Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P09 099B Tafsir Al-Anfal 20-23

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the negative perception of people and the importance of learning to find out and change behavior when faced with negative behavior. They stress the need for focus on actions and making the desire and intention of others to benefit from them. The importance of listening to people and finding out what is happening is emphasized. The segment also touches on the negative perception of others and the need for respect and love in order to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 99 Cool huh? Hungary Hola. So lesson number 99 So rattle and file iron number 2240 Yeah Are you Hello Dina em and who are you who have believed that we are Allah who obey Allah wa Sula, who and His Messenger wallet are well lower and who and do not turn away from Him, meaning from the messenger, what untrimmed this maroon while you're listening, while you listen to what he's telling you, you can hear him telling you about something, don't turn away. If somebody is talking to you, somebody is addressing you, somebody is telling you to do something, then don't turn away while you can hear them. Because this is extreme, extreme disrespect, that somebody is talking to

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you and you're turning away from them. And the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, he deserves utmost respect from us, that if he is telling you something, then you listen, and you respond with obedience. Notice at the beginning of the year, what is mentioned, obey Allah and His messenger. But when turning away, as mentioned, it is a don't turn away from Him meaning from the messenger. Because who's going to tell you about Allah's command? Allah's Messenger will? So in other words, when somebody has told us to do something, then we should look like those who have actually heard those who have listened? And how will that show, from our actions from the change that is going to

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come in our behavior in our actions? And if a person turns away while listening after listening, and he doesn't change, then this is an attitude that does not fit a believer. Because notice, yeah, are you in Medina? Oh, man who is mentioned? What does this address mean? We discussed this a lot in Surah Baqarah, That your Eman demands this from you, if you do this, this will complete and perfect your email. And if you don't do it, it will cause your Eman to become deficient and problematic. So if you want to work on your email, then look at this, that when Allah and His Messenger command you to do something than respond with obedience, when you hear the Command of Allah when you hear the

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command of his messenger than don't turn away, while you hear it while you get to know what they're telling you. One is that a person is disobeying based on ignorance. And the other is that a person is disobeying despite knowledge, despite having heard the Command of Allah, and this is something that is terrible. That is terrible that a person knows yet the disobey. This is extremely defined. How does it feel when you're telling a child come here? And the child is stands there and refuses to come? How does it feel? That's extremely disrespectful, right? It doesn't fit a child to do that with their parent than how do you think it fits a believer to do this with his Lord? Does it fit us

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to do this towards Allah? subhanaw taala that Allah is telling us something, we hear it, we hear the command, and we just turn away. We're like, No, I don't want to do it.

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I don't want you to feel like it. Too tired. It's okay. Not a big deal. It is a big deal. When ethical No, and do not be Colombina. Like those who follow the set Smyrna. We have heard well, whom lay a small room, but they don't actually listen. Don't be like those people who when they're told something, they say, yeah, yeah, I heard. Yeah, I know what you said. I can repeat it if you want me to. I heard what you said. I know exactly what I'm supposed to do. But Allah says we're home lay a smarter one. But they don't listen. What does it mean, but they don't listen. Because they heard they got to know, but they never changed their actions. They never changed their actions. So they

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are like those who did not listen.

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Because what is it that will show a person listened to something? Their actions? Right? If that change has come? It means Yeah, they know. And as a change has not come? Then you understand it in one of two ways. That one, they don't know. They missed the lesson. Or secondly, they know but they don't want to do it.

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They know but they're deliberately disobeying.

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You understand?

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A believer when he comes to know about something that Allah and His Messenger have commanded. Then what does he do? He obeys. Instantly. He doesn't bring excuses.

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He doesn't say I can't do this. It's not for me or whatever. He doesn't shrug his shoulders know. When he hears he says we'll call him Samir know what Aparna every night he says to himself, America Alterna, we hear and we obey. And if a person hears, but he shows that he hasn't heard, then this is like what Allah says, In the shadow of the web be, indeed the most evil, the worst of the creatures the word plural of

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the worst of living creatures, and Allah near Hola, or who those people who are assume I'll book them a living a les Archelon. Those who are deaf and dumb, who do not use their reason. Some floor love or some book and chlorella have become three characteristics are mentioned over here, deaf, dumb, and who do not use their reason? It doesn't mean that they're physically like that. What it means is that they are deaf. So they hear but they don't listen.

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Because if you are talking to somebody, and they are able to hear the sounds, but they don't listen,

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then, what are you wondering, did they even hear me? Can they even listen to me? Because if the sounds are going in, if they've understood what I said, then they should respond. I mean, this is something that you expect of any person who has even the slight amount of dignity in them. Right? You expect from any person that if they've heard, they will comply? They will respond with obedience. But if there is a person, you're talking to them, you're telling them they nod their head? Yeah, yeah. But then they don't move at all. They don't change at all. They don't change their ways. Even a little bit, then what does it mean? Either they're deaf, they didn't hear, or they're

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just very stubborn and arrogant. They're very stubborn and arrogant. Well, are you the biller?

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Because look at what Allah says, The worst of all creatures in the sight of Allah are such people who here but they don't listen. They're like deaf people.

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They're like deaf people who hear, but they don't listen. Because if they had heard, they would have changed and book them. Those who are dumb, meaning mute, they speak, but their words are meaningless. Why? Because they have no truth in them. So to speak, with the list of excuses. Oh, I didn't understand what you said. I didn't hear what you said. Or really, is that what it means? They're saying, but their words are meaningless. It's as though they're dumb. Because their speech is void of any truth. Their speech is void of any player. And who are these people who don't use their mind? Because if they had used their mind, then what would they have done? Heard, listened?

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Obed responded?

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Because if there is a person who hears you, but they don't respond, then what do you say? Maybe they didn't get it. Maybe they don't understand. They don't have that mental capacity. Like, for example, a child, you tell a child, I'm gonna give you a timeout. And the child says, I want timeout.

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Then what will you say? Doesn't get it doesn't get it? So if an adult behaves like that, that yes, I don't want to change this because, yeah, I'll go to * far.

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Then what do you say Alladhina lair. They don't understand the seriousness of their disobedience. They don't understand the seriousness of the sin that they are committing. They don't get it.

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They don't use their mind.

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You know, like we learned we discuss so much about how to wear your hijab properly. And if a person despite learning their hairs here, hi.

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It's like a person that's telling myself yeah, I don't mind if the shutdown is riding on my head.

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Yeah, I don't mind if I'm one of those people in the province that a lot of times that are the people of hellfire. Yeah, it's okay. Not a big deal. It's only my hair. It's only my hijab.

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Is there a problem here? What does it show? Lack of intellect, right? Lack of reason, because of the thought about children sitting on their head, or writing them. If they thought about the intensity of the punishment of headphone Everybody, please don't look around looking for people who have had jobs like that. Look at yourself. Think about yourself. If we realized the intensity of hellfire we would never end

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Ever think about disobeying Allah? So when we deliberately disobey Allah, what does it show? We're not using the mind that Allah subhanaw taala has given to us. We are behaving Aiko, a Lavina. Lay your pinion, we're children worse than children worse than animals in the short run the word bear in the law has sown, and Bookham Alladhina lair Clune? Well, our animal law who feeds Highland, and if Allah knew that there would be some good in them, well, only Mulago if Allah knew feed him and then Highland, some good, then what would happen? Like a smart home? Surely he would make them listen. Because what happens is that sometimes a person is ignorant of something. Why? Because they don't

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know. So what happens if they have some good in them? Allah subhanaw taala gives them Tofik. And they get to learn, they find out. And when they learn, then they change. They obey instantly. Right? Like there is a person who doesn't know that doing something is forbidden, and they're doing it. But they have something good in their heart. So what happens? Allah subhanaw taala puts them in a situation where they come to know that this action is haram, they come to know this action is harmony instantly, they stop, instantly they stop. So if they had some good in them, Allah subhanaw taala would have made them listen, he would have given them the opportunity to learn to find out.

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But the sad state of these people is what the Allah says below a smart home even if he made them listen, letter one low, surely they would turn away. Well, whom are your balloon, while they are refusing more is someone who turns away meeting is like, I don't want to do this. The Willow is one like turning away showing your bet. And we're also known as the aversion of the heart, I want to keep aware, and I don't want to do this, they would have turned away refusing.

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There are some people who accidentally hear something good.

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Like, for example, a lecture is being played somewhere. And they happen to come by over there. And they hear those few words of hate.

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And instantly they light up. They're like, what is this? Who is this? What is it talking about? I want to know more about this. And what happens? Their life changes? What did they hear a 60 minute long lecture, no one sentence, two sentences. And instantly they get affected. They heard, they got affected. They didn't come in with the intention to listen and find out. It happened out coincidentally, it happened out accidentally. But then there are others who are given the chance to listen once, twice, thrice again and again. And again. But then what happens? They keep listening. And they keep refusing. And when they keep refusing like this, eventually, they become deaf to that

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So they hear, but it just bounces back. It's like you know, if a door is closed, and you try to go in, you can't go in, you'll hit your head, and you'll fall back. You can't go in. So just like that the head, it comes in, bounces away comes bounces away. It doesn't go in. Why? Because they've closed the doors. They don't want to listen, they don't want to change. Well, there were only Mala who fee and played on this marvel, Allah would have made them listen. But the sad state of these people is that even when they listen, even if accidentally, they come to such a modulus, even if accidentally the past by someone who's saying something good. They don't listen, they don't change.

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What do we think sometimes that you know what, when I'm going to become like this, and this and I'm going to hear these great tools and I'm going to learn about these great amazing things in the religion, then I'll become very good. You don't need a whole lot of knowledge to become a better person. What you need is the desire and the intention that even a little bit of knowledge will suffice. Little knowledge with action is far better than a whole lot of knowledge without action.

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So sometimes our focus becomes only learning, learning, learning, that is a good focus. But we need to focus on our actions as well. That what we are learning from are we actually using that knowledge are we actually applying it

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and if we're not benefiting from it, then what is missing? clade goodness.

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So bring about that goodness bring about that desire to change. You if you want to change yourself if we want to obey Allah subhanaw taala Allah will give tofi Allah will give the ability. But if we don't want to change, we don't want to make him a better person. Nobody on this planet can

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We're still, and even Allah is not going to force it on you if you don't want to change. And this is about anything in life, improving our manners, improving our speech, you know, our relationships with our spouses, our parents, our children, siblings, whoever it may be, if we want to become better in any way, we can only become better if we have the desire and yearning to improve. If we have it, Allah will give Sophia. And if we don't have it, then even if we get to learn all the Hadith about good o'clock, and we get to sit through courses, of filth of this and think of that, the none of those courses are going to avail us. None of that knowledge is going to benefit us. In

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fact, that knowledge is going to become what a burden. You know, the scholars of Lupita Allah subhanaw taala describes them as donkeys carrying burdens, donkeys carrying books, because if there's a donkey carrying a whole lot of literature on its back, has no idea what it's carrying. Right?

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It has no idea. It's the same, whether he's carrying rocks or books, it doesn't make a difference to that donkey. They're just carriers, transporters. It's not benefiting them in any way. So we need to look at ourselves as well. All this that we're learning, every weekend, every class, what is it? Am I just carrying this burden on my head?

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And this guilt in my heart? Or is it that whatever I'm learning, it is making me a better person. Because knowledge should always translate into action. If it doesn't translate into action, it's a burden. It's a wizard. It's a burden. It's heavy. It's difficult, it's boring. It's no fun.

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And on the Day of Judgment, the worst thing is that that knowledge is going to be an argument against diversity.

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And Quran Hoja to laka Oh, I like it is either an argument for you, or it will be an argument against you. So let's check our listening. When people are calling us talking to us, whether it is our children, or it is our husbands or it is our parents, do we respond like people who have heard? Or do we stay sitting in front of the computer screen? Or staring at our phones like a deaf person who didn't hear a word? And after five minutes, we're like, did you say

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sorry, I was busy. Did you say something?

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Because if we cannot listen to people who are talking to us, how can we listen to the words that are in the Quran?

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listening is a skill it's a skill and a very important skill for a person who wants to be successful in life for a person who wants to be a good servant of Allah subhanaw taala so let's focus on our

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we listen to the recitation from ION number 20.

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long call here. Now. Follow us now whom letter one

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I heard or other I read the most amazing Hadith. Can I share it with you?

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Okay. In the Hadith, we learned that when two people, two Muslims, they're angry with one another, then they're not allowed to be angry with each other for more than how long? Three days, okay. And then the Hadith continues that when one of them takes the initiative, greets the other and the other person doesn't respond to him. Has it ever happened? Somebody is really mad at you. You see them and you try to make conversation with them, but they just pretend as if they haven't heard you. So when a person does that, he greets someone and he's not responded. Then you know what happens? The angels respond to his greeting the angel

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I respond to his greeting. Because it's very hurtful that you're talking to somebody, and they don't listen to you. This is why in the verses we learned that Allah subhanaw taala tells us that the worst creatures in his sight are which ones, those who are deaf, dumb, meaning those who don't hear, despite hearing those who don't listen, those who don't accept, so it's very hurtful. So when a person greets somebody, and he's not responded, then who responds to his greeting, the angels and the angels, they rush to good deeds. They hasten to performing good deeds. They don't like to miss any opportunity because it is within their nature to obey Allah subhanaw taala to worship Him or

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xojo and this is why when they hear somebody saying A salaam Wa alaykum and the greeting has not been responded, what do they do instantly? While Akos silho? They don't wait. They say you don't want to say forget you. I'll do it.

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We also learn about the angel these days I'm teaching or Peter so a lot of interesting, a hadith. You know, I'm coming across them. There is another Hadees in which we learn that do men once they were arguing in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one of them he was very harsh to the other. And the other guy he just said Arnica salaam, arnica Salam on UBS, meaning, whatever, I'm not going to say anything to you. Go ahead and say whatever you want to. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, these two people who are arguing between them are also angels. One person, the one who's being harsh. Whenever he says some harsh words to his brother, then the angel said to him, No,

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you are like that. It is you who is like that you deserve to be described in this way. You deserve to be responded in this way. And the person who just says I like a salam alayka salaam, then the angel said to him, No, you deserve this response and statement or like a Salam on UBP is not this guy on UBP is because you are being so patient and tolerant. So we see that the angels, they're amazing. They love the believers, they're always accompanying the believers, and they support the believers, they help them in every situation, whether it is the battlefield, like at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, or you are trying to talk to someone and they're not giving you any

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importance, the angels will give you that importance. So anyway, perhaps I will share more a hadith with you about the angels today. Inshallah.

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Did you reflect on the way you listen?

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Over the course of this week?

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Many times what happens when we have miscommunication with someone or misunderstanding with someone rather? What is that? Why is that? Because people try to talk to us and what do we do? We pretend as if we haven't heard them, this causes them to get annoyed. And as a result, hard feelings. And as a result, the relationship only gets ruined. And we see that this happens between friends. This happens between siblings. This happens between parents and children, even children that are very little, if they're crying, they're in pain, they need something and they're not being responded to. Then this is the worst feeling. Human beings dislike it. Why? Because you feel like you are being

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ignored. And you feel like you're being disrespected, that you're talking to someone and they're not paying any attention. No human being thinks that they deserve such attitude from another person. Has it ever happened with you that you're talking to someone and they're just ignoring you completely? You ask someone to do something, but they just ignore you completely ignore you. Any mother is here.

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Lots of mothers. Many times it happens that you tell her children put your shoes on.

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Put your shoes on.

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And they're just sitting around looking here and they're not lifting a finger.

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What happens when we are treated this way? Do we get upset? Do we get angry? Yes. Do we get furious? Yes, instantly what happens to our pitch our volume

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goes crazy.

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We do not like this behavior because we feel that we are being disrespected. And we are who human beings are walking on the earth. So low. Allah azza wa jal who is above in the heavens, the greatest of the great when He commands us something when he tells us something, and we hear but we turned deaf than is that respect? Is that love? Is that worship? Is that humility? What is that pride?

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Read and arrogance, and an I don't care attitude.

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Because a believer his heart is very fertile. His heart is fertile in the sense that it's responsive, it responds. If you put a seed in fertile soil, and you pour a little bit of water, you'll see something coming out eventually, soon, you'll see some kind of reaction. But other soils, what are they like tough and hard that you pour water on it, and what happens? The water just sits there. And then eventually, you see that the place is getting nasty and it has bad smell. That is not the heart of the believer. The heart of the believer is fertile. So when he learns about something that Allah subhanaw taala has told him something that Allah has commanded him, then what

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happens? There is some movement. There's some life, there's some response, some change. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us over here that all believers, when you hear, listen, when you listen, respond, don't be like those who say, yeah, yeah, I've heard but in reality they haven't heard. Because if they had heard that, what would show what would show their actions would show their words would show the change in their life that would show that yes, they have actually heard. And the worst creatures in the sight of Allah are who, those who are deaf, despite the fact that Allah subhanaw taala granted them working ears, their ears function perfectly fine. They don't need to

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wear any hearing aids, but yet, they live like they are deaf. They know everything, but they don't do anything. If you ask them about information about knowledge, they'll tell you really well. Yes, this is the answer to this question. This is the answer to this question. This is the root of this word. This is the meaning of this idea. They a lot of references, they know everything. But when it comes to actions, nothing. So they are deaf, despite having working ears. They're deaf despite having working ears. And Allah says that if there was something good in these people, then Allah subhanaw taala would have made them here. But the sad thing is that even if they're made to hear

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Allah subhanaw taala gives them more and more chances to listen to something good, listen to something clear, but yet, they don't change at all.

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So this is why we need to pay a lot of attention to our listening habits. How well do we listen to others, because unfortunately, many times our focus is just on talking and not listening. We want to vent, we want to express, we want to speak and share and speak our mind. But we don't want to hear what others have to say. If we cannot hear people who are next to us. If we cannot respond to the people who are in front of us that how can we listen to the words of ALLAH soprano data?

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Like this is a commonly stated fact that we have two ears and one mouth. What does that mean that we should be listening more and speaking less, listening more and speaking less. So those who hear those who listen, are the ones who are fortunate, because they're the ones who will improve? They're the ones who will get better in their actions, and they're the ones who will earn closeness to Allah subhanaw taala

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