelen, roadways, pathways, natural roadways through mountains and valleys so that you can get from one place to another easily. Well unzila Ania sat down in a summer E from the sky mat and water for Krajina. Allah subhanaw taala says over here in first person that we have brought out b through it meaning through that Walter as Weijun categories, different types, Min Nevada and off plants that are shut that that are diverse, as wide as a Florida of zone and zone, one of a bear. All right. But it doesn't just mean bears. It also means categories, right? Meaning
different species, different colors of plants that are shut the diverse shutdown is a plural of Shetty. Shinta does this word somewhere else in the Quran as well? Shut the
Has anyone memorize the 30 pages over here?
Shut the Come on.
Okay, cool. Boom shutdown. Very good. One more i lash at
in necessaria cool. Lash at that indeed your sorry, your efforts, they are shut down diverse, each person is working in a different way towards a different goal.
So Shetty is diverse, and it's basically used for diversity within a group within a category. All right. So for example, plants, there are various categories, but then within those categories are also many variations. Right? So for example, look at Apple trees, okay, and you will find them very different, how just look at the produce, some apples are red, some are green, some are yellow, somewhere in between, right. So check them in the bath and check that all of this variety who created this, Allah subhanaw taala created this for you Kulu all of you eat what are out and also pasture an hour come your animals eat from what the Earth produces for you at the command of Allah,
eat yourself Kulu and also feed who? Your animals what are all Anoma comb, what are always from the root letters that are in yet or are used to look after a living thing. So for instance, you have a pet. All right, and you have to look after it how you have to make sure that it has its food, the temperature is right, the air is okay for it. You know, it's amazing. If you have fish in a tank, you even need a thermometer, right? You need a water filter and you also need a thermometer to make sure that the water is off the right temperature.
Certain other creatures, you have to make sure that the humidity level is okay for them. Right which is why you think it would be so cheap to just buy one pet and you go and you find that you have to buy like 100 accessories for them because otherwise they won't be living in optimal conditions and they want to stay healthy. So this is Rory looking after a living thing. Looking after taking care of its shelter, its food its well being its safety, its home everything. And basic things are the most important things that needs to be looked after when you're taking care of a creature is its food. So what are over here refers to take them for grazing for pasture who are normal your animals
In the field Adicolor is indeed in that are surely signs Leola knew her for the possessors of new her
intellect, people who have intellect, people who have wisdom who are intelligent, they will find lessons over here. They will realize the power of God, they will realize the existence of Allah, they will realize that the God of Musa is better than the so called God. Self proclaimed God for their own. Now the word that is used for intellect, what is it? Over here? What word is it?
No, ha, what's the root? What do you think?
Noon higher? What does he mean? I'm gonna build my roof when the hearing will mancha to stop.
Right? So the intellect is called knew how the mind is called new hair. Why?
Does your mind ever stop you? Does it? Yes. If you think about it, children, when they're little. They don't know what their limits are? Or do they? They don't know what their limits are. If you give them a bag of chocolate of candy, they literally eat it all. They will. The other day, my son, he's allergic to nuts. So my daughter she was having nuts. And I felt really bad because he's looking, you know, with Hassan his eyes. And so I said, Okay, you can have some chocolate, you know, I gave him a bag of KitKat bites, right? I gave that to him. Like you can have a few said only one Lego, you can have a few.
So he was like, wow, he ran away with that bag sitting in the living room on the floor facing the wall and eating it. And after a few minutes, I realized, oh my God, I didn't check how much yet I go and the bag is almost empty. And like so much sugar. Because kids, they don't have this sense of limits where I have to stop. You know, which is why you'll find a child who's playing. They're falling asleep. They're tired, exhausted, but they're not going to quit playing. They're not going to and you'll find them, you know asleep in various places in a laundry basket or on the floor or on the stairs or in the playroom. Right? Because they're fighting their sleep. So as you develop your
uncle, what happens your uncle, it sets limits for you. Little children sometimes have no fear of heights. No fear of strangers. Right, which is why they'll push a chair next to the counter, they'll climb onto the chair and from that counter, they will open up the freezer, take the ice cream out, get down go sit on the couch at 3am. I'm not making this up. Somebody told me their two year old son did that. Would you ever do that?
Would you ever do that? No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't climb onto a stool and then on the counter and then you know reach something so high. You wouldn't do that. Right? Especially in darkness at 3am. Eating ice cream. You won't do that. Why? Because your uncle will set that limit for you. That no even though I'm really hungry, and I'm craving ice cream, it doesn't make sense to do that. It doesn't make sense to climb up like this and get ice cream. Right? Recently, I found out that this one boy actually went to see him. He had fractured his arm. All right. And I was told that this little boy went in the kitchen, climbed up the drawers, you know the handles the drawer handles,
okay. So he used them as a ladder, okay, steps. So he climbed them up, got onto the counter, opened up the cupboard. And he was trying to reach, you know, some chocolate or candy or something. And his foot basically slipped and as he slipped, his foot got caught in the oven door handle.
All right, and he fell. And when he fell, he landed on his elbow. So he broke his elbow completely, but not just that he even dislocated his shoulder.
He even dislocated his shoulder. Now they had to do surgery and so much, you know, just to fix his arm. So you find children getting you know hurting themselves, because they don't know what their limits are. They don't know where to stop. And sometimes even adults don't know where their limits are.
When it comes to sleeping no limits when it comes to eating no limits when it comes to dressing up or dressing down rather no limits. Right? So when a person doesn't set limits for themselves, or you know, when it comes to entertainment when it comes to watching TV, then what does it mean? They're just like a child. They haven't grown up. If they're slipping away, talking away, chatting away spending hours on Facebook, spending hours on social media, spending hours watching YouTube videos on how to wear your hijab nicely. I mean, there's no
No ha.
Right? There is no intellect their mind is not working because it's not setting limits for them. So in the V vaniqa indeed in this are Signs for who literally lose
people who realize that we have limits, and who sets limits for themselves. People who have a purpose of life who have a goal in life, who want to do something in their lives. So those who are living a purposeful, meaningful life, they will find lesson in this it's not possible that they won't find God, they will realize his power in the field. Alika Ayrton legally NUHA minha Hola. Kanaka Allah addresses directly from it meaning from this earth we created you will see how nor Edo calm. And in it we shall return you.
Your origin is this earth, it is from the earth that your bodies have grown your origin of them artisan and produced from the earth and then your body, its nutrition, its sustenance also comes from the earth. So mineral Kalapana, calm, your body is a product of this earth with the hand or either and Intuit we shall return you meaning after you die, you're going back into the earth, whether you're putting a proper gray where you're not, wherever you die, wherever your body rests, eventually you're going back into the earth, you're turning back into dust into soil, or into some other material of the earth. But then you won't be lost in the earth woman Hanako did you come in
from it, we shall bring you out data at a time, Accra, another data from the letter style era, a time a turn. So we will bring you out from this earth another time. This Earth was your beginning, you will return to it. And then you will come out from it as well. And when we realize this, that we're going back into this earth, you know, when you look at mud, you're like, oh, dirt, it's dirty. Right, which is why we call mud, dirt. anything nasty, we call it dirty. But we forget that this is our origin. And this is going to be our ultimate aboard in this dunya right now we're living on the surface of the earth. Eventually we will go inside this earth we will go into the earth, then why
assume arrogance? Why think highly of yourself? Why living self deception into the most solid are 2526 Allah says alumna journal of the key Fattah are here and what am water Have We not made the earth a container for the living and for the debt that this earth contains everything, those who are alive and also those were that will occurred. So mozarella Salam, he gave a lengthy response to fit our own, to the question of our own that Who is your Lord mozarella Sana, he gave a lengthy response. And then he also showed him miracles well Akkad Allah says, and certainly only now who we showed him reading through Musar, listener Aya Tina, our signs miracles, God Allah, all of them,
meaning all that were relevant and necessary that were shown fit our own was given proofs. He was given evidences he was showing miracles for Cadabra but he denied what ABA and he refused he refused to accept he refused to listen to Musar listener Carla and in response he said Diana Have you come late to Corinthian so that you expel us Minh Alina from our land be sciatica with your magic yeah Musa or Musa. So the miracles that Musar listen, I'm short for our own What did for our own call those miracles? Magic and he said, This is just the beginning of your magic. And your goal is to expel us from our homeland and take over this is a false accusation because Musar Listen, I've never
implied anything like this. In fact he said the exact opposite. He said let the Bani Israel go let us go from here. We don't want to stay. We don't want to stay we want to go so let us go let the Bani Israel go. Now why don't fit our own say something like this again. What do you think, to make people angry with musante Silla to turn people against Musar listener? Because the general masses they don't typically use their mind. They don't typically analyze things on their own. What do they do whatever they hear big people saying or whatever they hear media saying that's what they say that's what they repeat. That's what they believe in. So if in our own is using that power, he's
influencing his people. Right? He's accusing most artists and I'm of things that most artists have never intended. And he said felanitx de unlocker then surely we will definitely bring you busy hidden with magic myth Lee similar to it. Okay. You show us magic. We'll show you magic to federal. So make bein and between us we're Binaca and between you moredun and appointment let's make an appointment.
For us and for you
and this appointment meaning a time and a place where we will meet so that you show your magic and we display our magic we will compete learn of LIFO we shall not go against it meaning we shall not fail to keep it meaning almost don't back off them. Make sure you show up. We will also show up no we will enter nor you we will show up and yeah Musa even you have to show up. Don't back off. And this appointment is going to be at a mccannon at a place that is sewer.
What does it mean by sewer? What's the route? Seen? Well, yeah, any word that comes to your mind? So right to be equal to be the same? So where he made smooth, right call up officer where he made smooth? So seen well, yeah, so that's where it gives the meaning of leveling something making it equal. So mccannon SUA a place that is sewer, it means a place that is smooth, flat meaning an open space,
why wide open space?
Exactly a lot of people can come in everybody can see. Right. And this can also be understood as a place that is equal meaning for us and for you neither in your favorite nor in our favor. Because when there's a place where two people have to perform and it's that place is such that it's favorable for one individual but not favorable for the other than it's not fair right. So mccannon Sua, it can also be understood as assigned. So of equal facility for both of us an open space so that each group has a fair chance or a place that is assigned meaning a central location also kala he said Marie to come Musa listened and said, Okay, fine, I can do that. You want me to come and
show these miracles and ensure I can do that. And Merida calm your appointment we will meet when yomo Xena on the day of Xena what is Xena? beautification adornment. And remember that Xena has different levels of the body deeper than that of the soul of the mind. Right? The not just of the body, but also of your clothes, your environment, your home, okay? So there's different levels of adornment. The day of adornment, meaning the day when your heart is happy on your body, you have adornment? You know, in your house, you have adornment? Everything's looking nice. What kind of a day would that be? What do you think? Of some festival? Right? Like, for example, when it comes to
Christmas, right? It's yomo Xena for people. Why? Because before that, and after that, and during that what do you see everywhere, Christmas lights on the houses inside also their stuff? Right? On the streets, you will see that. So whenever there's a festival, people adorn themselves that beautify themselves and as well as their surroundings. So mozarella Salam said that this competition should take place on a holiday basically, why a holiday?
Because then everybody can come.
Everybody can come, the more people can come the better it is.
Right? And also people are excited, they're happy they're looking forward to watching something interesting. So Musa Sam said find my way dopamine was Xena. Well, I'm and that your show on NASA the people should be gathered Loja, meaning at the time of Doha. What is the how early morning when the sun has risen and the light has fully spread. But before afternoon, because what happens that afternoon,
after noon, the sun reaches its peak, and then it begins to go down. Alright, and then people want to eat food and they want to rest and they want to go about their day. But before that time, early morning time. Okay, people, you know, they have free time. So he set the time also now notice something over here. Everything's decided what is going to be done? Who is going to do it, where it's going to happen when it's going to have
Yes, at this shows the confidence of Musa alayhis salaam, his commitment also. Because when we're not fully committed to something, what do we say? Yeah, I'll think about it. I'll let you know. And maybe around that day, or maybe sometime during that day, here, maybe I'll come maybe somebody else will come. But when you set the exact details, who will do it? What will be done, where it will be done. When it will be done. Everything is decided it shows the confidence of Masada Sena, but they were laughing Oh, no. So fair on he turned, meaning he went away for Musa alayhis salam and he got busy for Jamar Qaeda who and
their own got busy in Jamar he collected he gathered up Qaeda who his plan so he's making up his plan. How am I going to defeat this magic of Musa How am I going to prove him wrong? How am I going to show myself as better? So he gathered up his plan and what was his plan? He sent word throughout his kingdom that every magician every knowledgeable magician, every expert magician should come and when fit our own had done his planning all the magicians that come some data then he came in other words fit our own came fully prepared.
Amazing. Musa Sinha and how long are these two men and what do they have one staff and here's fit our own freaking out and what does he have his whole kingdom an expert magicians and so many of them
that's besides the recitation of these verses on
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