Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 177A Translation Al-Nur 21-26

Taimiyyah Zubair
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AI: Summary ©

The transcript describes a group of characters discussing their potential success and potential failures. They mention shayats, bounty, and bounty, as well as rumors about women being punished and the potential for women to become louder. The group also talks about the importance of working on their hobbies and potential failures.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:02 --> 00:00:04
			Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah healed little cat through
00:00:08 --> 00:00:30
			Muhammad avoidable suddenly a lot of Sunni Hill Karim and my beret Farah was bIllahi min ash
shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim of the SRA li Saudi were Sidley MD Wagner of data
melissani your co holy probenecid are in lesson number 178 Surah to note is number 21 to 26.
00:00:31 --> 00:01:26
			Yeah, are you hurt? Or a Lavina those who am I know they believed last do not disturb you you all
follow hotword footsteps are shaytaan of the shaytaan Wellman and whoever get the beer he follows
hotword footsteps a shaytaan of the shaytaan for inner who then indeed he yet Moodle he orders Bill
fascia with the indecency while mooncup and the recognized wrong well hola and if not for blue
bounty Allah He of Allah La come upon you all what I'm gonna do and His mercy, man not Zeca he was
pure. Men come from you men from a hidden anyone other than ever while I can but Allah Allah User
Key he purifies man whoever your shadow He wills will Allah Who and Allah Samir on always all
00:01:26 --> 00:01:28
			hearing our Lehmann always all knowing,
00:01:29 --> 00:02:26
			wala and should not yet tele he swear to withhold, although possessor and follow of the bounty of
the virtue, men come from you was Sir, and the means and the plentitude and that you do they give
early possessor a CORBA of close relationship, while Messiah keen and those who are needy while
mohideen and those who migrate fee in subete Allah way of Allah while you are full and they should
pardon while yes for who and they should overlook. Allah do not to hipbone you are love and that
your fellow He forgives Allahu Allah Lacan for you. Well Allah Who and Allah Allah for on one most
forgiving, but a Haman when all was All Merciful. Indeed Alladhina those who your Munna, they
00:02:26 --> 00:02:29
			accused Elmore SONET, the chaste women,
00:02:30 --> 00:03:14
			a lot of filler, the unaware women, the unaware women a lot Minette the believing women literally
knew they were cursed fit dunya in the world, while alpha and the hereafter what to whom and for
them are there been a punishment, or Lehmann one great Yama, andI Desh, who it will testify, it will
witness or lay him against them elsina To whom their tongues will add him and their hands will our
jeweler whom and their feet be man with what can know they were the or maroon they used to do the
Elma event that day you were fee him he will give fully to them.
00:03:15 --> 00:03:33
			Allahu Allah Dena home, their recompense and help the true where Allah Munna and they will know. And
that indeed, Allah Allah Who He will hack the truth. Al Mubin the one clear the one manifest.
00:03:35 --> 00:03:41
			Aloha visa, the impure women, little hobby theme for the impure men
00:03:42 --> 00:04:20
			while hobby soon and the impure man, little hobby set for the impure women. What are you back and
the pure women litho you been for the pure men, what the you born and the pure men left for you. But
for the pure women, Hola, Ecuador's mobile owner, ones who are innocent ones who are absolved off
Midmar from what your coluna they say you le home for them. Mark FIRA forgiveness. What is going and
provision good Iman honorable
00:04:22 --> 00:04:23
			we listened to the recitation of desire
00:04:25 --> 00:04:26
00:04:28 --> 00:04:28
00:04:31 --> 00:04:37
			Debbie Oh, shave on well me at
00:04:38 --> 00:04:40
			the shave on EVA.
00:04:41 --> 00:04:42
			Moodle will be
00:04:46 --> 00:04:49
			on Ola law here.
00:04:50 --> 00:04:51
			Metal rumors
00:04:53 --> 00:04:54
			I had in
00:04:57 --> 00:04:59
			law he was asking me
00:05:00 --> 00:05:00
00:05:02 --> 00:05:03
			logs me on
00:05:05 --> 00:05:12
			while I tell you all you probably mean more Sadie Are you too old?
00:05:13 --> 00:05:17
			My selfie no no her GED and IPS and Obi
00:05:18 --> 00:05:19
			Wan Leia who?
00:05:22 --> 00:05:32
			To hip bone at a law school and a lawful walking in a lady named Munna.
00:05:35 --> 00:05:39
			Mina Jean Oriental. Laurino. duniya
00:05:42 --> 00:05:50
			alim. Yo Mitesh headwall am LM Xena to more add more.
00:05:52 --> 00:05:53
			Be monka
00:05:54 --> 00:06:02
			Oh, Yo Ma Edie what be him Allahu Dena whom will have
00:06:05 --> 00:06:15
			Allah who will have full movie screen and hobby that will hobby hobby hobbies, hobbies.
00:06:18 --> 00:06:22
			Workplace clavey In our play ball
00:06:26 --> 00:06:29
			hula ecom above
00:06:31 --> 00:06:34
			all Oh, don't love
00:06:35 --> 00:06:41
			the fear onto this phone Kareem