Mohammed Hijab – Intellectual Seerah #8 The Year of Grief

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The eighth session on the critical Sierra discusses the tragic event that took place in the fourth century, including misunderstandings of Islam and the distinction between grief and depression. They stress the sadness of the past and the importance of understanding emotions in religion, particularly in the context of modern societies. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to practice their spirituality and live their spirituality, as it is crucial for achieving spiritual well-being and negative impacts on well-being, particularly in the modern context.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu How you guys doing? Welcome to the eighth session on the critical Sierra or the intellectual Sierra, where we employ the multidisciplinary approach to try and assess some of the most salient and pertinent points of the life of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, and this session is going to be one in where in which we're going to be speaking about some of the tragic moments of the process times life. Of course, his life was filled with tragedy and sorrow and grief. And he was the role model of telling us showing us displaying to us and demonstrating to us how to deal with that. And we're going to be speaking about grief as a

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concept, and especially visa vie, the death of the process, and his wife had deja His most beloved wife of all wives that he's ever married, and his uncle Abu Talib as well. So the first thing we want to do is mention that, how is it that it will Tyler died and this hadith is actually narrated, in Albertosaurus, authentically integrated, where the prophet Muhammad sallallaahu Salam was attempting to convert Abu Talib to Al Islam who was making him or trying to get him to do not have the shahada to say, let olam hamdulillah so like shadow Laila, hello Sharon hammerless wala that I've witnessed there's only one God worthy of worship, and that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is the

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messenger. And he was saying that he kept repeating that to Abu Talib. However, unfortunately, Abuja was also there.

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Abuja Hill obviously the arch enemy of the Prophet Muhammad wa salam and one of the main antagonists in the Sierra, he was there reminding, I will tell him

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of the religion of his forefathers. And this, by the way, is an important thing, which we will contemplate and ponder as a group, which is the, the, if you call it the hereditary or the lineage based

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kind of interrogation against becoming a muslim, why people wouldn't become Muslim is because it's not their heritage. And one famous figure and factor recently, but without mentioning his name,

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was here. He's an English nationalist. And he had a conversation with one that goes, you know, I'm sure you guys have watched it. And one of our guys had a conversation with him here in the diner, in the, you know, the restaurant nearby. And he said to him, why don't you become Muslim, he knows the religion of one God and all these kind of things. And he just simply said, because my forefathers don't, we're not Muslim. That was his reasoning. And there is a page and a half of the Quran and sort of the Zohar of, okay, chapter 43 of the Quran, which deals with this very specific mentality. And we're going to go over that when we talk about time, because that's something else we're going

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to be speaking about today.

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The mentality of I won't become a Muslim, because this is not part of my culture. This is not part of my heritage. This is not part of my, you know, this is not part of the experience of my people. So why should I be something which I'm not? We find this in many different parts of the world. Many people consider the Muslims to be invaded their country, even if they were from, you know, that particular region and say, Why should I adopt a religion? That, you know, it's not really from what we are. In the saloon. Very interestingly, when he's talking I'm this might be hyperbole. But when he was talking to him about the, basically Islam coming into a mountain region, he said, The people

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there, done Ill to dead like 10 times 13 times 15 times I come up with a number or some kind of

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very high number, right. Which one of the reasons he cites is because they had this kind of mentality is because this is not this is not what people used to be something my father used to believe in his father and his father and his father, this very tribal mentality. And the Quran has a very simple, yet very effective way powerful way of refuting all of this by the way, the Quran itself has a very powerful way of viewing this and that's what we're going to be pondering over in what comes but going back to the toilet, I will tell him, so he was the uncle of the Prophet. And when he died, he died upon a Sheikh. He did not die upon Allah Islam. Now, the prophets of salaam

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did love and will Talib

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which would confuse somebody say, Well, there's a lot of people Muslims nowadays saying that. How can you love it as believer? How can the prophet of all people love a disbeliever? The truth is, there's never been a problem in Islam. There's never been a problem of Islam of believers loving disbelievers.

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And this is actually a misnomer, a modern day misnomer. It's only there's only one issue. The issue is loving the disbeliever for their disbelief.

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There's a fine distinction and this is made everywhere like I mean, you don't have to go far to find this kind of notion. Loving to this believer in our equal hub Toby

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In a natural kind of way, is something which the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam did

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in the colletta demon or whatever like in the lucha de Masha, when he died,

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I will tell him and he died upon a shotgun die upon al Islam.

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Allah said to the Prophet, you cannot guide who you love, but it's Allah who guides whomever, who wills. So he was affirming that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam loved his uncle in a natural way, even though he was not he died. In fact, he died as a disbeliever that they didn't die as a muslim. So this, some people actually misunderstand some of the verses of the Quran.

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Okay, it's not that we're not allowed to love even. Now, some people use, obviously,

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on satisfactory counter arguments. And I'll let me play devil's advocate for a second. So some will say like, Okay, well, and Muslim man can marry a Christian woman.

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So, how was he not meant to love it? Now? There's no shot. There's no real condition to love your wife. I mean, Allah says, well, Jalla been on the web.

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Like he put in between Allah is the one who puts love and mercy in between your wife so I mean, it's, it's there is a plausible deniability with that example, if someone says, Well, you're meant to, you can marry a Christian, if you're a Muslim, someone could, in fact, one Salafi ship and in Egypt, he was making that he was trying to Benny expound this argument in commerce. And for a hammy, or one of these guys, he was saying that you can have * with your gun doesn't that we don't have to love it. And when I first heard it, sorry to say, but when I first heard this, I thought this is ridiculous.

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I mean, what you're talking about, but then when I thought about it a little bit more, so he's got some level of, there is some kind of truth in what he's saying. I mean, it's, it's not a necessary component that you have to love your wife if you marry her. However, the the the under cutter to the argument that you can't love a disbeliever if you're a believer, is in fact, the fact that the process ylim did it and was not reprimanded for it. This is these are two components, you will not get a reminder for a lot of them, so you cannot love him.

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He said you cannot make SFR for them, even though they may be close to you. Because the process Salam, he was saying that I am going to continue making lists for for Abu Talib until

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I'm told not to. And so Allah told him not to make as far as far as effectively asking God to forgive them. Now, this is very, very sad for a lot of the convert to Islam. Because their parents, they they lay down the state of Illinois, a shotgun, disbelief, and they wish to, to make some kind of supplication for them and stuff. But because of this verse of the Quran, they can't effectively it can't make supplication for the of Allah to forgive them or to put them in heaven.

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This made that this is the issue that actually a consensus view of the Muslim people however,

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one has to kind of look at all of these components.

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So this is the first thing I will tell them and it's very important any questions on that?

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Which, which first of which cannot do is to

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lay off Hola. Hola. Hola. And then I think there is an Hadith which says that the professor's have said that I will

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do is that far more than 70 times.

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Now that one that one's about one African.

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It's that one was not about Obatala. I think it's about

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that, yeah, this one's about them. When I for one.

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I was gonna say would you say it could be sinful? Or if someone does that, because especially the converse, it can be quite hard to not ask God for this stick fight

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for their parents, despite them not being Muslim. It's kind of like, I think most of them says haram. I think yeah, because there's me. So because there's how would you kind of? Yeah, I'd say you're still be sinful, unfortunately, that is that that is the classical opinion. I mean, sinfulness. Yeah. And then because any, like the general rule brought in terms of jurisprudence, is that anything which is an armor, anything, which is a command, that is worship, okay, that's obligatory mandatory, unless there's what you call a cutscene, or something which takes away from that. And if anything, which is an eight, which means it's a prohibition or a negative, it is a

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prohibition that becomes haram. So obviously, there's no Kadena here. There's nothing that would indicate to us otherwise. So yes, you can also guidance for them, right. Yeah. And when they're live,

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guide them to Islam. It's not by the way, this is not to say that we think they're going to *. Yeah, that's a different eschatological question. This is just Islamic law on the on the way

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There's a thing in that kind of Muhammad, but right which is mentioned in a hadith. And if you love a disbeliever you know, like, how would you put those two together? I don't know, the Hadith. I need to

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investigate. Yeah, yes. Obviously at the model Idina Khalili here as well for the Andorra had to come on holiday is a very famous one, that the man is on the religion of his friends, or one of you has to watch out for like, who they

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it is about positive side, if you are making some good friends. Yeah, so you will be among them.

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Okay, so there's another issue here, because nowadays, we're living in the age of mental health. And we've kind of discussed this a couple of times here. I think it's very important because it's, I think the mental health thing is there is a psychological component. But there's also like an almost an ideological component. And you got to be careful of that. So a lot of people nowadays, and I think we've had discussions about it, like they would make excuses. Okay, not to do things, oh, this is against my mental health and these kind of things. And somebody will take this mental health card, and they almost make it into a sanctify herbal thing, like almost a sacred thing. If you go

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against my mental health, and you are toxic person. And now this is left this fear of what is diagnoseable what is psychological, what is helpful, and has gone into almost like a new kind of leftist discourse, you got to be careful with that. However, part of the Sira we're looking at it critically is to look at what really the assignment position on these things is.

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And so the first thing I'll say is that most psychologists, and I've looked at some of the studies and stuff like that they differentiate between two things, depression, and grief, they are two separate things. Now, in fact, depression itself is differentiated from what you call transitory sadness. Like, if you look at the DSM register, and all these kind of manuals, of the psychologists, they say transitory sadness is zero to six months, these are quite arbitrary, I don't know where they get this from, for the sake of argument. And then after six months, they call it that that's when depression happens. And usually when there's no extraneous variable that is creating this kind

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of thing. So if something happens to you, someone dies as a bereavement in your family or something like that, then you're, you're sad, that wouldn't be classified as depression, because there's some reason for it to happen. Whereas if you're unmotivated by yourself, a psychologist may say that you're depressed, because there's no reason for you to feel like that. But you're feeling like that. So these are the kinds of things that they do and use.

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And these are the kinds of distinctions but what the distinction I want to focus on today

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is the distinction between grief and depression and see what really is the Islamic view on these things. Now, if you look at the Quran, the Quran does affirm that grief is a part of the vocabulary of the prophets, of the pious people. And two people come to mind this in your slides, one of them is Yaqub. In a magical bethey was neat, it Allah, especially when you know his son was, he couldn't, he couldn't find his son user for a very long time. They were both prophets. And he became very, very sad from that, and he became grief stricken. The word you see, is not depressed. It's not marked. For example, He's not really it's not the word used in Arabic language. Language is

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grief, he was grief stricken. And since the situation was continued, and since the situation was continual, so yeah, so to then, was the feeling. So I don't know if to try and use this example as an example of depression and say, Well, if the prophets can do it, then we can do it. It's not a good example. However, it is a good example for grief, not to say that depression doesn't exist, or that it's not a thing. But the Western way of looking at depression is different from the Islamic way of looking at it. So that's one thing. Grief does exist in Islam.

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It's also

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mentioned by Mary, and who knows what verse I'm thinking about here.

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Yeah, a couple of other

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quotes when the same man see that I wish I had died before this. And I was completely just higher level of being upset. Yeah, some sort. I wish I had died. But look, it doesn't say I wish I had killed myself, which is what you call suicide ideation. She didn't say that. She said, I wish I wasn't in existence, because she felt embarrassed at the fact that she had now boy that she had to go and explain to the community that she was a virgin. And it's like, this actually shows her humility, and it shows her modesty. But it also shows that she did feel a great deal of embarrassment, and maybe even grief at that point in time. There's no doubt about that. And so

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there's, it's not

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in the Muslim communities, a lot of Muslim communities. We look down on people who express these kinds of emotions. And I think there's, there's there's like a balance that we have to strike. Yeah, it's true. We can't go to the leftist

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Because of toxic this and the mental health guard, but also we can't go to another extreme which is to deny the normal human reactions of human beings. There's a very powerful Hadith of the professor Salama, he mentioned that one of the people who be Ashkar lagenda, one of the most sad people of Allah, Jana, and then your must is going to be dipped into heaven for for some time it's going to come out. Did you feel any negative emotion at all? And then the person will say, I've never felt any negative emotion at all. That molten shed or the point of

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to look at here is the fact that is mentioned is Ash by Jenna, that he was the most sad person or Well, Jenna, so this person was in perpetual sadness in the dunya

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which means you can have someone little Jana who experiences a lot of sadness in their life.

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So it's not if you're feeling like that it's not necessarily true. It also says because of your Eman like someone feels grief because of some deaths that happen in their life. You can't turn around as if your man was stronger than you wouldn't have felt like that. Because then if that was the case, and how we're going to explain all of these things, yeah, called the Prophet Muhammad wa salam this whole year felt very sad. Very, very sad about this the passing of Abu Talib. Very, very sad about the passing of Hadith, which we're gonna cover as well.

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For a whole year, I mean, but even more than that, because really and truly even at Isha, like some things would trigger him. The Prophet Muhammad Salam, like some mentions of

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deja vu when he's remember, remember that? Like he would, it would hurt his feelings like, gentlemen.

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And remember the process, I've experienced the most grief of all of us because all of his children except one died. I mean, can you imagine his his uncle died, his wife died, his children died, I always find this so fascinating.

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Because this shows like real depth of character.

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Many people that have had that many deaths in their life, would give up just from that.

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So that's one thing.

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Now in psychology, since we're just mentioning it, yeah, there's something very common, called the grief cycle. I don't know if any of you have heard of this. But this is a very common thing like as

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by Kubler Ross, and they say, there's five stages of the grief cycle, every by the way, every will, every single one of us, is likely to experience grief. And by just thinking about it critically, grief is one of those emotions you can't actually control. It's one of the most uncontrollable emotions that you will ever experience in your life. What I mean by that is like, say, for example, you feel anxiety. And what is anxiety, anxiety is fear of the future, it's a hypothetical type of fear. That's what anxiety is, fear is,

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is anxiety of the present effectively. So if a lion came into this

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room, everyone's gonna feel fear. But from the future event, that's anxiety, anxiety and grief are different. You can maybe manage and you can even take drugs that manage your anxiety.

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But there is no drug that the pharmaceutical industry has developed, that manages your grief.

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That is a very interesting thing. Grief is something you're going to have to ride out. If someone if there's a bereavement, if someone dies in your family or something like that, you cannot

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control or manipulate that in a certain way. You know what I mean? You just have to write that out.

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Write that out. And that is just grief as an emotion is so powerful, because it is a reminder of the human being of their own mortality, weakness, and vulnerability.

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That doesn't matter who you are, where you live, what money you have, if something bad happens if your child dies, if your parents die, if something bad happens if a divorce happens in your life, these are the things that cause you grief, and they will cause you grief. And there's no way to stop that. The only way to what to do is to live with that. Now, this is what the psychologists say. So there's these five cycles, stages.

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And by the way, I mean, this is highly contested, but a lot of is acceptable as well. The first stage is denial. Because believe it someone died I can't believe I have to see for myself whatever. Yeah, the second thing is anger.

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Yes, the third thing is bargaining.

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So maybe bargaining with God even Yeah, so please Why just do this I'll be good. Then after that, it's depression. And then the final stage is acceptance.

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And there is a Hadith talking about Elkanah and having

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basically contentment

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being content and being content is Kansas like a treasure. What the Islamic spiritual system attempts to do, although you're gonna go through the pain, but what it tries to get you to do effective

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The key is to get to the fifth stage quite quicker. If you think about it, if you think about what the Hadith that we've spoken about before, adjuvant under the moment and these kinds of Hadith, by doing choker, and gratitude, and B and having a river, these are Islamic concepts,

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and sub all these Islamic concepts, what is true and making you think and what's very important once fell, which is optimism. So the summit concept, optimism is a deeply Islamic concept. Kenny gebouw Wildfell. The Prophet has a solemn he used to like optimism. By having these positive ways of thinking about things, you're likely to speed along through the grief cycle and into the stage of acceptance in a much better way.

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So Islamic spiritual system attempts to get you from point one to five in a much more expedited and quick way than would otherwise be the case. Because think of you might you might contest someone in that contest and say, well, the How was the proof of that? What's the evidence of that?

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Think of the following. We spoke before about the Big Five, you know, the ocean acronym, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Let's stick with the n here. neuroticism is when some something happens in people's lives, they feel more negative towards that situation. So if something happens, like it's the same event, person A, and person B, is an enemy of this boycott? I don't think so.

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person A and person B.

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Okay, this person, let's just say that they're twins. And their parents died both parents. Okay. Both parents was a car accident. And they both loved them the same way. And they had the same upbringing and independence, very fair with them, whatever. Person A has all these positive mindsets, that thinks Okay, well, this is happening for a reason this is God has put us in my place for a reason. And it was kind of thing, and I have to be patient and I'm creasing and rewards. And all this positive framing. Yeah. And possibly as an atheist, he doesn't have any of that. In fact, he just he considers that to be whatever it may be, like, why is that happening to me? Who do you

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think of the two is going to be more neurotic? Like, who is going to experience more neurotic feeling? In other words, thinking of this event as a as a negative situation, is very difficult to conclude that person, they'll have the same experience or person as go. So Islam is a practical solution for some of the hardest things that you're going to experience in life. No money, no drug can actually give you that experience. Because there's no drug, like I said, on the pharmaceutical industry, that has been developed for grief, the closest thing to it,

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are the hallucinogens. And the things that make you not remember things like a sleeping tablet, or whatever it may be, but that's not actually a solution. Because when you wake up and you're you come out of your slumber, or your drunkenness, you're still gonna have the same problem. But there is no drug that you can take, that can alleviate your grief. Yes, sir. I was gonna ask you about you know, these drugs? Do they? Do they help you in time to forget the, you know, except the grief? Or do they actually delay? So Majan taking the drug, and then you forget about it? And then once you're, you know, the drugs effects are over, you come back to reality? Are you now back to square one? Or has

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that improved you at all in any way? I haven't seen any studies that will To be honest that, but the thing is taking drugs has its own problems. I mean, like hallucinate, let's say from a secular perspective. So you say your parents die, and you take some mushrooms just to forget about the pain for the sake of argument or some some cocaine or some, some some something like Canada.

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Now, some could argue that the processing that needs to take place, in your mind for you to make sense of what's happened hasn't taken place so that you will be delayed. That's hypothetical. I haven't seen any studies that can prove I've just said, you can argue that, but I haven't seen any studies. It's gonna be very critical. We can't make the argument without looking at the studies. But you can imagine that be the case. All right. One more thing, sorry. One more thing, that is the assumption of psychoanalysis, by the way, because remember, they have the talking cure. So their idea is, in order for you to get over a tragedy, you have to and they will prescribe for you write

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it down, make sense of it, just write it down somewhere. So you have to process it, you have to speak as the assumption. But like I said, is it a justifiable assumption or not? I don't know the accent. Yeah. I was gonna say when you said Amb. I was thinking the people on the Gaza, like if it was an atheist city, how do they dealt with it? And when they're Muslim, like, how are they dealing with it right now? It's very different.

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Absolutely. And we can't compare Ukraine because Ukraine is in parts, at least deeply religious itself in the Christian tradition. So

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maybe you can compare but the thing is, we'll never have the same data because like if you compared Stalin's Soviet Union, for example, I mean, a lot of them were religious as well. So it's difficult because who are the atheists? Where are the atheist cities? Maybe in some of the Scandinavian region, but we already know that if you look at that, I mean, I've done this public social experiment in Norway. And all of these people are asked

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A simple question. I said, Why are you like, why is depression such a thing? Statistically, suicide is very high in those countries. And they said, because we don't have Is it because of meaning? Yes. Because we don't have meaning in life and so on.

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In those situations, there won't be many atheists anyway. Okay. Well, they can I mean, I'm gonna say they're killing themselves in those areas where atheism is on is higher. I mean, there is a correlation and causation with

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again, yeah, and Japan is another one, by the way. So you gotta ask yourself, to what extent is it likely to be a coincidence that the most religious places are also the most statistically depressed? And was suicide is the highest? Yes. So if suicide is the highest in normal non war situations, imagine the war situations, it would likely be accentuated, one could argue, but I'm being very careful, careful my wording, because, once again, it could be a fallacy to say correlation and causation. So you're saying the reason why Muslims have a much better chances, because firstly, we have a why a second, you can think of an optimistic way. Like, for example, he gives me that like,

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it's a test. It's good deeds. That's the assumption of logotherapy. And stuff, like we spoke about before, like Viktor Frankl. And that is, what many of the people would say, like, you have to have a lot to use a term because this guy's maps of meaning. I mean, this is one of the one of the one of the books that the guy wrote, When I spoke to him about it. He's he actually agreed. He said, Look, as I said, when you worship one God, sure, I'm not sure. Remember, he says, Well, this because your focus is multiplicities. And if you had one focus, you're more likely to if you remember that, so even he had to admit. Anyways, move on.

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So another thing is, interestingly, there's different types of grief. So there's anti anticipatory grief, abbreviated grief, delayed grief. By the way, this one's very interesting. And I was talking to Ellie about this some time, if you remember, we were talking about in the relationship context, because there was a study that was done by Bristol University, I think was Bristol up, I'll double check. It's the study on their post relationship, grief, post relationship, like when a relationship and and one of the interesting findings of that study was that when men and women like breakup in a relationship and stuff like that, that the

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men are more likely to have delayed grief or that their grief takes a longer time to expunge out of the system, women actually recover quicker from the situation do you want to add to that?

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Even before like normal people doing haram relationships or issues that matter, it's even the mean, the fact that you have a picture, you have a picture of a man, first date, first week, two weeks of breakup is swats Happy is the club, you know, and then you see the woman crying, and then reverse the verses were on the wrong, this can be touchy because you know, women tend to express the crime more often. It's interesting to talk to each other more amongst you that will do that it will give credence to the whole like cat talking thing, isn't it? Of course they talk well, they're not to talk more than I suppose that is a possible explanation. Talking, it's possible to talk to somebody

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and express your racket sometimes amongst friends like me, you were going to sign up personal, etc. The fact that I can talk to you, it's it me helps me over. Let's be honest, it speaks a little bit more than

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I remember a couple of times when you came and cried on my shoulder, it was

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nice. It's good because even amongst brothers Close Brothers to talk, I mean, did you go through something similar? I think this even in war zones, for example. Sometimes we look at them and be like, it's the resilience they have. But I think it's a psychological thing. Because it's like, if you know you've lost a child, you know, your neighbors was the child and another neighbor lost a child. You're grieving together, you're strung together, it has a psychological effect. If I'm going through something, that's why when most people go through depression, you call it trauma, trauma bonding here. So some people call for depression, and somebody comes and goes, Oh, I've been through

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that. Or really, like, they get excited because they love to you go through the same thing. Because you feel lonely. You think it's just me. I'm the only one that's going through this. So yeah, there is studies that show that men tend to suffer and that's what you see you go to most of these homeless men and ask them why they on the streets. Most of them say it's next to a woman. That's misogynistic to say, yeah, there's

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no, there's more than I've mentioned already. So anticipatory grief, abbreviated with delayed grief. That's why we had this discussion. And then you got inhibited grief,

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cumulative grief and collective grief. And that's another thing you mentioned. So when people grieve, grieve together, like what's happening now like, people are grieving together, it's become like a mourning. They're mourning culture like a bereavement coach. I don't know how to explain it, but they also and it's interesting what they do celebrate because they consider this as a positive framing. You consider them to be martyrs and stuff as well.

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00:29:42 --> 00:29:55

rebutted collective, and it's on the it's on the slide. Oh, is it? Yeah. Sounds like so. The death of Khadija was also my so this was one of the most painful, painful like

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times that the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem and

00:30:00 --> 00:30:22

It's interesting because he like we have more narrations about the fact that he was affected by his wife's death than some of his own children's death. Now, that might sound very odd to a lot of you and for that, okay? Does that mean that he loved her more than is not necessarily it's just that the more you know someone, the longer you've known them and the more that you forge a connection with them, it can sometimes be the case that it can leave

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you know, a more lasting impact on you. And

00:30:28 --> 00:30:33

actually is connected is connected to a must be, I think, my definition of love.

00:30:35 --> 00:30:47

I have formulated a definition of love is very difficult to formulate definitions of emotions by formulated and I think is inextricably connected with grief. My definition of love is that

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the fear of its loss creates anxiety, and its actual loss creates grief. Now, that's not really telling you what it is, but it's telling you what is effective. Love is effectively if you if you fear to lose it, you'll have anxiety and if you actually lose it, you'll get grief, whoever it may be, or whatever it is, grief and love are two sides of the same coin. That's why it's very dangerous business being in love. Because if you get in love, and you lose that,

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then you actually get heartbroken. But that's why the Prophet Solomon Hadith which is not known to many people, referred to children.

00:31:25 --> 00:32:01

As a you know, Medina, Medina, he like a few made them, it has a few adjectives that he used. He said, If you have children, they make you affected, there are entities that make you cowardly. That makes you stingy. That makes you why because the thing is, if you have the more children you have, the more protective you become the more risk taker This is usually the trend that happens the less risk taking you become because you said whoa, children why this person will buy that person I have to do this, I have to provide for this one, I have to do this. So sometimes having a lot of people that you love

00:32:03 --> 00:32:18

is a double edge is actually a double edged sword because that's more probabilistically a high chance that these people will be taken away from you and therefore high chance that you'll feel grief. So love has the taxation and that taxation is if you lose, lose the person you love, then you fall into grief.

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00:32:22 --> 00:32:25

definition to material things as well I guess money

00:32:26 --> 00:32:47

fair to lose your wealth, anxiety, losing grief. There's a verse in the Quran. So Toba, very important verse about about love and about what is the healthy relationship we should have with all those things? It goes this it goes like this pull in Canada OCO webinar comm where when or

00:32:48 --> 00:32:56

why she writes what as well as you can wash your article Yeah, what I'm why Luna Qatar off to Maha were to Jonathan Tasha and like I said, that

00:32:58 --> 00:33:00

was my second Tadasana

00:33:01 --> 00:33:10

habotai Local, mean Allah He was really he when he had in feasibility for Tara Basu, festival, Fayette de la hoobie Andre.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:14

Now there's a very powerful verse and now quickly explain.

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Allah said, if your sons and your your father's and your sons

00:33:22 --> 00:33:34

and your brothers and your wives and your extended families, and um, well, only Katara after moi and profits which you accumulate, where T Jonathan Dashana can sell

00:33:35 --> 00:33:52

and trade, which is very powerful, how Allah opposes trade, which you fear will depreciate, you're fearing that this trade is going to go down, your profits are going to be reduced. And our context, maybe your views are going to be reduced, you're afraid of that you're afraid of maybe your relevance is going to be reduced to wherever maybe

00:33:53 --> 00:34:33

well, my second or Dona, and houses which she loves so much a habit electron is more beloved to you, than Allah and His messenger and Jihad feasability struggling in his sake, then wait, and then Allah will deal with you, effectively. Now, what is it saying is very the key word is have ballyconnell that it's more beloved to you. It's not saying it's, it shouldn't be beloved, very interesting. And obviously, he mentioned in his Kitab of hub of love. He said, actually loving money, to some extent, is good. Because if you don't, you won't value protection. If you don't love money at all, and you become completely hippy about it. And obviously this is not his words. But if you're if you're like

00:34:33 --> 00:34:59

that you will not be an effective protector, you will not be able to survive effectively, you will not have good survival skills. So having some level of connection to money, having some good level of connection to business, to your your family is natural, as we've mentioned, is something is fine. So long as in your mind, your spiritual prioritization, it's not on the top of the list, and if it is, you're going to be in trouble because you're going to be as the Prophet said, scared

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act, you're going to be very stingy person, you're not gonna be a risk taker. It's gonna make you weak.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:13

These things make you weak. The rich people that love their wealth are the weakest people on the planet planet.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:22

Well, what's the evidence for that, put them in a prison cell and see what happens. They will get shocked the most. I mean, let's go back to person A and person B.

00:35:23 --> 00:35:27

Person A lives, the lives in a very shabby environment,

00:35:28 --> 00:35:47

lives in the slums lives in the so called in the Global South. Yeah, lives in a shanty town lives in a zinc house lives whatever. Yeah, person believes in dimension. person A and person B get done for the same crime. Now they have to spend five days in solitary confinement, which one is likely to break more quicker.

00:35:48 --> 00:36:07

The rich guy because he's surrounded with things which stimulate him which scaffold his life which helps him out. That's why it's so hard. The idea of asset Islamic asceticism of the like this connecting yourself with dunya is one of those spiritual aspects which we don't maybe speak about enough.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:21

That's what Ramadan tries to do for you. That's what Psalm and fasting trusted if you disconnection from food, disconnection from *, disconnection from drink, halwa go into a place, a attic, F

00:36:23 --> 00:36:33

slothful cam, with all these things are meant to allow you to be able to survive alone, their survival mechanisms, they strengthen you as a person.

00:36:35 --> 00:37:04

Anyway, that's about love. And so he loved her clearly. And, and that's why a lot of the things that we have, in terms of by way of narrations indicate to us how much he loved her. Like he would get angry, angry effectively without a show if she tried to say anything about let's be honest, that's that's the reaction of the Prophet he would he wouldn't accept. He wouldn't accept it. Like that time when she said that, why are you speaking about this old woman? You know, and Allah has replaced you with something better? It's not Allah hasn't.

00:37:05 --> 00:37:17

He didn't try and appease her emotions here at all. By the way, she was not like your two wives. And if you said this, it was he would get score points with the first wife or the second. He just said this just to let her know that actually, objectively,

00:37:18 --> 00:37:44

your your placement is not as high as her placement objectively, according to Sharia. Was this actually a proof of profit? Because most men wouldn't want to start a fight? For no reason. There's no muscle as No dude, you're a Muslim? Are you gonna start fight at home? This woman is no longer part of your life. She's not going to hear what you're saying. The fact that he's saying that is he seeing it because Allah has given this woman DJ a certain level, and that she has not reached that level. That's why it's

00:37:45 --> 00:38:09

exactly there's a hadith in Behati, where Allah sent salam to khalifa more powerful Hadith about that is that when the Prophet said this for woman whose Eman has been mocked, Tamil is complete. And one of them is have either been toilet actually is not one of those falling. Fatima was ser was a Marian was these are the former mentioned that hadith. So objectively in Islam, the most number one woman is Maryam.

00:38:10 --> 00:38:21

And the other three we don't know the ranking. But certainly these are the top four women in human history in terms of piety. And actually it wasn't one of them. But she was, Surely she was one of the top ones but not top four.

00:38:22 --> 00:38:29

And the salam had no qualms telling her about that. Even despite how much she loved her. We had no qualms.

00:38:30 --> 00:38:41

And that would have hurt her feelings, no doubt about it. But he didn't compromise the religion for the feelings of action. And this is the Hadith that you just mentioned about the if you want to see the whole thing.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:49

When Jabril he sent Salam, she's the best one, one of one of the best one of all time, we have to look at what kind of woman she was.

00:38:50 --> 00:38:53

People will cite the fact that she was a businesswoman.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:11

And that's not the reason what makes her the greatest. But it doesn't mean it's not it's completely irrelevant. I mean, the fact that she's on businesses is an interesting part of her life, and we're not gonna disregard it fine. She got other people to do it for her. You know, that doesn't mean that women can't do business. Some people take this to two extremes. So like, you know,

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stay at home and don't do any business. Now a woman can do business if she wants his Hallford to make business, just like his house for the man to make business. It's no problem to do business. No issues, but it's not what made her the greatest.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:34

You know what I mean? From our perspective, what made her the greatest was how piety I support her. Does Deke, the fact that she believed that she understood sincerity and she implemented it at the highest possible level.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:59

That's what met she was very comforting to the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem, and she understood virtue. Like when she came back, she told him Look, Allah wouldn't lay off physical evidence, he would not forsake you. And then she mentioned four different qualities of the prophets Allah. She knew what virtue was, and she was living on it. Don't forget she married the process Allah because she sees she saw in him virtue. She didn't marry him on the basis

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

They had money or they had status hypergamy Wait, like it was one hypergamy

00:40:07 --> 00:40:15

thesis, which says that you know, you married a guy that is status and evolutionary biology and this and that and she wasn't think about all that.

00:40:17 --> 00:40:34

She wasn't she was, if you look at her accounts or why she made her first time she married him because he was impeccably virtuous in his character and the way he was standing, simple as that. That's what she wanted to be associated with. It's like a great fragrance, you just want to be around you marry him go, he's got big money is gonna it's gonna take my business to the next level,

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and things like that.

00:40:37 --> 00:40:40

In fact, the greatest proof of that is that she actually spent on the mission of the peninsula.

00:40:42 --> 00:40:43

So she was a great woman.

00:40:45 --> 00:40:52

Really, and that is the model of how any Muslim woman if she wants to be great, to also be great.

00:40:53 --> 00:40:54

Then we have

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the incident of PIF and to Allah He, if there's one incident that shows the magnanimous nature.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:13

And magnanimity is one of the virtues of virtue ethics as well, we talked about that. And what is magnanimity is basically when you're forgiving, especially when you've been attacked.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:18

Then this is the certainly this is

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one of the best examples you can use.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:48

Now, I went through and started to look at the Hadith and different Hadees of tight if some of them are actually weak, I was surprised to find some of them are actually weak for example, you know, the, the Convert story. This is the my best Yeah. That was a weak Hadith. I was quite surprised to find that that was because, and in fact, I was more surprised when I found because, you know, he was mentioned as hobby in some of the books of companions. But then is there any narration which is authentic, which

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tells us that he converted and that this whole story happened with him and him and the Prophet? Not that I found, but there may be some difference of opinion among the scholars. But

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so is the story. Well, basically the process Um, first and foremost, he went to a dive. And now what we know for a fact that was authentically been narrated in Buhari is that this was the hardest day of the process of his life, or one of the hardest days of his life, because he was going out and effectively doing dower to the major tribes. And he's trying to get them to convert to Islam and to support the mission of Islam. But it probably took him about two to three days to go. In terms of the Civil Rights at least they mentioned that he went on foot, so that people don't notice what he's trying to do, etc. So he walked, they say he walked a dive. And it's a very mountainous region, very

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beautiful region as shrubbery and greenery.

00:42:40 --> 00:42:41

A place which is

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a tourist resort now, if you go if you go nowadays to Saudi Arabia, they've made it into it doesn't look like it doesn't look like it doesn't look like it, you know, the the desert climate and stuff like that.

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And so he went there to try and seek to get people to convert to Islam. And effectively what happened was, they rejected him and they did so fiercely. Now, there are different durations as to exactly what happened. But it was a fierce rejection. It was a fear of rejection. Some narration say that they threw stones at him, they hurt him, they held abuse at him, Salah Salem, and the way he responded to that was not to be belligerent not to swear not to shout not to be most of us, if something that accidentally happened to us, we'd be very, I would be very belligerent someone, Annie, I'm going to Dow and I don't know, like some one of those Grimsby, whoever used to live

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before and some guys sort of FarStone sounds like me and stuff. I'll say this, you know, let's fight back, let's do this. That wasn't the way that dealt with the matter.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:41

He didn't deal with it like that. He dealt with it in a very, very diplomatic and civilized way.

00:43:42 --> 00:44:05

And Hadith, which is actually narrated, authentically was that the angels of the mountains because as we said, it's a very mountainous region, said that Allah can flatten them out, by destroying by basically dropping the mountains of Democrat in some kind of an avalanche or something like that. And the process I made, do, I made the statement that maybe from their loins will come up people who will worship Allah.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:47

And this, this itself shows the magnanimous nature of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, that he wasn't showing that belligerence in that narcissism and that nasty behavior, shouting and screaming, how could you do this to me and you not know who I am and what most of us would do? Unfortunately, while at least what some of us would do, he simply was very diplomatic about it. This is fine. What happened with me, but then the Hadith I was talking about, apparently, he met and this guy called that desk, who he spoke to about, I think he mentioned Uranus. And then he said, How did you know about Uranus and no one knows how is from northern Iraq? Yes. Is it really other than an

00:44:47 --> 00:44:48

idea DESA

00:44:49 --> 00:45:00

so yeah, after that, apparently converted now the thing is that narration is not authentic. It doesn't mean it's not true. But the only reason why it would be important for that is because

00:45:00 --> 00:45:28

If we're going to affirm these as a hobby because it remembers the hobbies, man lucky interviewer or kind of Muslim and what anesthetic or whatever they say that COVID met the Prophet and was a Muslim and died upon that. That's the classic definition was hobbies. If it is not authentic, then we cannot affirm that he was definitely as 100 of the story. There was a well, what Susana was leaving and then there was the guy that followed them any profit and promise Kisara to him. The Persian Yeah, so authentic? Yes.

00:45:34 --> 00:45:34

It wasn't

00:45:37 --> 00:45:41

that he was traveling, he said yes, or no balconies or LaVista. See Warwick.

00:45:42 --> 00:45:46

And then his feet sunk into this, the use of the camera

00:45:49 --> 00:45:49

went through the roof.

00:45:50 --> 00:45:53

Because they cook exactly what

00:45:54 --> 00:45:56

it was a prophecy. That's correct.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:03

So I was gonna say, moving on.

00:46:05 --> 00:46:19

I want to just spend actually some time because I was being cognizant of that. So what we want to do is I want to just focus on something all right, a lot of the reason there's a verse that came in Quran basically, lowland Lucilla had the Quran.

00:46:20 --> 00:47:01

Allah, Allah Julie, mineral Korea, teeny Alvim. Okay, this is actually in relation to the five sort of sort of set forth through the Quran. Allah says, Why was the Quran they said, and he was narrating what they said, This is why it was this Quran not sent down to one of the two, or to a man from one of the two great cities. And one of the cities was PIF. Because it was like, it was a cosmopolitan area. They had people from the highest echelons of socio economic background, there are people that were respected and considered to be, you know, high class elite individuals and so on. So, I want you to look at, I'll tell you exactly the verses, in fact.

00:47:05 --> 00:47:05

Oh, yes,

00:47:07 --> 00:47:13

we've already spoken about him, I want you to look at the following verses from chapter 43,

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21, until verse 33. And then I want you to take some like notes and stuff, using that bar with the person next to you on those particular verses. And I want you to flesh this think about what the Quran is trying to communicate to us in these verses and think as a hint about what we spoke about at the very beginning of this session, where we spoke about the fact that

00:47:39 --> 00:47:53

socio economic class heritage, lineage culture, it's not my thing, all that kind of stuff. And what are the psychological elements that play these are obstacles to conversion? So by reading this, these verses,

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try and summarize what would be some of the obstacles, psychological obstacles to conversion, and then what the Quran proposes as a remedy in the same verses, okay, so go ahead, I'll give you 10 minutes or something to do that, and then we'll come back. So let's have some

00:48:11 --> 00:48:13

feedback and start with

00:48:14 --> 00:48:17

who wants to start actually may open up who wants to start wrapping up?

00:48:20 --> 00:48:37

I was just gonna say this is sort of in line with our culture. They're very tribal, and they're very sort of, you know, like my family oriented. So it made sense that they rejected him just because they thought of themselves as something like a better city a better tribe.

00:48:39 --> 00:48:43

It's in line with our culture. Yeah, sure. Go.

00:48:44 --> 00:49:28

It's human nature. So tell me what what versus you're referring to here? We're referring to Surah as zoo growth is just 21 to 40 to 44. Okay, fine. Looking at these diets, and it just, from what we're reading, it talks about how people are reluctant to change the ways of their forefathers what they used to, and as I've mentioned, just tribalistic kind of patterns. The comment I wanted to make is that this seems in line with human nature as you mentioned earlier, and one of the people who did interviews with his main reason as to not converting as you may know who did everything else was because it's it's he's following his his forefathers his society he he is trying to embody this,

00:49:29 --> 00:49:38

that that the culture of this land for example, so it seems to be aligned with human nature. This is something which Prophet Ibrahim seem to state here

00:49:40 --> 00:49:44

dealt with producing allow us Ibrahim as an example. Because

00:49:46 --> 00:49:59

Because he left his family, his father everything and he just migrated on the way of Allah. It's also because Allah has mentioned law of like, they follow the forefathers of forefathers and forth our fathers. And then a Brahma salaam actually is

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and is a fine example of not following your father. Because it's like, because he's like, No, you know, my father was that and then he respectfully challenges his father, not just the father, but what else can we do to help me?

00:50:15 --> 00:50:48

That's what they said that might actually save today's that what they saw from Homicide, some at that moment this week. It's not a strong person, and they're more luxurious. Why would the strong people believe in the person is weak, and some people in the West, your Arab Muslim countries or the short body Believe in your religion? Look us the civilized West, we don't have to believe in this modern day. That is the argument of Jordan Peterson. When I spoke to him, and that seemed to be his main, especially the first time it was like, Well, why is it that your countries are not doing as good? You know that so money makes truth. Apparently, it's a non sequitur, but it's actually it's,

00:50:48 --> 00:50:56

it's ingrained as part of the human nature, like if you see a loser, if you're a loser, financially, militarily, wherever do you think of why should I be why should I join the losing team?

00:50:58 --> 00:51:02

That's true, then we will true 4000 years plus, looking after us. That's

00:51:04 --> 00:51:20

a great argument. Anything else? Essentially, it's human nature, you're always gonna have people who, no matter if they see gold, or if they see whatever, they're not going to engage with that because of habits which are so ingrained that they're unable to change. So in a general sense, how does the Quran deal with

00:51:21 --> 00:51:24

I mean, if you think about how this sort of started Yeah,

00:51:26 --> 00:51:27

Allah says that

00:51:30 --> 00:51:48

kind of ushered them in home poor or mother sooner to hourly right. That basically there was this people will come out sell lemonade being filled out well, in how many how many prophecies we sent a full time. Oh, my, I've sent them in, they've been like, cannot be here soon. We've never sent

00:51:50 --> 00:52:35

I profit except that they used to mock him. And I said something. So I'm gonna approach this in a little bit of a different way from the, from the sources that you read previously in the video, like a surah Toba when Allah says, if your sons, your fathers, and when you know when they accumulate, and trade which you fear depreciates. And houses you love, so much is more beloved than Allah to you, then fear Allah, etc, etc. And then we said, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't love money, for example, but it shouldn't be as your priority list. Because loving money too much makes you stingy and weak, and losing it will destroy you. So if we use that same concept here, they love

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their forefathers more than anything, just the way people love Allah. And this makes them weak, because they, no matter what happens to them, they don't want to lose it. So we can actually use that surah and say, You know what applies to this as well. You shouldn't love anything too much, because it makes you dilute it. That's a good point. But the point I was about to make, and this is a very good point that you just made that I do like is that the next verse after Allah says, he says, All these prophets, and this has gone a bit forward, right? For a fair lack Nash had them in home Cova or Mudassar nets, Allah willing, that we destroyed, the ones who were strong. So in other

00:53:13 --> 00:53:46

words, if if strength is what makes you think relative strength is what makes you think that truth is on your side, well, people before you who are even stronger than you, and this is something which keeps coming up Quran like it's a very oft repeated statement, people before you, who are much stronger than you have been destroyed. Now, how would we put this in our context? Going back to Jordan Peterson or someone else's? Look, our civilization is the best civilization effectively not putting in that caricature what wanting to say, Well, if you guys were right, why your economies like this, or why is your military like this? Those ministers are not that not that bad, actually.

00:53:47 --> 00:54:27

But the answer would be number one. First of all, there's an assumption here that truth and money, truth, and socioeconomic status are somehow linked. There's this assumption, which is a false assumption. The second thing is, let's look at the United States of America as a superpower. As a superpower. How long has it been around by itself? 30 years, 32 years about it's my age. Like, really? When did the Berlin wall fall down at about maybe two, three years at night, say five years ago, something like that. Before that was a bipolar system, meaning that it was two major superpowers from 945 to 989, for example, so about 35 years, you've had a sole superpower in the

00:54:27 --> 00:54:56

world, which is America. But how long has the Roman Empire been around for 1000s of years? You've got one of the youngest superpowers in world history, which is the American superpower. And already we're talking about the decline of the American empire. This is the shortest lived empire in human history. And already was looking at China and Russia as overtaking them. They've got one of the ready if they lose their championship a superpower they'll have one of the shortest rains ever won title defense.

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

They'll be you know, if you put it a compare them with the Persians

00:55:00 --> 00:55:32

I mean, just compare them with the Persians. There's no comparison. How long have they had the championship war? As a superpower? One of the great suppose 10s of 1000s, if not 10s of 1000s, but at least two 3000 years, for a very long time, right? It was the Islamic empire that destroyed both having absorbed and conquered them. I mean, that's number one. And then how long? How many empires did you have that were slumming? Okay, and we won't go into that. But the point is, if this is the barometer, then the Western civilization is not doing that well, right. Now, let's be honest.

00:55:33 --> 00:55:38

The second thing is, so if you want to be reminded of that, go to a museum, I'll say, go to a museum.

00:55:40 --> 00:55:53

Just go to a museum. Look at the Romans look at when you're studying when you're a child studying history in school, and you're studying the Romans or the Persians, or the Great British Empire, one of the greatest empires of world history, in terms of how much of the world they have actually overtook.

00:55:54 --> 00:56:09

It took great power and prowess to do that, actually. I mean, putting all the racism and all that stuff to the side, and the oppression. But the fact that they could rule over so much of the world, the British Empire actually was more impressive than the American empire. If we really think about it.

00:56:10 --> 00:56:48

It's more impressive. They've got a longer title rain. I mean, if we're talking about from what the 17th century or something up until that maybe the 19th or 20th century, bro, they've been, they've had a stronger rain than the Americans. So even other European nations had stronger Asia. So the point is, is that this sometimes it makes people think, why should patriotism, nationalism? Why should I go on the losing team? The verses that I wanted you to look at and think about is actually the fact that Allah He responds by saying that they were saying, Okay, well, parents aren't this, these manage these these ways of thinking? Allah says,

00:56:50 --> 00:57:01

Carla, I want to come be there. Yeah. Mila tamale Eboracum Yeah. So what if you are you are given something which is

00:57:03 --> 00:57:21

which is more in guidance than what your parents had been given? Now? The Quran makes a series of challenges. Now, a lot of you guys know what the challenges are. Some of the challenges are in the mutability, challenges, effects will be similar to mystery whether shadow come into the light and can have side effects. For example, bring a surah like it can even attract GBT try and produce

00:57:23 --> 00:57:31

what would seem to be a communication from God to man and they will not be able to whatever GPT times 100 will not be able to be in the Quran.

00:57:32 --> 00:57:35

You see. So that's number one. Number two is

00:57:38 --> 00:58:00

find the contradiction inside of it. Number three is and you know these ones, right. But this one is actually one of them, which we don't think about. And this is not the only time in the Quran where this has mentioned, which is basically I will object to can be Adam in widget Tamala he Abaco Carlo in Dima, also to be careful on Pentacam Nominum. Frontal Kapha can attribute to MongoDB.

00:58:01 --> 00:58:15

So basically saying this is saying that there is number one, truth should be more important to you, if you're sincere truth should be more important than lineage or heritage, that should be more important. Number two.

00:58:16 --> 00:58:57

Number two, there's a challenge, which is bring something which is more in guidance than what we have. So the question now would be, how do we assess what is more than guidance? And what is less than guidance? So we can really only assess that on two fronts, which we've been speaking about this whole time. Number one was intrinsically from an intuitive Fitri perspective, more virtuous, as we mentioned before, how did you could recognize it. Number two through consequences. So let's say for example, we have a system which preserves families we have a system which preserves marriages, we have a system which preserves this which preserves that which has a complex military system, is the

00:58:57 --> 00:59:03

cleverest political and social system that you can imagine, is the cleverest institutional system, which we call Islam.

00:59:05 --> 00:59:34

When the Mongols as an empire was destroyed, I mean, yes, they have a rich culture and all that stuff, but it's not comparable with any of the Islamic empires. Why? Because they had more than maybe focus on the military things, rather than the social and political thing. There's nothing like the Islamic empire. That's why it's relevant. That's what we're talking about today. That's why everyone's talking about it. Even if you don't like Islam, you're forced to talk about it. The greatest enemies of Islam are the greatest proof of Islam, because they show that Islam is relevant, and it forces them to speak about it.

00:59:36 --> 00:59:48

So the fact that we have a guidance which everybody in the world has to speak about, and have an opinion about and write books about and grapple with that itself, why is it not doing that with Sikhism?

00:59:49 --> 00:59:55

Towards the saying, sorry to say, Yeah, let's talk about Guru Nanak. And this one that any married just don't care about.

00:59:56 --> 00:59:59

So why even Christianity now has become irrelevant. No one cares, okay, you know,

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

Islam because it's as a comprehensive system, everyone is forced to speak about it.

01:00:06 --> 01:00:38

Everyone else just like liberalized Islam is only last one they are trying to maintain well there and that's beautiful because actually Islam when Allah says the Quran in their land on Zillow, they grow in the level of half you don't we have certainly sent down the vicar, the remembrance, and we will certainly preserve it. When Allah says that, though, it's not just the Quran that's preserved. It's Islam itself that's preserved. And you know, what preserves it the people of Islam? Like the fact that we pray five times a day, and we do so every across the world, and that all that stuff is the ultimate proof and is the most preservation that you'll ever find of any religion anywhere ever.

01:00:39 --> 01:00:50

Which is powerful, bro. So the guidance is an encroaching guidance. And if surely, surely, surely, if someone had a better system, they would have shown it to us why that has been 1400 years.

01:00:51 --> 01:00:54

Everyone's come and gone. Nothing else is irrelevant, no more

01:00:55 --> 01:01:14

relevance. Imagine if I say look, I'm a YouTuber, like Aladar million dollar YouTubers. And so we've look, we're going to remain relevant in a way that no one else can remain relevant ever. And we're going to produce, we're going to have suggestions for the people how they live their lives in a way that will be followed and no one's gonna

01:01:16 --> 01:01:42

touch us. We're going to be number one, not only the most views, but people are gonna memorize our videos. Word for word. Like this video, someone's gonna I'm not just gonna get a million 100 million views, but billion views, but it's going to be memorized. Like what I said now, with all the mistakes and all those kinds of things and asking you the questions, everything's gonna be memorized. What for what, how I said, everything, copy. And not only that, everything I said people are going to implement it across the world. I would

01:01:43 --> 01:02:04

imagine there's nobody that can achieve this feat. Yet, what I'm saying to you is, the challenge is to open create a system of governance, which is which can be as relevant as Islam, which can be as powerful as encroaching on all spheres. This is quantifiable. Now there's parameters we can assess this.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:17

We can assess this. The Quran is the most memorized book, it's the most followed book it is there's no Bible in the world is memorized. Like the way the Quran has memorized. No chance. Follow?

01:02:19 --> 01:02:24

I was just curious. Yeah. You know, Allah says, Have you seen the one who takes his on desires on Allah?

01:02:25 --> 01:03:00

Yes about it. Do people actually be believing Christianity and idol worship and Sikhism and Hinduism and Judaism? And whatever following the forefather religion isn't this all boils down to even look at Bliss? It's they are worshiping the desires Christianity is just an excuse. So you go to a Christian person and say, Look, this is the truth of Islam. And is that no, I'm rejecting it? Why? Because I don't know. And he's basically in a nutshell, it's not that Jesus is God. And he knows it doesn't make sense. He's just basically saying no, this is my excuse. And do you not think your boils down to the sense of they are worshipping their own desires? Because when you bring evidence

01:03:00 --> 01:03:12

towards them, one will say no, I follow my forefathers other one says no Christianity, the other one says Sikhism, but in reality, if you've been the truth, and this is the truth, very interesting. Would you not connected because I've got a cousin. He's like,

01:03:14 --> 01:03:56

he's Allawi, but like, I tell him and he's very, like, he's very afraid of all notice. That this one says that my No, my mom, my father, this is from our he says the same things. And I'm like, this is this is gonna do not accept that. So the ultimate counter argument is do you care more about association or truth? Simple as that? It's a matter of self worship is your desire of my father, because do you know what the beautiful thing about truth as a concept is? Only the sincere will follow it? It's that's it. Allah you know, if you think about one thing, Allah and Islam it is as a whole, right? It, it puts a great emphasis on this concept called test the state is the idea of

01:03:56 --> 01:04:17

accepting something. That's why it was called a walk acidic. So it has the idea of being accepting something as accepting anything. No, it's accepting the truth. The ultimate barometer, which will indicate to us as a whole who good people are and bad people are better than any other barometer.

01:04:18 --> 01:04:28

Is their susceptibility to accepting the truth. That's why you mentioned the worst kind of arrogance is arrogance relating to not accepting the truth

01:04:30 --> 01:05:00

it's not accepting it because like I mean from reading it even if we brought you better guidance than what you found your forefathers practicing. They said we totally reject whatever you have been sent. So their argument is usually to the messenger not the message. Like they're not even entertaining the One God very, very, very interesting. You as a person we reject or still to be I mean, you guys have been Yeah, it's true. But it's it is a reference to the messengers. Yeah, especially

01:05:00 --> 01:05:30

In the West, they sort of have this negative image of the messenger. And so that's why they don't want to delve deeper into the message. But it's interesting for Muslims, both the messenger and the message, we find, you know, convincing, or complete. Beautiful with that. Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, no, please, please apologize to the viewers for this extra two minutes. They should be should be thanking you. I'm sure they got some great comments now go ahead. Is is to double. It's not

01:05:32 --> 01:05:33

one of the things that

01:05:34 --> 01:05:39

jumping forward a bit in the CLI about the incident with hudec with Huracan. And Abu Sufyan.

01:05:40 --> 01:06:03

One of the things he asked him about the process and his followers was that are they from the rich or the poor. So then when drivers for us come from the poor, and the first eye on the top of the second page, he just talks about mentions that in our kind of motto, in order now by not only not having that, it was the rich who came out and said that, you know, we found our powerful fathers doing one particular thing. Yeah, we're following them, right. And

01:06:04 --> 01:06:40

there's at least an implication there that there's a connection between this type of our forefathers type arrogance, and the attachment that these people have to the world. And then I was pointed out I mentioned the companies you mentioned about you know, the forefathers forefathers destroyed with my money slammed in the last I on that page is about, you know, what, la accordionists Wilmington, why Regina Neiman Yakubu Rama and the beauty of InfoBar. That if it wasn't for the fact that human beings basically out of this stupidity, would all unite upon disbelief, we would have given those who disbelieved in the Most Merciful that our houses would have,

01:06:41 --> 01:06:48

like, like Rudolf silver, and they would have gotten all these kinds of things. So these people who

01:06:49 --> 01:07:11

have this kind of arrogance that our forefathers weren't like this, they have this improper attachment to the world, and the dust of it and the things that has to offer its money and the like. And the, I guess, the joining of these two kind of evil traits, one is love of the wild and this other kind of forefathers type arrogance, they come together, and they produce this

01:07:12 --> 01:07:41

really quite irrational rejection of the truth. And so the engagement with such individuals I think, has to take seriously that, at least from a psychological standpoint, it's not always necessarily a rejection of the truth. arguments, as you mentioned, people like that people make against Islam today very rarely deal with the truth claims of his very, very rarely deal with the truth claims of Islam. I cannot even some of the books I'm looking at behind us here that are like on the shelves. They're not really about this thing that Islam says is false, they cannot be one God, they cannot be.

01:07:42 --> 01:08:14

I don't think I've ever actually heard anyone say that they cannot be one God. Maybe an atheist, but I thought, you know, an argument for it like, this is why they cannot be one God. I don't think I've ever heard that. But I've heard a lot of things about our, you know, Muslim countries are like this, and this and that, and the like, and people just really don't want to give up the luxuries of the world. Especially dt. So I think that's what it is, bro. I think really, that's what it is. And it's not even that much luxury. And we get all the pleasures anyway. I mean, let's be honest, everything as much as we need. And by the way, one thing I want to say is that, you know, when you're

01:08:14 --> 01:08:26

overindulgent. You know, it has exactly the counterproductive effect. So for example, if one does live this kind of semi hedonistic lifestyle, the western lifestyle and the liberal lifestyle and so on.

01:08:27 --> 01:08:39

It's it has the opposite effect, because you're not enjoying it actually diminishes your pleasure. For example, like if I had a, you know, Donut and Krispy Kreme. Fantastic don't hopefully, it's a horrible donor

01:08:45 --> 01:09:10

I thought it was in good season. Okay, that game is horrible. It's cholesterol. Is cholesterol. This and that. Sugar teeth. Forget these things, man. But let's just say I had a donut of some sorts. Yes. And this donut, let's say I ate what I want right now. How am I gonna feel pretty? Pretty good. It's gonna say shape me he's gonna make me feel good. How about a another one now? Is it going to feel as good as this first one? Never. No chance. What about the third one?

01:09:13 --> 01:09:13

All right.

01:09:15 --> 01:09:51

By the 10th one that's not what I ate four nights. That's it like what am I doing? Right? Yeah, feel sick. Do it every day you get sick of it. Exactly. If you do every day. That's why I'm saying like, you know if restriction is a prerequisite for pleasure, Islam introduces restriction, loyal gays, you're going to have a fantastic time. When you're at nighttime. Do this is no honestly it gives you actual pleasure, bro. It gives you pleasure. You don't restrict yourself from food drink. Even the Prophet told us when it comes to eating in Ramadan is one of the greatest times when you're breaking your fastens. So Islam that's part of the great system that we're talking about the guidance it

01:09:51 --> 01:09:53

actually allows you to

01:09:54 --> 01:09:59

enjoy this dunya in the best way possible. It's not it's not we're not saying we got awkward

01:10:00 --> 01:10:08

So the presupposition of them come with is I'm gonna be able to now like, it's gonna get harder for me, no less is gonna get better for you meet my friend, it's gonna become more pleasurable.

01:10:09 --> 01:10:20

And you're doing it slightly for it to be more enjoyable later and also for Allah subhanaw taala. But if you're trying to introduce that self restriction without God, it just feels like you're forcing yourself.

01:10:21 --> 01:10:56

Psychology is very simple. Anything that you get easy. You're not bound to appreciate it, bro. You if you have somebody who's like Donald Trump, who said, Yeah, my dad gave me a million dollars. Like, you know, imagine that guy and compared to another person who started from scratch, you know, who's going to appreciate where he has more views who are going to respect more Trump, who's that give him only a million dollars, or somebody who worked his way up anything you get easy. It's bound to you're not going to value it's human nature with anything for that matter. You know, there's this military guy on YouTube called Jocko willing. And he says, discipline equals freedom. And when you

01:10:57 --> 01:11:06

apply that to all of your life, like if you're financially disciplined, for example, that's going to provide you with financial freedom. If you're disciplined in the way you eat is going to

01:11:07 --> 01:11:23

you're going to be free in the way you you know, with your body and all that kind of stuff. So discipline is perfect. Well, I'll tell you what is you're either going to restrict yourself or life itself is going to restrict you. And with that, I will conclude I said I want to live on a couch

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