Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P09 093A Translation Al-Araf 103-137

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The group discusses various topics, including a media campaign, club, and potential plot. They mention various names and their roles in the situation, but do not provide specific details. They also talk about various women named after specific people and mention a woman named Baritz who they say they will bring a bottle of water and a bottle of coffee. The group discusses various details, including a woman named Merica who was killed by a group of men, and mentions a woman named Merica who was killed by a group of men.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Heuberger. Devo.
Muhammad who went to Saudi Allah Sunni Hill Kareem on my bed for over the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Corbishley Saudi UAE Sidley Emery, wash, loler octet and melissani yokocho. Cody probenecid In our in lesson number 93 Sudha tool Ara is number 103. To 137. Translation.
Some then Barcena we sent men from Bardi him after them. Musa Musa alayhis salam Biya Tina with our signs. Ila to fit our owner said our own were minor II and his chiefs his leaders for well are no but they wronged be her with it from zoo so you look okay for how Ghana was arqiva to end result. I'll move 16 of those who spread mischief.
What color and he said Musa Musa alayhis salam yeah fitter owner of their own in me indeed I Rasool in a messenger men from rugby Rob el Amin of the world's happy goon, obligated healthbeacon One who is obligated
or it is incumbent
either upon on that learn not Akula I say Allah against Allah He Allah is Allah except and help the truth
God in fact did to come I came to you we begin a team with a tearproof men from or become Europe for ourselves so you send Maria with me, Bunny children Israel Isla of Israel el
kala he said in if you were detail you can be 18 with a sign with a proof that then you can be happy with it if you were made from a Saudi clean those who are truthful
for Allah then he cost our saw who his staff for either than behold then instantly hear it sort of burning a serpent a snake will been one clear.
When is our and he pulled out Yoda who his hand for either they can instantly hear it by a blob white shining lanell reading for those who look
either he said I'll murder the Chiefs men from call me he has people only people that are gonna fit our own in the indeed Heather this lesser Sharon, surely a magician or Lehmann one who knows? You read all he wants and that you agree Jacome he expelled you men from I'll be home your land some other so what is that? That maroon you all order
Kalu they said RJ you detain him or her who and his brother were arrested and you send fee in and murder in the cities has Shireen one to the other?
Yeah Toka they come to you? Because only with every sir hidden magician or demon one who knows?
Well, and he came a Sahara The Magicians theater owner to fit our own Carlu they said in the indeed Lana for us ledger on shortly a reward in if Kunta we were national we Aloha Levine, those who are victorious
color he said now Yes. We're in the comb and indeed you lemon surely from an urbane? Those who are brought near
Palu they said yeah Musa or Musa? Ima either. And that Tullia you throw we're ima and or on that. Nocona we be national. We are multi those who throw
color. He said I'll go you all throw for a muscle when I will go there through Sahara. They bewitched the enchanted or Yuna eyes and Nursey of the people was still her boom. And they tried to frighten them. They sought to frighten them. Water Oh, and they came the session with a magic of Lehman one great.
Whoa. Hayner and we inspired ILA to Musa Mussolini's Sinha and that LT you
Throw our soccer your stuff your stick. So either then instantly here it felt awful it swallows, ma whatever yet FICO they fabricate
for Walker. So it was established and Haku the truth were Bapatla and it was nullified. It was abolished. Ma whatever guy knew they were here maloom they do
for Willie boo. So they were overpowered, who Nanika there were incredible and they returned Salim as once humiliated were all Thea and he was thrown a Sahara the magician's surgery then as one's frustrating
Carlu they said Amana we believed Biragi with Rob and either mean of the world's
rugby club. Musa of Musa were her own and her own
color he said fit earn their own. I am and don't have you all believed or I am and don't you all believed be with him gobbler before and that either I gave permission. I permitted Lacan for you all in the indeed Heather this lemma croon surely a plot, Mecca taboo, you all have plotted it fee in El Medina the city Leto kuredu so that you all may expel minha from it Allah its people its inhabitants so so far so will soon Darla moon you all know
little cup there under Surely I will definitely cut idea come your hands were our jeweler come and your feet, men from CLF in opposite sides. Summer then little swirly Ben Nakane Surely I will definitely crucify you all that you marine altogether.
Although they said in there indeed we enter to Robina our moon Caliburn wants to return
warmer and not then clean. Will you take revenge Milla from us in there, except on that Myrna we believed bat with signs Robina of our llama when jedna it came to us what burner or our wrap up thrill you bore or Lena upon us sobre patience what and there were further you recall us fully you take us fully Muslimeen as one to submit
what color and he said I'll mellow the Chiefs men from call me people that are gonna have their own
will or do that you leave Musa Musa Sinha will coma who and his people leave Sedona so that the spread mischief will be in the earth well and the other aka he leaves you with earlier Docker and your gods
Allah He said so you cut through Soon we shall kill are gonna have their sons when a stuffy and we will keep alive Lisa home their women were in there and indeed we focal home above them go who don't want to overpower
Carla he said Musa Musa alayhis salam likoma He for his people is very new. You all seek help the law he with Allah wa Spiro and he will endure with patients in the indeed all over the Earth may Allah He is for Allah. You read to her he makes to inherit it. Man, whoever your shirt Oh, he wills men from Eva de His servants. Well Artie Berto, and the result, the outcome. Lynwood 13 is for those who adopt the core for those who fear Allah.
Allah they said, Oh, Dina, we were tortured. We were hurt men from cabello before and that that Tina, you came to us were men and from birth after ma that dinner you came to us
caller he said our sir perhaps Rob Macomb Europe and that ulica he will destroy our the work home your enemy. Were stuck the fulcrum and he will make you successors fill up in the earth for young Euro so that he sees day for how there are maroon you all do.
What occurred and certainly a hardener we seized Ella people fit or owner of fit our own. This see Nina with the years of feminine when oxen and reduction loss men from a Samara the fruits, law Allah home so that they get the karoun they take a lesson
either so when gir Tom it came to them AlHassan us the good perlu they said Lana for us her the this we're in and if to say boom it reaches them so you don't any evil your pay yo they consider a bad omen be Musa because of Musa woman and who Mara who with him? Allah beware unquestionably in them or indeed not but for whom they're ill omen or in the is with Allah, Allah wa ala kinder, but accelero who most of them layer on the moon, they do not know
what Carlo and they said, Mama, whatever that dinner you come to us be with it men from a it in any sign, letters harana so that you enchant us, so that you be with us, they have with it from us or not nationally letter for you be moved meaning at all ones who believe
for ourselves, so we sent our lay him upon them a Toofan the storm, the flood of bufan the flood, while Gerard and the locusts will command and the lice what buffer there and the frogs with them and the blood
by adding signs Mufasa Allah once explained openly once explained separately
Firstlook baru but they acted arrogantly what can you and they were common people would you remain ones who are criminals.
What a man and when worker it fell or lay him upon them a resume the field the punishment follow they said yeah Musa or Musa or do you invoke Lennar for us or our Becca Europe? biller with what our he did he made a covenant in the car with you let ensure the if disaster you removed are now from us a visit the field the punishment level moon in surely we will definitely believe Leca for you. What an epsilon and surely we will definitely send Merica with you bunny children is la isla of Israel.
phenomena but when Kushner we removed on home from them as they deserve the punishment Isla till agile in a time home they barely who wants to reach it either then home they Yanko soon they violate they break from the corner so we took revenge men home from them for a Huracan our home so we drowned them fee in a Liam the deep sea the unknown because indeed they got the boat They belied Biya Tina was our science worker No. And they were on her from it philosophy lean ones who are heedless. What, oh, Rosner, and we made errors, or we'll call them whether people are Lavina those who can who they were used to have our phone, they were made weak, they were considered weak. My
Shaniqua East's an ugly of the land, warmer. Horiba and it's West's allottee which Bochner we blessed see her in it? Water mud, and it was fulfilled Kenema to word love beaker of Europe. I'll show SNA the best honor upon Bernie children Israel, either of Israel eel Bhima because of what Sabah rue de endured with patients with a Melnor and we destroyed completely, we devastated Ma. What Ghana he was, yes now, he crafts he does fit or want to fit our own. We'll call Magoo and his people warmer and what can do they were yarde shown they erect.
Let's listen to the recitation of these
He fell on a movie.
little cave and eventually move seething. Walk on
to be
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Devi ha
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songs that he had thought of
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Brown Accardo
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Bobby all we have
to do
thing God
he was so humble we'll
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while Oh hate
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fellow evil
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to Sahara to say God God
belied I mean be Musa
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energy talk radio mini
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Bella three Latino southern Oh want to
see me walk on and
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Who do you see who have the Wi
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can I also know?
Again we are already shown