Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P05 057B Tafsir Al-Nisa 25
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Lesson number 57 is number 25 Surah Nisa,
woman lumea Stelter men component and whoever among you cannot find the means the means to watch a young girl Mercenaire 10 minutes that he should marry with those means free women who are also believing. In the previous verses we learned about which women a person is not allowed to marry. Right, those female relatives that are Mohamed's. And then we learned that all women besides the Mohammed are who are permissible for marriage, right? Whether they are related or they're unrelated, it doesn't matter they are permissible for marriage, as long as they're not optimal hadramout. And from these verses, we see that there is encouragement to marry. In the Quran. Also, we learn in
order to know what unkillable Hmm, that those who are single amongst you get them married off, because marriage is something that is a part of life, that completes a person that enables a person to do many things which they're not able to otherwise. And marriage is the smallest you can say section of a society a family is right. And in the Hadith, also the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he addressed the young people that get married because it is better for you for your chastity. So what if a person is not able to get married, because we learned earlier that a man when he gets married, he has to give the model. Now what if a person is not able to afford a month
that he doesn't have the financial means or if he is able to afford the MaHA? He cannot afford a walima and walima is something that is mandatory. I'm not saying you know, a very lavish kind of walima in which hundreds of people are invited in each guest. You know, you have to serve them food that costs $100 A plate No, an average one, a basic one, he cannot afford that he doesn't have the financial capacity or he doesn't have an income with which he can support a family. You understand? He cannot afford a family. So if he does not have the financial means, then what should he do? The solution is given over here. Allah says woman lumea stutter main component, whoever is not capable
from St. Tara, whoever does not have the capacity of what Tolan toll is from the root letters tall Well, lamb tool tool is to be long. And toll is to have plenty of material means to have financial ease, when a person has financial ease when he has plenty of material means that he's able to spend on himself and he's also able to spend on others. So this person doesn't have the means to fulfill his needs. How can he take care of a family? How can he take care of a wife and soon children, he doesn't have the financial capacity. And he doesn't have the ability to marry almost one hour 10 minutes more son at our who we learned that this word has multiple meanings off the meanings is a
free woman. All right. Now over here chaste woman doesn't apply. Likewise, married woman doesn't apply. Over here in the context the meaning of Barcelona is free woman. He doesn't have the financial means to marry a free woman. Because a free woman, you know belonging to a noble family. Obviously, she will expect more enough aka every month, every day, she will expect that a certain amount of money is spent on her to fulfill her needs. Isn't that so? Like? For example, a woman who has lived a life of financial ease in her parents house? How can you expect her to live in a small cramped house or not even a house like a very small place? You know, a room in somebody's house?
It's not possible, so he cannot afford to marry a more sunnah a remote minute believing women, then what should he do for me? Melaka Amen. Then he should select a woman from those who Melaka is a man who come your right hands possess a man plural of your mean meaning right hand. And what does this refer to slave women? Meaning that he should find a slave woman whom he can set free or he can request the master to set her free so that he can marry her. But what's the condition? Mean Fattah Yachty come a minute. They should also be believing. Not an unbelieving one, but a believing woman Iman will be given priority. And look at how Allah subhanaw taala describes them here. The slave
women who are men fatter Yachty comforter Yak is a plural of fat that from the root letters Fattah. Yeah. And for that is a young girl, a woman and especially it's used for a young woman, one who is young in her age. And the reason why this word has
have been used for slave women is because the word for that is also used for a daughter. All right. So, this kind of gives the understanding to us that a slave woman, a slave should not be considered as a property. But rather one should treat a slave as if they are their own. A daughter you treat as if she is because she is your own. Right? That a property, you know, an animal or something, you don't treat it like your own, you won't treat them the same way. I mean, these days, obviously, the standards for animals are also much higher. All right, for pets, it's very high. This is the reason why the prophets Allah Allah sent him he said that not one of you should when introducing their
slave say this is my slave. Meaning if you're introducing your slave to someone, don't say this is my slave, or this is my slave woman.
Nor should the slave say, This is my Lord. Meaning if a slave says about his master, he's introducing him to someone you should not say this is my job, this is my master. Rather, the Malik should call them my father, or my father, my daughter, or my son. With regards to slave, this is the kind of words that should be used to describe them. And the mom, look, the slave should say, say, Ed, my leader, you can say or say either T, because all of you are mum, Luke, and Who is your Lord? Allah is your Lord. So this is the reason why the word Fattah yet has been used. Now, it doesn't mean that if a person decides to marry a slave woman, she has to be very, very young. No, that's not
what the meaning is. She can be older in age as well. She can be a young woman, she can be a woman in her middle ages, whatever. But it's just that from the usage of this word, we learned something very important about how slaves are to be treated in Islam.
Select someone from among the slaves, but remember that she should be a believing woman. Allah says Allah who are an MO be Eema and he come and Allah knows very well about your iman Barnbougle member about some of you are from others, meaning you are off one another. In other words, if you're marrying a slave, then don't start doubting their Iman that how do you know she's really a believer or not? You know, she was a captive brought from a non Muslim land, maybe she embraced Islam just do assimilate. So in other words, don't start judging the correctness of her Iman, who knows about the correctness of her Iman, Allah knows. And at the time of marriage, this is a major problem. People
do not trust the other isn't at all. They don't trust the other individual who has proposed them or who's a potential spouse, you know, judging them that okay, they wear hijab, but how do you know? Okay, they have a beard, but how do you know? Right, that they really righteous or not? We are to judge people, by their appearance by their outward and Allah is the One who knows about what's in their hearts and he will judge them about their hearts. We are not to judge the hearts of other people. Because people become very judgmental, and sometimes to really get to know another individual and the level of their faith and the level of their taqwa and the level of their
patience. Sometimes people will interview one another, really, to such a great extent that it's ridiculous. People will keep questioning one another. You know, the man is constantly questioning the woman, the woman is constantly questioning the man. But the reality is that you can never find out about the other person until after marriage. I'm not saying don't ask anything. No, ask. But don't go on asking such as Dupree, your sunnah? How often do you pray? Knuffle? How often do you pray staccato? Okay, do you break the hatchet? No, Fine. Whatever. I'm not going to marry you. Do you personally? How many times have you done erotica?
These kinds of questions. You know about other people's piety about their Eman? What is it of benefit to you? How's it going to benefit you judge a person based on his appearance? If the family testifies if the people around them say that, yes, he prays Salah he attends classes, he goes to the masjid, then Alhamdulillah that should be good enough for you. Because sometimes people want a chef. You know, some women, they're waiting for a chef.
Really, and some men they're waiting for holder in. And this is a reason why when they don't find a potential spouse that meets their high standards. They don't end up getting married until very late and eventually there's a compromise that's too big of a compromise because they don't have any other option.
Right? What do we learn in the Hadees? That if a man proposes whose Deen satisfies you mean he's an observant practicing person, then except because otherwise this will create fitna in the society. And this is what's happening. People examine other people under a magnifying glass. If only they could see their heart
Did you know that's all that's left? So remember when Allahu Akbar Allah will be Imani come, Allah knows best about your Eman. He is the one who can judge, you go for the apparent bow, local member, some of you are from one another. Now in this ayah, we see that permission is being given to marry slave women. Now person might said, there's so much of a difference between our status, I'm a free person, they're a slave, or they were a slave. How can we do ever be married. But the fact is that you are a human being, and she's a human being. And both of you are who children off at the money center. And sometimes this kind of problem is faced today as well. People have this concern in their
heart, that they are too well off, and we are not too well off, or we are too well off. And the other person is not too rich, we own a house and they don't own a house, they own a house and we don't own a house, they have this job and we don't have it, they have this degree and we don't have it, because we want someone who is exactly at the same level as ours, even in worldly terms. But the fact is that Allah has created people different, Allah has blessed them with different blessings. If one person has been given wealth, and another person has been given the knowledge of the deen and other person has been given aim, then is far better than wealth isn't at all. So never underestimate
an individual based on their financial capacity based on their social status. What is necessary Eman is necessary. If that is there, excellent. But it doesn't mean that you ignore other things. Other things are also important. Other factors are also very important because you have to live your life with that individual. And if you develop a complex because of how they are, or you feel you cannot respect them because of their status, then don't go ahead with that marriage. But at the end of the day, remind yourself battledome member. And unfortunately, in some cultures, people reject others based on the color of their skin, they may have the best degree, you know, they may be very well
off. But the only reason why they're rejected is because they're not to fair. They're not to fair skinned. You know, for example, in Pakistani culture and Indian culture, this is something that's very, very important that people want a woman who is very fair skinned, right, and if someone is slightly different in their shade.
I mean, what is this barber comb member, I remember a sister was telling me once and Marcela, her skin color very beautiful. I never thought that she was extremely dark or anything and even if she was dark, so what I mean, every shade has its own beauty isn't at all, every shade has its own beauty. So anyway, she said that my mom, she feels so bad for me. All my aunts feel so bad for me that I'm not going to get married when I grow older. Because I'm not to fair. Sigler Hold on.
This is ridiculous. This is absolutely ridiculous. People should not be judged just on the skin color that they have. Every color has its own beauty. Allah has made the person every feature has its own beauty. People will sometimes reject others based on the length of their hair, based on the texture of their skin based on the kind of fingers they have, based on the kind of hair they have based on the kind of beard they have, or they don't have, you know, these are little little things, we should be concerned about the obligations that is a person fulfilling their obligations or not. Because the level of piety, the level of exam, it doesn't have any limit to it isn't at all, it
doesn't have any limit to it. There is always someone who is more pious compared to another individual, there is always someone who will have a higher level of Eman compared to another person. So these physical features, these material things, yes, you should be concerned about them, but they should not be your priority. They should never ever be your priority. Never. Likewise, crosscultural marriages even that is such a problem. Unfortunately, that just because a person is of a different race, or a different nationality, or belongs to a different country or belongs to a different tribe sometimes, right? That is a big deal. Is it I see some people smiling a lot. Yeah, I hear a lot of
giggles. Oh, no. They're from that family. They're from that tribe. Your children cannot even speak that language anymore. They don't even know how to the names of the different foods that they prepare. And you want a person from the same country from the same race from the same tribe. Really, where
Are you going to find such a prince charming? You're not going to find them. And if you do, there will always be something that you will not like. You know, earlier, we learned that letter, Gulu Hoonah, that the women do not make their lives difficult for them. One of the interpretations of the idea is that do not prevent them from marriage, that the orphan girls who are under your care, do not prevent them from getting married. And this is unfair, that sometimes a girl wants to get married, but the family will oppose that marriage, just because he's a convert, how do you know they're really sincere in their faith?
Really? How do you know? You know, what if they used to drink? What if they used to have a girlfriend? What if they did Zina before, Allah has forgiven them in sha Allah for whatever happened before? What Allah Who Arland will be Imani come? And just because they are of a different race, doesn't mean they're any less bound local member out all of us have originated from the same parents. So it should not be a major concern. All right. Barbara Coleman Bow.
Thank you, Helena. So Allah subhanaw taala says that marry them, meaning the slave women go ahead and get married to them. But there is a condition. And what is that B is ne le hin with the permission of their families over here
does not mean the relatives the blood relatives of the female slaves.
100, remember, is someone who is entitled to or someone who has the possession of something or someone. All right. So for a slave there is who the * is who their master, their guardians. All right, so marry them with the permission of their guardians with the permission of their masters. And when you marry them, what to Hoonah and give them Oduro Hoonah. Their ages?
Would you reply, Olaf argent? And what does this actually refer to their Maha? Notice that even when you marry a woman who is a slave who was a slave, still, when you marry her, you have to give her the MaHA. So in other words, regardless of the social status, the financial status of the woman, the husband has to give her the money that she deserves, he has to give her it's an obligation on him. Because sometimes people think, Oh, she's a convert, what does she know? She doesn't have a father, who's gonna ask, right? Or she is from this country, she's from that country, she doesn't know who's going to fight for it. So she's never given her money, this is unfair, will add to Hoonah Oduro
Hoonah. And this other should be Bill Maher roof in the manner that is recognized, meaning just because he was a slave doesn't mean that you give her $1, that you give her a few cents, because for her, that is even a lot. But for you, it's nothing. And if you were to marry a free person, you would give them much more be decent in the Mahal.
And more salinity, when you marry them, there should be more sun out, meaning they should be fortified.
In other words, when you marry them, then they are your wife.
She has become your wife. And now she is to be protected, and fortified, just like other women are when they are married, more SONET. And it means that once they're married, they should live a life of chastity. Because unfortunately, in the Arabian society, many slave women would go into prostitution, because this was a way of making money. And in fact, their Masters would force them into prostitution, because this way, they were able to earn a lot through their slaves, the men would be put to physical labor, and the women would be used for prostitution. And there's something that happens today as well, that people will kidnap girls, right? Or young girls, they are caught or
whatever. And they're forced into prostitution. And the thing is that a woman who has lived such a life, that from one man to the other from one man to the other, even if she ends up getting married to someone, her level of higher will be different from the level of higher of a woman who has lived a chaste life. I'm not saying she's at fault, it's her fault. But I'm just saying that she is different in her nature compared to others. I mean, just to give you an example.
You know, depending on the kind of life that people have lived, there are more used to some things and other people are not used to it at all.
For example, if there's a girl who has never worn hijab, right, she has never worn full sleeves. Okay, she has hardly ever worn pants. The only reason when she will wear pants is because it's too cold.
otherwise her legs are exposed, her arms are exposed, her neck is exposed. For her to walk like that outside or to walk like that in front of other men, whether related or not, is not a problem. Even to walk in front of a camera is not a problem, isn't it? So even if 1000s of people are watching her, she's used to it.
But if someone were to ask you to do the same thing, and they pay you may Allah protect you. But if someone were to do that, would you be willing? Never like a stuff. I heard a stuff but a lot already.
Why? You're not used to it, you've never done it. And Alhamdulillah because of that there is a level of Taqwa there is a level of higher. There's a level of Eman. All right. But for a person who's never covered their head never covered their own up for them. It's not a problem. That it happens with young girls, for example, that if their legs are always covered, their arms are always covered then, if you let them go with the dress, sometimes with a skirt without any tights or something, and if you put short sleeves on them, they feel uncomfortable because they've never done it. Right. So they feel uncomfortable. So anyway, a slave woman at that time was used to you know, many men. All
right, so I'm not saying it's her fault, but that's how life was for her and especially pre Islam. It was really bad. So this is the reason why more slanted has been emphasized that now they have to become chaste. They have to be protected in marriage. Laila Musa if you had not those who commit unlawful *,
Musa Fahad florala Musa, and Mustafa we learnt Musa Hain okay, this is seen for her suffer her suffer is to cause water to flow, all right, to cause water to flow to poor. And this is you can say an indirect way of saying that someone has relations just to fulfill their sexual desire just to fulfill their lust. So Mustafi had, meaning those who commit unlawful * because what's the reason behind unlawful *? Just the fulfillment of sexual desire. So they should not be living such a life anymore, they should become zero Mousavi health, while Mr. Duffy that he then would Takeda Flora left with Duffy the one who takes an ACC Dan plural of hidden and hidden is who a
secret friend. Or you can say not necessarily secret but an illicit partner, meaning a man and woman who are not married, but they're living together. Why they love one another, they are friends to each other. So this is who of them are lovers you can see. So while I'm with the fidelity of them, they should not take boyfriends. They should not take lovers with whom they sleep with just for the fulfillment of their desires. Because once they're married, then they have to live like a married person. And what this does is show to us in general, that once a person is married, then they have to limit themselves to to their spouse, and it's incorrect. It is very wrong to betray the spouse or
their husband or wife by taking another partner. And this is a concept that is not approved off in our religion that a man and a woman live together or they have relations without Nikka this is something that is unacceptable. This is considered Zina, so Well, Mr. Duffy that Dan, for either or Selena then when they are fortified, meaning when they're married to when the marriage has taken place. And now they have to live with their husband, they cannot go and live with other men or sleep with other men even if they had certain friends before they cannot continue that kind of relationship with them not at all, because now they are married so far either or slim for
entertainer before he shot them if they do commit an act of indecency. What is that Xena
if they do commit an act of indecency if they do end up committing Zina.
Because it was very common at that time that prostitutes, some of them they will take only certain men as their clients you can see. All right, that if for example, a man for his trade for his business, he would go from one city to the other, okay. And when he would go to a city there would be a prostitute every time he would go, he would stay there with her. And if he would go to another place he would stay there with her. Now let's say this woman, she accepts Islam. She leaves that she's freed and she becomes a Muslim. Now that man comes again. Okay, that man
comes again she likes him or he tells her or whatever and she does end up committing Zina. If she does for in attainable efficient then then obviously, the punishment has to be carried out. Right. But considering the background of this woman,
okay, considering her background considering her weakness, it would be unfair to give her the same punishment that is to be given to a free person. You understand? Because she is weak, she has a different background. So this is the reason why Allah says Fila hiddenness on them is Miss full half of men are a little more slanted that which is on the free women. Men are the hub of the punishment, meaning the punishment that is given to free women, half of that punishment is going to be given to an ex slave woman who is now married when she commits in a look at how merciful Allah subhanaw taala. Is that how a slave woman, an ex slave, I mean, she is to be treated differently. There is
another set of rules for her because she comes from a different background. She has that weakness. Yes.
Same thing, okay, because she was a slave before even if she wasn't a prostitute. Like I mentioned earlier, she has had exposure to many men. Okay, in the course of her slavery, she has probably had that exposure, and she doesn't mind which is why for her to fall into Zina is much easier compared to a free woman falling into this crime. So this is why the punishment is going to be half. Now, what is the punishment for Zina? What is the punishment? 100 lashes we learned yesterday? It is 100 lashes half of that will be how much? 50 But isn't this woman married? Yes, she's married. All right. She has been for either or Cigna right? For a married person when they commit Zina, their
punishment is different. What is that Roger stoning to death, you can divide that into half.
If you can't divide that into half. This is the reason why the 100 lashes will be divided into half meaning 50 lashes will be given.
And if an unmarried slave woman, if an unmarried slave woman, let's say she's not married, but she uses lay, she hasn't been married to if she commits in
then in that case, her punishment is also flogging. How much the number has not been specified, the number has not been specified that will be decided by the judge. All right, then because that is meaning this permission which permission to marry a slave. This permission is being given to Lehmann for the one who has Shia, he fears Alana, the burden the difficulty men come among you what is an honor, it is to be overburdened with something. And as a result of that a person falls into crime, he falls into sin, that the rules are too hard. Or that the stress is too much the test is too difficult, the temptation is too intense. And as a result, if it's not solved, if a way out is not
made, that a person will definitely fall into crime.
Like for example, if you are telling a child sit at the table and you put in front of him lots of candy and tell him don't eat, don't touch, don't eat, that is honest for the child. He understand. Its whole burdensome. And if you don't make a way out for him, he's going to fall into that he is going to end up eating a candy or two, he cannot resist himself. So likewise, if a person is in a situation where he cannot afford to marry a free woman, he has to get married. If he doesn't get married, he fears that he will fall into Zina. He will fall into haram then Allah has given him the option of marrying a slave woman. So basically marry Muslim woman is not the recommended thing. It's
not the first option, it should always be considered as Plan B as a second option. All right, well, I'm just below and if you are patient, that you are patient, meaning you control yourself and you wait for the time when you can afford to marry someone of a similar social status. That is later locum it is better for you. Well Hola Hola, foetal Rahim and ALLAH is forgiving and merciful. Now this shows to us that it's not preferable that a man marries a slave woman. Why not? Why not? We just learned Allah who are alone be Imani Cambodia, co member, so why is there kind of discouragement over here? Yes. That the husband may not be able to treat her well. Because he knows
what kind of background she comes from. All right, and he feels as if he has done so much air sign on her. And he expects a lot out of her. He may not treat her
that well, or you may treat her well. But other people on his family may not. And doesn't this happen? I mean, there are people who are married for decades, literally. But their family members will always say, you know, my daughter in law, she comes from that family. I mean, come on, get over it already. It's been decades. But they won't get over it. They won't get over it. And because of that reason, the daughter in law, despite the passage of many years, she's living in such a difficult situation, because her mother in law, her in laws are still not accepting of her.
They're still not accepting of her.
Right. So a person may not be able to treat the wife properly, or the family may not be able to give her due respect. Any other reason why you think this is discouraged? The reason that is mentioned here that a free woman for her to fall into Zina, the chances are much less for slave woman for her to volunteers, another chances are much high. So you are creating difficulty for yourself, you'll always be suspicious of your wife, you always be doubting her. So in other words, this shows to us that a person should always marry someone who is more compatible to them. This is best compatible in every sense, you know, in education, in their physical appearance, in their social background,
whatever, they should be compatible, because it's easy for them to develop a mental understanding, right? It's easy for them to accept one another, to respect one another. You know, in different cultures, things are interpreted differently.
Have you noticed that in different cultures, things are interpreted differently. So for example, the way your parents talk to one another, okay? The kinds of expressions they use, if you were to use the same expressions against your friend, or in front of your friend, she'd be like, Excuse me.
You know, sometimes it's just language, even. The only other language I know is overdue. So I'm sorry, I have to give her the example. But let me just give you an example. In order to there is a word that is used for you, which is to, okay, which is like to is like, someone small, or someone degraded, or someone who doesn't deserve much respect. And then dome, which is a little, you know, higher than that. And then up, which is like thou, you know, like you're giving a lot of respect to that individual whom you're addressing. In certain families. People always use up to address one another, even if they're calling children, they will say up, but in other families, everybody's
going to two to two, and you're like,
what I call rudely they speak how rude can they be? So I'm just giving a small example, that the usage of different words even can create so much misunderstanding.
You understand? So this is the reason why it's always best to marry someone who is more compatible, because this will bring more love, less misunderstandings, less fights, less arguments, less problems is your life. Yes.
That sometimes, because of the difference of culture, you know, the husband likes fresh bread every day. And the wife is thinking that's a luxury and she thinks it's good to eat just a simple plain salad with plain chicken that has been steamed. And for him, that's like, What are you talking about? So it could lead to problems, okay. So, basically, a person has to see themselves that how tolerant Am I how accepting am I? How understanding?
Can I live with a person who speaks a different language? Of course, why not? I mean, whose first language is different from my first language, if they can go ahead, and especially these days, because you know, people from different backgrounds living in the same country living in the same society, who have been brought up in a very similar fashion. So the chances are that such people will be compatible with one another. But if one person has grown in one country, and other person has grown in another country, very different mentality, and if they feel there's no way they can stay with the person who's grown up in another country, then they shouldn't go ahead with it. You
know, sometimes girls are raised in Western countries and their husbands are brought in from back home, and they're forced into such marriages. They're forced into such marriages, and this creates a lot of difficulty for them.
Okay, I'm not saying that it should not happen. It can happen. But it depends on the individual. It really depends on the individual. Are they able to live such a life? Do they have the strength, the ability, if they have, go ahead? If they're accepting of it, go ahead. But if they're not, then they should not be forced into it. If your daughter is saying, the icon marry someone from back home, there's no way don't force her into that if your son is saying I can
On May someone from back home don't force him into that.
All right. So this is why this is what intraspinal hydro lecan wala hula Foner him. Now on the other hand, if a person does make the decision of marrying a slave woman, freeing her marrying her, then that is also something that's very rewardable. In Hadith in Sahih Bukhari we learned the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that three people will have doubled reward on the Day of Judgment. Firstly, a person from the People of the Book, meaning someone who was Jewish, or someone who was Christian, who believed in his prophet, so for example, a Jewish person they believed in Musa al Islam, a Christian person they believed in, restarted salah, and then believed in Muhammad Sallallahu
wasallam. So for this individual there is how much reward, double reward. Secondly, a slave who discharges his duties to Allah and his master, meaning a slave who is fulfilling his obligation towards Allah subhanaw taala and also fulfilling his obligations towards this master. Now, this is something that doesn't happen slaves, but think about it, you as an individual, you are accountable to certain people could be your boss could be your parents could be your husband could be whoever you're dutiful to them and also towards Allah subhanaw taala because sometimes we lose that balance. When we start worshiping Allah we stopped cooking, once we start cooking, we stop praying. So
whoever manages to maintain that balance than for him is double reward and the more difficult it is, the more reward there will be. And then thirdly, a master of a slave woman who teaches her good other good manners and educates her gives her aim in the best possible way and freeze her and marries her
but see marriage came after when teaching other teaching and setting free
All right, so for this person has also doubled her board recitation well woman lumea stopping me boom Bolin I
wanna Mina
Mala cut a man open for me
Mina while long
can be easy
build now move on
move on in oil Musa
for either
in attain a visa he shouted
at me and
then he can imagine pushing me along Alana
does meal honey own local more lawful walking