Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P15 144C Tafsir Bani Israil 45-52
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Then Allah says we're either called the arena and when you recite the Quran, meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being addressed over here, first and foremost,
that when you recite the Quran, Jana we place Binaca between you webinar Lavina and between those people who lay amenable, accurate, who do not believe in the hereafter? What do we place between you and those who disbelieve in the Athleta hegemon? A veil, a barrier, a screen, a curtain, that is mistura that is hidden, that is concealed, that neither you can see, nor they can see. But there's a barrier between you and the people who do not believe in the chakra. So when you recite the Quran, even from your heart, you're saying something to them, you're talking to them you wish to communicate with them, because there is this invisible barrier in between what happens is that what
you say does not reach their hearts.
Now, this idea is basically connected with the theme of these verses. And what's the theme of the verses we learned earlier? That though hate is mentioned over and over again? And then Allah subhanaw taala says that we'll look at Salafi how the Quran Leanda Kuru in this Quran we have mentioned major concepts over and over again in different ways. Why so that people remember they understand. So the message is clear. So the question is, that when the message of the hate is so clear, it's mentioned over and over again, in so many different ways. Why don't people get it? Why don't they understand?
And when you read the Syrah, and you think about people like a Buddha, you wonder, did his mind function like seriously? If he saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that beautiful man, that truthful and honest man, and if you saw the Muslims, how could you disbelieve? When the mushy Keane witnessed the miracle of the splitting of the moon, they recognize the Prophet salallahu salam to be the most honest and truthful and trustworthy and reliable man. Why is it that they oppose him so vehemently? What was the reason why did they not believe this Quran people here today and their hearts melt? Imagine hearing the Quran directly from the mouth of the prophets, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, even
that did not shake them, even that did not move them. Why? Allah tells the reason over here, there is a hijab and Mistura, there is a barrier, invisible curtain between the prophets, Allah Salam, and those disbelievers whom you recited the Quran to. And even today, this happens, that the message of the Quran is clear.
How, however, why is it that it doesn't reach the heart of the listener? Is there a problem with the Quran? No. The problem is that there is a barrier. The thing is that when people communicate with each other, when one person is speaking, especially from the heart, then what should happen it should reach the heart of the other person. But sometimes it does not reach their heart, they do not understand what is being said. Even though something is so simple and clear, they find it confusing and complicated. Why? Because if someone has decided that they're not going to accept what is being told to them, then what's going to happen, no matter how you talk, no matter how you explain,
they're not going to take it, they're not going to accept it. The prophets are a lot of Salam was, you can say the perfect communicator, for amongst mankind. He was the one who communicated most clearly most eloquently. But still, if people did not understand what he was saying, they were not willing to accept it. That means there was some barrier. And what was that barrier? Because there are barriers in communication. All right, there are barriers in accepting communication. What happens is that each person because of the experiences that they have, they have developed certain beliefs. All right. So for example, you have been living with your brother all your life. And over
time, you have come to know, you have developed this belief that my brother in certain matters, he's very selfish, you hold this belief, for example, or in certain matters, he's very, very generous. Now what will happen every time your brother is communicating with you, you are passing those words through this filter, what filter he is very selfish. So what happens is that even though he's saying something, that's really good, you will pass it through that filter. And it will affect the way you perceive what he's telling you. You understand? So, this is the reason why sometimes a particular individual is talking to us really sincerely, but we misunderstand what they're telling us. They're
talking to us in a very nice way. That
They really want the best for us. But we get upset and we get angry and we get agitated. Why? Because we have already believed in our heads that this person is not good, this person is not right. This person is like this. And like this, unlike this. So we filter that information through, you know, a particular funnel that we have in our head. Now, this funnel, or this filter, this is a barrier in communication, you have to remove it, you have to get rid of it if you want to communicate properly. So for example, a husband and wife, if they believe one person believes that, oh, you know, she doesn't respect me. Or she believes that, oh, he doesn't love me, he doesn't care
about me. Then they will both examine everything with those glasses, right? So everything will translate as she doesn't respect me. Everything will look like oh, he doesn't love me. Right? So when they go for counseling, what are they told, get rid of this thinking, don't think about this. You have to overcome it. You have to put these feelings aside. If you want to communicate properly. If you want your relationship to work, you have to put your past experiences on the side. So likewise, we see that the people who use their mind and who examined the message of the Prophet SAW Allah listen with an open heart. What happened? They believed. You remember that companion who, when
he came to Makkah, for hajj, he was warned by the machete King. There is a magician here. All right, and he says these words, which if you listen, even once you'll get affected by it, you'll get bewitched. So be careful. Don't listen to him. So what did he do? He put cotton in his ears. He plugged them literally, so that he would not hear the Prophet sallallahu Sallam even by accident. He did this for some time. And then he said, You know what, I have a mind of my own. I'm not that crazy. I'm not that impressionable. I can at least listen to what he's saying and decide myself if it's right or wrong. So when he put that filter that funnel aside, what happened, that
communication, it opened up, he was able to receive what the Prophet salallahu Salam was giving. Yes.
There is an incident where I was encouraging somebody to attend a specific class. But um, they like kind of stopped me before I even start explaining what the class is about. And the reason was an affiliation problem. Like they affiliate with this person, therefore, I don't even know what they're like teaching, but they're teaching Tafseer of the Quran, like, you know, this is what's happening. No, no, no, I don't like no matter how many ways I tried describing, like, what actually happened in the class just because of something else. They weren't taking. I mean, think about it, for example, in the media constantly, what do we see Muslims are like this, and Muslims are like that. Muslims
are like that. So there are people who have never met a Muslim, but what do you think about Muslims? You know, they are of a certain kind, right? So the first time that they do interact with a Muslim, they're amazed, they're surprised that seriously, Muslims are like this. I thought Muslims were different. Right? So why, because what you hear what you see whether it's true or false, you develop your own opinions about it. And those opinions, those beliefs, they become so strong, that no matter what you come across, you filter through that. So that affects, you know, communication. People develop something called schemas. And it's basically like a set of preconceived notions about
something. So there was an experiment where they showed a professor's office, and they asked students what was in the office and they were asked to remember what it was. And students actually ended up saying, oh, there was books and this type of things and that type of things that weren't actually in the professor's office, because they had preconceived notions about how professors office should be. It really shows how important it is for us to keep cleaning our hearts keep cleaning our thoughts, because if we let these things build up, you start assuming things about people and other things that just aren't true. And it comes back to you negatively in the end
exactly what you're under on Allah Karoubi him akin Nitin, a of a who, who, and we have placed over their hearts akin now. A kidney is the plural of kin, and what is kin a cover a case? So on their hearts is a case what does that mean? That their hearts are closed. There's something that is covering their hearts. And you have to who bless they understand it understand what what is being read to them, what is being recited to them. So even though the Quran is in the same language as they speak, or the messages the content is so simple, easy to understand, logical, but what happens because they have already made up their mind, this is not true. He's just making all of this up.
What will happen they will never understand the Quran wealthier than him walk through and in their ears is Walker and then is a plural of Odin. What is WakaWaka is literally a burden, heaviness weight. Now think about it if a person's ears are heavy, for example, heavy with earwax,
or what happens is that they have put something heavy in order to plug their ears, will they be able to hear anything? No, they won't be able to hear what they have and even walk along in their ears is a heaviness that's causing them to become deaf so that they're not able to hear words that are so clear. Again, this Walker this heaviness is what their preconceived notions what they have decided themselves from before. You know, if someone wants to listen, they are interested in listening, they're interested in finding out what the other is saying to them?
Will they be able to listen? Yes. You know, for example, there could be a lecture that you really, really need to listen to a recording why? Because it's of a class and an assignment is based on it you really have to listen to but that recording is not that clear. There's so much background noise, but what will happen you will ignore the background noise and you will focus on the words will you catch the words? Yes, you will. But if you're not interested in listening, then even though the words are so clear, there's no background noise, what will happen you'll zone out and if you're asked what was being said like huh What did you say something to me? You completely zone out right?
So what do we have any you walk along? We're either the quarterback or Phil Quran. And when you mentioned your Lord in the Quran, meaning while reciting the Quran, you mentioned your Lord because there is mention of Allah subhanaw taala. What the Who only him meaning when Allah Stowe Hadees mentioned in the Quran, and when you recite those ayat, what happens to these people will lower on a debility him they turn away on their backs, meaning they just turn their backs towards you, they walk away new fora in a version in dislike, meaning they hate the concept of the head so much. They hate to even hear that Allah is One. They dislike this belief so much that every time Allah is
mentioned, alone, they just get upset and they just walk away, they leave, they cannot tolerate to even hear it. So what do we learn over here, that this is the root cause this is the main problem, why they don't understand the Quran? And why they don't believe in the Quran? What's the main problem? They don't want to accept the sovereignty, the Oneness of Allah or Zawada? Allah is One what does that mean? That the power, the authority, the sovereignty that he has, he shares it with nobody. So he can decide whatever, and he can command, whatever. And some people have a big problem with that. They say no, if I want to do something, I should have the choice to make that decision.
And if I want to go this way, why am I being punished? Why should I be punished? Well, you know what, because Allah, the Supreme, he decided, he told us what is right and what is wrong. So when people hear about the Oneness of Allah, that's it, they get upset. And this is not just, you know, something that happened at the time of the Prophet saw a lot of fun this happens today also, that in a conversation, if you mentioned drugs, if you mentioned food, if you mentioned clothes, if you mentioned superstars, no problem. The moment God is mentioned, what happens?
People get upset. The moment religion is brought in conversation, people go away. Right? This is a problem. Then you see them wish to clean. What was their religion all about worship, idols, they love their idols, they love their false gods and their hearts were full of love for who? Their false gods. So this is a reason why when Allah was mentioned him alone, they would get upset. Because the thing is that when the heart is full of love, for vital love for other than Allah, then there is no room for ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. There is no room for Allah.
Then a person cannot tolerate even the mention of Allah. Forget about salah and forget about the day of judgment and forget about Jim and Johanna, the very mention of God upsets people. In through the Zoomer i 45. We learn we're either looking at Allah who the who, when Allah alone has mentioned Ishmael Azad, colluvial leadin Allah you know, hon era. Those people who do not believe in the hereafter their hearts shrink with a version shrink. He they feel tight. They feel so uncomfortable. They're like, You know what, stop it. I don't want to hear about this religion. I don't want to hear about God.
They get disgusted they want to go away. So the shura i A 13 We learned Corolla mushy kina Mata the room in a difficult for those who associate others with Allah is that which you invite them meaning you invite them to the Oneness of Allah it's very difficult for them to accept it. Why? Because the hearts are full with something else love for something else no are Allahu Allah says we know we know really well we know best be may assume you're gonna be Bhima about that which yes them your own they listen attentively be with it, meaning the Mushrikeen first of all, they would not want to listen to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam right reciting the Quran, they wouldn't want to listen to him, every
time they would see him, they would go away, they would deliberately avoid him, when they would hear him reciting the Quran, they would put their fingers in their ears and walk away, they would avoid him to this length. However, at the same time, the Quran is also very powerful. It is such that when it is being recited, you are pulled towards its recitation. And this is not just the state of the Muslims, this is even the state of a person who has never heard the Quran, when he hears that recitation of the Quran, you know, he's pulled towards it. So imagine the mushy keen, the people whose language was Arabic, when they heard the Quran, imagine how much it would attract them. So
they were pulled towards it recitation or to listen to it. However, they didn't want to show to the Prophet salallahu that they were listening. So what would they do? Pretend like they're not listening, and they're not interested. But then they would also go and secretly check out, you know, what was being recited secretly, they would go, because they couldn't keep away.
This is just like, you know, if something you hear about it, and initially, you say, no, no. But then there's this curiosity left in your mind that, what is it? After all? What is it?
You know, for example, you hear people talking about a particular movie, and you say to the owner, I don't watch movies. I stopped watching movies long time ago, you hear somebody else to take its name. And then you see a big poster. And then you see an ad. You're like, what is this? After all? Let me google it. And then you Google it. And you find out oh, it's a movie about such and such. They're like, Oh, interesting. And then somebody says, Have you watched that movie? And then you're like, No, I haven't. So why don't you come over? We'll watch it together. So you see how, when you initially refuse something, but still you find it interesting, you cannot keep away from it, you're
pulled towards it step by step by step. So the machine also they try to avoid the Quran, but they couldn't keep away.
They could not avoid it. So they would come to listen. And when they wouldn't listen with, yeah, let me listen to this beautiful Quran and see what I can learn, and how we can change my heart and how I can get become a better person. No, they would listen in order to find faults in order to find problems in order to find you know, something that they could make a big issue out of. So Allah says national airline will be my Yes, Tamir owner B, we are most knowing of how these people listened to it.
Meaning how they listen to the Quran, for what purpose? What is their intention? Are they really seeking guidance? Or are they seeking problems? ileostomy or una alayka? When they do come to listen to you attentively? When you're reciting the Quran, and then when they are done listening, they go, what is home Najwa and when they are in Najwa, Nigeria, meaning in private conversation, meaning later on, they go and talk amongst themselves secretly about who about you about the Quran about what they heard? And what is it that they say? That it was a beautiful recitation? It was a beautiful color. And that makes so much sense and that makes so much sense. No, of course, what
would they talk about something negative? What would they say about the prophets? Allah Allah, Allah says something negative. So AB Akula on the moon, when the wrongdoer say that into Toby Runa you do not follow Allah modular matura except a man who is Massoud meaning who is affected by magic, meaning this is what they say about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about the Quran. Once they have heard the Quran. What do they say? It's magic. What do they say about the Prophet saw a lot of time he has been affected by the magic.
Does this happen today? It does. That people when they listen to the Quran, they come with their no pre conceived notions and beliefs that this Quran is not true. I have to examine it very objectively. And then what happens when they read it? And they find one thing that does not make sense to them for example, you just open up the Quran you read first beit Surah Fatiha. Okay, that makes sense in the next page. As soon as you
reach. Indeed those who disbelieve it is the same whether you warn them or you do not warn them, they shall never believe, because Allah has set a seal upon their hearts. So instantly what happens? This is not true. Why is God forcing people to disbelieve? Why is God misleading people you understand. So they get stuck over there, they will forget about what they read earlier. And what follows next, they will just focus on that part and get stuck over there.
If a person is looking for something negative, they will just stop there, because they found something negative. But if a person is looking in a really with an open mind, positively, then what will they say? They'll say, okay, there must be an explanation behind this. There must be a reason behind this after all, I'm reading the translation of the translation can never do justice to the original and there must be more to this. So they keep reading and they keep reading. And each time they reach a hurdle, they overcome it and they keep going and going and going.
So you see difference in attitude, one is looking for
problems, and the other is looking for solutions. For answers for guidance. Each person will find what they are looking for.
And this is not true. Just with respect to the Quran. This is true with respect to everything in life, you'll get what you're looking for, you will find what you are seeking.
Definitely you will find it. So the Mushrikeen when they would listen to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam what would they say into to Verona Illa Raja Lamas rule is only affected by magic, forget it. But then they couldn't resist and they would go and listen again. And they would go and listen again. Allah says only look at these people, K for Baraboo how this trike laka? For you, um, Sal examples, not just examples, but also comparisons, descriptions, because the word I'm Sal is the plural of method. And that would mean examples. And I'm sad is also the plural of missile. And that would mean a comparison, an equivalent, a description. So over here, the meaning is off comparison
or description, that look at these people. What kind of descriptions are they giving about you? Look at the kinds of things they're saying about you. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
because he was never called a crazy man. Before he proclaimed prophet hood. He was never doubted in. People never accused him of lying of treachery, of any sort of misconduct, nothing. His record was clear. In fact, he was one of the best people of Arabia, someone who was respected
someone who was noble. And you know, when the kava it got affected by the floods. What happened? The 100 us what was also it was removed from his position because of the water, right? So when there was a dispute as to who should put it in its place, who walked in Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and what happened to them was sticky. They were willing to accept
him. Why? Because they respected him. So why is it that now all of a sudden they were accusing him of lying? They were accusing him of being affected by magic. They were accusing him off, you know, one thing after the other. Sometimes I said that he was a magician, sometimes they said magic has been done on him. Sometimes they said there's a gene on him. And sometimes they said there's a gene who comes to him again in his control, contradictory things, right? So Allah says all cafergot Ebola killed himself for the loo, they're lost. They've lost their way. Falaya still to your own Assa Vela? So they cannot find a way.
Because the thing is that when
something is right in front of your eyes, and you're not willing to accept it, and you say, no, no, I'm not gonna go this way, I'm gonna go this way.
And you go away from it, then are you going to reach the destination, never, you're never going to reach the destination. You have to accept what is in front of you, if you want to find your way.
You know, for example, if you are going somewhere you're driving, and there is a GPS that you're following. And the GPS is telling you take right go on this highway, and go on that highway and take this exit or that exit. And you realize that okay, this place was under construction recently. So whatever the GPS can tell me, I'm just going to follow it. All right. So what happens? It tells you take this highway, and you're like, No, but this highway goes the other way. Why is telling me to take this highway that happened with me recently. That's why I'm giving this example. So what happens is that you say no, no, I contrast the GPS even though it's telling me
I cannot trust you, I'm gonna go the other way. So you go the other way. Are you going to get to your destination? No. In fact, you're going to lose time. What's going to happen, eventually, you're going to realize I'm getting lost. So I better stop and look. So when you stop, and you look at the directions, you realize, oh, he was taking you on the other highway, because now there is a new connection between this highway and that highway. So it was taking me the shorter way. You have to accept it. And if you don't accept it, what's gonna happen for those who follow us today, you're gonna Sabina you're never gonna find your way.
At one point, you're going to say one thing and another point, you're going to say something else, you're going to come up with one excuse after the other after another, and you're going to end up nowhere.
You know, this is simple. In life, there are some things that are basic, you have to do them, you cannot get away from them. Like, for example, if you're told you need to drink more water,
and you say, no, no, I can't drink it because of this. And this and this reason. You come up with an excuse. And what are you told? No, this excuse is not good enough. Because you have this option. You say, no, no, I'm always on the go. I'm on the bus. And I can't always find water. What are you told carry a water bottle with you? Yeah, I do. Bring it with me. But then when it runs out, it's just sitting empty in my bed. You're like, no, there's water fountains everywhere. You can fill it up again.
Right? So when you are avoiding the truth, reality, running away from it, you're not going to get anywhere.
What do you have to do? Accept the reality and make life easy for yourself? And if a person does not accept reality for blue fella, Yes, totally. Aruna sebelah will call you and they say either Kunta Rahman what when we have turned into bones were to fatten and crumbled particles, or olam is a poor loaf of the story long bones. Now, what happens is that when a person is being defeated in an argument, what happens? He comes with something else. One other excuse. So this is exactly what the machine would do. That when Chinook was proven false, and they couldn't come up with any other justification for Chinook, what would they do pick on something else that the Prophet said a lot of
Saddam had told them.
So here what is mentioned that now to start arguing about resurrection, about hereafter How is that even possible? They say, what, when we have turned into bones, and crumbled, particles grew fat is used for crushed bits. It's basically referred to decayed and crumbled bits of a creature, you know, when a creature has died, and it's been, you know, buried for a long time. If you dig up that grave, what will you find? Maybe a little bit of, you know, for example, skin or bones. And if it's after a longer period of time, then what will you find? Hardly anything crumbled bits. So it's basically mortal remains. So when we have turned into bones, and even those bones have decayed and
disintegrated into the earth crushed bits, in Allama, baru soon, what? Are we going to be resurrected? How can in a creation that is God that knew our bodies are going to be made up again? We're going to be resurrected again. Our bodies are going to be formed, we're going to be given life. Why would the saying this? How's that even possible? How can resurrection ever take place? Once bones have decomposed? Even they have turned into crumbled bits? How can you put them back together? How is it possible that these bodies will form again and through trc 98 Return column may your healer Allama while he or AMIM, they say who will give life to bones while they have
disintegrated? Allah subhanaw taala response he says all say to them Kuno hijab Ratan ohada become turned into stones or iron.
Meaning even if your bodies have decomposed into the earth, and they have remained in the earth for so long, for 1000s and 1000s of years, to the point that they turn into rock or they turn into iron O'Hagan or into a creation that is mimma Yakubu fucile do recon that is even greater in your hearts meaning you consider it to be even tougher, even further from life. Still, Allah subhanaw taala can resurrect you. Allah can bring you back to life. It's not difficult for Allah. Notice two things are mentioned over here. If you turn into rock or iron, Allah is still capable of bringing you back to life or forming your body again
He has full ability to do that. If you think about rocks, there are different kinds of rocks, right?
So for example, sedimentary rocks, how are they formed?
They're formed through the gradual accumulation of sediment. So for example, sand on a beach, if it's been sitting there, and the more stuff comes on top of it and more stuff comes on top of it and more stuff comes on top of it. What happens is that after 1000s and 1000s of years that sand which was originally just sand on the beach, what will happen? It's so compacted together that it will turn into rock. This doesn't happen over 100 years, or just 1000 years more than that. So imagine if your bones have decomposed, completely turned into dust and sand and turned into Ijarah rocks, meaning it's been 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of years since you died. Oh, howdy, the Hadith iron.
Now again, Earth's most important iron ore deposits were they found in sedimentary rocks?
All right. So whether you turn into rock, or iron, or Holcomb in my Aqua fucile do recon or something that's even tougher than that.
Because iron rock or something that's even tougher than that, for example, diamonds, okay? If you put water on them, will they grow? No. When it comes to sand, if you put water on it, what happens? At least it absorbs it. But rock, if you pour water on it, what will happen? Will it absorb it? No, it will not absorb it, you immerse it in water, it will still not absorb it. Why? Because it's far from life from accepting any form of life. It seems dead, lifeless. So Allah subhanaw taala says that, whether you turn into something like this, you have completely decomposed and turned into something else. Allah is Able to resurrect you talking about resurrection, there's a really
interesting fall called a wood frog. And what it does is in the winter, it finds like a patch of ice or something, and it makes contact with it. When it touches the ice, it starts a process in the frogs body that like the frog literally just like freeze. Like there's no more, the blood isn't flowing in the frog, the heart's not pumping, its brain is not working, it's technically dead, nothing's happening in the frog. And it stays like that for a few months. And the spring happens, the sun's like just nobody knows how, but somehow it starts like a falling process. And after about 10 hours, the blood starts flowing, the heart starts pumping, the brain starts working in, it just
starts moving with its life again. It's amazing. I mean, you'd think that if a frog has been frozen for even a day, it's dead. But after several months, it comes back to life. Humans have been trying to recreate the process of the word frog, it's like cryogenics, where you're trying to freeze a person and try to bring them back to life. But always the problem with what happens is that when you try to thaw a person, the brain comes to life first before the blood starts pumping. And so the brain automatically realized that, you know, the rest of the system isn't working. So it shuts the rest of the body down. And so that's how the person dies. It's pemula with the wood frog, like this
is no technology, nothing this has naturally been happening for years, it unfreezes itself and spell it the heart unfreezes first, which is it's a miracle because we haven't been able to accomplish that with any of our sciences yet. And yet the frogs been doing this for how many years? So if Allah shows this to us that how things that can die and then come back to life again, Allah subhanaw taala can recreate people. You know, when you think about resurrection, you wonder, you know, when people die, and their body goes into the earth, and it's decomposed turns into mud, and then you know, plants grow from it, and then an animal comes in eats it. So if you think about those original
particles, which were part of a human being, and now you know, into something else, they've entered an animal, how will this resurrection be?
Do you remember that incident where a man when he was near his death, he told his children, that after I die, have burned my body, turn it into ashes, and then on a windy on a stormy day, take the ashes and just blow them away? And that was done, but Allah subhanaw taala ordered that the ashes be collected, brought together, and that man was resurrected and Allah asked him that, why is it that you ordered this to be done? And that man said out of your fear, and Allah subhanaw taala said that because of your fear,
you're forgiven. So think about it. If a person his body is burned and scattered, lost in this world, eaten by an animal, you know, drowned in the water, never to be found turned into coal. Whatever material it transforms into
Do Allah knows exactly where each and every piece of the body is? In what form it is? So much so that we learn that on the Day of Judgment people will be resurrected how? One description that is given is uncircumcised. If you think about it in circumcision, what happens? A tiny piece of flesh is removed from the body, a tiny piece of flesh. Right? So on the Day of Judgment, when a person will be resurrected, his body will be incomplete and whole form. So if a piece of flesh was cut off in this life, it was separated from his body, on the Day of Judgment, it will be a part of his body. Where does that piece of flesh end up what it turned into? Still, Allah is Able to bring it back
together Bella Audrina Allah and Noosa we're banana, even the fingertips Allah is Able to fashion them perfectly again. Oh, how come the Maya Kuru fucile do recomb fossa coluna then they will say my URI Nona who can bring this back.
Who can do that it's not possible for anybody. With all our technology and knowledge and experience we have never been able to do anything like this who can do it may or Edo now who can resurrect us who can bring us back? It's not possible for anybody say to them, Allah the Fatah Rocco a well, Amara, the One who created you the first time the one who made you the first time you were nothing he brought you into existence. He formed your body. He gave you every bit of your body that you have Allah the Fatah Docomo? Well, Amara, he is the one who can resurrect you again. Because think about it, making something the first time and then making something the second time what's easy. The
second time, right. And once something has been done, it can certainly be repeated. So if he created you the first time, where did your nutrition come from, from throat from mud. So likewise, when your body will turn back into mud, you think he cannot bring you back again?
Think about this body that we have. Where was it? 50 years ago? 100 years ago? Was it there? No. I mean, think about it a baby when he's born how tiny Izzy but then gradually how his size increases increases. Where's that coming from? Are you stretching it and pulling it and adding stuff to the body? No, that child eats food. And that food comes from where from the ground from the mud. And that causes his body to grow. So when this body will turn back into mud when it will go back into mud and turn into mud. Can Allah not recreate it? Of course he can call Allah the Fatah Rocco wala Mara fossa Yun li Luna elaida. So now, they will nod their heads that you usually don't know hold
known line bod. And it basically means to move your head up and down. Like, Oh,
interesting. When is it that people nod their head up and down either when they're agreeing with you? Or they're like,
like seriously as if they're mocking at you.
So they will nod their heads at you as if their thinking kind of makes sense to them. But they're not willing to accept it. So they want to laugh it off. Faster. Usually Luna elago Russa home and they're thinking and they're coming up with something else to argue with you while colonna and they will say, okay, Mata, who? When is it going to be? You say this resurrection is going to take place? You've been saying that for seven years for five years, it still hasn't happened? What is it going to be? And people today will say 1400 years ago your Prophet came and he said there will be resurrection? When is it going to be? Well coluna Mata who all say to them ASA and you're gonna
kaliba Perhaps it is very near, perhaps it is very soon.
Because something that is coming that is about to happen. You don't know when it's going to happen. It can happen any moment, right?
Like for example, if you have invited somebody to your house and they say yeah, I'll come anywhere between two and three. So what happens after two o'clock you're like anyone was there going to be here? Anyone what they're going to be here? And when they walk in at 257 Then what happened you that you've been making me wait for an hour, right? Because in that hour, you didn't go to the bathroom? You didn't eat anything you change so quickly and you did so many things running around. Why? Because they could come any moment to you want to be ready. completely ready? Secure if you have somebody to call supposed to come to your house and fix the telephone or something or the internet
or something. And you've been given a window. So you keep your hijab on and you're waiting those
Two hours because they gave you, you know, this window of three hours. So you have your hijab on for two and a half hours even and then they're finally walking. Why are you ready from two and a half hours before? Because they said they could come at that time, or leave? Likewise the Day of Judgment, what is it already?
And the fact is that when a person dies, then basically he's entered into the realm of the Hereafter because there's no coming back.
Now, when is it that a person is going to die? Do we know?
Do we know? Do we have any idea? Do we have any clue that our death could be very, very near? It is near for sure it's near.
But we don't know how near the person doesn't know. He goes out of his house and he thinks he'll come back fine. And he dies.
Literally, it could be so near as less than a minute. Less than a minute. I sat in your corner katiba Serato. Marriage is six to seven. Allah says in the home your owner who bear either they see it to be far. They think that our death day of judgment
for one Allahu katiba but we see it to be very near. Yo Maya DREW Come on the day that he will call you. How will it be? How will this resurrection be? How is it that your bodies will come out of this mud? You will be resurrected? How will this take place? Yo Maya de rocha when he will call you
for Testa de buena, then you will all respond behind the heat with his praise. Meaning when Allah will call people at the time of the hour, the no one can stay sleeping, then no one can remain in their grave. Every single person is going to come out of the earth but the study buena, you're going to respond.
Because how is the Day of Judgment going to begin with the blowing of the trumpet?
When the Trumpet will be blown the first time on novikoff is sort of the first time what will happen? All those who are alive will die. And then the Trumpet will be blown another time. And why is it that the Trumpet will be blown? It's like an alarm get up. Wake up, come back to life. Come back to life for the study buena and everybody will get up. Everybody will be resurrected, everybody will come out of their graves for the study buena behind the heat with his praise, meaning with nothing but words of praise of your Lord on your mouth. What Aluna Illa bestow Illa kalila and you will think that you did not remain except very little. Meaning you would think that the time you
spent in your grave, or the time that you spent in your worldly life was very, very brief very little. Because the Day of Judgment, so long, so difficult, so horrific, that because of its length and because of its difficulty, the life on the Earth or the life in the grave will seem like a moment a day a part of a day. Waterville, Nona, Illa bestem Illa kalila.
In through trc, nya 52, we learn CalU Yawei, Lana, Mumbai, Santa Monica Medina, when people will be resurrected, they will say Oh, well to us was raised as up from our sleeping place. We were sleeping in our graves who woke us up. But you know, people are either punished in the grave or they're rewarded in the grave. Now imagine people are being resurrected. And what are they saying about the time in the grave? It was sleep? Why will they call it sleep? Because compared to the difficulties of the akhirah the time in the grave will literally seem like a nap. Even though it was full of pain and misery. What Aluna Illa bestow Illa kalila what's the lesson here?
Instead of focusing on when, when when I will die, and when when when this Day of Judgment is going to be worrying about what you're supposed to do right now. When death is going to happen, that's beyond your control. When the day of judgment is going to occur, that is also beyond your control. But the moments the hours the days you've been given right now, that's for a reason do something before this time slips away from your head and you're just lying in your grave unable to do anything
unable to change anything.
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