Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 156B Tafsir Maryam 1-6

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history and significance of the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam, which was revealed in the fifth or fourth year of the prophet's time. The surahs serve a purpose of informing Muslims about their religion and helping them communicate better with each other, and serve a purpose of reminding them of their actions and learning new things. The speakers discuss the benefits of small small prayer with all one's heart and not publicly speaking, and the importance of maintaining physical health and weight to avoid overwhelming one's body. They also emphasize the importance of showing one's values and faith in God to avoid becoming a liability.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 156 Seurat Marion chapter Meriam is number one to 40 Verse one to 40. Suited Miriam is a Maki surah. It has about 100 verses. And this surah this chapter was revealed, it was given to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam. And in the beginning of his prophet hood, we see in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that as his message spread, and people were believing in Him,

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primarily what they believed in was one God, the call of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, or people believe in one God, La ilaha illa Allah, there is no God worthy of worship, but Allah, the One who has made you, you worship only Him, the one who has given you everything you have, you give all of what you have to him.

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Now, this seems very logical. However, in that society, it was the most illogical thing to say. Because that society, those people, they were deep in idolatry, what they believed in was multiple gods, that is what they served. So here comes a man who says, These gods that you have made with your own hands are not really gods, Your God is the one who made you. So there were many people who accepted the message of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Openly why, because they found it logical. But at the same time, there were also many people who not only rejected the message, but they also became hostile towards those who followed Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this hostility

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turned into severe persecution. We learn about people who were literally killed, brutally killed, mother killed in front of the sun.

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Literally people killed families assassinated in front of each other, why? For their crime that they believed in one God.

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And many of these people who were being persecuted these Muslims, they came from a very, you can say, a socially weak background. They didn't really have much social status in that society. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam advised them to leave Mecca, their home city and go to Abyssinia. Abyssinia, was the land of the Christians, the people who live there were Christians, those who believed in Jesus in reciting his sunnah.

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And the Prophet sallallahu sallam was aware that the Christian king who ruled them was a very generous man, a very kind men, and he was hopeful that he would accommodate the Muslims in his country. So a group of few Muslims, they migrated to Abyssinia. And when they migrated over there, obviously their enemies back at home or unhappy. So they went after them. They went after them. And they complained to the Christian king, that these people who have come to your country, you know what they say about Jesus, they say that he's not the Son of God. And they said some other negative things about the Muslims. And the main intention was that the Muslims should be expelled from

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Abyssinia and sent back to Mecca. So the king, the Abyssinian king, he asked the Muslims, tell me what your Prophet says, a very just man. He asked the Muslims, what is it that you believe in? And he also asked them, What scripture it was that they were following. So one of the Muslims who was present over there Java bin Abi Talib, probably a lot more on who he recited the first few verses of Surah to Maria.

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And this shows to us that this surah was revealed when before the Muslims migrated to Abyssinia. So it means that the SUTA was revealed in the fifth or maybe fourth or before that fourth, fifth, fourth year off prophethood. And this surah was given as a gift to the Muslims who were migrating to the land of the Christians. Why? Because it educated them about the religion of the Christians. What is it that those people believed in? So this surah served as a provision as you know, a very informative knowledge that Muslims needed at that time because when you're going to a new place when you're interacting with new people, you have to know what to believe and this awareness helps people

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communicate better with each other

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So this surah was like a gift for the Muslims who went to Abyssinia. So let's look at the surah what does it say? Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim. qlf her Yeah, I saw

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these letters. What are the

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proof Macatawa In other words, they are disjointed letters. In Arabic, the way words are written is that the letters are connected. They're connected with each other. And that means you have to read them in that way as well. However, these hurdles that you see in the first verse, these letters kappa i installed. You don't read them as the Helios know.

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You say each letter independently separately. And the prophets on a lot isn't when he read these letters. He read them with elongation, meaning he elongated their pronunciation he didn't say calf He said

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not just her.

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Not just Yeah, yeah. I mean, slaughter slaughtered.

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Now, these letters appear at the beginning of some chapters of the Quran.

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What are these letters? What do they mean? These letters are from the Arabic alphabet, and the Arabic alphabet, lf back tatha. in and of themselves, they don't have a meaning. They don't mean something. They're just letters. But remember that these letters over here, they do serve a purpose. We don't know about their meaning Allah knows best what these letters mean, if they have a meaning and what they mean. But these letters serve a purpose. And what is that purpose?

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That first of all, when you hear these letters, what happens instantly? You wonder, What is she saying? Right? What is he saying? What does that mean? It draws your attention. If anything, it arouses curiosity.

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Right? You know, for example, acronyms. If there's an acronym that you are reading, for the first time ever, instantly what will happen? You will wonder what does it mean? And you'll google it. Right? Or you'll ask somebody, what is this mean? And many times you'll find your parents asking you, or you know, some older relatives or people asking you, what are those letters that you wrote? What does that even mean? But it arouses curiosity in you letters. So the Quran, the style of the Quran is such that it really draws the attention of the listener. Listen, pay attention over here. What is being said, also, gaff Hi yah, rain saw these letters. What do they tell us? If you think

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about it, these are only five letters right gaff, how am i in slot? What do they mean? You can guess their meaning? You can suggest that they have a meaning. But do you know for sure that they have a meaning? No. So these letters are sort of reminding us that no matter how much we know, we still don't know. Everything.

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No matter how much we know, there's always a little something that we do not know about.

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Because sometimes it happens that when someone is addressing you, and you don't really like that person, you think yeah, whatever they're going to say I already know about it. What is she going to tell me? What is he going to tell me I already know.

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And this kind of pride, it prevents us from learning. So these letters instantly what do they do? They make us humble. They make us realize yes, I still don't know everything. Yes, I can still learn something new.

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I can gain something new. So Caf had Yeah, rain saw. Pay attention and seek to learn something new.

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The crew, this is a mention. Rush material back of the Mercy of your Lord or the WHO to His servant, zakat. Iya Zakaria Are they as salam meaning what is going to be mentioned over here is the Mercy of your Lord, towards his servant with servant, Prophet zakat er the Sunnah. That is the story that is going to be related over here.

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I want you to notice something vicco Rama T or

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because your Lord, His mercy towards who are the who? His servant.

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And when you hear the words that have become your Lord, what comes to your mind that yes, He is my Lord, I am his servant. But then when it is said or the who his servant, what does that remind us off that I am not his only servant?

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Primarily the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is addressed in this area, in this verse, but indirectly we are all being taught that yes, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a servant of Allah, zakat. Iya is also a servant of Allah. Ibrahim was also a servant of Allah. Musa was also a servant of Allah. Isa was also a servant of Allah, in fact, all of mankind and not just mankind, the entire creation, who are we? We are all God's servants, because we are all his creation. He alone is the creator, the master, and we are His servants. So the crew Rama Tierra bigger Buddha who Zakariya

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zirconia, from the prophets of Bani Israel, of the Israelites.

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And you could say that he was one of the last prophets to be sent to the Bani Israel.

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And it is said that he was of the descendants of Sunni men are in a hair salon. And as a prophet, he was also a religious leader. He was a caretaker of the beta Democritus or the Holy Temple. And he was also the guardian of Madame of Mary.

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Because remember that money um, when her mother was pregnant with her, her mother made a vow, she made a promise with Allah, that whatever I'm going to give birth to, I'm going to dedicate this child to your service. And we read about the story in sort of earlier one in the third chapter of the Quran.

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And when money um, when her mother took her to the holy temple over there, Zakariya and his son was appointed as the guardian of Medea. He was her teacher, he was the one who would look after her. And he would also spiritually you could say, guide her.

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So, Zachary RLA Salam over here what is mentioned the crew raw material because the WHO Zakariya

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if you think about it, every one is a servant to Allah, isn't it so that's what we just discussed. Everyone is Allah servant. But Allah calls zakat er and s&m His servant, his servant why? Because epidemiologists and and truly showed his servitude to Allah soprano.

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You know, for example, a mother, a woman has a daughter. It's clear of course, she is the mother of that girl. Right? But what is it that the mother will very proudly say, my daughter, my daughter, my son, when will she say that?

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When the daughter has disobeyed her

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when the daughter has embarrassed her in public,

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when she's called to school, because the counselor has or the principal has a complaint about the daughter is that when the mother will probably say yes, my daughter, when will she say that?

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When she is

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when she's achieved something when her daughter has achieved something, when she's happy with what her daughter has done, so they could mature because either there who Zakariya Allah called Zachary Arliss and I'm his servant, because what is going to be mentioned over here about Zekeriya is something that Allah subhanaw taala was truly pleased with.

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It is something that truly showed that the criada sunnah lived as a servant to Allah, He showed his servitude to Allah.

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So what is that mercy that Allah bestowed on his servants? Okay, yeah, it NEDA robber who ate nada when he called out who called out Zakaria called out to who? robber who to his Lord. How did he call out to his Lord NIDA and a call that was huffy? Yeah. That was hidden. That was very quiet. That was done in private. Secretly.

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Look at the word Nether. The courier SLM NAD out of Bohol. Nevada is from the word NIDA in the Arabic word

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language the word knew that means to call out to someone to yell out to cry out. Then when you're calling out to someone, how was your volume? Is it very low? Or is it very high?

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How is it? lower high? High?

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You know, for example, the event the call to prayer even that is called an ADA. Why? Because the event is not made softly how is it made? Have you ever seen the, you know, a video or something of people who are making the event. They're literally shouting at the top of their voice. So most of that they have to hold their ears. Right? So Niddah is to call out loud, to someone to cry out to someone.

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But Allah describes that cry as NIDA and huffy coffee from her failure, that which is hidden.

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So a call that was hidden meaning a call that was very quiet seems like a contradiction. But it's not a contradiction.

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Because what is meant by this crying out is a cry that was not loud in volume, but a cry that was very loud in voice.

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You understand the difference.

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A call that was not loud in volume, but a call that was very passionate.

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A call that was made with a lot of hope, with a lot of yearning.

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With heart. He meant it.

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Nadar, Rob Mahoney there and half a year.

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You see when we make when we're talking to our Lord, when we're begging him for something, we could make that prayer loudly or softly. We could make that prayer in such a way that people around us can hear and the people next door can also hear.

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But we can also make that so soft that the person standing next to us has no idea what we're crying about. What we are hoping for. Both types of prayers mean Allah will hear because he hears all he is a Samir Samir dua, the one who hears the one who hears the call of the servant.

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But remember that when a person calls out from his heart, very passionately, with his heart with all his heart, he means what he's asking for you really means is prayer. Then even if he has uttered no words, that prayer will be responded to.

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Sometimes our focus is entirely on our words what we are saying what people are hearing. But before the mouth speaks, the heart should cry.

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Before we make our prayers, Audible, it is our heart that needs to be awake, that needs to yearn and desperately desire for what we want. And this kind of prayer, there is no way that Allah would ignore it.

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There is no way that Allah would not respond to such a prayer, a prayer that a servant is making no with all his heart, passionately.

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Think about Prophet, Yunus, Jonah, when he was in the belly of the fish,

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and where was he in the depths of the water?

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How far below he was, but he cried out to his Lord, and His Lord heard him.

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Why was it because his prayer was so loud that it could be heard across you know, over the CM cross over the skies? No, not in volume. But in voice he meant it. And Allah responded to his prayer. Zachary Arliss, and I'm also made a dua like that.

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In the Quran, we learn that Allah subhanaw taala says order Rula bacame De La Rue and what have you eaten? In the hula, you have been martyred in Call upon your Lord, in humility, and privately, indeed, he does not like transgressors. Which shows to us that the kind of prayer Allah likes is which one, the one that is made privately.

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The one that is made with humility, the one that is made with all your heart, that is the dua that Allah likes. And this is the kind of door that is generally preferred, which is why one of the best times to make your prayer is when when you are

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in prostration, when you've put your head on the ground and you're prostrating to the Lord of the Worlds, and no one around, you can hear what you're saying.

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It's a private conversation between you and Allah.

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Now, tell me something, is there any benefit in making dua like that softly, quietly with all your heart or just in your heart?

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Is there any benefit? What's the benefit? I want you to raise your hand if you have an answer.

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What's the benefit of making dua softly as opposed to loudly publicly?

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No benefit?

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Exactly. It's between you and Allah. It's between you and your Lord, not between you and the rest of the world. Because you see, sometimes what happens is that you are making dua and other people are hearing you, you're like, I might sound very foolish to be praying for this. I might sound very dumb, you know, if I'm making this kind of dua, others will laugh at me.

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You know, it lets you be who you are. When you're making draw privately, in your heart, then what happens is that you can be yourself, you can cry, you can whine, you can beg, you can say something over and over again. You can make dua however you want.

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Also, another benefit is that it saves you from showing off, it protects you from showing off.

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You know, it ensures sincerity.

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So it Madaba who neither and half a year,

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once on a journey, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were going up and down. So seems like it was a very rocky terrain or something like that. So as they were going up, they would say Allahu Akbar out loud. And as they will go down to to Subhan Allah out loud, so they were doing they could very loudly. So the prophets of Allah and send them he said, oh, people, be easy with yourselves. Meaning you don't have to shout out. Keep your voices low, be easy with yourselves, for you are not calling on the one who is deaf or absent.

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Your Lord is not deaf. Your Lord is not absent. Rather, you are calling upon the one who is all hearing and ever nearer.

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He is close to you.

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The one whom you are calling is closer to one of you than the neck of his animal. You know, when a person is writing an animal, how close is the neck of that animal to him? It's like the closest thing

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the prophets have a lot of terms set that Allah is even closer to you than that. So you don't need to yell out you don't need to shout out your prayers. Just mean them sincerely, genuinely beg Allah

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and Allah Who here Allah who will respond.

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So what was the Dora of the curiosity Sana?

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Kala he said, Rob be Oh my Lord, in me, indeed I what Han allows me women knee wahana it has become weak, it has become feeble, allow move the bones, which bones many of me meaning my bones have become very weak. The word wahana from one well Hanoun is used for when something solid has become worn out over time. You know, when something solid and very firm? What happens to it over time it becomes worn out it becomes weak.

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You know, for instance, a piece of furniture, solid wood, what happens to it over time? 10 years, 15 years? What happens? It's rickety, right? It needs to be fixed. So our bodies also what happens to them over time they become weak and feeble. But in particular, zirconia says that my bones have become weak.

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Now think about it. If the bones are weak, then what about the rest of the body?

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What is it that keeps your body together? It's your bones. You know, which is why some people you know as they age and they're told about arthritis. What does that mean? It's a big warning sign.

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Right? If you have problems in your bones, then you have reached old age.

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Right? Your body has begun to decline. It's now losing its strength. So you better look after it you better maintain it. So he says in the why that algorithm in the

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wash Starla shaver and you know when you feel like your bones are weak, then what does that mean? You have no physical

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Wash Starla and it has flared up a lot sue the head meaning my head Shaybah with whiteness. My head is flared up with white. Notice the word Ishtar from Sheena Ilm. This word is used when flames of fire they're spreading. So basically when fire is spreading, so he says my head is on fire. on fire with what with white hair. In other words, white hair is spreading across my head, my hair is turning white at a very fast speed. In other words, I am becoming old.

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Shaved from the root letter. Shinya Oba is used for the whiteness of hair, when hair turns white,

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and Shabba through also cam is when the peaks of the mountains are covered in snow.

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So just like that the peak of the person being his head is covered in white.

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So we're starting, so Shaybah What is he stating over here? What is he saying? What is the artist and I'm saying over here that I am old.

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I am old, my bones are weak, my body is weak, and I'm also visibly clearly old. In other words, my time is running out. This fire of old age is consuming me however, even though my body may be old wallum calm and I am not Bidra ik with your call Rob be oh my lord Chaka Yeah, unhappy.

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I have never been unhappy in asking you in calling upon you. Meaning every time I have called upon you or God,

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you have benefited me. You have responded to me. You have never returned me empty handed. Every time I've prayed to you. I have asked you for something you've given me. What is he saying? My body is old.

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But my hope in you is still young. My hope in you is still alive. My hair is gray. My bones are frail. But my faith in you is not weak at all. It is strong as ever. Why? Because each time I have called upon you, you have answered me I am not disappointed with you at all. While I'm a computer it cannot be Shut. Shut it is from the root letter Sheen's cough. Wow. And shopping is used for someone who's unhappy. Someone who's not helped. It's basically when you know someone has become exhausted looking for something. And they still haven't found it. You know, so for example, you go first thing in the morning on the weekend to the mall looking for a particular kind of jacket, and you go from

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one store to another to another to another and then you even go to a different Mall. And then you go to a different Mall. And at the end when you go home, what do you have in your hands? Nothing.

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So would you call yourself a very lucky fortunate person? How would you describe yourself?

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Someone who is shocking. Someone who was unhappy, deprived, disappointed failure, loser. He says, Well, I'm a combi do I got a bishop here. Oh, Lord, I have never been on unblessed unhappy in calling upon you. The career in Islam is showing his humble, weak state before Allah subhanaw taala. Doesn't Allah already know how weak the careerism was? He knew

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he knows us better than we know ourselves. But this is what dua is about. This is what prayer is about. That you express yourself. You express your state, your needy state, because the more you express that, the more mercy you will receive.

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Think about it. Any human being well, so if you want something from them, how was it that you ask? You know, so for example, you didn't find a nice jacket even though you were at the mall. Not one wall, but multiple malls. You didn't find one and your sister has the one that you really want to wear tonight.

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What will you say to your sister? I'm taking your jacket. Okay. Just one night Quan Quan. Let me take it. That's not what you're gonna say. If you're gonna say, You know what? I went first thing in the morning to the mall. I spent three hours over there. I couldn't find anything. I went to the other mall and still I couldn't find anything now I'm so exhausted.

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Can you please

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can you please let me borrow this

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You show your pitiful state what happens? The one whom you're begging, they have mercy on you, if this is a state with human beings come on it this is how we ask human beings, that how is it that we need to ask ALLAH SubhanA power? Show your needy state before Allah wollam a combi dua ecobee Sharqiya hear

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what you mean? And indeed I have to I fear al Murali. Murali is a plural of the word molar. And who is molar? It has many meanings. But over here what it means is heirs, relatives, closest relatives.

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He says that, Oh Allah, I fear for my successors, my ears, my relatives, milliwatt II, from after me from behind me, meaning I'm afraid, my time is running out when I die. When I am gone, what's going to happen to my relatives?

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What is he saying? What does it mean over here? You see, a prophet of Allah. When he dies, what does he leave behind? What is his inheritance? It's not the money. It's not the wealth. What is it? It's knowledge. That is what is inherited by his nation.

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The career in Islam is saying that when it comes to my people, my nation, I don't see anyone, any individual who is willing to take on this responsibility of teaching people the religion, of leaving them in matters of faith of guiding them. I don't see anyone who is interested enough in religion. Oh, who would give this religion it's due, right? So I'm afraid that when I die, what's going to happen to this religion? What are people going to do? They're going to forget it. They're going to abandon it. So he says any hifter Muhuali. And I worry for them who's going to leave them was going to teach them

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what cannot and she has been who has been involved it my wife, ah, Kish, Rocco Baron. My wife has always been barren. I'll say this for their letters Ironclaw frog and up it is used for a person who is infertile, who cannot have children.

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And if you look at the words cannot, she has been meaning always. She's always been like this, meaning we've never had any children. Now in the state of old age, not possible.

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But so far, even in our youth, we never had any children. What kind of Timoteo Quran for her Billy, so you gift to me. Mila don't cut from yourself while Ian and air.

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In other words, I don't know how, but somehow will Allah you make away. I want a son, my own child whom I will teach, whom I will guide and who will be a future guide for my nation. Because I worry for their religion. I worry for the religion. My wife has always been barren. She's never given birth to any children. I don't know how she can have children. So you make away What do you see over here in the DUA that Zachary Allison I was making? If an old man it is satin zirconia listen at this point was around 100 years of age, some say less, some say more. Alo Harlem. But clearly the description that is given over here shows that he was extremely old.

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If you see an old lady and an old man, weak in their body, making dua Oh God, grant His children.

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What would you say?

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Nothing. He would just smile. Right? Because it seems so illogical. How is it possible?

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How is it even possible? But a career in Islam? What did he say earlier? Well, I'm a computer geek rugby shipping Yeah. Oh Lord, nothing is impossible for you. You are the one who plans everything you make a plan for me also. Because I want a child not for myself but for your religion, for your worship for your service. So you provide you make away somehow you make away

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Jani Sony. He will inherit for me, meaning my son will inherit from me what knowledge were you through and he will also inherit an earlier code from the family of your code family of your code meaning

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Family of prophets, the Bani Israel, He will also become a prophet like they were prophets, what you're all who and make him Rob Be my Lord really yet pleasing, meaning someone who is pleasing to you, that his manners, his actions, his words are such that you will be pleased with him,

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you will be happy with him, a righteous man, a devout servant, an obedient servant, that you are happy with him, and a servant who was happy with you also.

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Now we see in these verses that religion, then seems to be very important to look at our listener, because he's worried, not for the financial situation of the people after him, or of his family. But what is he concerned about?

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their faith, their religion, he wants to preserve their religion. Why? Because if people are emotionally and spiritually stable, then what will happen? They will be stable throughout their lives.

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Because many circumstances, many things in our lives, they're not within our control. You could have money, you could have a degree, you could have an apparently very secure job. All right. However, things change. And we see how things can change so quickly. In today's world, you know, one natural disaster,

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the one angry mob, and that's it, your whole life's work is ruined. But if you're not satisfied inside, if you're not happy inside, if you don't have faith inside, you cannot continue. Because life is tough.

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So remember that when faith is preserved, then people are preserved. That is their ultimate protection, that is their ultimate preservation. But if their finances are secured, their other worldly matters are secured and their faith is not secured, then they are not protected. So the career isn't I'm just concerned about the spiritual well being of his nation. And this is a reason why he wants a child.

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Now there is a question when that Zachary artists and I make this law.

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In sort of earlier on, we learned that the Korea lesson and being the guardian of Maria, he went to see Maryam Mary, and when he went to see her, he found that she had food, where does food come from out of season, you know, different good looking food? So he's wondering, Where did this come from? So he asked Meriam, another Canada, where do you get this from? What was your reply? Had them in your in the law, this is from Allah, Allah provides whomsoever He wills without measure. So the criada SNAM right there and then he made dua, he said, If Allah can give Miriam food,

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you know, he can send it down specially for her. And of course, he can give me something I want as well. And he made doll right there and then he made dua right there and then and what happened? Allah also responded to him.

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Allah also answered his prayer. He did not disappoint him. So let's listen to the recitation of these verses.

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I will be learning you know shame on you're watching

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man you're

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on the Clora, beacon

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moving us down.

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the more to

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be a

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prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when one of you makes a supplication meaning when one of you prays for something, you ask Allah for something he should not say oh

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Allah gave me such and such, if you wish, if you want.

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Rather, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said he should be firm in asking Allah, and he should have great hope. Because Allah does not think that anything that he gives is too great. Allah can give anything.

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If you just think about the size of this universe, how huge it is, and what are we compared to that universe? What's our size in ratio? And just think it's like impossible, we are so tiny, we're so insignificant, and Allah is the creator of this universe.

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So think about it. What is it that we could ask for meaning, our greatest wish even what could that possibly be? Do you think it would be difficult for Allah to give? No.

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Nothing at all is difficult for Allah to give, he can give anything.

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So what matters is our hope, our determination in asking Allah, that he or Allah, I want this.

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I want this you give me I don't know how this is going to happen. But you make away I want this, I want to go here. I want to do this. You make away from me, I don't have money. I don't have friends. I don't have support whatever it may be, but you make a way for me. And when a person asks along with so much determination, with so much hope that Allah does not like to disappoint his servant. In another Hadith, we learn that Allah subhanaw taala says I am as my servant thinks I am. Meaning if you have hope in Allah, then yes, Allahu will fulfill that hope of yours. And if you are shaking, if you're in doubt, then yes, that is how you will find Allah. Meaning you will not find your prayers

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answered. If you are shaky, if you are in doubt. So be determined.

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Are you who aren't who he said, Keep praying for what it is that you seek.

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Keep praying, keep asking Allah, for that which you seek for that which you want. impossibility and possibility are merely concepts of your mind.

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Meaning, something being possible or something being impossible. That's just in your head. That's just what you think. Because you're so little. You don't have you know, a bird's eye view. Right? You have very little experience. So you're thinking about things according to your own experience. They're just concepts of your mind to Allah, nothing is impossible.

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To Allah, nothing is impossible. So look at the door of zirconia Listen, he's asking Allah for a child, when, when he's extremely old when his wife is barren, but he's placing all his hope all his trust all his faith in Allah. And when a servant does that, Is he disappointed? Never

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