Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 118B Tafsir Hud 25-30
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
lesson number 118 Solitude i am 25 to 49
what oh god uncertainly all of a sudden now we sent no hands no earlier Salam Illa ko me to His people
know how they Salam was sent as a messenger to his people. And what did he say in the lacuna? The Quran mobian Indeed I am to you a clear warner? No, her hair salon was also known as Domo Thani the second Adam, meaning the father of mankind, just as Adam or his sunnah he was the first human being all people came from his progeny that were his children.
No Harley Ceramica. Adam Oh Thani, why? Because at his time we learn about the Great Flood because of which whoever people that existed at the time were finished except for those who believed in him. And after new Hurley's Salam, whoever that came was from who from among his children. So this is why he's also known as Adam Oh Thani. And he was the first messenger to be sent to mankind.
And this was perhaps a very small community early on, because there was a difference of only a couple 100 years between Adam and his son, I'm a new listener.
And why was he sent as a messenger? Because Schick had become common amongst the people. And the reason for his coming was to warn people it Neela come near the automobile. I am to you a clear warner.
He came to warn people warn them about what I let her boo Illa Allah that you do not worship anyone but Allah.
Because no one created you. Except for him. He is the only one who made you. No one gave you anything except him. Whatever you have is from who from him.
He made you, he owns you. He gave you everything. So you also worship Him alone. And if you do not do that, oh people in the hall for our lay come I fear for you are there but Yeoman Aleem the punishment of a painful day. I fear for you that if you persist in this way of shitake, of associating partners with Allah, which is the greatest form of ingratitude, the greatest form of injustice, if you continue on that way, then I fear for you the punishment of a very, very painful day. What is that painful day Yeoman Aleem
the day that a person will meet his results? And that is the day of death, the Day of Judgment? What was the reaction of the people for Carl Miller who saw the mullah, they said Who are the mullah, the elite of the society, the chiefs, and they were who AlLadhina kuffaar Omean call me he those who are disbelieved from his nation. Their reaction was one, that maraca, we do not see you are no Illa except Bashar on a human being Miss Lana, just like us, or no, we don't see anything special about you. You're just a human being like us. You're one of us. How could you be a messenger?
Now, instead of paying attention to the warning, and the clear message that no headaches and I was giving them, what did they do? They began to undermine his message based on worldly and material standards, to objections, they had two objections they raised first of all, we don't see you except as a human being, as an ordinary person. There is nothing special about you. So when there is nothing special about you, what makes you deserving of prophethood? And how could you be a prophet when we don't see anything extraordinary in you? There are people who are more wealthy than you there are people who are more influential than you, who are more powerful than you. Since you
proclaimed prophet hood, you didn't become the wealthiest of people you didn't become the most powerful of them. There's nothing special about you. How could you be a prophet, man Urraca Illa Bashara Mithuna. The second objection they raised was that women are rocker and we do not see you, it Tabarka he follows you. Meaning, we see that your followers are none except illa except and Lavina. Those people who whom they are Aurora de Luna, the lowest of us, your followers, we see that the people who have responded to your call or who not the best of us, but the worst of us, the lowest of us. Allah there is the plural of O with L from the root letters raw than love. And our
role then, is one who is lowest meaning when compared to others. He's very, very low, very very despicable.
Now, what makes a person great and what makes a person lowly based on the criteria that you judge them on?
If your criteria is physical beauty, okay, there could be a person who's very intelligent in their mind. But because they lack the beauty that you think a person should have, because of that reason, you consider that they're very lowly. And there could be another person who possesses a lot of intelligence, a lot of good qualities, but because they have your standard of beauty, you might say that, yes, you are the best.
So people, they judge others based on what their own thinking, meaning what they think, to be good, what they think to be bad, what they think to be a measure of success, and what they think to be a measure of failure. One person might view someone as very successful and another person could view them as the biggest loser. One person could fall in love with an individual and another person could hit them.
Now, just because the people have knew how to s&m We're saying that your followers are the lowest of us. does that really mean that they were the lowest of all people? No, because they were judging those people based on material standards. What was your criteria? What was your standard, that if someone is wealthy, if someone is physically strong, if someone belongs to a high social class, if someone is from this particular family, this particular tribe, then they are better compared to someone else.
Unfortunately, this kind of Jamelia also exists among people today. It also exists amongst Muslims who claim that we should be very just and fair and everyone is equal before God. But still, we do discriminate against people based on sometimes the color of their skin, sometimes their accent, sometimes the level of their education. So the people of New Hassan they said, that we see that your followers are all the Luna, they're the lowest of us. They are the poorest people. They are not the influential individuals of the society. Now the people of New Harrison have said this. Were there any other people who said the same thing to their messenger? Who
have every nation, you remember?
We read Colin Miller. Oh, Colin Miller. Oh, Colin Malou. Why? Because it was mostly the Muller that oppose the prophets. And it was usually the weak people of the society that supported the prophets that believed in them. Hidaka when he asked Abu Sufian what kind of people believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what did he say? Is the women it is the slaves? It is the four it is the people who are very low in society. They're the ones who have answered his call, meaning generally, why? Why is it that Muller have generally opposed the messengers? And it is people who are weak in society that have responded to the call of the messengers. Why? What's the reason?
Because the mullah if they believed in the messenger, what did that mean? They were acknowledging that someone was greater than them.
They were accepting a leader, they would now take upon the role of a follower, and they would now be following someone else. So immediately their social status from here it came down.
Believing in the messenger also meant that you believe in some of your faults, that this is right, and this is wrong, I should not be doing this anymore. Instead, I should change my ways to such and such.
But people who have been routinely following certain customs certain ways in their life, they get very, very used to them, and they firmly believe in them. And change is something they find very, very difficult. It's difficult to change your habits. It's difficult to change your thinking. It's difficult to change your ways. So in other words, the mother had a lot to lose. They had a lot to lose. Sometimes their wealth, sometimes their power, sometimes their influence. Think about it the uncle of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam Abu Talib, did he not see the truthfulness of the Prophet salallahu Salam. He is the one who said that I know that the religion of Muhammad is the best
religion. I know that he said verses of poetry. From the beginning he supported his nephew denty. But what prevented him from believing he knew that if he believed his friends would abandon him, instead of respect now what will you
receive from his people mistreatment. And because of that reason, he was not able to give up the religion of his forefathers, even though he saw many clear errors in it.
Now, the weak people of the society, whether they were the women in general or the poor, the slaves, what did they have to lose? Nothing. In fact, they only had something to gain because faith, it gave them freedom. It recognized them as individuals, people who were nothing before now were individuals. Now, they could pray. Now, they could also give charity. Now, they could also strive to attain high levels in the hereafter. So you know, it was a win win situation for them, but for the mullah, for the most part, they had a lot to lose. Now in the previous verses, we learned a quality which was those people who are over two in rpm, who surrender to their Lord, who will humble
themselves before their Lord. There were always people from the mullah also, who believed, who surrendered. Take the example of a model doula Warren, who was any one of the strongest people of Makkah. He was one of the few people who could actually read and write Abu Bakar aquilo are and who you think he was an ordinary man. No way. He was also from the Quraysh Hamza Radi Allahu anhu, the uncle of the prophets of Allah Addison, and he was also not just influential, he was strong, use powerful, he was wealthy, he had it all. So what was it that these individuals had that let them believe it was their humility? It was their submissiveness before their Lord, that they see the
truth, they recognize that they understand it, and they just accept it. But for the most part, the mullah they didn't believe over here. Also, they didn't believe rather, they objected that How come your followers are the weakest of us? If you were really a true prophet, then, you know, these poor people would not have been your followers, who would have been your followers, the intellectual ones, the powerful ones, those with authority. So the said woman or aka Tabarka, in the Levina, home or the Luna, and they described the Auroville, how do they describe them? They said birdie.
What is birdie or me? baddie is from the letter is bad al Hamza bother to begin. Now when you begin to do something, let's say you begin to open up a book, what's the first thing that you're going to see a cover? That's the first thing that you're going to see. So beginning means just the front or the surface? Okay? You haven't gone deep into it yet. Now, once you begin to open a book, you just pick it up, you see the cover? Do you really know what that book talks about?
You know, like to say, don't judge a book by its cover. Why? Because you might misunderstand the title. You might not fully know what it's talking about, until you actually take a deep look, you actually read it, you actually go through the pages, then you'll have a better idea.
But when you just look at the surface, you don't really know what it's about.
so badly are rai rai, what does he mean opinion. So badly Allah II are people who have very shallow thinking, who don't really think deeply about matters. Why, given their lack of intelligence, their lack of experience in life, they don't really know much. They're just foolish people who don't have anything better to do. They're very impressionable. They don't really have a mind of their own. They just got deceived by your promises of paradise and beautiful women. And they just listened to you and they believed in you.
This is basically what they said about the believers, that there are other, they've got nothing in the dunya. And besides, they're not intelligent people. They're just easily deceived by you. And it's amazing how today also, it's said about anyone who becomes serious with regards to their religion. Somebody has brainwashed them.
And you might say, really, you think I'm that nine, that somebody is brainwashed me, and I've decided to wear this thing where I've decided to start praying five times a day. How is it possible? When it comes to worldly matters? If a person makes a change is a drastic change? Nobody will say, Oh, you've been brainwashed. You're so naive. But when it comes to religion, unfortunately, this is the reaction of many people. If anyone is taking religion seriously, people don't give any importance to them. There they go. They've got nothing better to do. They're so naive, they got influenced easily. You know, it's just a phase, hopefully within two three days.
they'll understand. And they'll get it, let them grow up. And then they'll see how practical religion is. This is the kind of things people say. And that's exactly what the followers of new Hurley's Salam had to hear also. So their objection was that women are aka Tabarka in the medina home or the Luna bed era. And they said women are lacking we do not see for you, our Lena over us men fall in any kind of trouble, meaning we don't see the trip any merit over us. Have you gotten more money? Have you gotten more authority? What do you have nothing. But no one no concavely been rather we see you as liars. We see you as liars, meaning we see you or no as a liar. And all your
followers as liars is all a conspiracy. We don't think you're honest, we don't think you're really a messenger.
Now the question is that, was there analysis of new holidays? Salem and his followers? Was that accurate? Was that fair? Was that just or was it biased? Was it biased? Why you say was biased, because they were just judging them based on their material possessions, based on their physical body based on their wealth, based on their worldly achievements. And we know that a person is more than just his money.
A person is more than just his physical body. If we judge people based on their physical only then we are very, very superficial. So this is what they said, This is how they objected to new Harley Sena. Color. He said, No, Harley salem said, Yeah, call me all my people are a to have you thought about this? In Contura? Beginner Tim Mirabai. If I were upon a clear evidence from my Lord, why are you looking at superficial things I have been I have proof, I have a clear proof that I am a prophet. And I've shown that to you. And remember that every prophet was given evidences was given proofs was given miracles, something or the other that would make it easier for people to recognize
his truthfulness. If nothing else, it was just his character. But unfortunately, people don't look at the character of the individual. What do they do they look for faults. They look for deficiencies.
Like for example, the perfect and beautiful life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam, people don't look at how successful he was, how generous he was, how kind he was, what do they look at?
Oh, he had these many wives. Oh, he impose a GC on the Jews. He had these many people killed after the conquest. That's what they're looking at.
So instead of looking at the beginner, instead of looking at the evidence to prove people who don't want to believe what are they going to look for? False, so he's telling them all my people think about it. incontournable Hina terrifying. Upon a clear evidence. I've shown you the clear proof mid rugby from my Lord, My Lord has given it to me. What an attorney and he has given me rahmatan emergency mean or indifferent him. He has given this mercy to me. I have lived amongst you for so long. I never said anything like that. I mean, don't you think about it? Why would I just all of a sudden start saying these things. Allah has given this mercy of prophethood of guidance of knowledge
to me. But for me at the Aleikum, it has been blinded on you or omit from ima blindness, meaning you have become blind to it. This evidence is clear. But yet you are blind to it. Meaning you have chosen you have decided not to see it. And when you've made up your mind that you're not going to see it and noisy muku Musa, shall we then impose it on you? What unto Mala Hakkari Hoon while you are averse to it while you don't want it while you don't want to see it? No Zima como what's the route? Lamb ze mi Lazio? What does Lazar mean to make something incumbent? So a nosy will come over meaning Shall we force it on you? What is new her? Listen, I'm saying over here basically saying
that if you want pure proof, Allah has already given it to me. It's already very obvious. But you are not able to see it because of your bias. You're just lost in the fact that I'm not that powerful in society. You're just lost in the fact that I'm not the wealthiest of men. You're just lost in the fact that my followers are not the richest of the society. And the actual proof you're not looking at it. You have chosen you have decided not to see it. And when you've made up your mind not to see it, how can I impose it on you?
How can I make you see it? You see, if someone has made up their mind that they're not going to get up, they're not going to wake up. You could spend one hour trying to wake them up, will you be successful? What will they keep saying? Give me a few minutes? Give me another minute, five minutes. What time? Is it? Okay, 15 more minutes.
You can waste your entire morning trying to wake them up. But if they've made up their mind, they're not getting up. What can you do? You can't do anything to help them. If someone has made up their mind, that Arabic grammar is difficult. They've just decided it's like fixed in their head Arabic grammar is difficult, then even if they get the best teacher in the world, to explain to them the most complicated concepts in the most easiest and simplified ways. Are they going to get it? They're going to come in the class freaked out, and they're going to leave the class in the same way.
You know why? Because these biases that we have against something they blind us, they literally blind us, they affect the way we think.
If somebody tells you, let's say your mom tells you go upstairs in my room and bring my shawl, and she's like, where's it I can never find anything in your room. She's like, come on, I was just wearing a trike. Now, maybe it's on the bed or the chair. Like Fine, and you go upstairs and you just look because I can't see it. Because I go look again.
Like can't see it. Why can you not see it? Because you don't want to see it. And Then There she comes. And she shows you it's right there on the bed. How come she saw it, and you didn't see it? Because she wanted to see it and you didn't want to see it. So when we want to see something we'll see. And when we don't want to see something, people can show it to us. But we still cannot see it. So know how they Salam is basically refuting their argument by saying you've made up your mind. You're not going to believe you don't want to see my truthfulness because you don't like what I tell you. You don't want to change your ways. So at one point, you make the excuse that I'm just a human
being. And another point you make the excuse that my followers are poor people, and it'll be just one thing after another. Don't we see this in the seed of the prophets a lot a lot.
At the beginning, people made one excuse later on, they made another excuse. They said he saw him then they change their mind. He's not saying he's okay. No, no, he's not caring. He's a cabin learner. He's a Sharon. They kept changing. Why? Because they didn't want to believe
an old ximo como ha Antonella carry home. Well call me and he said, Oh, my people love us Aluko. Marilla Hema, Allah. I won't ask you for any money. I'm not demanding from you, or any wealth because of which you feel threatened. If you believe in me, I'm not saying that you should give me all your wealth. What do you have to lose? You're like we discussed earlier, the mullah. They don't want to believe because they're going to lose something.
Many times the fear is just in our head. What prevents us from success is fear of failure. In every situation. Fear of failure prevents us from success, any kind of success. So for example, you want to learn how to cook you want to become a good cook.
And somebody says, Okay, why don't you cook something with me? And you know, where you need help? I'll help you. I'll coach you. You're like, no, no, no, I'm a really bad cook. I'm a really bad cook. I don't think I can cook. So like, no, go ahead. Try it. If there's anything that you're messing up, I'll help you, I'll guide you.
But if you don't want to take that risk of failure, will you ever cook in front of them? And will you ever learn from them? No.
In order to be successful, we have to see our mistakes. We have to see our errors, as hard as it is as difficult as it is we have to see them. Because if we don't see them, we cannot fix them. If we cannot fix them. How can we succeed in what we're doing. So people generally they have this fear. If I start to wear their hijab, this will happen. I won't get married. If I study this, this will happen. If I start listening to my mother more than this will happen. If I become more nice to my husband and he will start controlling me. We have these fears from before.
No harness and I'm studying the people what do you have to lose? I'm not asking you for any money. I'm not saying you have to give 50% of your wealth in the way of God. All I'm saying is believe in God. That's it.
Let us look Marla, you've Mariela I'm not asking you for any money. In Algeria. Allah Allah Allah. My reward is not except on Allah, meaning Allah is the only one who can reward me. You can't reward me anyway. I'm not here to make money. I'm here to convey the message to you
And this is actually the sign of an honest person of a truthful person. What is the fact that he does not expect anything in return? Any kind of praise, any kind of leadership, any kind of money, nothing at all. And this is how every day you should work, sincerely selflessly seeking reward from Allah alone. A prophet is a giver, leaders are givers. They're not there to suck everything away from people. They don't demand such things from people. They're givers. Yeah, call me let us hola como la Hema Allah in Nigeria Illa Allah Allah, and he said wama Anna, and I am not going to be applauded at all one to rebel, who Alladhina amanu those people who have believed, but it is from
their letters thought or or the fourth part is to repel push away.
But it's basically to push someone away out of contempt to belittle and push away, it's like, Get away, you know, I don't want you. It's embarrassing to be next to you get away from me. He said, I am never ever going to push away those people who have believed, even if they're very poor, even if they're not very beautiful, even if they're not dressed. Amazingly, still, I'm not going to push them away. You see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, once in his gathering, there were people sitting with him people like Bill and a little one who who was a slave, right? And other companions also who were slaves or who had a very low social status in that society, and some Mushrikeen the
leaders amongst them, they said, Okay, if you want us to come listen to you, please tell these individuals to go away.
Because we're not going to sit with them.
So what did they want from the Prophet salallahu salam to send Bilal away to send those companions away so that these leaders would come and sit with him and listen to him.
Now, this happened at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam, and it also happened at the time of no listener. No, hulless and I'm sad. No, I'm sorry. I cannot turn these people away. You think that they're very low, whereas in reality, in the home, Mala Cora behave indeed they are ones to meet their Lord. They believe in Allah. They seek His pleasure, and they're going to Allah, every man is created by God by Allah, and every man shall return to him. Yes, this man may have no place in your society given his low social status. However, he has a position of honor near God. Why? Because he believes in Allah.
And he's hoping to meet Allah someday. He's trying to please Allah in no Malacca be him when a kidney but indeed I are all come I see you Coleman as the people that you are alone, you are behaving ignorantly, meaning this demand of yours that only if these men go away, then we will come and sit with you. This is pure ignorance. This is Janelia because if a person has even a little bit of wisdom and knowledge, he will treat others nicely regardless of their social status regardless of their physical appearance when I kidney or I'll come Coleman, that saloon. So what does this teach us? What lesson do we get from this? That if a person has Iman in him and nothing else? He has Eman?
Okay, they're not that beautiful. They don't really speak that beautifully. They don't know how to dress up nicely at all. They don't know what fashion means. They have some very annoying characteristics also, but they do possess Iman because of that Eman one quality even what does it mean? What kind of attitude should we have towards them?
A good attitude towards them welcoming.
Yes, every individual they may possess certain characteristics which annoy you which will you get upset by? Okay. But at the end of the day, at least they have Iman. At least they have Iman no hurry, Sam, sir, I'm not going to turn these people are weird because they're going to meet their Lord someday.
And really, you know what, there are people who are considered very lowly by others, they have no value. But in the sight of Allah.
They have a very high rank.
Think about the companion of the Prophet saw a lot instead of June a bit of the hola horn. Have you heard about him? There is a book companions of the Prophet. It's in two volumes, one is read and the other is blue. And in that, as I mentioned on the label of the Longhorn that how he had physical deformities, even his back was not straight. He was short, not that beautiful. He was very ugly, basically, according to worldly standards, but the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he loved
Not so much with that at one of the battles the prophets of Allah sent them after the battle was over, he sent the Companions go look for those whom you have lost, meaning go search in the battlefield and see if you've lost any of your companions. And they went and looked into combat. We haven't really lost anybody. I mean, yes, these are the Shahadat but nobody else besides the profits or loss and said go look, it came back. No Nobody. Prophet sallallahu sallam said, I have lost someone. And who did he lose? Geneva
once did, he was there in the prophets, a lot of them came from behind and grabbed him and he said, Who will buy the slave for me? You're just joking with him who will buy the slave from me and your labor visa, nobody's gonna buy me I'm worth nothing in the society. I'm poor, I'm ugly, nobody respects me. I'm a nothing I'm a loser who's gonna buy me?
But the prophets Allah, Allah is Allah, He comforted him that no, you are very valuable in the sight of Allah. Because in a chroma combined Allah he, at Koco, the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is
the One who has most UCLA, the one who has faith. So it's about time that we look beyond the superficial we look beyond the skin, we look beyond the clothes, we appreciate the person inside. And what makes a person most beautiful is their faith. It is their character. It is their manners, it is their behavior.
And no hair salon made it very clear to his people. You want me to send them away, I'm never going to send them away. You're behaving ignorantly
well call me and he said, Oh, my people may also don't even Allah, who's gonna help me from Allah against Allah insha Allah to whom if I were to push them away, if I were to drive them away these believers away. If I were to send them away, discriminate against them because of their low social status. I think Allah will be upset with me. And if he's upset with me, who's going to save me? I find out that the Quran Do you not remember? Do you not understand that?
What does this is show us?
That if we show contempt to other believers, we might be inviting Allah's wrath upon us. know, hey, listen, I'm afraid if I send these men away, Allah who will be angry with me. And if Allah is angry with me, which of you can save me from Allah imagine he's a prophet first Rasul. Yet he doesn't have the authority to discriminate against certain believers based on their social status. So who are we to refuse this person and another person and laugh at their nose and laugh at their height and laugh at their language and laugh at the color of their skin? Who are we to do that? This is pure ignorance and this is something that invites the anger of Allah. What brings the Mercy of Allah the
help of Allah unity and if people cannot be united, if they look down on each other,
because looking down on each other means that people are proud of who they are where there's pride, there's arrogance, discrimination shaitan is very active than such people are not supported by Allah subhanaw taala rather such people receive the Wrath of Allah.
Let's listen to the recitation.
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fella Do you not use your mind? Do you not remember? Do you not understand that if a person were to really start using his mind, he would see things clearly. He would not be this biased. He would be more accepting of others.