Haitham al-Haddad – Tafsir Surah Rum (30) #11

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © The concept of Islam is to achieve the ultimate goal of achieving the greatness of Islam, which is to create peace on Earth and create peace on life. Jesus claims to have the power to create the Hulk, but the Hulk is impossible to create. Jesus suggests following his eye and ear, and the use of the word "has" in relation to the eye and ear. The transcript describes the meaning and context of the transcription, which is the natural disposition of Islam, not the meaning of the transcription. The "hasn't been seen" concept is used to describe the lack of evidence that the creator has shown the existence of the creator.
AI: Transcript ©
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snap on 100 allow salat wa salam ala Rasulillah.

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The journey with the Quran

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is the most beautiful journey a person can go through or can travel.

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And there is no Joyce there is no happens for any person in he if he lives away from the book of Allah agenda. And that's why I urge my brothers and sisters to approach the Quran from this angle.

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and if it happened, as some people said that we might not feel access that we are able to access the Quran force yourself to access the Quran.

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Yes, until Allah Allah Allah purifies your heart and then you will see that the Quran is accessing your heart. Even though time Rahim Allah Allah mentioned in Tafseer oh the trial Allah masu Ilan Mata Harun as a reflection, he said that no one will touch the Quran, except the one who has purified is his heart or her heart. Once the heart is purified, then the Quran will penetrate his heart.

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Yeah. And we need to force our hearts to be that sponge or that hearts that are clogged correspond towards the Quran only towards the Quran, where when the Quran comes, it receives the Quran, it welcomes the Quran, it absorbs the Quran.

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This is the case of the real believer, as you know,

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he has been Wow. Yeah. One of the early scholars he said the example of the book of Allah dinero. Allah to the believer is like that example of

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people who are living in dark, and they received a letter from their leader or from their king.

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And they are expecting and a very important message to them, but they don't have ly to read it.

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And the one who reads the Quran, but he does not understand what is in the Quran. He is like that example who received the letter from his leader, why he is in need of it, but he can't read it. And then the one who explains the Quran for him is like the one who brought

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some kind of light for this person or for these people. So they will be able to read what is in the letter of their leader because of that light. The officer who is explaining the meanings of the Quran is like that person who provided live for those who are unable to read the message from the leader. And we can take from this that if the person is away from the Quran, he is living in a complete dwarf. If he starts reading the Quran, some light is coming to him. If he is able to understand the Quran, then he is what he has lied to what to see. What is the Quran? Yes, my dear brothers, and I urge all of you to enjoy the life with the Quran. Yes.

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It was reported that some of the setup said I had a jihad with myself for 20 years. Yes to enjoy the salah. And after 20 years I enjoyed it a Salah. There is one similar statement of one of the setup. He said I had the jihad with myself for 20 years to enjoy the Quran and I started to enjoy the Quran or sorry not to enjoy the Quran to understand the Quran means understand the Quran properly. Yeah. Then I started to do that after 20 years otherwise

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they the Quran Welaka the asana for another indicative album decade it means that full understanding of the Quran

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Okay, we are doing Surah or we are trying to

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live with or within Surah a room and we said that Surah Tarun is talking about the power of Allah and Allah Allah and the Great, the great creation of Allah, Allah Allah and He is the one who

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will create whenever he wants. He is the one who creates whatever He wants. He is the one who doesn't have to change and everything changes. He is the one who owns and possess the power. And every one who possesses the power such as the Romans one time will lose it.

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But Allah, Allah Allah will never lose his power. Allah, Allah Allah Almighty all the time come again as he was Jen LA, yeah. And no change will occur.

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To Allah Allah. Okay.

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Allah Allah, Allah, Allah said in the previous ayat, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah gave us some of his signs. We said that Allah Allah, Allah told us about six major signs

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that we can see in his creation, I mean it he I mean it who I mean it, then Allah, Allah, Allah after that, or by the end of that, he said, warming it among the signs of Allah, Allah Allah that the heavens and earth are established because of his commandments, which means that if a modulo Allah is not supporting the heavens and earth, they will work, they will go bad they will, there will be mischief, there will be corruption, there will be facade there will be chaos, there will be all types of,

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of problems.

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But because of Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, the heavens and earth, they are moving in a very smooth order. Wamena tn tecoma sama will also be angry. So may the outcome Dawa terminal or the ADA Antoon Tafuri June, everything in the heavens and earth is listening to Allah, Allah, Allah, everything. And that's why Allah, Allah Allah said, fader the outcome divert a mineral out of the heathen to Allah, Allah Allah said in the other eye or in Abreu, who either are the CHE and cola who couldn't fire could, when Allah Allah Allah, Allah wants something to happen in the heavens or in the earth, Allah, Allah Allah will just say can and it will happen immediately.

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So may the data come down with a minute or they either have

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my dear brothers and sisters, we say that Allah, Allah, Allah loves to speak about himself, Allah, Allah, Allah loves to glorify himself. And hence if we want Allah, Allah, Allah to love us we should speak about the greatness of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and we should establish the greatness and magnificence of Allah, Allah Allah in our life. And this is the ultimate aim of Sharia.

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The ultimate aim of Islam. Yes, is not to live a decent life is not to establish justice on Earth, is not to maintain peace on earth. These things are secondary aims, they wouldn't be established ones, then real grow the real glorification of Allah Allah Allah Allah is established and there is no taste for the Riba, the Allah here brothers, even the Salah, it will have

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the real taste you will get the real taste of the Ibadah if you feel that you are communicating with Allah, Allah Allah during the Ida and in particular, you are as if you are saying to Allah, Allah, Allah, I am trying to glorify You.

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And hence the person is doing that is there any kind of a bad, especially the Salah, especially Dasara. If he if the person, the person will try to establish for sure during the salah before because he feels that establishing for sure is part of glorification of Allah, Allah, Allah. And when the person thinks about something other than Allah, Allah, Allah in the Salah, after the Salah when he says that Stanfield Allah he will feel that it is coming from his heart. He is really making a steel for it is not just a statement that is uttered by his tongue because he feels that Subhan Allah, this Salah that is meant to be for Allah and Allah onli I thought about something in

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siginificant your hola esta fuca wa to be like because I did not perform Salah that does be fit your majesty.

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This happens when the person fee

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Here's what that does Allah is meant work to establish the album.

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The greatness and the magnificence and the glory of Allah, Allah Allah. And if he feels that the Salah is not meeting the the basic requirements of that he says all Subhan Allah what kind of Salah is this stuff Roula a social law, a stuff Allah, and it comes really from his heart, not as well for Allah. So for Allah, Allah. Yeah, and this is the real estate of far, my dear brothers and sisters, and when the person has that feeling, yes, he will not feel

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that or he will not feel proud of his rebounder before Allah.

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Yes, he will never be proud of his Ibadah before Allah because he feels your Allah.

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Was there enough a class in it one? The other thing have I done it as you deserve it? Your Allah or not?

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Yes, my dear brothers and sisters. So this is the essence of ADA. This is the essence of ADA. So Allah Allah, Allah, Allah likes to speak about himself, Allah, Allah, Allah likes to speak about his Glory, Allah, Allah Allah likes to glorify himself, gender, Allah, that's why he mentioned those ayat and then he mentioned warming it and Topo missoma will also be emitted some money that come that come in and out of the EDA and to who then Allah Allah Allah said, voila, who man is somewhat out of the cannula who corny tune Subhana Allah when you hear statements right this a statement of honor and wallah, he the person feels empowered by this statement, that look as if he is telling to

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the east and us to everyone, forget about yourselves you are worthless, very rule can kingdom and the real power lies with Allah de lo Allah and Allah Allah Allah owns everything if I am with Allah, Allah Allah yes and I am following the commandments of Allah. Allah Allah that is more than enough. I don't care about anything that happens and no one can defeat that deen of Allah Allah Allah Allah. Such a powerful statement when Allah dello Allah says wala who Memphis somehow it was out of kulula who Barney tune every single thing is, what can it means in a state of obedience to Allah, Allah Allah, whether Muslims whether kafirs, whether human beings with animals, whether any other being

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with our mountains, with the heavens, with the Earth, with the seas, with our oceans, with our trees, everything is what submitting in obedience in long obedience to Allah, Allah Allah, while a woman is somewhat you will kulula hope on its own. And then Allah, Allah, Allah confirmed again about His Majesty and His power, will who will lead he will hold a throne or a do, he creates whenever he wants, and he regenerates the creation. Well, we'll let you down help us on my radio and re generating or creating the Hulk again is easier for him. Nothing is difficult for who for Allahu Allah, Allah, the Almighty Allah, Allah, Allah will who will adhere with that will help Asuma your

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ADA who are one who Allah Subhana Allah halali And then Allah Allah, Allah Allah said, well, the whole methylone Allah fie sama what you will or Subhanallah, the whole,

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the whole universe is the Dominion or the ownership of Allah, Allah, Allah, no one owns anything in this the whole universe, other than Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. And Allah, Allah is the One who is the only one who is perfect weather in the heavens and earth. Well the holy methylone Allah fie sama what you will. And if we were to give any example this is the other meaning, if we were to give any example of something perfect, then Allah, Allah, Allah is more perfect than that. Well, the whole method is the perfect example is only for Allah I don't know Allah word in the whole universe, while the whole method will fit somewhat you will well as ease will help him.

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Then Allah, Allah Allah gave an example a very rational example. We spoke about that Baramulla Kumar thirimanne on physical health

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local minima Malika Eman commercial raka female Rosa Kanakam for uncomfy his hour and a half Hunan Cafe effective command for second Allah Allah Allah gave an example. He said you look look at yourselves. Look at yourselves if you own someone yes if you own a slave may Melaka de Monaco and do you think that those whom you own on something on part of what you own

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own part of you what you own called control some things that you control that's why you are afraid of them. You own them and then you become afraid of them because you they control some of what you control. Barra Bella coming on for SQL.

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Alchemy mama look at it, man. I

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mean sure I got a female as an outcome. Phantom V he's our so when you order. Yes. As if those are slaves that you own. They also ordered it is impossible. It is impossible. Yes. Because they are your slaves. They have no say. If you say something. Yeah, so look, if this is the case with you and your slaves, then do you think that you can own something besides Allah, Allah, Allah and you have, you have control over anything that Allah Allah Allah owns. So you've become like partners of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah says something and you say something in his creation, and there will be competition between what you say and what Allah, Allah Allah says,

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Can this happen? Think about it. Think about it. Allah is the One who created you. And Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, he owns you, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, he has the dominion of everything. Do you think that you still have control over what Allah Allah Allah has given you? It is impossible. Yes, that's why Allah Allah, Allah says chaotic and fasulo Yachty they follow me alone. This is a rational statement. This is a rational statement. Okay. This is a rational conclusion. That even Okay, forget about your slave because maybe here now there is no slavery. Think about yourself as a big manager, your commands whenever you want. And you will order your employees to do whatever they

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want. You can kick out any employee who goes and gets you orders. Yeah. And then do you think that your employee can give orders that have the same power and authority as your orders? It is impossible. If he were to say this, or if he were to do this, you will kick him out. As simple as this. Allah Allah Allah Allah said, If this is the example that you see in your life, then what happened to those who are mushy recon, Allah, Allah Allah said balita ballerina vollum, who are who are on la familia, demon Avila woman who mendacity those people who attribute partners to Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah in reality, in reality, they have worked, they have followed their desires. Now,

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once we say their desires, it doesn't mean that they have followed only the sexual desires or lust but the desire sometimes include what they include following their knifes and they want to be arrogant. And they want to, to show off. Yes, like the desires of Iran. The biggest desires for Iran are what? Showing off another bucola Yes, arrogance, pride. Yes, these are desires. These are the most dangerous desires. So Allah, Allah, Allah said, those are aligned you mean and they followed their desires. That's why they are committing check. After this. Allah Allah Allah said,

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after saying that these people have followed what their desires, they have no rational argument. Yes, they have no rational argument.

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They followed their desires that took them away. From what from the fifth para of Allah, Allah Allah from the original Deen. Allah mentioned this clearly in the coming if I fail to follow up in what how can it dini? Hanifa? Yes, so set. Oh, Mohamed Salah Allah. And Allah Allah Allah Allah is addressing Mohamed Salah al salam indeed.

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Is Allah and he has addressing the whole humanity, okay.

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Because of that, or the he is addressing the whole humanity in that, in that in that in that in that discourse, yes as Allah no Allah or like that I own Allah Allah Allah Allah says yeah you have to do either Kolok to minister Allah Allah Allah Allah address Mohamed Salah Salem but in reality he addressed all believers or you can say he either is the whole humanity. Same thing Allah Allah Allah Allah He is saying to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, and therefore all Muhammad set you free. Set your face towards the religion of Allah, Allah Allah, set your face towards the religion of Allah Allah Allah Allah or establish your face upon the religion of Allah. Allah Allah for Alcon what you

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Hakka lead, Dini Hanifa Yeah. Lydia Hanifa means Hanif, worshipping Allah de la isla and keeping away from anything that takes you away from worshipping Allah de la. The word Hanif Yes, the word Hanif means he is diverted Yeah, from what? From Schilke to write the right path and you can look at it as this is the right path. Yes, sir Arcola hidden was nothing. Yeah, and it is a straight. So don't to look at the Schilke around you don't be does digressed or diverted or distracted by the shirk. No, leave anything that distract you and remain on the right path which is the filter of Allah, Allah Allah. And this is the original meaning of Hanifa for out the module caddy Dini Hanifa,

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Filbert Allah He Latif upon us Alia they say the word Hanif is *, how means

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the situation why don't you do something? So, it can be set your face

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while you are honey.

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So, this is one explanation.

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Yes, for honey it is. So it is highly from what from open and he said, Okay. In a state of Hanif. Yes, not to be distracted by the shirk. Okay. Yeah. Your face or it can be set your face and make yourself your face on the straight path. Or it can be set your faith on this Dean that is Hanif on this day in that is what straight? Yeah, and the meanings are quite close to each other. Then Allah de la Anna said, after saying all Muhammad, and it is an address for the whole humanity as we said, by set your face on the right path. Yeah. Which is the deen of Allah de la Allah. And by the way, he said set your face because they say that the face is what the most honor part of the human being.

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Yes. And it contains his main senses. Yes, in his face, he sees Yeah. And in his face in his in his head. He hears Yeah. And it is the most honest part of his of his body. And when the person is walking, he walks towards the direction or he sets his direction based on his face face first. That's why Allah Allah Allah said said to your face, what the heck a lead Dini Hanifa separator why he led the photon NASA Dana, this is the fear Pereira of Allah, that he said all or established all human beings on it. Yeah. federate Allah, He led the Fatah renessa Alia. This is one meaning, or one interpretation of the structure of the IRA. Throughout the module, Kelly dini. Hanifa. Yeah. And

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the fact of the module Kelly Dini Hanifa, Phil Parata is a master. Yes. As if we say

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write actual writing. So once we say actual writing is like a monster oak took kita button. Yeah.

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You commented yeah establish real establishment, but here this day say it is a Muslim from the manner not from the law firm because it is federal not if perfect right and no

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filter data yes for optimality academia Hanifa which means establish your face on the straight path of Allah, Allah Allah and this is yes this is the actual formula of Allah Allah Allah Allah is it clear?

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Is it clear in terms of the structure and general meaning of it? Yes. So this is the fear para okay of Allah, Allah Allah that He has created people on and the word feta means what the original creation Okay, linguistically filter is means the original creation or the original disposition and we translate it as what the natural disposition in Surah FAPA Alhamdulillah he felt it is somehow what you allow. Even Abbas said, I didn't know the meaning of father except when I heard one of the Arab saying this is my well and this is and I wonder football means I built it, I built it, okay. I am the one who originate it. So the federal law means the original the state of the original

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creation, the natural disposition position, okay.

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Now, what is the federal what is the process by this is a matter of discussion.

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The ISA is established you face on the deen of Allah, Allah Allah Allah not being distracted by the ship. Yeah, or by anything that takes you away from the deen of Allah Allah, Allah Allah. And then that all of it is the filter of Allah, Allah Allah. By that is the filter of Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Latif upon Natalia and that Phaedra as we will see now, it will never be changed latter Biggie that okay, let me do that the health Allah. So, what is the flip flop? What is the flip flop the flip flop. They say it is the actual act that the natural disposition, okay, or the original creation? By what is the original creation? Is it the original creation in terms of how people look?

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No, because here, Allah, Allah, Allah is talking about what it is he's talking about Deen. So it is not Yanni how people look by but it means that you need the

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tool, two explanations for the fibula. The first one which most of the seller accepted is what the filter is the is submission to Allah, Allah Allah. By the Phaedra is submission to Allah, Allah, Allah Allah which means that as we said before, that

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the Allah Allah, Allah, Allah created the human beings believing in him. Yeah. As he created them, to naturally Yes, to not have any love to be decent, love to be respected, love or hate to be cheated, I hate to be humiliated. And I love to be honored.

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hate lying. Yes. And Allah, Allah, Allah also created them love to cover their private parts. Allah Jalla Allah also created them in a way that they like to drink water, Allah, Allah Allah also created them in a way that they naturally they naturally like to eat, they become hungry, I'm like to eat Allah, Allah, Allah Allah also created them in a way that they like to have rest. Allah de la la also created them with many qualities and this is embedded

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Yes, in their creation, but if there is the actual creation and there is the actual, the actual morals and attitudes that Allah Allah Allah embed them in human beings are created them with the human beings. With that Allah, Allah Allah created them to acknowledge that there is a supreme being above them. Yeah.

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This supreme being who is above them

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Aha, maybe they don't know his name, but they like to move to him. Yeah, they like to submit to Him, this is natural This is the natural disposition is created with every single human being. By and they say this is the meaning that is accepted by most of the stuff and it is supported by number of a hadith and a dilla. Yes, from the Quran, Allah, Allah Allah says way that further Abu coming Benny Adam Elohim, the reata Marshadow Mala and for him Allah to become Paulo Bara follow Bella. Yeah. And remember when Allah Allah, Allah, Allah created from the reigns of Adam, the offspring of Adam, he took them and he told them, our Ma your Lord, which means that Allah, Allah Allah inserted in them

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to acknowledge his lordship over them. Yes, so they said, Yes, we acknowledge, you know, chip up above us. Yeah. So Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah said, so don't say on the Day of Resurrection, we were heedless or an hour of Your Lordship. Yes, I have now inserted it. It is embedded in your morality in your thinking and your it is part of your natural disposition. Okay, so this is the meaning of the fibula. This is one Adela one has a one, one verse. And there are a number of other verses from the Quran from the Hadith all of us know that the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam coulomb alluding to Allah fertilization a newborn baby is born upon Federa and his parents make him

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a hoody or Nasrani or Medusa. He did not mention that his parents make him work Muslim, which means that he is already Muslim.

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Yep, also the Prophet sallallahu Sallam In another Hadith that he he said, Hello, Allahu NASA, who now have so much data to share. Allah Allah, Allah, Allah created all people who never means on the straight path, away from sharing, and then the shayateen took them to work to shift. And in another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that the favor of the human being is like, not like a lamb, that is born with no distraction with no deficiencies. But if and he said, Have you seen it when it is born without deficiencies? nsmt as Allah Allah, Allah created it, okay, this is the meaning of another Hadith as well. And there are a number of a hadith that proves that the human

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beings were born on what on the Sepilok also the the fitrah which is submission to Allah, Allah, Allah Allah by part of the fitrah of the human beings is that they like decency.

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Yeah, they like decency and they like as we said certain qualities and that's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said comes from mineral FIPPA

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five qualities from cetera what are those? Yeah, you will be surprised by

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by Councilman and Phaedra trimming the mustache.

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Yeah, and growing their beard trimming the

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net nails, shaving the

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the picker and plucking or removing the under arm hair.

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Yeah, this is hum Seminole Phaedra has two meanings. That if human beings by nature, they like look to look decent by and men in particular, it is part of their natural disposition. If you just let them live as your natural as position, they will leave their beards. And they would like their mustache to be trimmed. Yeah, not to be grown in a way that Jani that may makes the person who sees them be put off okay, and if you leave them they will not like to see their nails growing. Yeah, so they look like as if they are the nails of animals. Yeah, and they also like to remove the underarm hair they like to remove the puberty hair as well this is Councilman alpha this is very way off Sir

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Hey Muslim I'm Tom and there are some other rewire too in the province of ourselves head actually won 10 qualities from Phaedra okay. So which means

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In the dark, there are certain qualities that human beings are born having those qualities. The scholars also said that part of those qualities he's a human beings, by human beings like to what?

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By to cover their our why because when Allah Allah Allah Allah expose the Allah of Adam and Eve what Allah Allah Allah said for perfect Sefa and yada he made me want to feel genuine. Naturally when the I would always expose the stuff to cover their our by what? Ah by the leaves of the trees of Jana Subhan Allah may Allah forgive us. Yeah. Today I was yawning with a brother in the morning. And there was a lady she crossed the yarn in front of us by the we stopped for the red light. And then the lady was walking and she was revealing was wearing reveal clothes, there was some air and that air removed her skirt. And she immediately covered it because he was wearing a short skirt by Yanni.

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Anyway. We were the eyes. Yeah, and our eyes. Yeah, honey, see what is happening around us. Okay, so why? Because she was in front of me. Yeah. And he will try to lower our gaze as much as we can. Right? But I said Subhanallah the natural reaction from her is to what

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is to cover herself Subhanallah this is if this is the natural reaction. Why do they uncover themselves? Why do they uncover themselves? This is the fibula. So that's why Allah, Allah Allah said, filter that Allah nothing will change the filter of Allah Allah Allah Allah by nothing will change the filter of Allah, Allah Allah, whether we said the filter which is that people submit to the to their Lord, yeah. And the hunger equalities that Allah Allah Allah have embedded them in human beings. Yeah, to like any good or flat to hate bad or flat and so on. Okay, this is the flipper Alpha Allah, Allah Allah. But we can expand this meaning or FERPA to say that Allah Allah

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Allah, Allah created universal, yes, divine laws,

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they can be also part of the federal universal laws, how their incomes down, yes.

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How animals react or act, okay?

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How they, how the crops come about, and so on. These are universal laws, and many other universal laws as well. For example, how nations become strong, and how nations decline, yes, and how they can become strong. Again, these are universal laws, as we said that Allah, Allah, Allah mentioned the Romans that they were defeated and they will defeat this is one of the universal laws, divine universal law. And it will be very interesting for us, my dear brothers and sisters, to understand the universal laws of Allah Jalla Allah in order to operate within those universal laws, in order to operate within the federal and not against the federal of Allah, Allah, Allah. And when people act

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or operate within the federal law of Allah, Allah Allah they will see and they will receive support from everything around them because everything is working upon the fitrah of Allah, Allah Allah okay. Then, after that our de la Allah said Latin Medina the Hello Pilla, nothing will change what hope Allah before Allah, Allah Allah, what use the word Phaedra and here our jalala use the word work Hello.

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Which means that this is

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is this as well The how is different right because he referred he used help to refer to the Phaedra as if it is the same meaning latter day learning how to learn what does it mean by

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no change, let there be in the help of Allah? Allah Allah okay.

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Let me deal with the law. What does it mean? The first easiest meaning is La La here is not nothing is not enough. You have a printer here. Now here means don't to change the help of Allah

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Yeah, don't change the filter of Allah de la. By don't change it don't alter it. The filter of Allah Allah Allah Allah leave it as it is in every matter, okay? There is another meaning that law here is what Natvia means there is no change that can occur for the fitrah of Allah, Allah Allah. By the one, the first one is not here, don't do it. Yes, it's a command. This one is a statement, there will be no one who can change the Silk Route from London by latamready Sultan la Danika Dino, how can we say that there is no change for the hope of Allah de la vida. But we see by that many people,

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they reject Islam.

00:40:55 --> 00:41:06

I either they rejected to establish the lordship of Allah general Allah, okay, or they deny the existence of Allah, Allah Allah

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or something similar. So in fact, they have changed the fitrah of Allah Allah Allah Allah. So how come Allah Allah Allah Allah said, there will be no change for his Phaedra and those people have actually what the change they their Phaedra and they deny for example, the existence of Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah, the lordship of Allah, Allah Allah Allah know the answer for this is no no, no, no, no, those people have not to change the actual Phaedra the natural disposition they have not to change the that it is their remaining there, they can't change it, but what happened?

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They have covered it. That's why I'll cafard is who cafard why? Because he covered the truth.

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Yeah, and this proves that the FERPA is what is in every human being, it is there. Every human being is born believing in Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah call that the one who does not believe in him and does not submit to Him to submit to His commandments. Yeah, the main features of His commandments such as submission to Him not worshiping someone beside him, Bill not to believe in His Messengers including Mohamed Salah Salem Allah, Allah, Allah called them coup for the word Kaffir means what? Haha, by

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means what Kafala means either rejected the truth or cover the truth

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00:42:49 --> 00:43:13

both, either this or this, which means that the truth is there. But those Kufa have either rejected the truth or what? Or cover the truth. This is the actual meaning of what? Of Kapha in the end the actual linguistic meaning of it, which proves that

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because Allah Allah Allah wouldn't call them kuffaar Yeah, yeah and out of injustice for them, which proves that Allah didn't know Allah knew that actually, they acknowledged internally. They are born on the truth which is submission to Allah, Allah Allah but they have either rejected that or what? Or covered it. Yeah. So Allah, Allah, Allah said, lack of data hope Allah, in reality they believe in and that's why Allah Allah, Allah said in that word, your head will be ha was stay by not Ha, what? I'm also home Volman were Aloha. Internally, they believed in it. They knew the help. But they are what the * do behind ya don't mean they have means they rejected it. Yeah, so that's why

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Allah Jalla and said nothing will change his fear. And that's why, as we mentioned this number of times, yeah, we should believe that we are supported by the Federal AlFalah Delilah and even in Dawa to Islam, we should use by this principle of favor in our data, and not to worry much about what

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rational argument to prove the existence of Allah general Allah or to

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to prove, for example, the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam maybe it's already maybe the to prove the prophethood of Muhammad Salah Salem can be proved

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By the rational argument but the existence of Allah Allah Allah by does not add a rational argument. And I did mention to one brother once, have you ever seen a person who was

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agnostic or atheist? Accepting? Yes accepting to believe in the existence of Allah de lo Allah as a result of a debate? Five you are

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asking you as well. Have you ever seen a person? Yes. Who is accepting that? Oh yeah. Now I am convinced that Allah does exist after a debate. No, because the issue is not. The issue is he is not or she is not rejecting the existence of Allah, Allah Allah, as a result of work as a result of a real intellectual doubt not he is just rejecting it. He doesn't want to believe in the existence of Allah, Allah Allah for a particular desire for a desire not for a rational, real, genuine rational argument. Okay, this is the fifth law of Allah, Allah Allah you have lattre de la, Allah, this is the deen ie M. This is the straight path. This is the straight D. This is one meaning of it. Yeah,

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there is another meaning of it that this is a dean or five. This is the dean that is superior above any other Dean. Because the word fame, the word fame, have this meaning that it is straight and it can have the other meaning that it is what it is the superior one. That's why Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah is a you are you means everyone is in need of Him and He doesn't need anything because of what his supremacy or superiority over his creation and this is the nature of this deal. And this deal because it is the dean of the field. All human beings believe in it, it will remain as superior. Yeah, because it is the dean that is in conformity with the Divine laws and

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the creation of Allah. Allah Allah. Okay, we'll stop here we continue the Tafseer of the ayah in sha Allah. Okay. Next time we took some time in explaining this idea, okay.

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Wouldn't have to plan planning to do this but anyway, hamdulillah Okay. Disciple of heaven if you have any question.

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These are from Locke and pharmacologic.

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