Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 133B Tafsir Al-Hijr 51-60
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Lesson number 133 Salute of hedges is number 51 to 99. In these verses Inshallah, we will learn about the beautiful story of Ibrahim Hassan when he was given the news of the birth of his son, that Allah subhanaw taala sent to him, angels, a group of them in order to give him this good news, we learned about the story earlier in solitude also. And here again, we learned the same story. And again, in the Quran, we will learn the same story. So remember that in the Quran, stories are repeated, just as the commands or certain signs they are repeated, mentioned over and over again. Why because repetition is always helpful. Because sometimes you hear something from the mouth of one
person in one particular way. And then the same thing you hear from another individual and in a different style. So what happens when the style changes, you understand differently, you understand better. And remember that although there's repetition in the Quran, the style varies. The details also, the very, the details we learned in screwed hood, perhaps mentioned over here, and the details that we will learn over here, perhaps they were not mentioned earlier. So this is the beauty of the Quran, that there is a lot of repetition, but each time something is repeated, it presents, you know the same thing, the same concept with a different angle. So we understand something new, we can
derive a new lesson from it a different benefit from it. And the fact is that the more a person reflects on something, the more he can extract benefit from it for himself. I'll give you an example. In Sahih Bukhari how many are Hadith are there? Does anyone know?
Approximately if you don't know the exact number and approximate? Yes.
Your close around 7000. Okay, a little over 7000 a hadith in Sahih Bukhari All right. And yet, there is so much repetition. There is so much repetition. Why? Because each time one Buhari brings the same Hadith, he brings it to extract a different lesson from it. A different point from it. So don't think that oh, we're, you know, reading the story again. Why is there so much repetition? Yeah, I know this already. No, no. When you like something, then what happens? You watch it over and over again. Right? You eat it over and over again, when you like something. Why? Because each time you have it, you enjoy it. So the Quran, the beautiful words of Allah subhanaw taala we enjoy them. Each
time. It brings a different flavor, a different understanding, a different joy. All right. So let's begin. I in number 51 one a bit home and inform them meaning Oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, inform the people tell your people unbelief. Ibrahim about the guests of Ibrahim alayhi salam, the guests of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam. What does that mean? That there were some visitors who came to Ibrahim Rania Sinha, but he took them in as guests, because it is possible that someone comes to visit, but they're not welcomed. They're not really treated as guests. So these visitors, they came to Ibrahim alayhi salam, and he took them in as guests because obviously Ibraheem Alehissalaam a
very generous man. He welcomed them as guests, he treated them as guests. Who are these guests at another place in the Quran, we learned that they are more chloramine Micromine, meaning they're honored. So they were very unique guests. And these were basically a group of the angels whom Allah subhanaw taala sent to Ibrahim and Islam and these angels they came in the form of human beings. And this was not something unique because Allah subhanaw taala sent His Messengers meaning his angels do his prophets, sometimes in their original form, and sometimes in a human form because angels have been given that ability to take a different form. So for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he saw Jibreel, the angel Jibreel in Jibreel, original angelic form two times, all right, but other times Gibreel will come to the prophets, Allah is Allah also in a human form, all right, in a human form. So these angels when they came to Ibrahim Arneson, they came in a human form, and leaf Ibrahim and they came as visitors. How many angels were there? Some of us sitting inside there were three others that they were more, but what seems to be the
likely is that there were three angels. And they came in the form of human beings and these three angels were the three very important angels. Okay, the three main angels, and who are they? First of all, Gibreel. Secondly, mica ill and thirdly, the miracle mount, the Angel of Death is Rafeal did not come because it's Rafeal has his mouth placed on the horn. He does not move from there. He does not turn his gaze away. He is ready and waiting, in order to be commanded to blow the trumpet. So he does not move from there at all unless Allah subhanaw taala commands him but from the Hadith we see that Israel villas is fixed in his place, waiting to be commanded so that he can blow the trumpet.
So the three main angels came to Ibrahim Ernest Sudan and leave it Ibrahim Gibreel mica ill and Malakal mouth is the hunter and he when they entered upon him, when they came to him for call, no, they said Salah man peace, meaning they greeted him. And this is a very beautiful etiquette that we see has been observed by the righteous people of all times, that when you meet someone, when you come before them, the first and foremost thing is that you greet them, the angels greeted Ibrahim or Anissa. On the Day of Judgment when people will enter Paradise, angels will greet the people of paradise. When people will meet one another in Ghana, they will also greet one another in paradise.
Also we see that Allah subhanaw taala will send his greetings to the dwellers of Paradise. So who will get that Salah those who say that salaam today, the angels when they came upon him for Carlos Salama Allah He said in there indeed we meaning Ibrahim alayhis salam said, Indeed we men come from you, what do you learn? We are fearful. What do you notice from their letters? Wow, Jean lamb and waddle is to experience to feel fear in one's heart. You know, when you see something, and before even you say anything, or you make an expression, you feel fear in your heart. It's such fear, which is hidden. And then after a few moments, either that fear departs, or it makes you say something or
react in some way. So that initial stage, you know, where that fear is in the heart where you're not sure whether what you're feeling is okay or not. It's Wajid fearful, he said, Indeed, we are afraid of you. I'm not too comfortable. Why did he write us? And I'm say that do you ever say that to your desks? Were afraid of you? Why did he say that? Because if all He rested on when his guests came, he offered them food. Elsewhere. We learned in the Quran that he went, and immediately he brought to them a roasted calf, right, and he brought it carrying it himself. And remember that, at that time, there were no refrigerators, there were no freezers, there were no butcher shops, okay. And if you
wanted meat, you had to slaughter an animal right there. And then because you couldn't leave it out there for long. So imagine the generosity of Ibrahim Redis. And he instantly went slaughtered an animal roasted it. And you can think of it as barbecued whatever, he roasted it and he brought it to them. And when he put it right in front of them, they're just sitting there, not eating. So Ebrahimian is Salam, he got Raba who lay him, he put it before them, like he pushed it towards them in front of them so that they would eat it. But still, the angels did not eat Ibrahim or Islam wanted them to eat. Why? Because he didn't know they were angels. If you knew they were angels, he
wouldn't have, you know, bother to go and slaughter the animal, cook it, bring it know what shows to us. The prophets of Allah don't have the knowledge of the Unseen. They only know what Allah tells them. They only know what they are informed off. So he didn't know they were angels. So he kept insisting that they eat. Now Has it ever happened with you that you insist that someone takes what you're giving them? But there's, you know, refusal rejection constantly. You know, for example, you want somebody to come over. You say, Can you please come over to my house, I'm having this. And they're like, I'm busy. Next time you invite them again, they say, Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm committed
elsewhere. Another time you invite them, they still refuse. You know, every time there's some reason or the other and they keep refusing. So then what happens? You feel disheartened. And you wonder what is wrong after all? I'm sure this person has a life beyond their work and beyond their family. I'm sure they go shopping. I'm sure they go hang out with their friends. Why is it that every time I invite them they cannot come?
Right? So when you are constantly refused by someone you
You wonder what is wrong? This is not normal. Because those who are friends, people who are friends, there is no you can say take a look between them that they're not, you know, fake with one another that they would be pretentious. No, they're comfortable. It's an easygoing relationship. There's no awkwardness. But when a distance happens between individuals, then, you know, there's refusal, there's rejection and so on, and so forth. Ibrahima esalaam. He was worried that why aren't they eating? And just think about it. People come to your house, you don't know them, their total strangers, you give them the best you have to offer and they're just sitting there.
They don't even extend their hand out to take one bite. Not even one bite. So obviously you would be afraid. So if what I'm hearing is that I'm you said in no income, what do you learn? We're afraid that have you come here with a bad intention? Have you come here with an ill intention? What's the matter? We also learned with a sitting they said that Ibrahima is Santa, he told them to eat and the angel said we don't eat except that we have paid a price for it.
So Ibraheem Alehissalaam said that, okay, eat and also pay the price for it.
So, the angels are like, Okay, what's the price? He said, say Bismillah at the beginning, and after you've eaten, then say, Alhamdulillah. Still, the angels did not eat.
i You see, he was insisting they eat but no, they're not eating. So he said in them income. What do you don't we are afraid of you. We are concerned that what is going on? Why are you not eating? So then what happened? What did the angel do? They eventually informed him that they were angels, and they had not come to do any harm. Rather, they're angels and this is the reason why they do not eat. So Carlo, they said lotto gel. Do not be afraid. Don't worry. Don't be fearful in that indeed we know but she will come we have come to give you good news below lemon have a boy that is Eileen knowing Don't worry, we have come to convey good news to you. And by this Ibrahima, listen I would
understand they have come to convey good news of the future. That means they have been sent by Allah that means these guys are angels. They're not human beings. So then Ibrahim Redis and I'm stopped insisting that they eat in nanaboshi Rocha below lemon, I think
so, look at the good news that they came to give him a hula am a boy, meaning you will have a boy and he will be Aileen. He will be knowing he will be knowledgeable Ibrahim salah. At this point he was quite aged. It is said that he was past the age of 100. Others said that he was around 99 years of age allow Arlen but he was an old man by this point. And Ibrahima Islam had wanted to have children from a very long time. This is a natural desire of people in general that they want to have children. Yes, there are people who say I don't like kids, I don't want kids. I'd rather live single I'd rather have no children at all. But even those people, there are those moments when they wonder,
I wonder how it would be like if I had a child of my own. You know, this is a natural human wish. So Ibrahim Allah said I wanted to have children but for a very long time he was not given children. And Now eventually, at this point what happened these angels are sent and they come to give him the good news that you are going to have a boy and that boy is going to be Aileen. He is going to be knowledgeable. He's going to be knowledgeable meaning not an ordinary child. Now who was the son of a sensei that this was is how are they Sinha the birth of is how Carlis and and that was described as that he was going to be hula Marley and with regards to Ismar 11 escena Ibrahim Hassan was told
that he was going to be that he is highly okay about is my reader listen and we learned the quality of highly tolerant
So, if you think about it, both the sons of Ibrahim Renison, um one is described as knowledgeable and the other is described as tolerant. Both of these qualities parents want to see in their children
would you agree with me?
Mothers over here
many times what happens mothers fathers they want that their child you know, study something and becomes something right? Just a baby and they're already thinking about what school they're gonna go to
what they would like him to study what university they would like him to go to.
I mean, the whole plan has been made from the very beginning. Ibrahim Hassan was told from before, don't worry, your son is going to be knowledgeable. And on the other hand about his other son Haleem, he was highly intolerant. Now, if you think about it, these qualities are very beautiful qualities and qualities yet that we do want to see in ourselves as well as our children.
And I'm sure those of you are not even married right now you wonder at times, that, you know, if I have children, I want them to be like this. When I have children, I want them to do this. I don't know about you. But I used to think like that a lot. You know, whenever I'd see children of other people, I think, yeah, that's a good child, I want my child to be like that.
Right? Or these parents are doing a great job. I wonder what they do. I want to do the same thing when I have children.
So this is something natural, you think about it, that what are the qualities that I want my child to have? Some people want that their children should be very beautiful. Others one of their children should be very outspoken others one that they should be very confident. There's different qualities, and some say whatever, I just want children.
But what do we see over here? Good qualities, when you ask Allah for children, also asked that those children have good qualities, that they have good characteristics, and what are the good characteristics? Beyond health and physical strength? Beyond that? What are the good qualities?
Some law Salam Alikum. I remember once my mom she was telling me this woman she asked Allah for children, and it takes too long. So she said, Allah give me even the child can hit me, I don't mind Subhanallah that child I remember he used to throw rocks in his mouth, no rocks at all. So we have to be careful what kind of the hour we make.
That sometimes out of impatience. People say that, you know, whatever qualities I don't mind, I just want a child. Whatever they do, they do that's their life. That's their problem. No, children are one of the best means of so the idea of continuous charity, you know that one of the best easiest ways because what you teach your child what you give your child if he becomes a righteous person, a good person, as long as he will do something good that reward is coming into your account also. I remember somebody once told me that teacher child sort of the Fatiha don't wait for them to turn four years old and golden Islamic school and go to a Quran teacher and then they learn to to Fatiha
don't wait for that you teach them sort of Fatiha. Why? Because inshallah they have to read through the Vita here for the rest of their lives. And every time they're going to read Surah Fatiha Inshallah, you'll be getting report.
So, children are a huge investment, huge investment for your akhira as much as they are a bundle of joy and happiness in this world. Remember that they can be a source of greater joy and greater happiness in the athlete.
So ask for children and ask for children who are good who have good qualities. So what are the good qualities that we should ask Allah for?
And if you already have children don't say what to do late No. Make dua even though and if you're too far from and you say I'm only 14 years old, doesn't matter make dua now you never know. Right? So what are the good qualities?
Solid. Okay, righteous. Yes.
Patience. Very, very important because life is tough. Yes. respectful. What else?
Kind? Okay, what else? softhearted Okay. What about what men?
What men? Is Eva not a blessing? Is it not a treasure? Yes. So righteous children who are believing who are Muslim, who are submissive to Allah. Like Ibrahim Ernest Sena, when he was building the Kaaba, what did he make dua for that for my children raise a nation Oh Martin Muslim atta LEC, and a nation that is submissive to you. Oh Allah. So this is also of the good qualities that we should be asking Allah subhanaw taala for
Ibrahim residents, children, they're knowledgeable and patient. Why do you think so?
Was he knowledgeable? Ibrahim Hassan himself. Was he knowledgeable?
Was he tolerant and patient himself? Yes. So remember, that if you're asking Allah subhanaw taala to give you a child like
Who will become role models?
Okay, then become the mother of a mother to act like the mother of remoto.
If you want a child who reads the Quran, then read Quran yourself. Also, I remember once I attended a session by Sheikh Muhammad Sharif in which he was talking about how you can, you know, make your children her fall. So some advice concerning that. And one thing that he mentioned was that barons who read Quran themselves who recite Quran themselves, whether in the night pray or during the day, it is their children that memorize the Quran.
Because it is not possible for a child to read Quran to practice a recitation of the Quran, unless there is someone to hear Him, LISTEN to Him and correct him. He cannot always be sitting in front of the teacher, the Mother, the Father has to be able to listen to the child's recitation, Sister, do you mean am I right? Because she's 100, a Darfield, teacher, and lots of young girls. So what happens? The teacher does one part, right, giving the lesson listening to the lesson, who is going to make sure that the child is actually memorizing who? The Mother, the Father, but if the mother or the father are not able to read Quran themselves,
then how can they teach Quran to their children?
So remember that any anything that you want to see in your children, do it yourself first, and don't think it's too late. Don't think I'm not even engaged yet? Why should I bother from now? No, start worrying from now. Because what you're doing right now will become a part of you, which will, you know, automatically transfer onto your children. I just wanted to say that the school that I work at, like a year ago, started this pilot program of the hips program, and they have very limited amount of students and they are much of the learning are on, like gifts. And I speak to a lot of the parents. And they're like, you know, it's not just a commitment from the children, but it's a
commitment from the parents, because you know, I had good time, their children are waking their parents up saying, we have to practice our lesson, wake up and practice with us. So I was just like, subhanAllah, it isn't just the child that's working hard. It is the parents and they have to wake up and go through just as much struggle as you know, their children, and they are the ones that are reciting with them and working just as hard.
So anything that we want to see in our future generations, that is what we need to adopt ourselves. That many times it happens that parents complain of children being disrespectful in their speech talking back. But if they analyze themselves, this is how they talk. I mean, the husband and wife, they're quarreling all the time, they're answering back one another. So obviously, that is what the children will pick up on.
I have a student, the parents always say follows the student, those student they memorize ages, and the other one, only two ages, they start together. So that different that one is eight juice. The other one is only two ages, what's the difference of this difference? Because the parents are not helping. When I call the mother, she said I'm busy.
You see, even in school, when it comes to math when it comes to reading,
what kind of children Excel.
Which ones, those whose parents are constantly on their heads, literally. I remember I took my son to this reading center for some time when he was very young. And there were these mothers who were bringing their children from school straight. Okay, for a very early session in the afternoon. And those children they had just finished their snack in the car and they're tired and No, no, no. And the mothers are encouraging them. It's okay, it's okay, go go go. And they're going inside studying for half an hour and then coming back. And then the mothers are giving them more treats, taking them for swimming, taking them somewhere else. So busy all the time. Those mothers could be sitting at
home watching television relaxing themselves. But no, children are an investment. So if for the sake of this dunya Baron struggled so much. Why not for aka
Sri Lanka, so the place that I work at, there's these two students and their brother and sister. And if they make just one mistake on their work, they just start bawling as if they failed it and the difference is their mothers always they're always watching them. So yeah, so depends like what kind of parents you have from such a young age. I mean, things should not be made too tough for the children either there should be a balance there should be moderation. But at the same time, being an active parent is very important. So I come. I once heard an article on why in school there are more Asian students that Excel and it was because the parents all get together and they encourage their
kids and
Even students if they have elder children who are in university to get them to come back and tutor their kids and startup programs and push them to do better, because an entire atmosphere, right and environment has to be created, where the child can grow in a particular way. So whatever environment is made for a child, that is what he will become good at. So, if you want knowledge, you have to create, you know, an atmosphere of learning. If you want Quran, then you have to create an atmosphere of Quran recitation, as you said, goals for ourselves in our life, we should also give goals to our kids as well in the younger age. So they know that this is they have to do this thing.
I remember when I was like, in Grade Two, my mother was used to say that you are going to do engineering, and my whole my family, I saw doctors all around. But you know, when I went for, like, after my 10th grade, I just removed the form of engineering. And I don't know why I read my father said you're going to work with the men. Is that Yes. He said, No, he's not going to be possible for you. I said, No, but I know from the childhood that I'll have to go for engineering.
Sometimes we believe in so much the Islamic school, within Islamic schools so expensive, we're paying so much money, but I do not see any change in my children, my children, the same things. The kid is not learning anything. We do not say in the change. But the change has to be from us and from the family. So for example, if the school teaching them, don't listen to music, don't watch the TV. But if you go to home, the father and the mother watching the TV, so if whatever the learning in the school, they're not implement inside the house with their mom and the Father. So doesn't matter how much you paying for the Islamic school. Yes, it's gone. And sometimes we blame the society. We're
like, you know what, we're living in a western society. What can we do children go to school here, they go to college, they go to university, they go to work. What can we do? But don't you see good kids even coming out of high school, and they have survived their Eman is still there. Why? What's the difference?
Why, what's the difference? Why is it that some children, as soon as they're exposed to such a society, they lose everything? And others, they can hold themselves together? What's the difference? It's the family. It's how the family is.
Because that matters a lot. We think that you know, just send the child to an Islamic school, a weekend school, or an Islamic school, and then do whatever you want at home. And like this, we teach them hypocrisy. Literally, we teach our children hypocrisy from such a young age.
From such a young age of the see hypocrisy in our character and our words, what will they grow up to be?
Allah Ibrahim I said I'm set up a shell to Mooney What are you giving me good news? Allah despite on that my Sunil Cuba? Old age has reached me for Bhima to Bashir on, what are you giving me good news? Are
you It's like he's shocked. This is not a question of denial. It's a rhetorical question for the purpose of confirmation. Similar to how we say, What did you say? What are you talking about? It's too good to be true. So everyone on here escena he didn't doubt that Allah subhanaw taala was answering his dA over here. was giving him a blessing over here. No, it was just that he found it too big of a surprise. You know, it's like it was too good to be true. It was almost unbelievable. So he was shocked. He was surprised. I said, What are you talking about? You're telling me that I'm going to have a child even though I have become so old. What are you talking about? Follow the angel
said Bashar NACA will help we're giving you good news. In truth meeting this is the truth. This will happen. This will take place flaticon so do not be me now Connie clean of those who despair on your clean floral of con kono. connote is to give up hope to despair. You know, with regards to rain when it comes after a long time in the Quran, we learned mimbar the McDonald to after they had given up hope. You see, sometimes there's a certain thing that you want, and you try to get it you make dua even one year goes by another year goes by another year goes by. So eventually, what do you think? Maybe it's not meant to be? Maybe it's not going to happen? And you tell yourself, you know what I'm
going to move on from this. We're going to forget about this and focus on something else. Why? Because you've almost accepted that it's not going to happen. Why have you accepted that it's not going to happen? Because it's been such a long time. It's been such a long time, so you don't think it's going to happen? So this is what Knut is. When you
despair of something. Why? Because a long time has passed. So the angels the sutra Ibrahim Rani Sinha, letter co Miguel Konya clean. Don't be of those who despair of Allah's mercy. Ibrahim Renison replied Allah He said, Woman and who? Yuck when Otto he despairs, middle of Madeira Biggie from the mercy of his Lord in the balloon except for those who are astray. So in other words, Ibrahim Hassan was confirming over here that No, no, no, I have not despaired. I have not despaired because those who despair of Allah's mercy, they are a law known those who are stray, those who have gone away from the right course.
What is the law, it's the opposite of hedaya. It is guidance when a person is on the path, he's on the right way. And Lola is when he has lost the right way. He's gone off track, he's misguided, he's going to end up at the wrong destination. When a person is on hedaya, he's going to end up with Allah's pleasure and approval and happiness. And when he's on misguidance, he's going to end up with Allah's wrath, disapproval and punishment. So when a person is making dua to Allah and he continues to make dua, he's still hopeful than he is on hidayah. But if a person says, You know what, I give up, forget it. I'm not going to make dua anymore. I'm angry with Allah, why does any answer my
prayers? Does he not see what I'm going through? You know, such kind of words. Is this hidayah?
What is this Burrell?
So giving up hope of Allah's mercy? What is that misguidance the moment a person begins to think negatively about Allah subhanaw taala that's it. He's gone off the track. And this is exactly what happened with Iblees. Right? Allah subhanaw taala commanded him do such the to Adam and Iblees said no way. Why is it that you're telling me to do something that does not benefit me? And he said, Oh, Allah, you misguided me. You put me in the situation, and I am misguided. So the fault is yours, not mine. What does this show? Did he think positively about Allah? subhanaw taala? No negatively. So negative thoughts about Allah subhanaw taala they are a source of misguidance they are an
indication, you know that a person does not rightly guided anymore. He's off track.
And IBLEES What did he vow to do that he was going to make people feel ungrateful?
Well, I thought you do a thorough home shack eating, you will not find most of them to be grateful majority of the people are going to be ungrateful. And this is also in gratitude. That a person gives up hope in Allah subhanaw taala. If you think about it, how many blessings it is that Allah has given to us? How many aren't there enough to assure us that Allah answers prayers, that He cares for us. Just because we're not getting this one thing that we want, we get so upset sometimes. And we say, You know what I'm not making. This is just like children sometimes how they behave with their parents, that the mother is doing so much. You know, she's preparing pancakes, whatever. And
when they're put in front of the child, he says, oh, I want them cut into strips. So then she cut them into strips over why is this one thin and this one too big? What's wrong with you? Why are you upset over the fact that the size is not what you want it to be? Aren't you grateful for the fact that you have nice warm, fresh breakfast served you?
This is from shaitan that he makes us forget what we have and worry about what we don't have and become you know really stubborn on it. So everyone here SLM said well may or may not be in La Lune No way I have not despaired at all it is only those who are a stray who give up hope in their Lord Allah Ibrahim Renison I'm set firmer so what is hot work on your business? Are you held more saloon or you have been sent? Hot? Hot we have done this word earlier also an affair a situation that a person has in In other words, he's asking them so what else is it that you angels have come for? Because remember, it wasn't as Gibreel who else was it with him? Some other angels According to some
scholars to more angels, which were which were mica eel and Mala called mount. Now okay Mikael is coming with Gibreel to give the good news of the birth of the sun. Why is the Angel of Death coming?
Angel of Death is here. Why there's got to be something else and if it
was just the good news that okay, you're going to have a child that could have been shown to him in a dream also. Right? That could have been conveyed to him through one angel, but a group of them is coming. Even a hero his son um, he knew that there's something more to the story. So he said, Okay, so I else have you come, what is the real business for which you have gone? Follow this ad in indeed we all sell now we have been sent Illa calm and moody mean to a people of criminals to a nation of criminals. And what was this nation, the people of loot or escena In other words, we have been sent to punish them. We have been sent to bring about Allah's punishment on them. Because Gibreel he was
the angel who brought revelation to the prophets of Allah and when the people rejected that revelation then what happened Gibreel was sent with the punishment also Sao Paulo in the old Silla Illa calm and moody mean we have been sent to this criminal nation inlet except but they are short Ibrahim Willis and don't worry, the entire nation is not going to be destroyed. Inlet except who's going to be saved. Alleluia the family of Lutheran Santa in Ala Moana Deulim Edmonton, indeed we're going to save them all together, meaning Luth Ali Salam and his family, they will be saved. But the rest of the people, they will be punished. But is it the entire family of Lutheran escena no
elaborate other except his wife. She's not going to be saved with the rest of the family. No, she is going to be destroyed with her people. God darn now, we have decreed in her head that indeed she lemon surely among a hobbit in those who remain behind? It has been decreed concerning her that she is going to remain behind meaning with her people, and her fate is going to be the same as theirs, which is that she's going to be destroyed and that same punishment, the punishment is going to befall her. Also, notice something over here, but Donna, we have decreed. It seems as though we mean because the angels are talking right? So the angels are saying that we have decreed that she should
be of those who remain behind. But is it up to the angels to make such decisions? Who makes such decisions? Allah subhanaw taala so why did the angel say we have decreed? Isn't it Allah subhanaw taala who had decreed certainly it was Allah's decree. But remember that in the Quran many times when the plural is used, and it seems as though the angels are talking, remember that they are conveying something, okay? That Allah subhanaw taala has instructed them when they are doing something they're conveying something that Allah subhanaw taala has instructed them with. So when you read this, on the surface, it seems that the angels are decreed but what it means is that Allah
has decreed. Allah has decreed and the angels are executing that decree.
All right, Allah has decreed and the angels are carrying out that decree or Donna in her laminal Mohabbatein. Why is it that the wife of Luther Lisanna was to remain behind amongst our people? First of all, it was a crime of the people of Lutheranism. Obviously, Cofer of the messenger, and with that many, many crimes, I mean, we learn about how they spoke to their messenger and how they dealt with him so harshly so rudely. Right. What else was there crime besides cover? They were highway robbers. Okay, they used to do highway robbery. So any, you know, travelers caravans that were passing by, they will go and attack them.
What else?
Homosexuality. Okay. Now, I want you to tell me something, the wife of Lutheranism. Which crime was she involved in?
That you do? COFA did she commit highway robbery? Was you almost actual? Out of these three? What did she do?
If it was Cofer? I mean, she was the wife of the Prophet. She appeared to be a believer for sure. Okay. highway robbery. No, I mean, that's something that big men do. Okay. Thirdly, homosexual No, she was married
Okay, Allah Harlem, but the Mufasa didn't have said that the wife of no prophet ever did Fianna to her husband Fianna in the sense of like intimacy and relationships. So what was a crime? Why is she being punished?
Because she supported her people.
She supported her people, a model Oh, Ma, man, I have a person will be with those whom he loves.
A person will be with those whom he loves. Even if he doesn't do what
They do.
Good or bad, still, his outcome will be with them. And you know, the Sahaba when they heard this Alma umara man, they were so happy.
They were so happy. Why? Because they loved Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they loved him. But they knew that their actions were not like the actions of the prophets that Allah is Allah. They knew that after all, he was the messenger of ALLAH and he would have a much higher station in Jannah compared to theirs. But when they found out that Ulmer O'Meara man haha, they were overjoyed.
But at the same time, the statement is very scary.
That who is it that we love? Who is it that we admire? Who is it that we support?
So before we love someone, befriend someone, give our heart to them and take their heart, you know, think about who they are?
Are they someone who love Allah? subhanaw taala? Do they perform the deeds that Allah subhanaw taala loves and approves off? Because ultimately who is it that we want to be close to? Allah azza wa jal who is it that we want to please Him? So every person that whom we love should be someone who loves Allah also.
So this woman despite being the wife of a prophet, what do we learn but Donna in the hair laminal hobby read she would be of those who remain behind what the rest of the people recitation of these if one a big
boy you feed a ball he is
calling in
more do you know all
mushy who can be Wallah me gnarly all of us shovelful Mooney
misogyny, Kibo Furby Metro bash yo all mushy
mean and upon you
being here me
Are you sir Oh, hold on hold