Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P04 051E Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 165-168

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The loss of men due to a single disaster and the need for responsibility is discussed. The importance of working harder and mindful of one's actions to avoid becoming a failure is emphasized. The negative impact of failure and confusion on people's bodies is also discussed. The importance of knowing the heart and avoiding false assumptions is emphasized. The use of sallamps to kill people and the negative impact of lying about one's actions on others' lives are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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I was a bit lame in a shift when

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I when a man I saw but Kumasi button, why is it that when a single disaster struck you? I'll give the meaning of how come why that llama when I saw Bitcoin was libratone when a single disaster struck you at bother you were victorious. And or have you suffered just one disaster meaning there was only one, you can say failure. Before that you were victorious. You had failed in a battle for the very first time. So mostly button one most labor one defeat or the asop. Doom before in fact, you had inflicted myth lay her twice. It's like Miss lay is actually Miss Lane. It's the dual of metal. What does metal mean? Similar to like, so Miss Lane means twice. Okay, twice. So before on

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the enemy, you had inflicted double what they inflicted on you. Do you understand that? At the Battle of butter, the Muslims, they killed how many Michigan? 70? How many Michigan that took us captives. Another 70. All right. So they caused a loss of 114 men to who to the machine at the Battle of butter at the Battle of or health. How many Muslims were killed about 70? How many were taken as captives zero.

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Okay, zero Muslims were taken as captives by them which they came. Now, when the Muslims is suffered this loss of 70 men. They said, Alton, you all said under Heather, how could this be? The Prophet saw a lot of sentiments with us. We are upon the truth, then how is it that we lost 70 of our men and the wish to gain were victorious? How come they could not understand they cannot comprehend how that happened? Because especially when you've always been the best student. And then all of a sudden, on a test. You don't get that great marks. Then you wonder how did this happen? And you ask, Oh Allah, why?

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Why did this happened to me? Many times it happens that we suffer a loss and we begin questioning how come? Why? So Allah says that, why is it that when you suffer just one calamity, and on your enemy, you inflicted twice, of that? You suffered 70 men at butter, you made them lose 140 of their men. Now, the Muslims, they have killed only 70 men at the Battle of butter. But why does Allah say double? Because 70 Others were taken as captives, but they weren't killed. So why is it considered a loss? Because when someone is taken as a captive, then you've lost them. You understand? The Michigan lost 70 of their men in addition to the 70 that were killed, okay, and it's equal in loss,

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you can say it's as though they have died. In fact, it is worse, because someone who has been killed, they're killed, but someone who was in captivity now, they could be tortured. Not that the Muslims tortured the machine captives? No. But they couldn't be tortured. They're very vulnerable. Isn't that so? So for the subdomains, lay her Gautam Anna, Heather, you struck double the balloon the enemy. And here you are saying, How can this be? Why is this? It's not a big deal. First of all, what do we learn from this that first of all, when you suffer a loss, remember, it's not a big deal.

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Many times what we have done to others is far worse than what we suffer at their hands. Okay. And many times what other people are suffering is far more worse than what we are suffering. Correct. Like for example, you are crying because you got 28 marks out of 30. And you're so sad. And you're so upset because you say I've always gotten 100% marks in my tests for the first time getting 20 Well, you know what, there are other people who got 20 only. There are other people who got 15 Only there are other people who got five only. So don't pity yourself. In other words, you know, hold yourself accountable. Yes, hold yourself accountable. Realize that you need to work harder realize

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that you made a mistake, but stop putting yourself ultimately under Heather bull say who I am in our indie unfussy calm Allah says say that this is from yourselves, meaning you brought this failure upon yourself.

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How how did they bring this failure upon themselves? Because Allah gave them victory they turned the victory into defeat when they disobeyed the Prophet salallahu Salam in Allah Allah Kali

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che encoded indeed Allah is over everything capable, meaning he's fully capable of granting you victory. But at this time, he did not give you 100% victory. Why? Because you disobeyed. So what does this teach us? That sometimes we're very close to being successful, but then Allah deprives us of that success. Why? Because of the sin that we have committed, because of the disobedience to the messenger that we may be doing. Allah comforts the believers that when I saw the Quran, and whatever reached you, whatever afflicted you Yama on the day when Ill tackled German, the two groups met in the car from law PLM mafia, and German is a dual of German, what is Gemma a group. So the day when

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the two groups met, meaning on the day of or whatever lost that you suffered, then remember for the evening Allah than it is it was by the permission of Allah, meaning Allah allowed it to happen. And remember, just because Allah allowed it to happen, doesn't mean that he forced it. No, because Allah has given people the choice to obey or disobey, right? To hurt, or to benefit. Allah has given us the choice. So for me in the law means he let it happen. He allowed it to happen.

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And forbidden the law. Also remember that just because Allah allowed it to happen, doesn't mean that he wanted it. He wanted evil for people. He wanted the Muslims to suffer, that he liked it. No, just because Allah has allowed something. It doesn't mean that he likes it probably isn't Allah? And why is it that Allah allowed it to happen? While you're alone? Well, meaning, and so that he may know the believers, meaning so that he may come to know who are the true sincere, dedicated believers, the true believers would come to light. But doesn't Allah already know the believers? Tell me Does Allah not know the state of the heart of every single individual? Does he not know already? Yes, we

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believe in the fact that first thing that Allah created was what the pen and he ordered the pen to write everything that was going to happen. So did Allah not know from before even we came to existence, what our state would be yes. So then what does it mean by this so that he may know the believers are in remember is of two types one is of Iraq to perceive to come to know of something when something happens

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and the other is of louche.

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Okay blue to make visible when something comes to light. So Allah already knows. But by letting things happen, he makes them known. So for example, what was in the heart of Abu Bakr Abdullah and what was in the heart of or model de la or what was in the heart of Valhalla probably a lot more than what was in the heart of Sargon it will cost will be lower and who in the heart of Abuja Jana Allah knew already but at the Battle of what happened. The love that fell out of love where and who had for the profits of a lot isn't it came tonight. The bravery that a Buddha Jana had that came to light, the love for the prophets that a lot of seven that sorrow has been to be walk us how that

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came to light. You understand what the Yarra lemma mean? So that he may make the believers visible, he may make them known, because we see that the battle of are heard as the believers were fighting in the way of Allah, for example, debate alone, right? He was fighting so bravely. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said that every prophet has her word gene and my house it is zubaid. He said this statement at the occasion of the Battle of or health. So the status of the beta doula and who came to you? They'll have an Obaidullah, he lost his fingers. Remember, in defending the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his hand became paralyzed. And the prophets of autism said about him that if

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anyone wishes to see a living martyr should look at him. So the status of Valhalla below our annual it came to you see what I mean? It came to view while Yarlung will macmini Because when we see the people, we don't know what's in their heart, someone may be praying with a lot of assure they may be crying, they may be saying a lot of good things. But what is the reality? We don't know? Which is why sometimes we're so surprised when we see the other side of the story. Correct. So who knows, Allah knows but he makes it visible as well. This is why we should always focus on the heart. Because what's in the heart, Allah will expose it. He will definitely expose it. We can try to

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pretend in front of people that I'm very God fearing. I'm very patient. I'm very gentle, but a situation will be brought where the reality will be exposed. Not

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Just do yourself but also to others. Because sometimes we deceive ourselves, isn't it? We tell ourselves I'm good, I'm fine. No problem. Alhamdulillah I'm so good. But then when we make a mistake, then we're like, I am so bad,

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isn't it, then we notice our mistakes ourselves. So when the yarn will mean, and remember that just because Allah knows that someone will do something, okay? In the future, Allah will not reward or punish them, he will only reward or punish the person when the person actually does that action. Okay, well, Yarlung will macmini A lot of people, you know, they've been asking me recently, as we are studying the Battle of whether that, you know, if we know that Allah knows everything, then why are we held accountable? Okay, because if Allah knows everything doesn't mean that he forces it on us. He just knows from before, this is just like, you see a machine, you know how it functions?

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Before even you press the button, you say to your child, it's going to make a loud noise? How do you know?

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Because that's what the machine does when you press the button or when you plug it in? Correct. But you say, oh, you know the future.

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Okay. And if you say, don't say it's going to make a loud noise, because if you say it's going to make it, no, you're saying that it's going to make a loud noise is not going to make the machine loud? No, the machine is loud anyways.

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You just have that knowledge. Because you're not a machine. You're a human being you're not a child, but rather you're an experienced adult. So imagine Allah subhanaw taala, his name is Al Kamil, Hashem, it his knowledge is complete, it is all inclusive, it includes everything, so he knows what we're going to do. But just because he knows what we're going to do doesn't mean that he forces it on us. And he will only hold us accountable when we actually do it. So when the yarn will mean, while the yarn I'm AlLadhina naffaa. Oh, and Allah allowed this loss to happen, so that he would also come to know after hypocrites, the reality of the hypocrites would come to light as well,

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because until now, the hypocrites were all blended within the Muslims that were hidden. Because when the Prophet saw a lot of time migrated to Medina, our beloved obey, he didn't accept Islam apparently, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would address the believers, for example, a Juma hook but before the prophets of Allah son would begin his speech, Abdullah bin obey would get up. And he would say, oh people, the Messenger of Allah has come to you. So be grateful and be obedient and listen to Him and you will succeed. So he would say all these words to prove that he was an honest believer.

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But when the Muslims went for a health,

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end of the love and obey returned with 300 men behind him, it became very clear to this man only talks.

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It's only talk. There's no sincerity, there's no faith. Well, Yharnam Alladhina, Neff, aku. Joaquin, Allah home and when was it clear that said that these people are hypocrites when it was set to them, the alo come, God Luffy, Sabine, Allah come and fight in the way of Allah, because there is a third one after loving, obey, retreated with 300 of his men, or the love in his arm, went to counsel Him. And He said to him, don't go, he stopped him from going. But our beloved obey said, we don't know how to fight. And this is not a war. This is suicide. And he said, the prophet never listened to me, so I'm not coming along with him. What P that I won't follow the Sahaba went and stopped our beloved

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and obeyed but did he listen? No. They were told, caught up Sabina come fight in the way of Allah or with the fire or at least defend it Pharaoh dal fine, the fire is to rebell so at least defend the believers, okay, you don't want to actively participate in the battle. Just stand at the back to defend the believers just do something participate. Because remember that the people of Medina they had a treaty when the prophets of Addison migrated to Medina, he made a treaty with all the various groups, from the Jews to the Muslims to the machete Keane who still lived in Medina because remember, the entire Muslim population did not embrace Islam immediately. And part of the treaty was

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the agreement that if the city of Medina is attacked, then all groups will participate in defending the city of Medina. So they were told at least come and defend. You don't want to fight at least defend fulfill your obligation. And we see that even the Jews, you know that even the Jews, some of them they came, they were waiting outside of Medina to join the prophets, Allah God has set him on the way to 100 When the Prophet salallahu Salam saw them he asked that have they embraced Islam? They said, No, they haven't. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that no, they don't need to come with us then it's okay. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam

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Let them stay, but even the Jews came to fulfill their duty. Okay. And we learned that when the Prophet salallahu Salam, he sent the Muslims to the battlefield after the battle was over the machine were gone to check on the martyrs. They saw a Jewish man even who was lying there dead who had been killed in the battle. Because even though the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told the Jews to stay in or not come along, this one man he came, and the prophets of Allah and described him as the best Jew. He didn't become Muslim, but he described him as the best Jew. So we see that even people who are not Muslim, they fulfill their promise. But the hypocrites who were apparently Muslim, they

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did not fulfill their promise of fighting, or at least defending and they made the false excuse. They said, Follow their sub lo nairaland will Peterlin let them earn income. If we knew how to fight, we would have followed you what a false excuse. Imagine being an error of that time and not knowing how to fight. This is a lie. Even their children knew how to fight. Their women knew how to fight. They were people who had swords with them, who had arrows and daggers with them all the time.

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You know, when the Prophet settled autism returned from the battle of or hurt he gave his sword to Fatima Lilo on her and he told her clean it because there was blood on it. He said Al Hamdulillah this has been very helpful for me today.

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Would you give a gun to a woman like someone who doesn't use it generally, who doesn't know how to use it? Know, the prophets of Allah Islam gave his sword to Fatima to clean you don't give it to someone unless they know how to handle it well. Okay, and I leave the widow on who also gave his sword to her to clean. Oh, my mama, a woman she came defending the Prophet salallahu Salam in the battle. So the Arabs they knew how to fight and especially the people of Medina, the Osen Kezar tribes, they had been at war for years and years and years. And the Jews, they would make weapons and sell them to the people of Medina. Okay, so when they said lo narla, maputaland let tabernacle

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this was what a lie. It was a lie. And it was an excuse to get away. This is just like, I don't know how to cook. Or I don't know how to load the dishwasher. I don't know how to wash dishes. I don't know how to lay the table.

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I don't know how to iron clothes. I don't know how to sweep. I don't know how to vacuum.

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I don't know how to put my shoes on.

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I don't know how to brush my teeth. I don't know how to make my hair. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do that. Who says this? The one who doesn't want to do it from a kid who may be three years old to a man who may be 30 years old.

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Right? I don't know how to do the garbage. Really, I don't know what are the vacuum seriously.

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If you can operate a computer you can definitely do these things. Right. So low Narayana will Peter Allen let the Varna come. This is an excuse a lie.

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Allah says home they were little Kufri to disbelief Yama. And then on that day, they were a couple of women who they were closer than them. Lil Eman to Eman on that day. These hypocrites were closer to disbelief than they were to Iman.

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Because, up until this day, it seemed as though they were closer to Eman. But that day, it became clear that these people are closer to disbelief. Yoku Luna be FYI him. They were saying what their mouths plural of fun. They were saying with their mouths malaise of Eukanuba him that which was not in their hearts.

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This is not what they said. I don't know how to fight. No, they love to fight they knew how to fight. You know Buddha Jana, how much he loved to fight. Right. And we learned that there was a man by the name of Usman if I'm not mistaken. He came, he participated in the Battle of or hurt. And he fought very courageously, and he was found wounded in the battlefield afterwards, meaning he had not died at that time. And this man, he said, that I came only to fight, to show my bravery

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to show that I am brave, but he was terribly wounded, he could barely move. So the people that took him and this man he could not bear the pain and he stabbed himself that he committed suicide.

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So they love to fight. This was a culture that they had. This man, by the way, was a mafia and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that he's of the people of the fire, because he committed suicide. This is something that we are not allowed to do. And he fought not for the cause of Allah, but for the cause of showing his bravery. So Allah says, The coluna be FYE malaise if you could do

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behind these people, they're just lying in their heart is something different on the surface. They're saying that we don't know how to fight. On the surface. They're saying, the Prophet did not listen to us in the heart of something else. Will Allah who are alone will be many to moon. And Allah is most knowing of what they can see of what they hide in their hearts. So remember

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that if we make a false excuse, if we give a false explanation for our wrongdoing, we conceal the reality from people. Can we conceal it from Allah? Never. We can never conceal it from Allah. You know, for example, it's sometimes it's on small things that chip on makes us lie.

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Like, for example, the teacher asks, Did you do the lesson seven times and you say, you know, I did it six times. So call this a SEVEN. Because otherwise you asked me why and what happened and this long story will begin. So you don't forget to say seven times. For a small thing like that we end up like,

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the teacher asks, Why did you not do your lesson? And we say, oh, you know, we had guests over, and there were no guests over. I was feeling sick, and you were not feeling sick. But check on makes us lie. Right? Oh over petty things, small things, we conceal the reality. But who knows the reality. Allah knows. And you know what? It is these little little things that lead to bigger things. The small things lead to bigger things today, it's only a small lie, a small statement, that is incorrect. Tomorrow, it can be something bigger. And every time we sin, we are making the Shavon stronger, he has more strength to overcome us.

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So Allahu irlam will be my actor Moon Alladhina Kalu. The hypocrites are the ones who said li whiny him about their brothers. Again, it's not doom, but rather about their brothers which brothers, those brothers of theirs who had gone to the Battle of or heard and they were killed over there. They said about them. What car do while they themselves set carduus from Colorado to sit. So they themselves were sitting behind in Medina. They didn't go for battle. But their brothers who had gone for the battle. They said about them. Lo of Aruna, if only they had obeyed us of our rule from your Torah, obedience for where we're at. If only our brothers had obeyed us, and when our beloved obey

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told us to come back to go back to Medina, if they had obeyed us and come along with us back to Medina, Mel Pattillo, they would not have been killed. So they feel pity for the Muslims who died at the Battle of butter who the hypocrites so they were wishing that their brothers had also gone back to Medina with them. Allah says all say to them, say to such people, federal who then avert dialogue Hamza Daraa, to avert something to reject something to remove something that's harmful with full force to push it away. That push away what an unfussy come from yourselves and motor the death.

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Push death away from yourself in quantum Saudi clean if you're truthful, meaning if you're truthful, in your claim, that if they had stayed behind, they would not have died. If someone stays at home then they don't suffer, then okay, avert death from yourself never die.

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But does that happen? No. Because ultimately, everyone dies. Those who out of fear of death did not go to the Battle of health. And when the Muslims came back, they were happy that they did not go

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did any of them stay alive for long?

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Is any one of them alive today? No, none of them is. So ultimately everyone has to go Everyone has to die. Again the same lesson that if we suffer something in the way of Allah, don't pity yourself. And just because we fear that we may suffer in the way of Allah, this fear should not stop us from obeying Allah.

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Unfortunately the fear of you know physical fatigue or the fear of exhaustion, the fear of sickness, the fear of you know death, it prevents people from obeying Allah.

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Let me give you a small example.

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We are afraid many times that if we pray too much, we'll get tired.

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Yeah, which is why when it comes to the month of Ramadan salata, we, what do we do we set set set, and when we feel that the mind was going to go into the core Quickly, go join.

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Right fear of getting tired, I'm gonna get tired then I won't be able to, you know, study I have an exam tomorrow. Or out of fear of fatigue of hunger. We don't fast. What if I get hungry? What if I get thirsty? What if I get really tired? I don't want to fast

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Right. It's this fear that prevents us from obeying Allah. But no matter how much you eat, aren't there times when you still get hungry? When you go to school and you realize you didn't bring any lunch money, you didn't bring any lunch and you're hungry and you see other people getting free lunch? Don't you feel hungry? Yes. So hunger is something that is not just experienced when a person is fasting, it is even experienced when a person is not fasting. So it doesn't mean that when you go in the way of Allah you will suffer you will suffer otherwise do so why not suffer in obeying Allah? Why not? Because then at least you got reward for it. Let's listen to the recitation

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mostly by

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Miss Lane

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in a long

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leash in body one

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Millman tell

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me what he

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will do dealing

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whom little gouffre eating

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Dhabi FY

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one long

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enough all only is wanting more

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for the baby. So, what do we learn from these verses that we should stop making false excuses? Because Allah knows the reality. You know, when is it that we make false excuses anyways, when we don't do what we're supposed to do, that in itself is a problem. Because what we're supposed to do, we should do it. And if we don't do it, you know, we are depriving ourselves. We learned earlier, the one who goes out in the way of Allah and the one who stays behind, they're not the same. So if we have not fulfilled a commitment, not done our job, then only we will be making excuses. So do it right the first time so that you don't have to make excuses. And if you do end up making a mistake,

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then don't make excuses. You know why? Because then you're going to develop a bad habit. This is how bad habits develop, right? That the mother says, Did you brush your teeth? No, I didn't. Yes, I did. Get away with it once. And then the children develop that habit of getting away with it every time and it's so clear that they're lying because their mouth smells and their teeth are so horrible. But they're saying I brush my teeth. I did. I did. So this is how bad habits are developed. So we know ourselves. We can't deceive ourselves. And let's not deceive ourselves. Because if a person is not sincere to themselves, and who can they be sincere to

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Subhanak along won't be him. They're gonna show to Allah Illa illa Anta that's tough. We're not gonna do that.

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