Zakir Naik – In Oceanography the Quran Says the Sweet and the Salt Water Meet but there is an Unseen Barrier

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the verse in the Quran about two types of water, one sweet and palatable and the other salty and bitter dough. They also mention a famous osteologist's statement that the information about two types of water is difficult to explain. The conversation then shifts to the idea of a transitional area in the ocean and the possibility of water losing its constituents.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the field of Oceanography,

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there's a verse in the Quran in surah Furqan chapter number 25 worse than 52 he says that he has led two bodies of flowing water, one sweet and palatable and the other salty and bitter dough they meet, they're not mix, there is a barrier which is forbidden to be trespassed. Previously, we human beings knew that the two types of water sweet and salty, but the commentary of the Quran could not understand what does God Almighty mean by saying that these two waters when they meet the not mix, and there is a barrier which is for me to be trespassed today, after sunset once they have come to know that whenever one type of water flows into the other type of water, it loses its constituents

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and gets marginalized into the water it flows. This today science calls as the transitional homogenizing area which the Quran refers to as bad as a as a barrier. And this can be seen, in key point, the southernmost tip of South Africa. And when we see even the color of the water between these two types of water differs. And Professor here, a very famous osteologist. He said that this information came to the human knowledge recently, this book the Quran, it's difficult to explain how does it mentioned 14 years ago

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