Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 121C Tafsir Hud 109-111

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The speakers discuss the importance of acceptance of personal preferences and avoiding false assumptions in worldly decisions. They stress the need for people to wear clothing that matches their culture and show commitment to their beliefs and experiences. The speakers also emphasize the importance of measuring emotions and following proper behavior in order to achieve the goal of success.
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Rosa bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman
fellow so do not tackle UB fie in midia thin in any doubt, or prophets on Allahu alayhi wa sallam Do not be in any doubt mimma concerning that which Yabu he worships? How old are II these meaning don't be in any doubt about the false gods about the idols that these Mushrikeen worship? What kind of doubt could a person have about the idols of a person that maybe their religion is right? Maybe what they're doing is okay, so the prophets on a lot of cinemas being told over here have no doubt meeting have no doubt about their error, know that what they are upon is pure falsehood, what they are doing meaning the shit that they're committing is what it is absolute injustice, it is one on
one or lean, they have absolutely no basis no evidence for the work that they're doing.
You know, there are some matters about which there's a possibility that there's a difference of opinion. There is room for different opinions. So you're like okay, this is also valid and this is also valid Yes, one may be better than the other. However, there is a possibility that this may be valid, right? So there is more tolerance there's more room for differences concerning certain matters. But for the matter of though heat what do we learn here? There is absolutely no room no tolerance for shit.
There is no doubt about the fact that shit is wrong. It can never ever be right it is absolute falsehood. So all prophets of Allah video Salam be in no doubt about this. What they are doing is wrong. What they are doing is based purely upon ignorance and misguidance. Because may our buena, they do not worship INLA except command er boo Abba, a woman Kabul, like their forefathers used to worship before, meaning the only reason they're committing schicke is because they were born into it. It is because this is what they found their forefathers doing. They have no proof, no evidence, neither logical nor textual. They have no evidence for shit. The only reason why they're doing it is
because they found their forefathers doing it. And this is the reality of many people today. Why are they doing certain things, because that's what we've always been doing. I come from this country, I come from this land, I come from this family. My parents taught me this. My grandparents taught me this, my mother trained me like this. This is why I believe in this and this is why I do it. And you might think that this is something that people of the past used to think no, even today, even today, I remember once I was speaking to this Christian girl, and she understood the concept of the hate. She understood that regardless, and um could not be the son of Allah subhanaw taala. She understood
that the Quran is true. She understood that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is the messenger, she understood. But she was not ready to accept Islam. And I couldn't understand why. So I kept asking her and she's like, you know, you have to be like your family. Because your family defines you. Your culture defines you. So I was raised like this, this is why I have to stay like this. Would we ever do this when it comes to worldly matters? Would we ever do something just because our family doesn't know? If you disagree with your mother over the color of clothes that you should be wearing? Over the type of clothes that you should be wearing? Would you accept her choice? Just because she said
your grandmother used to wear this color or your grandmother used to wear these kinds of clothes? Would you do that? Never. You wouldn't do it? How about when it comes to makeup? Or when it comes to jewelry when it comes to shoes?
Would you wear something that is 50 years old? No, you wouldn't do that. Why? Because it just doesn't make sense anymore. It doesn't make sense. Would you use a phone that is this big? Literally this big and chunky, would you and if somebody says well, it works perfectly fine. This is the one that your grandfather liked.
out of 50 bones, this is the one that he selected. So you should also use it would you do that? Never. Why? Because human beings by nature Who are we progressive? Right? Every time we see something better, we want to use it. But when it comes to the matter of religion, we become very closed minded when we see help when we see that which is true, that which is supported by the Quran and Sunnah just because it contradicts our ways, just because it contradicts our family practices.
is we're not willing to accept it. And what's the evidence that's given? Well, this is what my family does. I have to celebrate this occasion even though I know it's bitter. I have to not do this, even though I know it's fun. Why? This is our family. No, religion is not made by family. Religion is decreed by who? Allah subhanaw taala the One who created us. This is why when there is proof from the Quran and Sunnah to do something or to not do something, then we have to conform. Because the legislator is who Allah azza wa jal, people are not legislators who are there. They are men, they're people, they're human beings. So the Mushrikeen Allah subhanaw taala says that the
reason why they're doing shit is simply because they found their forefathers upon it was in that and indeed we learn more for whom surely wants to give them in full no sleep at home their share, layer on calls Laila not man calls, one that is diminished man pauses from knocks, and knocks is to reduce or to diminish something. So in other words, we're going to give them their share their portion on diminished and diminished meaning in full, in full without anything missing from it. You know, it's like, sometimes you buy something, let's say you go to Tim Hortons, and he asked for 10 Timbits. All right, and you open up the box and you find eight. What is that? Man goes, that's not what you paid
for you paid for more. But if you get 10, when you paid for 10, and you get 10, that is what they are, on course, whatever you deserve, that is what you get on diminished, not reduced at all. So Allah says over here that these Mushrikeen we will give them they're asleep on diminished meaning completely in full. Now what is their share? What is their in asleep, their portion that Allah subhanaw taala is mentioning over here, it refers to two things, one, their worldly share. So for example, the food that they're meant to eat, the life that they're meant to live, the breaths that they're meant to enjoy the luxuries of this world that they're meant to live, meaning whatever is
decreed for them, they're going to receive it. Because you see, when we realize that somebody is doing something very, very wrong. What do we think? What's going to happen to them? Everything is going to be taken away from them. But we don't see that in this world. There are so many people committing ship, but are they deprived of life? Are they deprived of health? No. Are they deprived of money? No. In fact, they get quite a lot. Why? Because that is what they're striving for. So Allah says we're in Nana more for home, no sleep at home, while mom calls. So don't be deceived by their worldly success. Just realize this was a part of their decree. And that's the only reason why
they're getting it. It does not validate their shitcan anyway.
And secondly, they're in asleep. It refers to their in asleep in the era, meaning their share of recompense for the deeds that they are committing. In other words, the ship that they're committing, they are going to see its results. They are going to meet its consequences. Yes, in this life, they are going to enjoy themselves for a while. But eventually they're going to see the consequences. We're in Lemoore for whom no sleep, boom, Leila Monaco's one, oh, God, and certainly attina, We gave Musa Musa alayhis salam al Kitab. At the book, we certainly gave Musar Islam the Scripture, the book, which book was given to him, the Torah, Allah says to differ, but it was deferred fee in it
for 30 for fee, meaning it was deferred in people had different opinions about it. People treated it differently in different ways, how that Some believed, and others, they disbelieved. And this is something that happens with everything, everything, that photography, there is nothing which you present before people, and they will accept it readily. Or that everyone is going to accept it. No, there are always going to be those who will buy it. And there are always those who are going to reject it. When it comes to any idea when it comes to a philosophy when it comes to you know, a product, anything, you will find people supporting it and you will also find people
rejecting it and speaking up against it. This is something very natural. Now, why is the prophets of Allah as I'm being told this, that take comfort in the fact that Musa alayhis salam, he was given the book, but everyone did not accept it. And this is something very nice
actual. So if people reject the Quran today, that doesn't mean the Quran is false. No way. That doesn't mean it's false. That doesn't mean you should not present it to people. No, you will always find people who will accept your ideas, and you will always come across people who will reject them. Now, just because there are going to be potential projectors doesn't mean you don't even bother to offer. You don't even bother to sell, know, unless you try it, you're not going to know. You know, it's like any good idea, any good product, any good app, anything at all that people come up with, there's always this risk, that it's not going to be accepted by people. But because of this fear, do
people just sit back in their homes and do nothing? No, they will make crazy videos, they will do all crazy things just to sell their product, you never know there might be a good buyer, right? So you keep doing your work. You never know who may benefit. So likewise, just because there are some people who are rejecting the Quran, that doesn't mean you start doubting the Quran and you start thinking that maybe the majority is correct, no, have faith be strong, be determined. This has happened in the past, and this will happen today. The book was sent people believed others disbelief. So today also when you present the Quran, there are people who are going to believe and
there are also those who are going to disbelieve, but that doesn't mean you abandon the book. remain firm upon your mission.
Well, Lola Kelly Mattoon and if it was not for a Kalama a word meaning a promise from Allah Sabha God, it proceeded Mila Baek from your Lord Saba caught meaning it already happened before, a word of promise that Allah subhanaw taala already made before. It's like a decision that he made. You know, once you make a decision, even if you made it 20 years ago, it's still in effect. Right? So Allah subhanaw taala made a decision before and what was that decision? What was that? Calima What was that promise? Well, Hola, Kelly Mattoon Saba Padma robic What was that promise? What was that decision that this life is a place of just people are given their choice, their freedom of thinking,
and also that free will with which they can either accept or they can reject. If it was not for a promise, a word that proceeded from your Lord, a decision that he had already made. These people luckily obey know whom you surely it would have been judged between them, meaning that people would have been punished for the disbelief that they choose to do. However, Allah subhanaw taala has made a decision from before which is that this life is a place of test. And the hereafter is the place of Geneva, it is the place of Recompense. So in this life, people are given their freewill to make the decisions that they want. If they make the right decision, good for them, reward for them, and if
they make the wrong decision, worse for them, but they will be given their time to live in this dunya. So over here, basically, we're given the reason why disbelievers are not punished immediately. If you think about it, new Harley salon How long did he do that? What he was people for 950 years. And you might wonder, come on, why not just nine years? Wouldn't that have been better for new Halley's Santa he had to suffer for 950 years, and his people got to enjoy for that long. Why? Because this is Allah's decision that people, their times their lives are destined, how long they're going to live, how long they're going to enjoy. And Allah subhanaw taala is examining them
that what do they do with the choices that they have? What do they do with the life that they're given with the abilities that they're given? What decisions do they make? What in the home and indeed they Luffy shocking men who moody they are surely in disquieting doubt about it about what about the Quran? Look at the words that are used here. Those who disbelieve in the Quran, they are surely in shock. What kind of shock shock that is moody Moody was defining the shock here. It's an adjective for the shack. Now Maria is from ripe. Remember that he colicky taboo? La Vie Buffy rabies also Schuck rabies actually such doubt that makes you restless that makes you very very
uncomfortable. You're neither here nor are you there. You understand. You know sometimes a person is praying their Salah and they're not sure if they have performed three Ricardo foraker
Then what happens? They're getting up from their third their car. And they're like, is it my third? Or is it my fault? So they sit down and they're not sure. And then they're like, no, no, no, it's my third row car. So they get up and then they're standing and they're like, is it my fourth row car? Am I praying fifth? What's going on here? So what's the solution that we've been given? If you are in such restless doubt, what should you do?
counted as three and pray the fourth, and what should you do at the end? Do such the Sahel? Why is that the Sahel? Why? Because in case there was an extra one, this does this, I was going to make the number, right. Okay, it's going to make up for the extra. So when you have this down, which is making you restless, what should you do? Stay in it, what should you do? Get out of it, to get that peace of mind. Because you can't go through life with Chuck that is making you uncomfortable. Otherwise, you will be confused forever. You won't be firm about anything that you're doing. And you cannot make decisions, then you're so indecisive. You don't know whether to leave now or in five
minutes. You don't know whether you should turn right or you should turn left. You don't know whether you should change lanes or you should keep going straight. I mean, it can drive you crazy, basically. So Allah subhanaw taala says over here that these people they are in Shatkin Marieb about the Quran, meaning they cannot confidently reject it, nor are they willing to accept it. And how ridiculous could a person be that he is remaining in this doubt? What should he do help himself get out of that doubt? And go either this way or that way? Why are you just in the middle? Why are you just hanging in there go either right or go left. But the fact is, and anyone who rejects the Quran,
he will always be in shocking. Marieb why? Because when you reject something, there's always a possibility that it may be right. And that makes you uncomfortable. And the fact is that there are many people who don't believe in the Quran, but yet they have to acknowledge that this Quran cannot be the word of a human being they're forced to acknowledge that or they say that Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was an exceptionally intelligent men. They have to come up with some argument or another some excuse or another. Why? Because the Quran you know, makes it clear to them that you can't reject it. You really cannot reject it so they are in shakin Minho Marine. We're in and indeed cool learn all
llama, definitely llama over here is for tokeep for more emphasis it doesn't mean yet over here. Okay, so what in Kula llama and indeed kunnen every single individual without exception, every individual lumma definitely surely lay your Fianna home. Surely he will definitely compensate them in full, who rabuka Your Lord? What will he compensate them for? Our mother whom their deeds, the actions that they have done? In the whole Bhima Yama Luna hobby? Indeed he is with whatever they do hobby fully acquainted. He is fully acquainted of whatever they are doing. I want you to notice this idea in What does Inner Mean. Indeed, what is it for? To emphasize a statement right? When you say
indeed this happened? What are you trying to say? For sure it happened there is no doubt about it. You're emphasizing now what in color llama llama is also for what emphasis, love, what is love for emphasis. And remember that before this lamb there is an implied custom. There is an implied oath the oath is not mentioned clearly. But it's always implied whenever you see the letter let surely it means when Allah He lay you a fear known by Allah surely definitely. You are Finn, no Masha that what does that mean? What does that mean? How do you translate that noon with a shudder? Definitely. What is that for? What is that for? Emphasis? Rob Booker armella home Inna, who what is enough for
emphasis? There's so much emphasis in this idea. And what is being mentioned? What is the fact that is being emphasized? That for sure, for sure, definitely have no doubt that people and every single individual without exception is going to be compensated for what their deeds every single person, not that Allah subhanaw taala will recommend some people
Both and he will leave others know that from a family, Allah subhanaw taala will recommend only the parents and the children, he will just ignore them know, every single individual, whether he believes or he does not believe, whether he's very righteous, or he is sinful, whether he's average or He is above average, or below average, whatever, whoever anyone, every single individual is going to be compensated for their deeds. And Allah is fully aware of what the people are doing.
And notice all the emphasis that has been given over here why? When do you have to emphasize a statement? When when you want the other person to understand, pay attention? Understand, do you get it or you don't get it? Do you get it in color lamb man, lay your Fianna home, Rob Booker Armada home in a Habima Yama, Luna hobby
if we truly believed in this, that we will be compensated for our deeds,
when our actions be different, if we truly believed in this, so ask yourself, Do I really believe in this, that I am definitely going to be compensated for what I'm doing?
Every individual will be compensated. If you think about it, there is many things that we do in this life, many actions that we commit, but we don't always see the results is that so you write something, you send an email to somebody you never hear anything back, you send a text message to somebody you never hear anything back, no consequences. You make a phone call, you don't get a response, no, nothing at all, no consequences. You throw something away, you never miss it, you never have any need for it, no consequences, right? There are many things that we do in life for which we don't see any results, neither immediately nor later.
Likewise, there are people who are supposed to be very conscious about what they're eating. So they put whatever they want in their mouths, and that you would and they swallow it and they don't see any consequences. But there are other times when we see the consequences. Like for example, if there is a person who's allergic to a particular food, and they have a small a small portion of it, just a trace of it even what happens? Do they see the consequences? Or yeah, they totally see the consequences inside out all over their body, they see it.
Now what happens when you see the consequences? Does it make you more conscious? Yes, it makes you very, very conscious. If there's a particular person who you said something too, and they got very, very offended, then what happens next time you're talking to them, you say whatever you feel like, or you're like, on your toes, extremely conscious about what you're saying? very conscious. Because when you realize that what I'm doing is going to have consequences, then what happens? You become more alert, you think twice before you do it. You think three times before you actually say why? Because you know it's going to have results. I cannot ignore it. And there are two different ways of
life. One way of life is to live carefree, carefree, whatever happens, happens, I don't care. I eat what I want, I sleep when I want, I work when I want, I'm lazy when I want I shop when I want I drop when I want I mean, I don't care. And this is the culture that is promoted. Do whatever you want. You only live once. And little children literally what do they say? I don't care. I don't care, little kids, you'll be amazed at how junior kindergarten kids will be saying that. I don't care.
Really, we have to care. Another attitude is that a person is careful about his life, careful about the things that he's doing, realizing that there are going to be consequences. And if you think about it out of the two types of people, which one who's more successful, the one who's more conscious, the one who's more careful about what he's eating, about how much he's sleeping, how much he's drinking, how much he is working, how much he is sitting, careful, conscious alert, and this is what the call is setting, that a person is alert. He's careful about what he's saying what he's doing, about the timings about the actions about the quantities I mean, whatever
Think he's conscious.
And this is the message that we're being given over here, realize that for every deed, there is going to be a result. You might not see it immediately, you might not feel it immediately. But there are going to be results. We do it, and we forget it. We say it, and we forget it, we eat it, and we forget it. But then later, later, our body tells us, you know, it's like, one day you go out to eat with your friends, and everything was fine, you didn't care, the chicken seemed a little raw, it was little think, but you're like, oh, whatever, don't look, don't look, don't look, just eat, enjoy. And you just enjoyed yourself, and you just had a whole lot of pomp afterwards. And then also a tea
so that nothing would bother you. But then the next day, what happens when you're sitting in front of the toilet bowl throwing up, it tells you, you shouldn't have done that. You should have been more conscious at that time you had fun. But later, you're paying the price for it. So every deed good or bad, has results. Every test, good or bad, has results. Isn't that so every class that we attend every course that we take every test that we take every assignment that we submit? Does it just get lost in Oblivion? Like having no results? Nothing at all? No, it's marked, the numbers are counted. And then they're entered somewhere. And at the end, the total average is there, and the
percentage is there. And then based on that, there's also a position that's awarded. So some people who are more conscious about their every action, every lesson, every half test, every assignment, what happens?
They see some good result at the end, and others who have been neglectful. Yeah, I skip a test here. You know, skip another assignment there. Yeah, I don't think I've attended half of that juice. But I did the assignment anyway. How was the result going to be?
Is it going to be complete? How was it going to be a person could be this close to graduation, but they will miss. The other day, somebody was telling me that they were taking this course. And they completed all the assignments, everything, but because of a particular reason, they couldn't handle an assignment on time. And the professor, they accepted the late assignment. But the professor because the assignment was handed in late, the professor forgot to, you know, put their mark in, the professor forgot. And then what happened because the professor forgot, the Mark was not entered, they could not graduate on time. They couldn't. So they're going to be graduating a year later,
because of submitting an assignment late, and that causing the professor to forget, they're not going to be able to graduate even though everything is done. And they're actually getting pretty good marks, but they won't be graduating this year. So you see what happens when we take even one thing lightly.
Even one thing lightly, but those who are conscious and careful about every lesson, every test, every assignment, then what did you see at the end? Something good.
So it happens only in this life that Allah subhanaw taala shows us consequences for good effort. But in the alcohol what Allah subhanaw taala has in store for people who are conscious about their deeds, that is far, far better.
So what in Kula lemma Laowa Fianna Homura Buka are Mariela home in the Habima, Yama, Luna Javi, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will also give recompense for what not just our efforts, our good deeds, but also our sins. There's a dessert that people give, and there is a dessert that Allah gives. And the dessert that Allah gives, for good reward is far greater than any reward that people can give. And the punishment that Allah gives is also far more greater than the punishment that people can give. So who's recommends should we truly be afraid off? Allah subhanaw taala is the one that he will give in now will be my Yama Luna hobby because he from people we can hide. We can hide from them. We can
show that yes, I'm doing it. But Allah subhanaw taala knows. I mean, in this world, for example, our GI she can't really know if we actually did our lesson seven times or not, because she's not really watching us at home. She can text you and remind you and nag you but that's as far as she can go. Or maybe she will call you and she'll say do your lesson now in front of me as I'm listening to you
You mean there's a very rare chance that will happen but it mean how likely is it that people really know about what we're doing? Allah subhanaw taala knows in no be Mayor MeLuna hobby so nothing can be hidden from him.
First of him so oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remain firm, become firm, upon what the right course meaning stand firm, become firm on Ahmed on action on our call it on your beliefs on arriba.on acts of worship on Dawa, calling people to Allah be firm, come out, we'll meet the just as you have been commanded, stand firm on what you have been commanded to do. Meaning don't leave it. If Allah subhanaw taala has ordered you to worship in a particular way. That's what you have to do. If Allah has ordered you to call people, then that's what you have to do. You don't have a choice over here, don't leave it. follow all the rules that he has given all the instructions that he has
given, how meticulously do what is assigned to you, first of him command will make you remain firm, and also woman tag America and whoever has repented with you, meaning everyone who has believed in you, who has turned back to Allah with you, meaning you and those who believe should all become firm as you have been commanded. Now, what's the command that's been given over here of is the karma for stem from st karma? What is the karma to remain firmly upon something? And when a person remains firmly upon something? What does that show his commitment, his dedication, and it shows how truthful and sincere he is. It shows how honest he is in his word. It shows how committed he is to his
promise. What does Allah subhanaw taala like in people consistency, commitment, dedication, Allah subhanaw taala has no need of people who give up easily and quickly, who give up their work on the slightest excuse. If it's rainy, they will make rain the excuse if it's windy, they will make windy excuse if it's sunny, they'll make the sun and excuse. And you see every day there's something unusual, even when there's nothing really going on. That itself is unusual. Because every day there's always something with the other to distract you. So what does Allah subhanaw taala want from us? Consistency, commitment is the karma. Allah subhanaw taala likes deeds which are which are what
big. And just sometimes once in a while. Know what kind of deeds does Allah subhanaw taala like those which are consistent even if they may be small. So first of all can come out Amirtha
Allah subhanaw taala likes consistency. Allah likes people who are truthful to their word, who do what they are supposed to. You see in our bodies we learn there are the best people on the Day of Judgment will be who will move foon l Moto G Boone, those who fulfill their tasks, what they're supposed to do, and l multiboot. Those who do it good, who do it well, such people will be of the best on the day of judgment of the best people in the gathering of harsher people who will be honored. I'll move forward and move for you Boone. So this is why first came, do what you are supposed to no excuses something that has to be done. It has to be done. And you see anything that
you take seriously in life. What do you do? Do you give it up on the slightest excuse? No. I mean, people who are crazy about going to the gym, what will they do? They will even go at three o'clock in the night. They will go at 6am they will go late at night. They will go after a full workday. One day. Have you ever seen you know those gyms with glass windows? Like after five o'clock, maybe downtown you will see people I mean it's full. These are people who have been working eight to five and here they are running on, you know some machine exercising constantly. And they're not people who will just exercise one day, and they will leave after three days. No, they do it consistently.
And consistency is what truly brings a change. So first the theme come out.
Let's say your work and you're very committed to it your school you're very committed to it. Your housework, you're very committed to it. Then what will you do? Just because you're tired, you won't do it. You let the dishes pile up in the sink. No, you will come up with something or another in order to get that work done. I mean, there are people who will have three coffees just so that they can go through their workday. They will have
One energy drink after another just so that they can get through their workday. If a person is driving, and it's a long drive and the need to stay awake, what will they do? They'll say, Oh, forget it. You know what, let's check in at this motel and sleep in the night and we'll see what happens tomorrow. Will they do that? No, they'll go get a really strong coffee, and an energy drink, and you know, something to listen to something to keep them awake all night long, and they will finish what they started. And this is the key to success. First, the fame comma, or Marita, be firm, remain firm. But unfortunately, all our commitment and dedication is for what? What is it for
horridly things. When it comes to the dean, we take it so lightly, we don't show much commitment. Look at our attendance,
or our performance, our lessons, our tests, our assignments, majority of the time, what happens, we don't take it seriously, we don't really show commitment.
And unfortunately, every single one of us is afraid of the somehow or the other from, you know, from the teachers to the students, everyone needs to think about themselves, what is the level of my commitment? Do I just give up on the slightest excuse and say, oh, you know what, today, I don't really feel like going to class I'm going to skip. I'm going to ask somebody else to share their notes with me. I'm going to ask somebody else to take the group for me is this how our attitude should be towards the work of Dean through which we want Janna to which we are seeking Allah's face? Through which we want to make Allah subhanaw taala happy?
Think about it, if we showed this kind of attitude at work, where we get money from, or this kind of attitude at school where we get a degree from, would we ever get through? Would we ever stay there for very long? No.
We don't really show commitment to the dean the way we should. And we think that for these kinds of efforts, we will go so far. We're not going to make it very far if we don't show commitment. First the chem, come out. ohmmeter become firm, as you have been commanded woman to have America and whoever that has repented with you, meaning this command is for the prophets, a lot of sentiment also for the believers, that the prophets have a lot of Saddam ever go on vacation from his Dawa. That, you know, today I don't really feel like it, I'm gonna take a break for a month know whether he was traveling, or he was at home, wherever he was, what was he constantly engaged in the work of
Dawa, and the people who believed in him, they were also similar. Come out, we'll meet the woman to have America won a total HoH and do not commit excess, while our total do not transgress from thought line yet to the end, what is still the end, transgression crossing the limits, do not cross the limits, what limits? Meaning don't go into an extreme. Because if you go into an extreme, you won't be able to remain firm.
You see anything that goes beyond its limits? Are you able to do it for very long? No. So for example, if you say that you know what, yes, we are required to do our lesson seven times. And you know what, I'm going to do it seven times every single day of the week. So each lesson I'm going to be doing it like 50 times, you're not going to be able to do it. Big goal, but unachievable? What does Allah say lappato? Don't commit transgression remain within your limits, so that you can remain firm, so that you can have stability. And we can look at this in another way also lotto that whenever a person is doing the work of Dean, he's calling people to Allah subhanaw taala. Is he
welcomed? Does he always get a positive response? No, there were times when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did that when he was rebuked, he was repulsed, he was rejected really badly. So what should be done at this time? The way somebody has answered you, you also speak them in the same way.
The way somebody pushed you, you push them in the same way, the way they humiliated you, you humiliate them in the same way? No. If you stoop to their level, what's the difference between you and them? What's the difference? What are you calling them to? How are they going to improve by listening to you? So let's total Oh, don't do that. Rather Be tolerant and this is the lesson that the Muslims in Macau were given, no matter what opposition you face, do not do not become aggressive. Do not take revenge, bear patiently, whatever criticism you face, whatever opposition you face, bear patiently. You see, generally what happens if you face some opposition
When either you react really negatively, so somebody attacked you, you attack them back. Or you say, You know what? I give up. I'm not doing this anymore. This is too much. But both things Allah subhanaw taala is forbidding us from him. Firstly, don't give up instead, first stop him, no matter what happens don't give up. Secondly, no matter how provocative the other person's responses, don't retaliate, be patient let total and leave the matter to Allah subhanaw taala that in no Bhima Dharma Luna bus lead Indeed he is with whatever you are doing bus lead ever watchful, and he's watching your deeds. He's checking what you're doing. So leave the result with Allah subhanaw taala leave it
with him, he will deal with the people. You just keep doing your work. What I thought Kung Fu and do not incline Illa two words AlLadhina lalamove Those people who do 1/3 canoe from the letters are all calf noon, rockin rockin is used for a pillar. What is rockin pillar. Now if there is a pillar, right next to you. So for example, see there's a pillar right next to you. So what happens if there's a picture next to you? Do you kind of lean towards it naturally? Yeah. So you take it as a reclining post? Is that true? And you're like, yes. Finally, I got to sit next to a pillar, right? If there's a pillar next to you, you're definitely going to lean against it. It's only natural. If
there's something strong, close to you, you're going to recline against it. This is why raka ILA is to incline towards someone, bend towards them. bend towards them lean towards them. So while our talk can who do not lean to words, do not inclined to words who those people who do loan meaning no compromise, don't agree with them. What they're doing is wrong. What they're doing is learn. Don't agree with them. Don't incline towards them. Because if you do that, for the Masako, no fire will touch you. Hellfire is going to burn you it's going to touch you. And if it touches you, when Allah Coleman Dune, Allah him and Ollie Yeah, you will have besides Allah, no protectors, Somerleyton
saloon and then you're not going to be helped, there is no one will be able to help you.
Now, a third thing is being mentioned over here. First, we discussed that when you do Daro, when you do something good. When you become serious about your religion, typically, the response that you get is not positive. So one way is that a person retaliates, meaning the way you've been dealt with, you deal with others in the same way, they're yelling at you, you yell at them, they harm you, you harm them, they insult you, you insult them in your defense, that is something that Allah has forbidden Letho, especially in the murky era, right? Where the Muslims are weak. Another option is over here that we see that you lean towards them, and you say, if somebody like really rejects you, then
you're like, you know what, I think I agree with you what you're saying makes sense. Why would you do that, that immediately you give up your position, and you agree with them? Why? Because you're afraid of them. You're afraid of them. And it happens many times that in an argument when we see we're not winning. We don't want to look like someone who's been defeated. So what do we do? We just agree with them. And many Muslims have taken this kind of approach, that instead of keeping Islam as it is, what do they want to do modify Islam, so that it is more appealing to those who don't like Islam, so that we Muslims don't look like bad people.
You understand? This is something that has become quite common. If it comes to the matter of hijab, if it comes to matter of jilbab if it comes to the matter of anything in religion, what's the typical way that people have adopted compromise compromise, but what does Allah say? Let our canoe Elian Medina wala mu, don't try to make them happy. They're not your God. They didn't make you. They're not whom you worship. Don't try to please them. If you try to please them. And you go in their direction, you follow their desires, what's going to happen? Fire is going to touch you. And then you will have no one to help you.
You learned in Sierra, how do we chicane they made an offer to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that for some part of the year you touch our idols or just at this occasion you touch our idols and then we will let you do what you want for some time. You follow our religion for some time we follow yours. I mean, it seems like a very logical agreement.
Can everybody be happy?
But if you do what they're doing you inclined towards them, then what will be the difference between though Hayden ship? How will people realize that ship is the greatest injustice when you are acknowledging the ship of others?
You see children, if their parents tell them speak nicely, but they don't demonstrate that behavior. Are the children ever going to get it?
What it means to speak nicely? No, you have to model the behavior in front of the children that you want to adopt, right? Whatever behavior you want children to adopt, you have to model it before them. I remember once somebody had mentioned that they wanted their children to behave appropriately at a formal dinner setting. And this is something that many parents struggle with, that if you are at somebody's house, and you've been seated at a table, you should know your table manners. So you sit properly, you put your napkin on properly, you don't bang the cutlery on the dishes, and you eat properly, you don't whine you don't make noise, you just focus on what you're doing. You do it
quickly, and then you go away. So they had written that what you do is you play with them, pretend tea parties, pretend tea parties, so everybody sits together nicely, properly, and then you serve and then they serve and you use appropriate language. So through play, you're teaching them what acceptable table manners are. And for many things, this is how you are supposed to successfully teach somebody anything by demonstration. But if you are telling them sit properly at the table, and you yourself are leaning against your arm, if you're telling them Don't make noise with your cutlery, and you yourself are making noise with your cutlery, you're giving them mixed messages. How
are they going to know what acceptable behavior is and what is not? And many times children take advantage of this. I mean I'm sure all of you have taken advantage of this at some point in your life or another way your mom's had something and your dad something else or you know you got mixed messages so you're like okay, let me take advantage of this. You also do that he also does this well my older brother did this and you never said anything to him. So over here what do we learn? No compromise when it comes to the matter of religion. You cannot lean towards the wish to keep trying to please them trying to make them happy. If your goal becomes to make them happy, then you're
already following the religion. So while letar can who don't lean towards them don't fear them don't feel intimidated by them fear Allah subhanaw taala because you have to answer him one day
and if you do that remember the fire will touch you always remember whenever you know a sin becomes too attractive fire will touch me fire will touch me if I touch this firewall touch me
let's listen to the recitation
Birla goofy media to mean
was no sleep at home
Oh, one other
tool if a fee What else can you matter
to me because
we're in Luffy shakin Mingo morning what
Bobby stuffing can
be mad at
us we docilely Walla
Walla who?