Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 044F Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 58-63

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the negative image of Islam as a source of pride only comes from the "the" and the need for parents to be present. They stress the importance of monitoring reality and avoiding confusion, and advise not to be in trouble. The speakers use evidence and proof to show the point and emphasize the importance of remaining on religion and not accepting the Muslim government. They also share stories about people converting to Islam and challenges, including internal and external challenges, and emphasize the need to accept and fight against one's own beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the method or ISA in the law he Kamath le Adam, indeed the example of resources Suriname, near Allah is like that of Adam. As I mentioned earlier, these verses were revealed in the context of a particular incident, when a group of Christians had visited the Prophet sallallahu Sallam from the area of neutron, when they heard that there was a man claiming to be a messenger, they came to visit him, they came to speak to him, they came to see what he had to say, because they were waiting for the final messenger. But when they came and spoke to him, there was one thing that they did not like. And what was that?

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That resulted Santa was a prophet was a human being. And they believed that he was the son of God.

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Why did they not like this truth? Why? Because their belief that it recited to them is the Son of God is you can say, the basis, the foundation of the religion that they have made, how that they believe he is the Son of God, God sent him, he died for our sins, and as a result, we are forgiven.

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Okay, He died for our sins, He was crucified for our sake. And because of that, we are forgiven. Now, if you eliminate this idea that nor is it the same is not the Son of God, he is a human being, then what happens? The whole building collapses, correct. The whole religion collapses.

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So this was the main thing that turned them off. This was the main thing because of which they did not want to accept what Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was telling them.

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This is just like the yahood what was the one thing because of which they rejected the truth, that one thing that he is an Arab, and we're not going to come under an Arab Prophet, because we are better we are the Israelis were better than Arabs. They are unlettered, they're illiterate, they've never had prophets, we are the children of the prophets, we are high in our status in our lineage, we cannot come under him. So as a result, they rejected the truth. So likewise, the Christians of Nigeria and even they rejected the truth, despite having recognized it. Why, because of this one thing, they did not want to give up their belief in their assumption that he was the son of God.

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So Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear to the people that why would you believe that He is the Son of God, he's not the Son of God. One of the things that led people to believing in this, that he was a son of God was one that he was born without a father. If he did not have a father, that means that He was the Son of God, that narrows Allah, Allah subhanaw taala was his father. Now, imagining it or thinking about it even is something that shakes you up from insight. That how could a person ever imagine that Allah would have a human wife and he would have a son? Like, how could you even think about that? This is something that's ridiculous. I mean, Allah subhanaw taala. He is the creator of

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the human beings. How is it ever possible that a son would be born of a human mother and a godfather? It's not possible. This is something that is illogical. That does not make sense. And just thinking about it, like it shakes you. You can't even think about something like that. This is why Allah subhanaw taala says it's worth money him in very severe words, that lack of the victim che an ID there, you have come with an atrocious thing. You say that God has a son, you've said something atrocious,

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that God has somewhere to yet have a bomb in the heavens would almost rupture because of this thing that you've said.

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That in the mountains would collapse and the Earth would be shaken up. You have said something atrocious, God does not have a son. He is God he is different. A human being would have a human child, how can God have a human son? It's not possible.

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And he is above the need of having God. If you think about it, creation, whether it is you know, human beings or animals or birds or fish, why do the procreate? What have you studied in biology? Why do animals have children? What's the reason to survive? Because if they don't have children, they're not going to survive. Now Allah He is above that need. He is a high Elka you He doesn't need to have children in order to survive. No, he has always been he is and he always will be.

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Likewise, people have children why because if you incomplete without children, right

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If somebody is single, they're asked, When are you getting married because they're incomplete until they're married. When somebody is married, they're asked, When are you having children because they're incomplete until they have children. Allah subhanaw taala is above that. He does not need to have children. People need children so that they can look after them. They can take care of them, they can get pleasure, they can be happy. They're a source of comfort for them. But Allah subhanaw taala is far above that weakness. So, why is it difficult to understand?

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The people cannot understand the main problem is they cannot understand how a human being could be born without a father. Right? But Allah subhanaw taala says this is nothing difficult for Allah to do. In a marthaler Isa the example of recited Salam in the law in the sight of Allah is grammatically Adam is just like the example of another listener. What's the description of Adam Raisina, that halacha hoomin Taarab Allah subhanaw taala created him from to rot from dust, not from a father and a mother, Adam was created from what from to rob from dust, some makalah who con and then Allah said to him be fair, Kuhn and he was so if Allah can create Adam without a father and a

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mother, can he not create Risa without a father? Yes, he can. If you think about it, other realism was born without a father and a mother. How well it was created without a mother because her origin was from who from other organisms. So you could say that he was like her father.

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Isa in Islam, on the other hand, was born without a father, okay. And the rest of the people are born from father and mother. So, Allah subhanaw taala can do anything, he can do whatever he wants,

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if he can create Adam without parents, he can create Risa without a father in number theory sir in the law, he come utterly Adam halacha woman to Rod some Nacala who can fire corn, because Allah subhanaw taala can do whatever he wants, he uses means to do what he wants to do, but he can also do whatever he wants to do without the use of means without the use of causes, okay? If we want to do something, there has to be a cause and then there will be an effect. Right? We have to use some means in order to accomplish something in order to have a result. Now Allah subhanaw taala Yes, he uses means as well. That's how he does things. However, he is not limited to those means, okay? His

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power is not limited in that capacity. No, he can do with means and also without means. This is why he is God. If he was limited, then he would not be God. So intermaxillary sir, in the like, I'm utterly Adam halacha whom interrupts makalah who con fire cone. Allah subhanaw taala tells us and help Camilla pick. The truth is from your Lord, meaning the truth that has been revealed over here that has been mentioned over here about the reality of Santa Santa.

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This is from your Lord filata. Kuhn, then you don't be never be Don't you dare be mean and monitoring of those who doubt monitoring is a plural of momentary and monitoring is one who entertains doubts. It's from mtrr from media and media, it is to have doubts about a fact. Something is a reality but still you doubt it.

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Okay, this is just like, some food is hella there's a halal certified label on it still, you don't know it's not halal? What if this is just a false label? What if they're just saying, you can't trust these people? Then okay, don't eat anything. Okay. Likewise, people doubt about what sometimes if parents they get upset with their children, their children say I wonder if they're really my parents. This is doubt about a reality. So Allah says Fernanda comin and monitoring this reality is from Allah. Don't be of those people who doubt. Now who is being addressed primarily in this iron flaticon you single, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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Was he in doubt? No, he wasn't in doubt through Him who is being addressed? We are being addressed. Because when we hear so many things all the time, one person says one thing other groups has another thing that would like this is so confusing.

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Right and we get confused.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us Don't be confused. Don't be in confusion.

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People are confused, but you should not be in confusion after you have read these verses. After you have come to know of

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The truth

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famine had geography he then whoever argues with you concerning it had Jukka from Mahajan, her Jean Jean the word Hoja means argument and Mohajer is to try to overcome another in argument how? By using proofs by using evidences against him.

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So whoever argues with you using proofs and evidences, okay, whoever disputes with you fee concerning it meaning concerning the truth that Allah has revealed about recited Sinha mimbar, the after major Africa that has come to you what has come to humanitarian knowledge, meaning after knowledge has come to you and you are sure of the truth of resigning Sana if anyone are used with you, meaning they still don't accept they still don't listen, they still don't believe then what should you do? Then you should do MOBA Hana. Okay, you should do MOBA Hana mean by Elif her lamp dama Buddha, what is MOBA hella I'll talk about the suit

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now remember that when this group of the people from neutron this group of Christians when they came to the prophets on the wall and said I'm just because of this one reason they didn't want to accept that it restarted and I was a human being because of this they rejected Mohamed Salah Vaughn said they did not accept it. Now many times it happens that because of the ego of a person, right he doesn't accept the truth and as a result the truth gets hidden it's covered up and because of that people stay in confusion.

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Now just because some people don't want to accept and they continue arguing with you doesn't mean that the truth should be covered up and people should be left in confusion no The truth has to be made clear. So the truth will be made clear. How will you make it clear they don't want to accept they don't want to change. So then you have to use some other means and what will be that that you for call then you should say to them say to such people who don't accept the truth that are gonna come there thorough notes from the root letters Island well remove means height and Diallo is to call someone to a height. So in other words, it is to call someone to an important purpose. There

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are low is for plural thorough is for singular tharla is for dual. So the ILO all of you come come along nother room, we will call from the IRA. Okay from the IRA Yoda Rudra the line well, we will call a banana our sons and we refers to who the Muslims the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we're going to call our sons, okay. And we is you and us. So the Christians are being told that you and us being the prophets, Allah was and all of us together, we will call a banana our sons have not Florida even what a banana come and your sons, so you call your children I will call my children when he said Anna when he said I will call my women and you call your women were unfair Santa's were Infocomm and

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ourselves and yourselves meaning we will come ourselves as well. So after we have gathered up our families, whether it is our children or our spouses or our daughters or whoever, get them together, in one plane, okay, in one place, all of us, you with your family, and myself with my family. When we are all together so many over the hill. Then we pray humbly to who? To who to Allah subhanaw taala No, but the hill from where her lamb Baba is basically to curse someone. What does it mean? To curse someone? And EBITA Hala or empty * is to

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pray to make girl with humility. Okay, it's basically mobile or fedora. It is to pray intensely, you know with a lot of humility. Pray again and again, repeating the words you know with pauses. This is just like in the month of Ramadan if you go to a masjid, and in the winter prayer, how do they make Torah a long dua in which people are crying and they're repeating and they're making one door after the other this is MTL This is mubadala Fedora okay. But in particular, this word is specifically used for invoking curse on one another for invoking curse on who on one another. So so my neighbor to *, we will beg Allah we will humbly pray to Him to curse who the one who is a liar so mana

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Buddha Hill, for natural, then we will place many we will ask Allah to put learn at Allah the curse of Allah upon who?

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Upon who are alone. Okay.

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Have you been up on the liars? Let's get together.

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You call your family I will call my family, we will pray to Allah. And we will ask him to place his curse on who? Those who are lying, meaning those who recognize the truth, yet they're not accepting those who are upon falsehood. So in other words, when the matter has been made confusing, then we will turn to Allah to clarify the truth, to show the truth to make it obvious. And how will that be? That those who are upon the falsehood, they be punished?

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Now, did this happen? Yes, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he asked the people of neutron to come forth, he challenged them come forward, let's invoke the curse of Allah on the liars. And when they were asked to come, the time was fixed. The Prophet salallahu Salam showed up with who, with Fatima, his daughter with early his son in law, and his two grandsons, Hassan and Hussein, he came with his family. And he came out in the open. But when the Christians, they saw that they got a little scared, they got a little taken aback that he's very serious.

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And they asked for some time, that please, let's delay this, let us discuss amongst ourselves and we will get back to you. So they went to one of their leaders, and they discussed the matter with him. And he told them that look, you know, he is not a liar.

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If you want to remain on your religion, then don't you dare. Go and invoke curse upon yourself. Because if you do so you will be in trouble.

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If you want to remain on your religion, you don't want to accept his religion, then just make a deal with him, meaning, go and surrender to Him, accept Him as your political leader, so that perhaps he will let you go. Accept your defeat. In other words,

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say that we will remain upon our religion, but we will accept you as our leader.

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We will accept the Muslim government as our spirits meaning we will surrender to them. And that's what they did.

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They came to the Prophet salallahu Salam and they said we're not going to invoke curse upon ourselves upon those who lie. Rather, we're going to go back and we will accept your leadership and we will give you the jizya

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So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not force them to invoke curse upon themselves. And even urbosa didn't renew he said that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said had to set out and perform the neutral cursing, they would have gone home and found neither possessions nor family. If they did that, they would have found neither their possessions nor their families on their return home.

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furniture or learn it Allah here on Caribbean Allah says in Heather Allah who will also help. Indeed all of this is surely the sauce that is unhealthy meaning it is a true nourishing, this is the true nourishing.

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And what is the message? What is the main lesson that we learned from this entire incident? The story of a Silas and the story is a career lesson the story of Maria, that women in Isla Hill Illa Allah, that there is no God except Allah. There is no true deity except Allah subhanaw taala

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everyone else is who his servant, He is the only God and he can accomplish whatever he wants. He can do whatever he wants, we're in Allah. And indeed Allah, Allahu Allah Aziz shortly he is the mighty, and he is Al Hakim, the one who is wise, He is mighty in his kingdom, able to execute his wish, able to execute his plan, and he is attacking the one who is wise for interval low than if they turn away for in Allaha, or Limon will move city and then indeed, Allah is all knowing of those who do facade of those who spread corruption of those who indulgence in the agents of corruption, Allah subhanaw taala knows about them. Now a person might say, well, if some people are not, you know, right in

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their beliefs in their faith, if they are holding on to falsehood, then why doesn't Allah just punish them? Do you ever wonder?

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Do you ever wonder why is it that if someone would be on a wrong religion Yet Allah lets them you know, be so successful in this world? They have whatever they want. Why

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is it because they're right. No, they're not right. They are still wrong. Allah says in the Lucha Libre moonbeam of Sedena, Allah knows about the facade they're doing. Allah knows, but Allah is just giving them time.

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Allah is a heavy, also the one who's very forbearing who doesn't punish

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the wrongdoer instantly, immediately No, it gives him time that perhaps he will repent, perhaps he will realize perhaps he will come to the truth. So we have time until we die.

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But if we don't reform ourselves, we don't improve ourselves. Then ultimately we are going back to Allah. And all of us, every single one of us is returning to Allah. And he is the judge. He is the king. He is the decision maker.

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So He is Knowing of those people who do facade and every person knows himself what kind of sin Am I committing? If Allah is still letting me go letting me off it doesn't mean what I'm doing is okay No, Allah knows what I'm doing he's just giving me time

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that perhaps I will repent and if I don't my loss listen to the recitation

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so welcome

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we're thinking about is number 61 in which Allah azza wa jal is saying which has been translated. And I'm going to try to add really quickly, basically, after we've discussed with you guys, and you don't want to accept the truth, and let's call each other and call the learner of Allah upon each other, to whomever is the liar then the law of Allah will call upon. Basically what this tells us is that after you've argued with some people, and you've told them the truth, and you try many, many times to argue with them, not to argue, but to actually get them to reason, and to accept it for what it is, at some point, you just have to take it up to Allah, there's nothing else you can do, we

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just have to let it go. There's something else also that came to mind. It's the fact that it's very difficult for people to accept the truth, it's as if they have to give up on a lot of things. In order for them to accept the truth, then that's a little bit scary. Basically, what it means is that you putting, you have to accept the fact that you're wrong. And a lot of people are just not able to do that. So there's a lesson from us, for all of us to kind of take away from this. So accept it for what it is and put aside your cable or whatever is in your heart and accept it to for what it is because at the end of the day, it's for your own good. That's what I've learned.

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Now, you see the Christians have not drawn, why was it difficult for them? Because it meant that whatever they were doing whatever they were believing in, it was all false. It was like saying I was wrong. And saying I was wrong. It's very difficult.

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And yes, this was with regard to a very serious matter with regards to the matter of faith or religion. But many times we faced this problem, you know, in small petty issues even right, that I was wrong in saying this, or I was wrong in doing this, or I was wrong in going there. I was wrong in whatever. But we don't want to accept why. Because our ego comes in right. So the person who does not accept his mistake is not willing to accept the truth, then he only harms himself at the end of the day.

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Because each one of us is going to be held accountable. Right. Each one of us is going to be individually questioned. We are answerable for ourselves for our decisions. And those who do accept the truth Yes.

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This is a very, very big thing that they have done. You know, sometimes we hear the stories of converts and when they go mashallah, of course, they should have accepted Islam. You know how hard it was for some people, it's very challenging. It is extremely difficult. So when someone has taken this big decision, probably the, in fact the biggest decision in their life, then Allah subhanaw taala knows what they have given up. Allah knows what a huge challenge they have overcome. And Allah is the One who rewards This is why the one who accepts Islam, then he gets double reward, isn't it? So all of his sins are forgiven? They're changed, they're converted into good deeds. All right, so

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Allah is the most generous in rewarding as well. Anything else you'd like to share? Yes, go ahead.

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Sounds like comb. I just want to share a story about my one of my sisters, friends who actually converted and she's in university. And right now she asked us to thing I was just mentioning how hard it is for some of these people to you know, accept what the truth is. And we don't realize how hard it is because we're all from denial born Muslims. And she was actually a Hindu. And

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her parents knew that, you know, she liked practicing certain rituals in Islam, but didn't know how serious she was becoming. And, you know, they try to sort of stop her from this. And, you know, she'd go practice with who and they'd actually like, just lock the bathroom just so she doesn't have this ability to make with when she would like make with you from like this oil. And not just that there was a moment when there was a little bit of a, like a gathering. And she wore the hijab, and she was wearing on a baya, and all of a sudden, it was a public place, and she sort of hid behind. You could say, a pillar and she started crying, and my sister who's a friend, you know, she went up

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and asked her why she's like, Oh, my cousin's here, and she doesn't know that I'm like this. And there's another friend of hers who was interested in Islam. And it wasn't until recently, which was after three years of our conversion that she came out and said, You know, I'm a Muslim. So you know, it's hard for them, but we don't really realize it because we don't see everything. So there are many external challenges, but there are also internal challenges, right? That you have to fight against yourself and also the people who are around you do accept the truth that you want to live.

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So practical law home will be handicap measured to allow either 11th and stuff to break a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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