Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 037D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 280-281

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The speakers discuss the importance of giving people time to pay off loans and not harping on others. They emphasize the need for individuals to give themselves a chance to earn reward and receive reward for their deeds. The speakers also stress the importance of being considerate when giving things to others and avoiding mistakes. They encourage people to focus on their successes and accomplishments rather than rewarding others. The speakers stress the importance of making a clear intention to achieve their goals and making a firm mindset to stay true.
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We're in Canada are sweating. And if he was someone in hardship, who who does he refer to? The one who has borrowed money from you, the one to whom you have lent some money to? If that person is the resultant, what does do mean? possessor one off and the result from the rule letters, I ain't seen ra Rusev. What does that mean? Difficulty hardship. So, if the debtor, the one who has taken the loan, if he is in some hardship, and because of that hardship, he is unable to pay back to return the loan in time. So for example, the contract was made, that I am giving you $1,000, and you return it to me by the end of this year on this particular date. Okay, agreement was made, witnesses were
there, the document was signed, the contract was made, it was everything was made official. But then what happens by the end of the year, he calls you and he says, I'm really sorry, I've been going through tough times, I haven't been able to save up enough money to return your money to you. So in this case, what should you do? What do people typically do they increase the interest rate?
That's what happens typically that the interest rate is increased or a person is find then that okay, now you have to pay $50 Fine. Now you have to pay $10 Fine, but Allah says that we're in Canada resulting if a person is someone in difficulty, he's going through financial hardship, then what are you supposed to do funnily Autobahn illa ma Surah, Nelly all from the EU lepers, new Laura. And another is to look to see and novella is to give respite to give time to someone to give chance to someone. So nothing I've done in my sorrow, meaning delay, and defer the payment until Mesa Mesa time of ease. Yes, seen rock uses. What does this mean? Is he wasn't erosive, give him some time,
until he is in usage, and he can give you the money back. Don't find him, don't tax him. Don't charge him. Give him some more time until he is able to pay back the loan.
And Allah says we're under Sudoku. And if you give in charity, that's the code from sada Casa del car. Meaning if you forgive the loan altogether, you say it's okay, brother, you don't have to pay him back those $1,000 It's okay, well, under Fondaco. Allah says, Hyrule law calm, it is best for you, not the one who has borrowed the money. But on you who has lent that money, how is it best for you, because you will get much more reward? Well, until the CO highroller come in confrontata Moon, if you only know, if you knew, then you would give him charity altogether, you wouldn't even demand that loan back. And something that can help us forgive that known is the realization that if I did
not use this money for this whole year, for this whole period, then that means I can live without it.
That if you could afford to lend someone $1,000 for an entire year, and by the end of the year, they said please give me six more months, and you give them six more months. So that means that for a year and a half, you didn't need that money you did without that money. So that means you can live without it. If you can live without it. That means you can give it all in charity. And if you give all of it in charity, Allah says that is much better for you in content Darla moon. So you see
what Allah subhanaw taala wants us to do is the exact opposite of river. River is taking benefiting from the other. But Allah wants us to care about others, give to them, help them, give them time and forgive them. We're under Sadako highroller come in contenta Allah will listen to this beautiful Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever gives time to a debtor facing hard times. He will gain charity of equal amount for each day that he gives
that a person gives to another $1,000 as a loan. And it was to be returned by the end of the year. And by the end of the year, the person says I'm sorry, I don't have enough to pay you back. He says it's okay take another month. So for every single day of the month, it's as though he has given $1,000 in charity for every day that he differs that he allows. It says though he is giving that amount in charity.
See how generous Allah soprano author is. But those who think about worldly benefits only they
Feel that oh, the value of the money is deteriorating. So that's where they have to charge them interest.
But Allah subhanaw taala increases their reward for you. On the other hand,
another Hadees tells us that whoever removes a worldly hardship from a believer that Allah will remove one of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection from him, whoever grants respite to a debtor who is in difficulty, that Allah will grant him relief in this world and in the Hereafter, you give time to a debtor, someone who was not able to pay off their loan, you give more time to them, give more chances to them, than Allah will remove difficulties from you in this world and in the Hereafter. And whoever conceals the fault of a Muslim in this world, Allah will conceal him his faults in this world and in the hereafter. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Allah will help a
person so long as he is helping his brother. So for every day that you help the person, you say, It's okay, you can give it to me next week. It's okay. Give it to me next month, it's okay give it to me after six months, I understand no big deal. I don't need that money right away. Than it says though, that amount of money you're giving in charity every single day.
This is a great opportunity to earn reward, a great opportunity. How many of us can afford to give $1,000 in charity every single day, we can't do that. But if we have managed to save up enough money that we can help someone, we can lend some money to them, and give them time to pay that off so that you can get reward every single day. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever gives time to his debtor, he increases the time for him, or he forgives the debt. He says it's okay, don't even pay me back, then he will be in the shade of the Throne of Allah, on the Day of Resurrection, this person will be under the shade of the Throne of Allah, on the day of judgment. And other Hadees tells us
that are among the people preceding your generation, meaning there was a person in the past once upon a time, there was a man whom the Angel of Death visited to capture his soul. The Angel of Death came to him to take his soul. So his soul was taken. And he was asked meaning the angel asked that person if he had done any good deed. Can you think of some good deeds that you've done? On the basis of which maybe Allah will forgive you? Imagine the angel is asking the person.
And he replied, I don't remember any good deed. He was asked to think it over. Think again. Maybe you've done something on the basis of which Allah will forgive you. So that person said, I don't remember except that I used to trade with people in the world. And I used to give respite to the rich and forgive the poor among my debtors.
If someone owed me money, and they were rich, then I would give them more time. And if they were poor, then I would forgive them altogether. So Allah made him enter Jana.
But what do we think at these times, or this person is using me?
They're exploiting me. We think that we're becoming smaller. We're being used. We're being a pushover. They say they can't give me my money back. And here I am listening to them, letting them go again. This is not fair.
But at that time, a person should remember the promises of Allah subhanaw taala, the promise of reward, the promise of forgiveness, the promise of honor, the promise of Jimena, another Hadith elders, that a man used to give loans to the people, and he used to say to His servant, that if the debtor is for forgive him, so that hola me, forgive us. If the debtor is for forgive him, don't ask him to bring the money back. Why, so that Allah may forgive us? The prophets, Allah, Allah is that himself. So when he met ALLAH, ALLAH forgive him.
When this person died, and he met Allah, that Allah forgive him. You know, sometimes it happens, that a person borrows something from you, not just money, could be your dress could be a book. It could be something that you own something that you like, they borrow it from you. And you can see that they like it. They like using it.
They like to keep it and they tell you, I'll give it to you tomorrow. The next day, they call you the second please have one more day, please. And you say okay, then they ask you again, there's a new text message. Can I please have one more day? And you're like, okay, so every day that you let them keep it. It's as though you are giving that in charity.
And when you give something that you love in charity, then you attain birth, because lanthanide will be hurt doesn't matter. Boom. Allah wants you to spend that which you love.
And then if you do
Give it to the person you say, keep it, it's for you,
then this has a means of honor and forgiveness and much reward for you in this dunya and in the hereafter.
Because when you think about the other person, put yourself in the shoes of the other person, you're struggling, you're barely able to maintain your own expenses. And you have to return money to someone. You're hardly able to get by day to day and you're supposed to give back money to someone. How can you do that? And if somebody says it's okay, one more day, it's okay. One more week, Aren't you relieved? Aren't you so happy? Put yourself in the shoes of the other person? And if they say, It's okay, you don't have to return it to me, then how do you feel? You feel so relieved?
I remember, one of my friends, she needed something. And we didn't get the time to buy new. So I said, you know, I have this. It's used a little bit. But if you don't mind, you can take it you're more than welcome. So she took it happily. And when I met her afterwards, she said, May Allah give you Jana, she was so happy to do all that she was giving me. It was something used. I liked it. And I knew that she needed it. But because it fulfilled her need at that particular moment, she was so happy that she was giving me the US for more art.
When you make someone happy, when you help them
that imagine, Allah is even more happier with you. So that's what we need to do.
Be caring about others. Want for others, what we want for ourselves, help others when they are in need, and Allah will take care of us. Allah will fulfill our needs.
So we're in Canada, a restaurant in funnily rotten, Isla Mesa, we're under Sadako. For her highroller comb, it's much better for you much more reward for you.
Another Hadith tells us that on the Day of Resurrection, one of Allah servants will be called before him. And Allah who will ask him, what deeds did you perform for me in your life? What did you do for my sake, when you were alive, because throughout the day, you know we eat because we want to we dress up because we want to, we cook because we want to be clean because we want to we go out because we want to we sleep because we want to. And we forgot to do things for Allah. So Allah will ask us on the Day of Judgment that What did you do for me? For my sake? So one person, Allah will ask him, What did you do for my sake, and he will say, Oh, Lord, in my life, I have not performed a
deed for your sake, that equals an atom, meaning I've already done anything for you. And that's the reality. If we truly ask ourselves, what is it that we do for Allah?
It's like the size of an atom compared to the things that we do for ourselves.
For this person, he will say that what I did for you is nothing but an atom's, wait. He will say this three times, and the third time, the servant will add, oh, Lord, You granted me wealth. And I was a merchant, I was a businessman. And I used to be lenient, giving easy turns to those well off and giving time to the debtors who faced hard times, Allah who will say, I am the most worthy of giving easy turns, you were easy with people. I am the most worthy of being easy, you know, I've given easy terms. Therefore, enter Jannah you were lenient with people, I am more lenient.
So the more lenient we are with people, the more lenient Allah will be with us. But what happens when we have to lend something to someone will become so stingy? Or like, Oh, what if they break my dish? What if they burned my job? What if they lose it? What if they break it, they're not that careful, you know, when they're using things, if they use my phone, they might do this, if they use my house, they might do that. You know, we're so selfish, so worried about our possessions that we don't share with others. We don't lend we don't let other people use them.
And when a person shares his belongings with others, he is lenient with them than Allah who will be lenient with him. Why? Because it's a sign of great generosity.
It's a sign of the Wakulla Allah, it's a sign that a person is expecting reward from Allah.
Once I remember, I was visiting Edmonton. And there were some friends of ours who had just moved to Edmonton recently, and they were still looking for a house.
And they had some family friends over there, some acquaintances and they had other acquaintances and they said that, you know, they're traveling, they've gone for the summer, and they have left their house open that if anybody wants to come and stay in that house, they're more than welcome to do so. So we just went to spend some time with them.
So basically together, we went to somebody else's house that was fully furnished. Everything was there, their clothes, their furniture, their kitchen, their dishes, everything was like as normal houses, and other people were living in that house using that house freely.
No charges, nothing at all.
And at that time, I felt that you really have to be big hearted to do something like that. You really have to be very generous in order to do something like that. That you're giving the keys of your house to someone else. Come live in my house, use my sheets, go use my iron, you might break my dishes. You might spill something on my carpet. You know, your children might destroy my walls, come use my telephone, use my television, use this, use that use my internet, use my computer. Go ahead, you're free to do whatever you want in my house.
Can you imagine?
This is a big deal. And when a person does this, he's being so lenient with others, so generous. So when he is good to others, and Allah will be good to him.
But sometimes we become so small hearted, that we're like, No, I can't share my hijab. I can't give you my pin. Last time I gave you my job. And you know, the sparkly thing came off and you didn't even apologize. Last time I lend you my pen, you ruined the nib.
This is what we do. become so selfish, so small hearted, because we don't trust in Allah.
And when we don't trust in Allah, then what do we expect from Allah, Allah says that I am as my servant thinks I am.
So we're under Sadako highroller calm, it's much better for you be lenient with others, Allah will be lenient with you.
Now, there is one thing that we must remember, when it comes to giving a loan to someone,
when it comes to getting a loan to someone, then that means you cannot take anything back from them except what they owe you except for the principal amount. So if you give them $1,000, what should you take back from them? Only 1000 Not $1,005, not $1,050. Why? Because that extra money what is that? Riba that is interest, that extra benefit that is interest. This is the reason why it has been said that a person cannot even receive a gift from the one he has given a loan.
Why? Because that gift, may be a form of river that a person feels obliged to give you because you have done your son on them, you have lent them money, so they feel obligated to give you a gift. Do you see what I mean?
About Hanifa he would not even sit under the shade of the wall that belonged to a person whom he had lent money to,
out of fear that it may be
that if I sit under that wall benefiting from that shade, this person might feel it's okay for me to do that, because I have lent him money.
And if it was some other person, he might say please don't sit here, this is my property don't trespass. But he wants something to me, because he owes me money. So, a person is getting some kind of benefit. How by giving a loan to someone.
This is why a hottie says that when one of you gives a loan and then the debtor sends a present to him or carries him upon his annual meaning it gives him a right for free, then do not write it nor accept the gift unless it was prevalent between them previous to it. Meaning unless this was you know done even before. So for example, your sister borrows $50 from you.
And generally what happens is that whenever she wants to go somewhere, she borrows a hijab from you or she borrows a bag from you or she borrows shoes from you. That is something that you do as sisters, but she's borrowed $50 From you doesn't mean that you cannot take any benefit from her like you want to borrow her purse or it's three then she wants to give you a gift. You can't take that gift you can why because this was a usual practice even prior to her taking money from you. So unless it was something done previously then it can continue, but it should not begin them
because it will be a form of Riba.
Then Allah says what the CO yeomen and fear a Day fear that day to Gerona fee.
Allah when you all will be returned in it to Allah to Gerona, Raji moraine would you are to return, fear that day when you will be returned to Allah? What is that day, the day of death, the day we die is the day that we returned to Allah, the Day of Judgment, when that will be established is the day when we will meet Allah. So fear that day when you're going to go and face Allah, because that day, you will be answerable for what you did for the choices that you made for the decisions that you made. So much of a falcon none of sin Makka Saba, then every soul will be repaired will be compensated for whenever that it has acquired a home lejos lemon and they will not be wronged. So
much of our farewell fair Yeah. What does this mean fully paid fully given, who could have saved every person, every soul every human being will be given in full will be compensated in full for what man cassava, whatever that person acquired. In other words, a person will be given the result of his deeds in full and which deeds on his deeds Mirka server, welcome lejos Lamone and they will not be wrong, there will be no injustice on that day. So fear the Day of Judgment.
That is a reality that will definitely come. And be careful about the decisions that you're making now. What kind of loans you are taking? What kind of money are you dealing with? What kind of purchases are you doing?
But they will come when Allah will ask you? How did you earn your money? And how did you use it through what means did you acquire it? And in what ways did you spend it? Allah will ask you this is one of the five questions that every person will be asked on the Day of Judgment. Where did you get your money from? How did you get it and where did you spend it? How did you use it?
And the questioning means that afterwards will be compensation. Afterwards will be result. When a person is questioned, then he is given his reward or punishment afterwards. So Thumma to Alpha Kowloon, FC maca Sabbath Merica saba wahome lejos lemon and there will be no injustice on that day.
Even if a person did an atom's weight of good, he will be rewarded for it. And even if a person did an atom's weight of wrong, he will be punished for it. Allah is very just, he is very, very just
that sometimes it happens that someone owes you just a little bit of money. They have to return to you $5 at the board, but they don't give it back to you. You keep reminding them, you keep telling them
that they joke sometimes, or they ignore you sometimes or they think that you are not serious about it. It happens right, especially amongst family and friends. And you want your money back.
But at the end of the day, it's only a small amount, don't worry,
you will be rewarded for what you suffered. And the person who didn't return the loan, he will be held accountable for that as well. Unless you forgive. And if you forgive, what did we learn? That's much better. It's as though you have given that in charity for every single day. So well whom lie on the moon, there will be no injustice on that day at all. Any effort that a person made, he will be recompensed for that now America but what does it mean by Matt cassava, whatever he has earned whatever the person has acquired.
Customers what what a person has achieved what a person has gained through some armor through some action. Remember I mentioned to you earlier
that either it is that he's been putting his mind at it or physical work, whatever it is, he's doing something in order to get some benefit in return. So America Sabbath. This includes the actions that a person has committed. This includes the wealth that a person has acquired. This includes the charity that a person has given. This includes the children that a person has had and he has raised. This includes the knowledge that a person has acquired and he has spread he has taught it includes everything that a person has acquired, well whom lejos Lamone there will be no injustice why because Allah is not unjust. He is very, very fair. Let's listen to the recitation.
I mean
Asana, then all the help
along you
also unwelcome
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It has said that this is the last day that we just learned right now was, according to one opinion, it was the last verse of the Quran that was revealed on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam according to one opinion, that it is said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away, seven days after this ayah was revealed. So a week after this I was revealed, that is when the Prophet sallahu wa salam passed away.
And if you think about it in this ayah, there's such a great warning, fear the day when you will be returned to Allah. Whether you want to go or not, whether you are ready or not.
Whether you have the courage or not, you have to go back. So fear that day and prepare for that day, be careful about the decisions that you're making.
Because on that day, every person will be given in full whatever he has earned, and people will not be treated with injustice at all.
I want you to take one minute right now. And write down make a list of what is it that you have earned,
that is worth reward on the Day of Judgment,
whether it is some charity that we have given a person whom we have forgiven,
something that we lent and then we let go,
some good deed we have done make a list right now.
What is it that is worth showing on the Day of Judgment? That you can say, well, Allah, yes, I did this, on the basis of which I hope that you will forgive me, I hope that you will reward me with Jin
Ha Cebu Avila en to have several call yourself to account before you are held accountable. So take one minute,
focus, be silent.
And write it down.
I see some people are stuck.
They cannot remember.
Right now you are relaxed. You're given time to focus.
Imagine you're standing before Allah. And Allah is asking you.
If we cannot remember now, we think we can remember them.
Perhaps we cannot remember because we cannot think of anything that is worth mentioning.
So this is a reality check. We keep telling ourselves that yes, I'll be fine on the Day of Judgment. Allah will forgive me I pray slander. I wear hijab, I do this. I do that. But at the end of the day, really? Is it a great accomplishment? Or is it just average good deeds?
This is an obligation anyway, we're supposed to do it anyway. What is it that we're doing on top of that extra isn't something more
on the basis of which we can expect we can hold that Allah will forgive us.
You know, Imam Buhari, he spent decades, decades in learning Hadees traveling from city to city scholar to scholar, learning Hadith, memorizing them, studying them, researching them, analyzing the chains, teaching, recording, and then eventually he decided that he was going to compile the very best, the very pure, the most authentic ones. And even that he took so long to do to compile his book of the authentic hadith. And before he wrote any Hadees or before he wrote any chapter heading, he prayed to the car
he prayed to record is Tahara that oh Allah this is slated this is good that give me the feat to do it. And if it's not, then lead me to that which is better.
And you know what he said about that?
That this is a book that I have prepared as a hotel for myself that on the Day of Judgment Inshallah, on the basis of this, I hope, I hope not that I know. I hope that Allah will forgive me.
We barely get through our prayers five times a day. We barely calculate our cat
We hardly ever give charity, we think everything is fine. No,
we need to be really honest with ourselves, because so much of our fellow co none of CYMA cassava. And Mark as Abba doesn't just include good works good efforts, but it also includes the sins the wrongs that a person has done. Now make a list of the sins that you know you have committed on the basis of which you might be finished on the Day of Judgment. Think now.
I don't want you to show this paper to anyone else, you can go home and shred it. But I want you to put it in paper in front of you the wrong things that you have done on the basis of which you could be ruined, ruined on the day of judgment that if Allah asks you, Why did you do this? Then we know we don't have an answer.
Allah says in the Quran, Allah Saleh ALLAH, when
ALLAH has listed and enumerated the deeds of people, and the people, they have forgotten that
we forget.
We forget the number of times we have missed our prayers. We forget the number of times that we have slept through Fudger we forget the number of times we have
forgotten to thank someone
we forget the number of times we have lost the opportunities to give sadaqa to spend in the way of Allah to earn reward. We forget.
We don't give importance to these shortcomings. And as a result, one leads to another which leads to another which leads to another.
If we remembered our wrong deeds, then we wouldn't do them again.
So much we're Falco Luna, FC Makka cervid Welcome layers, lemon people will not be wrong at all, because that is the day of justice.
So these lists are not meant to make you sad and depressed, and feel horrible and guilty about yourselves. The purpose of this is to remind ourselves that we need to seek forgiveness.
And that we need to do more.
We need to spend in the way of Allah, we need to work more, we need to strive more, we need to do more action.
And if we realize this, and if we remember this, and we keep remembering this, then we can be successful. And if we forget about it, then we might be of those people who have forgotten ourselves and those who forget themselves and Allah also forgets them, meaning Allah also abandons them. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from being of those people. So mica, I just wanted to share a story. I know a girl she was mashallah really pious girl she was doing her prayers and reading are ongoing, the translation and everything are shallow, she was on the track. But after that, when she went to the University, she started becoming read doctor. And she spent her three years over there. And
after that, she realized that it's not occupation she should go for. And after three years, she quit that and tried to go back to become a journal physician. So what happened was for that three years, you have a depth and because she went into so much stress, and she committed suicide three times in the hospital, just because of that stress. And now that girl is nowhere. Like when I see her I feel so bad for her that she's not on the in anymore. She doesn't pray, she proudly became an atheist. Just because of the stress. She went through, she had to pay her loan of school and her universities.
That how a person goes down and down and down. Because learner, right the curse of Allah, so person goes far away from Allah. But imagine she's trying to commit suicide not once, not twice, three times.
And then on top of that, losing faith as well.
Because when a person goes into stress, he gives up hope in Allah.
And then a time comes when he despairs of the Mercy of Allah. Because Shavon takes over right we learned earlier a shape on we are the common factor.
One is that a person spends in the way of Allah as Allah wants and the other is that a person spends in the way of shape on as shaytaan once so whoever's way you will spend on you will go closer to Him.
When we look at all of the Hadees and even the verses that talk about Riba, when it's very clear that it's something not acceptable at all, but unfortunately, it has become so common that because it's
And then we think it's okay if everybody's doing it. It better be okay. I know that person that uncle comes to the masjid and that Auntie comes to the school. I mean, everybody does it, so it must be okay. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that that time will come, that no person will be saved from consuming River, everyone will be involved in devouring river. And if a person is not devouring Ripa, then at least its effect will come on him.
And we see that it's so common that if you want to keep money in your bank, you're forced to accept Riba.
So it has become that common. So we need to run it away from it as much as possible. Just as there is a trend of doing that which is wrong, we need to start a trend of doing that which is lawful, that others also get encouraged by
remember that when we indulge in these things, and other people, they get encouraged as well. Because when one person does something wrong than another is encouraged to do that wrong as well. You're doing wrong, is going to lead someone else to doing wrong as well.
But if we are in this problem, if we are in this mess, that don't give up, don't lose hope in Allah subhanaw taala, because where the warning is given at the same time, we see that doba is also mentioned. And remember that Whoever fears Allah, then Allah will make a way out for him. I remember once the sister was complaining to my mother about how you know she wants to get out of debt, and you know, interest and all of that when she says My husband doesn't listen and my husband keeps getting into one thing after the other. So she said to her, that the day you make your mind, you make that intention that you really sincerely want to get out of it, that Allah will help you come
out of it. The problem is that when the man makes such a decision of buying a bigger house, buying another property, it's because the women are driving them crazy. I want a nicer house. I want a bigger house. Oh, look at that family. Look at this family, we want more. This is why the husbands feel obligated to get more.
So we need to make our mind our intention firm that I want to get out of this haram.
Whoever fears Allah whoever trusts in Allah, then Allah will make a way out for him at your level. Maharajah will resume and Hazel later sip and Allah will provide him from where he cannot even imagine. The Halal will have more Baraka. A person will find a better option, but you have to make up your mind. Seriously, how many times is it that we go to the bank to ask about what the best decision is? And how many times is it that we ask Allah to show us that the best way
we look at other people we discuss with others, we go to the banks, but we don't make dua to Allah that Allah you provide. You show me you tell me what to do you guide me.
And when a person wants to live a life of Halal than Allah will make it possible for him as well. Yes, things might be difficult, there might be a lot of sacrifice involved. But Allah does not waste the reward of those who are patient.
So once my husband had a lot of loan on his credit cards and stuff, and I was always paying it off, and obviously he wasn't going anywhere because it had interest building on it. So I would always think about it. And I knew since day one that Riva is wrong, and I was comfortable at the same time thinking oh, he took it when I wasn't in his life. So it's not about me, I'm not going to be held accountable for it. But since we are husband wife and we look for each other and we want to be together here after as well, so I was really thinking about it. And then one day, I started making Dorson sera DUA and I used to read a lot of Mike Feeny be highlighted on Harami Cavani Buford become
and Suba which is purely for loan if you had a loan Big or small, whatever the translation of the story is that Oh Allah, make your Halal sufficient for me like make me free from haram. Allah McWhinney Behala Aligarh haram eco other Nene may validly
enrich me, give me more
from your fuddle and make me independent of others make me depend only on you and not on others. So I read the dua for literally like two days And subhanAllah like my sister in law came to me out of nowhere, and she knew that we had loan and everything. And she lent me $5,000 $5,000 is a huge amount for me at least. And she never took it back for me. She let it go and still to this day I think about an ending. How you know, was he Allah subhanaw taala is and how close Allah is to you. All you need to do is sincerely ask him $5,000 was a huge amount for me, but it wasn't for him. So he put in people's heart and she did it for me and I didn't even have to pay back to her. So you
lakes if you have a close connection to Allah if you have debacle in Allah, no matter how big the situation is how big the loan is, if you have the pure intention, Allah helps up.
There's another dog for Dane and I think it's in your Indiana Stein book Allahumma in the arrow to becoming an HMI Wellhausen Well, largely Wilkerson. Well, hopefully we'll do well, then Valhalla Viktorija. So basically it means that while I seek refuge with you from sadness and grief from feebleness laziness, from miserliness, cowardice, and from burden of depth and the oppression of men, so again asking the last one data
So MIT comm when we were writing our lists for how many good or bad deeds we did, when I wrote my list of good deeds, I was trying to think of it it really hit me that you know, when you're trying to decide what deed you're actually noteworthy what deeds are actually worth bringing in front of Allah Tala saying you know yeah Allah I actually did something Can you forgive me because of this I realized that a lot of the DS that I thought you know, were noteworthy were actually just obligations on me for example if I helped my parents my parents have a right on me you know doing something around the house and stuff like a lot of things I have to do their part of my obligation
but when I thought you know what actually noteworthy and I thought I remember how he how he wrote the book it wasn't an obligation on him what he did was something so amazing that it saved generations after so it made me really think that to reach that level, I have to be able to do a deed that is you know that level of your stance something that is so high that it can actually save me and bring Allah's forgiveness to
listen to recitation of these
bubble shape on in animus then he can be
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want to bet on salary also an
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what double
to a homeless
Subhan Allah we have the kind of shadow Allah either Illa antenna stuff we will go on to booty. I said I'm already quota for the label.