Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 135D Tafsir Al-Nahl 35-40
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We'll call them Lilina Shaco. And those people who do shake they say, Now, the people who do shake they have been described as the arrogance. They have been described as those who don't believe in the Oneness of Allah don't believe in the hereafter. The what is the logic they give for the wrong actions? Because obviously when you're doing something wrong, and you know that it's wrong and somebody studying you don't do it and you still do it, why do you still do it because you have some thing that you've taken as evidence to justify your wrong action.
So what's the justification that the machete can give for their shit?
They say, low sha Allah, if Allah wanted ma Abba dinner, we would not have worshipped min Dhoni besides him in che in anything. If Allah wanted, we would never have done shake now. No way we would never have done it. What about ona nor our forefathers?
So in other words, they're saying we do shake? Because Allah lets us he let our forefathers do it, he let us do it. And if he's letting us do it, if he's allowing us to do it, if he's making it possible for us, then that means he's okay with it. That means he allows it, that means he likes it. You see how it starts? We're doing it. Allah lets us do it must be okay. Not just okay, he must like it. This is why he's telling us so you know what chick is good.
And this is the justification that many have come up with for their sins, blaming Allah subhanaw taala.
So much so that certain people, they said that committing a sin, there is no problem with it. If you did it, that means Allah let you do it. That means Allah wants you to do it. Allah likes you to do it. So there's nothing evil, there is nothing good, everything is good. And we're not going to be held accountable for our wrongs.
So likewise, many people when they do something wrong, they blame Allah.
Well, you know what, I will wear hijab whenever Allah wants me to. Yeah, I will start praying whenever Allah wants me to. When Allah gives me Tofik, I will also pray on time, Allah is giving you tofield by teaching you the importance of hijab, or salah or higher, or whatever it may be, he already gave you tofield. And he's given you the ability. Now the ball is in your court, the responsibility is yours. So they said we wouldn't have done it if Allah didn't allow us. So he allowed us he let us all not our fault. And they said well, ohana, and we would not have made haram, men don't even shake
anything meaning anything that Allah has not forbidden, we would not have forbidden life, for example. And we should, again, certain animals they had forbidden, remember Behera and sativa. And
remember those words,
the translation of which you didn't have to memorize, because you have to keep the Arabic term as it was. Anyway, those particular kinds of animals the machine had made haram on themselves that if there's this chic animal that's given birth to these many camels is the grandmother of such and such camel then set free for the sake of the idols and nobody touched it. Nobody eat it, nobody kill it. Let that camel do whatever it wants. So they would say that, well, you know, what if we've made these animals how long it's because Allah allowed us if he allowed us that means he likes it. Because Alika ferula the lemon khopoli him. This is not new. The people before also did the same
thing. They gave the same justification for Hola, hola, Rosalie. Ill Bella will morphine. So is there any responsibility on the messengers except to convey clearly, no, the responsibility of the messenger is what convey and once they have conveyed the message, then can they force people? They cannot, they're not supposed to. So in other words, when the message has been conveyed to a person then if he makes comes up with this kind of justification, then what can you do? You know, like someone said that I argued with a scholar and I defeated him and I argued with it Jehan, and he defeated me.
I argued with AJ Hill and ignorant person and he defeated me. What does that mean? That a person who has knowledge he will accept evidence, you will accept logic, he will accept proof. He will accept that you know he was wrong. But it Jaha Hill an ignorant person can you make him understand? Can you you cannot Valhalla muscley illa Billahi Min Mubin.
So, when people give such kind of justifications for their sins, where is God if he's really there? How come he let so much evil happen?
And then they're not using any sense.
Once I had an
an argument, I guess, with someone who said that it's okay to eat like kosher meat, like, with like on a pizza or whatever, because like it's kosher, you know, like they sacrifice it the right way when kosher is actually kosher. Like, also blessed kosher, okay? Meaning they have pronounced the blessing the word of the blessing in which is the name of Allah subhanaw taala. And that's okay. But to say something like, you know why we're in the land of the People of the Book, so just eat anything?
Well, you know what, the restaurant owner, he's not necessarily from the people of the book. And the butcher. He wasn't from the people of the book. So do generalize this. What can you do? What can you say? So what's better when these arguments come up and just stop there? Because you're not going to win? You're not going to win? Well, I've got the bath Nafi Cooley, Omata Rasul. Allah says, certainly we sent an every nation a messenger, the machine said that you know what should because okay, because Allah let us do it.
So, Allah subhanaw taala says that no, every nation, a messenger was sent to them. Why? A near Buddha Allah, that you should worship Allah watch Danny MacDonald and avoid the Talmud. What is the whole Chapin false gods avoid them? So if shirk was okay, would Allah send prophets and messengers? No.
So what does that mean? There is a difference in what Allah allows to happen and what Allah commands. What Allah commands us to do. That is what he likes. And what Allah allows should happen, may take place, then it's not necessary that he likes it, he lets it happen. Because this life is a test. Each person has been given his freedom, his choice to do what he wants. And that is the test that he's in.
Like, for example, you know, if you are writing your test, and your teacher is right there, and she's looking at the answer that you're writing, and you're writing, and she doesn't say a word. And then when you get your test paper back, you find out there's a big red cross on it. So you go to her and you say, I wrote this answer in front of you. And you didn't say anything at that time. How could you mark it wrong?
How could you mark it wrong? I wrote it in front of you. If I was wrong, you should have stopped me know, the teacher could not have stopped you then why? Because you're taking your test. When you're taking your test, you're allowed to make mistakes, big mistakes, such mistakes that will cause you to fail. Why? Because it's a test.
So there is a difference between what Allah lets to happen and what Allah commands. What is it that Allah has commanded, though hate for which he sent so many messengers in every community, every nation? And what is it that Allah lets happen? schicke why? Because this life is a test that what do people do for men home so from them man had Allah, those whom Allah guided women home and from them and Hakata la Hizballah those on whom misguidance but it became incumbent it became necessary, it was proven meaning that is what they deserve Delilah misguidance is what they deserved. Why did they deserve misguidance? Because that is what they were inclined to. You know, like an ignorant person
you can give them a proof you can give them another proof but they still don't get it. So then what do they deserve?
Who they are bla bla bla bla.
For zero fill earth so traveled through the Earth. Allah says fun little and look kafer can are people to look at the mean, how was the consequence of those who denied? Go ahead and see for yourself? Those who rejected those who denied what was their end result? If Allah really liked their actions, and if Allah really approved their sins, then how come they were punished? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is comforted in the head of sila Huda home, if you desire greedily for their guidance, you want them to be guided, you want them to get it, you want them to accept guidance.
And does it ever happen that, you know, when somebody gives a lame justification like this? Well, if God allows me to do it, that means it's okay for me.
You want that they should understand that No, Allah is not preferring this for you. He's putting you in this test to see what you choose, but they still don't get it. What do you want? That somehow you could put that sense in their head?
The prophets of Allah Allah Salam eagerly wanted people to understand people to accept guidance. Allah says if you really want them to be guided, then remember for in the law hilarya Dima ulal Allah does
If not guide the one who is astray, meaning the one who's deliberately choosing the wrong way going on it, then Allah will not force him away from there and make him go on the right path. No for in Allah halaya de mailing
because each person has been given the ability to discern between right and wrong and also the knowledge in the light of which he can see what is right and what is wrong. And if, at the time of the test, he's making a mistake, that's his fault. Right? Like, for example, you are writing something wrong on your test, your teacher is watching you and She's got that smile on her face and you're confused, am I right? Am I wrong? So the teacher cannot force you to write the correct answer because you had enough time to prepare. You were given the information to study. So the one who chooses Miss guidance guidance is not going to be forced on him well, my level mon nursling and they
will have no helpers will occur. Some will be lucky to have the Emani him and they swear by Allah their strongest oats will the machine again. They swear by Allah their strongest oats, that laborer Ethel logomania mode, Allah who will not resurrect those who die.
Earlier we learned that Aladdin Allah you may not have been accurate. They don't believe in the ACA.
When they don't believe in the ACA, they don't believe in Allah subhanaw taala the way they should believe it. So their belief in God is also incorrect when they reject the hereafter. So, so firm they are in their rejection of the afterlife. That is where Oh, they say by Allah, you know this, we're Oh, it's the strongest odds that they can make. They make those and they say lay of earth or LogMeIn won't, Allah will not resurrect those who die there is no afterlife. Allah says Bala, why not? Meaning of course, He will resurrect those who die. Why then I lay he held on a promise on him. Incumbent. This is a promise that Allah has made and it is how it is necessary. It is certain He
will fulfill this promise, well, I can knock the onesie in Ireland, but most of the people do not know. They do not know what do they not know about this promise of Allah? And really, if you just take a random survey and just ask random people out there is their afterlife? Do you believe in afterlife? Their answers will show that they know very little, or they don't know at all. It is something that Yes, they've heard people talk about but they don't really think much about it. What do people know about the Akira? Hardly anything.
Axon Nursey lair Allah Moon Liuba you know Allah home. So this promise Allah will fulfill the day of judgment, He will bring about why so that he can make clear to them, he will clarify to the people a lady that which you have telephone fe, which they used to differ in? Are there differences that people are in today?
Many, some are very major and some are minor. Some are differences in religion and belief in creed and ideology, and others are over little petty issues. Who was right, who was wrong? Who's right? Is it whose responsibility is it like and families and friends mean these issues are always there, no matter what happens? The picture doesn't always become 100% Clear.
Like for example, a divorce takes place. Who was right, who was wrong? Whose fault was it? Whose mistake was it? I mean, you have some idea, but each person is defending themselves. You go to listen to one person and you believe they are innocent. You go listen to the other person and you see that they're innocent. who's right who's wrong? What's the actual story here? Who knows about it? Allah. So all these differences, they will be made clear when on the Day of Judgment, even matters of dispute, which are between the believers, they will be made clear, because no one will be allowed to enter Jannah with a heart that has, you know, a grudge or some pain, or a feeling of
being betrayed or hurt by others. No, the heart has to be completely clean before people enter Jannah. So when people will cross the bridge over the hellfire, those who will make it across to the other side. They will be stopped before entering Jana at the Contra. And over there what will happen? The disputes that believers have amongst each other they will be resolved. You know, like certain relationships they can get so complicated. So complicated. It's so messy. You try to fix it. It gets messy again. You said something it was understood in a different way. And they interpreted differently and they said something else and it just got worse.
and worse and worse over time. So what do you do? You're like, you know what, forget it. I'm just gonna start avoiding this person because the more I interact with them, the more mess we get into. So I'll just keep you know my distance. Now this distance in this dunya, okay, it will keep you away from sin, a little bit of distance, not complete cut off. But come on, how is it possible that in general, there are these two relatives, and they are distant from each other? That's not Janna. But then who's going to resolve that if the life between the mother in law and the daughter in law, for example, or between the husband and the wife were between the brother and the sister who's going to
resolve that if they laugh? Who can any person do that in this world?
No, this will be resolved where? In the hereafter, so is the hereafter necessary?
Hmm, is it necessary, of course, because each person wants that peace of mind,
that peace of mind, like for example, someone is killed. And you know, after years and years of going into court, you still cannot really blame the person whom you thought killed. How can you be at peace, if your friend if your relative has been killed, and you don't even know who the killer is, or you don't even know you cannot understand why they killed.
So in the Hereafter, all these matters will be resolved so that people will go to Jannah they go in peace, and they live in peace and the people who go to hellfire, they go with full responsibility of the crimes that they have committed,
full responsibility. They deserve that guilt.
Each person will get what he deserves. Liuba you know, law home, Allah the attorney phono fee, when he RLM Alladhina Cafaro unknown candle caddy Bean, and those who disbelieved they may know that, indeed they were liars, their lives will
become evident to them, they will know for sure that they were wrong. So in other words, the Day of Judgment is necessary so that those found the truth, realize that yes, their efforts were in the right cause they were upon the truth and those who are upon falsehood, they also know that they were wrong in nama Toluna Lee che in you think it's difficult for Allah to bring about the Day of Judgment? No, don't think like that. Because indeed our word for anything either order now, when we intended meaning when we intend to make it happen, our only word is an Akula who that we say to it can be via cone so it happens it's not difficult for Allah to bring about the day of judgment he
only has to say Could he only has to give the command to Angel is Rafi you blow the trumpet and the Trumpet will be blown because angel is Raphael right now is bent down with his mouth placed upon the trumpet looking up to the Throne of Allah not even looking here or there for even a split second because he doesn't want to miss the command right now.
And when the Trumpet will be blown, the Day of Judgment will begin Allah simply has to say gone
you know through the summer when you see all these big leaves and such beautiful weather and big trees lush green everything the winter seems so far
seems so far but then what happens within a few days as it gets colder and colder and you realize oh, it's not getting warmer. You know what's coming right Can I
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Subhanak alone will be handed Masha Allah Illa illa Anta, the Sofitel Kona to boo Lake A salaam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh