Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P13 128B Tafsir Al-Rad 18-24
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I had number 18
Lynn Medina stager. Boullier. Be him. For those people who have responded to their Lord for them is an Hausner. The best reward, the best outcome, the most excellent, the most beautiful result. For who? Those people who respond to their Lord. Allah subhanaw taala calls them, he commands them, he orders them. And what do they do? They respond, they surrender. They accept, they obey. So because they respond to Allah, what do they get? I'll Hausner, the excellent reward? Think about it. Anyone who called someone who orders them with something gives them an instruction. If they receive a positive response, how are they going to reward in the most best manner?
Parents, what happens with them when they call their children and their children they respond, then how do the parents reward them with something beautiful? Allah subhanaw taala? Who is only person who is Allah Karim, the one who is most generous, what reward can be expected from him? Only that which is excellent. So when Allah orders his servants to do something, and they respond, what does Allah promised them in return? The most excellent reward the most beautiful outcome, when in this life and also in the next life? Now what are the different ways in which Allah subhanaw taala calls us because it's the job has been mentioned right, responding to Allah. So what are the different
ways in which we respond to Allah? First of all, with regards to his commands, okay. So any command that Allah has given if a servant responds, what is promised for him, her SNA Secondly, responding to Allah also means responding to him in a positive way, meaning surrendering to his decree, accepting his decisions, and this is something that is very, very difficult to do. Because many times what happens is that things are going against our will, things are going against our wishes, things are going against our plans. But those who respond to Allah positively at that time, those who surrender those who obey even in the most difficult situations, Allah promises them and Hausner
the most excellent reward when Medina lumea study Bula, who and those people who do not respond to Him, who do not obey, who do not believe who do not surrender, then lo Amana home if they had merciful early Jamia on everything that is in the earth Geneon altogether, meaning every single thing that is on the earth, if these people had it, were Mithila, who Maya who, and it's like along with it, meaning twice, it's like, in other words, the earth, and it's like, so two times. All right, so we'll miss Lahoma who, if they had all of the earth, and its equivalent, along with it left Adobe, surely they would give it as ransom? Why, in order to free themselves from the
punishment? But will it be accepted? Not at all? Will there eCola home soon hisab those for them is the most evil hisab evil hisab hisab? Of what account of what of the blessings of the life of the opportunities that Allah subhanaw taala gave them because the blessings that Allah has given us in this life, what are therefore, why? Why does Allah subhanaw taala given us all these blessings, all these things to us, to worship Him? Not that we start worshipping these blessings, we get lost in them and we forget him. So those who forget him now, later, they will wish to offer everything and it's double, but will it be accepted never for them will be a very difficult, a very tough race will
not welcome Jahannam and their refuge as the fire will be suddenly had and what a terrible resting place it is me had is a bed a place of rest. So what a terrible place of rest it is. If you think about it in this life, what is it that prevents us from going towards Allah subhanaw taala from obeying Him from surrendering to Him? What prevents us what holds us back? It's the things of this dunya right. It's the fun that we're having the things that we want to enjoy. But what this does is show to us that if we make the
Estonia a priority right now, later, we could offer everything in this world as ransom but it will not work. What matters is obedience. Ba and what matters is Iman and if a person compromises on that, for the sake of this dunya, then this dunya is not going to help at all the things of this dunya the money, it's not going to help, if I may, or no more than is he who knows Annamma on Zillow elago Ms. Rob big ol Huck, that indeed that which has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth. One is a person who knows, who knows for sure that whatever has been revealed by Allah to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is I'll help that is true.
So he believes in it. And he believes that it with conviction without any doubt, he knows for certain that it is a hawk.
He knows. You see, there are two ways of accepting something or following something. One is that you do it, you follow it, you accept it, just because everybody does it. That's the norm. That's the tradition. That's just how things are. All right. And the other is that you accept something, you follow something you do something because you understand it, your heart accepted, it makes sense to you. That is what you believe in with all your heart. Is there any difference in these two approaches? There's a huge difference. The first person, he can be dissuaded from his opinion, anytime, right? People can persuade him to believe something differently. And he will agree. He
doesn't have stability. And he doesn't know why he's doing something. He doesn't understand what he believes in. And as a result, his faith is weak, his actions are weak, he doesn't have any stability. And on the other hand, the person who has consciously accepted something, he has stability, he will be firm. His heart is involved in what he's doing. He passionately believes. So one is a person who knows that indeed, what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth. Allah asks, Is this person command? Who are Amma like the one who is blind?
Is he like the one who is blind? Who is the one who was blind, the person who was blind at heart, the one who does not believe with conviction, the one who, whose faith is just based on hearsay. He says what people say he believes what people tell him to believe in. He does what people tell him to do. He doesn't have any faith of his own his blind. So these two people, are they the same? No, in Nehemiah dedicado Al Al Bab, it is only the people who have intellect who have understanding, who will be reminded who will take a lesson who will understand what will they understand that the right way is that which is shown by the Quran, and the two that are described in this ayah can never be
the same. So what is it that we are being encouraged to do in this idea that we must have built? You know, like in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says far, Alam a no hola Illa. Allah who know you should know that you should have knowledge of the fact that there is no God worthy of worship. But Allah, don't just say Allah, Allah, Allah, because this is what you were taught. And when you're asked to explain, then you have no idea what it means. No, you should have faith in this with certainty, based on conviction and conviction comes with what with the aim? So FMA Jana, what's the difference between the two people one is blind and the other has
one is blind, and the other has ill. So those who have knowledge and those who don't have knowledge, they can never be the same, the seen and the blind, they can never be the same.
I think a lot of the times what happens is that we're really doubtful when it comes to you know certain things and as a result, we don't really do anything to sort of attain that knowledge to clear our doubts and I remember reading this one quote online which said that fill your mind with knowledge that your doubts starve to death. Yes, fill your mind with knowledge so that your doubts starve to death. They have no room for existence, there is nothing feeding them. Okay. So what feeds doubts, ignorance, all right, and what is it that will kill that doubts knowledge? Yaqeen. So FMA ya allah mu, and you see, when you are certain about something, then your actions they also improve.
You know, for instance, if you're really certain about eating a particular food, all right, no matter how horrible it tastes, but still you will have it even if people are making fun of you, you will have it you know, sometimes you find it about the strange greens and you know, food products that people are enjoying and you wonder how can they even have it you won't even go near it, but people
They're having it for the sake of their health. Why? Because they firmly believe in it. So with the pain, your actions also improved. In the previous I have what was mentioned responding to Allah, what holds people back from obeying Allah doubts, this shakiness that what if I do it and I have suffered? What if it's not really true? What if it doesn't really work out? No. If you have a man, if you have conviction, then your actions will come very easily.
You know, I'm downtown Toronto, when you go on CN Tower, and you have those clear floors. And like you want to walk on them. You have the security guard, like isn't safe. Can I go on? And he doesn't even care? It's like, yeah, sure, whatever and hop on, and you go on it and you you feel secure when that security guard who doesn't even know how the structure was made? Assembling you? Yeah, that piece of glass, which is like 1000 feet off the ground of faith step on going off without telling you to put my put your trust in me, and I'll give you what you want. We're very doubtful in that. Yes. Very true. That sometimes when you go and see this really scary kind of ride, and you wonder,
is it even safe to sit on it? But everybody's doing it? And there's, you know, security president the teller Yeah, of course, it's safe. It's been tested, it's been tried it safe. So then what happens you will go and sit on it. And even though you'll be turned upside down and your legs are dangling, you still have this faith that you will be fine. Why? Because security guard told you it is safe. There's people present at the gates that told you all the rights are safe. Right? So when someone has assured you and you have this fit, you are certain that you're not going to be harmed, you're not going to suffer from any harm any danger. Then what happens? Your fear goes away. And you
have intimate Nan, you have you know, contentment and peace at your heart. You're at ease basically at what you're doing. So this comes with hurricane. This is why FEMA year alone was the one who knows there's a difference between Aden and blindness and Levina. Who are those people who use their mind who use their intellect? Allah says they are those who Euphorbia Abdullah he who fulfilled the covenant of Allah. Well, I am Carbonell, Misa and they do not break the contract. The promise with Allah, the covenant with Allah, what is the promise that every single person has made with Allah, which is that the art of ls that we learned about in Subtle Art of that when Allah subhanaw taala
created Adam Rene Sinha, he brought out all of the children of Adam or he salaam, also. Every one of us included every single person, whether he believes today or he does not every single person was present over there. And Allah asked all the people at us to build up become, Am I not your Lord? And what did the people say? Bella, and this recognition of Allah subhanaw taala, this realization that there is God, only one God worthy of worship my Creator. This is something that is built in within our systems, this realization is present in our hearts, we might not have a conscious memory of it, but it is there because of which people by nature, they search for God. They search for a supreme
being. So this idea of Allah it refers to, unless it's a covenant that we made with Allah, that You are our Lord, we will worship you alone. So those who respond to their Lord right now, they're invited to accept Islam to believe in Allah to believe in Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and they respond. Allah says for them as her SNA. And over here, Allah describes her characteristics, first and foremost, those who fulfill the covenant of Allah. So when a person is accepting Islam, or when a person is adhering to Islam, that in reality, what is he doing? He's fulfilling the covenant that he made with his Lord. And if a person does not accept Islam, he rejects the hate, then what is he
doing in reality, he is breaking his promise with Allah subhanaw taala. So Lavina Euphorbia, the law he when I am Kaduna Mesa, they do not break the covenants, the pledges, which covenants that they make with Allah or they make with people meaning in this life. So after Allah refers to Aleste, and Al mythique refers to any other covenant, any other pledge that they make in the Name of Allah, with Allah with the messenger with people, whether they're Muslim or they're not Muslim, because this is a characteristic of who will Al Bab Eman makes a person fulfill his commitments, his promises and breaking promises is a sign of hypocrisy and intelligent people. People who use their mind then what
do they do? They fulfill their promises, their reason, their mind their logic, it prevent
Islam it stops them from breaking their promises from breaking their covenants. So Alladhina Euphorbia, the law he will lie on Kaduna Mesa, when Medina and those who Yearsley Luna they join from Lasala. What does masala mean? To join?
Do things were separate? So you can you pick them up and you joined them?
Okay. So for example, if there are two tables, one is on one side of the room, and the other is on the other side of the room. So what do you do you bring both of the tables, and you put them in the center, and you join one with the other. There was a gap, there was a distance. So what did you do? You finish that distance by bringing together so those who join? Now the word join? What does it tell you? The word was? What does it tell you? That things were not perfect? Okay, so they're join Matt, I met Allah who will be here that which Allah has commanded us on that it should be joined, it should be connected, it should be kept together, it should not be broken, it should not be left
distance from each other. Now, what is this referring to? What is it that Allah has ordered that we must join?
family ties, relationships, whether they are with relatives, with friends with coworkers, but mainly, Allah has ordered us to join the ties off kinship, the ties off blood relationships. Now, many times they're perfectly fine, they're already joined, in the sense that there are no fights, no arguments, no distance between family members, everything is good. But this is rare. Or this is only with certain family members. In every family. There are always some people, whether they're close relatives, or distant relatives, between which there's a distance, okay? They're supposed to be joined together, but a distance has come in the middle. Why has this distance come in? Why did they
become distant from each other? Because of some disagreement, because of some argument, because of some jealousy, because of some envy because of some bias, whatever it may be grudges, okay, high expectations, and thus disappointment and thus not forgiving others. And these distances they grow and grow and grow.
And generally, what do we say that or if they don't want to make up with us? Why should we bother? If they don't want to be on good terms with us? Why should I bother? Let them be? But what do we learn in this idea, those who join which Allah has ordered, should be joined together, they're not maintaining their relationships joining them, because there's peer pressure, or because otherwise, it looks so bad, or because they're getting some benefit in return. They're doing it because Allah has ordered, Allah has ordered. And joining relationships means there was a problem from before. If there was no problem you didn't have to join. If you're being asked to join that means there is a
problem. So do we have problems with certain relatives of ours? Yeah, don't tell me just remind yourself of any relative with whom there is a problem there is a distance okay. And that distance is awkward, it is not right. It does not make sense that two brothers or two sisters or cousins or uncles and aunts and grandparents and children, whatever, there is a distance, this is not correct, that should be closed, that gap should be finished. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala has said so, you know, in Hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that Lacell Wilson and McAfee, the Westman is not the McAfee, McAfee is who the one who was good in return, the one who was good in return. So, a
cousin gives a gift to a cousin. And so what happens next? You know, the other gives a gift as well. This is what McAfee the one who was just paying the other back, or who's treating the other exactly as he was treated in a good way. This is not who asked Well, this is not lastly, who was Wesley, the one who joins that relationship which has been broken which has been severed, which has been cut. So for example, a relative with whom no phone call was made no meeting Nothing like that happened in a while. Why? Because they just don't like it or we just don't like it we always end up in an argument. Now when you try to make up. This is called Walsall.
This is called
possible when Lavina Yossi Luna met Ahmad Allah who became a US like, you know, a smart will be local on her. The sister of I showed love on her. She was in Medina she did hedgerow to Medina. Her mother was not a Muslim. She was still a Masha Rica. And what happened that she came from Mecca to Medina to visit her daughter ESMA. Now in a smart little one, her she heard that she was coming, she heard that her mother was coming. She was also aware that her mother wants some financial assistance. So she wasn't sure if she could help her or not. And if she should accommodate her or not, if she should welcome her in her house or not. So she went to the profits of a lot of cinema
SmartLipo on her and she asked him that my mother is going What should I do? You know what he said to her? Slightly murky, slightly murky, the same word Walsall join the relationship with your mother? That yes, a distance has come. She is a Cafayate. You are a Muslim. There is a big difference of Eman. And Cofer Can you imagine they don't want is that he has a different kind of lifestyle. I have a different kind of lifestyle. He has different tastes and I have different tastes. This is why we don't get along with each other. This is a difference between ima and gopher. She is staunch on her ship. And here's a smile a little on her firm on her Eman. But the prophet saw
a lot of that I'm studying her slowly, I'm lucky. accommodate her welcome her in be generous to her help her financially because she is after all your mother. So likewise, our relatives are humbled Allah for the majority of us at least they're not non Muslim.
So they have more of a right to receive good treatment from us. So when Lavina Yossi Luna, Ahmad, Allah will be a new soil were shown on the home and they fear their Lord has Shia, what kind of fear is a Shia with all with respect, their fear their Lord, with utmost respect. What is that you're afraid of someone and you are not really shy of them. And you don't really care about them, you're afraid of them, but you don't care about them. For example, police officers, people are afraid, but do they care about them in the sense of that? Do they have respect for them in front of the police officers, they'll become very respectful, but let the police officer walk away a few steps and see
how the people are cursing at them. So that is fear, but it is not Russia. It is not with respect to Russia is what fear with respect. So they have respect for their Lord, their fear their Lord, and because of this kind of fear, they don't disobey Him. Because of this kind of fear. They obey him, well, heartfulness will hisab and they fear they're afraid of the evil account, meaning they're afraid that they're going to be questioned by Allah subhanaw taala. So as a result, they're meant their relationships, they mend their ways, because they don't want to be in trouble.
Allah says in verse 18, that whoever responds to him as this reward, and like whoever doesn't respond to him as this punishment, and this just shows that how hard this act of joining a relationship together is, of course, because of there's excellent reward that is promised that means that this action is very difficult. And this is why the next quality is when Medina Saba, who, and those who are patient, who do suffer, because our is about what holding yourself back. Right? holding yourself back from what from disobedience, holding yourself back from reacting in a way that is not acceptable. So when Lilina Savall, those who are patient, if Tilawat europei him
only to seek the face of their Lord, why are they being patient?
Why? Because they want that, you know, one day they will be very patient, they will call upon other relatives who was really mean to them, and they're being patient so that hopefully the day after things will be better. Yeah.
If things are not better by the day after, then what will happen? You can't keep going. You cannot keep going. If we are patient just to receive reward now, just to see the outcome. Now, we cannot have true sub sub why Abdullah what he'll be him to see the face of their Lord because they want to see Allah. They want a lot to be happy with them. They want Allah to look at them. If they owe what you're offering him. Think about it. If someone's face is all for you, what does it mean? They are paying attention to you. They're looking at you. They're smiling at you. They're laughing with you. They're happy
With you, you see them, they see you.
So if the law what do you want to be you, they want Allah to be happy with them. They want to see Allah and they want Allah to be happy with them also. Because you see, when Allah is happy with a servant, he pays attention to him. Like for example, when a person is performing salah, in Hadith and Buhari we learn the Prophet salallahu Salam said, If any one of you has to spit during his prayer, that he should not spit in front of him. Why? Because his lord is before him. So he should spit where, you know, on his left or under his foot or something like that, but not in front because it's extremely disrespectful. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala he's in fun. Now how exactly is
infant he knows better. We don't go into the house and the details of that.
And another had these we learned that when a person he's performing the Salah, and he looks here and there is the fact then what happens, Allah also looks away from him, that Allah doesn't look at him anymore. He's not interested in that servant anymore. Why? Because that servant is not interested in Allah, because if he was interested in Allah, he would have been paying attention during the prayer. So if dua what you told him what does it mean that they want Allah to be happy, they want Allah's attention. In other Hadith we learned that Allah subhanaw taala smiles at certain individuals, he laughs at certain individuals because he's so happy with them. This is what they have the word of
Allah and in the hereafter the best result that they will see the word of Allah. So basically to make Allah happy, they have suburb and this suburb is really the key because without suburb promises cannot be fulfilled, if you go back all the way to the beginning of these qualities. First of all, a person cannot respond to Allah without subject cannot obey Allah without sub, he cannot fulfill promises, relationships cannot be joined. Nothing like this can be done except with Sabra were accommo salata and they established the prayer, what unfuckable and they spend minmetals Akane home from that which We have provided them sit one secretly, while anything and openly they spend out of
what Allah has given them secretly, how secretly so that their spouse even doesn't find out. Their parents even don't find out, their children don't even find out, their friends don't even find out. They give it that secretly. And it had these we learn in such a secret manner that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand has given so secretly, that literally out of the bag into the hand of the beggar or into the box, literally that secretly didn't even see what was coming out and later didn't even count to see how much is missing. Go ahead.
All my brothers have moved out and my father's elderly. He loves especially going for.
My father met someone at the masjid. And this brother comes every morning to take my father to the masjid. And one day he didn't come so remarkable. His wife and his wife didn't even know that this brother did this. And he does it for more people than
he does it for many in the neighborhood. And his wife didn't even know that he did this. She just thought he went on his own to the masjid Pinilla. So this is seven, that you're doing something and your family doesn't even find out. Your family doesn't even know what happened is that we do a little bit. And we tell our husband we tell our parents we tell our friends we tell whoever is around us whoever we meet. Why? Because we feel happy about that. It's okay as long as your intention remains sincere. Because that's the key if you can have your intention sincere, that there's no harm in publicizing your charity, your good deeds, no harm and death. But there should
also be something that is just a secret between you and Allah subhanaw taala
a secret between you and your Lord, that your friend found people your human friend doesn't even know only Allah subhanaw taala knows and the angels not because obviously they see Alright, they've been assigned to record your deeds. So sin one one any other and openly also
bring the hedges Allah, because that's the time when mostly people are not watching over you. Where were you at two o'clock in the morning, you know, even your husband doesn't even know. So this could be one thing we can do for Allah.
When they mom was saying, make a secret account that only Allah knows and that, you know,
a secret account. And for many women, it's possible that it's a challenge because there was one. I mean, he knows exactly what financial activities are going on.
because they manage all the monies with the wives don't have any way of hiding that, but keeping that a secret, but even in that when you draw out some cash just for yourself, or you have that freedom to use that money for whatever you want, then from that even you can take a portion and give it secretly in the way of Allah SYNLawn. So what unfuckable and expand Mimosa home Ceylon while Ania can secretly and openly why openly?
Okay, because others are encouraged, and others also become a witness.
And sifan While many of them secretly, I'm happily, what does that show that they don't miss an opportunity. Because otherwise, what happens if we keep waiting for that secret, good deed that we can do. And that sadhaka that we can give really privately. I don't know when we can find that opportunity. So don't wait for the perfect opportunity. Whatever comes give someone Wallonia can where the owner and they avert, they prevent that, or Hamza dar DAR is to ward off they avert Bill hostility with the good associated evil meaning any evil, they push it away, the shoving away, they get rid of it, how by doing good. They don't fight fire with fire. They fight fire with water. Okay,
fire evil water good. So anything evil that happens, they extinguish it with something good.
If you think about it, if there is something bad that's happening, that somebody else is doing to you, or something bad that you may have done yourself. If you follow that with more bad than evil, there's only going to increase it's only going to grow. So how do you counter that in a way that evil will finish how by doing good in return the Savior, it refers to two things you can divide into two categories. One is evil that you are facing at the hands of others, the evil that others are doing to you. So for example, use of a center we just read his story that he faced any evil. Yeah, of course from his brothers from the women from the people whom he met in jail, that will say, how
did he counter that? How did he deal with it with more Sania know with his sunnah. So what happened? The result was what? That the enemy was no longer there. The success of the prophets was that they took no enemies. They took no enemies, even if someone showed and ready to them, they did not take them as enemies. So as a result, what happened their enemies became their friends, and our failure. What does that line in making our friends into enemies? So we have the owner that hasn't had to say, Hola, eCola, who Morocco But secondly, say you have means evil that they have done. So for example, a sin that has been committed. Now if a sin has been committed, what should be done after that?
Follow that with a good deed.
Why? Doha it will erase it. Once a man came to the Prophet salallahu Salam and he asked him he said, you know so Allah, what do you make of a man who has committed every sin big and small, who has not left any desire Big or small, except that he has fulfilled it? What do you say about that man?
The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Have you accepted Islam? See the question of the prophets of Allah and what does that show that he knew that this man was talking about? himself? So this man said, As for me, I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship of Allah and that You are the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him, leave sins, and perform good deeds. And Allah will transform your sins into good deeds. Leave since and start working on doing good. And when you will do that what will happen all your sins will be converted into good deeds. That man he was surprised he said, even my treacheries my betrayals, and my
immorality is my obscene actions. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Yes, and the man said, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. He couldn't believe he just kept saying Allahu Akbar until he went.
So where the owner will has an artist say at any evil that happens any bad that happens, what should be the course of action after her Santa Ana economic recovered for them is
the outcome of a Dow the home what is it?
That is a good end a good result. So for such people will be a good end in the home, which home the home that is mentioned in the next aisle. And what is
That won't Jenna to Arden Gardens of Eternity. So such people will make it to Jana. Such people will have a good end in paradise in the gardens of Aden. What is an island is a name of Jana. But it's also a description.
It's a descriptive name you could say because either means karma to remain somewhere, you know, like people have their karma.
Saudi they have their karma. Have you heard the word karma?
What does that mean that how they can stay there for some time at least. They don't have to keep coming back. It's not like any day they will be kicked out they know that inshallah they can stay there for some time. So that is a common residence. So
either means it karma, so they will be granted residence in Jana.
residency where, in general?
You know, it's like if a person who's emigrated to Canada finally they get their PR card, Permanent Resident Card, what does that mean? That now they are a resident of this country, and whenever they come from anywhere, they can enter this place and they can stay here. They don't have to go somewhere else to re enter or apply in order to extend their visa and extend their state No. Permanent Resident means you're here. This is your home. This is your country. So Jana, to Arden Gardens of Eternity, they will be granted permanent stay in Jana, from which they will never be asked to leave, they will never be evicted. No notice will come that now you have to leave nor death
will approach them so that they have to leave nothing. Nothing like that.
You see anywhere that you're staying, why is it that you leave that place? Why? Because either that lease ends or you know, you have to go to a better place or you can't stay there anymore. It doesn't fulfill your needs anymore. So you have to find a better accommodation that is more suitable to your lifestyle. But Jana is perfect in every way. No one will have the need to leave and no one will be asked to leave Jana to Arden. Yeah, the Kelowna had, they will enter it. And who else will enter it woman Salah haven't ever heard him. And whoever was good and righteous from among their parents was watching him and their spouses were the reality him and their children, families will be united in
Jannah. Families will be brought together in Jannah. In linear, what happens? What happens? Your loved ones your family members mean you know that one day for sure you will be separated. You know many women when they have their baby girls, they're already concerned about the day when their daughter will have to go or their son will have to go. Why? Because this dunya means separation.
For whatever reason, people are separated from each other. close ones loved ones, friends, they're separated from each other. You cannot stay with one another forever. Sometimes it's illness, sometimes it's death. Sometimes it's work. Sometimes it's education, sometimes it's marriage, whatever it may be loved ones are separated from each other in this dunya and many times it happens it for the sake of Allah also loved ones family members are separated from each other. Because one has to obey Allah like for example, a person is going for hutch, they're gone for three weeks are gone for a whole month.
Likewise, another person is going to seek knowledge humble hottie he was away from his mother for 16 years. Not 16 days, not 16 months, 16 years. Why? Because he was learning Hadith. He was learning Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he would go for so many expeditions one after the other. You think his whole family would come along with him? Know, the families of the Sahaba they would be were in Medina and the Sahara would be away for so long, separated from their loved ones, from their children, from their babies from their wives for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala What does Allah say? They will be reunited Indiana, they will be brought together in gender. And this is something
that really brings happiness to you. When your loved ones are with you, those whom you love, they are by your side. And otherwise, you could be you know, having the best food you could be at the best restaurant you could be in the best gathering you could be celebrating eat but if your mom was not there, your dad is not there. Your brother's not there. Your sister is not there. I mean, no matter how happy you try to be, you're not completely happy because you're missing them. You wish that you could celebrate that occasion with them. You wish that you could spend those more
moments with them because you love them. So no matter who's with you, no matter what you have, you cannot be fully happy in this dunya. So Bear separation today, for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And the separation will happen for sure, but bear today for his sake, so that in general, you will be together.
A lot of places,
the ones who are patient, the ones who are the ones who you know, for all these good deeds, they're the ones who will enter agenda.
But this time, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah has given us the core thing that leads to all of these behaviors such as patients and Xand. And joining family ties, it's all knowledge. It's all people who are truly understanding and accepting of the religion and they really know the deen itself. And it is that that leaves them to all these other great goodies that will inshallah lead them to Genma. Yes. And that will cause the families to be reunited.
When we are going for clam and we are doing our RV because you know, women are good at these things. So we need to remember if we want our husband and our children to be with us in Ghana, and we don't want to see them going somewhere else on the Day of Judgment, we need to encourage them as well. Yes, because mon saleha This is not unconditional, that families will be brought together, those who are not righteous, they will be separated completely. But those who are righteous will be brought together. And even if they're in different levels of gender, they'll be brought together in one level.
So all on Salah Herman ever even was Where do you mother reacting him?
You see, again, in the first video, we learned those who respond to their Lord, what prevents us from responding to the call of Allah subhanaw taala many times it's our family.
Like for example, many mothers that will keep delaying their salah. Why because their child is with them.
Or because their nephew is with them or because their cousins are over, or whatever is happening with their family Salah is being delayed. Quran is not recited of God or not read during Salah Allah is not remembered after salah they could is not set. Why? Because of family. Because we love our family members. I'm not saying that we should not spend time with our family at all. No, that is a natural need. In fact, that is something that Allah has ordered us to do yesterday, Luna, we have to join, we have to maintain good relationships. And for that, you have to spend time with one another. But in doing that don't compromise on responding to the call of Allah subhanaw taala. Because no
matter how much time we spend together in this life, you know, you are with your cousins for an entire week. But if you really had a good time, that week seems to be so short, you spent a good two, three hours with your long, you know, having D having food, talking, chatting, whatever. And then eventually those two, three hours will come to an end.
No matter how much time we spend here together. It is less, it will never fully satisfy us. Never. You see babies, you know, people want to spend as much time as possible with them because babies they grow so quickly. I mean, my daughter is two and a half years old and I already missed the baby version of her. I already miss her. You know, I was starting with the other I miss baby. And she's like, I'm not baby, she doesn't want to be accepted as baby. So you want to enjoy those precious moments because you know that they're going to slip away from your hands. But the thing is that no matter how much you enjoy, eventually they are going to slip away.
So what is better that you invest this time, not just in being with each other in socializing, take some time out for Allah subhanaw taala also, don't compromise on your sunnah because of your family members. Don't compromise on your Quran recitation because of your loved ones. Give them their help and also give Allah His help give yourself your help also, and keep the fun for later. Keep the fun for later because in Jannah there is no misery no separation no being tight on time no exhaustion nothing like that. So keep it for later reserve it for the ACO. The Prophet saw a lot is that um Did he not spend time away from I should a little on her. He loved her so much. Did he not spend time
away from Fatima his daughter whom he loved so much? Right? his grandchildren.
He loved them but he had to be away from them for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala but Allah He gives us now, the most excellent reward
to spend time with his family, when the time for Salah came he used to become a stranger. Yes. So I personally know someone who does that. And it just makes you respect them so much and it makes you remember that I should pray to this is the key that you are with your family members, you're helping them you're enjoying your time with them. But when the time to respond to Allah comes, you become a stranger to them, then that's it, you have to get up and you have to go. It's not that you age your family members or they don't deserve anything from you. No, no, no, they have their help you love them. But at the same time, the deen of Allah, that also has helped your knifes that also has
So those people who remember this balance, and as a result saleha
righteous, I should go ahead. Someone just
lately emailed me a tweet from somebody saying the success calls every day five times a day. But people are too busy to answer the call because they're too busy trying to be successful. Yes, we're too busy to answer the call to success. Why? Because we are busy, trying to be successful how spending time with our family or friends to make our relationship successful, but it's not going to work out. You have to respond to Allah first and then everything will work out.
So for such people, what will happen they will entered in the wall Mullah, eager to hear the hollow gnarly human kaliba and the angels will enter upon them from every gate.
The angels will enter upon them from every door. Why? To welcome them, to congratulate them. They will say Salaam Alaikum Peace be on you. So imagine when people will be in Jannah the angels entering from every door, welcoming them, congratulating them greeting them saying Salam Alikum be most about Tom, because you patiently endured, life was difficult. And you had suburb you weren't patient. It was difficult to leave your family and go pray. It was difficult to respond to Allah when everybody was sitting together, but you were patient. So Salam or Aleikum Bhima Sabato, you did not give up you remained firm you made it for near Morocco but the so how excellent is the final
home or Kuba again end result a good result? Were in a dar the home the home of the Hereafter meaning Jana. And how excellent is this home that you will never have to move from it because it is eternal and perfect and satisfying. There is no traces of misery in Jannah no trace of fatigue and Jana.
The other day, I was listening to this short clip by Chicago Risa and was basically talking about Jana that people don't have to use the bathroom and Janna and he said that in itself, you know tells you how perfect Jana is you don't have to tell me there's this food and this person and that this is enough for me. You don't have to use the toilet in general. You want to have that need. Because Jana is all about happiness and comfort and joy for near Mokuba dar What an excellent home it is. And you see in this life you have to do something over these little little issues. These little end matters for the sake of Allah, but Allah will compensate very beautifully. There is a Hadith that tells us
that the first among Allah's creation to enter Jana are the full Cara Morehead urien Who are they? The football Mahajan in the poor immigrants, those who immigrated with the profits of a lot of southern from Mecca to Medina, because they had to do something. Right. And they had to spend time away from their families for the sake of Allah subhanho data, and especially those who karamo hygiene with whom the outposts are secured meaning who would be guarding the borders of the Muslim lands. And because of them, various afflictions are warded off because they're guarding the borders.
He said one of them would die while his need would still be in his chest.
He will die in the way of Allah while a need of his would be unsatisfied. What needs do people have? I want to go see my mother, I want to spend some time with my husband. I want to eat this. I just want a good night's rest. I want to go lay down in a proper bed. I just want to relax. I just want to take a nice shower. These are basic needs and when you don't have them fulfilled, you yearn for them. But the prophet said a lot of them said they died while these needs were still in there. Just that craving was still there.
That craving that desire was still there but that came to them. They spent their lives in the way of Allah subhanaw taala
sacrificing one thing after the other until death came, Allah will say to whom He will among His angels, go to them and welcome them with salah.
When they will be entering Jannah Allah will send his angels go and welcome them with Salah. So the angels will come and say Salam aleikum Beemers about for near Morocco
we listen to the recitation Lavina
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