Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 133C Tafsir Al-Hijr 61-77
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Hey, fellow manager, Earl Lutheran Elmore saloon. Then when the messenger is meeting the angels they came to the family of Lutheran Islam. And the family of Lutheranism basically includes to Luther the son and his daughters. Daughters, the daughters are being called Al family call and he said Lutheranism said in Macomb como Moon karoun You are people that are Moncure own unknown. mancha is what that which is rejected. What is it that you reject? Avoid? What you don't know what you don't recognize? Someone Quran doesn't mean you are rejected in your despise? No, it just means that you are strangers. I'm sorry, who have we met before? Do I know you? I don't recognize you.
Go Moon karoun So we see that even Lutheranism did not recognize the angels. Why? Because the angels came in the form of human beings.
And why because he was a human being luthiery Salam he himself was a human being Yes, he was a messenger but he did not possess the knowledge of the Unseen just as Ibrahima s&m did not Allah intercom como mancha don't all know. The angel said Belgic. NACA. Rather we have come to you beam out with that which can Oh, they were fee in a DM tone. They were disputing. We have brought that very thing that your people have been disputing about. They have been doubting about em thoroughness from meme raw, yeah, media. What is media? Doubt, an empty LA is to argue about something. Why? Because you're doubtful of it. You don't take it, you don't buy it. You don't want to accept it. So
this is why you keep arguing about it. This is mtrr. Now when the messengers of Allah, they conveyed the message to their people, what was the reaction of the people, most of the time rejection, when the prophets warn them? That if you continue this way, then Allah will punish? So did the people accept? No, they argued, they rejected. So the angel said that we have brought that very thing that your people have been doubting that your people have been arguing with you about and what is that? What is that? The punishment, which they were not willing to accept? Meaning, they wouldn't accept that, okay, if we disbelieve, we're going to be punished, no way. We're not going to be punished.
And many times this happens, that we are given warnings. If you do this, these are the consequences. If you do this, these are the repercussions. But what happens we don't want to accept it. So we persist in our ways, and then eventually what happens, our greatest fears come true. What we did not believe in comes true before us. What attainable health, they said, and we have brought you the truth. We're in nallah Sadiq Khan and indeed we are truthful. Remember when the angels came to Rahim realism, they said we have brought you the truth, meaning this is definitely going to happen. You are going to have a child and when they came to Luther s&m Again, they're saying will attain
Ecobuild health. We have brought you the truth. We're in nela Sadiq Khan, we are truthful, meaning this punishment is definitely going to come to your people.
On the one hand, we see the angels are bringing good news of the birth of a child to Ibrahima listener, and on that same mission, that same journey they're coming to Lutheranism with the news of the punishment of Wu an entire nation, an entire nation,
nubbin everybody and the unknown, lawful Rahim Allah is merciful on one hand and on the other hand will another be who are the devil Aleem It is painful punishment. So for some is Rama and for some is punishment for sdb elec Luther is and I must also travel with your family and s3 is what is allowed to travel in the night. So in other words, set out with your family take your daughters with you. When in the nighttime, bit pepper in in a portion pitter patter is a piece of something. So set out from your home leave everything goal leave the city when Bill Clinton in abortion in a lay of the night, meaning when a certain part of the night is over than leave leave
what the bear about a home and when you leave, follow or load you should follow us about our home their backs meaning whose backs of your family members make your family walk in front of you. And you should be aware walking at the back wall a realtor fit and he should not look at
round he should not turn around. Yellow to fit ill taffeta LT fat or you should know LT fat by now. What is LT fat in Salah to look here there to turn you know to the right or to the left. This is LT fat. So lay of the fit he should not turn around and look back no layer to fit men come are hidden from you anyone no one is allowed to look back. One do and continue on keep going high sort of Maroon where you are commanded one blue is for me. But yeah, muddy and muddy is to go away to leave something.
And mildly from the same root is used for past tense because what has happened in the past you've left it. So over here one law means keep going. Because when you keep going, when you keep moving on, then what happens? You're leaving behind lots of things, lots of memories, lots of places. So one low continue high sort of Maroon where you have been commanded. Now many things are mentioned in this ayah first of all, look at Islam is told leave in the night, leave during the night. Why? Why leave during the night and not in the daytime so that no one from his nation would see him leave. This is just as the Prophet sallallahu sallam was told to hijra, at what time during the night he
left at nighttime. So for us three BLE Kabila terminal laid. Secondly, he is told what to do about a home. When you leave with your family you should be walking. Were in the front, leading the group know at the back why guarding your group. Because you see, a leader generally is in the front of the people. When when the leader is to be followed, like, for example, in Salah, the Imam is in the front, and the rest of the congregation is behind him. Why? Because the people are meant to follow the email. And if they have to follow Him, you better be in the front so that they can see him. Right. But remember that the prophets of Allah who are not just leaders, they were not just leaders.
They were also shepherds of their flocks. They were also do take care of them, and protect them and preserve them. Just like a shepherd, where does he walk with his sheep? In the front? No, at the back? Haven't you seen those images? You know, a flock of sheep, and the shepherd is walking at the back. Why? Because he has to make sure all the animals are safe. They're going in the right direction, he has to keep his eyes on them.
So remember, that leadership does not just mean you're up on the body when you're being followed? No, it also means that you are at the back checking, making sure everything is happening just like a mother. What does she do? She teaches but then she also follows up. So what the beer about a home.
Thirdly, they're told, well a lot of admin come are hidden. No one should turn back, no one should look back. Why? Because if they would look back, then what would happen? They would end up seeing the punishment descending on the people. And such, you know, scenes, they're very, very difficult to absorb. They're very difficult to live with such memories, such images, you know, people who return from war, what happens?
They go into depression, sometimes it's very, very traumatizing. And this is just a war and the punishment that was meant to descend on the people of Lutheranism. Very, very difficult to see. So this is one reason that they were told not to look back. Another reason why they were told not to look back, is that when you look, imagine if Luther listen would look back. Do you think he would feel pity for his people? Yes, for sure.
And the thing is that at this time, the people of Lutheran escena, they had lost all their trances and they did not deserve any pity. This is just like for their own for their own. How many chances was he given so many. And then what happened when he was drowning? At that time, he started saying that I believe, I believe. So in some nations, we learned that Gibreel started putting mud in fear owns mouth, because he didn't want it for our own should say such words that will bring Allah's mercy to him. He wanted the Quran should be punished. Now he hated Pharaoh.
So likewise, Luther, listen, I was told don't even look back. Nobody have any pity on these people because they don't deserve it. They don't deserve it. Also, remember that when you've left something
when you've left
If something, then you really need to detach yourself from it physically and emotionally and mentally in every way, you have to detach yourself from it.
If you keep looking at it, then what will happen, you would want to go back to it.
So Lutheranism is basically being told to just move on from this now move on, because the prophets were very, very kind and affectionate towards their people, even though their people rejected them, and were harsh with them, the prophets always wanted the best for their people. So those are Islam as being cold as go leave them, don't look back, you've left them. There are over, forget them. In other words, and from this, we learned a very important life lesson, that if there's anything that we intend to leave, whether it's a sin, you know, or something that wastes our time, then you know what, get rid of it in such a way that you don't even look at it. You cannot even see it. Because if
you keep seeing it, then what will happen?
You know, it's just like in the month of Ramadan, when everybody's fasting, do you have food laid out on the table all the time? Do you have snacks all the time? No. Do you have them on the store? No. Why? Because if you have them, then what will happen you will want to eat you will want to drink. So because I'm not supposed to eat right now put the food away. I don't want to see it. Right. And if you have to go to the mall, and there is a food court, what do you say, You know what, I'm not going to go that way. I'm going to go through some other way. I don't want to pass through the food court. I don't want to smell that food. Because it makes me feel hungry. It makes me want
to eat. And it makes my fast even more difficult. So this dunya right? What do we learn about this that dunya Yom this life, this world is just for one day. And while an fpu song, and we are fasting. So there is many, many wrong things from which we have to hold ourselves back. And once we've left them, then just don't look back. Move on. Move on.
This is similar to how, you know if a person is addicted to music, and they're struggling to leave it. And they say, okay, you know what, I'm not going to listen to it, but it's still in my iTunes library. Really, if you leave it in your library, what's going to happen? It's going to end up on your phone, it's going to end up on your iPod, right? And then obviously, we'll end up listening to it.
So make that detachment easy for yourself. Leave it and don't look back. And you know what? Insha Allah, you won't miss it. You will not miss it. You know, when we miss things, when we keep looking at them, when we keep admiring them so late if it hadn't been called, don't look back at all one law hated that model and be focused, go where you have to go. You know the Prophet sallallahu sallam, it was his habit that when he would be walking, he would not look back. And this is actually mentioned in Sahih Bukhari that the prophets of Allah said when he would be walking he would not look back. Who looks back imagine somebody's walking in constant looking back
and then bumped into something who either you're afraid or you're not sure about where you're going or there's something wrong with you. Because if you're going in this direction, you better look in that direction. Right so one lower highs with maroon be focused. Work Elena la he and we conveyed to him to Lena from cola Tada means decree bah bah Isla, when the word Koba is followed by ILA it means to convey, to convey to let the other know to inform clearly. So kubina la he gives the meaning of a Hayner Ely, meaning we did where he to him we informed him. We informed him we conveyed to him the decree their legal arm, that matter, which matter of the punishment, that under that Dabura the root
hula, each of these people Maclaurin it will be cut off misbehaving by early morning, meaning by the time these people will enter the morning, there'll be finished. Luther, listen, I was told you leave in the night and by next morning, there will be no morning for your people. There'll be finished. So what happened was Medina to stop Sharon Luthor Islam. He's informed about all of this by the angels. And while the angels are still there, what happens? The people of the city they came to him yesterday, rejoicing very happy and excited. Why were the people happy and excited? Because these visitors had come in
these outsiders, foreigners have come and they have something that we can loot that we can take away from them. If not, then we can sexually enjoy them. Because this is what these people will do. Take away the belongings of the people and also harass them in this way. So what? Medina tea? Yes, I'm Sharon excited, happy.
Has it ever happened with you that you go to a new place and
people look at you as if you're an alien.
Like, for example, I remember as a child, we traveled to certain places in Pakistan, me and my family. And this particular village
we went to and my dad is driving through the streets, struggling to find his way. And all these children, they just flood the streets. As if something has come, you know, as if an airplane has come. They're just amazed. Oh, wow, a car.
A car? You know, it's so fascinating. What does it show? That it's different for them? It's new for them. And children do this right? If adults start doing this, that Oh, wow, look who has come everybody come and see everybody come and see.
What does it show? I mean, Dell, ignorance, that okay, you've seen them now go do what you were doing. Don't leave everything in your life and come to watch just a car. Okay? You saw it in a nice car. Okay. Take a few pictures, put them go away. Please.
Go do what you have to do. You know, like, recently, somebody shared a video with me of this YouTuber, superstar something Muslim guy. He's in the UK. And he says that I'm going to be at the spark everybody. If you want to come see me there. Allahu Akbar. And all these women and hijab the way they're running, running, running, running, running. La hawla wala Quwata illa. That poor guy had to be taken away by the police.
If you have caught a glimpse of him that you so badly desire, once you've seen him, please go back to work.
Why do you have to crowd around that area and create a stampede literally
where people's lives and properties are in danger. This attitude is of just pure ignorance. Our religion is a religion that teaches us organization and discipline. Our Salah is not a mass crowd just you know, doing what they want. No, look at how organized the Salah is, look at how organized the Hajj is. Right. How organized the Hajj is. But in the rest of our lives, when we see something new we forget all the rules of discipline.
We forget everything is if we're being driven by our desires. So likewise, these people they came here sub Sharon, wow. Three men foreigners. What have they got?
They must have got some stuff. If not look at how handsome they are. Yesterday, Sharon
introduced we learned wotja Who como yo Corona LA and his people came hastening to him. Call a luthiery CERAM he sensed that trouble that these people have not come with a good intention. They're going to cause some trouble. And he felt afraid for his guests for his visitors. He said in the help let you leave he said these are my guests fell out of the home. Do not shame me the balloon. Notice the castle under the known tough boy who need this knee is an abbreviation of knee with a Yeah, okay. Yeah, meaning me too tough, but Hooni means you do not embarrass me. Dr. Hoon is from father and father is disgrace. What kind of disgrace when someone lets out your secrets? Okay. Or maybe
your faults or anything? Was exposure is a cause of embarrassment for you?
Okay, whose exposure is a cause of embarrassment for you?
Has it ever happened that you have guests over?
And you know, some children maybe they're your siblings or your own children or your cousins, children, whoever they come in, they start talking about such random things that it's embarrassing.
Or they start telling the guests about things that they should not be telling them about. You know, for example, they say, you know, yesterday, we went to Costco. And we did this and we bought this and we bought this and you know, everything's in the basement because it doesn't fit in our garage anymore. Because our garage is too full. It's embarrassing. So then what do the parents do? Show quiet. Go get the iPad, go turn the TV on, you know, go away because it's embarrassing.
Right? So those things maybe
very normal for you. But when they're exposed, they're embarrassing. So notorious. Adam says, Come on. These are my guests. Don't embarrass me.
Why does Lutheranism feel embarrassed?
Because if his guests are harassed, there, things are taken away by force. They're sexually physically harassed. Then obviously that is an embarrassment for Lutheranism that this is the kind of people you have. This is your nation. Is this how they treat their visitors? Their guests?
So fell out of the Huni Come on, have some decency. Don't embarrass me, don't humiliate me, fell out of the honey.
What duckula Her And fear Allah wala to Zuni and do not disgrace me crazy because he is humiliation? Meaning don't humiliate me in front of my guests, that you harm my guests, and I am not able to protect them. And I am humiliated basically. You know, it's like when children don't listen to you. Is that humiliating?
When children don't listen to you, whether you they're your own or your sister's children or whoever, when they don't listen to you? Is that humiliating? Quite humiliating. So imagine if adults are not listening, Lutheranism or selling them fear Allah don't mistreat my guests. While at the Zuni don't humiliate me. Galu the people said, LOL Amnon haka. Have we not stopped you are an ally, Lamine from the world's being have we not forbidden you before? That you should not go on protecting the entire world? Who said that you are the mommy of the entire world? You know, it's like if there is a person who gets very concerned about the welfare of others, people market him. They market such
individuals that Oh, are you going to go save all the cats of the world? Are you going to go take care of all the turtles of the world? Just you know what, leave everything worry about your own self. And unfortunately, there are such rude people and such people who like oppression that when they see someone running around to help others, this is how they ridicule them. So likewise, the people of Lutheranism said Have We not told you before not to protect the entire world? Why are you going on becoming the guardian of all the people that each time there are some travelers, you know, or some visitors and we want to make use of them? You come up in order to defend them? We've told
you so many times get out of our way. Let us do our business.
Let us do our business. I will Amnon haka Arnall, Al Amin. What does this show to us about the character of loot artisanal? Was he just a person who was concerned about himself
about his own salah, his own herb, either his own family, and that was it. That was all his life was about? No, he cared for others also, he stood up for the rights of the helpless. He spoke out for those who are made speech less. He defended those who were defenseless, and this was the quality of Lutheranism. And it was also the quality of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You know, when the Prophet salallahu Salam, when he received the first revelation, and he came home and he was frightened for himself, and a digital deliver on her she asked him what had happened. And he said that I'm afraid for myself and for the gentleman over and has said that will Allah by Allah, Allah
is not going to harm you lay your physique Allahu Akbar that Allah is not going to humiliate you. Why? Because you help the oppressed. You carry the weight, the burden of other people, meaning you fight for the rights of those who cannot fight for their own rights, you stand up for others.
So this was the quality of Luther s&m Also, so much so that his people had to keep telling him Stop it. Stop it. Don't come in our way. Let us do what we want. Oh, alumna and her Karen and Isla mean, Carla, Lutheranism he didn't give up he said hola Ibanez these are my daughter's my daughter's either it was his own daughters or it was the women of his nation and remember that a prophet is like a father to his nation just as his wives are. Um, oh Mahat Mini, right. So he says these are my daughters meaning these are the women in quantum filing. If you really want to do it, meaning if you really want to fulfill your desires, do it the halal way here get married to them during the QA. And
this shows to us something very important that when someone is forbidden from doing something haram, give them a halal option. Also,
give them a halal option also, show them the way out. You know, it's like people when their parents find out that their son or their daughter is in a haram relationship. They said that
Sit, you either stop speaking to them or you don't know us. You don't know us get out of the house. But is this going to solve the problem? No, it's not going to solve the problem. You get them out of the house. Where do you think they're gonna go? You emotionally destroy them. You torture them? Who do you think they're going to turn to? For support for comfort? Who do you think they're gonna go to? So when they're being forbidden from something haram, then a halal option must be given. So for example, we know there are many wives, parents who just want to save the Eman of their children. And even though they don't like, you know, the girl that their son is going out with, she's from a
different culture sometimes, you know, from the anarchy tab, but they bite the bullet and they say, You know what, it's okay, do Nica.
Do Nica at least don't live in a haram relationship, do Nikka even though they think it's a disgrace to the entire family image and so on and so forth, but at least they're being saved from something haram? You know what's going on? People are forbidden from getting married. Young adults, you cannot get married until you've completed your education until you have this until you have this until you have this Halal is made impossible. And Haram has made very much Basile
Luther Ellison and gave them an option. He said how would I eat banana tea in Canton Fair, Ilene Allah subhanaw taala says alarm clock by your life, meaning all prophets are love or they are so loved by your life. led over years of awesome
okay, meaning Allah subhanaw taala swearing an oath by the age of armorama meaning Romo age, life of God, you mean the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam? Why is Allah subhanaw taala swearing an oath by the life of the prophet Sallallahu Sallam doesn't mean that we can do the same thing.
If Allah is doing that, why can't we?
Because we are His slaves. Okay. And Allah subhanaw taala can do whatever he wants. Lie use Allah Amaya file welcome use alone. He's not questioned about what he does, whereas the people will be questioned. We are accountable. So remember that Allah subhanaw taala can take an oath by anything from his creation was sham see what whoo ha ha. Well, Comrie in Atala. Right one Layli. Either the OSHA was summer you want to but so Allah subhanaw taala can swear an oath by anything, but as for us, the creation, the people the servants, we swear oath by who? by who? Allah alone, Allah is names and attributes, all right. Why, because when you take an oath by someone, you regard them as very,
very respectful. taking an oath means that you are making them a witness. You are making them a witness.
All right. So this is why we are allowed to swear oats only by who? Allah subhanaw taala in a hadith we learned the prophets Allah Islam said Do not swear by your fathers, or by your mother's, or by rivals to Allah meaning idols and swear by Allah only, and swear by Allah only when you are speaking the truth. In other Hadees we learned that the Prophet saw a lot of things that do not swear by idols nor by your father's. So not father, not mother, not any object, not your head, not somebody else's head, nothing. The Quran is the kalam of Allah subhanaw taala It is Allah speech, all right. So speech is his cipher, it is his characteristic, and we are allowed to swear oaths by Allah, His
names and attributes. So this is the reason why some scholars have allowed that one may take an oath by the Quran believing that this is Allah's speech, all right, but obviously what is best to swear by Allah, soy la Monica, by your life or Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in the home indeed there meaning the people of Lutheranism. Luffy surely insecurity him. They were in their Sacra in their intoxication. Luffy Sokrati. Him Sacra is basically when someone is under the effect of an intoxicant. So for example, someone is really high on drugs or they've had a lot of alcohol. So what happens? Their mind is covered. So these people also, it was as if they were in their intoxication.
They were intoxicated by their lust, by their desire and their greed. Yama Hoon, they were wondering blindly, meaning they would not understand the thing that was being said to them.
They wouldn't
not listen to the elderly Sam, and they will not understand a thing that was being said to them. It was as if he was talking to someone who was drunk.
Have you ever tried to have a conversation with a child who's extremely sleepy and hungry and cranky and tired?
Anyone here?
Do they understand what you're saying? They just look at you.
They literally just look at you. You call out to them. And it's as if they haven't heard you. You try to make conversation with them and they respond by a loud scream.
Nothing's going into their head. Right? So such were these people, as if they were intoxicated by their desire. They wouldn't understand. Lutheranism was trying to make them understand through one way or another way. They just didn't get it. Yama whom for other Tomasi had the most routine. So the say half the scream the piercing sound the blast the loud noise, it sees them machine 18 which the key employer of Mushrik Mushrik not Mushrik that is one who does shake Mazurek from a Schrock Are you familiar with the term is Sherlock many of you would be this rock
the time of Sherlock sunrise. Okay, so Mushrikeen are those who are entering that time. So for her tumor, Slate had to mush the pain as the morning was coming. That's it allowed blast it season and they were finished. Whose cream was this? It will say how would you believe it was real scream for Jelena so we made Alia her it's Ali Ali from Lulu, what does it really mean to be high? So it's our only part meaning its highest part the highest part of that town. It was made into Sevilla has said Phil so Fleur a spell the low part the highest part was made the lowest part of that town how
when something is turned upside down,
upside down. You know for example, the ceiling where's that the highest part of this structure? And this carpet is what the lowest bar now imagine. May Allah protect us but any completely turned upside highest part turns into the lowest part. Something is flipped completely. Their entire nation was picked up and thrown back down, picked up and thrown back down. And as they were thrown back down what um throttlenet And we sent a rain we cause to rain from methodic muffler is rain are laying him upon them. Hey, Jonathan stones rocks, and these stones were men said Jean have said gee, what is it Jean hard clay, baked clay, like bullets, literally, clay that has been baked. And once
it has been baked, it's as good as rock basically, it hurts if it hits someone. So men said gee, and we have done the different meanings of Celgene before so at the same time this rain was sent on them in the field elica yet indeed in that are surely signs lil moto was Sameen. For those who discern with our Sameen is from the letters while seen meme was What's the mystery, but a mark on something to brand something like for example, horses. If a person had five horses that were all brown, how would he tell between them? How would he they would brand the horses, you know, it's something hot so that they could literally put a mark on that, because if you paint if you put something it's
gonna come off, right. So this is Watson, a permanent mark and a mark of identification, and from the same root as the word Islam in Islam as name because your name is your identification, right? So for example, someone says, you know, those three sisters, one of them which one will the one who's named Esma, the one who's named Maria All right, so mutawa see mean are those who look carefully at the signs and the marks who noticed the marks? who noticed the marks like for example, there's five horses, all are brown to an ordinary person, it will be five brown horses, but for the owner of the horses, he says, no, no, this horse has this one because it has this mark, and this horse is this
one because it has this mark. Is there a difference in the vision of the two people? Yes, one just looks at them on the surface, and the other looks for the distinguishing marks twins. For us, it's just twins. We don't know who's who but for the mother
She knows exactly who is why. Because he knows the difference between the eyebrows. And you're like, but I don't see that different segments, don't you see it? His hair like this and his hair like that. Such a subtle difference? who notices these marks? Someone who reflects someone who has deep insight, someone who has interest, right? So what the was C mean? Or who motor factory those who reflect those who don't just look and move on and pass by No, those who look they stop, they pause, they think they reflect and they take a lesson. In a fee rarely color I add a little motto assuming and there are many people who look at you know, such artifacts that have been discovered from such
places from the ruins of the people of the past. But what happens they look in the move on they look and they move on. They don't take a lesson. Allah says in nephila Nicola at Lille Mata was Simeon, stop, observe, reflect, take a lesson open your eyes, while in their head, and indeed it meaning the place where the people of Lutheranism used to live, this place is situated where last surely be at be doesn't give the meaning of with over here but gives the meaning of Act. Seville? What a Seville Seville way bath. So the ruins of the cities, Allah says they are still there were on the civilian motor team on the way that is McCain that is established on the road that is established Mukim who
claims from a coma when something is established and established road? What does it mean?
Okay, it's always been there, you know, like certain streets or certain roads. They're like not known. Why? Because hardly anyone uses them. Hardly anyone uses them.
Like, for example, if there's a certain individual who doesn't go on the highways generally. And they're always taking the side streets, then what happens? They know all the side streets. And if they mentioned to someone, yeah, I go to such such location by taking this street and that street in that street. They're like, What are you talking about? I don't even know these streets existed. Why? Because I just take the highway straight.
Why is it that the highway is well known and the other roads they're not that well known? Why? Because the highway is more frequently. Right? It's always used because of which it is established, it doesn't die out. It doesn't become unknown. A busy road.
What is this busy road? What is this established road? Basically, you know that in the past people that traveled from one place to the other for the purpose of trade, right? People didn't have everything growing in their homeland. So for example, they could have a lot of fruit or a lot of produce, but that did not necessarily mean that they had a lot of, you know, such crops with which they could make cloth for instance, right. So in order to get good quality cloth, they would have to travel somewhere else. So they will take their fruit, sell that over there and buy the cloth and come back with it. And this trade route. It was all over. I'm sure you're familiar with this. You
studied this in history, that how these trade routes they connected different parts of the world to different parts. All right, so Sabina McLean. This is the road the pathway that connected different cities together by which people traveled constantly in their trade journeys. And especially the Arabs, the people of Makkah, later on, they traveled to Sham a lot, because remember, maca nothing grew over there, and a sham a lot of amazing produce, right? Which is still sought after today. So the Arabs would travel to a sham regularly to purchase food. And on this journey, they would pass by the ruins of the people of loot. And where are those ruins? Where now what is covering them? The
Dead Sea? Right? Or that whole area is where the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah used to be. And now the scholars have said that it's the Dead Sea covering them. So obviously, I mean when they passed by such areas where they saw ruins or the sausage strange water where nothing drowns. I mean, there's a big sign over there. Allah says in the feed daddy color is a little motor was shimmy. If you open your eyes, observe the marks you will definitely learn a lesson or in the Halabi Sabina Mukim it's not hidden those ruins they're visible in the feed attic area to little movement in indeed and that is surely a sign for who for those who believe. Because again, there are many
People who notice the marks
who reflect who think about okay this object okay that we discovered from this place, it shows that these people used to you know, trade such and such materials this has come from such and such land. So, that means they will travel to that place. I mean, they notice such things. They can even tell you about how old it is.
But do they take a real lesson? Know, that real lesson can be taken by who mean someone who has email and what is that lesson, fear God's punishment.
No one is living here forever.
Everyone comes in this world for some time, eventually they will go.
What is important is not the things that we possess the desires that we fulfill, what is important is the marks that we leave behind and what we set forth for ourselves the actions that we do so in this is a big sign for those who have Eman and will last panel data, give us that vision with which we notice things observe them and really take a lesson as opposed to just passing a cursory glance over things that happened and things that we witnessed with addition
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