Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P07 080B Tafsir Al-Anam 40-45

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The transcript describes a series of conversations and emphasizes the importance of finding one's own best person to use in difficult situations. It also discusses the struggles of people with addiction and how they forget their past. The speakers stress the need for people to reflect on their experiences and use their blessings to turn to the Lord of the Earth to overcome their injuries and become the best person possible.
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Mubi call our ita calm called say our ita calm Have you seen Have you considered our ita means Have you seen and CA over here is extra to emphasize the you. So have you seen you just like you say hey you yes you. So just like that oh Atia calm Have you seen
and when a person asks this question from you, have you seen this? Have you considered this have you reflected on this? Have you ever thought about this, then what does it mean? They want an answer from you? All right. So just like that, or eight ACOEM or Atia all of these words they mean Bitney tell me have you considered tell me if utter come it came to you? What are that will Allah He punishment of Allah O or that come it came to you what Asara to the our meeting the Day of Judgment, how? How does it come? It comes suddenly without any warning. And PSA also refers to death, that if the punishment of Allah comes upon you, or death comes to you, and death comes out through some
somewhat either some accident or some in this vein, right? So if the hour came upon you, meaning death came upon you at these occasions, is late Allah He other than Allah de de Runa you would call? Is it someone other than Allah that you would call upon for help? In quantum Sadiki if you are truthful, truthful in what in your claim that there are other gods besides Allah? So tell me have you ever thought about this, that if some punishment befalls you, by surprise If death comes to
You all of a sudden if the Day of Judgment begins before your very eyes, who would you call for help? Is it someone other than Allah you would call or you would call Allah. If you are truthful, tell me. What's the answer that you will call? Only Allah subhanaw taala
like I mentioned to earlier the machine of Makkah, they believe that Allah subhanaw taala is creator owner, but they believe that others besides him also deserved worship.
Are you familiar with the word dough hate,
though hate what does the hate mean? To make one right? So it is to believe in the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala his uniqueness, uniqueness and what oneness and what in three things? First of all, though, he Rubia I'm telling you a little bit of Aikido over here. Okay, those of you have studied this a good revision for those of you who haven't, you should become familiar with these terms. Okay. First of all, though, hate basically has three parts to it. So first is though hate Ruby, Ruby is from the word.
Rob, what does Rob mean? Lord, Master, Owner, creator, right? Provider. All of this is part of Rob Tawheed Rubia is to believe that Allah alone is a creator, the maker, the provider, okay, the owner, who believes in this, there are many people who believe in this fact that God, whatever name they give him, whether it's God the Father or Allah subhanaw taala, or whatever name they gave him, they believe that He is the Creator, He is the owner. All right. And the wish the king of Morocco also had this belief
about Allah subhanaw taala that he is wrong. But though he is not just the hate Rubia it also includes the second part is though hate Hulu here, Hulu here is from the word Illa. What does it mean God, God is who the one who is worshipped. So hate Hulu here is that he alone should be worshipped. That when you need help you ask him when you prostrate you prostrate to him. When you offer sacrifice, you do it for his sake, when you're doing something good. You do it to make him happy. But many people they don't believe in your head when you hear. They believe ALLAH is a creator, but when they will pray, they will pray to others as well. Whether it's recited sunnah, or
it is some that person right or it is some creature, whatever it is, they will call upon others just like that the Mushrikeen of Makkah, they will pray to idols they would sacrifice for who their idols.
Thirdly, the third part is though he's a smart we'll see if it's a smart or slow fat. What does it mean names and attributes? Allah subhanaw taala has names and his unique attributes. So what is the Heat Smart will suffer to believe that he alone possesses those names, meaning he alone deserves those names. No one else deserves those names. No one else possesses those unique characteristics and qualities. Like for example, when we say a rock, man, what does it mean by a rock man, the possessor of great mercy, the possessor of abundant mercy, right? Meaning the one who shows mercy to who? The entire creation. So who alone deserves this name? Allah subhanaw taala. No human being can
be called a raw man, because only Allah is a black man, just like that. l hate. What does hate me, the one who's ever living, the one who's always been alive will remain alive who doesn't suffer from any death? Never at all in any way, shape or form, he is unhappy. So Can any human being be given this name? No, though hate a smile, or SIFAT is to believe that He alone has those names and attributes. Now, like I said, the majority of the people of Makkah, they believed in the hate Rubia but not the heat Iluvien smart or suffer? All right. And in total, an arm. It is proven, through many verses, many questions, many examples, that if you believe that he is the rub, then it means
that you should worship only Him. In other words, it is proven that though he'd Rubia it necessitates the head. Oh, no, here. It is only logical that when you believe Allah alone created then when you're in difficulty, you ask only him. It is only logical that when you believe that Allah owns everything, then when you're suffering from problem, you turn to him for help. Right?
If it is only logical that you believe everything you have has been given to you by Allah, then your gratitude, your service, your worship, should we dedicate it to who alone? Allah subhanaw taala. So though hatred will be a demand, so hate Hulu here.
So this is the reason why this question is being asked that tell me if some punishment befalls you, if you were in a disaster, if you were in some crisis, if death is right before you if the Day of Judgment is happening before your eyes, who would you call upon? In that moment of difficulty? Who would you call upon Allah? subhanaw taala. Why? Because you know, only he can help. So if you know only He can help at this time, then why don't you turn to him at all other times? Why is it that you forget him? And other times? Why is it that when it comes to worship, when it comes to some act of devotion, you do that for others? When you know that only He can take you out of your difficulties,
then you should be worshiping him at all times. Allah says bail rather a ye who only him that Aruna, you will call upon at these times you will call only Allah FIAC Shifu then he will remove mad that which that Aruna la he you are calling him to meaning the difficulty that you're calling him to to remove from you only he will remove it. Insure if He wills within Sona. And you will forget at that time matters, recon all that which you associate meaning in these times, you will forget all those beings that you've been worshipping, all those things you've been chasing after, you will forget everything and everyone. The only one you will remember at this time is who? Allah subhanaw taala
because you know, only he can help you. And he will remove that difficulty from you. If he wills. What does that show that Allah is not obliged to remove your difficulties from you? He's not obliged. It's up to him. If he wants, he can save you. And if he wants, he can leave you in that situation. But the fact is, the reality is that only He can help you. This is why in these times you call him so many times you hear stories of converts, right? Who embraced Islam eventually. Why? Because they said in a serious accident, they were about to die. And at that time, they made a promise that oh Lord, oh God, if you're there, I promise I'll go find you. I promise. I'll go search
for the truth. If you give me another chance. Why? Because it's within the fitna of people that they know there is someone who made them there is someone who is controlling their life.
It's amazing how when you honestly think about Frauen, the most tolerant men in the world. When Allah subhanaw taala flows from death. He said, I believe in Allah Subhana Allah visits fear Allah is the set I am Lord have
told people to watch him image all mankind.
So imagine for their own. He even called upon Allah when he was in difficulty. Yes. So he doesn't come in party basically get all or we don't get anything. Exactly. The heat is such that you have to believe in all three parts of it. Either you believe in all of it. Or if you reject even a part of it, it's as though you've rejected it entirety.
I set out when I was traveling alone with my mother in law, me and my mother in law alone, we were going in a bus to Chicago and you know how in Islam, it's recommended that you travel with them. So on the way there in the bus, there were some group of people like, you know, teenagers and whatsoever, and they're just, you know, walking at us because you're niqab and hijab and everything. So I was young at that time, as well as I was very scared by whatever they were doing. And the whole time I was thinking, why did I leave my husband? Why didn't and I was newly married at that time, so I was missing him anyways, I'm crying and I'm thinking, see, I love punish me because I left him and
I traveled without him. whole time I was in so much distress, and my mother in law was sleeping. So she didn't even know what was going on with me. So she was even with me, and it was like, she wasn't even there with me. And the whole time, I'm saying why didn't I bring my mom? And I'm just thinking, what did he was here? I would have been so much encumbered. What if he was, and all of a sudden Allah subhanaw taala put in my mind that why don't you call upon me? You're thinking about your husband, what about me? And I started making dua that Oh Allah, please make this journey be safer. Please make this journey and Subhanallah somehow those people fell asleep as if they were dead. You
know, and I had so much Sakina in my heart
So much as if Allah sent an angel or something, I can never describe my feeling to anyone how peace Allah put in my heart. When I truly called upon Allah, only Allah, they were acting like they were literally dead. No one was like alive all of a sudden, the whole time they were cursing and singing and whatsoever making me feel like we are here overpowering you. And all of a sudden, as if they were not even there.
So Bella Yehuda de Rouen at these times, we call upon Him, because we think about the husband, we think about the police, we think about security, but then each and every one of them, they fail us because either we cannot reach them, or they are incapable of helping us. Right? The thing is that the people of this dunya what happens is that they help us once, right, they know they prove to be beneficial to us at one occasion, then what happens is that we think, okay, next time when we're in difficulty, then inshallah they'll be helpful, so we raise our expectations from them. And the next time, they're helpful to us, again, we raise our expectations, but then what happens, a time comes
when they are not going to be able to help you or they're not going to be willing to help you. Or you cannot reach out to them. I'm sure if her husband knew he would be very willing to help her, but she couldn't reach out to him and he couldn't reach out to her. But no matter where you are on land, or at sea, in the middle of the air, or wherever you are, you can call upon Allah subhanaw taala. Anytime you can have an immediate connection with him by calling upon him, So Bella Yehuda, the rune, but it's amazing, at times of difficulty when we call on Him, we have so much trust and hope in Allah. And we forget about everybody else. But in normal circumstances, we tend to forget Allah
and ignore him. And we remember everybody else. This is what we were being made to realize over here, that if you call on him, and the most stressful times the most difficult times, why do you forget him? At other times? It came up in Abuja, *,
or Kinema it'll be a lot more in the sun off Abuja who I know the story how he became Muslim. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam conquered Makkah, it came, I knew that he was on the wanted list. So he escaped, he ran away because he wanted to save his life. He left Makkah, when towards Jeddah got onto a ship and try to get away. But imagine they're in the middle of the water and huge storm. And then people call upon their idols or whatever, no response obviously, and then eventually calling upon Allah. So it just hit a criminal. Allahu Anhu at that time, that this is exactly what Mohamed Salah Lawson has been telling us don't call upon these idols call upon Allah. And if I'm calling
upon him when I'm at sea, then why shouldn't I call upon Him on land? So then he made a promise that Oh Allah, if you give me a chance to live, I will go to Muhammad salallahu Salam and accept Allah subhanaw taala saved him and he went and he accept So Bella Yehuda the room for actually for method Aruna la in share with unsewn Amma to Shikun. So what do we learn over here, that at all times, we should call upon Allah, in good times and in bad times. Remember Allah in good times, and you remember you and your bad times? Because the reality is that only Allah subhanaw taala can help you only He can remove the difficulty from you if He wills and this also shows to us that when people
are in difficulty and they call upon Him, then Allah responds to them if he wants to, regardless of whether that person is Muslim, or catfish. Allah subhanaw taala responds to the one was in difficulty, if he called upon Allah, whether he is a believer or a non believer, or crema at that time was a believer. No, he called upon Allah didn't Allah respond to him? He did. I told you about the story of that woman
who was in that extremely difficult situation where the people accused her of theft, and they violated her privacy completely. And Allah subhanaw taala he saved her how that the bird went and dropped the belt right in front of the people. So Allah responds to the one in difficulty whether he's Muslim or Kapha because Allah is the rub off all not just Muslims, but also non Muslims. What do we learn what either Salah Kariba Diani for India Karim
either Donnie, whenever the servant calls upon me
free call Allah subhana wa Taala in ease and difficult always raise your hand Subhan Allah no one like Allah surprise Allah surprise you the way Allah surprised no one can surprise you. So inshallah call him when it's easy and difficult.
Salam aleikum, you know, in India how the people worship different gods so we had this accountant who would come to my house and do the accounts for us and I had an elderly and we used to always tell him you know, why do you worship so many gods and you know before like, she never missed a chance to give him dava and every time he would, you know, try to make excuses. And then one day he got frustrated with something and he said, Oh, God answered that you just said oh God, when you say Oh gods like gods you always say oh god the fitrah it recognizes you know
So Bella yeah what are the rune
what are the um Selena and certainly we sent Isla omen to nations men publica from before you, meaning we already sent messengers to the nations before you are Prophet sallallahu sallam, you're not the first messenger or rather many messengers have come before you. And then what happened when the people rejected their Prophets when they refuse to believe in them for a hug now home so we sees them build up with poverty, well, the raw E and the hardship, why law I love them so that they get above their own, they would humble themselves before who? Allah subhanaw taala because when a person experiences poverty and hardship, then he turns to Allah. So we see that the most toughest of
hearts, even the most hardest hearts, even people who are so stubborn in their disbelief, what happened to them, when they were struck with difficulties? What was the reason why Allah subhanaw taala destructive with difficulty so that they would humble themselves to Allah, they would turn to Allah, they would ask him for help, just like many people, they tried to get a good education to try to get a good job. And then what happens? They suffer from some crisis. And then when they suffer from that crisis, then they go to the masjid or they go to the church, right? They humble themselves before their Lord. This is the reason why Allah subhanaw taala puts people in difficulties. Notice
the two words over here but sad, but raw, what is about sad poverty, that is extreme, so that a person begins to depend on others and he suffers from hunger, meaning he doesn't have anything to feed himself with. So he has to depend on others. Lavoie trials, misfortunes hard times. So we see that Allah subhanaw taala puts people in difficulties and at individual level as well as collective level. He puts them in difficulties and crisis. Why? What's the reason? Because he wants to hurt people. No, the reason is law, Allah homea, to love our own, so that they would humble themselves, you have a lot of our own is from blood, raw rain, and Obama is the De Lune and is Tukana. It is
basically to show humility, to show one's weakness, once helplessness, you know, before someone why in order to get their help, it's like if a person really wants another's help, they will say my head is hurting so much and my back is aching as well. I had so much work to do. And please I beg you, I beg you, you know we humble ourselves before people, just so that they'll get us a glass of water. Or just today they will excuse us for not doing something. So Allah puts people in difficulties so that they humble themselves before people know they humble themselves before Allah they beseech Allah they imploring Him. They call upon him with humility that Ya Allah, I can do nothing. I am so
weak. I really desperately need your help. If you don't help me, I'm gone. I'm done with cattle dog our own. This was the reason but what happened Falola Alyssa so why not it Jehan when it came to them, but so now our punishment, the bureau, they become humble. Why is it that when our punishment did come upon them, they did not humble themselves? Because it happens with some people that even though they're going through the most difficult times, they're going through great crisis, still, they do not turn to Allah. They do not become humble, why? We're lacking but Casa Kulu Bohan their hearts became hard. The hearts became so hard that they don't break. They don't melt. They don't
turn to Allah. They don't turn to Allah at all. Why? Because was a unit and he has adorned law home for them a shape line with a shape on Makana Yamalube that which they are doing, meaning the since they're doing the wrong actions they're doing. Shelton has beautified for them. So they believe the wrongs that they're doing is still very good. Generally, when a person goes through some difficulty, what happens? What's the first feeling that we normally get? We
wonder, what did I do?
Isn't it? Anything that happens, we always think about what wrong did I do? I must have done something wrong. This is why it's happening with me. Which is why then eventually people say, What sin did I commit that Allah has to put me through this difficulty? Because we know that when we experience some crisis, it's because of some wrongs that we have done.
And when a person chooses this way, then he will eventually turn to Allah. Why? Because he will have that guilt in his heart, he will go say sorry to Allah, He will apologize to him, he will realize the wrongs that he's doing, he will change his ways. Allah subhanaw taala put him in difficulty. And that person came out successfully, because the purpose was achieved, which was that he humbled himself before Allah, So alhamdulillah good for that person.
But then some other people, what happens to them? They suffer from one thing and they suffer from another thing, but they do not have this guilt. Why? Because they say I'm fine. I'm not doing anything. Well, I'm perfectly fine. So I don't need to go say sorry to Allah, why should I do is to fall? I'm fine. What I'm doing is good. I'm not doing anything wrong. So they complain, God, why are you punishing me through this? And then they say, well, there is no God, or he's not merciful. So what happens the heart becomes hard. The heart becomes hard. And a person goes deeper and deeper in this than no matter what difficulty he goes through. He thinks he is fine. He doesn't need to turn
to Allah because they get Allahumma shaytaan. Oma, can we are maroon, such people. They don't humble. They don't turn to Allah. Their hearts have become hard. And when a person's heart has become hard, that's the worst worst thing that a person could ever experience. Because a hard heart means that it doesn't have any compassion, no mercy, no fear, no hope of Allah. It's not going to turn to Allah. It's not going to change. It's not going to improve.
So where is such a hard hard Dustin do that? Where's it headed to the worst of all places hellfire? So it's the worst thing that can happen to a person when he doesn't cry before Allah? When he doesn't turn to Allah at times of difficulty? And that's because was a yen Allahumma Shavon Americano. Yamalube. So then what happens Philomathean when nesu they forgot from this, Ian, they forgot my that which look, you will be they were reminded off? What is it that they were reminded of their sins? How are they reminded through the crisis that we're experiencing, to the difficulties that they were going through? Because generally the wrong things we're doing. We do them when we
forget them. But as soon as we get hurt, then we start thinking maybe I'm being punished because of how I treated that person. Maybe I'm being punished this way because I cheated them. Right? I was dishonest over here. I didn't give my parents their rights. Right. So crisis remind you of what of your sins. All right. But a person who doesn't take a lesson from the situations that he is going through what happens next they forget.
So Falun mana Summa dokie Ruby,
and their hearts have become hard, they move on, they don't turn to Allah. Further. Now we opened I lay him upon them of web doors, flooring of the doors of what could be the shape of everything.
The doors of everything are open to them. And when a door is open, what does it mean? What was closed inside, can now come out. So this in other words means that blessings become plentiful for them. Every kind of joy and happiness and success. They start experiencing in their life. They went through crisis, they didn't take a lesson from it, they forgot everything. And what happened then Allah subhanaw taala filled their lives with blessings with abundance. So they're having fun here, they're having fun, they're, they're making good money. Everybody's happy with them. They're happy with everybody. Life is good. They're having the best time of their life for Turner or lay him of
whatever coalition he
had the until either when failure who they became very happy, funny who from Follow, follow which is to become happy in your heart. And there are two kinds of fun one is to be happy as in grateful to Allah. You eat something nice, you're so happy. You're like thank you Allah That was amazing. And the other as far as I'm the best.
I am the best. Yeah, I had that great food.
You know, I've eaten they're so showing off being boastful, so funny who until they became very happy, be my old too with that which they had been given. So the doors have everything open to them so many blessings, they're enjoying one thing after the other, and they're so happy with all that they have been given. But they don't remember Allah obviously, they don't thank him at all. Then what happens a hug now when we seize them, both that then suddenly, meaning then suddenly, without any warning, Allah subhanaw taala punishes them for either. So then whom they Mobley soon, they are once in despair, meaning then they become depressed, they give up hope, they despair. What's
mentioned over here,
what is explained in this is that how, when a person is doing something wrong, Allah subhanaw taala out of His mercy sends people to him. Okay? To show him what he's doing is wrong so that he can turn to Allah. like was mentioned previously, we sent messengers before to the nations.
Then what happens when a person refuses to accept? Then Allah puts him in difficulty? Why in order to shake that person, but what are you doing wake up, turn to Allah realize the wrong that you're doing. Say sorry to Allah.
But then what happened? Some people, they don't learn from it. And then things become good for them. Life becomes normal. Whatever bad they experienced before it's over. Yeah, I was really sick. Yeah, I had a terrible accident, but everything's fine. Now I'm over it, I moved on. And then blessings are made perfuse for them. They're enjoying their life, they become so happy. They think everything's good. And then all of a sudden, they are got meaning they are punished. And then after that, they become despaired of Allah subhanaw taala has mercy. When a person is in difficulty. If he has Eman, will he become depressed? No, he will turn to Allah asking Him for help. Who gives up hope
of Allah? The one who the one who doesn't have you? And so for either, who Mobley soon? Why do they become despaired? Because they don't have faith in Allah. They're shocked. They're dumbfounded Mobley soon as from a blessa Balamb scene, which is to become speechless in grief and despair that a person is so shocked, so sad,
that he doesn't even know what to say he becomes hopeless of all good. So they become depressed, they went into depression, because they never thought that these blessings would be taken away from us.
And then all of a sudden, everything flipped, everything changed. So this is why they're so shocked. Instead of turning to Allah, they just become sad and depressed. So what are the lessons over here? The lessons are that if anyone tells us about the wrongs that we're doing, let's listen and accept and improve ourselves. The lesson is that if we ever experienced some difficulty in our lives, whether it's some pain in our body, or some difficulty we're having with some people, take that as a sign, a sign of what that Allah is showing you something you need to turn to Allah you need to humble yourself before Allah, you need to do is the fall. This is the reason why we see that the
prophets of Allah Himself whoever makes is too far, mandatory on himself, meaning he constantly seeks forgiveness, that Allah will open the door to everything for him, meaning Allah will make a way out for him from every difficulty, from every problem, he will provide him from where he cannot even imagine. Why. Because it's the fall opens a door that are shut because of our sins. To seek forgiveness when you're going through difficulty. Difficulty is a reason for you to turn to Allah. It's a reason for you to remember him to humble yourself before Him. Again, another lesson is that when everything is good, everything is fine. Don't assume that Allah is very happy with you.
When school is good, money is good. You know, your health is good. You haven't been sick and so long, then don't think don't assume that Allah is happy with you. This could be what is called is the Drudge. What is is to drudge when Allah subhanaw taala lets a person commit sin. When Allah lets a person be busy in this dunya so that he forgets Allah completely. He allows him to sin How much ever he wants, this is too large. This might be used to drive the blessings that we're enjoying. This is why the Companions when they receive blessings of this dunya they wouldn't be happy like we are. They would cry. They wouldn't want it
because they would think that what if this is a punishment from Allah, that Allah is letting us enjoy over here and in the hereafter we will be deprived. This is why has an adversary, he said, Whoever Allah gives provision, and he thinks that Allah is not testing him, then this person has no wisdom, meaning he's a fool. And whoever has little provision, and things that Allah will not provide for him, than even that person, he has no wisdom, meaning he is a fool. So whether we are experiencing difficulty or ease, remember, both of such situations are what they are a test. Once the Prophet sallallahu Senna met a man, and he asked him, Have you ever experienced such and such
illness? And he said, what is that?
So the Prophet said a lot isn't explained to him what kind of illness it was, basically fever. And he said, I don't even know what that is. I've never experienced it. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked him, Have you ever experienced such and such illness? Headache? And he said, what is that? The prophets of Allah didn't explain to him what a headache was. And he said, Oh, I have no idea. I've never experienced it. If you found out a person who's never experienced fever or headache, what would you say? How lucky Wow, Allah must be so happy with them. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, If anyone wishes to see a person of the Hellfire, look at him.
If you wish to see a person from the hellfire, look at him, someone who's experienced no difficulty in their life, not even a headache, not even a fever.
Because abundance of blessings doesn't mean Allah is happy with you. It could mean Allah is upset with you, and he doesn't care about you. So he's letting you have whatever you want.
You don't like a child who's throwing tantrums, eventually what happens? Parents don't care at all about them be like, yeah, go ahead, take it, do whatever. Just get out of my face, go away from here.
So never assume that blessings means Allah is happy with me. And if we're doing wrong, despite the fact that Allah Subhana Allah has blessed us with so much, then really, there's a serious problem. So look at your life, reflect on your life. Look at the things that you enjoy, whether it's the amazing clothes that you wear, and the beauty that Allah subhanaw taala has given you the money that he's given you, the good family members, he's given you check yourself, what are you doing? What are you doing? are you misbehaving with your parents? Are you being ungrateful for the blessings that he's given? If despite the presence of blessings, we are bad in our actions, this is a big, big
problem. So something has to change within us. Otherwise, a huddle now home by
the punishment of Allah comes suddenly and everything flips for Cutajar. So it was cut off the bill, the route DALBAR ah, doober is the end of something dabit the extreme part of something. So David, the root of who alone the people which people unliving Allah, Allah Moo, those who wronged meaning the last of them even was finished. The last of them was exterminated. They were completely annihilated. Well, hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen and all praise to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Generally we praise Allah when Allah has blessed people with something over here Allah is being praised when people are being punished an eyelid completely. Why? Because Praise to Allah Who
finished the wrongdoers? Allah subhanaw taala is praiseworthy over this as well, because
he is praiseworthy for giving blessings and also taking away that which is harmful. And such people who are enjoying their life despite their sins. They're what, like a cancer for the rest of mankind. Because this disease it spreads very quickly, because people look at such people and they say, Oh, wow, you know, they have been blessed with so much but they do this so we can also do it. So when Allah finishes such people, all praise to Him, because the complete justice of Allah demands that such people be punished for their wrongs.
So what do we learn here? What's the lesson that you've taken for yourself? Check your blessings. And check your actions and see what Allah has given you. Do you actually deserve it?
Given the kind of actions that we're doing, and if the two don't match our actions and the blessings then there is a serious problem. So turn to Allah, seek forgiveness from him. Don't say Oh Allah, take these blessings away from me know,
ask Allah's help for improvement.
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