Jumuah Khutbah – 11 10 2017

Bashar Shala


Channel: Bashar Shala

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The first quarterly, and then the next question is for the company. Please leave your name and number, and I'll get back to you. [SPEAKER 1:] Hi, Frank. This is Danielle. [SPEAKER 2:] Hi, Daniel. This is Danielle with Nextiva support. How can I help you? [SPEAKER 3:] Yes. Hi, Daniel. This is Frank. I have a customer on the line. Her name is Danielle. She wants to make a payment on her account. She had a question about a bill that she received from Nextiva. She wants to make a payment, but she didn't know how to do it online. So I was just gonna call and see if we can get her over to you and help her out. Ok? [SPEAKER 2:] Ok. No problem. Give me just a second. Let me get her on the line. Ok? [SPEAKER 3:] Ok. Thank you

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